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mega thread Post a Picture of Yourself!

Mint Petal

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everyone says that!

I can't see why but I'm really flattered....

For this instance, I'd say it's mostly cause you both have glasses, similar in style, and you both have your hand up to your chin. tongue.png Also your mane and hair are similar.

Edited by Midnight Scribbler
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For this instance, I'd say it's mostly cause you both have glasses, similar in style, and you both have your hand up to your chin. img-1955986-1-tongue.png Also your mane and hair are similar.

that actually... kinda makes sense!

Edited by Lucid Dream
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I have a really bad computer cam and I broke my phone so the cam on that doesn't work. Im really sorry for the bad image quality. sleep.png

I also have a terrible smile, and by that I mean I don't smile, I sorta kinda just smirk like the mouth on this luna---> vsTALhM.png


This post contains a repost of two images I have already posted of myself due to the fact that I am not a very photogenic person and don't have a lot of good pic of myself.


Man... I hope I don't regret this post later... unsure.png


Also, I use to have deadlocks sooo... thats why my hair looks like that in the fist image, it was back when I first started them. img-1369822-1-UNZJLhS.png  








  • Brohoof 13
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I have a really bad computer cam and I broke my phone so the cam on that doesn't work. Im really sorry for the bad image quality. sleep.png

I also have a terrible smile, and by that I mean I don't smile, I sorta kinda just smirk like the mouth on this luna---> vsTALhM.png


This post contains a repost of two images I have already posted of myself due to the fact that I am not a very photogenic person and don't have a lot of good pic of myself.


Man... I hope I don't regret this post later... unsure.png


Also, I use to have deadlocks sooo... thats why my hair looks like that in the fist image, it was back when I first started them. img-1369822-1-UNZJLhS.png  







Dude. You look freakin awesome. ^_^

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm surprised you could see well enough to post that... :P

Y u no team Fennekin? xD


I might post a new pic soon. Probably when I take a good one, which will take like 8 months... :P

I'm thinking of getting a Fennekin one as well, maybe. ;)
  • Brohoof 1
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Okay, so I figured I should post a picture that didnt feature me with a lab coat and a scalpel, so heres your regular old selfie  


*.* Wow.  You are  pretty.

Edited by Sir. Rayray
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