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spoiler Do you think the recent CMC episode could have been better?

Silver Stream.

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I'm not saying I hated the episode, but I was definitely disappointed. I had to watch it twice to make sure my opinion was the same because the first time I saw it...I was a little out of it. But nothing changed: I think this episode was the weakest CMC episode throughout the all 5 seasons so far. While I usually forgive Hasbros for sometimes missing the mark when it comes to FiM, I don't think I can forgive this. 


They created a huge hype ever since the CMC got together, Every episode up until now was satisfactory and at times beyond entertaining in my opinion so much that THEY were the main reason I gave MLP a chance in the first place. 


There were too many short musical numbers and the plot was one of the biggest cliches in the business. These are my two main problems. As I stated in another thread, it's more than likely Diamondtiarra's development (what little of it) was lazily put together to satisfy the fans because...because I guess they were wondering why she was such a [insert names here]? In an earlier episode, her father seems like a nice guy who was considerate of others and respected the people no matter their social status. The mother turned out to be the "pushy, mean, "I know what's best" parent that encourages Diamond's behavior.


I also felt it was rushed. Pip ask the CMC to run his campaign, they sing, and boom the votes are in and Pip wins. Silverspoon all of a sudden notices how Diamond is a jerk, and stands up to her aaannnnd you know the rest. 


The ONLY reason why I wouldn't call this episode a complete fail is because of the ending. The shock was genuine because we never expected for them to get their cutie marks...maybe the sloppy build was intentional to give us that sort of reaction to such an ending? Not sure...but it really had me screaming "WAIT WHAT??" The cutie mark designs were....amazing. I, and I am sure many others, was afraid what would happen to the CMC if they were to get their cutie marks. Will their adventurous end? What would be their purpose, etc....this episode DID give them a new purpose: to help others who are struggling to find themselves which is something many viewers can relate to. Their cutie marks are like a symbol of how far they've gotten TOGETHER while also recognizing what sets them APART. Beautiful, inspiring, and just too cute for words. I also loved how their big sisters (and yes I do recognize Rainbowdash isn't actually scoodaloo's sis, but hey.....you can't argue she deserves the title) had a part in the last number by saying how proud they were of them. It was just...beautiful. 


And it's sad that everything was deemed lazy and rushed up until this final moment. What are your thoughts?

  • Brohoof 1




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I think I feel the opposite as you. I liked the episode, but not the ending. I thought the episode was very good in and of itself, but I am disappointed that this was the way that the Cutie Mark achievement was handled. Gotta admit, I would have preferred to have three episodes concerning them separately (I'm still really, REALLY bitter that Flight To The Finish wasn't Scootaloo's cute mark episode, and I would have liked them to go through similar trials as she did in that episode and earn their Cutie Marks that way).


I also ... don't really see how they helped Diamond Tiara understand her Cutie Mark? That's what DT was complaining about, wasn't it, how she's stuck with a Mark she doesn't really understand? Sure, they helped her realize that she is more than what her mother expects of her, which is great, but did they actually tie that in with her Cutie Mark like they did with Troubleshoes? 

Edited by Sapana
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I think I feel the opposite as you. I liked the episode, but not the ending. I thought the episode was very good in and of itself, but I am disappointed that this was the way that the Cutie Mark achievement was handled. Gotta admit, I would have preferred to have three episodes concerning them separately (I'm still really, REALLY bitter that Flight To The Finish wasn't Scootaloo's cute mark episode, and I would have liked them to go through similar trials as she did in that episode and earn their Cutie Marks that way).


I also ... don't really see how they helped Diamond Tiara understand her Cutie Mark? That's what DT was complaining about, wasn't it, how she's stuck with a Mark she doesn't really understand? Sure, they helped her realize that she is more than what her mother expects of her, which is great, but did they actually tie that in with her Cutie Mark like they did with Troubleshoes? 



Interesting. Though I would think they did help Diamond understand her cutiemark as they did with Troubleshoes...somewhat at least. I think it means that instead of using her cutie mark as a symbol of taking advantage of people and using her power for herself, she can use her power to help others. She was too busy living up to her mother's expectations AND her cutie mark, she failed to realize just what kind of difference she could make if she could do it the right way? *shrugs* as I said, the plot itself wasn't well thought out and it was too random of a cliche. To me, that might be the reason why the ending disappointed you...because it was such a weird result from what you saw throughout the episode.


Also, I think them getting their cutie marks would have defeated the main focus of their journey: they've been best friends throughout everything that happens to them. Even when each is facing an individual problem that doesn't even need the other two, they still manage to appear to support the other. But at the same time, they are their own person, and their talents and even their cutie marks sets themselves apart. It made sense for them to receive their cutie mark at the same time because we are so used to them being nearly inseparable 

Edited by Princess Sunset




                                                                     I am Silver Stream  ||  My Request Shop                                                                         

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Well, I actually got pretty satisfied with Magical Mystery Cure: Cutie Mark Crusaders Edition, in fact, I think they've learned from their mistakes of MMC and corrected some mistakes on it. About it being a good CMC episode... I dunno, I didn;t saw it as an average CMC episode  :huh:

  • Brohoof 2


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Of course it was rushed but blame Hasbro. They probably wouldn't give three whole episodes to concluding the crusaders and their cutie marks. Same with Tiara. She's not getting two episodes. She is a minor character after all. There was no real way to avoid having to compress a plot while being mandated to create it for this season.

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Two words: Time constraints. Remember, they have only 22 minutes to get the point across in an episode. Did the episode kinda fly by with songs? Yes, but that was the point. The songs were used as a method to speed the episode along to get the point across. Considering how huge of a moment the episode had, they had to give a build up to it while still remaining in their 22 minutes. 


For that, I think the episode was wonderful. The songs were amazing, Diamond Tiara was great, and the ending, well, it speaks for itself. I thought it all was wonderful. In my opinion, it was perfectly fine. 

  • Brohoof 1



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I never thought about that being a valid reason why the episode was rushed. I just didn't feel it because of how much hype it had and then.....it just happened too quickly for me to enjoy it. The plot was everywhere in my opinion and too predictable. Pip needs help to win, he wins, now silver spoon speaks out, but then it goes to Diamond having a jerky mom to explain why Diamond is terrible.


It wasn't well written and despite te being limited, it was still rushed. I've watched episodes that seemed better paced within the same time frame.


Every other CMC episode was well paced....I don't appreciate the one where they actually get their cutiemarks had to feel that way. I'm not saying the episode was bad, it just didn't live up to it's full potential. I feel as though it was a beautiful moment that should've been better written with a better story. Maybe if they would've rained focused on helping pip, then help him discover his cutiemark and then they get theres.


It was just too....random for me for it to actually he a solid episode




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I feel the opposite. I thought the episode was the one of the best in the season (second to the Cutie map). It reminds me of the time the CMC helped Babs even though she was bullying them in the beginning. The way the CMC finally realized that getting the cutie marks wasn't as important as the good feeling you get when you help someone. It seemed rushed because it was crammed into 22 minutes but if you look at all the CMC episodes and you view them in a row building up to that episode, then it won't seem as rushed. 


Seeing three characters trying so hard to obtain something and seeing it unfold gave me a good feeling.


Mostly though I just liked DT's story. Her struggle, her songs and her reformation. I've always liked her as a character and now I like her changed persona too. 

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Diamond's story didn't seem too interesting in my opinion since her story has been told too many times to count. Maybe it's me who's seeing it as a very common cliche, but that's how it felt. I didn't see any real effort in trying to make Diamond's story a little better. Her solo wasn't bad though, and I believe that's why many look past the flaws within her backstory. The song had awesome lyrics that made sense to some degree. But otherwise, I was just disappointed that there was no other effort. 


And I tried looking back in the other CMC episodes and count it towards them getting their cutiemarks, but it still seems rushed nevertheless. Even "Magical mystery cure" had a better pace within the same time frame. Perhaps because it all revolved on one issue whereas in this episode, it led to one predicament to the other that didn't have a solid flow as it should have been. I understand that each DID lead to the next and made sense, but as I said, it could have been done better. 


I think the episode should have STARTED out with Diamond's dilemma, and then let it flow to the big ending. Plus? Even after Diamond changed her attitude, she still never directly gave Silverspoon the credit she deserved. She gave the spotlight to the CMC, which was okay, but it would have been more meaningful had she address Silverspoon instead since she was the main person who was at her side through her good days and many bad ones. Granted, in DT's final song, it seemed they made up but....it lacked that genuine feeling. Which is what I meant by this being random and not well thought out.  22 minutes is plenty of time for a well paced episode especially with the CMC getting their cutiemarks....because in the past, they were well paced even in Twilight's episode. 


I feel that had it not been for the fact that the CMC wouldn't have gotten their cutiemarks in such a beautiful fulfilling way, and DT's solo would not have been entertaining and heartfelt as it was, the episode would have completely flunked. 


I do value your opinions though and have taken them into consideration and in some cases you guys do have a point, but as I said, I just think it could have been better. I wasn't expecting the impossible from Hasbros, but I know from their work in other episodes, this one definitely deserved more.

  • Brohoof 1




                                                                     I am Silver Stream  ||  My Request Shop                                                                         

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@,  Watched this today. Yep, it totally did feel like one of the fastest 180 degree heel-face turns I've ever noticed in an episode of anything.  Diamond Tiara hasn't been given really much character development in prevous episodes and I was guessing this was going to inevitably happen sooner or later with how relatively flat she was.  Her purpose was to play the villanous [insert explicit here] for all past episodes and I figured we were going to eventually see a scenario where she acts this way because of x parent is horrible and is too demanding/too controlling/too manipulative/too obessive/too pretentious/too upper-classed based/too condescending/ too patronizing/ too egotistical which makes for a 'get-out of jail card' for explaining her character.  I almost think you could see the heel-face turn even at the half-way mark of the episode.


Did it feel forced and contrived? Yah.  But I didn't feel like it was a bad episode, not the weakest at least. Was this episode purposely marked as the 'fifth anniversary' special episode? Or just coincidence.  It does feel like its overly fast and done with, (I totally forgot that MMC had like 7 songs it).  In hindsight, I would've kept asking myself the question less about 'why are there so many songs in here and why does it feel like a broadway musical?'.  Not that I had any problems with that.  The songs were good too, enjoyed them more than MMC.  Ingram did a great job here.  it felt like, yah, we were ticking off all the boxes of 'gotta have song' 'gotta have major event' 'gotta have major heel-face turn' etc. Felt contrived, but felt like that was intended since it was supposed to mark a 'special' date occasion so i guess it makes me ease into it better.  I accidentally spoilered myself seeing an image of them getting their CM before I even saw the episode, so a lot of the surprise got lost on me.  But even after knowing and watching it later, I still thought that seemed rather unexpected, not sure if I feel postive or negative about it, but its more the surprise that gets me more. Which is funny because I think earlier, I thought it would be good that they get their cutie-mark before the end of the series so that it gives them a new 'purpose' in  the series since it seemed like crusading was maybe getting a bit stale.  Now looking back, almost seems a bit early.  But, I think things can still work out from here on out since they do have a new purpose to go with them.  I kind of feel that MMC was a lot more contrived than COTLM, that or I still have bad taste from it maybe.


I'm probably giving it more of a pass because I liked a couple of the songs more here than the first go-around with MMC.


Fun highlight though was finally addressing that question about 'what the heck is a tiara supposed to represent as a cutie mark?' and even DT didn't really know or understand it.  It goes into her character dilemma for this episode, could've maybe teased that out a bit more for her.  But man, I couldn't help but roll my eyes when she said her talen was getting other ponies to do what I want. Gotta work that heel-face turn into over-drive (I seriously liked her better when she was still our antagonist).

Edited by pony.colin
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*nods* Thanks for sharing your perspective and I do agree that perhaps it's the song and the huge beautiful shock of the ending is what saved this episode from being seen as a dissapointment by many. And I agree.....I did like/dislike DT better as an antagonist. Well...not entirely. I actually find it a bit cute she changed her attitude. But if I was to choose between having her stay as a minor antagonist character for the CMC or for her back story to be what it was in the MMC episode....I would choose the first because it wasn't creative at all. If Hasbros gave DT the spotlight purposely to satisfy the fans who wanted more on her, they should've given her story.....more. it's clear they focused on the lyrics and delivery of her solo though because that was the only phenomenal thing about her throughout the development they tried to give her.




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I've gone ahead and added the "spoiler" prefix to your topic as it discusses what happens in the newest episode with the cutie mark crusaders. There are still some who haven't seen the newest episode.


It is usually best to wait a week after an episode release, before you can omit the "spoiler" prefix, when discussing what happens in that particular episode :)

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Aleast DT didn't beat Sunset Shimmer for "fastest villian reformation in MLP" XD


Also, DT's turn round in this episode was kind of sped up by the fact the CMC saw her getting mentally hammered both by Silver Spoon ditching her and then seeing her mother chew her out for being a failure. Normally DT rides out her negative feelings by being arrogant and angry at the "lesser" ponies around her, but in this episode she had no other target but herself this time.


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As least the episode told us why Diamond Tiara was bullying the CMC and seeing a great plotline in the episode, it could only be improved in how Diamond Tiara got her Cutie Mark. But at the end of the day it was the CMC who got Cutie Marks amd that makes the episode a key episode in the series.

Edited by superdogz1999

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I've gone ahead and added the "spoiler" prefix to your topic as it discusses what happens in the newest episode with the cutie mark crusaders. There are still some who haven't seen the newest episode.


It is usually best to wait a week after an episode release, before you can omit the "spoiler" prefix, when discussing what happens in that particular episode :).


I appreciate it thanks c: And I'll be sure to keep that in mind.



And I'm starting to think you guys are misunderstanding what I'm trying to say: the plotline wasn't creative. It was messy with too many minor problems when there should have been a focus on one from the beginning. I'm not saying DT's reformation was too fast because I agree.....Sunset's was out of nowhere. They shot her with rainbows and she went from ignorant power hungry drama queen to an apologetic person in seconds flat.


There wasn't a good flow and it wasn't paced in my opinion. It was a big cliché with little effort. DT's song was her only save. The RESULT of her situation, as beautiful and brilliant as it was, shouldn't have happened.


I am keeping a positive mind so I will say this: maybe the CMC got their cutie marks mainly because they helped the very person who bashed them for having blank flanks at the very beginning. But if that is the case, they didn't implimemt that clearly.


And again, it was all out of focus. It could've been good to help Pip discover his cutie mark since it.began with him needing help to help make a difference. Ooorrr it could have been the CMC helping DT and SS (silver spoon) patch of their friendship. These minor issues were all worthy of their own episode and didn't get justice as it should.


I feel as though the episode with Troubleshoes had a better plotline than this one. And that's pretty much what this was....a troubleshoes episode with a more cliché back story and multiple issues that were either undone or poorly paced to get full satisfaction. Perhaps it's because the pony who had the most screen time happened to be DT is the main reason why this episode is receiving so much credit because it at least gave the fans what they wanted no matter how poor the delivery really was. We see DT with her issue and instantly feel sorry for her because of how brilliant her solo was and boom....it's a great episode ESPECIALLY since many "prayers" were answered at the end with the CMC getting their cutie marks

Aleast DT didn't beat Sunset Shimmer for "fastest villian reformation in MLP" XD


Also, DT's turn round in this episode was kind of sped up by the fact the CMC saw her getting mentally hammered both by Silver Spoon ditching her and then seeing her mother chew her out for being a failure. Normally DT rides out her negative feelings by being arrogant and angry at the "lesser" ponies around her, but in this episode she had no other target but herself this time.

And while DT didn't beat Sunset with the fastest reformation, (ugh I really despised EG1) her mother sure did. XD

Edited by Princess Sunset
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Not really. I love musical episodes, I thought the pacing was just fine and even though I've seen what DT had been through before in another show I didn't really mind. It's not the first time we have clichés in MLP, but just the way it was handled was enough for me to find it interesting.


Her reformation might seem a little rushed but I think that losing her only friend (Silver Spoon) was more than enough to make her change, it took a day after all, a very painful day. We still don't know how she'll struggle to be nice in the future.


I also loved the resolution. I think their talents were the ones we saw back in The Show Stoppers but when they met each other their destinies changed. I also loved how they got their cutie marks when they helped Diamond Tiara, since she was the reason the club was created in the first place. It actually makes a lot of sense.


I appreciate that you're saying your opinion. I know what is like not to like so much an universally loved episode.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Recently, Jerry Peet just uploaded a video concerning Diamond Tiara's redemption and pointed out a few flaws that I pretty much already covered in this thread way before this video was made. While I don't particularly like Jerry Peet due to HOW he delivers his opinions and fails to accept any negative feedback as a real critic, I can't deny how some of what he says makes sense: 





                                                                     I am Silver Stream  ||  My Request Shop                                                                         

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