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Octavia's Bow

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She convinces her to read to her, one of the warmer and simpler stories mind you, and leans in close. Laying against your shoulder, you quickly find that she has actually fallen asleep on you. You must make a fairly decent teddy bear, with a chocolate voice. Pretty slick for a speed demon. Soon, you also fall asleep.


After what feels like a solid two seconds, you find yourself lightly shaken awake. And not on a train. In fact, you are now standing in a rather disorganized library, filled with dust. By standing, I mean you are being carried in levitation with most of your baggage. Twilight's looking a little… discouraged at the sight of her former home


[Funny thought: when this started... Nay, before this update, we didn't have canon on her reaction to seeing her old library. Now, as of Amending Fences, we do :P ]


Goodnight Moon, it is, then. I can't remember it all, though, so I have to improvise a good deal of it, but I'm surprised by how decently I do at coming up with little families of mice and anthropomorphizing furniture. It takes me until I finish to realize that she's out. When I do notice, I can't help but let out a satisfied hum, then gently hum a little bit of "you are my sunshine," whether or not she's awake to hear it. I guess it's a little too relaxing for how tired I am.


Normally I wake very slowly - but not now. My ears perk up and I scan the surroundings thoroughly - I'm somewhat alarmed, trying to make sense of what's going on - when I notice my luggage. That's the signal that everything is okay - if there had been some kind of train wreck or something I doubt our luggage would be here. My luggage - and her luggage - are all being carried in her magic... And so am I?! Woah. I'm impressed at how effortlessly she's doing it - she doesn't seem to find it very difficult at all - yet, in looking to see if she finds this difficult to carry, I notice something else on her features.


"Are you alright? Is... Everything okay?" Concern tips my voice as I ask, noticing her discouraged look.


There's an odd feeling poking the back of my mind, but I'm too concerned with asking her about what her concern is to investigate it.


[Those odd thoughts I'm not yet aware of are: 1. What's this library? Where are we? 2. She's levitating me in her magic. It's kind of like holding someone all over. A bit of an odd feeling, but given we were snuggling earlier, I guess nothing really new...]



  • Brohoof 2

I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa!


A Deviantart Account: (and have been featured on EQD on multiple occasions) http://eagle1division.deviantart.com/

I have a fimfic: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/Star%20Scraper
And I have a science tumblr! http://asksciencepony.tumblr.com/

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Count Paradox, on 08 Nov 2015 - 10:48 PM, said:

@Octavia's Bow


Dox's face went red, and he stuttered. "Oh, u-uh, yes, thank you, miss... O-Octavia, correct? I believe we've met a few times, if I'm not mistaken..." He stepped inside, nervous as to the fact that his plan seemed to be crumbling. He attempted to get Vinyl's attention without attracting Octavia's, but to no avail. 'Well, I guess it's time for plan B...' "Um, miss Octavia, there may be another reason why I came here... I've, uh, always admired you any time I was able to get any time with you while hanging out with Vinyl, and, well... I actually came to ask you if you would possibly go on a date with me? I know we don't know each other very well, and this is really sudden, but... Would you be willing to give me a chance?"


Octavia looks back at Vinyl, who happened to look back at her with a grin. You get the feeling that Vinyl both knew way more about what was happening than she let on…


… and that she totally set you up on purpose. Octavia is blushing a bit, but she nods. “Alright. What do you propose we do?” The both of you come inside, and soon after there's another knock at your door. Octavia gets Vinyl's attention and gestures at the door, giving you time to think of something.



Script Dangles, on 08 Nov 2015 - 11:45 PM, said:

@@Octavia's Bow,


Cheerilee blinks and nods, “Yes. This is a fun time for them, as it is recess. May I help you Mr. …?” She offers a warm, if somewhat cautious smile. What will you do?


That smile, he thought.  It was enough to bowl a pony right over.


He extended a hoof.  "I'm Script," he said.  "Script Dangles."  He wondered if she'd hear of him, maybe read something he'd written.  Normally, he wasn't the kind of pony especially preoccupied with his celebrity status, as minor as it was.  He was finding this to be one of the very rare exceptions to that sentiment.


He glanced back at the ponies at play for moment.  "It reminds me of when I used to be their age," he mused.  "I used to love horse hockey."  For a moment, the beautiful mare next to him was forgotten.  Script smiled at the memories.


But the moment fled as quickly as it had come on.  And there she was again.  His nerves returned.  "You're their teacher, I suppose," he said.  "Ms...?"


He hoped she didn't correct him.  Mrs. was the last thing he wanted to hear.


“Cheerilee,” she says, offering a smile. “As you guessed, I’m their teacher. So, Mr. Dangles, are you looking to enroll a foal or filly? We are towards the end of the year, but I’m sure we can fit them in for next.”


Strong Copper, on 09 Nov 2015 - 02:16 AM, said:

@@Octavia's Bow,


The journey through the Forest lasted a little longer then Strong Copper might have liked, but it was better then getting lost. In the end, slow and steady won out and he arrived at his destination.


If he was being completely honest with himself he hadn't actually known what he had expected to find when the terms 'Zebra Witch' and 'Zebra Shaman' had been brought up back in Ponyville; The zebra mare that was resting beside a pond next to what could only be assumed to be her home wasn't the mental picture that he had, but she was a major improvement. Much easier on the eyes to start with. She was beautiful in a rather primal way... the kind of natural beauty that you normally had to leave pony controlled environments and head out into the much more dangerous wilds in order to find.


Approaching the mare, he did his best to make it look like he wasn't checking her out as he answered "I'm not actually here to shop... at least not in the conventional sense. You see, my name is Strong Copper and I've recently moved to Ponyville because of my profession." Coming to a stop a respectful distance away from the mare and waiting for her to give her permission before he considered taking a seat next to the pond himself. He offered her a small smile as he continued "See, for lack of a better word I'm a monster hunter. I specialize in beasts and supernatural creatures that are highly dangerous and identifying them, providing information on how to handle the situation and trying to bring about the best possible outcome for all parties."


"I asked around town to see who I should ask in order to get an understanding of the creatures that actually live in the Everfree and a fair few ponies pointed me in your direction. Would this be a bad time to ask you about some of the fauna that lives in the Forest with you?" He asked politely. He didn't want to bother her if she was busy after all.


Her lips purse, “A hunter of monsters, you’re strong indeed. But I’ll need a promise for the answers you need. This place is a haven for all sorts of folk. Don’t harm one without malice to their bulk.”


Pucksterv, on 09 Nov 2015 - 05:28 AM, said:

Trivy felt her cheeks turning red at the sight of Twilight's beautiful soft smile. The fact that her coat was colored cinnamon did not help to hide her deep blush. At least the redness of it all colored nice with her mane. But nothing could beat the absolute refinement and beauty of the purple and blue combo that was laying with her head between the books. Only thing missing were her reading glasses. She didn't wear them often, which was unfortunate because she looked so charming, adorable wearing them.


Trivia took a deep breath, swallowing her pride and confidence down her throat as she stepped towards Twilight. She had prepared a whole speech on her way to the castle but it seemed her mind had abandoned her in this moment. She tried to gather the right words into her head. "Hey Twilight.'' Those were the first words that came to her. ''I know you don't know me very well and all but if you are feeling bored, not that I was listening in on your conversation, if you don't have anything important to do, I mean I can imagine being a princess keeps you occupied, but if you could, if you want... uhm.'' Her nerves shut down her mouth, she was unable to think any further. There was a small moment of silence coming from the nervous mare as she collected her thoughts.


''Would you like to hang out? You seem like a nice mare and I would like to get to know you." She said finally. She stood there, expecting the worse answer possible. Who am I kidding? She's never going to fall for somepony like me. Trivy looked at the princess, studying her face for any expression that would confirm the rejection she was expecting.


“Sure! The Princess of Friendship NEVER turns down new research opportunities!” She… MAY have gotten the wrong impression. For now, though, you have an entrance. What will you do with it, one wonders….


Gloomfury, on 11 Nov 2015 - 4:04 PM, said:

After sprinting for a few miles, Shamrock decided to switch to jogging for the rest of the way. As she passed the same places she looked though the window of the dress shop again. Inside she could see a beautiful alabaster unicorn mare. Witch just made Shamrock stop in her tracks.

She stared at her a little. Watching her do whatever she was doing with that large needle. Forgetting about her training for a bit, she head towards the shop and walked inside. Just so she could meet this mare. When she open the door the small bell on the top of it jingled.

Rarity looked over for a moment and called, “Be right with you, dear. Just have to put- the- finishing touch!” She puts a pin in a hat with a very precise and quick movement. Kind of like a jab, if jabs finished boxing matches. “Now then, how may I-” She takes one look at you and gives a nervous smile, and before you can get a word off, you find your jacket and hat replaced with a light and well-fitted, but warmer brown duffle coat, that has large, easily managed black buttons. She also puts a blue-jean material tweed-style hat, lined with a comfortable and affordable soft felt. (I had to do research for this. Thanks google.) “There, much better. Now, is there something I can do for you?”

crisahys, on 11 Nov 2015 - 10:33 PM, said:

On Heart and Hooves Day of the art showcase, Veiled Spike left passes for both Applejack and Big Mac at the will call booth just in case she forgets. After the morning business is taken care of, she opened her art show to both fans and non-fans alike to attend. Every pony was warned before entering. So far, the majority of the spectators at the art show created a good feedback response despite the few dramatic incidents. There was a protest outside of the art show by the conservative ponies who deemed the event as offensive. The shenanigans had kept the crew and fans nervous as more security measures are put in place until the protest dies down. After 6 pm in the afternoon, Veiled Spike waits near the backstage hallway for Big Mac and Applejack to attend dinner with her. During her wait, she stressed over whether or not Big Mac and Applejack are going to make it on time in the midst of the situation outside of the venue.

You are slightly surprised to find a blushing Big Mac come in… alone. He has a singular red flower, and is acting bashful. What to do, what to do?
Edited by Octavia's Bow
  • Brohoof 4


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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@@Comet Tail,


To be fair, Ezekiel looked like he had stepped off the set of a Kung Fu movie so the third person narration has no right to throw stones there.


Ezekiel did count his lucky stars that his adjoining classmates were three women, but they already seemed to be friends. Much harder to try and establish a connection with one in a group. He shook his head and threw out his id thinking, holding a hand to his chest while breathing in, then pushing his hand outward on the out breath, he cleared his mind. Ezekiel would simply follow the vice principal or whatever her title was and let a connection with these three be established on it's own . . . or not at all.


Even with his superego more in charge, he had to admit, the ring leader who's name escaped him at the moment did have something that caught his eye. Long hair, they all had it but with her it was very pronounced and 80's style. Ezekiel always did have an attraction to exaggerated examples of the most prominent aspect of femininity. He smiled as his eyes glanced at her.


(To be fair, narrator was really having fun more than poking fun...)
The ringleader seemed to be able to tell and returned a look. She then turned to the authority figure and said something, causing her to turn around and face you as well. She waves you over.
- - - You approach the group - - -
"Hello, and welcome to C.H.S." The adult begins formally, "We're so glad to have you here! I'm Vice Principal Luna, and these are Aria Blaze, Adagio Dazzle, and Sonata Dusk, and you must be Ezekiel, am I correct?"
- - - You confirm - - -
"Good, and I'm glad to finally meet you! Well, One of our students, Sunset Shimmer, has volunteered to give you an insider's tour to welcome you to our school. Just wait right here, and I'll call her over. Any questions for me before I go?"
- - - If you have nothing to ask or say to her, she'll leave - - -
"Good, have a good day!" She walks away towards her office, leaving you alone with the three other new students. Aria looks almost as condescending as annoyed at your presence. Adagio seems more neutral, but Sonata seems cheerful. "Hi, Ezekiel!" she exclaims in a voice as chipper as her expression.
Adagio turns back to you, looking over your outfit, "Tai Chi, I take it?"

@@Comet Tail

(Trying to add some ontext behind.... why she would be in EQ... without actually.... doing something =p)




He gestures a bit  to his throught and lets out a cough,

"Sorry, miss... mam..."

He clears his throught,

"Dear Sunset Shimmer,

I am extremly sorry to inform you that a very important matter has interfered with my ability to meet you today, I have sent this via royal curier to procure a witness for the reason of my absence. I trust you wil be able to fill your time until I will be able to see you,


Princess Celestia"


He handed the letter over and put on a cheesy smile.


In response to the apology she just smiles and shrugs, "It's alright," and listens to you as you clear your throat and continue.


She accepts the letter. "Oh, 'sent this via royal courier to procure a witness...' so she wants me to know the reason for her absence?" A small, ephemeral flash of vague concern comes over her before she continues, "What is it?" She asks with sincere curiosity.



@@Comet Tail,

Ticktock then heard a western voice from inside and smiled as the chances of finding Rainbow Dash went up at the prospect of her friend AppleJack being there, so he walked into the store.


Ticktock jumped back at the sight of Rainbow Dash on the floor ,seemingly suffocating, "By Celestia!" yelled Ticktock as he ran over to Rainbow Dash, AJ  and Pinkie "Is she ok?" Ticktock asked half nervous and half scared, mostly from wanting to help but not wanting to make things worse.


(Just in case you hadn't guessed I treated this as a continuation of my last post   :)


Pinkie's stifling completely breaks up as she bursts out laughing; now she's on the floor, but laughing instead of seemingly dying. Applejack starts laughing, and opens her mouth to say something before Rainbow's voice pipes in, "Hah! Of course... I... Am..." She's barely getting the words out around deep, pained wheezing. "I'm... Completely... Fine!" She sits back up, but clearly struggling to not writhe in agony. "Why would you ever think... I'm not okay?"


Tears still fresh on her face, she turns to Pinkie, "Pinkie! Can you get me..." she wheezes some more, "...On a completely unrelated note -" she emphasizes how completely unrelated the request is by bringing her hoof to her chest and then extending it, "-a vanilla milkshake?" Her voice slips up with a voice crack with the last words' request, and she sounds like she's half crying, half begging for it.






"Sure!" Pinkie exclaims with glee, spronking behind the counter. She reaches down below it and instantly produces a milkshake, ready to drink, and puts it on top. "That'll be three bits!" Then, turning to you, "Do you want a milkshake? Cupcakes? Enchiladas? Cherrychimichimicherrychimicherrycherrychimichangas?"


Hacktune wake up from his sleep, the time was 8.00 am. He slept on the table again while writing a new song, The song was for making an electro music with Vinyl. Hacktune then goes to the bathroom and sees himself in the mirror "Damn... I looked like i just falled from Clousdale and got revived 2 times" He took a shower and then styled his mane. After the shower, he wear his hoodie and grabbed his headphones, song sheet, and a couple of bits. "Today shall be the day, It Have to be the DAY, Just remember to breathe." Then he walked out from his house, he put on his hood and headphones.


He set off a course to Vinyl&Octavia house. The distance from his house and to hers was a little bit far. On the way there, He took a stop at a cafe and bought 2 cups coffee. Then he continued his way there. When Hacktune finally arrived he put off his headphones and he looks at the door,Before knocking He thought to himself *Breath in...count to 4....breath out..count to 4, you can do this.* He knocked on the door while the coffee levitating behind him.


You lucky horse - Vinyl herself "answers" the door. "answers" in quotation marks because... Well, she doesn't say a word. The door opens, and she merely perks an eyebrow at you from under her glasses. Although you can't see through the shades, you can see enough of her eyebrows to make out that her eyes are just a bit wider than if she were being critical - no, the look is very clearly one of genuine curiosity, nothing else.


She seems to have mastered the art of body language - somehow her silence isn't the least bit awkward - her expression seems to speak just as clearly as any words; "Yes?" her expression asks, quietly and clearly.


@@Comet Tail,


Ugg... where I come from, we just trade icicles and sweet words. My icicle melted and, well, she's a princess. In fact, I'm relatively certain that that receptionist I kept talking to just through my requests into the trash. Having hidden in the roof overhang, he listened to the beat of the pegasi's wings fly by and ruminates on that lovely event.


Three times. A quick up-down and a boot out the door... Once with the guards. It kinda sucks, like, a lot. Especially since it was just an up-down. I mean, all I wanted to do is meet the person responsible for making things beautiful at night. And tell her how much I appreciate that.  Now I'm skulking outside her room... like a stalker. Greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat. I... really need to start thinking these things through.


Maybe I should turn myself in... I can't imagine things going well from here. Tresspass isn't the most endearing of criminal offenses. It gets me back in the jail cell with the ponies who like to try breaking my teeth. I need those to drain fruit, dang it!


He sighed softly; those first couple of days in town had been pretty bad. Things were much different in the world-cave.


(Aww, sorry, man. I was honestly going to let you go, then decided to let random chance have some fun and roll a die and on a 5 or a 6 they'd notice something amiss. It rolled a 5... Don't worry, though, this is a world where hearts are incorporated into fence-posts: It's much nicer than our world's prisons and/or courts. This may actually come to your benefit a little, actually...)


Unfortunately, the overhang doesn't have a very deep lip... This has done little to hide your silhouette, and while you have far superior night vision to most ponies... These aren't normal ponies. These are Luna's night guard, and incompetent, they are not, but batponies, they are. "Hey, over on the balcony... It's a pony! - " he switches to a yelling, commanding voice, "Stand down! Hooves up, wings out!" he commands as he rushes towards the balcony with his wingpony.

  • Brohoof 1

I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa!


A Deviantart Account: (and have been featured on EQD on multiple occasions) http://eagle1division.deviantart.com/

I have a fimfic: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/Star%20Scraper
And I have a science tumblr! http://asksciencepony.tumblr.com/

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@Octavia's Bow


Catching the look that Vinyl gave, Dox leaned over to look at her, giving her a 'I will get you back for this...' look. He stood straight back up, however, when he heard Octavia's agreement to go on a date with him. His face flushed red again, as he actually didn't think he would get this far. His mind raced with a multitude of things he would like to take her to do; Go see a play, take her to a concert (although his musical taste might clash with hers), many things... However, he settled on something simple. "Urn... How about dinner tonight? I may not look it, but I can cook rather well. And after that, a walk under the stars?" He knew it was cliche and predictable, but he hoped she would like his idea.


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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Rarity looked over for a moment and called, “Be right with you, dear. Just have to put- the- finishing touch!” She puts a pin in a hat with a very precise and quick movement. Kind of like a jab, if jabs finished boxing matches. “Now then, how may I-” She takes one look at you and gives a nervous smile, and before you can get a word off, you find your jacket and hat replaced with a light and well-fitted, but warmer brown duffle coat, that has large, easily managed black buttons. She also puts a blue-jean material tweed-style hat, lined with a comfortable and affordable soft felt. (I had to do research for this. Thanks google.) “There, much better. Now, is there something I can do for you?”


"Uuuh.." Shamrock's mind had to process what just happen. That was the fastest and the first time someone has ever dressed her. After a few seconds her brain started working again. "Jaysus, I didn't see that coming at all. And I've taken punches to the face." She laughed. She then took a step toward the mare. "Howya, name's Shamrock. I was out for a run when I saw something in here that caught my eye. It was ivory white and a slightly dark lavender with two sapphire jems. She also has a lovely voice." She said with a smirk. 

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@@Comet Tail,


Ezekiel smiled. 


"Hi Sonata, an honor to make your acquaintance." He bowed hand over fist before shaking her hand. "Not just tai chi, but Gong Fu." Ezekiel said, using the art's correct pronunciation. "I just . . . came from a lesson and didn't have time to change. But it's actually quite comfortable as everyday ware." He likewise bowed hand over fist to her. "Very nice to meet to Adagio." 


- - - She refuses his extended hand in a handshake. - - -


"Sorry." He apologized for offending her. He went through the same greeting ritual with Aria. She responded with a scoff and turn of the head.


Ezekiel frowned. Not sure what he did to earn such ire with a simple introduction.

Edited by Steel Accord
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@@Octavia's Bow,


Strong Copper met Zecora's gaze with a serious look on his face. When he spoke, it was quite clear that he meant every word he was saying. "Often times the best way to avoid an incident between pony kind and the dangerous creatures of the world is quite simply to leave the dangerous creatures alone and give them the space they desire. Whenever I go somewhere in which ponies and dangerous creatures meet, the first question I have to figure out is whom is trespassing on the others turf before I take any other action. Sometimes the best course of action is simply to convince the ponies in question to leave the area."


"I promise you that I will not cause any needless harm to the creatures of the Everfree; I will only take action if lives are at risk either because someone stumbled into territory they do not belong in or if one of the creatures of the forest starts hunting outside of it where ponies are likely to be." A simple promise, but one that would hopefully be acceptable for the beautiful Zecora to be willing to share what she knew with him.

Edited by Strong Copper
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@@Octavia's Bow,


“Cheerilee,” she says, offering a smile. “As you guessed, I’m their teacher. So, Mr. Dangles, are you looking to enroll a foal or filly? We are towards the end of the year, but I’m sure we can fit them in for next.”


Script smiled.  "Actually, neither," he replied, nodding back in the direction of the laughing and dashing ponies.  "I saw their game and I just wanted to stop for a second and watch.  Nostalgia.  I used to play when I was younger, myself, and it just kind of made me smile, watching them."  The unicorn's horn briefly went aglow as he explained himself.  He was a writer; he always carried at least a scrap of paper and a writing utensil on his person.  He was rarely happier for that than he was today.


"Like I said, I'm new in town," he said.  In a long, elegant cursive, he wrote down the address of his modest home.  He punctuated that with a simple time:  7:00pm.  "I really haven't met many ponies yet.  And I really have no idea where the best places in town somebody might take a beautiful young mare out for a friendly bite to eat are.  So I'd really like you to have this."


"I figure I can figure the last part out by seven tonight," he mused with a smile.  And Script floated the note to Cheerilee before turning and starting away back for home.


Just loud enough for her to hear, as he did:  "Because you make me smile, too."

Edited by Script Dangles

Avatar created by the incredibly talented Pucksterv!!!  :D


My OC, Script Dangles!

My OC, Smoking Mirror!

Ask Script Dangles!

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@@Comet Tail,

You lucky horse - Vinyl herself "answers" the door. "answers" in quotation marks because... Well, she doesn't say a word. The door opens, and she merely perks an eyebrow at you from under her glasses. Although you can't see through the shades, you can see enough of her eyebrows to make out that her eyes are just a bit wider than if she were being critical - no, the look is very clearly one of genuine curiosity, nothing else.


She seems to have mastered the art of body language - somehow her silence isn't the least bit awkward - her expression seems to speak just as clearly as any words; "Yes?" her expression asks, quietly and clearly.

Hacktune heartbeat started to beat a bit faster, As his mind tells him "don't screw this up...don't screw this up...don't screw this up" after he get his head back to the game, he said "Umm.... Morning Vinyl, er.... Do you want to hang out?, you know... like make some remix, or an original edm?, or just randomly playing some random song. i brought some coffee" Hacktune smiled as he levitated one of the coffee in front of her. Hacktune said "Oh ya, i wrote a song, what d'ya think?"He said as he hands over the song sheet telkineticly.


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Pinkie's stifling completely breaks up as she bursts out laughing; now she's on the floor, but laughing instead of seemingly dying. Applejack starts laughing, and opens her mouth to say something before Rainbow's voice pipes in, "Hah! Of course... I... Am..." She's barely getting the words out around deep, pained wheezing. "I'm... Completely... Fine!" She sits back up, but clearly struggling to not writhe in agony. "Why would you ever think... I'm not okay?" Tears still fresh on her face, she turns to Pinkie, "Pinkie! Can you get me..." she wheezes some more, "...On a completely unrelated note -" she emphasizes how completely unrelated the request is by bringing her hoof to her chest and then extending it, "-a vanilla milkshake?" Her voice slips up with a voice crack with the last words' request, and she sounds like she's half crying, half begging for it. Spoiler "Sure!" Pinkie exclaims with glee, spronking behind the counter. She reaches down below it and instantly produces a milkshake, ready to drink, and puts it on top. "That'll be three bits!" Then, turning to you, "Do you want a milkshake? Cupcakes? Enchiladas? Cherrychimichimicherrychimicherrycherrychimichangas?"


Ticktock took in a deep breath "Well there's your red face, your wheezing, your watering eyes. If I had to guess, I would say you ate something extremely spicy which would explain why you want a milkshake, after all milk counteracts the effects of spice. And yes pinkie I would like a milkshake, do you have chocolate, oh and if Rainbow did eat something spicy i'll give it a go I doubt it could really be that hot can it?" Ticktock then extended a hoof to Rainbow "Want I hoof up?"   

  • Brohoof 1

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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“Sure! The Princess of Friendship NEVER turns down new research opportunities!” She… MAY have gotten the wrong impression. For now, though, you have an entrance. What will you do with it, one wonders….


''R-really?'' Trivy said surprisedOh my gosh, she said sure! She gave a small smile. wait? Did she say research? Her ears dropped at the sudden realization that Twilight didn't have a clue about what Trivia meant with 'getting to know you better'. It wasn't Twilight's fault though, it was hard to understand anything with all that stammering from earlier. Darn it, I really need to work on that.


''Twilight, Princess... I-I didn't mean it like that. I meant like hangout as in.'' She took another deep breath. ''I meant like in a date. If you don't want to that's fine. well no actually, I would be devastated but that doesn't matter. I'm not even sure you like mares in that way so... you know, just leave it. Forget I said anything. You probably wouldn't be interested in me in such a way anyway. I mean, would you? Would you like to go an date with me?'' she said nervously. In her head, she was already hitting herself for the millionth time to ever think that this was going to run smoothly.

Edited by Pucksterv
  • Brohoof 1
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@@Comet Tail, (It's very interesting that I forgot this, as I had literally wrote it the day I posted everything else. I guess I is are catching teh dumbs.) 


Comet Tail, on 22 Nov 2015 - 02:46 AM, said:

[Funny thought: when this started... Nay, before this update, we didn't have canon on her reaction to seeing her old library. Now, as of Amending Fences, we do ]


Goodnight Moon, it is, then. I can't remember it all, though, so I have to improvise a good deal of it, but I'm surprised by how decently I do at coming up with little families of mice and anthropomorphizing furniture. It takes me until I finish to realize that she's out. When I do notice, I can't help but let out a satisfied hum, then gently hum a little bit of "you are my sunshine," whether or not she's awake to hear it. I guess it's a little too relaxing for how tired I am.


Normally I wake very slowly - but not now. My ears perk up and I scan the surroundings thoroughly - I'm somewhat alarmed, trying to make sense of what's going on - when I notice my luggage. That's the signal that everything is okay - if there had been some kind of train wreck or something I doubt our luggage would be here. My luggage - and her luggage - are all being carried in her magic... And so am I?! Woah. I'm impressed at how effortlessly she's doing it - she doesn't seem to find it very difficult at all - yet, in looking to see if she finds this difficult to carry, I notice something else on her features.


"Are you alright? Is... Everything okay?" Concern tips my voice as I ask, noticing her discouraged look.


There's an odd feeling poking the back of my mind, but I'm too concerned with asking her about what her concern is to investigate it.


[Those odd thoughts I'm not yet aware of are: 1. What's this library? Where are we? 2. She's levitating me in her magic. It's kind of like holding someone all over. A bit of an odd feeling, but given we were snuggling earlier, I guess nothing really new...]

She lightly sets both your things back down, as well as your person, and nods slowly, “It’s just… I didn’t think I left this place so neglectfully.” She picks up a broken Teddy Bear in her hooves and looks around, “I mean, just look at this place. Covered in dust, filled with broken things? There’s just…” She closes her eyes, “I can’t believe I would just leave it like this.” It is definitely eating at her. Seems like this place was probably special to her in the past.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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She lightly sets both your things back down, as well as your person, and nods slowly, “It’s just… I didn’t think I left this place so neglectfully.” She picks up a broken Teddy Bear in her hooves and looks around, “I mean, just look at this place. Covered in dust, filled with broken things? There’s just…” She closes her eyes, “I can’t believe I would just leave it like this.” It is definitely eating at her. Seems like this place was probably special to her in the past.


(It's quite a shame I don't have my meta-knowledge, here...)


A teddy bear? I hope she doesn't see me holding back a grin. She has/had a teddy bear? That's adorable! I love this mare! Well, uhm... Wait a second, she's not too distraught over its damage, though, and she left it here... Hmm... So what is it doing here? Fortunately, the thoughts go by fast enough that I don't miss much of her explanation.


I'm not quite sure how to respond. But, luckily, I do have an idea of the message I want to get across. "Well, I mean..." No, don't go the usual, 'well, I do it sometimes, too,' approach - this is about her, not me, so how else can I approach this?... I scan my surroundings. Unfortunately, I really can't seem to make much of an argument for 'well, it's not that bad,' because it is pretty bad...


"The fact that you feel bad about it says a lot, though. A true slob wouldn't care, but you do care, and that makes all the difference. I mean, if ponies were stuck the way they were born, nopony would ever learn to talk and we'd all be crawlin' around in diapers," some levity slips into my voice describing the absurd dystopia before the gentle tone returns, "The important thing is how we change. If you would never do this to your current library, then what does it matter what happened in the past? You couldn't talk in the past, either, but you've learned to talk and a lot more than that - so it's where you are now, that matters." I finish, giving her a cheery little smile.


Darn, I was pretty terrified I'd have nothing to console her with, but that went pretty darn good. I give the place another look-over.


"So, would it help you feel a lot better if we got cleaning now, or should we wait until morning? I don't know if my brain is awake enough to be of much help cleaning right now... I don't know what I'd do to help." Indeed, thinking of it does nothing but drop my mind into blurry confusion... But the book lying on the floor catches my attention. Wait, no... All a lot of this would involve is some brushing up and putting books back on the shelves... I can do that!


Unfortunately, I've paused for a second, so she's probably made her reply by now.


If she, herself, seems to sincerely want to go to sleep, then I'll concede to that, here. But if she's merely caving into my will with a reluctant or sad; "...We can do it in the morning," then I'm going to say, "Nah, it'll help you feel better -" I pick up the book in my magic and walk with it over to the bookcase, examining the author's last name with those on the shelves, "My mind's waking up, this isn't too bad, we can just brush it up a little right now and you'll sleep a lot better..." I flash a smile at her, "We both will."


If she presses cleaning the place up, though, then just replace my, "Nah, it'll help you feel better-" with a "Alrighty, then -" and continue from there.

I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa!


A Deviantart Account: (and have been featured on EQD on multiple occasions) http://eagle1division.deviantart.com/

I have a fimfic: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/Star%20Scraper
And I have a science tumblr! http://asksciencepony.tumblr.com/

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"Up in relation to my body, or the ground?" Night calls. He actually means it, but... takes it back in about 5 seconds. "You know what, I'm just gunna land, yeah? Then we can go about the other things." He lands and sits back so he can put his whooves and wings out. He looks at them for a bit, before cocking his head, "Woah, I didn't know MORE bat-ponies left the cave! Cool!"

Edited by Night Lance
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You are slightly surprised to find a blushing Big Mac come in… alone. He has a singular red flower, and is acting bashful. What to do, what to do?


Veiled Spike, in sudden relief, opens her arms to hug Big Mac and said to him, "Oh, Celestia! I'm glad you're here safely. There was an aggressive mob of religious picketers outside of the art show. You have any idea where Applejack is right now? I'm asking to make sure that she's safe. I'm so thankful that you can make it."

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@[mention]Comet Tail[/mention]


Wilhelm thought for awhile, his expression turning from serious to bashful - complete with reddened cheeks - as he realized Luna already knew that he asked her on a date. Setting his wineglass down on the checkered blanket, he raised his hooves in a gesture of surrender. "I can't hide anything from you, can I? You've already figured it out, so I might as well tell you." 


He took a deep breath. "What I meant by that was that... well, I was being a bit overblown. But... this could be the best night of my life. Maybe not the worst, but depending on how this..." Wilhelm removed his spectacles with a hoof to rub the bridge of his muzzle, then put them back on, blinking owlishly. "Depending on how this date goes - I mean, if you want it to be a date - or..."


Under his breath, Wilhelm got halfway through muttering something vulgar in frustration before he remembered who he was in front of. "Let's just put it this way. I like you, quite a bit. And so I invited you out here so we could get to know each other a bit better over dinner. It doesn't have to be anything more than that if you don't want it to be." Butwant it to be...

Edited by Orion Caelum
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  • 3 weeks later...


@@Comet Tail,


Ezekiel smiled. 


"Hi Sonata, an honor to make your acquaintance." He bowed hand over fist before shaking her hand. "Not just tai chi, but Gong Fu." Ezekiel said, using the art's correct pronunciation. "I just . . . came from a lesson and didn't have time to change. But it's actually quite comfortable as everyday where." He likewise bowed hand over fist to her. "Very nice to meet to Adagio." 


- - - She refuses his extended hand in a handshake. - - -


"Sorry." He apologized for offending her. He went through the same greeting ritual with Aria. She responded with a scoff and turn of the head.


Ezekiel frowned. Not sure what he did to earn such ire with a simple introduction.


After Aria's brush-off, Adagio starts; "Look, just as long as you don't cause any trouble with this Tai Chi-Gong Fu stuff, then we should get along just fine." Her tone was slightly menacing, though sincere. "So is it just a passing sort of small deal for you, or are you really into it?" Despite being somewhat aloof sounding, it did sound like a sincere question that she was actually interested in.


Sonata seems to slowly shift from being oblivious, to somewhat nervous and uneasy. Fortunately, while Adagio is aloof and Aria seems plain hostile without any clear reason, Sonata is much easier to read. She's looking at you a fair bit. Is she... Is she afraid of you, perhaps?



@@Comet Tail,

Hacktune heartbeat started to beat a bit faster, As his mind tells him "don't screw this up...don't screw this up...don't screw this up" after he get his head back to the game, he said "Umm.... Morning Vinyl, er.... Do you want to hang out?, you know... like make some remix, or an original edm?, or just randomly playing some random song. i brought some coffee" Hacktune smiled as he levitated one of the coffee in front of her. Hacktune said "Oh ya, i wrote a song, what d'ya think?"He said as he hands over the song sheet telkineticly.


She seems a bit surprised at first, almost a little... Scared? She glances back into the home - but only for a brief moment before shrugging, turning back to you with a grin, accepting the coffee and music in her own telekinesis, and gesturing with her head for you to follow her as she heads inside and starts setting up her equipment to play your music. She even takes a swig of the coffee you gave her. She no longer has any signs of trepidation at all; she really seems most interested in giving your music a shot.



Ticktock took in a deep breath "Well there's your red face, your wheezing, your watering eyes. If I had to guess, I would say you ate something extremely spicy which would explain why you want a milkshake, after all milk counteracts the effects of spice. And yes pinkie I would like a milkshake, do you have chocolate, oh and if Rainbow did eat something spicy i'll give it a go I doubt it could really be that hot can it?" Ticktock then extended a hoof to Rainbow "Want I hoof up?"  


"Hah!" She flicks her wrist dismissively. "Maybe hot for -" she wheezes again "- other ponies, but not... For this iron-pony!" she puffs up her chest in a prideful, regal pose, which immediately collapses to another series of wheezes.


Pinkie grins and nods, "Pff - of course we have chocolate! Is this sugarcube corner? You bet it is - and it isn't a casino, either, so it most definitely is sugarcube corner with chocolate milkshakes, coming right up! - or, just one chocolate milkshake!" She grins, "Oh, but if you want to try one of the peppers, you'll have to ask Applejack - they're hers." She then turns and bounces back towards the kitchen.


AJ pipes in at her mention; "Ehhh - I don't see what harm there'd be in sharin' one or two." She grins mischeviously as she adjusts her stetson, making her look extra menacing; "I don't reckon' y'all will want more than one, anyhow," she says with a grin.


Dash replies to your offer; "Thanks but no thanks," she gets up, then shakily, wobbily, begins meandering towards the counter, "Can't you see - I'm... wheeze totally... sigh fine!..."


"Oh, come on, RD -" Applejack calls out, "You ain't foolin' nopony! Yer face is plum red, you're cryin, wheezin', fallin' on the floor, an' I've seen moths circlin' a lantern fly a straighter path than you're walkin' right now."


Still meandering, she calls back - "Alright, Applesmack, let's - wheeze - see you eat a whole one!" She half crashes, half sits in front of the counter, chugging half the milkshake.


Applejack pauses, grins nervously as she turns to face a basket on a table behind her, "You counted that I've already had a turn. I reckon' that makes it this fella's turn if'n he's still interested." She gestures towards you. "Ah- where're my manners?! I'hm Applejack, good to meet y'all!" She extends a hoof with a warm smile.


(Warning: accepting said hoof may be an experience that will leave you shaken)



"Up in relation to my body, or the ground?" Night calls. He actually means it, but... takes it back in about 5 seconds. "You know what, I'm just gunna land, yeah? Then we can go about the other things." He lands and sits back so he can put his whooves and wings out. He looks at them for a bit, before cocking his head, "Woah, I didn't know MORE bat-ponies left the cave! Cool!"


"To your body!" one of them immediately replies, earning a glance from the other, who pauses, considers it... Then nods as he flies alongside him.


"Right!" the leader replies to your request to land, "but we select the landing spot!" It might seem a little odd, because all they do is direct you just slightly off from where you would've landed, anyways. But, assuming you comply, they don't seem too displeased.


Whether you brought it with you, or left it on the balcony, at about the same time that you cock your head and speak, the second guard notices the sign, and after you say; "cool!", he replies, speaking up for the first time; "Actually, we're both pegasi. The armor just gives us a bat-like appearance as part of the uniform." The other guard shoots a disciplinary glare at him. He continues, "Eh, Glint, there's a 'Luna is best princess' sign. I think we just got another over-eager fan."


"No matter," the first guard answers, "that only means you must understand all the more that we have to treat every trespasser as a possible spy or assassin - for the safety of the princesses. But really, you should seek more legal means to see them..." He approaches you with rope, pretty clearly going to take you into custody.



@[mention]Comet Tail[/mention]


Wilhelm thought for awhile, his expression turning from serious to bashful - complete with reddened cheeks - as he realized Luna already knew that he asked her on a date. Setting his wineglass down on the checkered blanket, he raised his hooves in a gesture of surrender. "I can't hide anything from you, can I? You've already figured it out, so I might as well tell you." 


He took a deep breath. "What I meant by that was that... well, I was being a bit overblown. But... this could be the best night of my life. Maybe not the worst, but depending on how this..." Wilhelm removed his spectacles with a hoof to rub the bridge of his muzzle, then put them back on, blinking owlishly. "Depending on how this date goes - I mean, if you want it to be a date - or..."


Under his breath, Wilhelm got halfway through muttering something vulgar in frustration before he remembered who he was in front of. "Let's just put it this way. I like you, quite a bit. And so I invited you out here so we could get to know each other a bit better over dinner. It doesn't have to be anything more than that if you don't want it to be." But I want it to be...


She looks concerned at your discomfort. "Peace to you, dear Wilhelm." She takes your glass in her magic, tops it off with some more wine, and offers it to you.


"I do not have any ill feelings towards you - indeed, I admire your courage in asking me on a date, for the sake of love. But I do wonder if you have fully considered what this entails, what my history may be, or what my future will inevitably hold. I will not deny you the opportunity to court me," she says with a hint of a smile, then continues a bit more soberly, "but first, you must consider that I have had many lovers before, in millennia past, so you would be far from the first..." 


Shame creeps into her voice as she continues, "...and shortly before I fell to a Nightmare, after my last lover fell victim to his mortality, left alone and too afraid of losing yet another one, I even experimented with some degree of promiscuity..." She continued more levelly, "And after you, too, shall pass to your own mortality, I may have lovers more. Would you not prefer a partner who would be single to you, who has not spent lifetimes with others already, and who will not live millennia more with others after you pass?" The intonation makes it rather clear that she isn't trying to push you away, so much as she is genuinely asking you this question.


"I invite you to take as long as you want to ponder this in your heart, and to finish this evening however you wish to... My dear Wilhelm," she finishes, cracking a smile.

I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa!


A Deviantart Account: (and have been featured on EQD on multiple occasions) http://eagle1division.deviantart.com/

I have a fimfic: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/Star%20Scraper
And I have a science tumblr! http://asksciencepony.tumblr.com/

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The anti-instalike/reply-adox post.



Count Paradox, on 23 Nov 2015 - 7:14 PM, said:

@Octavia's Bow


Catching the look that Vinyl gave, Dox leaned over to look at her, giving her a 'I will get you back for this...' look. He stood straight back up, however, when he heard Octavia's agreement to go on a date with him. His face flushed red again, as he actually didn't think he would get this far. His mind raced with a multitude of things he would like to take her to do; Go see a play, take her to a concert (although his musical taste might clash with hers), many things... However, he settled on something simple. "Urn... How about dinner tonight? I may not look it, but I can cook rather well. And after that, a walk under the stars?" He knew it was cliche and predictable, but he hoped she would like his idea.


She thinks about it for a moment, then shakes her head no. “You’d be surprised how many other stallions try that. No, I think I want to do something a little bit more interesting. Vinyl was showing me earlier this new thing called ‘lazer tag.’ It uses most of the same equipment as her lighting stuff. It seems like harmless fun, if you’re up for it.”


(Mix it up a little, you stubborn colt.)


Gloomfury, on 23 Nov 2015 - 8:00 PM, said:


"Uuuh.." Shamrock's mind had to process what just happen. That was the fastest and the first time someone has ever dressed her. After a few seconds her brain started working again. "Jaysus, I didn't see that coming at all. And I've taken punches to the face." She laughed. She then took a step toward the mare. "Howya, name's Shamrock. I was out for a run when I saw something in here that caught my eye. It was ivory white and a slightly dark lavender with two sapphire jems. She also has a lovely voice." She said with a smirk.


Rarity blushes, “How remarkable. You seem to have spotted an object that looks exactly like myself. Of course, I would love to know the name of a pony who desired such objects. Alas, she has yet to tell me.” Rarity seems a little flattered, though she doesn’t quite recognize you.


Strong Copper, on 24 Nov 2015 - 12:15 AM, said:

@@Octavia's Bow,


Strong Copper met Zecora's gaze with a serious look on his face. When he spoke, it was quite clear that he meant every word he was saying. "Often times the best way to avoid an incident between pony kind and the dangerous creatures of the world is quite simply to leave the dangerous creatures alone and give them the space they desire. Whenever I go somewhere in which ponies and dangerous creatures meet, the first question I have to figure out is whom is trespassing on the others turf before I take any other action. Sometimes the best course of action is simply to convince the ponies in question to leave the area."


"I promise you that I will not cause any needless harm to the creatures of the Everfree; I will only take action if lives are at risk either because someone stumbled into territory they do not belong in or if one of the creatures of the forest starts hunting outside of it where ponies are likely to be." A simple promise, but one that would hopefully be acceptable for the beautiful Zecora to be willing to share what she knew with him.


Zecora nods and gestures you to come inside, “Then I will give you what you desire. Come inside, we’ll talk by fire.” She walks into the tree house, leaving the door open for you.


Script Dangles, on 24 Nov 2015 - 02:27 AM, said:

@@Octavia's Bow,


“Cheerilee,” she says, offering a smile. “As you guessed, I’m their teacher. So, Mr. Dangles, are you looking to enroll a foal or filly? We are towards the end of the year, but I’m sure we can fit them in for next.”


Script smiled.  "Actually, neither," he replied, nodding back in the direction of the laughing and dashing ponies.  "I saw their game and I just wanted to stop for a second and watch.  Nostalgia.  I used to play when I was younger, myself, and it just kind of made me smile, watching them."  The unicorn's horn briefly went aglow as he explained himself.  He was a writer; he always carried at least a scrap of paper and a writing utensil on his person.  He was rarely happier for that than he was today.


"Like I said, I'm new in town," he said.  In a long, elegant cursive, he wrote down the address of his modest home.  He punctuated that with a simple time:  7:00pm.  "I really haven't met many ponies yet.  And I really have no idea where the best places in town somebody might take a beautiful young mare out for a friendly bite to eat are.  So I'd really like you to have this."


"I figure I can figure the last part out by seven tonight," he mused with a smile.  And Script floated the note to Cheerilee before turning and starting away back for home.


Just loud enough for her to hear, as he did:  "Because you make me smile, too."


You don’t see her reaction, which is kind of a shame. I guess. I mean, it might have been valuable. But, for now, let’s just give you some time to prep for your date.


Pucksterv, on 24 Nov 2015 - 11:49 AM, said:

''R-really?'' Trivy said surprised. Oh my gosh, she said sure! She gave a small smile. wait? Did she say research? Her ears dropped at the sudden realization that Twilight didn't have a clue about what Trivia meant with 'getting to know you better'. It wasn't Twilight's fault though, it was hard to understand anything with all that stammering from earlier. Darn it, I really need to work on that.

''Twilight, Princess... I-I didn't mean it like that. I meant like hangout as in.'' She took another deep breath. ''I meant like in a date. If you don't want to that's fine. well no actually, I would be devastated but that doesn't matter. I'm not even sure you like mares in that way so... you know, just leave it. Forget I said anything. You probably wouldn't be interested in me in such a way anyway. I mean, would you? Would you like to go a date with me?'' she said nervously. In her head, she was already hitting herself for the millionth time to ever think that this was going to run smoothly.

Twilight blinks, color slowly spreading to her cheeks. She opens her mouth and closes it again for a couple of seconds before finally managin,”U-umm, sure! I, umm, don’t have any plans for later. We could try the whole…. relationship thingie. Yeah.” She offers a smile, but it’s pretty painfully obvious that she doesn’t have a lot of experience.


crisahys, on 26 Nov 2015 - 11:01 PM, said:

Veiled Spike, in sudden relief, opens her arms to hug Big Mac and said to him, "Oh, Celestia! I'm glad you're here safely. There was an aggressive mob of religious picketers outside of the art show. You have any idea where Applejack is right now? I'm asking to make sure that she's safe. I'm so thankful that you can make it."

Big Mac is blushing, but offers, “Home. She, umm, she showed me something.” He holds out a picture. It’s a portrait of you without your glasses. “It’s… kinda cute…”


Comet Tail, on 25 Nov 2015 - 6:19 PM, said:

(It's quite a shame I don't have my meta-knowledge, here...)

A teddy bear? I hope she doesn't see me holding back a grin. She has/had a teddy bear? That's adorable! I love this mare! Well, uhm... Wait a second, she's not too distraught over its damage, though, and she left it here... Hmm... So what is it doing here? Fortunately, the thoughts go by fast enough that I don't miss much of her explanation.

I'm not quite sure how to respond. But, luckily, I do have an idea of the message I want to get across. "Well, I mean..." No, don't go the usual, 'well, I do it sometimes, too,' approach - this is about her, not me, so how else can I approach this?... I scan my surroundings. Unfortunately, I really can't seem to make much of an argument for 'well, it's not that bad,' because it is pretty bad...

"The fact that you feel bad about it says a lot, though. A true slob wouldn't care, but you do care, and that makes all the difference. I mean, if ponies were stuck the way they were born, nopony would ever learn to talk and we'd all be crawlin' around in diapers," some levity slips into my voice describing the absurd dystopia before the gentle tone returns, "The important thing is how we change. If you would never do this to your current library, then what does it matter what happened in the past? You couldn't talk in the past, either, but you've learned to talk and a lot more than that - so it's where you are now, that matters." I finish, giving her a cheery little smile.

Darn, I was pretty terrified I'd have nothing to console her with, but that went pretty darn good. I give the place another look-over.

"So, would it help you feel a lot better if we got cleaning now, or should we wait until morning? I don't know if my brain is awake enough to be of much help cleaning right now... I don't know what I'd do to help." Indeed, thinking of it does nothing but drop my mind into blurry confusion... But the book lying on the floor catches my attention. Wait, no... All a lot of this would involve is some brushing up and putting books back on the shelves... I can do that!

Unfortunately, I've paused for a second, so she's probably made her reply by now.

If she, herself, seems to sincerely want to go to sleep, then I'll concede to that, here. But if she's merely caving into my will with a reluctant or sad; "...We can do it in the morning," then I'm going to say, "Nah, it'll help you feel better -" I pick up the book in my magic and walk with it over to the bookcase, examining the author's last name with those on the shelves, "My mind's waking up, this isn't too bad, we can just brush it up a little right now and you'll sleep a lot better..." I flash a smile at her, "We both will."

If she presses cleaning the place up, though, then just replace my, "Nah, it'll help you feel better-" with a "Alrighty, then -" and continue from there.

She sets her head, “Let’s do it now. There… isn’t really a spot for you to sleep otherwise.” She offers you a smile, but it’s clear this isn’t up for debate. (Before you try to tell me that you’ll sleep on the floor and it’s alright no really don’t go through the trouble I’m not that tired. :D ) She begins cleaning up, and the act is quick. Infact, it’s efficiency is almost like a dance of perfect, well-practiced organization techniques. It’s almost mathematical!

Oh, ummm… Well, you were a little distracted. But you still have the bear! That probably goes somewhere….
Edited by Octavia's Bow
  • Brohoof 1


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Twilight blinks, color slowly spreading to her cheeks. She opens her mouth and closes it again for a couple of seconds before finally managing,”U-umm, sure! I, umm, don’t have any plans for later. We could try the whole…. relationship thingie. Yeah.” She offers a smile, but it’s pretty painfully obvious that she doesn’t have a lot of experience.


Trivy felt her heart racing as her confidence quickly returned. She was glad she wasn't the only one cable of stammering like that. It was actually really cute how she responded, quite the opposite from what she had expected. In her mind, she had imagined she was already send half way to the moon because Twilight had ordered Celestia to do so. She let out a small breath as a huge weight had left her shoulders. Not that was completely gone of course. She still needed to how the rest of it would turn out.


''You know you look really cute stammering and blushing. I mean, at least you're not as bad as me.'' she said with an embarrassed smile while she rubbed the beck of her neck. Then realization suddenly hit her. ''Oh uh... Totally forget. I suppose introducing myself was something I should have done first.'' she said with a soft smile. ''My name is Trivy. Trivia Hecta.'' she said as she made a small bow. ''I'm pretty much new here in Ponyville so I don't suppose you know a good place to go for a-a first d-date?'' she said, still having trouble saying those last few words. 

Edited by Pucksterv
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(I just had the funny realization that the sooner I finish everyone else's replies, the sooner I get my own reply! :P )



She sets her head, “Let’s do it now. There… isn’t really a spot for you to sleep otherwise.” She offers you a smile, but it’s clear this isn’t up for debate. (Before you try to tell me that you’ll sleep on the floor and it’s alright no really don’t go through the trouble I’m not that tired. :D ) She begins cleaning up, and the act is quick. Infact, it’s efficiency is almost like a dance of perfect, well-practiced organization techniques. It’s almost mathematical!

Oh, ummm… Well, you were a little distracted. But you still have the bear! That probably goes somewhere….



I'm amazed at the clockwork feat, everything moving with such extreme precision. I blink twice, taking it all in. "Woah. You know, typically, adventures have some brave stallion rescuing a damsel in distress. But I get the feeling that if we go on some kind of adventure on the moon, you'll probably be the one saving me," I chuckle. Looking at the teddy bear and its impaled injury, I look back at her and comment with a smirk; "Well, you've saved me from missing the stop at the station and lots of heavy baggage, but I'm a little concerned seeing as you didn't save this teddy bear from a possibly mortal injury."


Fortunately, I catch the implication rather quickly before I let it go; "But like I just said - it's what happens now that matters, and you did save me from the baggage and missing the stop, so even if you let Teddy get impaled in the past -" I glance at the bear, then back at her, "You've proven tonight that you wouldn't let that happen now." I shoot her an understanding, close-eyed smile as I levitate the stuffed animal over to her in an offering gesture.

  • Brohoof 2

I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa!


A Deviantart Account: (and have been featured on EQD on multiple occasions) http://eagle1division.deviantart.com/

I have a fimfic: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/Star%20Scraper
And I have a science tumblr! http://asksciencepony.tumblr.com/

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Dox's heart sank when she shook her head no. Had he said something wrong? Been too predictable? He felt the situation getting away from him, and he was about to give up, until she mentioned something a bit more interesting than a traditional date. The fact that, even though she shot his idea down like other stallions before him, the fact that she was giving him another route meant that she must see something different in him than the others, right? "Uh, sure! That sounds fun! I've never actually been myself, so it'll be an interesting new experience for the both of us." He gave her a small, nervous smile. "So, uh, how about sometime this afternoon? Unless you're busy, I can go with a different date for our date." He let out a nervous chuckle, realizing how cheesy he sounded.

  • Brohoof 1


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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"Hah!" She flicks her wrist dismissively. "Maybe hot for -" she wheezes again "- other ponies, but not... For this iron-pony!" she puffs up her chest in a prideful, regal pose, which immediately collapses to another series of wheezes. Pinkie grins and nods, "Pff - of course we have chocolate! Is this sugarcube corner? You bet it is - and it isn't a casino, either, so it most definitely is sugarcube corner with chocolate milkshakes, coming right up! - or, just one chocolate milkshake!" She grins, "Oh, but if you want to try one of the peppers, you'll have to ask Applejack - they're hers." She then turns and bounces back towards the kitchen. AJ pipes in at her mention; "Ehhh - I don't see what harm there'd be in sharin' one or two." She grins mischeviously as she adjusts her stetson, making her look extra menacing; "I don't reckon' y'all will want more than one, anyhow," she says with a grin. Dash replies to your offer; "Thanks but no thanks," she gets up, then shakily, wobbily, begins meandering towards the counter, "Can't you see - I'm... wheeze totally... sigh fine!..." "Oh, come on, RD -" Applejack calls out, "You ain't foolin' nopony! Yer face is plum red, you're cryin, wheezin', fallin' on the floor, an' I've seen moths circlin' a lantern fly a straighter path than you're walkin' right now." Still meandering, she calls back - "Alright, Applesmack, let's - wheeze - see you eat a whole one!" She half crashes, half sits in front of the counter, chugging half the milkshake. Applejack pauses, grins nervously as she turns to face a basket on a table behind her, "You counted that I've already had a turn. I reckon' that makes it this fella's turn if'n he's still interested." She gestures towards you. "Ah- where're my manners?! I'hm Applejack, good to meet y'all!" She extends a hoof with a warm smile. (Warning: accepting said hoof may be an experience that will leave you shaken)


Ticktock chuckled a bit at Rainbow, before accepting the milkshake from Pinkie (to which he  gave the necessary amount bits too). After hearing how Applejack had the peppers Ticktock bought a hoof to his chin "Well I have to admit I find it a surprise that an  apple farmer has peppers... but I honestly don't judge what one gets up to in ones free time.". Ticktock then  gave an  over confident smirk at hearing that it would be his go "Bring it on, I can handle anything and anypony for that mater you could throw at me. Ticktock then shook AJ's hoof "Pleasure to meet you, my names Ticktock Starblast at your service!"  

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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@@Octavia's Bow


Shamrock smiled and gave a bow. "Shamrock, at your serves. Though I am also known as 'Sledge-hoof' Shamrock. Because my hooves feel like being hit by a sledgehammer." She did a light one-two combo with a cocky grin. "I'm a boxer, if you havn't caught one. Also, would you mind giving my hat back?"

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After Aria's brush-off, Adagio starts; "Look, just as long as you don't cause any trouble with this Tai Chi-Gong Fu stuff, then we should get along just fine." Her tone was slightly menacing, though sincere. "So is it just a passing sort of small deal for you, or are you really into it?" Despite being somewhat aloof sounding, it did sound like a sincere question that she was actually interested in.   Sonata seems to slowly shift from being oblivious, to somewhat nervous and uneasy. Fortunately, while Adagio is aloof and Aria seems plain hostile without any clear reason, Sonata is much easier to read. She's looking at you a fair bit. Is she... Is she afraid of you, perhaps?



Ezekiel, being very unreceptive of facial and vocal cues, does not notice Sonata's anxiety.


He simply pinched his uniform to indicate it.


"Oh it's quite a passion of mine actually. I've been doing the martial arts for years. My sifu actually says I'm quite good even, but I don't like to boast." Ezekiel boasted but in a way he hoped did not sound like boasting to Adagio.

Edited by Steel Accord
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Things had a funny way of working themselves out, sometimes.



Script hadn't gone straight home.  No, he had a lot that he needed to have done before seven, and the sun was already setting over the straight-line horizon, dusk encroaching into what was left of daytime.  So once he'd turned away, he'd headed back into town.  The next hour or so, he'd spent spinning about the immense gazebo-like structure that served as its center.  He'd looked in storefront windows, at first, but when that searching frustrated him, he started to stop ponies that looked like they might be helpful.  Excuse me, miss...can you tell me where I can find a florist?  Pardon me, sir...I'm new here.  Can you recommend a nice place to take a mare to dinner?  Preferably one where maybe they play soft music by your table?  Oh, and is there a river nearby?  Something with maybe a bridge over the top of it?  It was a lot of questions asked to a lot of strangers and Script felt terribly self-conscious about asking them.  But what he had discovered, after he had finished and turned his back on Ponyville for his house, was that he'd learned a lot about his adopted home.  He had learned about all the shoppes in town, learned their keeper's names, and studied their wares.  He'd also discovered that the ponies here were kind and friendly and always seemed to have a moment for you – even when you asked them questions that he knew probably seemed strange and annoying.  The birds were out and singing and the sun had set fire to the sky before disappearing.  It wasn't Chicoltgo...but maybe it was even better, in its own charming way.



There was only one way it was going to get better, he considered.  And she was going to be at his house at seven.



If she shows up at all, he reminded himself, opening the door to his house once he'd arrived and shutting it after himself.  It wasn't like you exactly gave her a choice.  He tried not to dwell on it too much.  He had his flowers and he had his reservations for their dinner at a quaint little outdoor cafe.  He'd planned out the route on which he'd take her afterwards, if all went well, for a nice walk under the stars.



That was ever Script:  The plan, written out carefully, like the plots to one of his novels.  He got into his shower and cleaned himself.  When he finished, combing his mane and brushing his teeth, night had claimed the day.  It was almost time.  He waited in his living room listening for the door.



He couldn't help himself; he imagined how he'd feel if her knock never came.


  • Brohoof 1

Avatar created by the incredibly talented Pucksterv!!!  :D


My OC, Script Dangles!

My OC, Smoking Mirror!

Ask Script Dangles!

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