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Your awesome. I'm thinking of a Daring Do story and guess what, your in it.


It's called, "Daring Do and the Rainbow Wonderbolt". You can or I can write it. Any way, what do you think.

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Been here quite a while, but I tend to swap between here and Cloudsdale. Only started really staying when I got the weather job.


But when did you start to put your loyalty in to ponyville and take care of it a lot smile.png ? and don't you have a house in ponyville huh.png ?

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I'm not even competing in anything! We were supposed to do this just for fun! I'm not athletic like you, Rainbow... It is pretty fun, though...


Make tracks, not excuses! Come on already!


?You're getting the hang of it, as far as I can tell.








Your awesome. I'm thinking of a Daring Do story and guess what, your in it.


It's called, "Daring Do and the Rainbow Wonderbolt". You can or I can write it. Any way, what do you think.


Try bugging Twi to do it. I bet she'd love doing that sort of thing.




Okay.*shows a bench press machine where there is a bar with 50 pound weights on each side.*


Pfft...only 50, what is this?



Have you ever tried teaching Scootaloo to fly?


Many times. She's...not ready yet. Don't tell her I said that, though...



But when did you start to put your loyalty in to ponyville and take care of it a lot img-1611462-1-smile.png ? and don't you have a house in ponyville img-1611462-2-huh.png ?


Yeah, but it cost me an arm and a hoof...I only really bought it so I'd actually start getting my bills. You know how many late fees I've had to pay, ugh.


And, well, I'm only really here for my friends. And the job. Long as either of 'em exist, I'll be staying here.




I didn't get a hug! Can i have one, dashie? 


Sheesh, I'm popular. I should start charging for these...


Yeah, okay. Here you go. *hugs*


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Make tracks, not excuses! Come on already!


You're getting the hang of it, as far as I can tell.








Try bugging Twi to do it. I bet she'd love doing that sort of thing.


But, do you like the idea?





Pfft...only 50, what is this?




Many times. She's...not ready yet. Don't tell her I said that, though...




Yeah, but it cost me an arm and a hoof...I only really bought it so I'd actually start getting my bills. You know how many late fees I've had to pay, ugh.


And, well, I'm only really here for my friends. And the job. Long as either of 'em exist, I'll be staying here.





Sheesh, I'm popular. I should start charging for these...


Yeah, okay. Here you go. *hugs*

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Why does everypony think you're a lesbian? There's no proof in episodes that you are. Anyway, my question. I've seen lots of bronies and pegasisters that support this shipping: Rainbow Dash X Soarin. Do you approve of that?

  • Brohoof 1



Thank you ever so kindly Gone ϟ Airbourne for making my signature.


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What do you think of an earth pony that can manipulate advanced tech/arcano tech on a nanoscopic level and higher and has unlocked (through Biotech research) limited TK and Enhanced Empathy?

Rainbow Dash, Cimicerry or CherryChanga?

CherryChanga all the way for sure. B)

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Yeah, but it cost me an arm and a hoof...I only really bought it so I'd actually start getting my bills. You know how many late fees I've had to pay, ugh.


And, well, I'm only really here for my friends. And the job. Long as either of 'em exist, I'll be staying here.

wow that sucks, to have a house there to get bills that makes sense, but probably a lot of late fees and no wonder your element is loyalty  B)

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You gonna lift or not?


I've lifted boulders before - you seriously want me to lift fifty freakin' pounds?




Aw, really? Well, thanks! You know what? I am going to try harder!


...Try showing me a good flying trick. img-1625902-1-wacko.png







But, do you like the idea?




Ehh, not really my thing. Sorry, not being mean - just doesn't interest me enough.

  • Brohoof 1


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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I've lifted boulders before - you seriously want me to lift fifty freakin' pounds?










Ehh, not really my thing. Sorry, not being mean - just doesn't interest me enough.

Okay, so I've heard Spike helps around Ponyville, what does he help you with?

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Hey Dash, how is your murder trial going? Also, how is Phoenix?


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUDfoZGhLjE&list=PL347AD9B9E509804A <--- This is all I know.


I,..what? Is this what happened after I drank all that cider and blacked out?




Why does everypony think you're a lesbian? There's no proof in episodes that you are. Anyway, my question. I've seen lots of bronies and pegasisters that support this shipping: Rainbow Dash X Soarin. Do you approve of that?


Well, uhh....I...wouldn't mind it, I guess?


Soo cool!




How do you deal with space monsters?


They can stay in space where they belong, buddy.




Rainbow Dash, Cimicerry or Cherrychanga?


Chimicherrychanga, ha!



What would you do if someone throw fluttershy throught the window?








What do you think of an earth pony that can manipulate advanced tech/arcano tech on a nanoscopic level and higher and has unlocked (through Biotech research) limited TK and Enhanced Empathy?



Man, I don't even know what any of that means. Jeez.




Hi Rainbow Dash! :D You are best pony and anyways, what do you think of Cupcakes(the fanfic) ? :P


Don't mention that thing, I couldn't sleep for a week...

And I still can't...




wow that sucks, to have a house there to get bills that makes sense, but probably a lot of late fees and no wonder your element is loyalty  B)


You have no idea...stupid IRS.




How do I become awesome?


Focus on what makes you cool, until you become super-cool. If...that makes any sense.






Chill, Fluttershy dragged me off to a butterfly convention! No way I could've gotten out of that one.



Okay, so I've heard Spike helps around Ponyville, what does he help you with?


Heh heh...he's my test dummy.

Edited by Aureity


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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Heya there! It's your favorite pony, back in action! YOu've missed me while I was gone, right? Funny story to that Ninja Derpy incident, but that't too long to put here. Ehh...either that or I'm just too *yawn* tired. But this forum needs to be about 20% cooler-you know I can't stay away for long!


You've seen me on the other thread (before the, um, "incident"), so you know the drill. The awesome,spectacular, one-and-only Rainbow Dash is here to answer your questions!




Hey Rainbow dash, have you ever had a moment where you were so bored you tried rolling yourself up in a blanket and roll across the floor in a blanket saying "burrito" over and over? xD i have



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