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Pegasister VS Brony


Female Bronies  

194 users have voted

  1. 1. What do you call female bronies?

    • Brony
    • Pegasister
    • Filly
    • Bronette
    • Pegasis

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Girls rarely stay in the fandom .___.


Well I've been a fan of the show since I first saw it (when there was only 3 or so episodes out) and I'm a girl. :P


I don't care for the term "brony" to describe myself but most of the terms I have seen to describe a female MLP fan sound too girly for me.

Then again I don't really care for most of the terms used to describe fandoms... I guess I just don't like to be labeled in general and calling yourself a "brony" or "trekkie" or whatever to me implies an extremely high level of fandom which I don't possess.


ETA: I don't care if someone else calls me a "brony" though, it doesn't bother me... Heck I'm on another type of forum which is mostly guys and I get called "brother" a lot by mistake and it doesn't bother me, I just laugh because they don't realize.

Edited by Neko-Chan
  • Brohoof 2
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Yeah I just really feel that most of the girls in the fandom tend to leave because they don't feel they do enough to be considered part of it...that's what I see at least.



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I don't see how in the world "brony" could be gender neutral. As was stated by Colton Manestache, "Brony" is the combination of "Bro" (shortened version of brother, meaning male sibling) and "Pony". There's nothing gender neutral about that, I'm sorry.


"Pegasis" might actually be the best one because like "Brony" the words fit perfectly together, but I don't think I'd call myself that. I just enjoy My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I'm not that obsessed with it. lol


To me "Brony" and "Pegasis" are equivalent to "Fanboy" and "Fangirl".


My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is just one cartoon I watch. I don't mean to undermine it as it is certainly one of the best cartoons started in many years. However, I'm not at that level of fandom.




Well, I don't go to "that place" so I wouldn't know.


I'm not sure how that even makes sense to begin with. The "r" had to come from somewhere. No matter what it actually means it has "Bro" in it, and that's what most people think of the term as.


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Edited by Ice
  • Brohoof 1


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OK my full opinions on the names:


Brony - I usually use the plural of this when referring to fans of the show (that aren't really in the targeted demographic), both male and female. It is meant to be masculine but I feel it applies to girls...though I won't refer to them as a "brony" in conversation.


Pegasister - I feel is unnecessarily long and sounds silly. To me it would be like saying Brother Pony instead of Brony. I prefer simply Pegasis as it is a short way of referring to them and is also a feminine name.


Filly - I rarely use this term as I don't usually see people I feel it applies to...younger people. I would definitely use it for a kid fan of the show and maybe someone in the targeted demographic.


Bronette - This seems pretty useless as it's intended for feminine use yet uses the masculine word "Bro" in it.


Of course I'm not a girl so I don't know how they view these names but they to me are Pegasis.

Edited by Lady Rarity Pony
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I'm kind of on the fence on this one! :unsure:


I personally don't think there's any specific title that's right or wrong; I mean, some people might like Brony better, and some might like Filly (so on and so forth)--this thread actually does a great job demonstrating that!


I personally prefer Pegasis, just because I really like Pegasi. (They can fly! :P )

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Bronette - This seems pretty useless as it's intended for feminine use yet uses the masculine word "Bro" in it.

However, if the "Bro" in "Brony" has a different meaning than it is easily assumed that it's the same for "Bronette".

  • Brohoof 1

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However, if the "Bro" in "Brony" has a different meaning than it is easily assumed that it's the same for "Bronette".


Well they both have masculine words but Brony seems to be used much more as a general way of referring to the fanbase (which includes male and female), while Bronette is only used to refer to female fans which makes it somewhat useless as it has a masculine word in it yet doesn't include males.



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Well they both have masculine words but Brony seems to be used much more as a general way of referring to the fanbase (which includes male and female), while Bronette is only used to refer to female fans which makes it somewhat useless as it has a masculine word in it yet doesn't include males.


However, the reasoning that "Brony" can be for both males and females is that the "Bro" has a different origin, so by that same logic the "Bro" in "Bronette" shouldn't be any different.


Regardless, I still have a hard time believing that the "Bro" in "Brony" isn't masculine myself.

Edited by Envy
  • Brohoof 1

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I think that "Pegasis" has the equivalent meaning that brony would have. Anybody not on the /b/ section of 4chan would not get the non-gendral meaning of /b/pony, so to the general public, I think that pegasis would be the best term to use. Edited by Ice


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Here comes an epic bump. From an actual woman.


I hate the word "brony." I just absolutely hate it. I really do. Dislike it because of its origins from /b/, and it makes me think of that place... urk. And I don't like the way it sounds because I've never liked the word "bro." Makes me think of some trolls for some reason. But I can tolerate it for males, because the bro part makes sense and it is convenient for referring to male older pony fans. For a female though? Don't call me a brony. It's just too masculine. Pegasister? Okay, sure. I'm more of a unicorn though. But most people seem to use pegasister from what I've seen. So I pick that one, I guess.


Bronette? That's ugly and includes bro in it. So no. Filly's fine, although confusing. Pegasis sounds too much like pegasus and can get confusing for me.


Also, I don't see why not just call lady fans "ponies." I mean, ponies in the pony world are automatically assumed to be female from the way they talk. (Stuff like how Twilight Sparkle says: "a pony can do whatever she wants") Female's the default there. But I can see how that would be confusing. What about mares? Mares would be nice instead of filly since it doesn't imply younger age.


Although honestly, just call me a ponyhead or a pony fan or a pony lover or something. That's just what I call pony fans.

  • Brohoof 2

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i think i must agree with arylett's argument that "pony fan" is the only actually gender neutral term for this particular fandom. being from rural texas i would be uncomfortable referring to any female as a "mare" because it is dangerously close to the term "hag" meaning an old, infertile and typically inhospitable female horse. the reason i say "dangerously close" is because women in my neck of the woods generally are safest assumed to be dangerous, it's a simple survival rule.


in conlusion i think "pony fan" is really the best gender neutral term to use, as the key demographic of the show is young girls, and typically grown women have no problem finding appreciation for what is intended for their younger counterparts. "brony" really in my thinking is a masculine term used to refer to the entertainment industry's equivalent of the fishing industry's term "side catch" meaning fish caught in the net outside of the target species. we are men who have been caught up in the magic of pony friendship, we are the exception to the rule, we males are specifically the bronies, women do not really fit this classification.


that is my thoughts anyhow

  • Brohoof 2
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Reposting in here with a random thought: The guys in here that think brony is fine for both might care less about the "gender specific term" because we're already guys that like a "girls" show.




On 8/23/2012 at 1:54 AM, Djenty said:


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I was interested to read this thread since I've been wondering just how male-centric 'brony' is. It appears it's meant for male and female FIM fans, but I still get this nagging feeling that it is mostly meant to represent guys. Being a woman I don't want to be calling myself the wrong thing as a noob to the fandom lol I'm not crazy about the presented women-fan names. I love the term 'brony' and pony fan could always work, I suppose.

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You know Pegasis and Pegasister are basically the same, so you are just making it seem like it has less votes?


Pegasis/pegasister is winning with 23 votes.


I think it correctly to not call women brony for 2 things


Brony has bro, and it's obviously masculine, and even without the bro it's supposed to be the funny word that represent a group of teenage and older MALES who watch a show meant for little girls, if you consider women within that group, then it becomes less funny

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