SynchroRider 4 December 14, 2015 Share December 14, 2015 So I know this is strange for a newcomer but the truth is I've been observing the brony fandom for a very long time. There was once a time I was an obsessed type of brony but nowadays I just keep to myself and;or people I know who are bronies. However it is by obseriving that I've ntoived a rather distubrbing trend, whether here, Equestria Daily, or anywhere on the internet. And it's that some bronies I feel are total hypcorites. First example: Flash Sentry. I've seen the hate on this guy (erm pony), despite not being that bad of a character personality-wise. Yet one minute bronies give him labels such as "waifu thief", "shoe-horned love interest", etc. then the next minute same bronies ship Twilight with their own terribly-made OCs who are just as bad or even worse than Flash is. I mean at least practice what you preach! Next up would be: the complaints about reforming villains. For years I've come across fanfic after fanfic where Trixie/Chrysalis/whoever gets reformed and yet when it actually happens in the show, people are calling foul. I'll give a recent example with Starlight Glimmer, I've seen cries about how she was instantly forgiven despite the things she did, yet there are like a gajillion fics where Trixie does the same and she's aklso forgiven. Seriously it's why I can't take these complaints seriously as it sounds like bronies just upset that their headcanons/fanons were smashed to pieces. I have more things I can think off, but for the time being this is what I have. I would like to hear some input about this as it is something that is bugging me for some time now. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Unikitty 1,212 December 14, 2015 Share December 14, 2015 You've taken separate incidents made by different people, and lumped them all into one collective mentality labelled "bronies". Yes, some people who are also bronies are hypocrites. Yes, some people who are also bronies are also bad people in general. But asking "are bronies hypocritical" is a senseless question. It'd be like asking the same question but replacing 'bronies' with '[gender], [race], [religion], etc'. Some are, some aren't. 17 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LucianZ 76 December 14, 2015 Share December 14, 2015 I didn't enjoy the last s5 episodes that much myself. It seemed rushed, the reformation, the backstory, the character developement of Starlight Glimmer. I enjoyed that she became a good pony, but the way she did it was cliche and boring in my opinion. Then again they probably oversimplify things for the sake of the kids who watch the show. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FlootahBabby 265 December 14, 2015 Share December 14, 2015 Well, the only thing I find hypocritical is if someone gets offended over the term "cancer" to describe something that's bad. Because we often label pictures of adorable ponies as "diabetes". 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hazy Skies 1,010 December 14, 2015 Share December 14, 2015 (edited) From my time here I have found the word "Bronies" to be a collective word for a group of individuals who love MLP for their own reasons.. some reasons shared by other fellow brony members, some differ between themselves.. Some love all the characters and hold no negativity towards them.. Others may judge each and determine how much they dislike some.. The fact is each person is different, regardless of if they are a Brony or not.. They have different values, different beliefs and different ways of looking at the world.. It makes us all truly "individual" and we express that in our own way too.. As for the hypocritical.. Well.. let's put it this way.. The negative ones shout the loudest.. And the loudest are the ones that are heard.. Yes, there are a large number of us that hate Flash's guts.. But many of us this he's ok as a character, though vague.. Some of us even love him and consider him "best pony" It's all a matter of opinion, and sometimes suggestion is powerful.. There are some people who are followers, and join in teasing (or even hating) flash for fun.. or for seriousness.. again.. depending on the person and their values.. EDIT: Personally on the Starlight side of things.. Yes, I also find it was rushed, and would have been better to have her forgiving her village folk in an episode of S6 or something.. But.. they did what they did, and we can't change that.. I'm sure S6 will still be awesome though Edited December 14, 2015 by AURAequine 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kivil 1,721 December 14, 2015 Share December 14, 2015 Let me answer this sweet and simply. Not every brony is the same. We are a diverse amalgamation of different countries, races, religions, and morals so yes, some of us may be hypocrites but not all of us. Of course we all have our mess ups but to place the hypocrite tag on all of us is just flat out insane. ~My life is a bunch of Discord~Yes, the pun was intended~Kivil~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ashen Pathfinder 16,162 December 14, 2015 Share December 14, 2015 @@SynchroRider As this is dealing with a brony-related topic I have moved this to Sugarcube Corner. Thanks. 1 Pathfinder I Sojourner I Corsair | Zu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~ Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silver Stream. 708 December 14, 2015 Share December 14, 2015 (edited) You've taken separate incidents made by different people, and lumped them all into one collective mentality labelled "bronies". Yes, some people who are also bronies are hypocrites. Yes, some people who are also bronies are also bad people in general. But asking "are bronies hypocritical" is a senseless question. It'd be like asking the same question but replacing 'bronies' with '[gender], [race], [religion], etc'. Some are, some aren't.Not honestly sure why many bronies would even be offended by this. If the title asks "Are bronies hypocritical" it doesn't mean that they are accusing every brony. If you don't fall under the category of those examples, I don't think it makes sense to assume they mean every brony including you or me. I wouldn't jump to accusing what a person's intentions are behind how a title is worded. Whenever someone says the phrase "hypocritical people" that doesn't mean they are referring to the entire human race. Or if someone asks "Are cops bad" someone will simply answer with "well some are and some aren't" without calling it a senseless question. I'm pretty sure we all know everyone no matter if they are called a brony,Christian,etc...can be hypocritical. In this case I think they are focused more on the brony community which was why the term was used? Anyways, to answer your question. Yes there are some hypocritical bronies. Personally, I will admit to hypocricy with certain things but I couldn't tell you exactly what being I do try to keep an open mind about everything. But generally? No I am not. Can't speak for the others. Edited December 14, 2015 by Silver Stream. 6 SILVER STREAM'S POETRY DUMP I am Silver Stream || My Request Shop Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trottermare Galamane 12,005 December 14, 2015 Share December 14, 2015 (edited) Yes there is a lot of people who are hypocritical, not just in this fandom but all over the net and it is that hypocritical nature that make's them have to reply is certain way's very often making other's think there is a lot more of them then there actually are. I personally don't complain much and make sure I have damn good reason when I do. I'm also known to be very open minded and understanding (of Situation and emotion) which is why I think people say I'm good at giving advise to situations even if I have never being in that position myself. But there is always going to be people who don't stop to think what there doing and complain about something that has no effect on them or what they do. Edited December 14, 2015 by Trottermare Galamane points from 42 =139 and 2 coupons Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gestum 2,493 December 15, 2015 Share December 15, 2015 I find that most of the people in this fandom is a little hypocritical. They scream at the top of their lungs that you can't judge them because of a small minority, then they demand that you judge this fandom because of a YouTube video created by a single person. That said I honestly believe that most of the population is hypocritical regardless of what fandom they're in. 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
That Guy with the CMB 5,873 December 15, 2015 Share December 15, 2015 Nah. No, but in all seriousness - it's not just bronies. I'm sure it's been said here already, but there are plenty of people who will be hypocritical at times, so you'd have to expect it in a big group of people. All groups are just a melting pot of people with different feelings and moral backgrounds, so it's bound to be somewhere. Romans 10:9 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Solid 1,327 December 15, 2015 Share December 15, 2015 Generalization can kill Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blique 211 December 15, 2015 Share December 15, 2015 As @@Silver Stream says, I think a lot of the people replying are missing the point. The OP isn't talking about an "all or nothing" matter, it's about trends. For example, if I say ("brony" being gender-neutral) "I've noticed most bronies seem to be male, what do you think?" then answering it with "Well some are male, some aren't, people are individuals, you can't generalize!" wouldn't make much sense since there is indeed a trend of bronies being male, and that can lead to interesting discussion on why that may be the case. Anyway, I personally think the MLP fandom is one of the nicest ones I've observed, probably due to the show's messages of friendship and being kind to others. Most fandoms I've been in, even if overall positive, have more annoying people/groups in them than I've seen in the brony community. At the very least, most bronies I've met seem more open to admitting to any mistakes they make, or agreeing to disagree in debates without things getting nasty, or so on. It's a very pleasant atmosphere most of the time. 3 I make digital art, traditional art, scarves, and crafts. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snow Frostflame 3,568 December 15, 2015 Share December 15, 2015 Yes I think a lot of us are hypocrits, but not all of us. I use to be when I would get agressive with cloppers, and at the sametime wanted ABB to stop judging me. At one point maybe we were all hypocritical about something regarding the fandom. Its also not just us other fandoms around the net, and people around the world are just as bad if not worse than us. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Antidaeophobia 299 December 15, 2015 Share December 15, 2015 (edited) So I know this is strange for a newcomer but the truth is I've been observing the brony fandom for a very long time. There was once a time I was an obsessed type of brony but nowadays I just keep to myself and;or people I know who are bronies. However it is by obseriving that I've ntoived a rather distubrbing trend, whether here, Equestria Daily, or anywhere on the internet. And it's that some bronies I feel are total hypcorites. First example: Flash Sentry. I've seen the hate on this guy (erm pony), despite not being that bad of a character personality-wise. Yet one minute bronies give him labels such as "waifu thief", "shoe-horned love interest", etc. then the next minute same bronies ship Twilight with their own terribly-made OCs who are just as bad or even worse than Flash is. I mean at least practice what you preach! Next up would be: the complaints about reforming villains. For years I've come across fanfic after fanfic where Trixie/Chrysalis/whoever gets reformed and yet when it actually happens in the show, people are calling foul. I'll give a recent example with Starlight Glimmer, I've seen cries about how she was instantly forgiven despite the things she did, yet there are like a gajillion fics where Trixie does the same and she's aklso forgiven. Seriously it's why I can't take these complaints seriously as it sounds like bronies just upset that their headcanons/fanons were smashed to pieces. I have more things I can think off, but for the time being this is what I have. I would like to hear some input about this as it is something that is bugging me for some time now. I think many bronies are hypocrites in terms that they talk about love and tolerance, but then they verbally abuse each other. I've seen it for years, and it's getting worse. It makes me very sad to see people tear down other people down. We really are forgetting about following through with the whole love and tolerance thing. I find lots of bronies can be pretty brutal towards people's art, and especially if that person has an OC. As an artist, I take the whole 'if I don't like it, I ignore it' and 'there's no bad art, just art that isn't my taste' approach. But I had an incident recently where some bronies tracked my deviantart gallery down from another site I was on privately, and spent a good amount of time leaving mean comments, and harassing my friends and customers all because they didn't like my OC and felt the need to vocalize their dislike. I actually make a living by my art, so them leaving comments like that actually made people leave my page. It was rather surprising and pathetic they would go so far as to follow me from one site to another, and take time to leave mean comments. But then in the same breath I saw them telling some new bronies about how much we care about each other, even though they'd just spent time earlier that day calling me names like 'c**t' and 'talentless wh**e'. I've also noticed some people that harass people for disagreeing with them, and seem to create a witch hunt to the point the person leaves the forum or site they are on. The whole fandom could do to chill out. I miss the good old days of the fandom where we actually did good, and cared about each other. We seem so bitter now as a fandom. I'm sad, because as a group, we have so much potential to do good. Edited December 15, 2015 by Antidaeophobia 2 Art & Commission info: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EverEverOn 346 December 16, 2015 Share December 16, 2015 Honestly, I've never been hypocritical towards the Brony community. The motto I live by is love and tolerance, and I do just that. Not all bronies are the same and we all do different things. Just because we watch the same show doesn't mean we're all exactly alike. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PacificGreen 1,163 December 16, 2015 Share December 16, 2015 (edited) I think the reason for that seeming double standard is that people in general probably hold the show to a higher standard, especially since the show essentially builds on top of itself and has long-reaching story arcs; thus they are often disappointed by sudden, rushed developments (for instance, I kinda felt that Starlight's redemption was rushed). Compare this to a fan's fanfic, which has no bearing on canon, is often no more than a few chapters long, and can often be more or less just a wish fulfillment fantasy. Since it's not canon, people aren't going to overreact nearly as much. People are going to be upset when their headcanons are smashed. Some maybe take it a little too far, but for the most part it's not a big deal for me. Is it hypocrisy? Honestly, I'm not quite sure. Maybe, but, hey, we're all human. We have feelings that don't always make perfect sense. Yeah, it's kinda hard for me to put my thoughts into words, but I hope you get what I mean. I understand if you're upset, but I'm just trying to see things from their perspective (I've never actually read an MLP fanfic, so I'm kinda taking a guess here) In all honesty, I've probably seen worse hypocrisy, like bronies who always say "love and tolerate" but are often total jerks to other people. But I don't dwell on those and just focus on the positive aspects of the fandom. Edited December 16, 2015 by PGNatsu "Why should the Bill of Rights be in the official time capsule, but this painting of my dog is in time capsule 7?" -Parks and Recreation, Time Capsule -----Visit my deviantART HERE. Twitter HERE. My comic-ish strip HERE ASK ME STUFF HERE Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luna the Great of all the Russias 3,000 December 16, 2015 Share December 16, 2015 (edited) "Brony" is a very general term so I think it's difficult to properly generalize the fandom except that everyone is a fan of MLPFIM. Some are hypocrites and some are not. One hypocritical point that seems to exist with some Bronies is that they demand to not be generalized into negative Brony stereotypes yet they speak poorly of other fandoms in general (notable ones I remember are Sonic and Anime fandoms). @@Antidaeophobia, That's quite unfortunate; not exactly what I would consider justified behaviour. If Brony fandom became worse, I don't think this would be the fault of fandom itself. I find that, generally, the greater number of people are involved with a common thing, the more toxic the community seemingly becomes. However, don't forget that there is still good in this fandom despite toxicity you see. Edited December 16, 2015 by Tsaritsa Luna 2 Pony Art Thread Brony since ~25 July of 2011. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spikey-Wikey 378 December 20, 2015 Share December 20, 2015 It seems to me a lot of Bronies have double standards. Example: -One might consider MLP an odd-interest to have. Yet Bronies criticise others about odd-interests they don't share. -Making fanart or fanfics about Alicorns is fine. But make it canon and it will cause a huge fuss. And so forth. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lonk Chase 255 December 22, 2015 Share December 22, 2015 Two words. Vocal. Minority. That's it. My gaming YouTub: My second YouTub: My Steam: Profile picture by me. Because I am best p0ne. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Black Sabbath 2,486 December 22, 2015 Share December 22, 2015 Yes, we are. Bronies love to talk about how great we are for liking a show for girls and how we break gender rolls and shit like that. But then we go and say such things as "it's not a show girls because it has explosion and other cool things". 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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