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What the heck is the appeal in Trixie?


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There are somethings I do like about Trixie. Her color scheme is very appealing, she's a large ham (similar in that respect to Rarity, whom I simply adore - partly because of that trait) and she often talks in the third person, which I find quite funny. I even have a few pieces of Trixie fan-art lying around my hard disk. Most important of all, she is voiced by one of my favorite VAs, Kathleen Barr, who also did VA work on Reboot, which is still one of my favorite cartoons, at least to the end of Season 3. (Fun fact - she provides Queen Crysalis' voice too)


The reason I am not an outright fan is simply because of the way she was written. She was created to be boastful and a liar, and general all-round not-nice-pony. For all it's quality, MLP does have a habit of making its antagonists into flat characters. For example, despite all of her appearances, we still know nothing more about Diamond Tiara than that she is a spoilt brat with a rich father, and a wide mean streak. At least with Silver Spoon, she was able to applaud Granny Smith's story rather than sneer at it. Which is why I prefer Silver Spoon to Diamond Tiara even though they usually act equally unlike-ably. But I digress.


First, let's look at the challenge during Trixie's show. Trixie did beat Applejack fairly, since they both manipulated a rope and grabbed an apple. She added in a touch of humiliation, which you might say was uncalled for, or you might say was just Trixie's way of making a point. But when Rainbow Dash showed her speed and agility, Trixie merely spun her in a circle. She didn't use her magic to make herself more nimble or quick, which would have been a proper answer to RD's challenge. And after already “beating” her, she zapped her with lightning. Bit of a low blow, that. (Yes, RD played pranks with lightning in Luna Eclipsed, but the lightning never seemed to actually strike anyone. Partly why RD is not my favorite of the Mane 6.) And with Rarity, instead of creating something more beautiful than she did, Trixie simply ruined her hair. That's not "beating someone at their own game," that's just attacking the other player. It's like being challenged to chess, and then punching your opponent in the face when they make a move you can't counter.


She also told a blatant lie about beating an Ursa Major. It's one thing to boast about what you can do, quite a different thing to fabricate an event and then brag about it. Flash forward to the encounter with the Ursa Minor. Now she admits to her lie. Admirable, right? Perhaps not so much when you consider that she was given no other choice, and that she had already tried and failed. Boasting is fine when you can back it up, and she couldn't. Then when Twilight steps up and does exactly what she could not do, Trixie simply sneers at her for "only" defeating a Ursa Minor and runs away. Ask yourself, if a person in real life acted like that, would you like them? I know I wouldn't. So if I dislike Trixie, it is because on balance, I find more things to dislike about her than to like. I blame the writers for that, but that is what is presented to us.

Edited by CandidKid
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I like how she shows up in one episode, makes it clear that shes a self-obsessed bitch gloating about how awesome she is and lying about taking down an ursa major, then when given the chance to take down another ursa, she fails, and reveals she fibbed about killing a star bear, and then twilight has to save the day. Then, afterwards, trixie still remains an arrogant snob claiming that twilight still isn't as uber awesome super powered badass as her, then she just trots off.


And somehow, people think she has depth and is super complex. Lulz.

Edited by Pegasus25
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It's just a general observation, and might not be true, but I find it interesting that males would be more interested in arrogant and jerky characters. (Rainbow Dash is also very popular amongst the male fans. She's not as much a jerk as Trixie, and has redeeming qualities, but can be very arrogant.) I kind of have to wonder why that is.


Wow ary. #a guy who's favorite ponies consist of Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity and Luna


To me, Boast Busters was an episode that I kind of regretted watching. Trixie's voice was so.. annoying. And there was nothing unexpected about her. You could predict whatever she would do in the episode, because her personality was so mundane. Because of this stuff, I don't see why people love Trixie either. Just a bland background character, in my opinion.


On 4/28/2013 at 8:13 PM, gooM said:
Djenty...man you are crazy, but an awesome sort of crazy
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Wow ary. #a guy who's favorite ponies consist of Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity and Luna


To me, Boast Busters was an episode that I kind of regretted watching. Trixie's voice was so.. annoying. And there was nothing unexpected about her. You could predict whatever she would do in the episode, because her personality was so mundane. Because of this stuff, I don't see why people love Trixie either. Just a bland background character, in my opinion.




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Each to their own I suppose, as stated above, I have my reasons for liking her and her personality, a reason people seem to ignore outright. But oh well, I don't blame anyone, all have their opinions.

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Because she's GREAT AND POWERFUL of course.


And I don't see why noone questions Queen Chrysalis's or Discord's fans why they like the antagonists so much. Well I have a reason for Discord.





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For me it's that she's so far (from what I have watched) the only pony antagonist.

However you know she isn't completly mean which I think a lot of the appeal comes in.


A lot of people want to see her return in a future episode, especially if she were to learn the error of her ways and befriend the ponies.

It'd make for a good episode about forgiving people about past differences and what not.


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I've seen bronies who's favorite character is Diamond Tiara. I guess some people just like jerks or something? I dunno.


I'm guessing if Sethisto wasn't obsessed with Trixie nopony would like her.

Edited by JKonathan
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Because Trixie is a great pony in retrospective and so many different interpretations come from her personality. Either that she's a con, just misunderstood, insecure, or really want to be the best all stem from one pony. She's great when writing fan fictions as you can interpret Trixie in a variety of different ways and in my opinion, a boastful personality is easier to write.


I especially love that she's not filthy rich like Diamond Tiara. She's trying to get by in a wagon by doing what she's doing. Reminds me of Sawyer from Lost.


Alea Jacta Est

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Wow ary. #a guy who's favorite ponies consist of Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity and Luna

It's a generalization. Just because it doesn't include you doesn't mean it necessarily isn't true. Rainbow Dash is a VERY popular character amongst bronies. This is something that can't really be denied.

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Honestly! Why do a bunch of people like Trixie?


Here's your answer:



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I'd like to thank the MLP Vector Club for the images used in my avatar.

Known as "Princess Mi Amore Cadenza", "Trixie the Great", "Tom" and "Tomzoid the EggDroid".

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As a Trixie fan myself, there are two reasons:


1. Her personality. She's a showboater, but she also wants to be proven. As a showmare, she yearns on obtaining an audience. Most of us do, and she really does. Her outgoing, occasional third-person personality may come off as pretentious, but it also makes fans wonder if there's more to her than just this. She boasts, but fans speculate around her and what she could do. There's plenty of potential for her character to grow, from her abilities as a showmare to her strong confidence.


2. The episode's outcome itself. Fan reception for the episode was good, but the ending was mixed because they thought she got the short end of the stick. Fans believe she should be given an extra chance to shine because of her potential as a character, and she's considered to be very redeemable, but she was written as one who just typically takes off after being faced with adversity, a cliché in and of itself.

Edited by Dark Qiviut
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"Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross


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How has this thread managed to hide from the Eye of Tom? Seriously, I bet you ponies are making places where I can't find threads behind my back. Anyway, let us get onto the topic at hoof. This thread has been protected from me for too long. I'll start off by quoting some of the posts in this thread that I personally feel need a response. I also have the feeling this post will be a rather long one, so as such I shall be spoilering it to conserve page space and to nicer to those who still have dial up internet.





She technically made a cameo in Ponyville Confidential. So that's 2. Not to mention the official toys that are being made of her. And anyway, the fact that she has left such an impact in so many fan's hearts and only starred in one episode must mean that she was a great and memorable character.




She did her lying and boasting on a stage, as a stage magician. Why? To attract a crowd. Because ponies want to see big amazing actors, magicians, etc. If she didn;t stretch the truth a bit, how would she manage to stir up a crowd? Might I remind you that Equestria is a world where Magic is commonplace. So being able to preform magic really isn't anything special. Now, being a great and powerful magician capable of great magical feats, however, is a different matter. Ponies would be interested in seeing that.




First of all, she did not attack the Mane 6. She let Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity challenge her. They went up there willingly, with intent to ruin her show, and she was able to upstage them. And I'm sorry, but if I was preforming a show and ponies in the audience were heckling me, I'd want to upstage them too. I'm sorry, but it's kinda rude o go to a show and just try to ruin it for everypony enjoying it.


If you watch the episode, you'll notice that the rest of the ponies there were clearly enjoying her show. If the Mane 4+Spike really didn't care for it, they could have easily walked away, and none of the events in the episode would have never happened. Trixie would have gone on her merry way, the Ursa Minor would still be napping, Snips and Snails would have enjoyed their magic show, Bon Bon's house would not have been damaged, and neither would Trixie's wagon.


And just for the record, it was Spike who gave Snips and Snails the idea to awaken the Ursa Minor, so technically this is all Spike's fault.




Goodness, that is a beautiful picture of Trixie. It Truly is! <3




While I can personally say that Equestria Daily had no effect in me choosing The Great and Powerful Trixie as best pony, I will not deny that if she was not the unofficial mascot of EqD, she would not be as popular as she is now. I mean, The Flim Flam Bros. and Iron Will had some entertaining personalities, and they're not as popular as Trixie.


Granted, this could also be because our fandom is sexist towards male characters so much that most shipping is exclusively female on female.




I personally would prefer her to be the former, simply due to the fact that she really has little to redeem herself of. I personally think she would make a perfect rival to Twilight. Her personality is pratically made for her to be one. See; Gary Mother Bucking Oak.


Also, I prefer a strong, self confident and proud Trixie as opposed to the Woona Fluttershy rip off most of the fandom love to slap onto her.




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See these headphones?


I made them.


And these are not headphones one makes out of irony. These are headphones made out of love.


Of Love.





Scootacool, every single post you make is a work of art in itself. This one is the Mona Lisa of all of your posts.




Yes, her name is one of the many flawless things about her. The Great and Powerful Trixie is a very alluring name, and Patricia Lulamoon is also a very classy name.




This. The mane difference between Gilda and Trixie was that Gilda broke the law, made Fluttershy cry, and was just generally unpleasant in every way unlike Trixie, who was challenged on her own show. And then, when an Ursa attacked, she did at least try to stop it, as the Mane 6, the ones who defeated a goddess, just stood there and watched as Trixie put her life on the line for try and stop a monster from attacking a town she was just visiting and had no connections with and could really care less about.





Sorry, I didn't know this thread existed until it was brought to my attention! Though I wouldn't be surprised if somepony invented a machine that hid Anti-Trixie threads from me, so ponies could talk against Trixie without my knowledge... I better start looking more diligently for these topics now...





One does not need wings to be amazed by Trixie's beauty


I mean, erm... Actually, never mind, I'll stand by my above statement.


Anyway, to summarize this up, Trixie is a proud, intelligent, charming, amazing, brave, self-confident, beautiful, egotistical, and alluring mare. She may have had an antagonistic role, though I personally see this as a plus. In almost every media I've seen the villian is far more fun and interesting then the hero. And Trixie is no exception. Quite frankly, I'd love for the day when they make a Trixie spin-off show centering around her. Or better yet, a portal to Equestria gets built and I go through, so I can experience her adventure with her first hand(Hoof?)


And that, my little ponies, is why The Great and Powerful Patricia Lulamoon is best pony.



Alright, so eh, not as long as I expected, but oh well, I do believe my message has been made.



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Changed one mans view on trixie.

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Because Tom the Diamond is on the Forums, preaching Trixie's appeal.


I think you're on to something there. :huh:

I'd like to thank the MLP Vector Club for the images used in my avatar.

Known as "Princess Mi Amore Cadenza", "Trixie the Great", "Tom" and "Tomzoid the EggDroid".

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She proves that ponys arent all butterfly's and rainbows. And that's all I gotta say about that.


Nightmare moon did that first.


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Changed one mans view on trixie.


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Tom tom tom :3


Well, you post on this was a work of beauty, you reply eagerly to many of the posts of the thread and actually made a lot of sense regarding her personality.


Overall, your post was quality and deserves a brohoof.


Something I don't see many people doing is realising that Trixie breaks her illeism (her 3rd person speech) when she's outdone by Twilight. If you watch the episode closely you can see that she's acting humbly towards the mane 6 when she's outdone, she breaks her illeism, hence breaking what I would presume to be breaking her stage persona.


She's a showboater, her bragging is part of the act, because as mentioned, magic is a common thing in Equestria. A show such as hers wouldn't be interesting if she was a humble character on stage. She needs the boasting to increase the effect of her show for the most of the crowd to enjoy it, something I feel she's doing quite well.


She never did anything wrong in the actual episode, it wasn't her who brought the Ursa to town and she wasn't the one who treated the Mane 6 like dirt. She was onstage, performing her act and she was vocally attacked by AJ, RD and Rarity. THEY were the ones that started the argument between them, they wanted to prove that they would be better than her, they were the ones who set up the challenge. What Trixie did was accepting this challenge, and she did her part. She beat them far and square. She's not the "evil" pony of this episode, it was the Mane 6 who started by treating her like dirt.


But, back to the point about her breaking the illeism. I believe this is the stage where her stage persona breaks. She have to admit that she made up the story about beating it to make herself look better, as it being part of the show. She was merely telling a tale, making it appealing for the crowd. She broke her illeism and began to actually sound humble. Her whole tone shifts to a level where she sounds like an overall nice mare. This could be interpret as being her "real" persona, or the persona she would use when actually socializing with other ponies outside of her shows, but in the end, because she was proved as wrong as she was, she became embarrassed and that resulted in her trying the best she could to make herself feel better, by trying to tell that she was still all great and powerful. After this she runs away, and I believe it was because of this embarrassment.


This above is what I find appealing in Trixie. That she did as she did, and that she could admit her own tale to be made up. She seems to me that she's actually a very sweet mare when not in her stage persona and that's what I want to believe to be.

Edited by Inkfeather
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