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What would you want the writers to stop doing to the show?

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Stop having a song in every other episode.


The music of season 1 was special, because musical numbers were rare. Every old-school brony has memorized the words to "Winter Wrap-Up" and "Art of the Dress" because for a long time, there weren't that many other songs.


Nowadays, there are so many musical numbers that it's no longer a special moment when the ponies sing. It also seems that having to churn out so many songs is taking a toll on the composers, because most of the recent songs are completely unmemorable, unlike the older songs. I can't remember the melody from a single one of the musical numbers from "Magical Mystery Cure" or "Crusaders of the Lost Mark", which is impressive considering how many there are.


If they could dial back their numbers and make three great songs per season, rather than ten "meh" songs, I would be quite happy. Of course, they can still have a bunch of short Pinkie songs, but full-fledged musicals should be saved for the important moments.

  • Brohoof 1


Also, I really like Cloudchaser's mane!

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Can't really say a whole lot that hasn't been said but the pop culture overdose is pretty much my main beef. Seriously, a ten-year old girl isn't going to get all the references to Doctor Who or The Big Lebowski.


Also, writers, no cheap shots at your own fans like this:





  • Brohoof 1

˙ʎpoqʎuɐ ƃuᴉlooɟ ʇou ǝɹ,noʎ 'sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI

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SPIKE. That being, they should stop making him look like an idiot. It seems any episode that stars our poor purple dragon, it only highlights his clumsiness and his mistakes, but I want to see more episodes about him that focus on his POSITIVES aspects, of which there are many! Just pick and choose even one of them and boom, we can have a wonderful Spike episode. 


One other thing, even though they have technically only used this once as a major plotpoint, please, please PLEASE, don't use time travel as a plotpoint. That opens up far too many cans of worms than it is worth. 



Spike I'd like more episodes like inspiration manifestation, less princess spike. Inspiration manifestations is one of my absolute FAVORITE episodes of the series, and it really shows both spike and rarity in a good light. Hell, power ponies showed spike goofing up occasionally but didn't make him seem like an idiot when he did it, and really made him seem like a competent character DESPITE being a bit of a butt monkey.



One other thing, even though they have technically only used this once as a major plotpoint, please, please PLEASE, don't use time travel as a plotpoint. That opens up far too many cans of worms than it is worth. 


A big annoyance to me is that they used time travel to do a "Rainboom never happened plot" And COMPLETELY wasted the potential of that plot.


A "Rainboom never happened" plot should focus around the mane six's lives and how THEY had their lives changed from never getting their cutie mark and becoming friends. The episode completely ignored that, barely even GLANCED at how their lives were different, and resorted to cheap "villains take over equestria" crap.


Like, its just such a waste of an incredible and anticipated plotline, yeah? It felt less like a "this event never happened" kind of plot and more of a "wonderful life/twilight doesn't exist" plot since they just gloss over them not getting their cutie marks with them just getting their marks later in life, no information given, which makes it feel disconnected from a "no cutie mark" event.

-When it's time for a villain episode, don't focus laser-like on Twilight while shoving her friends to the side and making them downright useless.


LOL. this seems to be a common complaint XD (I've seen this multiple times in multiple threads from multiple people)

  • Brohoof 3
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Stop the spike abuse, and start doing something with the Magical dragon that can melt metal with his breath, chew up diamond, and swim through lava like its not even a thing






Anyways, moving on, hasbro might mandate more spike action since they have a VERY big vested interest in advertising him seeing as how he's a freaking 40.00 price tag "crown jewel" toy for their newest toyline :P

  • Brohoof 2
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Anyways, moving on, hasbro might mandate more spike action since they have a VERY big vested interest in advertising him seeing as how he's a freaking 40.00 price tag "crown jewel" toy for their newest toyline :P



I know doesn't it look neat? 


  • Brohoof 1
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I know doesn't it look neat? 




To be honest, I'm actually not a fan of Greed mode spike's design.

I'd much rather a more Greymon/dinosaur looking adult form for him.



Kind of hoping that if they ever DO have spike age up, even for a temporary thing, he'll look different than his greed mode.

  • Brohoof 2
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To be honest, I'm actually not a fan of Greed mode spike's design.

I'd much rather a more Greymon/dinosaur looking adult form for him.


Is it possible to brohoof this a million times?


Although I admit if we're talking about choosing a form for Spike among various Digimon, I'd actually prefer him to look like Growlmon:




I think Spike would find having a mohawk totally awesome!

Are you a Spike fan? Click on the image above for a compendium of nearly every Spike scene in the show! =D

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I just finished a Gummi Bears binge watching. Several ideas to suggest.


1. Too many ponies, needs more species on screen.

2. Some of these princesses need an energy drink and do something. Princess Calla rules, best Disney Princess ever.

3. More teamwork resolution to resolve their fights and no more dues ex machina resolution.

4. More discovery in the world.

5. Ogres. I want to see Ogres.

6. More pony cultures not aligned with Celestia.

7. Warrior ponies

Edited by Singe
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Also, make a proper AJ episode, with nobody stealing the spotlight and just her and no family.

Good writing gives her a strong character.


If you see some old episodes you'll see she's one of Twilight's best friends and also showed to be somewhat really close to Spike.

Edited by Limeblossom
  • Brohoof 1

Japan, where Yo-Kai Watch's second movie has more success than The Force Awakens :umad:

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Since they stopped caring about the lore even before they started, I guess nothing could be done. Nobody asks them the "Lord of the Ring" level elaboration of lore, but at least "Harry Potter" would be nice. Or "Mass Effect". So far, I can't even tell that MLP has any lore whatsoever. It's my opinion.

  • Brohoof 1
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It hasn't been said enough: the Spikabuse. Both in his episodes and in his secondary roles. The slapstick and abuse he suffers isn't funny. It's disgusting and hurts the integrity of the show. Want some examples? Fine.

  1. Owl's Well That Ends Well: The episode where he was abused by the writer to make him look like the bad guy. Except he didn't deserve one bit of karma and had every reason to believe he was going to be replaced.
  2. Just for Sidekicks: Not invited to take part of the inspection for the Equestria Games at The Crystal Empire despite the fact that he nearly killed himself to save it. After that, a complete bastardization of his character up to this point just to phone in a moral.
  3. Castle Mane-ia: Pinkie plays a piano key, and Spike is launched to the other side of the room, landing on his head. Not one pony reacted to it in fright. NOT FUNNY!
  4. Equestria Games: Writing him as a total idiot in the second half just to force the plot through. His characterization was a total mess here.
  5. Princess Spike: Uggggggh! The whole plot was written to be out against him. And then…that…one fucking moment to conclude the episode after a relatively sweet scene. Here's my entire analysis bashing this episode.

Stop renewing it for more seasons.

Your suggestion makes no sense. DHX doesn't renew the show, Hasbro does. All DHX does is write out the content.




Listening to fans. No offense, but Bronies don't usually understand what would actually make a show work. We saw how "Slice of Life" worked out. People may think their ideas are great, but they usually aren't. A lot of their ideas are best for fan-content.

As far as ideas are concerned, DHX can't listen to them for this because of a clause in the writers' contracts. If DHX sees fandom content and uses it as direct inspiration, then the fan can sue DHX for plagiarism and get the writer or editor responsible fired. Larson, however, was able to research collective fanon about the background characters.


Secondly, Slice of Life is a one-off and a lot better written of an episode than most bronies give credit for.

  • Brohoof 3

"Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross


Pro-Brony articles: 1/2/3/4


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It's rare that I brohoof so many posts in one thread. Lots of good suggestions here, guys. Some of my favorites: 




Stop giving the Mane 6 a pass when they are responsible for their share of chaos and destruction.


This! There is absolutely no good reason why Dash should gotten off scot-free with the destruction she deliberately caused to the Weather Factory in Tanks for the Memories. 




Also, make a proper AJ episode, with nobody stealing the spotlight and just her and no family.


Yes, please. 




When it's time for a villain episode, don't focus laser-like on Twilight while shoving her friends to the side and making them downright useless.


 Ugh, yes. 

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Probably going to repeat what a lot of people have already said but regardless:

-Stop trying to jam things in last minute or give us an exposition dump. I know you only have 22 minutes to work with, but instead of trying to cram in essential plot details you cut out a few jokes instead? 


-Stop having Twilight be the only active participant in the two-parters. It's fine if she's still the main character of the piece but don't make her the ONLY person who can do anything to stop the big bad or the ONLY one who is actively trying to stop them. 


-Stop with the same redemption story.  Season 5 used the same redemption arc 3 times, where its reintroduced an old character , then gave them a 'sympathetic' backstory and BOOM they're instant good guys with all their past completely absolved. 1) Not everyone can be redeemed and you shouldn't ignore people past actions, regardless of their background. Yes it does change how you perceive their actions and the course of justice you should take, but it is not a Get-Out-of-Jail-Free Card. 2) Repeated use makes it seem cheap and ruins suspension of disbelieve as well as makes other antagonist far less credible. 3) It makes it far too easy for the good guys. I mean image if Luke Skywalker just said "Hey Dad I know you went through some rough times but I forgive you, so come on back to the Light Side." That would completely ruin what Luke had to go through in Return of the Jedi, his own grappling with the Dark Side and the suffering he had to endure to help turn Darth Vader back into Anakin Skywalker. 

  • Brohoof 6

Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.

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There are actually several things I would prefer they do to the show to change it. Now, note that I have not seen much of season five, so forgive me if this has been remedied, but here goes.

  • Spike being a side character in the truest of senses. Sure, the show gives him his moments, but that said, he does not have much of a place in the show. He feels like he could be removed completely and the storyline to almost every episode read exactly the same.


Do you mean you want Spike to be a side character, or you want him to have more of a role?

Edited by VG_Addict
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The Mane 6 should make the mistake, that a character's actions is merely a perception mistake. What they seen looked bad but was in the right all along.

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Stop writing episodes, then, since that changes the point so much. 

Still makes no sense.

  1. When Hasbro airs new episodes, chances are the scripts for next season's episodes are long complete. Usually, an episode takes anywhere from six to ten months to animate, and the scripts are usually locked anywhere from twelve to fifteen months before they air. Sometimes the scripts are changed so much during the editing process, such as Magical Mystery Cure.
  2. If they stop, then the writers and editors will get fired, and they may never get another job in the industry. In layman's terms, they must write scripts and need very work-valid reasons not to (i.e., Charlotte Fullerton handing Putting Your Hoof Down over to Williams after her husband passed away).
  • Brohoof 2

"Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross


Pro-Brony articles: 1/2/3/4


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Because without them, we probably wouldn't be here. Just a thought.


Also, make a proper AJ episode, with nobody stealing the spotlight and just her and no family.

And without viewers, they wouldn't be there.

Hearts, as strong as horses.

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Stop using fandom ideas. I can't stand the pandering. And yes, I know it's okay to take ideas from the fans to give them what they want, but...the ideas they've taken are silly and very out-of-place in the show and obviously come from the fandom. Plus I don't typically like the fandom's ideas. I've posted a similar argument before, but not on this thread.

  • Brohoof 1
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Still makes no sense.

I want My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic to end. That's one hell of an enigma, huh?  


When Hasbro airs new episodes, chances are the scripts for next season's episodes are long complete. Usually, an episode takes anywhere from six to ten months to animate, and the scripts are usually locked anywhere from twelve to fifteen months before they air. Sometimes the scripts are changed so much during the editing process, such as Magical Mystery Cure.

I don't remember bringing up how far in advance the show is written in relationship to when it airs, so you can reasonably expect me not to care about this point at all.


If they stop, then the writers and editors will get fired, and they may never get another job in the industry. In layman's terms, they must write scripts and need very work-valid reasons not to (i.e., Charlotte Fullerton handing Putting Your Hoof Down over to Williams after her husband passed away).

I am too selfish an individual to worry about the employment of others, so again, I don't care about this either.


Furthermore, I'm not suggesting they put down their pencils and abruptly refuse to write anymore. Nobody wins. My point is, write a series finale already and end this show once and for all. Henceforth: "Stop renewing it for more seasons."


........Layman's terms? Like I need  "unemployment" simplified.

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Stop giving the Mane 6 a pass when they are responsible for their share of chaos and destruction. Or coming off as bad and being in the right.


That really does bug me, Dash should of at least done Community service for demolishing the weather factory or something




I want My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic to end.

Why are you here then? Why aren't you on a forum about something you actually like? 




-Stop having Twilight be the only active participant in the two-parters. It's fine if she's still the main character of the piece but don't make her the ONLY person who can do anything to stop the big bad or the ONLY one who is actively trying to stop them.   


I can second this. I love Alicorn Twilight, but it really is a problem when her friends are just chucked to the way side, especially in these last few seasons. Season three's finale was about her ascension, season 4 was mostly her duking it out with Tirek with her friends helping to deliver the final blow on the last second, and season 5's finale had the mane six pretty much entirely absent save for their alternate selves in the parallel timelines. They need to be in something that Twilight Alone cannot solve and rainbow powers aren't going to whisk away in a blast. Something involving teamwork and, you know, friendship lol  

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