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open Fallout Equestria: Aftermath (Rp)


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Comet couldn't help but smirk at Crackshot. He'd stayed relaxed, hanging back from the group to spectate the dramatic theatre piece unfolding before him. "Does this sort of thing happen to you a lot, grandpa?" He chuckled, looking at the number of fresh faces that had stumbled across the group before they'd even set another hoof up towards the mountains. "Because it kinda seems like you have a way of attracting all sorts of ponies."



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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"I'll tell you what's going on," he murmured, then narrowed his eyes at the Steel Ranger's helmet, "Soldier boy here's gonna help us take care of the raiders in the mountains."


His eyes scanned across the group as he added, "And we're all gonna keep civil and avoid shooting each other in the head. At least until this is all over."


I cocked my head slightly. Yea, like that's gonna happen. People here don't seem to be that interested in helping others unless it benefits theirselves... I understand that.


Upon hearing that the group might avoid shooting eachother, I mumbled about how that seemed impossible.


Art by DoeKitty

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Standing just outside of the Paladins EFS range, White took a final moment to think about the possible directions this could go. He wasn't worried for his own health, he could take a Single Star Paladin, with a bit of trouble. Since White was covering the cybernetics, they should be an issue, the Pipbuck he had was another story though. If he tried, he'd just ignore him until he made an aggressive physically advancement for it. That and the first part of the plan would be a fun little experiment. Taking a few steps closer to the back of the Paladin, White's own EFS marked the him on the compass as a hostile Red Target. So it should be the same on his, now he just stands and waits. For something. @@Ranger22,

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Comet couldn't help but smirk at Crackshot. He'd stayed relaxed, hanging back from the group to spectate the dramatic theatre piece unfolding before him. "Does this sort of thing happen to you a lot, grandpa?" He chuckled, looking at the number of fresh faces that had stumbled across the group before they'd even set another hoof up towards the mountains. "Because it kinda seems like you have a way of attracting all sorts of ponies."


Crackshot rolled his eyes at the pegasus's comment, but didn't speak up against it. Apparently, he was right - he had no idea how, but all these ponies had flocked to him to join this potential suicide mission.


"Every other week," he grumbled, and holstered his shotgun before turning to walk on down the road, "Let's move."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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The mare's response to my proposal was better than Hazelnut expected from a wastelander who clearly hated the Rangers. Ironically it seemed she was one of the more mature ponies in the group despite looking the youngest. Her protest to Hazelnut's joining was clear but it didn't seem like she would take any action, it still didn't hurt to be cautious however. The only other pony worth mentioning besides the irritating cyborg was the unicorn with the shotgun. He was confident and unflinching, the traits you usually found in an experienced wastelander. It looked like he called the shots, but it was never safe to assume anything.


    Hazelnut was just glad to have a team to help clear out these raiders, the amount of frustration he had to deal with due to the elder's insistence he go on this mission alone was astronomical. Fumbling through his pack Hazelnut pulled out the transmitter beacon he was given to place in the bunker after securing it from the White stings. He smiled, the elder could go buck himself for all he cared, the star paladin had a different plan in store for the place and the wastelanders were going to help unwittingly. Still, if the White stings were as numerous as some rumors say Hazelnut worried for his team's chances of survival. With their lack of protective gear all the enemy needed to do was set up a kill zone and they'd have little time to react before they were torn apart by the large amount of bullets. I'll just steer them towards the right direction, Hazelnut thought to himself.


    While thinking about the possible results of his mission Hazelnut barely noticed the red blip down on his Eyes forwards Sparkle. The fact he didn't acknowledged it sooner bothered him. His focus was off, and that was something that annoyed the veteran ranger. "Detected a hostile on my E.F.S!" Hazelnut shouted to his companions as he turned to face the red blip, the ranger's explosive weaponry ready to splatter whoever posed a threat.

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    While thinking about the possible results of his mission Hazelnut barely noticed the red blip down on his Eyes forwards Sparkle. The fact he didn't acknowledged it sooner bothered him. His focus was off, and that was something that annoyed the veteran ranger. "Detected a hostile on my E.F.S!" Hazelnut shouted to his companions as he turned to face the red blip, the ranger's explosive weaponry ready to splatter whoever posed a threat.

"Really? What do you see, Tin Can?" Kronos asked excitedly as he readied himself for combat, "I'm ready for a bloodbath!!" His eyes turned red as he re-opened his fresh, self-inflicted wound. He inhaled the scent of his re-sanguation, sending him into a frenzy as his head cracked from side to side. "C'MON!! LET'S RUMBLE!!!!"

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"Hey it worked. I had my doubts that it would but this is why we run tests on things is it not?" He held up his pipbuck had gave it a few taps. "30 years I've had this and I've only just figured out how to manipulate EFS to make me show up what colour I want. Damn I wish I figured this out sooner."


@@Ranger22 White put the .44 away and took several paces toward the ranger, until he ended up right at his side, "It's alright Star Paladin. I'll only ever kill you if you threaten me. And three, two, one." Taking a look back at the EFS, the Paladin had dropped to Green for White, if the same happened for the Paladin, well he'll find out later.


"So, two thing, can anyone fill me in on what I missed? And , if you threaten me again, directly or indirectly. I will make it my personal objective to rip out whatever organs you have and sell them to a clan of cannibals, using the rest of your body as decorations for my home."

Edited by Child Of Darkness

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"Hey it worked. I had my doubts that it would but this is why we run tests on things is it not?" He held up his pipbuck had gave it a few taps. "30 years I've had this and I've only just figured out how to manipulate EFS to make me show up what colour I want. Damn I wish I figured this out sooner."

@@Ranger22 White put the .44 away and took several paces toward the ranger, until he ended up right at his side, "It's alright Star Paladin. I'll only ever kill you if you threaten me. And three, two, one." Taking a look back at the EFS, the Paladin had dropped to Green for White, if the same happened for the Paladin, well he'll find out later.

"So, two thing, can anyone fill me in on what I missed? And , if you threaten me again, directly or indirectly. I will make it my personal objective to rip out whatever organs you have and sell them to a clan of cannibals, using the rest of your body as decorations for my home."

"Aww, come on," Kronos groaned, "When can I freakin......?" He took a few more deep breaths to calm himself down. He then took out a strange amulet from his cybernetic arm's storage compartment. He placed the amulet onto his chest and pressed it like a button. It gave a hiss and rendered Kronos into a docile and sane state. Kronos then commented with a suddenly calm tone and demeanor, "I'm terribly sorry for my enraged and seemingly psychopathic outburst at you, good sirs. I simply have a bad habit of, how can I put this, of having an insatiable bloodlust. However, this peculiar device..." He gestured over to his amulet, "Is a rather interesting one as it's coded specifically to my genetic structure, running diagnostics of any and all chemical activity of my current emotional and mental state, and takes proper measures to restabilize my sanity and physical health. Essentially, it's like an amulet-shaped portable doctor, standard issue with all Ragnarokian soldiers formerly utilized to treat patients with post-traumatic stress disorder and has been re-purposed for basic military and even civilian use. So, basically what I am saying, sir, is that as long as I have this ingenous device with me, no one would have to worry about me getting all psychotic and threatening on them."
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While thinking about the possible results of his mission Hazelnut barely noticed the red blip down on his Eyes forwards Sparkle. The fact he didn't acknowledged it sooner bothered him. His focus was off, and that was something that annoyed the veteran ranger. "Detected a hostile on my E.F.S!" Hazelnut shouted to his companions as he turned to face the red blip, the ranger's explosive weaponry ready to splatter whoever posed a threat.


Crackshot's aloof expression suddenly lit up with alertness, and he used his magic to slip the shotgun out from its holster and cocked it, aiming the same direction Hazelnut faced.



"So, two thing, can anyone fill me in on what I missed? And , if you threaten me again, directly or indirectly. I will make it my personal objective to rip out whatever organs you have and sell them to a clan of cannibals, using the rest of your body as decorations for my home."


He quickly relaxed as he realised who it was - the mare from before.

"Oh, it's you," he muttered, and holstered the weapon, "We've picked up a few new friends for the job. So where's this bunker you told us about?"



"Aww, come on," Kronos groaned, "When can I freakin......?" He took a few more deep breaths to calm himself down. He then took out a strange amulet from his cybernetic arm's storage compartment. He placed the amulet onto his chest and pressed it like a button. It gave a hiss and rendered Kronos into a docile and sane state. Kronos then commented with a suddenly calm tone and demeanor, "I'm terribly sorry for my enraged and seemingly psychopathic outburst at you, good sirs. I simply have a bad habit of, how can I put this, of having an insatiable bloodlust. However, this peculiar device..." He gestured over to his amulet, "Is a rather interesting one as it's coded specifically to my genetic structure, running diagnostics of any and all chemical activity of my current emotional and mental state, and takes proper measures to restabilize my sanity and physical health. Essentially, it's like an amulet-shaped portable doctor, standard issue with all Ragnarokian soldiers formerly utilized to treat patients with post-traumatic stress disorder and has been re-purposed for basic military and even civilian use. So, basically what I am saying, sir, is that as long as I have this ingenous device with me, no one would have to worry about me getting all psychotic and threatening on them."


"Funny that you never used that thing when you tried prying Hazelnut out of his can," he commented.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@@Unicorncob, "Right, The Bunker. Since we're going to be stopping in that place, it will take us about 2 hours. Tops. It should be getting dark by the time we get to it, we can decided on our next move once we've stocked up on ammo, mods, weapons and armour. This is where we say goodbye to the road now. It's all off road from here. We need to move north east, through the hills up to the base of the mountain. Hidden in a crevice is the hatch we use to get inside. I hope you're all okay with being underground, because its about 25 meters under the surface. It's really spacious and Luxurious believe me when I say that. Put something warm on, its going to get very cold from here on out. Two more things, Paladin, you mess with any of my stuff, try to take any of my tech, you're dead. I will not tolerate theft. Keep your ears to the ground and eyes open. Sting patrol this area and Scorpions roam freely around. It's dangerous and we can't let them see us, they run, the entire base knows where we are coming from, they die, we can hope that the base will blame it on wildlife."


White took lead of the mercs, taking them into the hills away from the road. The next part of the trip would be very high risk high reward. He didn't want to have to kill any of his gang, worst comes to worst he would have to. Either way, all way going according to his plans and not a one of them was all the wiser.

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@https://mlpforums.com/user/17121-child-of-darkness/, @https://mlpforums.com/user/36045-kronos/, @https://mlpforums.com/user/31802-unicorncob/


Hazelnut chuckled,"Your confidence in your own ability is commendable wastelander, whether it's bravado or overconfidence I have yet to find out." Hazelnut said jokingly to the newcomer. Threats aside the newcomer seemed to be known by the group, to what extent Hazelnut didn't know. She looked fairly aged and the way she carried herself oozed confidence, wastelanders who did that usually could back it up to some degree. Her E.F.S trick was neat but Hazelnut didn't particularly see its usefulness beside being a nuisance to the few who used E.F.S. The threat she posed was clear but like normal it didn't faze the star paladin, after all if a mare like her got him shaking in his boots Hazelnut would probably not have survived for 45 years. 


    The pipbuck the mare had was a brief if not shocking revelation. It was tempting to say the least, but Hazelnut didn't want to be left disappointed if he failed to acquire it so he didn't take action. That, and if Hazelnut was being honest with himself the marvel of a pipbuck sorta waned away over the years. What truly intrigued Hazelnut was how a group of wastelanders even obtained the advanced technology they had, maybe he had to do a bit of digging if the time presented itself. As soon as the thought came to mind Kronos as Hazelnut now knew started a monologue about the strange item he hold in his hoof and its significance to ponies of Ragnorokian decent. The fact that such useful technology never saw wide spread use among equestrian soldiers greatly angered the star paladin for evidence suggested the traumas of war plagued the pre-war equestrian military personnel. Kronos spoke of Ragnorokian soldiers being some of the best, but Hazelnut never had found any historical or modern information to support this. If they were anything like what he'd seen out of Kronos the term soldier wouldn't have applied to them, Hazelnut wondered if there was a word that meant booth foolhardy and stupidly bloodthirsty.


    The unicorn with the shotgun made mention of a bunker when he talked to the mare next to me. The word bunker stuck out from the sentence like an alicorn in a group of ponies. She knows about the bunker? Hazelnut thought to himself. Whether or not it was the bunker he was looking for didn't matter, he didn't want to take any risk. Hazlenut wanted his message to his elder to be as clear as it could possibly could be, in order to do that he had to be patient and work with the wastelanders. The mare however began to explain our next move. It would seem her bunker had stuff worth looting however she made it clear that wasn't something she would tolerate. Hazelnut merely snorted at the threat, as he considered the patrols she mentioned. "I doubt you have anything we rangers don't have, besides I don't want to break our little truce as soon as it began." Hazelnut responded before following the mare into the hills.

Edited by Ranger22
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@@Child Of Darkness


Gun mods and ammo, eh? Sounds great. Always need ammo, especially .44 rounds, and maybe I can finally get another bull-barrel armor-piercing .44 Magnum. Maybe even a scope, if I feel like it. I just hope I don't have to pay for anything...


"How much armor exactly do you think we'll need?" Foray asked, herself being completely unprotected in any way. As a pony who relied primarily on simply not being detected, she'd wear some light armor if necessary, but anything loud or heavy would impair her motions. "And do you have warm clothing at this bunker of yours?"


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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@@Meson Bolt,"In terms of how much armour we will need, hopefully not much. Leather should suffice or metal if you're into that heavy armour stuff. If this all goes perfectly we won't even be getting shot at. That's most likely not going to happen though, so best be prepared for a fire fight. Warm clothes? I should have some lying about the place. I mean it is a pre war military grade safe house, so they would have had a solution for a lot of scenarios and the resources for such scenarios following total nuclear destruction. Lot of good that did them, when I found the bunker they were nothing but a bunch Feral Ghouls. Old and withered."


@@Ranger22, "Ha, you Ranger types are all the same. You'd go crazy over a working terminal. I wonder how you'd react to seeing an set of model of your precious T-60 not under your control. Or better yet, one of the X-01 model made by the Enclave in working order. God you are going to get so angry when you see what Sting have under their control. I cannot wait. Oh and on the topic of confidence or bravado." White picked out a little pouch from his saddle bag, it made a little metal clinking noise as he held it. He threw it to the Ranger, inside the bag was Brotherhood Holo Tags. 12 in total. 5 Knights, 3 Scribes, 2 Paladins, 1 Star Paladin and 1 Sentinel. "Its called confidence, and this is my proof. Keep them, they deserve to be respected." No amount of fancy words could hide the fact that this was indeed an attempt to provoke the Paladin. This was the only bump in the road and the only one who could possibly pose somewhat threatening. That and White simply loved the fact that he could show off in this way.

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@@Child Of Darkness


Foray listened carefully and nodded in understanding. Even though she prided herself in being prepared for almost any mission, she had to admit that mountain climbing wasn't her expertise. In truth, for the past three years she had been wandering the Des Manes basin, better known now as the Domain. As such, she was used to high temperatures at low elevation, so she needed all the help she could get.


Listening in on the banter between the Paladin and White simply made her chuckle, especially the part about the power armor. She imagined what the Hazelnut would do if he came across a functional set of the experimental Leviathan-Class Power armor, or L-01 model. A small handful of these prototypes had been discovered in a research facility near Los Pegasus, and though only the strongest of male earth ponies could use them, they were massively formidable in the Second War of Aggression. As such, Foray had learned to fear any pony wearing the L-01 model, although she hadn't any idea of the other two models White mentioned.


Shrugging off a shudder that had descended over her as she thought about the Levis, she asked, "So how about gun mods? I bet you've got a workbench there. I still need parts for a bull barrel and muzzle brake for a .44 magnum. And some ammo for it would also be nice, you can never have too much.


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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Crackshot walked on, letting the mare lead the way to the bunker.


As he walked, he ran through strategies in his head on how to challenge the Raiders, given their incredible setup. They sounded more like professional mercenaries than a typical gang.


"We need a sniper and a spotter," he murmured to himself, "Stealth Bucks... somepony to remove the Power Armour's fusion core... silencers... and who do I get to do what..."


His head was lowered as he racked his brain for ideas.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@@Meson Bolt, "Oh, I've got gun mods a plenty. A lot of them pre built, but I have supplies for everything you can dream of. If their's anything you can't build, you need just ask me, I can build a few things, but I specialise in building and customising armours. That's more fun. But back on topic, I'm sure you can find enough materials lying about to build whatever you will desire. If you have the skill to build it is another story. But I may have an old pre built one. Ah, we'll find out what we get won't we."

Edited by Child Of Darkness

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    The pipbuck wielding stallion's advice on protection was fairly questionable, leather armor offered protection against blades and pistol rounds, but the thick leather easily wore out its wearer in the heat of battle and was worthless against higher calibers they were most likely going to face. Metal armor was almost impervious to blades and it also had guaranteed protection for at least one 5.56mm or similar rifle round. However its protection value was not worth the weight it had, the mare was best off wearing a proper combat vest or staying in the back of the group if anything else.


    Before Hazelnut could respond to the stallion's suggestion he responded to my earlier comments with a similar speech similar to Foray. Most of it was ignorable if not annoying, however his comment about the White stings peaked some interest. The comment left of an impression that the stallion either encountered the group before or had close dealings with them, Hazelnut thought as his probability implant began pumping information into his brain. He had to report this news to the closest rangers he could find if somepony else didn't already find out. Best case scenario they were just a well equipped group of raiders, worst case scenario they'd be facing another Red eye. If a threat like that ever showed itself once more the ranger contingents would probably send reinforcements and wage war.  


    Hazelnut's train of thought was disrupted by the sight of a bag of holotags down at his hooves. He stood there for a brief moment before rage and fury engulfed his thoughts. Twelve, twelve members of his order...his family laid dead and their killer was a few feet in front of him. He wanted to kill him, he wanted to let loose every weapon in his arsenal and make sure there was nothing left resembling a pony. Hazelnut's missile pod opened up revealing four tandem-charged missiles and his grenade machine gun made a whirring sound as it primed to fire. Aiming down his visor sight Hazelnut almost let loose his firepower before a memory reminded the paladin of his hypocrisy. Hazelnut had done the same to far more innocent ponies before, he made ponies feel the same grief he had felt if not more. The thought stuck in his mind caused Hazelnut to start feeling a strange pressure in his throat.


    Hazelnut lowered his weaponry before taking a deep breath and collecting the now tainted tags. "Thank you, I need a reminder," the paladin said in a surprisingly relieved tone. Whats done was done and the chance the rangers instigated hostility themselves brought some comfort to the elderly ranger. What he despised however was using lives to prove a point, especially one as altruistic as skill. Trying to take his mind off of the tags he began thinking on how the team was going to deal with the White stings, fortunately it seemed they already had one. Hearing a few tidbits from Crackshot Hazelnut decided to pitch in his own ideas,"A pony sneaking around would be redundant now that you have me. My munitions are suited to take out any armored threat we face, that and suppressing large numbers is doable thanks to my grenade machinegun. Do with that information as you wish, I'm looking forward to seeing your tactical prowess." Hazelnut stated to the unicorn before walking off to scan the horizon for any patrols.

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@@Ranger22, "Oh yeah, I forgot. You weren't around for the talk earlier. Let me tell you something tough guy. You pop a fraction of your head out of cover and you'll have .50 Sniper Rifles firing at you with extreme precision. I don't know how many exactly, but they're numerous. So you think you and your short to mid ranged projectile based weaponry can take on a firing squad  of Sniper Spotters with .50 Rifles? Half of me wants you too just so I can see that smug attitude washed away, but the sensible part of me that wants to survive doesn't so you don't alert the whole base. I'll fill you in with all the details about what we're going up against once we're at the bunker. For as impressive as your information network is, you clearly don't know a lot about these guys. I've had many close dealing with them and close encounters with death because of them. I know a lot of information that is very valuable to you. So don't do anything that goes against my orders, got it? Right, now lets pick up the pace, we've been lucky not to see anything so far. We may make it in a lot shorter time than I originally planned. Possibly not though."


Meanwhile, further up the mountains.


WS Sniper: "Do you see them?"


WS Spotter: "Got 'em, they're crossing the hills, heading north west coming from the road junction between Outpost T and R-7, I can't get a good distance on them but far, max view distance for 12x scope. We got one more coming than what was in The Queen's Pet's message. Looks like a Star Paladin from what I can see according to his armour Decal. Must be a recent joiner. Anyway, we confirmed their position just like the Pet asked. We'll shift about patrols. Double them for the night time, and give them higher grade weapons. That should give Pet enough of a reason to keep them in for the night. We need more time to prepare."


WS Sniper: "What was the plan again, 3 of the Sniper units are to remain here as bait. Volunteers only. While the other nests are being replaced by traitors set for execution? That way we only loose 6 good men when compared to our entire unit? Well no one is being forced to do it, I don't like seeing my friends, my brothers die, but we knew what we signed up for in this family."


WS Spotter: "Crazy world we live in isn't it? We're done following them now. Send the Pet's toy robot back to his safe house. Let's get back to watching our usual areas."


WS Sniper: "Alright bro, I'll send the message down. Plus, you do realise if Pet caught us calling him that, he would really not be happy with us."


WS Spotter: "That's why its just a joke in out Unit."


Using a variety of physical gestures, a sign language they use to communicate relatively long distance, the people tasked with maintaining everything electronic sent the little Eyebot on its way back to the bunker. It should arrive long enough before the mercs do as to avoid being seen coming from the mountains.

Edited by Child Of Darkness

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    "If you have further knowledge on the enemy I request you share that information with everyone our party as soon as possible. Failing to do so may lead to unfortunate accidents like the ones you mentioned. You sharing this information means I now know the White stings have weaponry fatal to all of us and to watch out for any positions suitable for a weapon that has an effective range of 1800 meters. Communication is a two way street, don't make it any more difficult than it has to be. As of right now I want to help you and I can't do that if you don't give me all of the information. The rangers have been too busy fighting each other or regaining lost territory so I apologize if I'm ignorant to this new Red eye. I'll follow your orders for now but if I find something clearly disadvantages I will be insubordinate." Hazelnut mouthed back to the stallion who seemed to irradiate a sense of pride in his knowledge, that might of been just him generally disliking the pony though. What made Hazelnut chuckle a little bit was the ponies warning about anti-machine rifles. Being a ranger from Fillydelphia that was the norm when facing the griffons Red eye hired.

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Hearing a few tidbits from Crackshot Hazelnut decided to pitch in his own ideas,"A pony sneaking around would be redundant now that you have me. My munitions are suited to take out any armored threat we face, that and suppressing large numbers is doable thanks to my grenade machinegun. Do with that information as you wish, I'm looking forward to seeing your tactical prowess." Hazelnut stated to the unicorn before walking off to scan the horizon for any patrols.


Crackshot's ear perked up as Hazelnut pitched in an idea for him. Power Armour was a serious bullet sponge, true, but his main issue were the snipers and spotters. How could he take them out before they spotted him?


"If his suit can withstand sniper fire," he mumbled, "could he maybe... unless if there's some Stealth Bucks... binoculars..."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Kronos was fiddling with his amulet. He cycled it with his claw. "No. No. No. No. Oh, hell no." he said as he looked at what seemed like options cycling through his amulet. "Raf tal fracturak!" he grunted angrily in his native tongue before shutting off his amulet's functions. "No vishtibal. This thing cant help us with stealth of all things." Suddenly, he got a notification via his amulet. He tried suppressing the noise it made as much as possible by burying it in his saddlebags. He went over to another secluded area. When he assumed that he was alone, he pulled his amulet back out and began communicating through it. "Hello?" He asked.


"Greetings, General." The contact replied, "we've got your upgrades. Your hydraulic joint upgrades as well as your requested power armor."


"It's that one particular model I requested, right?"


"Unfortunately, no sir. You must understand, your particular order of power armor is rather unique amongst the vast inventory of power armor at the kingdom's arsenal. So, as a result, we've got a different option for you: the Experimental Juggernaut Armor, Mk. 1. Will that suffice?"


"That'll do. Am I at a usable and secure drop point?"


"Yes sir, you indeed are, however..."


"However what?"


"There appears to be hostiles around the area according to your proximity scanner. We are aware that there are other foreign individuals around you, but they've been confirmed as friendly. It's the other raiders that seem to be in the way of our drop. Take them out and we can make the drop. Is that clear, sir?"


"Understood. Over and out."

Edited by Kronos
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Foray rolled her eyes as the communications were easy for her to overhear. Sidling up next to Kronos, she said quietly, "Um, unless your friend is planning on dropping your armor in via absolutely-silent-invisible-and-undetectable-aircraft -- and not by... I dunno, helicopter or something -- you're gonna alert the entire freaking base to our presence. And I have a feeling that's not what you wanna do."


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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'Lupus!' Said Sheila. 'According to my scanners, theyre heading in our direction. I think we might be near something that they're after. I suggest looking around.' "Good idea Sheila!" Lupus said, "I should see if there's something around here, maybe a weapons stash!" After a few minutes of searching he found a pair of metal double doors in the ground. "A bunker!" He said in awe, "I wonder if it's locked..."

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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Foray rolled her eyes as the communications were easy for her to overhear. Sidling up next to Kronos, she said quietly, "Um, unless your friend is planning on dropping your armor in via absolutely-silent-invisible-and-undetectable-aircraft -- and not by... I dunno, helicopter or something -- you're gonna alert the entire freaking base to our presence. And I have a feeling that's not what you wanna do."

"You really think this amulet is the only piece of advanced technology the Ragnarokian empire is capable of?" Kronos asked with a raised eyebrow. He knew Foray would give a similar gesture in response. "Okay, how 'bout this," Kronos proposed, "You keep this secret of mine under wraps, especially from Star Paladin Asshole over there and I'll let you in on some of the tech I'm getting. Who knows? Maybe part of the tech shipment is a new cybernetic ear that's extremely resiliant to sonic attacks. Besides, I'm getting my shipment via Ragnarokian Crusier, the most discreet form of transportation of equipment Ragarok's got. On top of that, all Ragnarokian ships in its fleet have stealth capabilities, including photo-reflective panels and heat emission cloaks. How 'bout it?" Edited by Kronos
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Casting furtive glances on the others to ensure they weren't being eavesdropped on, Foray turned back towards Kronos and continued speaking in hushed tones, so quietly that she was sure only Kronos and herself could hear.


"Call me crazy, but I highly doubt custom-fitted cybernetic ears come with sets of power armor. Besides that..." she glanced up at her bad ear a moment. "I've kinda taken a liking to this one, even though it's bad. Makes me look a bit tougher, don'tcha think?" She finished her statement with a wink and a gentle nudge -- so gentle that he probably didn't feel it.


"But as long as you're giving out goodies, a coat or something would be nice. Not too heavy, I wanna be able to run if I need to, but... y'know, something to keep me from the freezing cold?"


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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