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open Slice of Life Anthro RP


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"Greetings, Mary," Kronos replied in a sudden change of tone and demeanor that wasn't confrontational when he noticed the nervousness in Mary's voice, "I'm Kronos. I'm a wandering musician. Kind of one of those drifter types, y'know? Doesnt stay in one place for long but still the one that everyone talks about? You probably haven't heard of me yet. I'm pretty new around here. And I'm single. Wait, what, where did that come from? Nevermind that last bit."


"You're lonely." Blob squeaked as he squirmed his way out of the slit of Kronos' Guitassboard case.


"Thanks, Blob," Kronos replied sarcastically, "you've always been my wingcolt. Ugh."

Her mind was racing she could not think of what to do or what to say. She was somewhat intimidated by him and couldn't think properly. "Um... I... I have to go." She looked back at the rat, "Thanks Denise. See you tomorrow." She took her game and put on the Shine Sprite cap, exiting the store. She went home to get prepared for tomorrow.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Denise looked over and saw the newcomer entering the shop. She nodded at her with a grin.

"Welcome to The Black Gate," she greeted, "Have a look around and gimme a shout if you need me."


Geez, I'm gonna have that on my tombstone.


She couldn't help but grin at all the business. She was actually getting a good day! Yeah, she was definitely getting to keep the place.

The black gate? I know that from somewhere.


I nodded to the person while smiling and went to look around instead of finding a place to sit down. This place was interesting, and I began hoping I'd find something to read, watch, or otherwise use for my enjoyment.


Art by DoeKitty

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Well if that's an offer I may have to take it up. That's what Ryo was thinking when he felt a Sharp tug on his ear. 


"My brother wasn't thinking about ditching me to get and watch the Bikini contest was he?"


"Ow, Shizuko that hurts. No I wasn't I promise. Come on, let get of my ear please."


"Hmpf. Bro, I will tell you this right now, if you don't go to that contest tomorrow, you lose your credentials are both a nerd and a man."


"And what gives you the authority to revoke those? Besides, you're 11. How do you understand how the mind of an Adult works?"


"I don't. You're just saying that to make me look like a little pervert. I'm young, I don't know about things like that."


"I can smell the Sarcasm on your voice its that potent. And Ice Cream. You sure you're not going to be sick."




"Whatever. You're tired, so lets get you back home. First thing in the morning, we're running the store and buying a stockpile of everything non perishable. Then eating some of it. Then we can go the festival and have some money to spend on what ever we wish. Well more like what you wish. Spoiled child."


"And who's fault is that?"


"Mine." Still carrying his sister on his back, the two of them decided to take a long walk around town as opposed to going straight home. See some of the scenery while they could.

Edited by Child Of Darkness
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Blitz closed his eyes and felt a knot tighten in his stomach. Family wasn't exactly a topic he was fond of, but he needed to give Kerrigan an answer "No. It's just me and a hawk that I hired to help with the farm." He said. "As for my home having a horde, it's well hidden and it isn't something that can be accessed easily by anyone I don't trust. That's probably a given, though."


"Is that a sufficient labor force to perform all the tasks required? It may be of benefit to hire additional help. I know of a particularly strong Diamond Dog who has proven quite useful in assisting me, and has very reasonable rates. I could give you his contact information, if you are interested," Kerrigan said, willing herself not to seize on the subtle hesitation in his response. It was a sore topic, it seemed, and as she was not here to put her doctorate to use, it didn't seem appropriate to dwell on it. Aside from that, it was pleasant to have another dragon to converse with, which struck her as somewhat odd since she had no real compunction to be with her own kind. Kerrigan preferred quiet solitude or professional dispassion, it was far easier to maintain control of her surroundings when nobody else shared them, or when she was the dominant member of the hierarchy.


She nodded subtly as he spoke of his well hidden treasures- it was a dragon's nature, after all, and in the nature vs nurture debate one could not simply dismiss nature outright. To try and fight one's biology was an exercise in futility, and could cause all manner of problems. "I understand. Dragons cannot be anything but dragons, after all. It would be shocking if you did not," she said, before stretching her arms up in front of her. It was really an ideal day for basking- she found herself glad that she had not brought her work with her after all, the chance to do nothing but indulge in the delightfully toasty environment without distraction was something she rarely afforded herself. And even having company was actually rather nice.


A pity with the festival coming up so quickly she would not be able to do so again until it was over, and perhaps even a few days after that so that there would not be any stragglers or overly affectionate mammals cluttering up her favorite basking spot. There were few things more annoying than coming her for a good bask and seeing some amorous mammals enmeshed in courtship rituals. "If you will pardon my saying so, the inflection in your voice suggests that taking care of the family farm is a source of stress for you. Have you thought about taking up a hobby as a means of relaxation? I myself raise carnivorous flora and tend bonsai- any tree can be a bonsai if cared for properly. It also serves to unnerve any student who has misbehaved to the point that my intervention is necessary- the psychological effect of being confronted by a reptilian predator surrounded by predatory plant life and unnaturally sized trees sets them on edge enough that a subtle push will have demonstrably effective results in altering problematic behavior. Which I am glad to say is a rare occurrence past freshman year. Students find themselves in an environment that does not tolerate the kinds of subconscious rabble rousing they had previously spent their entire school years engaging in," Kerrigan said, mentally picturing the last time she had been sent a problematic student. Foxes thought themselves so clever and witty, but one withering stare punctuated with a little puff of smoke exhaled from her nostrils without any change in expression or a single word spoken had been enough to convince him to knock it off- at least in school. What he did outside of it was none of her concern.


Kerrigan found herself having all but exhausted the usual small-talk conversational topics. While she would not be opposed to basking in silence, it was considered a social faux pas to ignore company- and from the conversation thus far, Kerrigan surmised that Blitz had appropriated a few mammalian cultural norms during his life that would make doing so unpleasant. While she was not exactly a social butterfly, neither was she intentionally rude. "I myself moved here from a far more hectic living arrangement as well. While I find psychology fascinating- hence the doctorate- the frenetic pace of urban life and the endless tide of patients with the same neuroses was... not what I had envisioned. I much prefer the laissez faire lifestyle here. Nobody goes poking around in my affairs unless I specifically invite them to. That, and the climate suits me. I find it easy to be content here, and solitude is easy to come by. It is simply not possible to find solitude in an urban environment."

Edited by captainborgue
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Apep managed to stand back up and helped the hawk that had knocked her down pick up her books. "It's ok. This is the second time that's happened to me today, though. It must be me." She said, giving a slight laugh. "My name is Apep, by the way."




Blitz nodded slightly at Kerrigan's offer and listened to her for a bit, before responding. "I do have a few hobbies that help with the stress." He said. "This just so happens to be one of them, granted I would normally go to the small patch of forest on my farm. I'm glad I decided to come here, though. After all, I did meet you." The dragon then gave a slight smirk as he flipped onto his back. He was enjoying the conversation he was having with Kerrigan, but he wasn't really interested in starting a relationship with her. It would probably be best if they were just friends.

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Apep nodded slightly and handed the money to the rat behind the counter. "Yeah, it's a real shame to. At least I know where to get them now." She said, before giving a light smile. "I'll see you at the festival tomorrow." With that, the snake left the store, a smile on her face.


"Well now I know someone else to geek out about it with," Denise snorted, and waved Apep off, "Later."



Her mind was racing she could not think of what to do or what to say. She was somewhat intimidated by him and couldn't think properly. "Um... I... I have to go." She looked back at the rat, "Thanks Denise. See you tomorrow." She took her game and put on the Shine Sprite cap, exiting the store. She went home to get prepared for tomorrow.


She nodded and waved off her apparent new friend. "Laters."



The black gate? I know that from somewhere.


I nodded to the person while smiling and went to look around instead of finding a place to sit down. This place was interesting, and I began hoping I'd find something to read, watch, or otherwise use for my enjoyment.


The rat grinned back and went back to ringing up the cost of Kronos's order.


"By the way, fifty-three bucks altogether for this stuff."




Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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The rat grinned back and went back to ringing up the cost of Kronos's order.


"By the way, fifty-three bucks altogether for this stuff."



"Oh, okay," Kronos replied as he grabbed his wallet, "Uh, would this cover it?" He pulled out a bunch of bits he earned from his previous performances.


"Are you sure she'll take gold over cash?" Blob asked.


"That's why I'm asking, genius." Kronos replied before turning to Denise, "So, uh, you accept bits? It's okay ti say no cuz I can easily convert this to cash at the bank."

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Blitz nodded slightly at Kerrigan's offer and listened to her for a bit, before responding. "I do have a few hobbies that help with the stress." He said. "This just so happens to be one of them, granted I would normally go to the small patch of forest on my farm. I'm glad I decided to come here, though. After all, I did meet you." The dragon then gave a slight smirk as he flipped onto his back. He was enjoying the conversation he was having with Kerrigan, but he wasn't really interested in starting a relationship with her. It would probably be best if they were just friends.


Kerrigan nodded in agreement. "There are two major advantages to this particular basking spot- one being that sun exposure is not obscured by foliage, and the other being that there is no vegetation that can inadvertently be set alight. If I sneeze, it's not going to require the local fire department's assistance," Kerrigan said, before letting out a long gout of flames. It felt good to let the fire out every now and again- after all, there was hardly ever any need for it at any other time. "The downside being that the festival is going to make getting any quiet basking in most difficult, indeed. Another reason I had to get it done today. There are priorities to be met, after all," she added, propping herself up on her elbows and firing off another massive plume of flames.


She watched the plume dissipate over the lake, leaving a faint grey sooty outline in its wake before that too was cleared away by a slight breeze. She had not had a chance to 'flame up' for a while, and had not been aware of just how much she missed it. It felt cathartic, like a strenuous workout after a stressful day. She took a deep breath, and let out another, subtly altering the flow and direction, listening to the rushing sound like that of a propane torch as the heat surge displaced the air in front of it. She licked her lips afterwards to remove the sooty trace that lay over her mouth like ash black lipstick, and laid back down. "That was pleasant. Fortunate that there are no migrating birds at this time, burnt feathers have a most displeasing odor."


Something was itching in the back of her mind about the way he had said 'After all, I did meet you', Kerrigan rolled the phrasing around in her mind, trying to get a lock on the intent behind it. There was the possibility that it was intended as flirtation, but that seemed fairly remote- Kerrigan was older, more formal in manner, and to her knowledge had not given any sign of flirtation towards him whatsoever.  Granted he was in the youthful stage of development and may have misinterpreted her intentions, but that seemed a weak explanation for a weak premise. Truth of it was, it sounded more grateful than anything else, like the idea of meeting another dragon and getting a chance to talk about "dragony things" was itself such an odd occurrence as to merit this kind of interaction. Or perhaps being a dragon had nothing to do with it, and he found himself lacking a social circle, having had to move back into an environment such as this.


"Well met indeed," she said, as a means of stalling to give herself an opportunity to broach the subject. Kerrigan was not the social type, but she also had no desire to be beyond her work and errands. There were a few places in town that knew her, and a few residents she was cordial with, and that is as far as her desire for social interaction went. The concept of needing friends was foreign to her, though she knew full well that most creatures did not share her aloof attitude in that regard. "How long have you been back, if you don't mind my asking? While it is not my intention to pry into your affairs, I must say that something in the tone or your voice sounds almost as though you miss having company- or as the mammals put it, 'the magic of Friendship'. I fully admit that it has been so long since I closed my practice, and I can count how many dragons came to it on one hand, that it is possible I am misinterpreting. However, I would be a poor excuse for company if I noticed, and did not make mention, of the push-pull dynamic going on. I personally do not engage in misinformation or intentional omission as far as I can help it. Which is a long, circuitous, and 'fancy talk' way of asking if you have made any friends here since your arrival. Aside from myself, as I would consider this interaction to be sufficiently casual as to warrant use of the term friendly to describe it."

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@Drago Ryder


Scarlet nodded slightly and took a few seconds to look over the snake. She did look familiar, but the hawk honestly had no idea where she had seen her. "It's nice to meet you, Apep. I'm Scarlet." She said, before picking up the last bit of manga that Apep dropped. "Yeah. Sorry about running into you, and don't worry. I don't judge people by what they read."

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Apep blushed slightly and smiled. "Thanks. You wouldn't believe how many people bash this type of thing." She said.




Blitz shifted slightly as Kerrigan expelled her flame. "Yeah, that's understandable." He said. In all honesty, Blitz had lost his flame a long time ago and he hadn't gotten it back since. Ok, he didn't really lose it. It was just that he was to scared to use it. The dragon then gave a slight smile as he stood and stretched his wings. He would lay back down eventually, but he didn't want the two things that kept him in the air to cramp up. "I came back to Amber Crust during the winter of last year and I do have a few friends. I just haven't talked to them in a while." There was someone the dragon wanted to talk to more than anything else, but he knew that it would be best if they met on his terms.

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Apep blushed slightly and smiled. "Thanks. You wouldn't believe how many people bash this type of thing." She said.




Blitz shifted slightly as Kerrigan expelled her flame. "Yeah, that's understandable." He said. In all honesty, Blitz had lost his flame a long time ago and he hadn't gotten it back since. Ok, he didn't really lose it. It was just that he was to scared to use it. The dragon then gave a slight smile as he stood and stretched his wings. He would lay back down eventually, but he didn't want the two things that kept him in the air to cramp up. "I came back to Amber Crust during the winter of last year and I do have a few friends. I just haven't talked to them in a while." There was someone the dragon wanted to talk to more than anything else, but he knew that it would be best if they met on his terms.

Kerrigan noticed the awkward shifting after her pyrotechnic display. She raised an eyebrow ridge curiously, he seemed anxious. "Perhaps it would be of benefit to socialize with them, as well? Though I appreciate the company, you seem distracted at the mention of them. Were you anything but a dragon, I would conclude that the display of fire-breathing would have caused discomfort. The other possibility that comes to mind is a possible flame envy, but I have not been in the presence of sufficient numbers of dragons to make an accurate assessment. The festival would provide a sufficiently sociable occasion for it. I will be attending simply to ensure a return on my investment. A good party will allow the student body to get all their shenanigans out of their systems," she said, with an uncharacteristic smile.


Her phone chimed, indicating time to roll over. Kerrigan stood, stretched, and flapped the sand off her wings before shifting a couple feet and laying back down on her stomach, with her arms crossed under her head. "An impressive show of willpower, moving in winter. I despize winter intensely, though Amber Crust is much more mild than previous places I have lived in. Were it not for electrically heated clothing, I would have gone into a dormant state more than once. I still shudder to think of the list of errands I would require after three months of dormancy."

Edited by captainborgue
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@@Chip Circuit, Gemma lost no time, but took Malfoy to her study where she painted and where her paintings were kept. They ranged from humourous scenes to fantasy to still life and abstract; Gemma liked to try out a lot of different styles. She hoped that Malfoy would like the paintings; she didn't show a lot of people her paintings as she hated it when people made silly remarks, or acted surprised like they assumed that all she'd ever be would be big boobs, long hair and a pretty face.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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Blitz gave a slight laugh and nodded. "I actually planned on attending the festival with the hawk I mentioned earlier." He said. The dragon then laid down on his back and felt his tense muscles finally relax against the warm sand. "Yeah. The move wasn't easy, but sometimes it's necessary to go out of your comfort zone. Either way, despite it's size, this place is special. It's such a diverse town, with a wide variety of animals, even if not everyone gets along.

Edited by Drago Ryder
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@Pripyat Pony


Malfoy followed along with Gemma and soon found that he was led to smaller room with paintings lining the walls along with painting supplies and surfacing where she would work.


Malfoy walked forward from beside Gemma, his tail wagging as he eyes the paintings. "These are really cool, and you just have these sitting in here gathering dust? You should sell them online, I'm sure you'd have no problem getting a good sum of money for them all." He said smiling before his head turned and fixated on one in particular that depicted a large feral dragon stepping over the ruins of a castle.


"Oooh... " he cooed as he picked it up to examine it. "I really like this one, could you hold this one for me?"

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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@@Chip Circuit, Smiling with delight, cuz Malfoy had picked the painting that she had privately thought was the best of her collection, Gemma replied, "Sure. I'll leave it here when I take the others. Actually, I had thought of selling online; that's why I wanted to have an exhibition at the festival. Sort of testing the waters, to see if anyone's interested in my art."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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"Oh, okay," Kronos replied as he grabbed his wallet, "Uh, would this cover it?" He pulled out a bunch of bits he earned from his previous performances.

"Are you sure she'll take gold over cash?" Blob asked.

"That's why I'm asking, genius." Kronos replied before turning to Denise, "So, uh, you accept bits? It's okay ti say no cuz I can easily convert this to cash at the bank."


Denise blinked as she looked at the gold coins. Bits, did he call them? She counted the coins in his hand and pulled out her phone. "One sec.


She pulled up a currency converter app and typed in some digits. "Uhh, bits... dollars..."


She nodded and put her phone away, and took the bits. "That'll cover it. Thanks man."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@Pripyat Pony


"awesome, this is a great painting." Malfoy said with a smile as his tail continued to wag more vigorously.


"why wouldn't anyone love your art, you're very talented." He said smiling with a slight chuckle. "consider me your first satisfies customer."


He sat the painting back down for now until he had the money to buy it.

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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Denise blinked as she looked at the gold coins. Bits, did he call them? She counted the coins in his hand and pulled out her phone. "One sec.



She pulled up a currency converter app and typed in some digits. "Uhh, bits... dollars..."


She nodded and put her phone away, and took the bits. "That'll cover it. Thanks man."

"Sweet, thanks," Kronos replied as he departed from the store, "Catchya girls later, maybe."


Blob wriggled his stub at them saying "Bye-bye" as they went out the door.


"Okay, so, still got some more cash left to get something to eat. Let's check out that coffee shop. There's bound to be a lot of other....individuals there." Kronos said as he spotted the coffee shop, "Let's see if we can entertain ourselves some patrons."

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Blitz gave a slight laugh and nodded. "I actually planned on attending the festival with the hawk I mentioned earlier." He said. The dragon then laid down on his back and felt his tense muscles finally relax against the warm sand. "Yeah. The move wasn't easy, but sometimes it's necessary to go out of your comfort zone. Either way, despite it's size, this place is special. It's such a diverse town, with a wide variety of animals, even if not everyone gets along.

Kerrigan modded in agreement. "I agree, one cannot excel if they do not leave their comfort zone. Nothing ventured, nothing gained after all," she said.


"It is likely I will see you at the festival, in that case. This hawk you mentioned- is he or she a cohabitant with you at the farm? I ask merely out of curiosity, of course. Festivals such as this one are commonly used for romantic intentions or to foster more intimate relationships on a low pressure environment. Cohabitation in a purely platonic sense may be complicated by attending such an event if one party views it as a date and the other does not. This is all speculation of course, I do not intend to make any assumptions about your personal life uninvited," Kerrigan mused idly.


Thus far, the two of them were the only ones present at the lake, which would certainly not be the case tomorrow. She would likely have to skip basking altogether, which was a disappointing thought.

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@Drago Ryder


Scarlet nodded slightly and gave a slight smile. "Yeah, animals do that when it comes to things they don't understand." She said. "Anyway, have I seen you before? You look familiar." The hawk then moved so that she was standing in front of Apep so that she could clearly see her face, but nothing seemed to really click.

Edited by Acnologia
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(Anyone whats to @ me be my guest)


Crystal was in the general store for some time as she sorted out all sorts of supplies from the shop owner then he closed for a while as the pair push trolleys back towards the area where she was staying with her squad but they were quite heavy with all the stuffs on them and she and the owner were making poor progress through the town... 

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Avatar Credits: Yakovlev-vad

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Blitz mentally slapped himself and sighed. "I hadn't thought about that." He said, feeling like an idiot. The dragon had asked Scarlet to something like that, and he had no idea how she even thought about him. Then again, she had accepted, so Either she was as clueless as he was when it came to the festival, or she did harbor some feeling for him. Given their short interactions with each other, he was betting on the former.




Apep noticed that Scarlet was acting weird, but decided that it would be best to not ask her about that. "I've done a few pieces of art and online literature, granted they were under a different name." She said. The snake also reminded herself to sign up for the bikini contest and to show a bit of her art at the festival tomorrow. She didn't know how some would take it, but figured that it was worth it for the possible publicity.

Edited by Drago Ryder
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Julia woke up to find she had slept in way past the time she was supposed to wake up and get ready for school...she quickly gt dressed and removed the screen from her window, she tossed her backpack, then jumped out and put the screen back on the window. if she hurried she could probably get to school in time for at least a few classes.

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Blitz mentally slapped himself and sighed. "I hadn't thought about that." He said, feeling like an idiot. The dragon had asked Scarlet to something like that, and he had no idea how she even thought about him. Then again, she had accepted, so Either she was as clueless as he was when it came to the festival, or she did harbor some feeling for him. Given their short interactions with each other, he was betting on the former.

Kerrigan nodded with a wry smile. "One of the benefits of being friends with a renowned expert in the field of psychology," Kerrigan said, tooting her own horn a bit. "I would suggest making an effort to determine the nature of your interactions with him or her prior to participation in events that could easily be construed as a date. Unless of course, that was the plan in the first place. Avians and reptiles are very similar biologically, it would make sense to pursue an avian mate if that is your intent," Kerrigan added, leaning up on her elbows to get a better look at him for the purpose of gauging his reaction.


"I am operating under the conclusion that this casual interaction denotes a friendly banter. It is not my normal process to make such assumptions, but as you have been forthright with me I see no reason to obfuscate with you. Additionally, I have found myself rather enjoying the presence of another dragon. Mammals are perfectly acceptable associates, but they typically still have a subconscious Uncanny Valley response to me. You do not. I appreciate that level of candor. I also appreciate that there has been none of the hypermasculine tendency towards 'showing off'. I get the impression from you that you strive for authenticity when you interact with others, much as I do. A rare and refreshing thing to see."

Edited by captainborgue
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When Kronos entered the coffee shop, he noticed that there was a barista there. It was a snow cat.


A male snow cat. Hmm, a male barista, Kronos thought to himself, Are male baristas called baristos, then? Hahahahaha. Ah, Kronos, you're so stupid.


He went up to the snow cat, seeing as he didn't seem very busy. "Yo," he told the snow cat, "So, JR's your name, huh? I had a cousin named JR once. Haven't heard from him in a long time, though." He stood there with the guy at the counter very awkwardly. "So, what's going on around here? Any performances? Events coming up? Any single gals available? C'mon, dude, talk to me."

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