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movies/tv #BoycottGhostbusters (at this point you have too)

Buck Testa

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So the AVGN, Forefather of the reviewing community on youtube, made a calm and collected video saying that he was not going to see the Ghostbusters movie. He gave clear and concise reasons as to why he didn't want to see it. He didn't even really bash the movie other than decrying that its using the Ghostbusters name and not much else from the original. He didn't even want to go into how utterly not funny the trailer was. All he was saying was that he was not going to see it.
Click that and you will read one of the most condescending, vitriolic hit piece you could ever conceive for such a benign video. The man doesn't even raise his voice and yet this article pitches it like he's a manchild in a soiled diaper having a temper tantrum. That's not even my words here;
"Granted, most of those words describe how this 35-year-old man looks like he’s sitting in a wet diaper..."
"The Daily Dot catalogued a few other good points from Rolfe’s tantrum"
"It’s probably time for angry nerds who blame reboots for ruining their childhoods to ask themselves if they ever actually grew up in the first place."



These are just a couple of snippets in this deplorable article that seeks to tear down and bash the man with every fiber of Maggie Serota's (the author's) being. 
If this was just an isolated incident that would be one thing. However anyone whom has been paying attention to the perfect storm that is the PR behind this movie then you know that this is just the latest in a long line of attacks against people whom have genuine grievances with this film being made. 
Take for instance Paul Feig saying that Geeks are "...some of the biggest assholes I've ever met in my life"
Or this lovely excerpt from the Hollywood Reporter

Sony Pictures head Tom Rothman has a message for those who are "pissing and moaning" over the studio's upcoming female Ghostbusters: "You know, f— 'em," he said Friday.
"Everybody says we're making the female Ghostbusters, but I say, 'No, we're making the funny Ghostbusters.' Yes, it happens to be four women," Rothman said.
"It's original. You get pissing and moaning on the Internet — sexist comments – but, you know, f— 'em," he said.



 See it's no longer about the movie trailer being bad or unfunny, or how the graphics don't live up to the original that came decades earlier, or how they had to quite literally brow beat the original cast to even bother showing up; No they are framing it as a thought crime to dislike this movie. If you do not want to see this movie you are a sexist. That is the message being peddled in the media right now. If this movie fails they are going to blame all the "misogynist assholes" who did not want to give them their hard earned money for this cash grab. 
Well you know what? Screw them. I call for anyone who was going to see this movie even out of morbid curiosity to just not go at all. At this point we have to Boycott it to send the message that people are not going to be brow beaten and slandered for simply not wanting to see a bad movie that happens to have women. This needs to go down as one of the biggest PR Flops in cinematic history. 
#BoycottGhotbusters not because its a bad movie; But because they are trying to literally guilt trip people into seeing it like its some kind of moral obligation. Screw that.  
Apparently Patton Oswalt wanted to chime in on this. 
For those who don't know what the hell MRA is even supposed to stand for, its "Men's Rights Activist" or "Meninist" 
Cause THAT is his reason for not going... Cause he's a Meninist... :okiedokieloki:
and now joke thief Dane Cook enters the ring
Edit (I'll keep on adding to this)
Edit: This lovely Clip sums everything up in a nutshell. 
Edited by Buck Testa
  • Brohoof 4
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Wow. When I first about this movie, I was super excited. Ever since then, I've heard nothing but bad things. It's sad that this is happening to such a beloved movie, but I guess all we can hope for is that people just forget that this movie is happening. Real shame.

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I don't like that they are making a new Ghostbusters just because there shouldn't be a new Ghostbusters. Not a movie that should ever get a reboot. 

Who knows? it might be good (I would be surprised if it is). If it is, then I might see it. But unless it gets really good reviews, I won't see it.


*I also think Melissa McCarthy is overrated. There, I said it. I don't get why people love her so much*

Edited by El Duderino
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LMAO! Sony and many others are using the good ole 'sexism' response. Typical of those that lack a brain. I won't see the new Ghostbusters because the original didn't appeal to me, but i respected it. This new one seems like a feminist idea. I hope Im wrong

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And now we have two other Hit Pieces, each just as condescending as the last. 


Here's one from the DailyDot whatever the hell that is.


And another one from FanSided


These are the people Championing this movie. 

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Thanks to the people on the internet defending this film due to 'those who dislike it are misogynists' reasons, I officially hate this film with a passion. It is bad enough that the movie DOES look absolutely awful already, but this ravenous group of defenders has made me not even care if the movie somehow turns out to be good, I will still hate it.

  • Brohoof 4



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I would join this boycott myself, but as luck would have it, I've been working as a small-time film critic for a local radio station since November, and I don't really have a choice when it comes to a big-name film like this.


I find Rothman's behavior, and all those who wrote hitpieces on James because of his opinion, to be absolutely disgusting; but I can't just avoid the movie when I'm trying to build my name.

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Mand'alor Dash: I feel sorry for you that you have to watch that abomination :(.

But I think it can't compete against other titles like Civil War. I bet the Russo brothers are swimming in the money and laughing right in Feig's face for his failures.

  • Brohoof 1

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I can confidently say I won't be going to see it, not only because of all the drama, but because a horribly put together movies isn't deserving of my hard-earned $10.


There will be other chances to see it after it's come out, when watching it won't confuse Hollywood into making more of these horrible, cheesy "remakes". They're destroying the '80s- the A-Team, Ghostbusters, Knight Rider, and just this week I heard they're doing some half-reared reboot approach of MacGyver- tell them to stop defacing pleasantly remembered articles of nostalgia like this. As the clip above implores you, please just don't go.



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#itisjustamovie  I don't understand all the hate.  So what it isn't funny.  Most movies aren't and I don't pitch a fit about it.  I think people are over-reacting with hatred. 

  • Brohoof 3
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I think the internet largely supports avgn. Some of us are getting pretty sick of constant bad 80s reboot films. I know I am...  nobody should attack someone for not wanting to see a movie. There's no sexism involved so it's pretty nasty when people want to use that to hide behind. Of course, who knows? it might be a good movie. But I mean, what are these people doing, attacking a simple review on youtube with these petty comments? they talk about him behaving like a child when they're behaving like butthurt kids themselves. That doesn't make me want to go see it, it has the opposite effect actually. 

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Mand'alor Dash: I feel sorry for you that you have to watch that abomination :(.

But I think it can't compete against other titles like Civil War. I bet the Russo brothers are swimming in the money and laughing right in Feig's face for his failures.


If it helps, every one of our listeners is going to hear 8 whole minutes of reasons to stay home.  :sneer:



#itisjustamovie  I don't understand all the hate.  So what it isn't funny.  Most movies aren't and I don't pitch a fit about it.  I think people are over-reacting with hatred. 




Have you forgotten the name of the movie?

  • Brohoof 1

Amoral cynic with a bitchin' vocabulary.

Check out A Century of Song if you like music from before this millennium.


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Have you forgotten the name of the movie?

Shitty remakes get made all the time. I don't understand why you feel the need to get up in arms about this particular movie.

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Shitty remakes get made all the time. I don't understand why you feel the need to get up in arms about this particular movie.

You want more shitty remakes? You want the executives who greenlight them (Rothman) to almost literally spit in the faces of the fans of the original?


This is a line in the sand. Ghostbusters is sacred, regardless of what decade you saw it in.

Amoral cynic with a bitchin' vocabulary.

Check out A Century of Song if you like music from before this millennium.


Sig by ~Cider Barrel~ (design), Skaren (left vector), and ~Rhodarein (right vector). Avatar by ~Scootaloo (design) and Skaren (vector).

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You want more shitty remakes? You want the executives who greenlight them (Rothman) to almost literally spit in the faces of the fans of the original?


This is a line in the sand. Ghostbusters is sacred, regardless of what decade you saw it in.

Why wasn't TMNT a line in the sand? Or Transformers a line in the sand?  

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Why wasn't TMNT a line in the sand? Or Transformers a line in the sand?  

Those were at least childish action movies based on children's toys. I agree that they were awful (the latter at least; haven't seen TMNT), but Ghostbusters has always been a generational staple. Now it's not only being remade with absolutely none of the charm, wit, or artistic vision of the original, but with modern PC culture being stuffed in just to pander to morons.


And to ice this shit brownie, the mere act of pointing this shit out is enough for the media to brand you a sexist manchild. That's not just a sandline, that's a faultline in the concrete.

Amoral cynic with a bitchin' vocabulary.

Check out A Century of Song if you like music from before this millennium.


Sig by ~Cider Barrel~ (design), Skaren (left vector), and ~Rhodarein (right vector). Avatar by ~Scootaloo (design) and Skaren (vector).

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Those were at least childish action movies based on children's toys. I agree that they were awful (the latter at least; haven't seen TMNT), but Ghostbusters has always been a generational staple. Now it's not only being remade with absolutely none of the charm, wit, or artistic vision of the original, but with modern PC culture being stuffed in just to pander to morons.


And to ice this shit brownie, the mere act of pointing this shit out is enough for the media to brand you a sexist manchild. That's not just a sandline, that's a faultline in the concrete.

Well, maybe you if you don't want to be called a sexist then you shouldn't call people morons if they want to see women Ghostbusters or as you say "modern PC culture" .  I'm not calling you a sexist, but saying things like that is what is getting you called a sexist not the fact you don't think it is a good movie.

  • Brohoof 3
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Well, maybe you if you don't want to be called a sexist then you shouldn't call people morons if they want to see women Ghostbusters or as you say "modern PC culture" .  I'm not calling you a sexist, but saying things like that is what is getting you called a sexist not the fact you don't think it is a good movie.

Did you even watch James's video?


He explains very calmly that, like in Star Trek, you need to pass these torches properly. He explains the problems with the movie in great detail, and he actually has a great deal of experience behind him. And what is the media's response? LOL SEXIST GTFO


And no, calling out PC culture for the vomitstain on society that it is, is not "sexism."

  • Brohoof 4

Amoral cynic with a bitchin' vocabulary.

Check out A Century of Song if you like music from before this millennium.


Sig by ~Cider Barrel~ (design), Skaren (left vector), and ~Rhodarein (right vector). Avatar by ~Scootaloo (design) and Skaren (vector).

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I respect James' opinion; we're all free to choose what movies we want to see and which we skip. And just because a movie, game, or book shares the same title as something we once cherished, that doesn't mean that it can't be bad or take a turn for the worse. James doesn't think it's going to be good, so he's leaving it. Big deal. I'm doing the same with the next paper Mario game, it doesn't mean I'm a racist or hate Nintendo and Intelligent Systems.

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I'm a woman and I refuse to go see this. Not because of the gender of the leads, I don't give a fuck about that. But because it looks like a bad film, probably not even enjoyably bad. And the response to James' video just seals the deal for me. There was nothing sexist whatsoever in James' vid, and it's completely idiotic to act as though someone is sexist just because they don't want to see one movie that happens to star women. I'm a feminist for fuck's sake, and I don't want to see it.

  • Brohoof 2

Is there anything that's worth more than peace and love on the planet Earth?


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Hmm, im still gonna see it, because it looks like a funny Movie to me.


I do agree that some of the Stuff of the Movie are pretty rude, but...im still gonna see it. 

Not in theaters, because i never go into theaters, but i will buy it on dvd or bluray.


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Hmm, im still gonna see it, because it looks like a funny Movie to me.


I do agree that some of the Stuff of the Movie are pretty rude, but...im still gonna see it. 

Not in theaters, because i never go into theaters, but i will buy it on dvd or bluray.

Could you meet me half way and wait till its in the bargain bin? It won't be that long of a wait I assure you. 



I'm a woman and I refuse to go see this. Not because of the gender of the leads, I don't give a fuck about that. But because it looks like a bad film, probably not even enjoyably bad. And the response to James' video just seals the deal for me. There was nothing sexist whatsoever in James' vid, and it's completely idiotic to act as though someone is sexist just because they don't want to see one movie that happens to star women. I'm a feminist for fuck's sake, and I don't want to see it.

It is a shame that there are so many online that have dragged the title of feminist through the mud on both sides of the isle. Feminism used to mean equality of the sexes, something I'm more than happy to get behind, now the people who are being vocal "feminists" say things like the things listed in this video.



I'm not blind to the trolls on the other side of the fence that is using this whole debacle to be just as much of a misogynist caricatures as these radical "feminists" claim everyone in the opposition is, but these...




These are just wrong. 



Hmm, im still gonna see it, because it looks like a funny Movie to me.


I do agree that some of the Stuff of the Movie are pretty rude, but...im still gonna see it. 

Not in theaters, because i never go into theaters, but i will buy it on dvd or bluray.

Could you meet me half way and wait till its in the bargain bin? It won't be that long of a wait I assure you. 

  • Brohoof 2
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