RavenholmZombie 1,330 August 20, 2016 Share August 20, 2016 I dreamed about winning the lottery, that I had a winning ticket. My dream ended when I went to collect my winnings. RavenholmZombie - Brony since 2011 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Victoria Sponge 1,017 August 20, 2016 Share August 20, 2016 I've been drawing my OC in so many different poses that she made a quick appearance in my dream even though I only created her a few days ago. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Choros Isorropai 409 August 20, 2016 Share August 20, 2016 My last Dream was so weird, im not even sure if i should talk about it. Well it started more normally, with me lying in bed, unable to move while i hear a very loud noise in my ear and getting the fear that someone might try to kill me. I said it started normally, because i have this Dreams of dying and hearing loud noises a lot. ( since i have a tinnitus in my ear and actually hear a noise all the time ) Only that in my Dreams, this Noises get more loud. After a while i realized that it was just a dream, since everything was black and white and i started to move again. Dont know what exactly happened next, but after that i think, i went to a new Town and apparently i was there to find something? It kinda was like in a Tomb Raider game, whenever you had to visit famous places, only that it looked nicer, and i was going into an old Mansion. And then the really weird part started, for some reason it was the House of Roger Ebert ( a film critic ) and apparently he was still alive but unable to move or say anything and then there was another Person, who did take care of him? He said something like this to Roger : Think about it, whatever it is you wanna think about. And then i started to get the feeling, that Roger might want to kill me. I dont remember anymore how the Dream ended and i have no Idea why i even dreamed about this. I...also have....problems when I try to sleep.... I have to have some kind of sound (not white noise, that makes it worse) or it sounds like a crowd of people, all trying to talk over each other... as I get closer to sleep, the louder they get... some times I can hear a partial sentence, and it wakes me up... but last night I dreamed I was driving, following a road in the country... after a while I found a tower, and in this tower was a nerds paradise.... every kind of game, every kind of series.... most of I could not tell you, for they don't exist.... I nerded out till I woke up. I have spent years trying to keep my dreams, but if I try to write it down they tend to get mixed up.... so I developed the ability to randomly recall parts to any dream I have had... once I get there, I can see past and future of the dream from that point... assuming there was no "breaks" in the dreaming... OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/choros-isorropai-r9669 Blog: https://mlpforums.com/blog/3158-poetry-simply-that/ The unasked questions are what bother me, not the answers. The answers give me clarity. Silence is in its self an answer, so ask! To not ask is to deny the existence of said question, and leaves you with just "what if". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest August 20, 2016 Share August 20, 2016 The dream I had last night was quite bizarre. First there was some kind of a soldier dividing people into groups. I was the only person in a group called the X Group and the whole thing sounded so concerning that I decided to escape by running away. After a little while I arrived to a dining area kind of place and the people there irritated me for some reason and the last thing I remember about that part is that I was wreaking havoc. Plates and various other stuffs were flying around and the room was a complete pandemonium. Then I managed to run away once again. The dream changed a little after that and I found myself apparently dating some nice tomboy that was really fun to hang out with. When I woke up the first thing I felt was disappointment that I had lost the nice person. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
twiia 1,843 August 20, 2016 Share August 20, 2016 I dreamed about killing and happy endings, violent stuff I'd rather not share because it makes me feel worse... 1 'Make me your Queen' Sig by Wheatley Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Choros Isorropai 409 August 20, 2016 Share August 20, 2016 ... i didnt dream, it took me about two hours to go to sleep...zzzz....then i woke up to MLP and watched the new ep! though i was not sleeping, its still a dream come true! great episode. OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/choros-isorropai-r9669 Blog: https://mlpforums.com/blog/3158-poetry-simply-that/ The unasked questions are what bother me, not the answers. The answers give me clarity. Silence is in its self an answer, so ask! To not ask is to deny the existence of said question, and leaves you with just "what if". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Celtore 2,770 August 21, 2016 Share August 21, 2016 (edited) I was the good cop in a good cop bad cop scenario. There was this guy with a really gruff voice who was bent on hurting everyone he could. We chased him down inside an area with lava everywhere, then he raised this giant dinosaur Mecha. We managed to take it down by tricking it under a lava flow. Then somehow we were in an office setting chasing the same guy. He was in a monologue when I noticed two innocents concentrated on some kind of computer project in the other room. I silently closed the door, then he yelled "whats behind the door?" Nothing, I responded. I tried to hold him away from the door, but he ripped it open and smirked, "were you trying to protect these two?" He raised a gun to them, but before he could shoot, I plunged a sword through his heart to stop him. Then things get really weird. A jump scare happens to the bad cop and I, then everything goes dark and I awaken in a parallel universe. I'm at a McDonald's as an entirely different character. I sit there for 16 minutes with a bunch of weird people, then the soulless guy operating the cash register slaps a flyer indicating theyre being bought out by big burger. I take the food over to this person who looks really lost in thought. It's bad cop. I remember discussing what happened with him, the whole thing with Mr mcgruff voice and the ghost which caused us to get here. The scenery changes again and we're having a picnic outside watching traffic. There's this guy who looks Scottish and this other fellow who I can't really remember. We're discussing the nature of this parallel universe and what we did before we got here when I begin drinking a cup of tea with my pinkie out (because I guess it was fancy?) The Scottish guy yelled "That's a sign of the royal hawk party! Are you spies!?" To which I said something along the lines of just liking tea and drinking it anyway. As we continued watching the traffic, the other guy asked me for help on his game. It was a candy crush clone. Our worlds were merging, thus it was time for me to go. I said goodbye to these two, sat under a tree overlooking the roads and closed my eyes. Now I'm awake. This was probably one of the largest dreams i could remember in a while, though the Mecha battle and picnic scenes lasted way longer than I described. Edited August 21, 2016 by Celtore Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Princess_Bellalatanya 1,053 August 21, 2016 Share August 21, 2016 i drempt of being a pony mare 2 shining armor is best pony,cadence is best princess,im flurry heart,the pretty pony tnk u so much Bwuu moon!!!!!!!!!!!1 im looking for somepony who likes me likes me Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kiri 7,290 August 21, 2016 Share August 21, 2016 Last night, I had a dream that I was at my family reunion, and that we were all going to head to a county fair where they had all sorts of fun competitions. I remember not wanting to participate at first, but then entering in the 100 meter dash at the last minute. Some family members also had supernatural abilities, and I remember being able to fly (but not very well, so perhaps I was still learning or something ). We decided to have a big feast at one relative's house before heading over. The dream ended before any of the competitions began. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ember Gleam 167 August 21, 2016 Share August 21, 2016 I dreamed last night about high school and some of the situations when I was on combat deployment. I know it is a weird mash up of two very different points in my life.however, that is what I seem to mostly dream about.. It is really odd having a dream about my high school friends mixed in with my Army buddies and I can only assume that the reason I often have those two situations entwined is because they are the probably the experiences that had a lasting impact on my life. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Babyyoshi309 1,829 August 21, 2016 Share August 21, 2016 I had a dream about watching a top 10 YouTube video (not sure what for) that had Spike fall through ice and die (what? I have no idea any more than you do), and the CmC getting stranded in the middle of the ocean. Though that was actually one of the least weird dreams I have ever had. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FluffyGoat13 375 August 22, 2016 Share August 22, 2016 I'll keep it short and concise. I had a dream about resolving some of my problems by axe. It was a bloody night, and I woke up with a nosebleed to fit. I dreamed about killing and happy endings, violent stuff I'd rather not share because it makes me feel worse... I know that feeling, all too well. "I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." - Douglass Adams Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Invincible 2,092 August 22, 2016 Share August 22, 2016 I had the craziest dream last night. My only pair of sandals was stolen by gnomes. They took it to a hole under a tree which housed a huge gnome fashion show where they featured mishmash created from stolen items. I had to fight off gnomes to get my sandals back. What the hell, Seriously. My OCs for Roleplay purposes: o Lit Fuse (http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lit-fuse-r6608) o Dust Devil (http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dust-devil-r7357) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
twiia 1,843 August 22, 2016 Share August 22, 2016 I had more killing dreams, and perhaps some fandom related dreams... 1 'Make me your Queen' Sig by Wheatley Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CheeryFox 23,822 August 24, 2016 Share August 24, 2016 Eating apples and giving some to random ppl. 2 Sōten ni zase...Hyōrinmaru! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Denim&Venöm 19,369 August 25, 2016 Share August 25, 2016 That the band Nightwish were singing a song to a music video about a teen that lost his girlfriend in a crash, took some of her belongings as mementos, was caught but not charged w/ the crash according to a news report. Began speeding down the highway, running from police down the same road his girlfriend on, fully intent on killing himself the same way so he could join her. It was all revealed as a ghost story, just before I was woken up. And beofre that, I was in art class, being asked to draw a big scary spider monster. I began drawing and it look more and more like a changeling, so I wen't, "F--k it, I'll draw Chrysalis." It then transitioned to ad for an Amish edition of the Sims. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
God Of The Void 296 August 25, 2016 Share August 25, 2016 (edited) I had a dream where a triceratops came into my house and ate all of my pizza... Edited August 26, 2016 by Hogosha The Shield 3 Not all light is good and not all darkness is evil. Darkness can be used for good just as much as light can be used as a force of destruction. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
twiia 1,843 August 25, 2016 Share August 25, 2016 Last night, I think I dreamed about fandom related stuff 'Make me your Queen' Sig by Wheatley Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Princess Bella 15 August 25, 2016 Share August 25, 2016 I dreamed about eating bagels Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Envy 6,202 August 27, 2016 Share August 27, 2016 I don't remember whether it was last night or the night before, it might have even been the night before that... But I had two dreams... One was about my ex who I got over. Frustrating to say the least. It was a dream where we fully got back together. As I said, I'm done with her. She has completely ignored me post-November. It's done, it's over with. I shouldn't be having these dreams (there has been more than one, although this may have been the only one that turned romantic in nature, the rest were rekindling our friendship... I think), and I don't want them. It's probably me still being so lonely. ...But shouldn't I be dreaming about the one I actually like right now? Why is she no where to be found in my dreams? o.o The other dream was strange... I've made an acquaintance that I sit with in pretty much every music class except for Wind Ensemble (she's a vocalist, not an instrumentalist), and in this dream her and I had a fall-out and she turned out hating and being completely annoyed at me. o.o Ugh. Weird dreams. Thankfully I haven't had any dreams that disturb me. I was so scared of having those switching from a night schedule to a day schedule. In the past they always happened then, but they haven't happened here and I've slept pretty well! Yay. Everything needs more woodwind! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest August 27, 2016 Share August 27, 2016 I had multiple dreams last night and any of them were too pleasant. Even though I think I had at least three, I can only remember two. The first one was about a pink Lilo & Stitch styled experiment that was able to turn things into chocolate. I was hanging out with Lilo and Stitch at a swimming pool when the experiment found us and turned Stitch into a chocolate jelly. Me and Lilo had to run away and take jelly-Stitch with us. We ended up splitting up so we would have bigger chances to mislead the creature. For some reason the experiment was apparently exclusively after me. I went and hid in a small empty cottage and locked the doors. "It can fit in even the tiniest holes" said a voice in my head and then I saw the experiment again in the ceiling, giving me a sneering grin. I also noticed that it had stolen my money, which was why I blurted some mean comments at it and it decided to flee. That's where that dream ended! The next one was the more unsettling one. It didn't seem like it at first since I was going to a water park with my family. Me and my brother decided to go on a water slide but there was such a long queue that we decided to take a shortcut. Then we found out that there were actually two water slides and the bigger one didn't even have a queue. That's where we went, even if the slide started to look really weird; it had nothing to protect people from falling. When it was my turn, I went on the slide and fell right off after about ten seconds. About two minutes later my brother had followed my example. We lost interest in the slide and decided to try something else. That's when we met some other people that were eagerly discussing fandoms. I joined the discussion and after a few minutes saw a floating object in the distance. It was shaped like a tube and it was slowly floating downwards. When it finally hit the ground, an explosion ensued and made a huge cloud made of sand and all kinds of debris. After that a protective wall-like structure with circuit board pattern started to form around the water park. I don't remember much after that part, but at least I remember that I had to find a paper of information about me to be safe from the thing that had caused the explosion. And the paper was super difficult to find which made the situation even more anguishing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Envy 6,202 August 29, 2016 Share August 29, 2016 As if to follow in the off dreams I was having before... Last night I dreamed two different dreams which also were closely related. I forget in which order. One was about the beloved dog I lost over a year ago. In this dream he...came back. Nothing disturbing here, he was fully himself. It was weird, much like 'revival' dreams I've had in the past, my mind tried to grasp this happening in my dream, as if I had been wrong over the last year that he had passed away, and that he was just in a stasis, or something. But then... In the dream reality began settling back in. When I let him outside, he started acting funny, instead of running around he only made it just off the patio and laid down. That's when I thought "He's sick... We're going to lose him again!" The rest of the dream was a blur, and reality had settled in - he is gone. How painful. Why would my mind do that to me? I'd rather go back to the stupid dreams about my ex and I getting back together. The other dream wasn't any better, although it is too much of a blur for me. It was my grandpa, instead. The same kind of deal happened, somehow he was alive again. I've had these dreams before, where instead of passing away he had been in some kind of stasis. I can't say too much about this dream, though, since it was just too much of a blur. Why would my mind do that to me, though? TWICE. I welcome dreams where there is no reality, where it's just like they're visiting me for a night... But these were not like that. 1 Everything needs more woodwind! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cuteycindyhoney 13,316 August 29, 2016 Share August 29, 2016 I actually had an MLP dream the other night. It's more than a little hazy, but I was driving a big van or car, with some non-canon MLP Equestria girls characters in it. This will sound wrong, but it's not dirty or anything. I had to pull my pants down to prove I had a tail before they would believe I was from Equestria. 1 Thank you Sparklefan1234!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GDchris 16 August 29, 2016 Share August 29, 2016 I don't really dreams :/ I have a dream maybe 3-4 times a year... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Denim&Venöm 19,369 August 29, 2016 Share August 29, 2016 (edited) That apocalypse from x-men had taken the phoenix force and the power of the alicorns and that it was up to the ponies of G3 and G4 teaming up w/ pro wrestlers Shinsuke Nakamura & Kazuchika Okada to do vicious battle with him in a Mexican restaurant. Edited August 29, 2016 by Denim&Venom 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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