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offering critique Illiad's one stop thread for OC Advice and Support, Now Closed.

Illiad Easle

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Hello all! Though my experience in role plays I've been able to learn and improve my own OCs to make them more enjoyable to read about and interact with in stories and RPs.


And now I'd like to pay that assistance forward by offering my help to any who want it. I can help with designing a personality, writing and developing a backstory, building relationships between characters, all the way to helping build and connect pieces of fanon together into usable head-canon.


I can also offer some advice in regards to appearance and art, though I am less experienced in that regard.


That said, feel free to ask away! I'm ready and eager to help with any of your problems.

Edited by Illiad Easle
  • Brohoof 2

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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  • 4 weeks later...

Alright, so here is what I know.


You should probably read my OC character page in my profile, and Nightmareluna800's too, in case that helps at all. :)


Anyways... admittedly, we really don't know much at all. My OC is a crossbreed between an Alicorn Bat-Pony and a Changeling. I'm still working on her backstory, but from what I know of it, she was born when a Changeling (identity unknown) purposely had a child with a Bat-Pony father, in order to create a crossbreed whom she intended to use for evil, by killing his wife (the mother of Astera Nebulous, Nightmareluna800's OC, sister to mine) and changing into her. As soon as Shade was born, the father realized what had happened and fought off the Changeling, taking Shade with him to keep her safe, though he never learned the true identity of the Changeling who is Shade's mother.


Astera was close to her mother before she was killed, so the tragic event changed her, and because of it she never got along well with her sister as the two grew into adults, as Shade reminds her of her mother's killer. Skip ahead twenty-three years, and Shade has now abandoned her family, seeking to find her true mother and understand her purpose for being alive. And because she hasn't been in contact with her sister for several years, Astera is now trying to locate her.


It's not a complete story (many details need addressing, which should happen in the roleplay) but what we know is that Shade is gone, and Astera is looking for her. The thing is, we kind of need to make this into something bigger, because we want there to be a story that several other friends here on the forum are able to join in on (we invited people to our roleplay) and we want there to be a story past when Astera eventually tracks down her sister.


I explained the background stories for the sisters in case that helps at all, but all we really know right now about our actual roleplay is what I said in the paragraph above, so we'd love any help you can offer in turning this into a bigger story that others can join in on.


Thanks in advance for any help! :D

  • Brohoof 1


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Alright, you guys actually have a very good foundation for this story, a plot element and a primary and secondary goal with which to look forward to. Having the two separate parties to start I think will make a compelling story should you bookify it.


So in planning an RP we start with an outline, a loose series of key events we would like to happen, as well as contingency plans in case the story doesn't pan out exactly as we expect so we can still get to the critical points and goals. For your story we have two critical points, being the middle where Shade and Astera meet up, and the ending where Shade finds her true mother.


Thus you have the starting point of: Team Shade is searching the world looking for any trace of Shade's mom, and Team Astera is also searching the world, but looking to catch Shade. Each team has a well-defined motivation to reach their goal, and thus the RP tells of how these teams reach their goals.


I guess then what you really need is help in the specifics, the details of the story. I'll start by giving you some questions to consider and we can build from there.


First: Where in the world do you want this story to happen? This can be an area as small as a single city or as large as the whole universe, though generally the smaller an RP world is the easier it is to manage.


Second: How do you want the sisters to meet? As in, what circumstances would you like there to be at the reunion? Generally you should have these critical points fleshed out beforehand so you can really understand what they mean to the story. You should also have other possible circumstances in mind in case the course of the RP makes your desired ending impossible.


Third: Repeat the second for the meeting of Shade and her mother, you should flesh out beforehand where Shade's mother will be found and leave clues for the RPers to follow so they feel as if they are actually solving the mystery instead of simply being taken for a ride.


Finally, for now: Think up some interesting events you would like to happen along the journey, some fun or scary moments that will help the tale along. As we work I can help you with these things, remembering that these points are the ones that will be most likely to be tossed around as to whether they'll end up fitting in the story.


Now a thought from my end: I think it would be a cool twist if Shade's mom had always been a part of her life, a trusted neighbor that she always felt she could confide in. During the story they will come back to this character to ask advice in where they should go until ultimately they realize that she was the one they've been searching for this whole time. To aid in the evil aspect this neighbor could suggest more and more questionably legal things in their search until the party is blatantly breaking the law to find the answers (Starting with say asking the local guard for help to breaking into prisons to interrogate changeling prisoners, all the way to potentially death threats depending on how dark you want the story to go.), all the time unlocking the evil potential Shade had insider herself. This would lead to an after story of Shade and the party coming to grips with how low they went to accomplish their goals. Even better would be if along the way the party members questioned whether what they were doing was really worth it.


That's my thoughts initially, lets work on it to make it perfect for you guys.

  • Brohoof 2

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Awesome, I'd be happy to help. Looking at your character page you've already brought yourself most of the way to where you'd want to be in regards to detail and effort in designing your character.


In a backstory, there are a few key points you address: First, their beginnings. This includes such things as the circumstances of their birth, their parents, and their home life as well as childhood experiences that developed their personality. Second, their self-discovery. This is where you detail how they discovered who they were and what led to them getting their mark. Third, their life. This details how they got from discovering their mark to where they are now. For instance, where they went after leaving their parents, what they do for a living, their friends, etc.


As it stands on your page you already have most of those elements thought up, you just need to put them in a more narrative form to make it a full backstory.


As you start writing it feel free to come back with any other questions you may have.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Okay, we've thought on these things. First off, we will be following the plot twist that you've given. Secondly, it will take place in Equestria and begin with Astera at her home, and after that period Shade, (with her group) will be going back to the character who is Shade's mother. Shade's mother is going to turn out as Queen Chrysalis, but she will not show herself as the changeling queen until closer to the end, she will start out as disguising as another character, (the one who will be trying to get Shade to grow more evil). That is pretty much all we've figured out at the time. Now, we need to know what you will be helping us figure out and what you think that we solely need to work on ourselves. This is our first RP so we are kind of under a lot of pressure, and that's why we aren't doing well with trying to figure out these details. XD


"Signature by Kyoshi"

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Good, good. I can help you go pretty far, though there are some things I'll leave to you so that the RP feels more like you guys.


Anyway, having the location be Equestria is still pretty broad, but if you are good about keeping the parties from being too spread out you can keep it manageable. Though for the story you're doing I think it would be best and easiest for you guys to keep the action focused primarily in one specific city of Equestria.


Perhaps you do something like this: Both sisters are searching out their goals in the world and don't have much luck. They remember this one neighbor they used to have (Secretly Chrysi) and go seek them out for advice. The two groups would then be in the same city for the rest of the RP, allowing for a well-developed set of scenery while still feeling like a bit of an open world. You could even have the two groups start out in different parts of Equestria, then have them make their way to the one city you would like most of the action to take place in.


The things you guys should then decide is: Which city would you like the focus to be in? A full description for the persona that Chrysi is being for the story, and how she will eventually be revealed.


For the last point, I have a suggestion of it occurring either after Shade has gone full evil, to the point where she cares more about doing evil than finding her mother, or that she realizes that this 'trusted neighbor' has been trying to turn her evil and confronts her to reveal the truth.


To provide a bit more help: here's the outline I would have written if I were the DM of this RP.


Group 1: Shade, Scene opens with Shade feeling downtrodden at her lack of success in finding her true mother, so decides to call on the help of a few of her friends as well as looking into a trusted neighbor she used to have way back when.


Group 2: Astera, Scene opens with Astera feeling anxious at how long her sister has been missing despite their lack of strong relationship when they were younger, she decides to call on a few of her own friends to try and find out where her sister went to make sure she's safe, as well as turning towards that same Trusted neighbor for advice on rekindling a familial bond with her sister.


Group one can start anywhere in Equestria, Group two will start at Astera's house.


The introductory phase of the RP details how each group forms up, this is where the other participants get to start into the RP. Then both party's move into the selected focus city.


Part 2 of the RP: Neither group knows where in the city the Trusted Neighbor is, so they each set out to look for them, for plot it would be that they happen to not meet up with the Trusted relative at the same time, and the Trusted Relative will initially not try to bring the two groups together. Chrysi will try to keep group 1 in the city by giving them potential leads to follow that get darker and darker as time goes on, while she will try to get group 2 to leave/disband or otherwise sabotage any potential for Astera and Shade to reconnect as if she were to regain her sister it would be much harder to turn Shade evil. Despite this, the groups come together and are now unified in the search for Shade's mother.


Part 3 of the RP: In whatever manner you choose the Trusted Neighbor is revealed to be Shade's mother and Chrysi., After the discovery, Shade is to come to grips with her revealed purpose in life (To bo evil) and to confront the evil things she's been made to do thus far. What happens to Chrysi in the end, is up to you. I'm a fan of her escaping but she could also be killed for having manipulated Shade to do such evil.


Anyway, I think you guys are off to a great start already. Were I not presently prepping for a two-year hiatus I would offer to help you guys manage the RP, but I have every faith in you guys that you'll do fine.


Do come back if you any more questions.

  • Brohoof 2

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Illiad Easle


We can't thank you enough for your help with this. Believe me when I say we had no idea what we were doing, and now we've just about got a solid and fantastic story to work with. :D


(And by the way, yeah, Chrysalis will more than likely just escape in the end.)


We're working on filling in the small details, which should be simple enough (we've already come up with a few extra things to add in to the story as well). So I think we'll set up our roleplay thread today and see who all decides to join in besides the people we specifically invited. But anyway, again, thank you! We really appreciate all you've done!


I do have two questions, however. Though, they non-related to the roleplay story. First, what did you mean by if we choose to 'bookify' it?


Second, do you think you could kind of run me over the basics of how a roleplay works? As in, when roleplaying with multiple people, is there like, a turn order, or do people just kind of randomly write replies when they feel like it, whenever that is? Sorry haha, I've never roleplayed with multiple people before, so I'm not sure. XD


EDIT: One last thing. Would you mind turning the story into a basic plot description that we can include in our roleplay thread? I'm usually good with that sort of thing but I tried quite a few different descriptions and none of them seemed to turn out all that great. :/ Sorry, I hate having to ask because you've done so much for us already. But if it isn't too much trouble, we would really appreciate it. :)

Edited by Chrylestia600
  • Brohoof 1


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Glad I could be of assistance.


By bookify I mean to do something similar to what I did to one of my Cultural Exchange RPs, namely the one I am doing with Randimaxis which has become A Cultural Exchange  on FimFiction.net. To bookify is to turn the posts of an RP into a linear and coherent storyline.


How a RP works, The DM, which is the person running the world of the RP, makes the first post, establishing the world that the players will enter into. Then each player of the RP makes a first post of their own, establishing who their character is and how they fit into the world, an introduction if you will. After that it can go either turn order or FFA depending on the nature of the RP, in a tight structure RP with four or less participants a turn order is more common, in large loose stories it is typically a FFA where you post whenever you have some action to contribute. For instance if your character is talking with another player's character, you may respond as soon as they have responded without needing to wait for the other players to post as waiting can often slow down the progress of a story when the other characters don't have much to do while they wait for you to finish your conversation.


In this RP, given the two seperate groups it will likely be FFA where you just respond whenever you have something to add to the discussion. Reading one of the RPs I will link at the bottom of this post should give you a good understanding of how most RPs work.


1x1: A Cultural Exchange

Large Group FFA: The Blackwater Quarry

Small Group FFA/Turn Order: Midnight in Manehatten

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Just curious, did you the see the edit I made to my last comment? :) In case you didn't, it was this:


One last thing. Would you mind turning the story into a basic plot description that we can include in our roleplay thread? I'm usually good with that sort of thing but I tried quite a few different descriptions and none of them seemed to turn out all that great. :/ Sorry, I hate having to ask because you've done so much for us already. But if it isn't too much trouble, we would really appreciate it. :)


*Signature by @Kyoshi*

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Sorry, I must have missed it. Here you go, though:


Shade is a mismatched pony trying to find her place in the world by finding the one who made her, her missing mother. Astera just wants her sister back. Join Shade and Astera as they search the world to find what it really means to be who they are, and discover the dark truth about Shade's real purpose in life.


Yeah, I'm really bad at writing descriptions. It would probably turn out better if you tell me what you came up with so I can try to make something more of it. Sorry about that.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Sorry, I must have missed it. Here you go, though:


Shade is a mismatched pony trying to find her place in the world by finding the one who made her, her missing mother. Astera just wants her sister back. Join Shade and Astera as they search the world to find what it really means to be who they are, and discover the dark truth about Shade's real purpose in life.


Yeah, I'm really bad at writing descriptions. It would probably turn out better if you tell me what you came up with so I can try to make something more of it. Sorry about that.

Okay, great, this seems to cover it fairly well. Now, we are mostly following off of the story you've given us, so you can write the description from what you've told us. But, there is one part of the story that we came up with. Which is that Astera will begin out not caring to much about her sister and will gradually grow more of a relationship with her throughout the story. You can edit the previous description if you like, but you don't have to. Just if you feel like it. :)


"Signature by Kyoshi"

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Something like this? 


Shade is a mismatched pony trying to find her place in the world by finding the one who made her, her missing mother. Astera just wants her sister back. Join Shade and Astera as they search the world to find what it really means to be who they are, rekindle a long lost sisterly relationship, and discover the dark truth about Shade's real purpose in life.


I know it's not too different, but I didn't really see a good place to put it in, I'm again bad at short descriptions.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Morning, @Illiad Easle!  I present to you my own problem:
A few months ago, with the help of a good friend, I designed two children for Carnelian (whom you know  ^_^ ).  His name is Soft Zoisite, and his reference (also designed by Tambelon) is below.






The problem with him is his cutie mark.  Originally, I intended him to be soft-spoken and with a voice soothing enough to put anyone who listened to him for long enough in a hypnotic state, hence a metronome.  However, this was his first inception, and I've since developed him into an autistic savant who simply happens to have a very modulated and soft way of speaking.


My question to you is: should I alter his CM to reflect this, or do you think there is a way I could make it work?

Edited by Hazard Time
  • Brohoof 1

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@@Hazard Time,


Good question, I actually think his current mark fits him better with the new personality. I don't really think of hypnosis so much when I see a metronome after all. I do however think it would portray easily the talent of level toned, even speech or even a strong sense of ordered action.


Were you to go with the original personality I would actually recommend changing the mark to a pocket watch with a taut chain similar to what is commonly portrayed as a hypnosis tool.


In short, I can't think of a better mark for the new personality than the one you already have, but I could think of a better one for the old personality.


Hopefully that helps in some way.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Crystal Star,


I think you have her pretty well rounded out, a good backstory that fulfills my criterion for a good backstory, as I said above.




In a backstory, there are a few key points you address: First, their beginnings. This includes such things as the circumstances of their birth, their parents, and their home life as well as childhood experiences that developed their personality. Second, their self-discovery. This is where you detail how they discovered who they were and what led to them getting their mark. Third, their life. This details how they got from discovering their mark to where they are now. For instance, where they went after leaving their parents, what they do for a living, their friends, etc.


I would say very well done. Though judging by my lower feed, I would further offer the advice of not shotgunning for advice, this is especially evident by the fact that you linked the Reddit review for my review.


tl;dr: You done did good kid,

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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I don't have a backstory for her yet. Only a little bit of personailty... So could you judge her name and colors? Her name is Vanilla Swirl. I may change swirl if anyone gives me something better.




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Hello again, @@Illiad Easle!


This time, I come to you with advice concerning Carnelian, herself!  I've since had some thought of redesigning her backstory in order to provide a much greater motivation.


Her current backstory is below:




Baroness Carnelian Clout came about as a member of House Koroundio in the Crystal Empire prior to Sombra's takeover. Exposed to the excess and torment of upper class life, her narcissism was nurtured from a young age by her parents, who ignored her so long as they did what they wanted.

When she was forced to marry a stallion she had no interest in, however, her life slowly went downhill. Holding her inheritance hostage, her parents made her do her part for her family, inadvertently fostering an intense hatred inside of her. Finally, she could take it no more, and asserted her independence by doing away with the both of them.

Finally free, Carnelian stumbled upon documents related to a secret society her family had been leading for many years, one that she was slated to take over. Whether or not her parents had intended her to have them killed, the baroness eagerly accepted her new role as Queen of the Corundum Court, a society built on expanding the power of their House. However, there were darker secrets she discovered, ancient bloodlines and powers that were kept within the family tree. Her husband caught wind of this as well, though he died of a convenient heart attack before he could break the news.

In the modern era, one millennium and ten years after Sombra wrested power from the legitimate Crystal Princess, Carnelian is now picking up the pieces and grabbing a few more that others have left lying around in the aftermath. Though getting on in the years, she's found a black market cream to help maintain the illusion of youth at the cost of the flesh beneath, a small sacrifice to preserve her beauty and pride.

Beware a smile on a pretty face, especially hers.




The changes I've decided to make are rather large (and much darker).  I'm still keeping the idea that her family worships a devil (The name I'm currently working with is Neboleth, It-Who-Brings-Power) and have all given their souls (typically at birth and, therefore, against their will) to it in exchange for silver-tongues and flesh that never wrinkles.  However, instead of living your typical privileged life of a noble, Carnelian's parents (who were related, and so mutually agreed to this course of action) opted for a more "special" instruction so as to set her apart from her peers.  Routine psychological conditioning (AKA severe child abuse) did just as they had hoped, and by the time her non-existent childhood came to an end, she was a sociopath with a hard heart and a calculating mind.


However, what her parents hadn't expected was divine intervention by Neboleth, Itself.  Hearing her begging for help, It appeared to the young mare and took a great interest in the potential It sensed in her.  As such, It promised her the power to wreak vengeance on her parents and claim their titles for her own in exchange for becoming Its champion in the mortal realm.  Carnelian agreed without hesitation, and with her new blood-bending powers, destroyed her dear mother and father and proclaimed herself matriarch of House Koroundio.


The rest of her backstory is similar to as it is, with the bridge being that she arranged her own marriage to Bold Aventurine and had her two foals rather willingly.  However, as the giving of the soul to Neboleth required a complex ritual, she was only successful with her first foal, Proud Ametrine, before her husband caught on to what she was doing and kept Soft Zoisite as far away from her as possible.  


Finally, to account for her years living under King Sombra and why she didn't just use her powers to kill him and claim the throne for her own, Neboleth temporarily suspended their covenant.  As you can guess, this miffed Carnelian to no small degree, but It-Who-Brings-Power had no intention of letting Its champion waste herself against a powerful dark sorcerer.  Instead, he watched and waited for the time when Sombra's power came to an end, and only when she was safe did he return her powers.


What are your thoughts?  Any improvements I could make?  Any elaborations?

  • Brohoof 1

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Okay, here's my advice. I would need to know what personality and talent you have in mind before I can really offer anything constructive, but perhaps my idle thoughts can help you get on the right path.


If you really like the name Vanilla Swirl I would recommend changing the colors to a more dessert theme. For instance, making the coat much lighter so as to approximate the appearance of vanilla ice cream as well as changing the mane/tail to look more like syrup colors such as a chocolate brown or butterscotch blond and changing the colors of the mark to match.


If you really like the colors you have now, I would recommend a different name based on the talent and personality you have in mind.


I could likely offer better advice with more information, but for now, this is what I've got for you.


@@Hazard Time,


Wow, you've really created quite the character. Glad I got to read this before Illiad interacted with her. The new back story is well thought out and makes for a compelling read.


The only suggestion I would have is in regards to what you said at the end with King Sombra, one of these suggestions might make a bit more sense than having the covenant suspended. In both cases I think it would make sense for Sombra too to be a follower of Neboleth.


Either: Carnelian did not oppose Sombra because she was secretly working for him to gain special treatment for those of her house and under her power in exchange for bringing the rest of the kingdom more fully under his power. When Sombra was deposed she could claim that she had nothing to do with it and continue on with her life.


Or: Carnelian did not oppose Sombra because Neboleth forbid it, in addition to the fact that Sombra was potentially even more powerful as he had access to many more foals for sacrificing than Carnelian did. Thus they left each other alone as they were both pawns of the same dark master.


Both of these explain why she didn't take control and neither have the soul covenant altered in any way as it would then seem less binding in general.


Those are my thoughts, feel free to ask more questions.

  • Brohoof 2

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Hazard Time,


Wow, you've really created quite the character. Glad I got to read this before Illiad interacted with her. The new back story is well thought out and makes for a compelling read.


The only suggestion I would have is in regards to what you said at the end with King Sombra, one of these suggestions might make a bit more sense than having the covenant suspended. In both cases I think it would make sense for Sombra too to be a follower of Neboleth.


Either: Carnelian did not oppose Sombra because she was secretly working for him to gain special treatment for those of her house and under her power in exchange for bringing the rest of the kingdom more fully under his power. When Sombra was deposed she could claim that she had nothing to do with it and continue on with her life.


Or: Carnelian did not oppose Sombra because Neboleth forbid it, in addition to the fact that Sombra was potentially even more powerful as he had access to many more foals for sacrificing than Carnelian did. Thus they left each other alone as they were both pawns of the same dark master.


Both of these explain why she didn't take control and neither have the soul covenant altered in any way as it would then seem less binding in general.


Those are my thoughts, feel free to ask more questions.


Thank you for the advice!


I'm thinking of going with a combination of the two.  She didn't attempt to fight him outright because she attempted to accomplish her ends through charm.  Unfortunately, he was much smarter than she assumed he was, and her hubris led to her humiliation.


Why she didn't eliminate him then is still up for debate.  I'd rather not assume that he also worshiped Neboleth as I'm trying to keep to a friend of mine's head canon that he was the former Crystal Prince who had been possessed by a dark entity.


EDIT:  I've since decided to go with the idea that after her humiliation, she would decide that discretion was needed in this situation.  As powerful as she was, she had no clear advantage and would be better off biding her time and waiting.

Edited by Hazard Time
  • Brohoof 2

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Hello. Seeing this topic, I figure I could give it a shot. I value any feedback I can be given.
I'll start with my very first character, Drifting Fall.





His cutiemark represents his love of philosophy. Not so much good and evil, but rather passion and fury matched with calm and introspection.

Drift was born in Las Pegasus, being the male in a pair of twins, with his other twin his sister. Though not exactly rich, his family was well off enough. Growing up, he had an innate charisma and charm, in addition to getting good grades that made teacher and students like him. However, this gave him an enlarged ego, resulting in him looking down on those who were unpopular. In short, he became something of a bully, and with no one to rein him in, he would talk down to and belittle others.


Eventually, he ended up insulting a foal one too many times, and the foal retaliated by attacking him. Drift wash more shocked than hurt by the hit, and he cowered as the foal, through tears, screamed at him in rage. It was at this point that Drift’s ego was cracked, and he began to see his wrongs. Talking with his perents also helped him realise that, indeed words hurt.


Though, a bit scared and sleep deprived, Drift mustered up his courage to apologize to the pony who he pushed too hard. However, he was surprised again when the other foal apologise to him instead. After a bit of talking, the two made up, and since then, Drift made an effort to not talk down to others.

It also him him aware to many new ideas, and he began to question many things that he thought were absolute truths. It gave him perspective, and from that perspective, her earned his cutiemark. At the same time, he became aware of the wrongs around him, and in his heart he felt discontent for those who would go out of their way to hurt others. even more so, that they didn’t seem to care, being willfully ignorant towards others because of their privilege or their own selfish ways.


Growing up, he did his best to live by what believed was right, though circumstances shaped his ideals as they would anyone else. Besides his ideals, he also took to cooking quite well, finding chef work enjoyable. As such, he now looks to own his own restaurant and make cooking his lifelong career.

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