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Legend Of Everfree

The Cynical Lone Wolf

What did you think of the fourth Equestria Girls movie, Legend of Everfree ?  

147 users have voted

  1. 1. Do you like it?

    • No; it was travesty
    • No..not really
    • Meh; I liked it and didn't like it at the same time
    • I enjoyed it, but could've been a whole lot better.

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I was intrigue by the concept of camp Everfree and I thought it was better than the previous 3 but that's my opinion. Besides that, the music was good as always with EQG if not better than Rainbow Rocks. Gloriosa becoming Gia-Gloriosa can been seen a mile away and she went all of the trouble to "save" her camp was far fetched to me. Again, here we got another Demon transformation *sigh*. The real question is the ending though...Will the portal finally allow if not all equstrian magic into the human world? Will the pony mane 6 transcend over? Seemed to me if somehow they're establishing that premise and it's going to happen and I think we got our 5th movie right there. Not by means a bad movie but the idea is already done and maybe we should see something new for once.


Good concept but with limited ideas and plot insecurities.

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Now that you mention it...


There is something that I'm a little unclear on. I haven't watched the trailer in forever, but I seen to remember it setting up Gia Everfree as something definitely from Equestria. Even Sunset said that she felt Equestrian magic.


I expected Gia Everfree to be a separate antagonist, and just be using Gloriosa. I guess that still means that SOMETHING came to that world with those crystals, but if anyone who uses them all at once becomes like that creature, then who knows how many Gia Everfrees there have been?


I think Gaia everfree was played up to be a red herring; I know I was surprised that there was no actual equestrian being, since the trailer made it really seem like there was another equestrian exile at the root of things.


as for the crystals, they were a very recent thing (You'll note that the magical cloud that explodes and makes the crystal cave occurs when she's her current age), and I think the impression was that it was either from the Cracked portal shown at the end of the movie or from the mane six's leftover magic from FG streaking about.


So I don't think there's been anyone but glory using them till now.




Me too. As I said in my review, a major criticism that I have and Im noticing people skimming over,  is that  Giaga Everfree just dropped. We don't know where she is and we, the audience, are to assume she isn't real. That leaves me to this question: Why the film build up Giga soooo much?

Red herring.


Its so that you think that she's like the sirens, so that it being a "Mundane" human as the villain is a surprise villain, since everyone was expecting a giant tree monster, not Glory's power rangers looking form.

Yeah, magic coming from Equestria doesn't sounds like something that can be solved in a single movie :huh:.... unless they make a movie as a pilot for the potential tv series, like they did with Jimmy Neutron  :please: . I just hope we focus more on Sunny again from now on though :huh:

I heard alot of rumors about them moving to a series instead of movies.


that being said, it would work well for them to transition to a sailor moon style series now, with Equestrian magic leaking through, every episode has some kid get possessed and corrupted by Equestrian magic, the mane six fight them and purify them, end of episode.


>I hope we focus more on sunny from now on


Hah, the fact that it DIDN'T overfocus on sunny is precisely WHY I liked this one so much more than the last one XD

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I'm on the fence about Equestria girls considering the 3rd one which I just found to be forced and infuriating. I also really usually love the music in MLP over all (Rainbow Rocks is my favorite of the movies so far) I liked maybe 2 songs in the third. I disliked or even hated every song in this one. I felt the plot was shallow and I just kept screaming at Twilight that Midnight does not exist and just because you make a mistake in life that leads you to do a bad thing, that doesn't mean that it's all that you are or that it will take over. If Luna (especially) and Sunset Shimmer could come back from what they were, you're just fine Twilight. I dunno, I felt she was infuriating in the 3rd on too, I just do not like Canterlot's Twilight, I find her for lack of a better term... a little, uh, thick? I feel like even if she's book smart and a little clueless, no one is that blind to what they are doing or what is going on. 


I would of liked the villain in this much more if it had been something more than just a camp ground. And everything was resolved waaaay too fast with too much time spent on what felt like fluff to pad the story.

I did laugh at a few parts though. Pinkie pie was spot on which I loved. The part where Timber drew his face on the lantern made me LOL as well as my partner who watched the movie with me (he disliked it even more than I do)


Over all, I felt a lot more could of been done with it. it feels like considering the end where they pointed out that the magic is leaking out of the original portal to that world that it's a filler movie for the next one. 

I feel I would of enjoyed the movie better if had truly been the girls and other classmates enjoying a nice time at camp. Maybe some even normal friendship problems and not just magic based ones. That would of even been a good lesson.

Also, the incredibly upped girly girl factor (which is just not my cup of tea which don't get me wrong, I love dresses and such and don't mind that, it was just the really 80's 90's style that threw me off, and feels like it's just trying to sell more toys) kinda came outta nowhere. I started laughing when they transformed into Sailor Moon/80's hero outfits when they got the crystals. Then the outfits were replaced minutes later by entirely new ones.


The movie felt very rushed and forced and I was definitely not my cup of tea. 

I give it a 1.5 out of 5.


PS: My partner thought of something really cool and I just wanted to pitch the idea for fun (Hasbro would never go for it) of a spin off where Sunset, Starlight and Trixie are a special friendship force who are used in the toughest of situations to change people from villain to good, considering all of them went through it in varying ways. I think they would be a really cool trio and Sunset would likely click with Starlight and Starlight could help Sunset and Trixie click better since I don't think they would seek each other out. They could deal with some truly dastardly villains and become stronger in their resolve of being the pony's they want to be since I'm sure all three sometimes feel doubtful that they are truly good to some degree.


Anyway, that's my thoughts on the movie and a random quip about what I think would be a cool spin off.

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Some thoughts on the music in the movie: 


"We Will Stand For Everfree": Kinda meh. The soundtrack version is better, I find. I imagined some kind of epic villain gloat song, and got a magical GreenPeace showcase. Not what I anticipated. 


"The Midnight in Me": I was apprehensive about this song on the soundtrack, but it REALLY works with the imagery in the scene.


"Embrace the Magic": This song makes so much more sense with the video. It's really flat in the OST.


"Legends of Everfree (Main Title)": I like the louder bass in the movie version versus the OST version. It's so much more fun!

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I noted that 'Denial' was a major theme in LoE; Sunset repeatedly stresses that you cannot ignore a problem forever just because it isn't convenient.


Reminds me of how the writers treated Flash here.

One major thing that this movie seemed to focus on was that the mane six are trying to deny/ignore their status as being magical girls and the events of the past few movies, with sunset forcing them kind of accept their special snowflake status.


Like, they spend the first half of the movie talking about how much they don't want any magic to happen and they hope they can get back to being "normal" girls, and the plotpoint of the movie is that sunset has to beat them over the head with "You are NOT "normal" girls, you are not going to BE normal girls, you need to accept that your life is Different and will keep being different", with the whole thing about embracing their magical abilities and selves.

  • Brohoof 3
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Might favorite parts were:


Shimmer and Spike moments.


Shimmer reading Pinkie Pie's mind.


Boat dock getting broken alot

Hope leaking magic results in tv show

Girls being sent on missions for magic flare ups like cutie map sent ponies


IF sent out on missions to deal with magic maybe shimmer loans girls journal to get advice from their pony counter parts.

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Might favorite parts were:


Shimmer and Spike moments.


Shimmer reading Pinkie Pie's mind.


Boat dock getting broken alot

Hope leaking magic results in tv show

Girls being sent on missions for magic flare ups like cutie map sent ponies


IF sent out on missions to deal with magic maybe shimmer loans girls journal to get advice from their pony counter parts.



The stinger with pinkie pie blowing up the dock was a definite high point.

She seriously needs to be careful with that shit. :P Still laugh my butt off at the part where she threw the nails at the others and everyone panicked.



Though, I'm guessing they're going to try and pull something about how she can only make things with sugar in them explode or something (Only sprinkles and marshmellows ever exploded-- well, and the jar of sprinkles, but that just might have been the sprinkles IN the jar)

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This is the million dollar question: Is this Pinks the ACTUAL Human Pinks? Or she's the FiM Pony Pinks who swapped places with Human Pinks?

This is why I think a story of 2 pony ask humans for advice then reverse using journal would be neat

This is why I think a story of 2 pony ask humans for advice then reverse using journal would be neat

While they are reading their counter parts advice the pinkies would make comments that would indicate they were there.

This is why I think a story of 2 pony ask humans for advice then reverse using journal would be neat


While they are reading their counter parts advice the pinkies would make comments that would indicate they were there.

Example EG AJ would be reading message from PY AJ Pinky reading over EG AJ's shoulder would comment as if she had been there

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So these are just my quick thoughts, I'll probably go into more detail once the movie is official released. First thing to get out of the way first, this movie isn't going to change your mind on the whole EQG thing. Either you hate it, at which point this movie will do nothing to change that, you like it, in which case you'll probably enjoy this movie, or you're on the fence, in which case I can't tell but I'm going to say you'll probably still be there. 


I enjoyed this movie. Sure it suffers a little from Avenger's 2 syndrome and doesn't have quite the same big wow factor RR or FG had with it's climax, but the character interactions and humor were great to me. This was kind of like the Star Trek IV of the EQG movies, a bit more lighthearted adventure. Great to see Sunset again, pretty much being the mentor and Batman of the group, and I found Sci-Twi to be a refreshing take, very different from her Princess counterpart. The others were good (with some Rarijack banter) and I like the ideas of the Superpowers (Sunset needs DBZ or Fire powers as secondary ones though). Overall I though this was a fun enjoyable romp. 

  • Brohoof 2

Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.

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I have only one question that the movie brought up. Those trinkets. Were they, shards of the original gems? if so then that confirms a missing stone. Is there going to be an episode in the cartoon filling in the intel related to that mythical m.i.a. rock or how are they gonna tie that in/cover that mistake? Most importantly; carrier and title? 


As for the film itself; had some good parts. Loved all the little jokes. Couldn't really find a tune in this one like I did the other three, though the music might need to grow on me a bit. The sun/light ship idea, was kinda predictable. Decent film for the eqg series. Worst moment for me was a look inside of the giddy ones' mind.... I'll be having nightmares of that for awhile, lol. 

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I have only one question that the movie brought up. Those trinkets. Were they, shards of the original gems? if so then that confirms a missing stone. Is there going to be an episode in the cartoon filling in the intel related to that mythical m.i.a. rock or how are they gonna tie that in/cover that mistake? Most importantly; carrier and title? 


As for the film itself; had some good parts. Loved all the little jokes. Couldn't really find a tune in this one like I did the other three, though the music might need to grow on me a bit. The sun/light ship idea, was kinda predictable. Decent film for the eqg series. Worst moment for me was a look inside of the giddy ones' mind.... I'll be having nightmares of that for awhile, lol. 


I think the gems were just supposed to be the crytalized form of either the leftover magic from FG (from Twilight/sunset after they absorbed the others magic), or be magic sent through by the Tree of harmony.


I think the "cast off magic" theory makes more sense honestly, since they have a tendency to try and tie events in a film back to the magical occurence in the previous film (In RR the dazzlings see the magic of the mane six at the start, and twilight starts investigating in FG due to the magical occurences happening in the previous films).

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Truthfully, I feel like the writers are beginning to run out of ideas. While I enjoyed the movie, I can't help but feel they're going back to EQG 1, with villains that just don't really work. I'll just start at the beginning and see what I can do.



Twilight's nightmare sequence was pretty good. It set up an inner conflict that could have been put to great use in the movie. Sadly, this was the high point of that particular conflict.


The introduction of the camp was fairly well done, with some amusing moments like Luna being salty about Celestia's sun dial and even Brad realizing he's a moron.


Then...well, Timber Spruce didn't give me the same deep loathing as Brad did at first, but that's mainly because I'd be fine with SciTwi dating him or Brad, however things might turn out. Even so, as usual in these movies romance is handled by blushing and cringy remarks. Honestly, if they'd just try treating it as an extension of friendship they might even pull it off.


For most of the rest of the movie, there really isn't much I can say. Twilight is angsty, Sunset wants to help but it's not like she can do much, and the main plot just drags itself forward. One of the things that bothered me is that they immediately dismiss Gaia Everfree's story, even though it's pointed out that they've actually faced demons several times at this point. It's just handwaved, like so many other things. One thing I did like was the moment Sunset read Pinkie's mind, which looked like a massive LSD trip. Her expression and her reaction ("That explains so much.") were by far the best joke in the movie.


Later in the movie, Twilight and Sunset are locked up in the crystal cave by Gloriosa, who, surprise surprise, turns out to have been 'Gaia Everfree' all along. Her motivation for turning evil? Filthy Rich is taking over the camp and she needs money to prevent it. This is all fine, but aside from an obligatory cameo by Filthy Rich nothing is done to set up this reveal. I guess it could have been worse, though. She's still a better villain than Sunset was in the first EQG.


Her power comes from crystals that seem suspiciously like the Elements of Harmony, down to the fact that they seem to be in the same relative position as the Tree of Harmony in Equestria. Interestingly, there is a crystal for Sunset here. I'm not against this, mind, given that I already consider Sunset to be the seventh Element, but it's odd given that the original Elements don't have a seventh gem. Foreshadowing, or just a necessary difference to give Sunset a necklace?


From here...well, the girls all have magic powers that seem vaguely related to their pony Cutie Marks, so they try to fight Gloriosa off, but of course they fail without Twilight and Sunset. Twilight is still afraid that Midnight would come back to take over if she uses her power, and it's even hinted that she might be right in this...but when it comes down to it her friends immediately shatter her dark side and they defeat Gloriosa in short order.


What lesson can be drawn from this? Let's recap here: in EQG, Sunset knew nothing about friendship, so Twilight and her new friends were able to harness the real power of the Elements to defeat and reform her. In RR, it was Sunset regaining her confidence and standing up for her friends that allowed them to defeat the Sirens. In FG, Sunset mirrored Twilight from the first movie to teach SciTwi what friendship really meant, and that, combined with her love for Spike, allowed Midnight to be defeated. I guess LOE is supposed to mirror RR with SciTwi learning to have faith in her friends, but it doesn't come across that well.


Throughout the movie, SciTwi is afraid of what might happen if Midnight takes over. Sunset tries to reassure her, but to no avail. Then, when the need is most dire, it suddenly does work. The parallels with RR are obvious, yet RR handled it more subtly than LOE does. In RR, the viewer could see Sunset's emotions at certain moments, but she never said anything about them. Then, she and Twilight had their scene in the kitchen where they both confessed their fears to one another. They didn't elaborate on them, but they both seemed happier knowing they had someone who knew how they felt. In LOE, SciTwi's magic is accidentally revealed to Sunset and she makes Sunset promise not to reveal it to anyone...and that was it. Unlike the natural feeling the scene in RR had, this felt very awkward. And I get it, that's how they meant it, but it served no real purpose later. If this scene hadn't happened the ending would have played out the same way, whereas I feel that in RR, the scene between Sunset and Twilight in the kitchen did influence Sunset and helped her find the strength to fight the Sirens in the end.


So, Gloriosa is defeated, apologies are offered and a good time is had by all. The stinger shows a crack in the portal, possibly hinting at a Reflections-style event in the next movie. I honestly hope they go for that angle, because I think that EQG 5 will be the final movie, assuming the 2017 MLP movie ends FiM. Sunset would likely go back to Equestria because her presence contributes to the merging of both worlds, which is good for my shipping, but I digress.


All in all, this movie is enjoyable, but not very good. It's better than EQG, but not by a whole lot. I seriously hope they will step up their game for the next (last?) one.



DISCLAIMER: I'm a huge SunLight shipper so take my reverence of RR with a mountain of salt, please.

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I think the gems were just supposed to be the crytalized form of either the leftover magic from FG (from Twilight/sunset after they absorbed the others magic), or be magic sent through by the Tree of harmony.


I think the "cast off magic" theory makes more sense honestly, since they have a tendency to try and tie events in a film back to the magical occurence in the previous film (In RR the dazzlings see the magic of the mane six at the start, and twilight starts investigating in FG due to the magical occurences happening in the previous films).



The cast off idea sounds plausible though it brings up the question of travel from Canterlot high and landing in the camp Everfree  rock quarry and taking shard form.though the crack in the statue (which ties fg to loe) may be related.


The other theory only popped up due to the behavior of the shards. They somewhat (being only shards rather than the whole gems) replayed what happened in episode 2, going from one form to a cm shaped stone after aligning themselves with their respective bearer. The only difference between the sets (other than being single shards versus sharded stones) is the addition of the white gem which then switches up the order of the colors, giving rare a gem matching her coat and allowing the red gem to be transferred to shimmer from dash. 

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The cast off idea sounds plausible though it brings up the question of travel from Canterlot high and landing in the camp Everfree  rock quarry and taking shard form.though the crack in the statue (which ties fg to loe) may be related.


The other theory only popped up due to the behavior of the shards. They somewhat (being only shards rather than the whole gems) replayed what happened in episode 2, going from one form to a cm shaped stone after aligning themselves with their respective bearer. The only difference between the sets (other than being single shards versus sharded stones) is the addition of the white gem which then switches up the order of the colors, giving rare a gem matching her coat and allowing the red gem to be transferred to shimmer from dash. 


The colors are off by more than just the white; compare the Geodes to the EOH here; the EOH are Pink, blue, purple, orange, red, purple, while the Geodes are Yellow, blue, white, purple, orange, pink, Red.

The EOH have 2 purples while the geodes only have one, and the Geodes have yellow and white which the EOH lack, as the EOH were designed to compliment the M6's color scheme while the Geodes are explicitly their color schemes.



That really doesn't change anything, just pointing out the color difference :P



Edited by Unlikeable Pony
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Well... that was disappointing. I was really bored by this one. Once again, this series seems to be afraid of engaging with its thematic ideas on a deeper level, and worse, this one had the gall to be really repetitive as well. It feels like the series is spinning its wheels, and it never managed to get me invested in Twilight's own internal conflict. Which is bad, because the rest of the film has little else to offer - the romance is underdeveloped, the rest of the mane six are depicted shallowly, the humour is frequently mild, the plot is unengaging, and, most appallingly, Sunset Shimmer isn't especially interesting. This one really bored me. 


Full review at my offsite blog

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I actually really enjoyed the movie and soundtrack (watched it five times already). It's my second favorite EG movie (after RR of course). I'm honestly really glad it didn't disappoint as much as FG. I did like FG too, but it just felt so random, like motor cross, really? And I also really like how the villains of the movie became more and more actual characters. Sunset Shimmer in movie 1 was as shallow as a puddle, the Dazzlings were alright, I suppose and Twilight Sparkle (EG) was understandable (and also Principal Cinch, though she was shallow she fitted the fanatic principal motif so I didn't mind). I especially like how Gloriosa doesn't see how she's drawn to corrupted magic in her desperate attempt to safe the camp. All in all I really enjoyed it. 


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Btw, so much for Flash Sentry huh? All those fanfics for nothing, lol.

well, he's been shifted over to being sunset's New love interest, so he's not "Fully" gone.


it seems like the staff have decided that, rather than the "Super cool guy" person that they had in mind for the first movie, Flash's purpose in this series is to basically be the uncool buttmonkey, since he's more or less a lost puppy at this point.

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Just started watching and I haven't read this whole thread yet, so maybe it's been discussed. But is it me, or do the characters now have hourglass figures for the girls as well as more noticeable boobs, and broad chests for the boys? I don't guess it really matters, just something I noticed.

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