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Big Jim confirmed about the show's target demographic. IT FOR LITTLE GIRLS.


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It's not the fact that we exist, is that a portion of us believe ourselves the authority of the show's quality. Not only that, if we find something that we don't like, we tend to get...... "passionate", when we speak our mind  :dry:


And that passion can go so far out of control, something like what we've seen here with Big Jim's tweet comes up. The writers have to conform to what Hasbro wants from them. Sure no everyone will enjoy it but that's the reality of the situation.

  • Brohoof 1


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The world of marketing is a flawed and idiotic place. Cereal is constantly marketed towards kids yet I eat cereal all the time. Jim and Hasbro might be stuck in the past, doesn't mean we have to be.


Cereal being marketed towards kids doesn't mean they aren't expecting adults to eat it, or that anyone thinks adults shouldn't be able to. That's ridiculous. But especially with sugary sweet cereal, it's something that extra commonly might appeal to kids and so it makes sense to market it towards them. Also, if you get the kids to love the cereal when they're young, they're more likely to keep buying as they get older.


 You're taking the "Demographic" too seriously. It's not something set in stone "Only people of this gender or age are allowed to like this!", it's just who the show is primarily marketed and geared towards. That's okay, the show is well-written enough it has a ton of appeal to even people far outside that demographic, that's impressive!

  • Brohoof 5

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Or, you know, you could also be wrong. 

And your point is?  


Also, can you at least try to think of an actual argument next time?


The world of marketing is a flawed and idiotic place. Cereal is constantly marketed towards kids yet I eat cereal all the time. 

A) Depends on the kind of cereal. B)Maybe that's because kids are more likely to get their parents to buy said cereal for them?  


Jim and Hasbro might be stuck in the past, doesn't mean we have to be.

 I've never said that we should stay in the past, (in fact, I've said pretty much the opposite). But hey, why actually answer any of my points when we can just shove our fingers in our ears while repeatedly screaming "It's not a show for little girls, stop being stuck in the past." as loud as humanly possible.


Also, this just convinces me that you didn't actually read what Jim said, considering that he literally said that there was nothing wrong for anybody outside of the target demographic watching the show.      

Edited by Yamet
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And your point is?  


Also, can you at least try to think of an actual argument next time?


A) Depends on the kind of cereal. B)Maybe that's because kids are more likely to get their parents to buy said cereal for them?  


 I've never said that we should stay in the past, (in fact, I've said pretty much the opposite). But hey, why actually answer any of my points when we can just shove our fingers in our ears while repeatedly screaming "It's not a show for little girls, stop being stuck in the past." as loud as humanly possible.


Also, this just convinces me that you didn't actually read what Jim said, considering that he literally said that there was nothing wrong for anybody outside of the target demographic watching the show.      

Trust me, a lot of these responses against me haven't been arguments in the slightest.


And I have read what he said and his response makes zero sense. If there is nothing wrong with anyone else watching the show, then there is no reason to call it a little girls show. When boys can like your show, then calling it a little girls show is idiotic. I don't care what about some bullshit demographic, because that is all that is, bullshit. Much like how the color pink is still marketed to girls. It is nonsense.


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If there is nothing wrong with anyone else watching the show, then there is no reason to call it a little girls show. 

Except the fact that it's marketed towards little girls.


 "But then why doesn't they just market the show to every gender then?" 


Because most boys doesn't care about this kind of stuff. 

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Except the fact that it's marketed towards little girls.


 "But then why doesn't they just market the show to every gender then?" 


Because most boys doesn't care about this kind of stuff. 

That is a perfect example of predisposition. What makes boys less interested in 'this kind of stuff' and more interested in 'other kind of stuff'? Oh, is it because of how this marketing and the bullshit society spews out makes to where boys must feel ashamed for liking a show like this and must like something more 'boylike'? I cannot think of a single thing that a boy wouldn't be able to like about this show that isn't a result of society preconditioning it in the first place. That is the shit we need to get away from. That is the shit that Jim and Hasbro are supporting.


And when you say 'this kind of stuff', I am very curious on what you mean there. So far, nobody has provided any real points to this question.


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Jim and Hasbro might be stuck in the past, doesn't mean we have to be.
Having target demographic isn't being stuck in the past.  It's just choosing to focus on a certain group of people and there's nothing wrong with that.



When boys can like your show, then calling it a little girls show is idiotic. 

Well, the reason for why it's called a little girls show is because it's mainly a show for little girls. It's the same thing as calling a jacket made mainly  for winter a  "winter jacket" instead of  a " whole year jacket" even though a winter jacket can be worn for the whole year.

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I've had to bite back my criticism of the show lately because of this. I'm somewhat of a fan of the "bitter sweet" ending, and useful suffering in general, and thus took issue with a lot of episodes as well as the only MLP comic story arc I've read when things just end too well for everybody.


The good stories are good, the bad ones are bad, there's plenty of both, and I'd advise anyone having an issue to check themselves before they go off on the show creators and potentially ruining things for everyone.

Besides, dissatisfaction is a good reason for adults to create their own content. Want a good story starring small talking horses? Like the irony of cute silly creatures dealing with serious human problems? Not satisfied with what you're getting from DHX / IDW? Show going downhill? Creators not listening to legitimate fan criticism?


Make your own.


Seriously. You are all guests, and there's a lot of really good shows out there. Just because MLP isn't Longmire doesn't mean you should harass the show creators.

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Ugh, I can't stand Jim Well, yeah, of course that's the primary target. That used to be the joke about this fandom, it was a bunch of dudes liking a little girl's show.


That being said, I think it's gotten more neutral during it's course. 

I'm just nobody at all...

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Except the fact that it's marketed towards little girls.


 "But then why doesn't they just market the show to every gender then?" 


Because most boys doesn't care about this kind of stuff. 

That's the thing though, Hasbro IS marketing to all genders and ages. 



Which makes Jim's comments coming now not only confusing, but downright contradictory! 

  • Brohoof 3


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Thanks Jim for just supporting a shitload of stereotypes againsts bronies or ANY male fan that wants to like this show without being dehumanized over it. I persoanlly think Jim is entriely wrong here. What makes this show for little girls specifically? Why can't boys be a target too? What makes it girly? What makes it for younger audiences? Why can't he just use the term family friendly? What the fuck does it have to do with gender??? Or even age for that matter?


Honestly, this pisses me off. Calling a great show like this a little gurls show before anything else goes along with this worthless society's gender role bullshit.


Sorry Jim, but I see you as wrong. Do some peeple take it too seriously? Yes, but that doesn't mean shit. People take shows seriously all the time, and all of it is fiction in the end.

Fully agree with you. By saying that the show "is for little girls" he is showing how much of a narrow minded idiot he is. He doesn't even realize that he is part of something truly great and magical. He's also giving people a reason to think badly of bronies or anybody else who isn't a little girl that watches the show. Even when Hasbro said that they wanted to move it to a gender neutral brand, and I fully agree with them, and the new packaging for the more show accurate brushables is really good. I couldn't be more proud of Hasbro and more disappointed in Jim, I like the shows quality, and I have nothing against him. But he pissed me off, I hope Hasbro realizes that he isn't going with their new culture for their brand and kick him to the curb. He has no right to insult us for watching quality programming and also has no right to say who it's intended for. He's doing more harm than good, by saying that the show is only for little girls he is undoing every single wonderful thing that the brand has done, it's no longer 2010, it may have began with little girls as its main audience but it grew into something great, not just for bronies but everybody else who was touched by it. 


I wouldn't miss him if he was fired. Actually I might shake the hand of the person who fired him. 

  • Brohoof 2

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He has no right to insult us for watching quality programming and also has no right to say who it's intended for. He's doing more harm than good, by saying that the show is only for little girls he is undoing every single wonderful thing that the brand has done,


Okay, please calm down here. This kind of statement is ridiculous.


 Even if you disagree with what Jim's said and think he's wrong, there is no reason to take his statements personally. Jim is not saying there is anything wrong with us watching the show, he is not insulting bronies, he is not attacking us. This was not meant as an insult.


 If you want to be mad, and think his statement is incorrect and damaging? Go right ahead, but just try to keep in mind that his comment was not intended as an attack.

  • Brohoof 4

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Fully agree with you. By saying that the show "is for little girls" he is showing how much of a narrow minded idiot he is


Looks like someone didn't bothered to read what Jim actually said. If you had, you would have seen the part where he literally said that there was nothing wrong with people outside of the target demographic liking the show.

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Okay, please calm down here. This kind of statement is ridiculous.


 Even if you disagree with what Jim's said and think he's wrong, there is no reason to take his statements personally. Jim is not saying there is anything wrong with us watching the show, he is not insulting bronies, he is not attacking us. This was not meant as an insult.


 If you want to be mad, and think his statement is incorrect and damaging? Go right ahead, but just try to keep in mind that his comment was not intended as an attack.


I'm sorry but you might need to reread it, by saying that ITS FOR LITTLE GIRLS, he fully dehumanizes us and invalidates our love for the show. If we wanted to not insult us he could have said, "initially it was intended to be viewed by little girls and their parents but has grown to a larger adult/teen audience." He didn't say that, he decided to say that it was just for little girls. Why not say that it's just a show and its main viewership is little girls? He decided to indirectly attack us by narrowing the intended audience. Funny thing is that the higher ups at Hasbro want it to become a gender neutral brand, their spokespeople have sometimes even recognized us as an adult viewership or that about 30% of viewers are male9boys and men). Hasbro is getting it and I respect that, Jim does not. I would love to see him begging for change after Hasbro feels he is contradicting what they want to do with their brand and can him.

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Well, he is not wrong. Hasbro is the one who decides who the target demographic is, and it is at it is. 


The fact is, there are adults that watch the show as well, but they are not the target demographic. There is nobody saying that they are not allowed to watch it, what is being said is that the first priority will always be the target demographic/the intended audience, not the ones who have tagged along as well. 


I do not have a problem with that. 

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Looks like someone didn't bothered to read what Jim actually said. If you had, you would have seen the part where he literally said that there was nothing wrong with people outside of the target demographic liking the show.

Doesn't excuse the fact that he said it was for little girls. You clearly didn't read it either. His statement invalidates our viewership and it goes to show that he thinks MLP hasn't evolved into anything better than that. Cue Hasbro HR with the letter of termination.

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I'm sorry but you might need to reread it, by saying that ITS FOR LITTLE GIRLS, he fully dehumanizes us and invalidates our love for the show.


I read what he said, I do not feel dehumanized or invalidated in the slightest. I think you need to go back and fully reread everything he said. All of it. He said this show is primarily aimed at girls 6-12, but he never said it was ONLY for them, or that ONLY they could enjoy it. He even says: "The fact that this show has appealed to a much broader audience than intended is a wonderful bonus."


 He also says: "Additionally, I take exception to the notion that a show aimed at little girls is somehow a negative, or an indication of lesser quality." and "If you're not a little girl and you enjoy this show, it's because you're just as smart, funny, and strong as they are. THAT IS A COMPLIMENT TO YOU." 


 Those are exact quotes from what he said. It is very clear he did not intend to insult anyone who enjoys the show, and it's very clear that he does not view this show as being a "Girl's show" as somehow a negative.

  • Brohoof 3

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Doesn't excuse the fact that he said it was for little girls. You clearly didn't read it either. His statement invalidates our viewership and it goes to show that he thinks MLP hasn't evolved into anything better than that. Cue Hasbro HR with the letter of termination.

But it is Hasbro that decides if it has evolved into something more. We are not the ones who decide whether this has evolved into something more. 


So Big Jim is not really wrong. He might have made the mistake of making a comment during the wrong time, but in the end, he is not wrong. The intended demographic is not adults :). But that is nothing to really be hurt about :) We can still watch the show nonetheless :) 

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He also says: "Additionally, I take exception to the notion that a show aimed at little girls is somehow a negative, or an indication of lesser quality." and "If you're not a little girl and you enjoy this show, it's because you're just as smart, funny, and strong as they are. THAT IS A COMPLIMENT TO YOU." 

I don't see how a 19 year old male being called as smart or strong as a 7 year old girl is a compliment.

But it is Hasbro that decides if it has evolved into something more. We are not the ones who decide whether this has evolved into something more. 


So Big Jim is not really wrong. He might have made the mistake of making a comment during the wrong time, but in the end, he is not wrong. The intended demographic is not adults :). But that is nothing to really be hurt about :) We can still watch the show nonetheless :)

The thing is is that Hasbro understands the other demographics as well and hence is pushing for gender neutral. If they move the brands culture to gender-neutral, then they have to have some hint that the show really can be for everyone, and then have their marketing be successful enough to change their entire packaging. Just look at that picture posted above by CT-1138. Look at new packaging of the new brushables. It isn't all pink, why? They know that boys and adults will still buy them too. So yea Hasbro does decide and make the final choice, but originally it was our interest in MLP that made Hasbro decide to change the packaging or come out with Guardians of Harmony.

  • Brohoof 1

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His statement invalidates our viewership

How? He literally said that there was nothing wrong with people outside of the target audience watching the show.


it goes to show that he thinks MLP hasn't evolved into anything better than that.

You make it seem like a show for little girls is inherently bad.


Doesn't excuse the fact that he said it was for little girls.

And what's wrong with him saying that the target audience is little girls? I mean, it doesn't stop you from watching and enjoying the show. Or are you so insecure that you can't watch anything that isn't targeted towards you?

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I don't see how a 19 year old male being called as smart or strong as a 7 year old girl is a compliment.


You're taking this statement too literally, first of all.


 Second of all, he does also mention that the show, while primarily aimed at young girls, isn't just for them. "Lauren created a show that while aimed at little girls, worked for everyone who watched it. It's something myself and my crew still believe in, and strive to mantain. If you think we've failed at that, then I apologize."


 It is primarily aimed at girls, but they are aware that other people watch this show, and they try to keep it interesting for them as well. There are elements to the story and characters that everyone can appreciate, morals that parents will like to see their kids learning, jokes for adults and references for bronies.


 You're taking his statements more seriously than he intended.

Edited by BasementGlimmer
  • Brohoof 5

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You're taking this statement too literally, first of all.

How in anyway then am I taking it too literally, how could calling me as strong or smart as a child have a figurative meaning?

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How in anyway then am I taking it too literally, how could calling me as strong or smart as a child have a figurative meaning?



 Because MLP doesn't assume it's audience of little girls are idiots. It doesn't assume they only like pink and flowers and tea parties and nothing else. It doesn't assume they are all the same, or that they can't understand anything. It actually treats them like human beings, they might have some growing up to do, but they are not stupid.


 They treat little girls who watch this show like they're smart. So, if we can find reasons to appreciate a show like this too, because we relate to a character, or because a joke was funny, or because a moral in an episode is something we've applied to our own lives? We must be at least a little bit smart too.

Edited by BasementGlimmer
  • Brohoof 8

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Well for one, I somewhat agree with him. Cmon let's be real here, yes mlp is a great show for all ages and genders but I can see that deep down it still focus on one audience. little kids mainly girls.  Just how it is written and inputted (loving with glitters and such). But i tend to see more of it that and get that feeling  mainly of the first two eps and finale of the show when good guy vs the threat in the world villains. The only part  that i feel like i'm watching a regular cartoons that you would found in cartoon network, that is for all ages and gender is the finale of season 4's battle  and the episodes between the 1st two eps and the finale.  


but comparing to  some of the comics mlp i feel it more meant for my age as 25 year man.  


 i just think the some part in the show is a bit corny or cheesy because they thinks little kids wouldn't caught it as  being cheesy or corny. with this "girly" touch to it. They might try not to head toward that direction but it clearly shows it.


i know this shows initially meant for kids, but kids aren't dumb okay? and i know kids watch adventure time, regular show and other

cartoon shows so i guess me saying this,  is that i think they should move mlp toward more similar to these cartoons and away from this stereotypical "little kids shows for girls" aspect.


Big jim made a point here and if I can see that then I think it time to wake up and faced that yes this shows still have a stereotype tint to it. 


As a mlp i'm not offended by this point, and i know other like me will be. but c'mon now, he and i cant be the only one seeing this.


As much as  i like mlp and enjoyed the shows, but with  this is the feeling I'm getting when watching it.  I would like to see a bit of changes for the show by being much more away from the stereotype little "girly kids shows. (but keeping the morals lesson.) Little girls doesn't need this bullcrap and also little boys  or older people wont be made fun of for liking mlp. .

Edited by satrox



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