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S06:E25+E26 - To Where and Back Again

Ashen Pathfinder

What did you think of the finale?  

223 users have voted

  1. 1. Did you like it!

    • No; that was just shameful!
    • Not really, just another dud.
    • Meh; neutral.
    • It was pretty cool; seen better tho.
    • THAT WAS MEGA EPIC!!! <3

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Good evening everypony! I apologize for being so late on my season finale review; my original plan was to post it together with my full Season 6 review, but it turned out that both reviews together were simply to long to post in the same blog, so without further ado, here is my Season 6 finale review of "To Where and Back Again"!


The Season Finale


After seeing the season finale, I find myself in a very strange position. 95% of this finale was an A+ effort in pretty much every single way, but that 5% that wasn't brought it down quite a bit. In fact, while I overall very much enjoyed the product as a whole, I have to say that this is my least favorite season finale of all of MLP:FiM. How can this be, you might ask? Well, let's take a look, at both the good which was the majority of both episodes, and the little but very significant bad that brought it down quite a bit in my eyes.


In many respects, this finale in execution paralleled last season's finale. There was a lot of set-up and A LOT of slow, steady pacing for the majority of both episodes, sometimes to the detriment of the final product. The reason it worked for so much of the episode, however, is that this finale was focused almost entirely on Starlight Glimmer. This worked for quite a few reasons. First, most season finales since Season 2 have been focused on Twilight as the main character; this finale, like the season opener, kept the focus on Starlight, who had probably the most important character developments of the season, and capped a splendid first season featuring her as a reformed character and pupil of the Princess of Friendship. It gave us a great chance to see how she's grown and developed over the season and had some very nice payoffs, like getting to see Starlight and Trixie working together to save the day (for the record, they are quite adorable as BFFs and I really hope we get to see more of them next season). This time also, she was the undisputed sole hero of the day, in that unlike in the season opener, where Twilight and the Mane 6 played a role along with her in saving the day, Starlight (aside from having some friends along, only one of whom she was really well acquainted with) was the primary mover here and focus of most of the episode.


And for the most part, I have to say that Starlight had a great episode. In fact, I have no complaints whatsoever about her role in the episode or the lesson that she both taught and learned. This was a fantastic place for her to end up at the end of Season 6; in most of Season 6, she's been perfectly content playing the role of student, of supporter, of learner. In other words, she hasn't taken the lead on many things for the most part because the last time she was in a leadership role, she was an out of control megalomaniac and was terrified that she simply wasn't cut out for such responsibilities. Being a good friend and good pony was one thing, she was comfortable with that for the most part by now even if she still had some anxieties, but being a leader? She simply didn't believe she was ready for that, and couldn't ever be again, and it showed when she returned home and freaked out when all the ponies she'd formerly enslaved wanted her to help take charge with something as simple as festivity responsibilities. But at the end of the day, Starlight realized that she already knew what it meant to be a good leader, could put it into practice, and teach others what it meant. She kept the dysfunctional group she was in united and focused on their task of saving her friends and Equestria, she led them through many perilous situations and stayed at the center of coming up with their next move and bringing the best out of all of them, and she taught what she'd learned about what it means to be a true leader to Chrysalis and the Changelings to save the day. In summary, Starlight, as I said, had a great season finale, and it will be fascinating to see where she goes from here next season. I hope she stays in Ponyville because I've really gotten used to her presence this season and it's nice having a major character that's around as much as she has been this season who wasn't one of the Mane 6, helps mix things up a little. All in all, it was a great close of the season for her and really did justice to her entire character arc this season.


The supporting characters were great as well. The Mane 6 and Spike only showed up briefly (mostly at the beginning), but did give Starlight some great advice, and Princess Luna had a pretty great appearance as well in Starlight's first and second dream, first giving her some wonderful advice and then warning her of the renewed Changeling threat (sadly, Celestia did not get a similar appearance, but then again she had a pretty poor amount of screen time this whole season). Chrysalis and the Changelings were as intimidating as ever and, after waiting four seasons for them to come back in force, they made a great showing as the finale's villains, and had a really good plan to boot. Last time they showed up, aside from infiltrating a royal wedding, they tried for the most part to take Canterlot by brute force, which almost worked but in the end proved a futile effort. This time, they definitely upped the stealth and deviousness quite a bit, abducting pretty much every major ruler and protector of Equestria, which could have had disastrous consequences for all of Equestria. It wasn't made clear entirely in the second part if they just wanted to feed off of the rulers or take over the whole country, but I have to think that conquering Equestria was the end game here. Either way, it was a great plan and very dastardly in its execution and intent.


But really, the true supporting characters of both episodes were Starlight's motley crew of Trixie Lulamoon, Thorax, and Discord, and this was a fun bunch. When Starlight thought of bringing Trixie along rather than Twilight, it was both adorable and hilarious (mostly because of how peeved and passive aggressive Twilight was about being passed up for Trixie and how smug Trixie was about it), and they were wonderful throughout both episodes. Trixie's still Trixie, and I wouldn't want that to change one bit, but she's also a true friend, even BFF, to Starlight in her own way. They probably shouldn't have turned tail and fled Starlight's town when Starlight had basically a panic attack, but then again, this wasn't one of the Mane 6 who would encourage Starlight to stay, this was Trixie. She's still new to the whole friendship thing herself, and her #1 concern was probably Starlight's comfortableness, not her reconnecting with ponies who Trixie had never even met. Besides, it paid off considering they were able to get back in time to figure out what the Changelings were up to. Her interactions with Discord were also a hoot and pretty much what you'd expect from two reformed villains (Tier 1 and Tier 2 respectively) in the show being around one another for a long period of time, although some of the times when they bickered were a bit much just because it was clearly not the time or place (then again, these are two VERY stubborn characters so it's believable enough out of the two of them). Thorax had a very nice return as well, though I felt a bit bad for him. Don't get me wrong, he was smart, intelligent, very helpful considering he had tons of insider information on the Changelings, and kind of a steadying and calming voice along with Starlight, but he sometimes felt like a fourth wheel. I know that he's kind of a shy and quiet character by his nature, but sometimes, especially in the second episode, Trixie and Discord went at it so much that you forgot he was there (Starlight was usually the one playing peacemaker between the two). Overall, however, he still turned in a really good return, and even though he was hardly as old of a character as Trixie, Discord, or even Starlight, fit right into their motley crew. Finally, Discord was, well, what else, Discord. The strangest part of his appearance was seeing him not being able to use his chaos magic for most of it, but it was great getting to see Discord in a major role in a season finale once again, and this time actually helping for most of it. He was also even more obnoxious than usual considering he barely knew or cared about any of the ponies he was working with and was unabashedly only there to help Fluttershy, but that just made him even funnier (his stand-up routine in front of the Changeling guards was particularly hilarious). Overall, aside from (and we'll get to that in a minute) one little bit at the end, this season finale had a great bunch of supporting characters, even if it was a bit odd seeing the main group of the episode limited to four characters when we're so used to the group of six (seven if you count Spike) we're so used to seeing in major show events in the Mane 6.


So... what didn't work? What was the little, tiny bit of this finale that brought it down in my eyes as my least favorite season finale of MLP:FiM to date? Well, it wasn't the obvious plot device in Part 2. You all know the one, the "Changeling magic rock/Chrysalis throne" that sucks out all non-Changeling magic in the vicinity preventing the rescue team from using any magic besides Thorax. Yeah, that didn't actually bother me. I mean, it was obviously a plot device for the sake of convenience to prevent Discord from just using his chaos magic to save the day in two seconds (the show itself admitted as much), but I didn't mind that because it made for a pretty unique situation. We had two unicorns and a draconequus incapable of using any magic to save the day, and a Changeling who could really only use his to transform his appearance. It required a lot of hard and clever thinking from Starlight and company, and even then they only barely succeeded. That, however, is where the problems come in.


As I said before, the pacing was very similar to Season 5's season finale. A lot of set-up and a lot of action in the middle of the episode, executed very slowly and very steadily. While this makes for some great scenes at the beginning and in the middle, the problem is the pacing was just a touch too slow. Hence, the conclusion was a bit rushed like last season's. However, that's only the beginning of the problems of this conclusion. Last season, the biggest problem with the conclusion was that it was rushed; however, it still was a very solid conclusion because it was squarely focused on the reformation of one character, Starlight Glimmer. Season 6 only made that conclusion even better because it was clear that, while she was reformed, Starlight still had a lot to learn this season. THIS conclusion, however, was rushed in a bad, noticeable way that caused a lot of problems because it was not about the reformation of one character. THE ENTIRE CHANGELING SPECIES (aside from Chrysalis) WAS REFORMED! That is what we call a rushed ending in the worst sense. All it took, literally ALL IT TOOK to reform the Changelings was one speech from Starlight Glimmer, a pony they'd never met, and a display of magic from Thorax which they'd never heard of. While Thorax sharing the magic of his love for others wasn't problematic (I can totally buy that he'd be able to unleash that at this point), the rest of the Changelings proceeding to do it was downright damn confusing! How did they unlock such magic??? These Changelings had never loved anything before like Thorax had (unless you count their adoration and loyalty to Chrysalis, but I don't think that's love, that's fanatic devotion), and all of a sudden we're supposed to believe that they're unlocking a magic that Thorax himself hadn't known he could unlock in his current condition until two seconds ago? That's just downright ridiculous.


The follow-up to that, however, might prove more controversial to fans. After the Changelings ridiculously unleashed a power they shouldn't have yet in a completely random and unjustified act of reformation (talk about your bad deus ex machinas), they, well, for lack of a better term, went through a metamorphosis. And what emerged? Well... this.





What the...












It's a... a majestic deer-moose-bug-king-thing... I think... what???



Yes. All Changelings (except for Chrysalis and any she is able to produce from this point on, I assume) have been turned from their intimidating appearance into beautiful, majestic looking creatures. Which... kind of defeats the purpose of Thorax's first episode. And therein lies the problem. Thorax's debut was probably the most beautiful episode of the season in its heart and message. And at the center of the end of that episode were the ponies of Equestria and the Crystal Empire overcoming their prejudices against Changelings and placing their trust in a member of a species they had only ever feared, and for good reason, even though he still looked like something out of a nightmare. Now, that's just all gone. It's not hard in the slightest to ask ponies to trust Changelings when they look so damn wondrous, majestic, and beautiful now. The designs themselves were fine, I have no problem with them from an aesthetic POV, but my problem is with the principle of changing their look in the first place. For a show that has always promoted fellowship and goodwill between all no matter who you are, where you come from, or what you look like, it feels wrong on some level that such a shallow change in character appearance would be made just to signify that all Changelings are "good" now. Thorax was good when he looked like a regular ol' Changeling, and I have no idea why that had to change now. In fact, the sad thing is I think I know what drove them to change the appearance. With all of the Changelings reformed, I think the animators were afraid that we wouldn't be able to distinguish Thorax from the rest of the Changelings (or any individual Changeling characters for that matter). If this was their driving incentive, there were surely better alternatives out there; they could've either solely changed Thorax's appearance while keeping the other Changelings the same, or even retained the Changeling body designs but just changed the individual color designs of each one. But now, they're just this beautiful looking species which no pony in their right mind should have any trouble trusting, and something about that just doesn't feel right for this show. It's lazy, it's somewhat questionable from a principled POV, and it wasn't executed very well either. I was happy that Chrysalis is still villainous as ever, and now has a bone in particular to pick with Starlight Glimmer to boot (new nemesis, anypony?), but the end overall was rushed, lazy, underwhelming, and anti-climactic. Even afterwards it was! Did we get a song to end out the season, or even a satisfying closing scene? NOPE!!! While it was nice seeing Starlight return to her town with all of her friends, all we got was this lame bit from RD about how somepony needed to catch them up on everything they missed and... that was it! Seriously, that was it. WHAT A LOAD!!!


Bronies, take notes. If you're putting together an essay, or a video, or writing a story, whatever, this finale right here is perfect proof of why a strong conclusion is so important, because your entire body could be perfectly good of whatever you've worked on, and it would still be noticeably sullied by a weak conclusion like what we had here! Overall, I'm not disappointed with the whole of the season finale, really, I'm not. It achieved exactly what it wanted to in strongly closing out the most important story and character arc of Season 6, Starlight Glimmer's. But for a season that was so strong, it is just a tad disappointing that things ended on such a weak, unmemorable note in those last five minutes, as though the end of an entire season of MLP were nothing but an afterthought. Overall, however, "To Where and Back Again" is on the whole a strong season finale to another splendid season of MLP. That's all I got for ya tonight, everypony, until next time this is Batbrony signing off. I'm off!!! *cue dramatic exit*

  • Brohoof 3


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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Nice review! :idea:


I agree with a lot of what you said, and same as you, I'd found the change of appearance to be an odd choice from the part of the writing staff. Toy line, distinguishing one changeling from the other...? Became more or less water under the bridge, until I realised something while talking to a friend.


As you may have noticed, the whole finale was echoing Starlight's situation, back from when she was a villain. That's why Starlight extended her hoof to Chrysalis. After thinking a bit more the echoing does not stop there, far from it! Let's sum it up:


- both leaders

- their subjects love them

- their subjects are all equal/the same (there is the important point)

- in both case, all are lacking something (cutie marks & love)

- interlopers come in, preaching about said lacking element

- said interlopers see their abilities nulled by an artefact

- they get captured...

- but a "traitor" helps save the day...

- by making a certain realisation dawn upon the subjects

- they choose to embrace the change and (re)gain individuality

- said subjects are then the ones to overthrow their former leader

- said leader flees from her town/kingdom


In other words, Starlight's story has made a full circle, with Starlight destroying a flawed system of equality, to show just how much she's grown since. I've made a thread about this if you wish to read more, though I've pretty much said it all now... :blush:


Link: https://mlpforums.com/topic/159179-starlight-un-equalised-the-changelings/


I'd like to hear your thoughts after this. Have they changed? Do you stand by your previous stance? :grin:

Edited by Ninjaed
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I'd like to hear your thoughts after this. Have they changed? Do you stand by your previous stance? :grin:


On paper the theory works, but here's where it doesn't work for me still.  It still was too quick.  The emphasis was at no point, neither in Thorax's introduction (aside from quick blips about wanting to change his people and show them the ways of friendship) nor in the finale itself placed on describing or showing how the Changelings situation was negatively affecting them.  You could maybe argue that it's self evident both from the Season 2 finale and from the Season 6 finale, especially in seeing the state of how they live and have to scrounge predatorily for love, that it's simply SHOWN rather than described, but my problem with that argument would still be that at no point, until the final five minutes, did Starlight want to actually help the Changelings, and only then as a desperation move.


Again, this isn't knocking her for what she said or had learned, I was totally fine with her character arc all season and what you said fits into that, sure.  But it's still not the same because in the Season 5 opener, so much of the focus from the start of those episodes was placed on the Mane 6 figuring out what was wrong with this town and then figuring out how they could help everyone there.  The goal of the Season 6 finale was to rescue the princesses and the Mane 6/Spike, and the character goal was Starlight realizing her potential as a leader/the dysfunctional group figuring out how to work together to be the heroes Equestria needed.  Not even Thorax ever said before the last five minutes anything along the lines of, "Hey, when we go there, we should try to save the day by saving the Changelings!"  The reforming of the Changelings was an afterthought in execution, as opposed to how nuanced and philosophical the Season 5 opener was.


Now, maybe we'll get to see what becomes of Changeling society in Season 7 and it'll be perfectly fine.  But for me personally, my point still stands that it was a rushed ending that hurt the Changelings in canon because it was rushed.  The list of things you mentioned was certainly there, the problem is that the Changelings had no identity, unlike the Equalized townsponies, before their reform.  To an extent I can sympathize with the writers in that they might have been written into a corner on this point, because until those last five minutes Changelings' identities had always been solely defined by their queen alone.  They weren't a cultlike group, they were a hive with a hivemind mentality, all of which were very biological as far as we could tell, and as such no other Changeling besides Thorax and Chrysalis had been shown to possess an individual identity.  Thus, the reforming still feels both cheap and rushed, and while the idea of their reform bringing out their individuality is a good one, at the same time (1) it doesn't change the fact that it feels like it'll be too easy now for ponies to trust them based on their appearances alone, which I still think takes a lot away from the point of Thorax's debut, and (2) I still don't see why a simple color swap wouldn't have been a bit easier, rather than changing their entire design (yes, I know the idea is that they've metamorphosized like caterpillars into butterflies, doesn't change the fact they went from scary to fairy bug deers in 2 seconds flat).  If at some point they focus on this idea of Changelings realizing themselves as individuals, great, that'd be cool to see, but right now, that's just ideas on paper rather than something they can claim to have actually executed in the show when all of that is SUPPOSED to have happened in 5 minutes, since none of it was at any point the focus of those episodes or the season beforehand.


Hope that didn't come off as harsh, not to you at least.  I'm not trying to be dismissive, I just don't like giving the creators undue credit when I don't think it's deserved, and in this case, even if that's what they were thinking, the credit is not deserved for the execution of it alone.

  • Brohoof 1


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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The pacing was ergh

The ending was ergh

The characterization was ergh


I hate it when a Season Opener promises new and exciting potential plot threads that then go absolutely nowhere


If Starlight had gotten more screentime and was fleshed out as a character, I'd have liked the Finale more


"No Second Prances" (for me) comes after "Every Little Thing She Does" where it's Trixie's..."friendship" that motivates Starlight to take her Friendship Lessons seriously, especially after the fiasco she went through with enslaving the Mane 5 (And once again getting off scott-free)


My headcanon is that Starlight had no help with cleaning the mess she made at the end of ELTSD as punishment for her crimes


Alternative headcanon is that Starlight's in prison after the time travel fiasco and all of Season 6 was a dream she was having, which explains the changelings not being evil incarnate and irredeemable scumbags through and through


Whatever; to each their own

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Srhinking it so it doesn't take too much space.


No don't worry, harsh or not, you make valid points so I'm fine with that. It's true after all that it could have used a bit more time. It all snowballed a bit too fast, and was merely an afterthought. Might be because Starlight herself was at a loss at what to do. Twilight knew when she came to Our Town there was a friendship problem. Starlight and the others only cared that they had been captured, lacking the Mane 6's maturity in such matters.


Right now, it's still hard to completely judge the metamorphosis of the changelings because of what you said. I for one think the changed-lings will now have to face hardships because of their newfound individuality (which is where it differs from the ponies of Our Town indeed). Let's just wait for season 7 to bring us those answers. :grin:


My headcanon is that Starlight had no help with cleaning the mess she made at the end of ELTSD as punishment for her crimes


Isn't that canon though? All the Mane 5 were shown to do were friendship lessons, not cleaning up. There no longer was water everywhere and stuff either. If it isn't, it's my headcanon as well, with the Mane 5 just recovering from their magical hangover before proceeding with the friendship lessons.

  • Brohoof 1
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On paper the theory works, but here's where it doesn't work for me still.  It still was too quick.  The emphasis was at no point, neither in Thorax's introduction (aside from quick blips about wanting to change his people and show them the ways of friendship) nor in the finale itself placed on describing or showing how the Changelings situation was negatively affecting them.


It's explicitly stated that the changelings are "always hungry;" that they never have enough to eat. Thorax had sort of learned to share love by forming personal bonds in the Crystal Empire, and essentially I think "sharing love" doesn't mean a whole lot other than friendship. Perhaps the action itself was not represented very well visually, but the episode does make it pretty clear why the changelings might want to change. 



They weren't a cultlike group, they were a hive with a hivemind mentality, all of which were very biological as far as we could tell, and as such no other Changeling besides Thorax and Chrysalis had been shown to possess an individual identity. 

Nothing makes Thorax special. If he can separate from the hive, then so can any other changeling. We see other indications that changelings have unique personalities from the one changeling who copies Pinkie Pie in "A Canterlot Wedding," as well as that changeling in "Slice of Life." If you don't like changelings having individual free will, then your beef is with "The Times They Are a Changeling," not this finale. 



(1) it doesn't change the fact that it feels like it'll be too easy now for ponies to trust them based on their appearances alone, which I still think takes a lot away from the point of Thorax's debut

I waver on how I feel about the aesthetics of their new design, but I do agree with this point. It sorta dilutes the message of "The Times They Are a Changeling" if ponies don't need to get over their own prejudices. I mean, I'm sure ponies will still have prejudices towards the changelings regardless of changed appearance, but it'd be a lot stronger if they didn't change. 

  • Brohoof 3
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I waver on how I feel about the aesthetics of their new design, but I do agree with this point. It sorta dilutes the message of "The Times They Are a Changeling" if ponies don't need to get over their own prejudices. I mean, I'm sure ponies will still have prejudices towards the changelings regardless of changed appearance, but it'd be a lot stronger if they didn't change. 


Agree on all but this. Why not this? Because to me, the lesson has been addressed already, with the crystal ponies. No prejudice, that's bad. I see this more as a culmination of the very same lesson, essentially proving that "see? they might have looked scary on the outside but give them the chance and look how bright they can shine!". Once a lesson has been learnt, little point in keeping what made the lesson possible.


Allow me to exaggerate a little here for the sake of argument. Take Twilight in season 1. She comes, doesn't want friends, but in the end learns how good it is to have friends. Would you keep her as a loner to always remind that "hey friends are good" or will you let her grow? Same with many changes tackled by the show. Now that it's done and over with, time to turn the page and tackle something new. In that, I find the changelings have "served their purpose" and are merely making it striking visually that yes, prejudices are bad because you never know what might be hidden deep inside the shell.


... That said, the old design was cool. I kind of hope part of the changelings refused to change and preferred to remain at the "crystal wings" stage., just to see more of it without having them starve same as before. :wacko:

  • Brohoof 1
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It's explicitly stated that the changelings are "always hungry;" that they never have enough to eat. Thorax had sort of learned to share love by forming personal bonds in the Crystal Empire, and essentially I think "sharing love" doesn't mean a whole lot other than friendship. Perhaps the action itself was not represented very well visually, but the episode does make it pretty clear why the changelings might want to change. 



Nothing makes Thorax special. If he can separate from the hive, then so can any other changeling. We see other indications that changelings have unique personalities from the one changeling who copies Pinkie Pie in "A Canterlot Wedding," as well as that changeling in "Slice of Life." If you don't like changelings having individual free will, then your beef is with "The Times They Are a Changeling," not this finale. 


Sure there's plenty of good reasons that the Changelings would want to change, but besides Thorax no other Changeling prior to those last five minutes showed any inclination to doing just that, at least none that really mattered like the equalized ponies in the Season 5 opener.  And I never said I don't like the idea of Changelings having individual free will, just that, as with my first point, nothing had been shown indicating (besides with Thorax) that they had the capacity for making such a change, at least so quickly.  They seemed pretty devoted to Chrysalis through and through, and those couple examples you raised serve as outlier examples since they were largely used as gags in contrast to the (though admittedly the Slice of Life one did raise some questions about Changeling free will).  So again, my beef isn't with either idea on paper, my beef is with the execution of it all.  You can feel differently, and I'm plenty excited to see what happens with the Changelings going forward, but even if good things are to come with them, that won't change that this was all rushed (along with some questionable creative choices like the design change, which we both agree on).

Agree on all but this. Why not this? Because to me, the lesson has been addressed already, with the crystal ponies. No prejudice, that's bad. I see this more as a culmination of the very same lesson, essentially proving that "see? they might have looked scary on the outside but give them the chance and look how bright they can shine!". Once a lesson has been learnt, little point in keeping what made the lesson possible.


Allow me to exaggerate a little here for the sake of argument. Take Twilight in season 1. She comes, doesn't want friends, but in the end learns how good it is to have friends. Would you keep her as a loner to always remind that "hey friends are good" or will you let her grow? Same with many changes tackled by the show. Now that it's done and over with, time to turn the page and tackle something new. In that, I find the changelings have "served their purpose" and are merely making it striking visually that yes, prejudices are bad because you never know what might be hidden deep inside the shell.


I'm a pretty conservative guy myself, so do not mistake, I do not very often get on some sort of "SJW high horse."  The reason I care about it with the Changelings is that, unlike those previous examples you raised, there was and still is A LOT of actual comparisons to be drawn with how ponies have felt about them and real world examples of racial prejudices.  In Twilight's case, you're talking about character growth, so of course we wouldn't expect her to stay a loner; with the Changelings, the prejudices ponies might have still held against them if they largely looked the same as always despite their new outlook on life would have been an interesting hurdle to overcome.  The show makers might still try to do "Changeling prejudice" episodes next season, they just won't have the same weight as they could have since Changelings don't have their old designs anymore.  I just think it's a missed opportunity on their part, especially given how great "The Times They Are a Changeling" turned out.

  • Brohoof 1


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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Agree on all but this. Why not this? Because to me, the lesson has been addressed already, with the crystal ponies. No prejudice, that's bad. I see this more as a culmination of the very same lesson, essentially proving that "see? they might have looked scary on the outside but give them the chance and look how bright they can shine!". Once a lesson has been learnt, little point in keeping what made the lesson possible.


Allow me to exaggerate a little here for the sake of argument. Take Twilight in season 1. She comes, doesn't want friends, but in the end learns how good it is to have friends. Would you keep her as a loner to always remind that "hey friends are good" or will you let her grow? Same with many changes tackled by the show. Now that it's done and over with, time to turn the page and tackle something new. In that, I find the changelings have "served their purpose" and are merely making it striking visually that yes, prejudices are bad because you never know what might be hidden deep inside the shell.


... That said, the old design was cool. I kind of hope part of the changelings refused to change and preferred to remain at the "crystal wings" stage., just to see more of it without having them starve same as before. :wacko:

Nah, nah, they don't need to repeat themselves - I just think that keeping the bug-like, "scary" appearance of changelings would make that idea of putting prejudices aside and taking people as they are a lot stronger, even if just because the changed appearance technically makes the changelings "different" from before - so they're accepting the new, pretty changelings rather than the old, scary ones, and while that's fine, having them look the same as they did as antagonists makes the moral of putting your prejudices aside even stronger. 

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I'm a pretty conservative guy myself, so do not mistake, I do not very often get on some sort of "SJW high horse."  The reason I care about it with the Changelings is that, unlike those previous examples you raised, there was and still is A LOT of actual comparisons to be drawn with how ponies have felt about them and real world examples of racial prejudices.  In Twilight's case, you're talking about character growth, so of course we wouldn't expect her to stay a loner; with the Changelings, the prejudices ponies might have still held against them if they largely looked the same as always despite their new outlook on life would have been interesting hurdle to overcome.  The showmakers might still try to do "Changeling prejudice" episodes next season, they just won't have the same weight as they could have since Changelings don't have their old designs anymore.  I just think it's a missed opportunity on their part, especially given how great "The Times They Are a Changeling" turned out.


Haha, as I said I exaggerated for the sake of argument. I totally agree this is a different thing it was just to make a point. Anyways, that's just the thing. The Times They Are A Changeling dealt with that issue magnificently already. It would have been a bit of a "repeat". With the new design, depending on how it's tackled, can bring some fun stuff, such as "are we sure they have really changed and are not just in disguise?". In fact, maybe not all changelings have become changed-lings, which could compel them to pretend being changed-lings only to suck some love here and there. That'd create a lot of tension, as you might expect, and would allow for a different way to tackle the prejudice theme - "they're all bad seeds!!" even though only some of them are. A major real life problem, might I add. That's why I said until season 7 airs, we can't be too definitive there.



Edit: don't know how to quote someone new in an edit, nor do I know how to make that @AlexanderThrond thing work meh... :(

Anyways, my reply is also for you, just forgot to multi-quote. :derp:

Edited by Ninjaed
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Isn't that canon though? All the Mane 5 were shown to do were friendship lessons, not cleaning up. There no longer was water everywhere and stuff either. If it isn't, it's my headcanon as well, with the Mane 5 just recovering from their magical hangover before proceeding with the friendship lessons.

Nope, they made excuses to stick around and clean up with Starlight


AJ: Hey, Starlight! Most of the Apple family photos are still layin' around in the wreckage. I think I'll come along and hunt 'em down.

Fluttershy: Oh, and I feel awful for disturbing all of those cute little spiders and bats. I should check on them.

Rarity: Ah, yes, and I left some lovely fabric out. I should come and move it to that nice quiet library.

RD: Uh, I'll come and get those storm clouds out of the bathroom.

Pinkie: Fine! Somepony has to bake a cake to honor all the poor cakes that sacrificed their batter in last night's tragedy!

"I love deadlines. I love the whooshing sound they make as they fly by."

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Nope, they made excuses to stick around and clean up with Starlight


AJ: Hey, Starlight! Most of the Apple family photos are still layin' around in the wreckage. I think I'll come along and hunt 'em down.

Fluttershy: Oh, and I feel awful for disturbing all of those cute little spiders and bats. I should check on them.

Rarity: Ah, yes, and I left some lovely fabric out. I should come and move it to that nice quiet library.

RD: Uh, I'll come and get those storm clouds out of the bathroom.

Pinkie: Fine! Somepony has to bake a cake to honor all the poor cakes that sacrificed their batter in last night's tragedy!


It's true they helped in part, but the castle had already been quite cleaned by then. No more water everywhere for instance. And some of them it's not even cleaning. Applejack just did what she could have done at home at Twilight's castle as a way to try and show she accepts Starlight apology. Fluttershy, Pinkie and arguably Rarity are not remotely related to cleaning up! Rainbow Dash is the only one who was 100% about cleaning up because she couldn't think of another excuse.


That's why my headcanon is: Starlight cleaned up most of it, then they came in as moral support and helped a little bit, as a way to say "so long as you understand and don't do it again, it's all water under the bridge." That's why I never had any issue like "she didn't get punished, not even cleaning up the mess she made".

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I think this was a really good finale. Except for the ending, i'll get to that later.
It starts off nicely, with kind of a recap on what starlight learned in season 6 :)
And then Derpy comes along. Cute!  :muffins:
Giving Starlight a letter. From who? Her old friends!  :toldya:
Perfect plot with starlight needing to face a real anxiety problem!  :ooh:
Aaand trixie comes along. Nice little characterization we got for her there. And nice starlight and trixie moments, really great! cl-pp-content.png
Then, her chickening out. Good so far.
And then suddenly the big problem: Changelings! OOOOH, yeah! Too awesome as villain. I like, how the changelings were shown in this finale. Really great.
And then we get together the super awesome squad! Thorax (<3) and Discord x3 OMG
And he be like "Is a not-discord to do this?" *him turning everything to chaos* oooh, i was like "Ooooh, yeah, that's Discord!  :orly:  "
And i can only quote him on this one: "Well, isn't this quite the combination of secondary characters?"
YES, yes it is! He's taking the words right out of my mouth! ^^
The fact, that Chrystallis throne blocks magic works and is awesome for plot.
How it then followed was a really nice quest and adventure. With tactics, and sacrifices. Really awesome stuff here!
And also the idea of Thorax replacing Starlight. But not only that, also Chrystallis speech and her throwing starlight around had a pretty deep feeling. Also, the principle of "sharing love" is a nice one, as it should represent, that giving is at least just as important as taking, if not more important. We've seen it all in Robin Hood.
Also, i find it done really nicely, how they characterized trixie as a more understandable character but also kept her ego and kid of melted it together real nice! Awesome!  :ph34r:
She even sacrificied herself! O_o
Up until this point the finale i bucking perfect! Maybe, her friends from the old village could've come into play aswell, but how it was was already awesome. Just, somehow including them would've made it flawlessly awesome and perfect! Like them, needing Starlight to guide them once again and then through team work making starlight and thorax be able to get to the throne.
The Ending
It was horribly rushed and doesn't make sense whatsoever and is horrible. I guess the "Buy-out-toys"-thing was just too strong, just like with the tree house. I guess they're gonna fix it eventually. But.
1. The changelings turning against their own queen doesn't make sense at all since she RAISED them.
2. If it would be as easy for changeling to just "share love" and then be no longer hungry, then their WHOLE EXISTENCE doesn't make sense anymore. Why would they suck out love, if they just could've done that? Some changeling would've figured it out eventually. But they didn't. This only makes sense for throax, since he was packed with love and could there fore embrace it. Without having alot of love inside you already, this should be impossible for a changeling to do.
3. Thorax now being "The new leader". Okay, so the shy cute little changeling is now leading the changelings. Seems legit. We had alot of that character. I want this form to be a temporary one. Otherwise, like i said, their whole existence would be pointless.
Though, still, the fact, that Chrystallis is still a villan is really awesome. Because that gives good opportunity for her to come back. And now starlight has an enemy. Maybe not so great, in itself, but great for story! :)
As the ending just has such a big contrast to the rest of the episode, i can almost see it as a seperate part of the episode. I just cut that out and declare it as "Buy out Toys".
So, overall, this finale is definitely truly one, if not the, best finale. It is definitely truy AWESOME! I cannot say it enough, so good! :3
I'd say, 10/5 (completely perfect would be (infinity)/5), but as there are only 5 points to give, i'm gonna give all of them! rd-pinkie8.png
Truly AWESOME!  :yay: 

  • Brohoof 3

"You are right Starlight, you are more talented in magic than me. But talent doesn't mean, that you are privileged to have more power. It's the heart! All you need, to have power, is a heart!"

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1. The changelings turning against their own queen doesn't make sense at all since she RAISED them.

2. If it would be as easy for changeling to just "share love" and then be no longer hungry, then their WHOLE EXISTENCE doesn't make sense anymore. Why would they suck out love, if they just could've done that? Some changeling would've figured it out eventually. But they didn't. This only makes sense for throax, since he was packed with love and could there fore embrace it. Without having alot of love inside you already, this should be impossible for a changeling to do.


I'd like to nuance that if I may:


1. She may have raised them, but one of their own has found a way not to be hungry anymore and shows proof and all. In fact, if you look at the changelings in the background during the whole speech, they're one by one starting to question their old ways. The transformation was the final piece that very visibly proved "he's not bluffing or lying omg!".


2. Let me take an example. You're in dire need of money and the only way you have to "earn" some is to steal it. Would it have ever occurred to you that sharing the little money you have would allow you to NOT suffer from money problems anymore? I don't think so, and that's why no changeling ever found about it - until Thorax, feeling sorry for the ponies, went on his own merry way and found out that they were nice enough to share so he doesn't starve. Then in the finale, he learns the next step of this lesson - sharing what you have. The ponies did it for him but he'd never done it, just like you'd gladly accept money given to you but think twice before sharing it.


I hope I made sense. :wacko:

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I'd like to nuance that if I may:


1. She may have raised them, but one of their own has found a way not to be hungry anymore and shows proof and all. In fact, if you look at the changelings in the background during the whole speech, they're one by one starting to question their old ways. The transformation was the final piece that very visibly proved "he's not bluffing or lying omg!".


2. Let me take an example. You're in dire need of money and the only way you have to "earn" some is to steal it. Would it have ever occurred to you that sharing the little money you have would allow you to NOT suffer from money problems anymore? I don't think so, and that's why no changeling ever found about it - until Thorax, feeling sorry for the ponies, went on his own merry way and found out that they were nice enough to share so he doesn't starve. Then in the finale, he learns the next step of this lesson - sharing what you have. The ponies did it for him but he'd never done it, just like you'd gladly accept money given to you but think twice before sharing it.


I hope I made sense. :wacko:

Yes, you are very well correct, my mister! sig-4725350.cl-pp-content.png


I have 2 reasons, why i look at this, like i do:


1. Logic. Beings rise, from randomly mutating and if their changes and ways through mutation prove useful in helping them survive and not die, then those changes will stay. I see the changelings as a life form, that started to live from the love in equestria. They must have a reason to be like this. I know, they originally came out of a magic tree somewhere, where starswirl did something. That stuff is coming from the comics, but hear me out!


2. It's not satisfying as an explaination. [it just makes them seem so pointless. Like... they started living a bad life because... chrystallis wanted them to? And then... Changelings are no longer changelings, you know? Like, why would they be called "Changelings" with the ability to shapeshift, if they don't really need it? Yeah, you can explain alot with the not-alot-of-money thing but it just makes them seem so... boring. It's just too easy like, "Hey! Share love and all your problems are solved." boom. Just like the dream-theory of FNAF. Where it says, that everything happening in the lure is just a dream by the crying child. Yes, sure, it is very plausable and makes sense but it's not satisfying. It is unexciting.] <-- Written out of emotion all that.

Edited by FizzyGreen

"You are right Starlight, you are more talented in magic than me. But talent doesn't mean, that you are privileged to have more power. It's the heart! All you need, to have power, is a heart!"

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I'm curious as to what people thought of the final scene where everyone goes back to the village and we see that last minute banter between Trixie and Discord. I don't know if it's been discussed seeing as Thorax's transformation, Chrysalis rejecting Starlight's offer, and a few other major moments have been focused on extensively compared to the final scene.


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Yes, you are very well correct, my mister! sig-4725350.cl-pp-content.png


I have 2 reasons, why i look at this, like i do:


1. Logic. Beings rise, from randomly mutating and if their changes and ways through mutation prove useful in helping them survive and not die, then those changes will stay. I see the changelings as a life form, that started to live from the love in equestria. They must have a reason to be like this. I know, they originally came out of a magic tree somewhere, where starswirl did something. That stuff is coming from the comics, but hear me out!


2. It's not satisfying as an explaination. [it just makes them seem so pointless. Like... they started living a bad life because... chrystallis wanted them to? And then... Changelings are no longer changelings, you know? Like, why would they be called "Changelings" with the ability to shapeshift, if they don't really need it? Yeah, you can explain alot with the not-alot-of-money thing but it just makes them seem so... boring. It's just too easy like, "Hey! Share love and all your problems are solved." boom. Just like the dream-theory of FNAF. Where it says, that everything happening in the lure is just a dream by the crying child. Yes, sure, it is very plausable and makes sense but it's not satisfying. It is unexciting.] <-- Written out of emotion all that.


1. You make a good point. If I had to try and explain, I'd say the changelings are like some bugs. Caterpillars eat a lot of stuff until they have enough to enter metamorphosis. The same could be applied to the changelings. After stocking up on love, they transformed via a process that rapidly burnt up the love they'd stored inside of them. Said process, much like other existing ones, has the side-effect of a blast/heat coming out of it. So it could actually be all part of their cycle. The question would then become: why had it been forgotten? Since the changelings come from outside of Equestria, I'd have to say they've been running away for so long from a certain threat (maybe the wendigos?) that the current generation has no knowledge of this.


2. Eh, might not be "satisfying" but makes sense. Besides, if what I said above is correct, it doesn't take away anything from them. They did need to shapeshift to "steal" that love because where they came from, that was the only way. The ponies are a very forgiving and loving species, and willing to love them despite their differences, as shown with Thorax. That'd mean the shapeshifting will not be needed anymore...maybe?


I'm curious as to what people thought of the final scene where everyone goes back to the village and we see that last minute banter between Trixie and Discord. I don't know if it's been discussed seeing as Thorax's transformation, Chrysalis rejecting Starlight's offer, and a few other major moments have been focused on extensively compared to the final scene.


I found it great! The two had a very enjoyable chemistry going on and it was quite fun to see their interactions. Discord has finally met his equal! Trixie is pretty much the only one to go head-to-head with him instead of playing nice or being nice. I'm sure we'll see more of the two in the future. :-P

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I found it great! The two had a very enjoyable chemistry going on and it was quite fun to see their interactions. Discord has finally met his equal! Trixie is pretty much the only one to go head-to-head with him instead of playing nice or being nice. I'm sure we'll see more of the two in the future. :-P


One thing I noticed is that the townsfolk were pretty happy when Discord conjured up the flying pigs instead of being freaked out by the fact that he was there. Even the Mane Six appeared to be happy when they saw him and Trixie fly by especially Pinkie. I wouldn't be surprised if she wanted in on that because of the fun factor involved.

Edited by Ganondorf8
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One thing I noticed is that the townsfolk were pretty happy when Discord conjured up the flying pigs instead of being freaked out by the fact that he was there. Even the Mane Six appeared to be happy when they saw him and Trixie fly by especially Pinkie. I wouldn't be surprised if she wanted in on that because of the fun factor involved.


I guess after participating in saving the day, their opinion of him has changed. Last time, he betrayed them and his seeds had attacked the Tree of Harmony. This time, he's risked everything to save them, ending up captured himself. And instead of being his usual obnoxious self, he was more like playing with Trixie. Pretty sure all of it contributes to making everypony see him in a better light. Good news for him :)

  • Brohoof 1
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I guess after participating in saving the day, their opinion of him has changed. Last time, he betrayed them and his seeds had attacked the Tree of Harmony. This time, he's risked everything to save them, ending up captured himself. And instead of being his usual obnoxious self, he was more like playing with Trixie. Pretty sure all of it contributes to making everypony see him in a better light. Good news for him :)


Technically, the only pony he risked his life to save was Fluttershy's, so the rest of them would just be additional ponies who happened to be where Fluttershy was.


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1. You make a good point. If I had to try and explain, I'd say the changelings are like some bugs. Caterpillars eat a lot of stuff until they have enough to enter metamorphosis. The same could be applied to the changelings. After stocking up on love, they transformed via a process that rapidly burnt up the love they'd stored inside of them. Said process, much like other existing ones, has the side-effect of a blast/heat coming out of it. So it could actually be all part of their cycle. The question would then become: why had it been forgotten? Since the changelings come from outside of Equestria, I'd have to say they've been running away for so long from a certain threat (maybe the wendigos?) that the current generation has no knowledge of this.


2. Eh, might not be "satisfying" but makes sense. Besides, if what I said above is correct, it doesn't take away anything from them. They did need to shapeshift to "steal" that love because where they came from, that was the only way. The ponies are a very forgiving and loving species, and willing to love them despite their differences, as shown with Thorax. That'd mean the shapeshifting will not be needed anymore...maybe?



I found it great! The two had a very enjoyable chemistry going on and it was quite fun to see their interactions. Discord has finally met his equal! Trixie is pretty much the only one to go head-to-head with him instead of playing nice or being nice. I'm sure we'll see more of the two in the future. :-P

If it goes Ponies -alot of love> Changeling -sharing> next evolution, then it's all good to me.

but if it goes.

Changeling -sharing the little love he has> next evolution then it's illogical nonsense.



If stocking up alot of love gives the opportunity to transform then it's okay. I'm not criticising that in general, i'm just criticising that suddenly every changeling did it. :D


Also, i think if love is directed directly to the changeling, then it's different, than when they suck out the love or take the love ment for somepony else.

Edited by FizzyGreen

"You are right Starlight, you are more talented in magic than me. But talent doesn't mean, that you are privileged to have more power. It's the heart! All you need, to have power, is a heart!"

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Not gonna lie, the finale was quite so-so. Gotta say, with the synopses claiming the villain was going to be on of Equestria's oldest and most powerful threads, i was expecting yet another revamped G1 antagonist, but that was not the case. Still, there were hints trought this season that Chrysalis would come back, and she definitely needed a much deserved return, so i can't complain. Plus, good thing she remains evil, there's been just too many redemptions. Gotta say, Starlight's group worked pretty well as a team, albeit poor Thorax was nothing more than a walking, talking plot device here. The redeemed changelings design are quite narmy, gotta say, and it would've been nice to see how the Mane six and the other ponies were subdued and captured. Overall, not a bad finale, but quite underwhelming in comparison to other entries.

BTW, this season's opener and finale do not end with the ponies having a group hug. Weird...

My Dragon Cave scroll: http://dragcave.net/user/Dino-Mario

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That was very enjoyable! Quite an adventure. :) Really liked the interactions between Starlight's team, especially between Trixie and Discord. :P I also liked the return of Chrysalis (now with bonus points for being extremely creepy with a rotating head!) - but what I liked even more was that she wasn't redeemed! Woohoo, another villain stayed evil~


The new Changeling designs are...interesting, to say the least. I prefer the old ones, I'd rather the Changelings were a "don't just a book by its cover" species - may look intimidating, but perfectly capable of doing good. Not gonna complain about the new designs though, just gotta get used to 'em.


Also, gotta love how Starlight always finds a way to interrupt Twilight's speeches, even if it wasn't really Twilight this time. xD Also, hooray for Party Favor's crazy face again :P


All in all, really liked this one! It was fresh to see someone other than the Mane 6 save the day~

Check out my art thread for some cute ponies, cookies and boops. img-34212-1-img-34212-1-img-34212-1-img-34212-2-fluttershy.png



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I finally watched the finale and I thought it was decent but there were problems. Here's where I rank it with other finales:


6) S3

5) S6

4) S1

3) S2

2) S4

1) S5


Maybe my expectations were too high after S5 but I just don't think S6 was as awesome as other finales. I'll start with what I liked.


Starlight and Discord finally interact. Sadly, their introduction appears to have happened offscreen. I wanted to see them interact more but that's okay. I was surprised by Trixie though. This is the first time I didn't think she was mean or obnoxious. Looks like the character development is working for her. I thought it was ironic how the heroes of this story were a bunch of ex-villains.


However, I didn't like how the Mane 6, Spike and the princesses were replaced so easily. It's just weird for the original protagonists to be out of focus in the finale. No song is also weird. I thought it was ironic how Thorax defeated Chrysalis by sharing his love with her; the love that Changelings need to survive. But I didn't like the transmogrification. Thorax feels different now. I would've preferred the crystal wings phase to be the final evolution.


I wonder how Chrysalis will retaliate now that she lost her kingdom and magical barrier. The princesses, Discord and Starlight could defeat her easily now if she ever returns.

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I finally watched the finale and I thought it was decent but there were problems. Here's where I rank it with other finales:


6) S3

5) S6

4) S1

3) S2

2) S4

1) S5


Maybe my expectations were too high after S5 but I just don't think S6 was as awesome as other finales. I'll start with what I liked.


Starlight and Discord finally interact. Sadly, their introduction appears to have happened offscreen. I wanted to see them interact more but that's okay. I was surprised by Trixie though. This is the first time I didn't think she was mean or obnoxious. Looks like the character development is working for her. I thought it was ironic how the heroes of this story were a bunch of ex-villains.


However, I didn't like how the Mane 6, Spike and the princesses were replaced so easily. It's just weird for the original protagonists to be out of focus in the finale. No song is also weird. I thought it was ironic how Thorax defeated Chrysalis by sharing his love with her; the love that Changelings need to survive. But I didn't like the transmogrification. Thorax feels different now. I would've preferred the crystal wings phase to be the final evolution.


I wonder how Chrysalis will retaliate now that she lost her kingdom and magical barrier. The princesses, Discord and Starlight could defeat her easily now if she ever returns.


Glad I'm not the only one who was upset about that huge plot hole regarding no explanation to how Celestia, Luna, Cadance, Shining Armor, Flurry Heart, Twilight, and the other Elements were kidnapped and cocooned before we finally saw them again at the end of Act Two of Part 2. Even then, we don't even get to see them get freed from the cocoons as it all happens off-screen when we see the hive's central spire get blown off, just the aftermath as they recover and come to after being stuck in the cocoons for who knows how long since they were kidnapped.


As for Chrysalis, though she's lost her swarm, her throne, and her kingdom, she still has some loyal drones still out there in the ones that replaced the Royal Family and Elements in Ponyville, Canterlot, and the Crystal Empire. Whether they are dealt with in the Season 7 premiere or not is up for debate, along with if any of the Princesses or the Mane Six are suffering from nightmares of what happened here and need support to overcome their trauma and help Starlight prepare for Chrysalis when she returns for her revenge on not just Starlight, but probably the Royal Family and Mane Six as well. Chrysalis won't let her defeat back at the Royal Wedding be forgotten so easily just because she has a new vendetta against the pony who ruined her revenge on the Royal Family and Mane Six this time around. She won't rest until she either gets revenge on all of them, repents and reforms, or is condemned to Tartarus for eternity.

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