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Ask Aether Crimson

Arylett Charnoa

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Damn straight I'm creepy. Anyway... how would you react if it started to rain canoe boats and midgets?


I would wonder if there was some method to attach jetpacks to the canoe boats, grab one, and make them fly away from the onslaught of "midgets," which I think is a dangerous kind of parasprite which has a fascination for devouring boats from your description.


Hello, my friend!

How's it going? I see you have made yourself one of these threads... everypony does it at some point in time, right?

But seriously, is red your favorite color? I mean, it's a good color...


Indeed I have. It's going upside down flappety in-the-center oozy good! And not everypony, just those who have a little time on their hooves. Like me! I really do have too much.


Of course red is my favourite colour! It is SUPERIOR to all colours. And anyone who tries to say otherwise will suffer from me turning their facial hair into a random fruit and munching on it tormentuously


*sigh* Seems like Chilly got to another Ask thread... Anyways...


Nice to meet you, Artsy! So you're artistic, huh? What would you consider to be your best piece of artwork yet? Much like music, I do like good artwork. Also, I agree with you about the pegasi... I kinda envy them too...


(btw, I never expected you to make an ask thread, Arylett xD But I love the reactions so far)


Chilly? Who is this? Ah, wait. I'm not supposed to ask questions, I'm supposed to answer them. (I'll just pretend that Chilly is your pet ice cube who speaks for you.)


Well, it's in the name, isn't it? I wouldn't be called Artsy if I wasn't artistic! Though I wonder how my parents knew to name me that. Maybe my dad used some sort of prediction spell. Anyway! My best piece of artwork, in my opinion, is this lovely picture of Jack Stache and I.You may be familiar with it.


Is your dress fashioned like a stage curtain? Because that's what it looks like. Who is the amazing designer of such a outfit?


And before I'm done, what's it like having your own personal theme song?


No... I didn't realize it resembled a dress curtain. My silly fashion sense seems to have betrayed me again. I designed it myself for a drawing, of course. One day, I hope to wear it in my wedding. But that's a while from now.


It's awesome! I love my theme song. So dramatic, so serious, so splenorifically awesomenocity. So... I'm out of words. I just like it, okay? I've always wanted one, but I do lack in musical talent.


Its not that you displeased me, its that I lost a bet. I now owe Cricket 40 bits because of this...


...regardless, had there been any snobbish ponies you've met before? And have you been to any major cities in Equestria?


A bet? I wonder what this is all about. I'm sorry you lost so many bits though, whatever it was.


Why yes, several! I won't name any names though, as that would be impolite. (And I'm kind of scared they might appear, read this, and snob me some more. I don't like confrontation. It's scary.) I will say there was one though who I do enjoy to blame for everything. Ah! I've already said too much. ^^;


But no, I'm sad to say that my rather tiring existaunce doesn't involve many locations outside of Ponyville. I've only been to Manehatten, but it was a long time ago as a filly. I was born there, as a matter of fact. And I suppose there was that one time in Canterlot involving the hat that I accidentally enchanted to try to eat my hooves... AUGH. No! No... No. I still have the nightmares.

Edited by Arylett Dawnsborough
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Looks like my beard is doomed, then...

Personally, I like blue...

But why is your favorite color red?

Edited by Nightfall
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Looks like my beard is doomed, then...

Personally, I like blue...

But why is your favorite color red?


Your beard looks like it'd make a tasty blueberry if you so like this wretched blue.


Red is my favourite colour because... it is! Since I was born, my magic was of a red colour. I was born with red bursting out of me. Even as a foal. I like to think my magic is really pretty-looking. That's how I got to like the colour.



Canters up to her tilting his head her necklace catches his eye.


"Oh! how pretty! Where did you get your lovely necklace?"


Thank you! My mother gave it to me for my cute-ciñera. It was a joyous time. She said: "Come, my son. I betroth this sacred honor upon thee!" And there was colts in black hoods surrounding me.


Wait no, that was a movie I saw about a cult. Um. Actually, she was more like: "Mi Atsy amor! You, take this. Necklace! Me te quiero! Me love!" She's not a native speaker of Equinglish, you see.


Does Artsy like chocolate bars?


...Did somepony say CHOCOLATE?!


I LOVE CHOCOLATE! WHERE?! I DEMAND you bequeth all of your chocolate bars to me before I take you and throw you into a pit of rabid piranha gorilla vipers!


Oh! Erm. I mean. Yes. I do.

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...Did somepony say CHOCOLATE?!


I LOVE CHOCOLATE! WHERE?! I DEMAND you bequeth all of your chocolate bars to me before I take you and throw you into a pit of rabid piranha gorilla vipers!


Oh! Erm. I mean. Yes. I do.


... Meep o.o *tosses Hershey's chocolate bars over to Artsy, somewhat shocked at the outburst, before eventually regaining composure*


*ahem* Anyways... Yes, I am familiar with that picture. Very nice details, and I loved it! Did you do the designs for that dress too? It looks amazing on you!

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Do you like bananas? xD


Wait no, that was a movie I saw about a cult. Um. Actually, she was more like: "Mi Atsy amor! You, take this. Necklace! Me te quiero! Me love!" She's not a native speaker of Equinglish, you see.


She spoke some fine Mexicoltian though...
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... Meep o.o *tosses Hershey's chocolate bars over to Artsy, somewhat shocked at the outburst, before eventually regaining composure*


*ahem* Anyways... Yes, I am familiar with that picture. Very nice details, and I loved it! Did you do the designs for that dress too? It looks amazing on you!


Absolutely delicious. You have pleased my wrath. For the moment, I will spare you.


Thank you! I did design the dress. Though it doesn't actually exist yet, because that's just a silly drawing. (Everypony says that my drawings look so realistic. Almost like photographs! But that one is not, alas. I do not own a camera.) Ah, my dreams and fantasies. I'm simply too young for marriage at the moment.


Do you like bananas? xD


She spoke some fine Mexicoltian though...


Why bananas are the most vile, awful thing to exist in all of Equestria and some of Tartarus. They should be eliminated off of the face of the earth and banana trees zapped with unicorn lazor beams until they melt into icky tree juice which is used only for the most worst and mad of ponies to punish them until all of it is eventually sent to the moon.


...I love them. :)


I speak some myself as well.


Can I have some Arylett juice?


...Nopony knows about my humansona, Arylett! How did YOU know that that's how I draw myself as a creature I made up called a "human" which is like a hairless monkey with a mane and without a tail and walks on two legs. And how do you know that she produces juice from her hair?!


You know too much. I refuse you juice.

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Do you ever had any near-death experience? If you did, how did you get out of that alive? Posted Image


Rabid monkeys, potions, backflips... ponies, and sausages. It was... very traumatic. The monkeys threatened to kill me with a sausage blade covered in acidic potion. Luckily, I did a backflip onto a cloud, which I could somehow walk on. And I flew away as I grew wings and became an alicorn. There was also a pony conga.


...It's the truth! I swear!


Okay, no, it's not. That was a dream I had. I've never actually had a near-death experience because I'm dreadfully boring.


What's your weirdest dream?


I'd like to tell you that the above answers your question, but it does not. Seeing as how I am Artsy DREAMscapes, my dreams are... very unusual. There was a walrus hybrid pony. His name was Stevey Walrus. And Stevey told me that I was the only one who could defeat the evil empire of walrus ponies that were going to take over Equestria. He told me I was the chosen one to wield the Sacred Jewel of Cortexsteve. Cortexsteve was his great great great great great great great great grandfather, a walrus pony who had a gigantic brain hat and could fly with his telekinetic powers. At some point, I turned into Cortexsteve. Can't really remember when. It just happened randomly. It was like I was him... but I wasn't him at the same time.


Then when I was him, I used my brain powers to destroy the evil empire. They all turned into a bag of potatoes, and I went on to Ponyville... but then I woke up. I think there was one part where a potato came to life and bit my nose because I killed his father.


...is it true you've been reffered to as Bull Lady?


Hmph! Yes. By rude people! I am a mare, not a bull! And certainly not a female minotaur! Edited by Arylett Dawnsborough
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Rabid monkeys, potions, backflips... ponies, and sausages. It was... very traumatic. The monkeys threatened to kill me with a sausage blade covered in acidic potion. Luckily, I did a backflip onto a cloud, which I could somehow walk on. And I flew away as I grew wings and became an alicorn. There was also a pony conga.


...It's the truth! I swear!


Okay, no, it's not. That was a dream I had. I've never actually had a near-death experience because I'm dreadfully boring.



Posted Image

That's quite a marvellous dream...


Speaking of dreams, what's the worst dream you've ever got?

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Posted Image

That's quite a marvellous dream...


Speaking of dreams, what's the worst dream you've ever got?


Worst? Well, there was the one when Discord tried to seduce me with Chocolate Rain. As in, he sang the actual song. I... still shudder to this day to think about his horrid singing. It was probably more horrifying than the fact that he presented me a bicycle handle as a gift and insisted that the rest of the bike was just "accessories" and "not included in his purchase." Or when we danced in a ballroom at the moon, and Princess Luna got jealous and tried to attack me with a rubber chicken that shot acid at my eyes. Yes, the singing was the worst part.



I didn't even know your last name was Dreamscapes....



how do you feel about LARP, the Sludge Pony?


He needs to take a shower and wash off some of that sludge! It is stanky, unsanitary, and probably violates several Equestria health codes.


How do you like my name?


It is lovely. May I eat it to wash off my repulsion thinking about that sludge pony?
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Oh, of course!

Of course you may!

Why would I not let you?




...Or maybe not. In that case, thanks! I will devour it until I forget all about stanky ol' LARP.


Chocolate milk


Tasty tasty chocolate milk


If given the chance, would you like to try a chocolate milk bath? Posted Image




I love you for inventing such a marvelous idea. I would bask in the delicious chocolateness, wondering if the Choco-Gods that I so pray to every night have finally gifted me with my own personal heaven. Well, it's missing a giant house made of chocolate, Jack dressed in a chocolate suit, and a chocolate jetpack, but it's ALMOST heaven. That's all that counts. Ooh! Can it be a hot chocolate milk tub? With bubbles?


Hey there! It's me! I know I haven't been on in awhile..crazy school stuff. So, wanna try out this game? I thought you'd like it, seems really British.

http://www.improbabl...Colonel Ketchup

Oh, and would you mind reviewing some drawings I made?


Hmm. Seems interesting! Perhaps when I finish having chocogasms. I hope you don't sleep in school though, with your busy. :P Because I totally didn't, and I don't condone it!


Sure! A fellow artist to a fellow artist.

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a giant house made of chocolate, Jack dressed in a chocolate suit, and a chocolate jetpack, but it's ALMOST heaven. That's all that counts. Ooh! Can it be a hot chocolate milk tub? With bubbles?

Uh... Hot chocolate will burn your fur real bad. Not to mention the whole mess when the chocolate cools down. Very sticky Posted Image


Oh, and your newest profile picture, about your chest fur. Aren't you supposed to trim them down? Posted Image

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Uh... Hot chocolate will burn your fur real bad. Not to mention the whole mess when the chocolate cools down. Very sticky Posted Image


Oh, and your newest profile picture, about your chest fur. Aren't you supposed to trim them down? Posted Image


It's a chocolate sauna, silly. A hot chocolate sauna! Like a hot tub jacuzi. But with chocolate. Explain why nopony gets burned with those.


I'm not a pony in my avatar! I'm a torch-hound, and they're supposed to have very floofy hairs. I drew myself as one after I saw somepony else had created the species and made it open to make characters in. It'd be a great opportunity for me to go crazy, I thought, so I drew myself as one.

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Oh, and your newest profile picture, about your chest fur. Aren't you supposed to trim them down? Posted Image


Do you have something against fluffy chests??? I'll have you know I love chest fluff :3 But anyways, Artsy...


What if I offered my services to build you a house made of special white chocolate that won't melt from the sun's heat?

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