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movies/tv Assassin's creed movie


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We've yet to have a genuinely good movie adaptation of a video game. But this one has jeremy irons. Jeremy mothertrucking irons. Share your expectations and thoughts about the movie.

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All video game to movie conversions are a downgrade. They remove the element of choice that sets games superior to movies (in general). It takes away a level of involvement from the viewer, making it less appealing. Also, most video game movies have just been made to bank upon the success of a name, and do little to actually add to the plot of the overall story. I expect just as much from the Assassin's Creed movie as I do from the FNAF movie. Both are probably going to have initial success, but low critical acclaim. 

Enter the Forest...

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It'll probably be alright to me, though that's because I'm not as invested. I know more than the average viewer, but that's from watching my bro play, who is dreading this movie. 


Though just from the trailers, it's already looking better than the Warcraft movie. 

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What baffles me a lot is that the games, at least 99% of them are rated M, yet the movie is rated PG-13. That doesn't mean it will be bad or anything, but I have a feeling it will be rather subdued compared to the games.


All I can say after that is, I really hope the movie turns out at least decent. We have had far too many bad video game-based films.



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We've yet to have a genuinely good movie adaptation of a video game.

Oi, speak fer yerself. I found Red Faction: Origins to be very enjoyable. Even Dead Rising: Endgame (even though it didn't quite capture the spirit of the games). Also, are we forgetting Assassin's Creed: Lineage? The original Assassin's Creed movie? What was so bad about that?

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Oi, speak fer yerself. I found Red Faction: Origins to be very enjoyable. Even Dead Rising: Endgame (even though it didn't quite capture the spirit of the games). Also, are we forgetting Assassin's Creed: Lineage? The original Assassin's Creed movie? What was so bad about that?


Oi, none of those are major motion pictures made for a wide theatrical release, so the point stands.

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you liked it? I haven't heard people speak highly of it. 



Books have received very successful adaptations. There just hasn't been a success on that level adapting games...  there could be, though. They keep making them for whatever reason, hollywood apparently sees the potential of them.

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you liked it? I haven't heard people speak highly of it.



Books have received very successful adaptations. There just hasn't been a success on that level adapting games... there could be, though. They keep making them for whatever reason, hollywood apparently sees the potential of them.

Actually, yes, despite having never played the game. I liked it quite a lot.


As for the book situation, I think that's mostly because books are something meant to be envisioned. Filmmakers rely on what's written to create an entertaining visual. Whereas with video games, not only are they already visual entertainment, they are something that fans interact with and experience. It can be trickier to adapt something like that into something more focused on just the story.


(Speaking of book adaptations, whispers of a Warriors movie are picking up, and my fingers are crossed)

Edited by GeekySonic
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I don't think it'll do well at the box office seeing how it is being released along with Star Wars: Rogue One and Sing, and also, I heard that most of the movie will take place in the Abstergo Industries building.

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now im a pretty freaking hardcore AC fan, but im staying reserved of the film until I see it. Im worried itll go the same way as the Resident Evil films. Game based movies dont fare well at all unless its the game studio that makes it. 


I wonder if itll just be focused on the in-animus story as opposed to the Abstergo search for Eden, if thats the case, then for the non AC fans that see it, it'll just be a generic action flick. This will be a serious case of "read the book (play the games) before you see the film". 

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Who? I know it won't be good. It's enough I hate Assassin's Creed because of how many times it shoves the advert to my face and how overrated it is to make a movie out of it? So not only I have to look forward to seeing Asassin's Creed game trailers I'm going to have Assassin's Creed movie trailers shoved in my face. 

Edited by cider float


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Well, according to this the movie isn't spectacular:




I question how in the hell they could f**k up an assassin film that already has a good and established lore, but then I remember that there has not been a single good video game adapation released in theaters. This movie continues that I guess. From what I have heard, the movie spends far too much time jumping back and forth between the past and the present, making it feel insanely jumbled and not having focus. I can see how this could work in a 15+ hour game but for a 2 hour movie? Come on. They should have just stuck with the assassin stuff and properly focused the film.


Among all of the video game adaptation films, this is one I really feel like it should have been at least decent, but Hollywood has its ways ruining things.



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  • 3 weeks later...

right saw it last night and here's my opinion on it, I'm a die hard Assassin's fan  so bear that in mind.




Well to start off it wasnt as big a bomb of a film as I had expected. Denz hated it, but then he wasnt looking at it like I was. The first time they put the character Cal into the Animus, I was pretty much ticking off everything that has been in the game series so far, Wagon chase and destruction, bad guys homing in and jumping on, the 4 member team of assassins with various weapons stalking through the crowd, the air assassination, dart upgrade, throwing knives, juggernaut enemies and the rope blade was even used. Then he desynced which was....interesting. 

Now I want to talk more about my disappointment in the historical setting side of the film.... well there was barely any compared to the modern abstergo focus. The history side is what makes me adore the games.

1. I wasnt so drawn to 15th Century Spain. It's not really a very gripping time period. 

2. The only historical figure we say was Columbus and he was only there for a second as a memory and not an actual character.

3. Being in Spain, there was no tie to the Borgia that would have been going on around a similar time. This wouldve been a nice little nod to AC2 and Brotherhood. 

4. There was barely enough in Animus scenes in this film! 


The action chase scene (only one) was not what we hoped either. Not very much parkour as a whole and only one leap of faith. The fight scenes had that lovely COUNTERCOUNTERCOUNTERCOUNTER style to it liek in the games. Just mash X! but then they had very odd angles like they wanted to incorperate some Parkour go pro shots into it. I also hated how it kept cutting to Fassbender flying around on the animus. Didnt need to keep doing that. 


There was one very uncalled for shot that did not need to be included. Theres a 360 shot of Fassbender just standing there looking at light effects. Nothing comes at him, hes not really interacting with anything or speaking, its just a slow shot of him staring and then it cuts to Jeremy Irons. Im not keen on this director at all. 


Also the scientist's motive to build the animus is to solve violence in humans...... WHAT?! thats the worse motive I think ive ever heard and its not even part of the Templar's story. They want to bring peace with the apple but not to solve aggression and violence. stupid. 

Im not gonna say anything about the animus itself as I would assume everyone else would have the same opinion just that its an interesting concept compared to the old strapped to a table way. 


Anyway I dont want to go on much more. I would not advise that anyone see this unless they have played the games. And you cant get away with playing just the first one either. But if youre like me, then youll get some nerd rage build up watching it. lol


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A frequent mistake in video game movies I have seen over the last year also has to do with how a fair amount of content or lore is never directly explained or the movie takes too much time to explain it that the viewers who do not play the game would find it either very hard to follow or boring to watch. The movie usually expects you to understand what's going on rather than make the storyline concise and straightforward.


In the case of Assassin's Creed the movie tries too hard to stick to one storyline and another, so the movie ends up looking cluttered and confusing. It would have been better if they focused only on Aguilar and dumped the present-day plot. That way they could spend more time in fleshing out and developing Aguilar as a character and viewers would connect to him more.

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They focused heavily on the modern day stuff. You know, the parts of the games people don't like. That alone was a huge red flag

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  • 3 years later...

Unpopular opinion I know, but I believe that this is the best video game based film made so far. Here's an analysis I wrote a couple of years ago talking about it's strengths and weaknesses.


Assassin's Creed has been an interesting film for me. I was really excited to see it because of how great the concept and world sounded and the extremely talented cast and director (At that time, I hadn't played any of the games and only knew the basic concept. I've since played some of the first one and it's good.). I saw the film on opening day after reading and watching a lot of the awful reviews and went in with lowered expectations. But surprisingly, me and my grandmother (Who knew absolutely nothing about AC) kind of enjoyed it. I still remembering feeling a little disappointed though and I gave the film a 2.5/5. But the film never left my head and the more I thought about it, the more I appreciated it despite it's problems and it's become one of my favorite films in recent years to rewatch.

I want to talk about what worked, what didn't work, what was cut, and the future of the franchise. Before I start though, I want to make something clear. My goal with this post isn't to say "I'm right and all the haters just didn't get it". I'm just posting my personal opinion and explaining why I feel this way. You can agree or disagree with it and that's fine. All film is subjective and that's the best thing about the movies and film fandom. :0)

With all that said, let's get started!

The film starts off really well with an opening text and crawl telling us all about how the Assassins have protected the Apple Of Eden from the Knights Of Templar for centuries. We also get our first taste of the fantastic score by Jed Kurzel (Brother of the film's director Justin Kurzel and one of the best composers working today). It goes from a very haunting theme (Similar to his Macbeth score) to a drum beating action suspense theme throughout the film and it's really well done. My personal favorite tracks on the album are Young Cal, You're Not Alone, and Future Glory. We then get are first scene with Aguilar being accepted into the Creed and we sense that he and Maria have a very close and romantic relationship.

Once we cut to 1976, I felt that the choice in music felt really out of place. Entrance Song by The Black Angels isn't a bad song (It's actually quite good), but it doesn't feel like a good fit for this type of film. I would've preferred if they used a score track instead of a song. I also feel like there was a big missed opportunity in this scene to show what happened to Callum Lynch after he escaped from the Abstergo team. We find out later in the film that he was a big troublemaker as a teen and that he was arrested for killing a pimp. Why didn't they show us that? And why did he kill this pimp? According to the Movie Novelization (Which is a fun read and a bit better than the movie IMO due to some stuff feeling more fleshed out), Cal developed a deep hatred for men who beat/abuse women because of his father killing his mother and he murdered a man who was abusing an underage prostitute. Because of that and a previous criminal record, he was sentenced to death on his birthday. They shouldn't have cut that out.

When I originally saw the film, I thought all the performances were very good except for Marion Cotillard as Sofia Rikkin. It surprised me because she's obviously a great actress, but I felt like she was just going through the motions. But rewatching the film, I feel like her performance and the character weren't the problem, I feel like it was the script having her being kind of an exposition machine (Mainly when she's first introduced). Expositional dialogue isn't always bad and it's sometimes needed in films like this, but if you overuse it, it can start to feel kind of annoying/tired.

One character that I feel was very underused was Moussa. Michael K Williams (Who was awesome as Freddy in HBO's The Night Of) is great in the role and has a lot of charisma, but I wish that we got to see Moussa and the other Abstergo prisoners interact with Lynch more so that when they come together at the end of the film and protect the apple, it feels more real and believable.

Most people agree that the best scenes in the movie are the scenes in 1492 where we get to see all of the big Assassin action and lore and that more of the film should've taken place there. I agree. These scenes are really well done. Adam Akrapaw does a great job with the cinematography and Justin Kurzel's visual style that he used in Macbeth works really well in these scenes. Most of the fights and chase scenes are also really impressive (All of it is real BTW, no CGI). I used to have a problem with the film cutting back in forth to Aguilar being a badass to Callum in the Animus, but I've grown to appreciate the choice more. Yes, some of the action scenes in the past have the quick cut editing that I hate (Thankfully no shaky camera though), and that bothered me, but there's still a lot of terrific action to make up for that. I also really liked the romance between Aguilar and Maria. It felt genuine and the actors had really good chemistry. You do feel something when Maria tells Aguilar to let her die so that the apple can be protected and the Creed can live on and when Aguilar just starts beating the Templar who killed his beloved (And his entire family according to the novelization).

Another one of the films best scenes is when Cal reunites with his father and the heartbreaking truth is revealed. Joseph Lynch was asked by his wife to murder both her and Cal so that Abstergo couldn't capture them and locate the Apple. But killing his wife was just too much so he told Cal to run away. Fassbender and Gleeson are incredible in this scene and it shows how damaged Cal really is.

One scene that felt really out of place though was Callum singing "I'm Crazy" right before he's hooked up into the Animus. I get that's the song that played when he saw that his mother was dead. But it just feels really out of place in a movie about Assassins and Templars. And if you want to hear Fassbender sing, go watch the movie Frank (Underrated gem).

Speaking of Michael Fassbender, I already mentioned that everyone does a really good job in this film, but Fassbender really sells being both a mentally disturbed man and a badass Master Assassin. One small moment in the film that I didn't notice on first viewing was that when Sofia is explaining where he is, he just starts to smile and laugh and have that "What the F am I listening too?" face. He's one of my favorite actors working today and his performance got me to really care about Cal.

About the last scenes in the film, some people thought it felt too quick. I do agree with that. I feel like it could've been extended a bit and show us Cal, Moussa, and the others getting to know each other more while tracking down Jeremy Irons's Alan Rikkin. I don't have a problem with the way Alan is killed though. I know some people wanted a bigger final battle, but in reality there's no way Alan could beat Cal and the others in a fight. And with the shot of Cal jumping off the building, I prefer the deleted scene version where the other assassins jumped first and and Cal stands still, looking a little unsure, but then he sees a vision of his mother and is reminded about his destiny and finally jumps of the roof and accepts it. Great ending and the one that should've been in the film IMO.

Speaking of deleted scenes, let's talk about some of them.

The biggest surprise was that they removed an entire character from the film. A teenager named Lara, a descendant of Maria and an adoptive daughter to Sophia. I felt like this character added a lot of nice emotional moments in the film with Cal and Sofia and shouldn't have been cut IMO.

There's also a scene where The Bleeding Effect (Which works very well in the film BTW) causes Callum to not only see his ancestor, but the ancestors of Moussa and the other prisoners. Pretty cool and a nice scene for fans of the games since these ancestors are characters from the greater franchise.

There's an alternate ending where all of the prisoners are killed except for Cal and he escapes from Abstergo alone. I feel like it was a good idea to change this because it would've felt very abrupt.

And finally, there's one where Joseph actually fights off the guards at the end, dies in front of his son, and Cal (Now knowing the full truth about his mother's death) forgives him. Cal and the others than say the oath of the Creed. I feel like this was a better death scene for Joseph than the one in the final cut. We get to actually see him fight, it's a better way to end Cal's hatred of him, and gives Brendan Gleeson a little more to do in the film.

Could we ever see an extended cut of this film? I wouldn't bet my money on it, but it's possible. Justin Kurzel revealed in a Reddit AMA that the original cut was close to 2 hours and 25 minutes. The actual film is an hour and 48 minutes including the end credits. And I heard from some fans who went to one of the premieres that the film was originally 20-25 minutes longer (And may or may not have including a kiss scene between Cal and Sofia). Some might say that an extended cut won't happened because of the film being panned, but that didn't stop films like Kingdom Of Heaven, Sucker Punch, the Rob Zombie Halloween movies, and Alexander from getting director's/extended cuts (I think Alexander has 4 different cuts).

As far as sequel chances go, it's unlikely. Most critics and audience members hated the film and while it made a little over 240 million dollars worldwide, it cost 125 million dollars to make (Not counting marketing) and that means the film sadly lost a lot of money. So I guess we'll never know for sure if that assassin that looked like Sofia means that she and Cal are somehow related. Than again, stranger things have happened, so you can't say never. We do know that Adi Shaker is working on an AC animated series for Netflix. That could be interesting considering he also developed the animated Castlevania show on Netflix. And maybe since Disney owns 20th Century Fox now, they can partner up with Ubisoft again and give the Assassin's Creed lore another shot on film (Though considering my thoughts on Disney as a company right now, I'd be a bit skeptical).

So overall, I really like this film. It has problems, but for me the good outweighs the bad and I don't think it deserves the hate it gets. It's definitely one of the best video game films ever made and compared to films like Super Mario Brothers, House Of The Dead, and Mortal Kombat Annihilation, it's a masterpiece. I feel like this movie could've been better though if some tweaks were made the the script and some scenes were put back in, but I still enjoy it and it made me a big Justin Kurzel fan (Very excited for The True History Of The Kelly Gang).

My score has gone up to a 3.5/5.

What do you think of the film? What do you like about it? What do you hate about it? Please let me know in the comments and thanks so much for reading. :0)

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I love Assassin Creed the game and the comics, since I appreciate them for using history for their story. I was also was super excited when they made Assassin's Creed:Origin in Egypt! Since in Egypt they actually does (or accused of) having an assassin creed within this group called "Brotherhood." And as well the other history with them involving assassins. 

That being said, I think the movie did them justice. They at least included the majors points of what makes an "assassin's creed" an "assassin's creed." I also applauded for them to create a complete different characters and setting outside the game. So we could get a new fresh start as most  AC games does. The only problem I have with this movie, is they focused a bit too much on the modern side and not enough on the historical side to see more of the  assassin's action and story. It made it seem like the historical/past part is just there to call it Assassin's Creed. But overall it's a good movie that actually did the game justice. I was disappointed we're not getting a second movie since it left us a cliff hanger.

I do get tired of hearing some fans crybabying about it and complaining to them for not having Ezio as the character. Two things they have to consider is one, they're smart for not using one of the AC ionic character and two, the only different between this movie and the game is YOU DON'T GET TO PLAY THE CHARACTER!!

I feel as though if these fans (if they haven't) have read AC books or comics, maybe they will appreciated the movie a bit more. Heck they even have a manga!!


  • Brohoof 1



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