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What is your least favorite part about the Brony fandom.

Raven Drakeaurd

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I just don't like Bronies period. They tend to be very easily offended if you say something "offensive" about the show or whatever. Most Brony generated content is not particularly to my liking either.

Best thing about Bronies is some of their music:


Edited by K.Rool Addict
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1 minute ago, K.Rool Addict said:

I just don't like Bronies period. They tend to be very easily offended if you say something "offensive" about the show or whatever. Most Brony generated content is not particularly to my liking either.

Best thing about Bronies is some of their music:



May I ask, if you don't like Bronies why are you here? I'm saying you can't be here if you're not a Brony, but why be here?

  • Brohoof 1


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It reputation. People think we crazy, autist, I even hear someone saying zoophile, but that's for the clopers.

Honestly it kinda make me laugh because some people are claiming "it's 2017 and we have to move on" speakind about tolerance against gay people, racism etc etc... but when it comes to brony, suddenly everything disapear, we're just "weird"

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I'm not particularly fond of the drama that tends to occur whenever something happens in the show that changes its dynamic.

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1 minute ago, Raven Drakeaurd said:

they usually say something like "So you watch a show made for little girls? You're weird."

Yes they say that, but it sounds like : "nigga wtf yo doing with your life you useless, brainless, creepy old motherf**** piece of s**t !"

And that tends to piss me off a little :angry:

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36 minutes ago, Raven Drakeaurd said:

May I ask, if you don't like Bronies why are you here? I'm saying you can't be here if you're not a Brony, but why be here?

Well, a "brony" is a specific subset within MLP:FiM community. The classification does not refer to all fans of the show, despite common misconception.

I am certainly an avid fan of FiM, but not a "brony" persay :o

"Brony" of course, originated as a self entitled moniker for those fans of the show who also identified as /b/tards of 4chan's late Random board. These fans would create copious amounts of pony image macros as a way to vex the non-pony loving communities of /b/. After being banished from the site, some fans decided to retreat to their own board /co/ while other pony fans sought greener pastures wherein their pony loving nature could be fully accommodated . These individuals went on to create Ponychan in a similar act of defiance as those doll-joint loving /b/tards of old who created the image board Desuchan after being run off the site for their own sexual deviancy.

Now where am I going with this? Well, the original /b/ronies who would troll /b/ with their pony shenanigans are NOT the descendants of the typical "brony" of the current MLP fandom. There is... another name for these individuals, which I will not mention here as the moderators tend to not be too keen on it. Instead I will substitute the actual name with "_______". That is the demographic of pony lovers I identify with. Bronies are the offspring of the pony lovers who went back to /co/ after their expulsion from /b/ and "_________"s are the fans who (originally) went to Ponychan. 

While the community was split like this for awhile, soon Ponychan began to develop very "anti-______" measures which suppressed the ideologies of the "______"s. After being mass b& / discouraged from engaging in their "______"s ways, the "______"s decided to up and leave, never to return again. We are a rare breed of MLP:FiM fan who thrive off the show, first and foremost (all brony-created materials pale in comparison to the source material in our collective opinion). Secondly, we thrive on CHAOS and general trolling of all parties involved when it comes to ponies. Now, what I mean by this is "______"s will often talk about ponies in places that aren't so keen on ponies in order to evoke reactions from the populace. Trolling in such a way is widely enjoyed by "_____"s to this day. Another factor is that "______"s are not the type of people to get offended when pony haters call FiM "objectively bad" or we should be "disowned by our parents" or something along those lines. Instead "______"s like to exploit the hatred of the show exhibited by these pony haters in order to create lulzy shitstorms for our own personal pleasure. We do not discriminate between pony-haters and bronies; both are equally exploitable in our eyes. The best possible outcome in a "______" incited shitstorm would be to have both pony haters and bronies going at each others' collective throats for as long as possible.



Edited by K.Rool Addict
spelling errors lol
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1 minute ago, K.Rool Addict said:

Well, a "brony" is a specific subset within MLP:FiM community. The classification does not refer to all fans of the show, despite common misconception.

I am certainly an avid fan of FiM, but not a "brony" persay :o

"Brony" of course, originated as a self entitled moniker for those fans of the show who also identified as /b/tards of 4chan's late Random board. These fans would create copious amounts of pony image macros as a way to vex the non-pony loving communities of /b/. After being banished from the site, some fans decided to retreat to their own board /co/ while other pony fans sought greener pastures wherein their pony loving nature could be fully accommodated . These individuals went on to create Ponychan in a similar act of defiance as those doll-joint loving /b/tards of old who created the image board Desuchan after being run off the site for their own sexual deviancy.

Now where am I going with this? Well, the original /b/ronies who would troll /b/ with their pony shenanigans are NOT the descendants of the typical "brony" of the current MLP fandom. There is... another name for these individuals, which I will not mention here as the moderators tend to not be too keen on it. That is the demographic of pony lovers I identify with. Bronies are the offspring of the pony lovers who went back to /co/ after their expulsion from /b/ and "_________"s are the fans who (originally) went to Ponychan. 

While the community was split like this for awhile, soon Ponychan began to develop very "anti-______" measures which suppressed the ideologies of the "______"s. After being mass b& / discouraged from engaging in their "______"s ways, the "______"s decided to up and leave, never to return again. We are a rare breed of MLP:FiM fan who thrive of the show, first and foremost (all brony-created materials pale in comparison to the source material in our collective opinion). Secondly, we thrive on CHAOS and general trolling of all parties involved when it comes to ponies. Now, what I mean by this is "______"s will often talk about ponies in places that aren't so keen on ponies in order to evoke reactions from the populace. Trolling in such a way is widely enjoyed by "_____"s to this day. Another factor is that "______"s are not the type of people to get offended when pony haters call FiM "objectively bad" or we should be "disowned by our parents" otr something along those lines. Instead "______"s like to exploit the hatred of the show exhibited by these pony haters in order to create lulzy shitstorms for our own personal pleasure. We do not discriminate between pony-haters and bronies; both are equally exploitable in our eyes. The best possible outcome in a "______" incited shitstorm would be to have both pony haters and bronies going at each others' collective throats for as long as possible.




Well you're going to get an A+ on this S.A.

But I see your point, just because you're a fan of MLP;FIM doesn't make you a Brony. But I'm still going to use Brony as a catch-all term.

  • Brohoof 2


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Just now, Raven Drakeaurd said:

Well you're going to get an A+ on this S.A.

Why thank you xD I try to bring the wisdom of prior generations back to current times. It is always advantageous to keep the failings of the past in mind so one does not accidentally facilitate these things coming to pass once again. Of course, my breed is all but dead in this day and age Q.Q It gets very lonely </3

2 minutes ago, Raven Drakeaurd said:

But I'm still going to use Brony as a catch-all term.

It's generally the easiest way to categorize lol, Especially considering Bronies ARE the vast majority of the fanbase. As far as I am aware, there exist 4 main subsets of the FiM fandom:

#1: Bronies

#2 "______"s

#3 Casual fans of the show (idk if there is a name)

#4 Fans, casual or extreme, who are within the target age demographic (ie little girls)

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Hmm . . . personally, there aren't too many things to hate in the fandom. Depending on your point of view, everything is spot on. Music is great, community is well-woven over half the time, and fandom has existing material from which content creators based their concepts and ideas, creating more pleasurable entertainment for members of the congregation (I mention this because the Furry fandom [no offense to anyone] has no specific show or idea that revolve around "furries"; it's rather untamed 90% of the time and, as the years have shown, have gotten out of paw). I can see how "extremist" bronies can be annoying with the pleasure of shoving their ideas and beliefs down the throats of others, but nearly all of religion does the same thing, so I give that a pass as it could be worse. 

The only few activities that really get on my back come from the artist side of the fandom. We have some excellent artists, but those who are stuck in those first few steps can be downright aching to look at. Of course, everyone gets better at their craft with practice, but recolors and ponifications are the absolute worst. A few other fandoms have the problem (Furries, again), but Bronies rank up at a close number 2 for the number of bad recolors in a fandom. They're usually lazily done and awful to look at. Ponifications are good when well done (or canon like the "Link" in S6Ep11), but other times are pitiful and are easy to frown upon.


I realize I just over-complicated my submission when I could've simply put, "Recolors and Ponifications are pretty bad", but meh.



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I have a whole laundry list of things I don't like, but to keep it simple, drama is at the very top of that list 

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The fringe groups of Bronies that unironically associate themselves with Neo-Nazism. You can see stuff like shoving Nazi paraphernalia into the show and memes like Aryanne (she would actually be a cute pony without all of the Nazi references). It obviously reflects badly on us all to be associated with bigotry. And honestly, how you can watch a show like My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and genuinely come to the conclusion that fascism is correct is beyond me. The show has always celebrated diversity and acceptance. How do you miss the point that much? On a kid's show no less.

I also guess I dislike the cynical bronies who think they're being hip and self aware by calling other bronies autistic. The level of insecurity is deafening. I suppose the thing I dislike about this fandom is occasional nasty and mean-spirited individuals. But you find them in all walks of life. :)

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1 hour ago, Tiny Hoofs said:

The fringe groups of Bronies that unironically associate themselves with Neo-Nazism. You can see stuff like shoving Nazi paraphernalia into the show and memes like Aryanne (she would actually be a cute pony without all of the Nazi references). It obviously reflects badly on us all to be associated with bigotry. And honestly, how you can watch a show like My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and genuinely come to the conclusion that fascism is correct is beyond me. The show has always celebrated diversity and acceptance. How do you miss the point that much? On a kid's show no less.

I also guess I dislike the cynical bronies who think they're being hip and self aware by calling other bronies autistic. The level of insecurity is deafening. I suppose the thing I dislike about this fandom is occasional nasty and mean-spirited individuals. But you find them in all walks of life. :)


Ahhh yes, Nazis, the unrelenting bane of my existence that seems to get their hands in everything.


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"Fans" who seem to think that the show belongs only to them, and as such anything that does not go the way they feel it should by default makes the show declining or garbage. Yet they are apparently forced to continue watching it so they can continue to let everyone else know how bad it is for them.

I imagine life has to be hell with that sort of self imposed punishment. I know it is hell for me to read almost constantly.

Also reviews that forget that the show is a kids cartoon aimed at.... well... kids. It's OK if you don't like an episode... but if you went in expecting Hamlet you ruined your own damn day not MLP.

  • Brohoof 9


~No profound statement needed~

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Outside of regular fandom drama, which is always annoying, there is those types of fans who forget the show is made for young girls and act like it is tailor made for them, and get super angry when someone dares to call FIM a show made for young girls.

There would also be the gigantic victim complex this fandom seems to have, whenn people literally act like coming out as a brony is the same as coming out as gay.

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9 hours ago, TrotteurFuneste said:

Yes they say that, but it sounds like : "nigga wtf yo doing with your life you useless, brainless, creepy old motherf**** piece of s**t !"

And that tends to piss me off a little :angry:

woah!!! XD

I have the same problem,especially since i'm still in school.Many people say similar things like that to me,but tbh Idgaf what they think.XD

  • Brohoof 1


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I don't like that some parts of the fandom that declare the motto of love and tolerance are full of hatred and xenophobia or just cannot tolerate anyone who doesn't share their views on the show or other matters.

Also, the thing I don't like about all fandoms: fans are always complaining about changes. All that "the new/last season is the worst" (after every new season) and "the show is no longer what it used to be" stuff. I understand that not everyone likes the new things, but very often this just gets ridiculous.

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30 minutes ago, ScruffyTheStallion said:

I have the same problem,especially since i'm still in school.Many people say similar things like that to me,but tbh Idgaf what they think.XD

I know right !? Plus the brony fandom is pretty unknow where I live so people exagerate and they often think I'm the only one to do it :D

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