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@Kulstor @Strong Copper @Star48955 @CentipedeGhoul @Trixie . @Techno Universal

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Mysterious Soul's paws crunched as she walked on dead leaves. It had been 3 years since King Sombra and Queen Chrysalis had taken over Equestria. She was part of Lady Zecora's rebellion, along with Ramon, Doctor Whooves and His mate Ocean Whiplash. Mysterious let a sigh out, as she remembered Equestrian before the darkness came.


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Happily Dating @SlashBlaze!!

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Moon paused. The moon is beautiful...but there is something strange about it.As if...it's watching.Ever since the rebellion began there has been no end...It's good to be able to take a breath. She frowned.She preferred to keep to herself but...she couldn't help herself.She was constantly sneaking into camps and sabotaging all sorts of things. Hmm...I wonder if the soldiers enjoyed their "Poison Joke Juice" yesterday.I wish I could have stayed to see the effects...I've heard it depends on what you're like. I wonder what effects it would have on me. She paused. I just heard...leaves.There's someone here. A soldier?A rebel?There's only one way to find out. Moon cast a camouflage spell and took to the skies.

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@Trixie . @Star48955

Mysterious walked past the spot that Crescent was at. She sniffed the spot and looked around. Strange I can smell an Alicorn, she thought. She looked around checking behind trees and bushes. Her bushy tail lashed in confusion. She sat down and looked at her compass and looked around.

  • Brohoof 1

Happily Dating @SlashBlaze!!

Thank You @Iced_Coffee Nerd for My sexuality Signature!!


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Moon frowned. A fox...is it on one of the side's?Hmmm.....  Moon dropped lower and studied the fox.  Should I try to talk to it?But even if it's a rebel it might attack...but if I stay high... Moon released her camouflage spell.She was now visible.

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Kabra'za didn't know what the small town was called. It seemed like the kind of place that sprung up on the road in-between the actually important places because the road stretched on forever and a traveler could only travel so far before they needed to stop to rest, cook up a nice meal to fill themselves up and generally prepare themselves to hit the road again; In the grand scheme of things it wasn't an important or strategic location beyond being a resting place for travelers. 

As such, it had largely been ignored by the occupying forces; While Sombra and Chrysalis liked to give the public presentation that they had eyes and ears everywhere and that all were under their iron horseshoes equally, the truth of the matter was that they only had so many troops in order to cover all of the lands that they had occupied and keep the very large population in check and thus garrisoning forces had to be divvied up based on value and importance. Towns like this might have had a squad of solders at most and even then it was more for the look of the thing then anything else because the best and brightest weren't given guard duty in a nowhere town unless they had screwed badly enough to be punished, but not so much as to be executed or imprisoned. This was the kind of posting that the useless and hopeless ended up at. 

This made it perfect for Kabra'za purposes; It was a wonderful target. Giving the buildings one last look over from his position in the bushes, he quietly drew back in order to check on those whom had decided to join him for this rebellious raid.  

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Moon flew higher,above the fox's reach. "Are you a soldier or a rebel?" She kept her voice neutral in case the fox was a rebel,but she lit her horn with a spell,so she could cast it in a millisecond if the fox attacked.The spell was only a bubble spell,to trap the fox...with a little shield added so that the fox couldn't pop it...but she hoped she didn't have to fight.She cocked her head and waited for a reply.

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Moon frowned.She stared at the sky for a moment.Then she looked at the fox.She studies the fox and then casts a spell.A jar filled with blue flowers dropped out of the sky and fell in front of the fox."Poison Joke.It might prove useful against those guards in the village.And I know you're attacking it because I can see the zebra over there trying to hide. Anyway send the guards a nice present.Just...make sure you don't touch it."

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As he walked down the streets of the village, Ravage wondered yet again why his master, Ennex, had sent him here.  They had enough trouble keeping order in Manehattan, much less worry about some outlying village.  He signed, watching the poor villagers go about their lives.  Ennex was only Governor of Manehattan, but he was trying to extend his reach beyond the city.  Perhaps he will challenge the new rulers themselves, he thought, heading to the small guard post in the center of the village...


@Strong Copper

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Mysterious looked at the Alicorn. "Thank You, you know we could use you in the rebellion." Mysterious said as she picked up the pot of flowers with her teeth. She nodded her head in saying thanks to Moon. Then Mysterious bounded off to Kabra'za. "Kabra'za I have found some Poison Joke for the guards." Mysterious said.

  • Brohoof 1

Happily Dating @SlashBlaze!!

Thank You @Iced_Coffee Nerd for My sexuality Signature!!


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Moon recast her camo spell. "You know we could use you in the rebellion." She watched the fox and the zebra. Well...I have thought about it...but I trusted someone before and they broke my horn.But...I suppose I can't hide all the time.Maybe...but for now I'll just watch.If they need help I can jump in.I...need to think about this.Plus I do have a few poison joke bombs...I already enchanted all of them to do their...thing immediately.It couldn't hurt to have some fun....

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Techno was completely dead in his system and was deactivated in a bush next to the group. Until something triggered him to reboot into his system...




TU: Uhh what am I? What is this place? Why do I have a computer in my head? This feels strange and I need to investigate this.


Techno then got up out of the bush only to end up in the centre of the group...

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Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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Moon blinked.She was flying over Kabra'za and the fox,whose name was Mysterious Soul.She still had her camo spell on and had not revealed herself to either of the rebel's. Was this alicorn talking to her?She waited to see what Kabra'za and Mysterious Soul would do. And then another alicorn came walking out of a bush. What?!How many alicorns are there?I suppose someone else is going to come along now.

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"So You're the group attempting to overthrow Queen Chrysalis And King Sombra." Maple Says to the group. "Nice to meet you all, the name's Maple Bat."

Maple looks around studying specific things about the group

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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"I'm a fox, and what are you...a want be alicorn!?!" Mysterious snapped. She hated when ponies asked her what she was. Foxes use to be know all over, until the disease killed most of them. "Hello, yes we are. Aren't you Discord and Fluttershy's daughter?" Mysterious said calming down.

  • Brohoof 1

Happily Dating @SlashBlaze!!

Thank You @Iced_Coffee Nerd for My sexuality Signature!!


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5 minutes ago, Trixie . said:

@Queen Chrysalis Servant @Star48955 @Techno Universal @Strong Copper

Keeneye raised an eyebrow as Techno came out of apparently nowhere. He sighed angrily. "And what can a ragtag group like this do about them? Those 2 are just pathetic. I want their power! I want to destroy them! And you...." he pointed at Mysterious. "Just what are you exactly?!" 

TU: Well I don't 100% know what I am as something completely formatted my memory and personality. So now what's the reason you want to destroy me exactly? 

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Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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Moon stares at the chaos.Her eyes widen.Without saying a word she shoots up into the air until no-one can see her.Then her magic lets fly.To those on the ground it looks like a gold explosion.She curls up and tries to sut out the pain in her head.

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"That is true." Maple replied to mysterious. "Lets try to stay calm everypony we're in this for the long haul as my Dad always said."

Maple then looks over at Keeneye and says "I'm here to save my parents and all of equestria. So if you get in my way i wont hesitate to move you."

  • Brohoof 2


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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On 22 April 2017 at 8:15 AM, Trixie . said:

@Queen Chrysalis Servant @Star48955 @Techno Universal @Maple Bat @Strong Copper

He ignored Mysterious, he thought she was an animal. He glared at Techno. "I easily could. But. You haven't really done anything that warrants a painful fiery death." he noticed Moon fly up, and thought it was weird, but to be investigated later, he also ignored Maple Bat.

Techno then started browsing through his system not knowing what anything was. He then found a command that was actually a auto laser beam fire function. 


TU: Maby I should do something useful for you like spawning in apples for you to eat!


He then activated the function to then start automatically fire a burning laser beam at Keeneye and it also followed him as Techno tried to move the laser away from him. Techno then finally turned it off in his system to see that he had cut trees in half and now Techno was frozen looking straight at Keeneye. He then said in his head...


TU: Now that was definitely the wrong command... Oh no. What have I done!? That pony over there that talked to me earlier looks extremely triggered at me and annoyingly I'm frozen!!!


(EDIT: Sorry I actually meant Keeneye not Mysterious...) 

Edited by Techno Universal
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Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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Moon shrieks.The pain threatens to kill her,but it finally starts to fade.She slowly uncurls,and opens her eyes.All the other ponies are on the ground.She realizes that a golden bubble had formed around her.She sighs,and sinks to the bottom to think.

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After seeing Techno's mistake she moves a few paces back. "NOW THAT'S REALLY SOMETHING!" She says startled. Then after a few seconds she notices that techno isn't moving so she moves closer to try to find out whats wrong with her. She then concludes her systems are frozen.

After hearing Moon's cry Maple attempts to fly up to her but is blinded by the bright golden ball.

  • Brohoof 1


My Ocs: The Chaos Siblings Maple Bat and Woodland Orchestra.

Profile picture by a wonderful user named trash. Signature originally drawn by Lucas Aldebrandi

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Moon hears everything going on down below...even thoughts. What is happening?!Stop! Moon still hurts but she can think a little bit. What did I see?That Maple Bat will want to know about this... Moon dissolves the bubble and hovers,looking around.And then she spots the guards approaching the hill. Oh no!I led them to us...I have to warn them! Moon starts flying down towards the others,hoping to get there in time.

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Ravage had just finished inspecting the small guard team (What a bunch of losers, he thought), when a bright flash caught his attention.  Looking up, he saw a golden bubble surrounding what appeared at that distance to be a large Pegasus.  His head whipped around to the guards.  "Get over there and find out what's going on!" he ordered, his voice deep and heavily (Russian) accented.  The guards looked confused for a moment, but a glare from the black-clad pony's red eyes sent them galloping towards the hillside. 

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