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movies/tv The Doctor is a Girl

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Honestly I don’t know how to feel about the new Doctor. On one hand I think they choose a fine actress and she’ll do great in the part, but on the other hand I have concerns about it.

Will Historicals keep constantly bring up that yes women were treated like shit for like 90% of history?
If so I really don’t want that in my Science Fiction and Fantasy show, this is what I use to get away from the real world.

Who is going to be the companion? Will it be a guy?
Cause if it’s a solo guy, that has so many pitfalls to it. In the show, both classic and modern, they’re have been a ton of great well rounded female companions to compliment the Doctor. But with this new Doctor they’re going to have to establish that yes, she is the Doctor, so the companion is going to suffer some. This is not going to be like Capaldi where they can shove him aside for Clara’s subplot about Danny, they are going to make this Doctor look as good as possible and put her in the spotlight as much as they can (which will actually be a nice change, to have the show be about the Doctor) And most of the guys in the (modern) show are there to be a foil for the Doctor. Take Rory, he’s the mild, safe but lovable man compared to the wild, insane but sad Doctor. Or Jack, who is social and sex crazed to Nine who is isolated and generally distant sexually. So if they have a guy companion, he’s going to be nothing more than the butt of the show, even more of an imbecile than Harry Sullivan cause if they make him in some ways more competent than the Doctor in some field other than blunt strength (which is slightly sexist as well), people are going to say it weakens the new Doctor.

What is in store for the 14th Doctor? What happens next?
So pretty much I feel a massive amount of pity for whomever the BBC decides to cast as the 14th Doctor cause there is a no-win situation with it. Do you go back to a white male actor? Well so much for diversity, BBC you racist, only casting a women for publicity. Another woman? You just did this, do something different. An actor of color? You’re only doing this for PC points, to make sure you’re portfolio is diverse enough. You’re not hiring because of the actor’s merits, you’re hiring them because they’re X. Just who ever gets it next is going to face criticism no matter what.

Are people going to judge it fairly?
This seems to already be happening, that both sides are now going on to opposite extremes, one side saying "Well it’s Doctor Who’s first female Doctor, there can be nothing wrong with this. If there something bad it is not on the Doctor, she’s perfect, it’s the screenwriters and directors being misogynistic in not being able to tell good stories with her and the ratings don’t matter because the audience is sexist and can’t see past her gender." or "Well it’s Doctor Who’s first female Doctor, there is nothing that can go right with this. If there is something bad it is on the Doctor, she’s not the right call, it’s the screenwriters and directors being overly sensitive to her and not being able to tell good stories with her and the ratings don’t matter because the audience is blind to storytelling, only wanting "racial diversity"". It seems like there will never be a fair and rational discussion on this because both sides want to point the finger at the other and say "You’re the problem with everything and I’m completely right."


Basically it comes down to I'll wait and see how she does cause there's not much else I can do at the moment. 

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 No doubt the actress will do good on her part as seen her previous work.  But it not like though all the generation of series they have devalue women in a way. There are pretty smart and tough females characters (companions)  in  the past. That I considered as a lead characters, if people don't think so, then you basically just devalue their character of importance.  Let alone Romana the first time lady to appear. Sure 4th doctor have mentioned about time lord/lady undergoing sex chance while regeneration but facts aside, having the thought of having all men to be the doctor is really not a bother to anyone. 

Until...of course this frenzy moment people these day to try to "feminized" anything they can laid their hand on.  I believe in equality but there's not need to try to change courses for this delusional  ideal that this is what all the women wants.  I'm going to drop off the train since I think Doctor who now are nothing more then "feminized attention grabbing " instead of liking  the show for what is really about. 

I think its a terrible idea due to reasons I already mentioned but damn the last episodes was just as bad. They were hammered down on the master being a sexist swine. they are trying too hard and why would the master gives a damn about the cyperman's gender?? it a human men and women in a suit which i don't doubt the master knew that. And remember cyperwomen in torchwood??  and having him said to missy about because she's women she become "soft" was a terrible scripted.  

Edited by TBD



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Missy and the gallyfrey guy turned into female, why the doctor couldn't ? Then Missy is an awesome character. 

This Show is full of diversity, plural characters, every episode shows different things, different species.... How can the doctor be rejected because he is female ? If you love the Show, it makes nonsense. 

I just hope that there won't be some fights against sexism... Whether it be showing her "woman freedom" or bad treatments because she is a woman. There has never been any sexism behaviour (or almost) with the Doctor's companion, or with any female character.

This Show has the pleasant feature to be quite neutral... I think it will continue. 

And nasty people will get accustomed with, as long as the doctor stays weird and such a very quick thinking person, I guess. Actually, I really hope that people don't like the doctor because he is a white man. 

To me, perhaps the reason to opt for a woman isn't good, but it has nothing to do with The Doctor, as long as  the mood of the Show doesn't change. 


(By the way, sorry for my bad languages, I'm not english. Please tell me my mistakes if somebody answer.)

Edited by Poixsson
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The new Doctor being female doesn't really effect me honestly. It does feel like pandering a bit, but so long as she's still funny, I won't have any problem with it at all. ^ ^

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Though to be accurate, the doctor is a woman, not a girl xp

I think I'll make a solid judgement as the show goes on but there a nothing wrong with it, I mean the doctor doesn't have to be male, the show could still function no matter what form the character takes, it's the characterisation that matters more to me


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To be fair, the doctor is a timelord shaped like a human female, rather than a timelord shaped like a human male. The doctor's actual sex, assuming they have one, matters only to another timelord :D

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11 hours ago, CypherHoof said:

To be fair, the doctor is a timelord shaped like a human female, rather than a timelord shaped like a human male. The doctor's actual sex, assuming they have one, matters only to another timelord :D

"I don't look human, you look Time Lord!"

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