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spoiler You think the Pony of Shadows will drop a Castlevania reference or two?

Steve Piranha

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Well, we know the Pony of Shadows will be the villain of the season finale, a character whose first existence was first known way back in S4, Castle Mane-ia to be precise. As most of us know, that title was a shout-out to the beloved videogame franchise Castlevania. Other than the title, the reference where pretty minimal. The castle, which was only for the ambient, and the soon to be seen Pony of Shadow, which clearly reference the titular Lords of Shadow continuity. The reference is clear in the name, but it's likely we won't see any CV references from him when he shows-up. But likely doesn't mean guaranteed, and a reference or two won't hurt right?

This is supposedly the Pony of Shadows, and a Shadowlock arc spoilers if you haven't read the comics



At simple sight, there's not much Castlevania to be found other than being demonic in appearance (which are a recurring, if not THE main threat in the franchise). We can discard the Lords of Shadow themselves, as he doesn't resemble a werewolf, a vampire, nor Death (unless he does necromancy :huh: ), rather, his hair has a bit of air of Gabriel Belmont, Dracula in the Lords of Shadow franchise. But in general, his more ambiguous, but clearly demonic appearance points more towards Lucius Malfo... I mean, Satan, seldom mentioned in the original series, but main antagonist in the Lords of Shadow series




We may have to wait the episode to see if any come out. The comics though, did a couple of things that can be compared to Satan: The only known image of the Pony of Shadows in an ancient drawing, may be a reference to the travel book in the Lords of Shadow, which is pictured in the last spoiler above. Second, the Pony of Shadows has at least one descendant in Shadowlock, that can be compared to Satan's acolytes. The main differences though, is that Shadowlock hasn't shown any demonic traits, nor abilities that other unicorns can't do, plus he's the only known descendant and an enemy of his ancestor. The acolytes however, are three, they have clear demonic abilities and some unnatural physical traits, plus they are his allies 


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I now expect this dialogue to be in the finale, anything less is unacceptable :okiedokieloki::

Twilight: It's over! You don't belong in this world!

PoS: It was not by my hand that I am once again given form. I was called here by these ponies, that book, who wish to pay me tribute.

Twilight: Tribute? You steal ponies souls, and make them your slaves.

PoS: Perhaps the same could be said of that devotion to your beloved princesses, just how blind you are to their flaws.

Twilight: Your words are as empty as your soul. Equestria ill needs a savior such as you, the Princesses have entrusted me to stop you!

PoS: What is a princess?! A miserable little pile of secrets! But enough talk, have at you!

[Twilight battles the Pony of Shadows as per the episode synopsis]

  • Brohoof 3
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I don't know. I actually wish he was seen more through the the series. :ooh: I think he will drop a reference that he has seen her before or something like that.

If I don't understand something or Interpret it wrong, I'm dutch. Sometimes I gamble for meanings of the words. And sometimes I write the wrong words, like week and weak for example. Sorry for it already. :smug:

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5 hours ago, KH7672 said:

I now expect this dialogue to be in the finale, anything less is unacceptable :okiedokieloki::

Twilight: It's over! You don't belong in this world!

PoS: It was not by my hand that I am once again given form. I was called here by these ponies, that book, who wish to pay me tribute.

Twilight: Tribute? You steal ponies souls, and make them your slaves.

PoS: Perhaps the same could be said of that devotion to your beloved princesses, just how blind you are to their flaws.

Twilight: Your words are as empty as your soul. Equestria ill needs a savior such as you, the Princesses have entrusted me to stop you!

PoS: What is a princess?! A miserable little pile of secrets! But enough talk, have at you!

[Twilight battles the Pony of Shadows as per the episode synopsis]

Despite the fact it wouldn't be original, that would be by far the most chills inducing lines of the entire series.

  • Brohoof 1


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If ever there were a horrible night, I'm sure at least somepony will lament having a curse on it.

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14 hours ago, KH7672 said:

I now expect this dialogue to be in the finale, anything less is unacceptable :okiedokieloki::

Twilight: It's over! You don't belong in this world!

PoS: It was not by my hand that I am once again given form. I was called here by these ponies, that book, who wish to pay me tribute.

Twilight: Tribute? You steal ponies souls, and make them your slaves.

PoS: Perhaps the same could be said of that devotion to your beloved princesses, just how blind you are to their flaws.

Twilight: Your words are as empty as your soul. Equestria ill needs a savior such as you, the Princesses have entrusted me to stop you!

PoS: What is a princess?! A miserable little pile of secrets! But enough talk, have at you!

[Twilight battles the Pony of Shadows as per the episode synopsis]

If they could make either Patrick Seitz or Robert Carlyle to voice the Pony of Shadows, it would be fantastic :fluttershy:. OR, to finish an important overdue Star Trek reference and thus killing two birds with one stone, PATRICK STEWART :squee:

Edited by Steve Piranha


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Nah, Patrick Stewart would need to be a sea captain, and for it to be a Discord eps....

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8 minutes ago, CypherHoof said:

Nah, Patrick Stewart would need to be a sea captain, and for it to be a Discord eps....

Well, Discord's chapter book mentioned the Pony of Shadows, so the connection may be there 


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1 hour ago, Steve Piranha said:

Well, Discord's chapter book mentioned the Pony of Shadows, so the connection may be there 

Did it? do you have a quote? I'm interested.

1 hour ago, Steve Piranha said:

If they could make either Patrick Seitz or Robert Carlyle to voice the Pony of Shadows, it would be fantastic :fluttershy:. OR, to finish an important overdue Star Trek reference and thus killing two birds with one stone, PATRICK STEWART :squee:

Robert Carlyle, likley would have been announced by now...BUT HOLY SHIT I WOULD FLIP OUT, RUMPLE IN MLP BOYZZ

Edited by Ryanmahaffe


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I think it's safe to say there's probably only going to be a mild throwaway reference at most. Perhaps the "what is a ____? A miserable little pile of secrets" line. So long as we get that I'm happy. It's fairly standard for the show to only make throwaway gags, like Twilight's line in "It's About Time" referencing Terminator with the "is there an epic pony war in the distant future" or referencing Game of Thrones in "Tanks for the Memories" with "Prepare yourselves girls: Winter...is coming."

  • Brohoof 1

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He has to say, 'What is a Mare?!  A miserable little pile of secrets!', while throwing his glass down and shattering it.  If they want to do a Castlevania reference, that's the only way to do so.

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