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Who is the strongest villain


Who is the strongest villain in MLP   

21 users have voted

  1. 1. Who is the strongest villain in MLP?

    • Nightmare Moon
    • Discord
    • Queen Chrysalis
    • Nightmare Rarity
    • King Sombra
    • Sunset Shimmer (Demon Sunset)
    • Alternate Royal Sisters (Reflection Arc)
    • Lord Tirek
    • The Dazzlings
    • Starlight Glimmer
    • Tantabus
    • Sci-Twi (Midnight Sparkle)
    • Radiant Hope
    • Accord
    • Pony of Shadows
    • Storm King

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So yeah recently I saw some people arguing about who is the strongest villain so I decided to make this. Who do you think is the strongest? I think the Pony of Shadows is the strongest and Tirek is the second strongest.

Edited by Peter16373
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1 minute ago, The Artist Formerly Known As A.V. said:

If you're talking about stakes, then easily Midnight Sparkle (who endangered 2 whole universes simultaneously).

No just who is stronger in terms of raw power,

Edited by Peter16373
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I don't know much about EG villains, but among all the bad guys shown in FiM Tirek seems to be the strongest. Although I'd very much like to learn more about the shadow forces that turned Stygian into Pony of Shadows ("The darkness welcomed me when no pony would, and I will do what I must to protect it" - this phrase left me curious). The source of these forces might be the great dark power behind most of the evil in Equestria.

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The Pony of Shadows in it's hayday was probably REALLY REALLY powerful.... But having said we really don't know how powerful the Pony of Shadows was at it's full power, since well it was stopped well before ever regaining that level of power. We really have no idea if he could mess with Discord the way Tirek did or stuff like that. So going by what we see it kinda has to be Tirek at the max level of power we see him at, where even Discord with his reality warping power is just more power to suck for him.


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  • Discord (Tirek only beat him because he had the energy of the mane 5) He has created entire realities just by snapping
  • I imagine the Pony of Shadows was around here at his prime, as he is legit just darkness corrupting Stygian as a vessel.
  • Tirek, easily beyond solar system capabilities at this point
  • King Sombra, took a struggle from both Celestia and Luna to defeat
  • Nightmare Moon, not much more powerful than Celestia, but enough to defeat her 80% of the time
  • Queen Chrysalis, almost exactly on par with Celestia at the max we saw her at
  • Starlight Glimmer, Twilight level in terms of raw power.
Edited by Ryanmahaffe
  • Brohoof 2


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  1. Discord (Changes all of Equestria with a snap of his fingers. Creating alternative dimensions and creating holes in dimensions. Using magic all day without becoming exhausted. Yeah, he definitly is the strongest.)
  2. Pony of Shadows (Battled Starswirl easily and almost hurting Twilight without sweat, if Starlight wasn't there to help. And that was right after he was imprisoned, so he wasn't even at his full magical capability.)
  3. Tirek (He only is stronger then Discord when he has litteraly everybody's power instead of the alicorns and Discord himself. So he may be the least threating villain there is, just because he only is threatening when nobody reconized him or plans against him.)
  4. Midnight Sparkle (Creating a rift between Human world and Pony world and making almost one dimension of it. And all that only because she want knowledge about a place she will never visit.)
  5. King Sombra (It took both Celestia and Luna to stop him. Not even defeat him, but only lock him up. While he wasn't as cool in season 3 as in the comics, he might have been one of the strongest villains there.)
  6. Nightmare Moon (While she didn't seem as threatning as Discord or Tirek, she definitly has the magical ability to be. She battled Celestia and only lost because of the elements.)
  7. Starlight Glimmer (She is at the same level as Twilight at magic. The reason why I didn't put her higher is the fact she only depends on magic and can't think clearly when something goes not according to plan.)
  8. Demon Sunset (Was pretty nice too see her, but I can't see her as a real threat. She couldn't great portals to other dimensions, something Starswirl and Starlight could.)
  9. Queen Crysalis (She would be higher on the list if not her entire hive left her. Without her subjects she is not as strong as an Alicorn. With them she would probably take spot 6 (Above Nightmare Moon). Can't wait to see a return of her. I don't care if it is just a flashback.)
  10. The Dazzlings (While Rainbow Rocks was a cool movie, the three villains were not as amazing as some others may say. They couldn't perform spells or really work together. The only thing they could was sing, so I have to put them here.)
Edited by Hierok
  • Brohoof 2

If I don't understand something or Interpret it wrong, I'm dutch. Sometimes I gamble for meanings of the words. And sometimes I write the wrong words, like week and weak for example. Sorry for it already. :smug:

Discord, Twilight, Sunset, Fluttershy, Starlight, Rarity, Luna, Celestia, Big MCintosh, Cadence, Shining, Minuette, Lyra, Rara, Sweetie Belle, Cheerilee, Derpy, Spike.

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For me it’s like this

1. Pony of Shadows (Stygian) (Far superior than Starswirl and the Pillars of Old Equestria. He was capable of taking a blast from the magic of the Elements of Harmony powered up by the Pillars of Old Equestria (basically Elements of Harmony x2) without showing any lasting damage whatsoever. Later it took the combined power of the Powered Up Elements of Harmony (Pretty much Elements of Harmony x2) on top of Starswirl, Twilight, Starlight and Sunburst’s magic at the same time to pull Stygian away from the shadows all the while he was being sucked into Limbo and was only defeated by banishment.)

2. Lord Tirek (Post-4 Alicorn Princess Twilight Sparkle) (Far stronger than his previous forms. Pretty much nearly doubled his magic power. In his previous form he was able to match 4 alicorn in power.)

3. Storm King w/ Storm of Sacanas (Contains the power of all 4 Alicorns plus some of it’s own. Is capable of casually moving the sun and moon at an even faster speed than 4-Alicorn Twilight.)

4. Tantabus (Far stronger than Princess Twilight, Princess Luna, Mane 5, Spike and the entirety of Ponyville with superpowers (one of which is Alicorn Big Macintosh) working together in the Dream Realm. Was still getting even stronger through absorbing Luna’s guilt.)

5. (Tied) Discord (Casually stronger than the Royal Sisters combined.) 
Accord (The harmony version of Discord.)

6. Nightmare Rarity (Managed to survive an Incomplete Elements of Harmony beam from the Mane 6 excluding (Generosity) Rarity herself. Also casually defeated Princess Luna while holding back.)

7. Radiant Hope (Managed to harm Celestia with her beam after using up most of her magic to completely restored King Sombra back to full power from just a horn and his consciousness when Sombra himself stated it would take him decades to recover. Was able to stop Sombra from getting destroyed by the Crystal Heart’s power on two different occasions. Supposed to have become an alicorn had she not given up her destiny for Sombra.) 

8. King Sombra (Around as powerful as the Royal Sisters combined. Got even stronger after Radiant Hope healed him.)

9. Nightmare Moon (Stronger than Princess Celestia.) 

10. The Dazzlings (Prime) (Stronger than Starswirl the Bearded which forced him to banish them to another dimension. Probably higher if they absorb more magic.) 

11. Queen Chrysalis (Post-Love absorbed) (Defeated Princess Celestia 1 on 1 with high difficulty. She didn't even believe she could've won even after absorbing love.)

12. Alternate Royal Sisters (Reflections Arc) (Was pretty much equal to the the Royal Sisters.)

13. Starlight Glimmer (Slightly stronger than Alicorn Twilight and knows much more spells some of which can even affect the Royal Sisters. Could become even stronger when she's emotional.)

14. Midnight Sparkle (Slightly stronger than Daydream Shimmer who in turns should be equal to Demon Sunset.)

15. Demon Sunset (Uses leftover magic of the Elements of Harmony brought from Equestria to transform.)

Edited by Peter16373
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  • 2 years later...
On 10/29/2017 at 3:54 AM, Driverscissors said:

Tirek almost had all of equestria in his hands before lunchtime so i'm voting tirek.

I think Discord is stronger. Discord took over equestria. All he has to do is snap his fingers and anything he wants can happen.

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Tirek, by far. Magic is the overall lifeblood of Equestria and being able to consume that and become stronger with it, that is basically becoming a god at that point. 


Now for the biggest Mary Sue of the series: Starlight, no contest. Tirek's abilities actually have some explanation and without getting an initial push of magic absorption, he is incredibly weak. Starlight is just powerful because....Starlight is just powerful. No explanation, no justification, just immense power that isn't earned whatsoever. 

  • Brohoof 3



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Easily Discord, he's basically a god and controls reality. While Tirek can take over the world in under a day, Discord can do it in a snap of fingers. The only thing that can overpower him is the hive, but it's no more, so judging by raw power he's unstoppable

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Discord, however if we are talking about combat magic, than Sombra, if we count tirek in season 4 after he stole all this magic than its 100% him. 

On 10/13/2020 at 7:20 PM, Kyoshi said:

Now for the biggest Mary Sue of the series: Starlight, no contest. Tirek's abilities actually have some explanation and without getting an initial push of magic absorption, he is incredibly weak. Starlight is just powerful because....Starlight is just powerful. No explanation, no justification, just immense power that isn't earned whatsoever. 

Not when she was evil, twilight and starlight exhausted each other in their duel, while twi could hold her own only with the other princesses magic against tirek in S4, and her magic alone wasn't enough to stop sombra. Not to mention she lost to chrysalis in the finale. But yeah, at times she is a bit to OP, especially in minor episodes. 

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11 minutes ago, Ittoni said:

tirek can just absob his opponent's magic and abilities. He wins.

Except against magical rainbow colored deus ex machinas

I believe it depends on how powerful he and his opponent is. For example he couldn't take the alicorn magic before he stole a ton before, he also started with unicorns before going for other races. So if we are talking him up against a powerful foe and tirek is in his weak or second form he won't win. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/29/2017 at 10:43 AM, Hierok said:
  1. Discord (Changes all of Equestria with a snap of his fingers. Creating alternative dimensions and creating holes in dimensions. Using magic all day without becoming exhausted. Yeah, he definetly is the strongest.)
  2. Pony of Shadows (Battled Starswirl easily and almost hurting Twilight without sweat, if Starlight wasn't there to help. And that was right after he was imprisoned, so he wasn't even at his full magical capability.)
  3. Tirek (He only is stronger then Discord when he has literally everybody's power instead of the alicorns and Discord himself. So he may be the least threating villain there is, just because he only is threatening when nobody recognized him or plans against him.)
  4. Midnight Sparkle (Creating a rift between Human world and Pony world and making almost one dimension of it. And all that only because she want knowledge about a place she will never visit.)
  5. King Sombra (It took both Celestia and Luna to stop him. Not even defeat him, but only lock him up. While he wasn't as cool in season 3 as in the comics, he might have been one of the strongest villains there.)
  6. Nightmare Moon (While she didn't seem as threatening as Discord or Tirek, she definetly has the magical ability to be. She battled Celestia and only lost because of the elements.)
  7. Starlight Glimmer (She is at the same level as Twilight at magic. The reason why I didn't put her higher is the fact she only depends on magic and can't think clearly when something goes not according to plan.)
  8. Demon Sunset (Was pretty nice too see her, but I can't see her as a real threat. She couldn't great portals to other dimensions, something Starswirl and Starlight could.)
  9. Queen Chrysalis (She would be higher on the list if not her entire hive left her. Without her subjects she is not as strong as an Alicorn. With them she would probably take spot 6 (Above Nightmare Moon). Can't wait to see a return of her. I don't care if it is just a flashback.)
  10. The Dazzlings (While Rainbow Rocks was a cool movie, the three villains were not as amazing as some others may say. They couldn't perform spells or really work together. The only thing they could was sing, so I have to put them here.)


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