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Is Starlight's impulsiveness really an issue?


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Now we can all agree that Starlight Glimmer is much more impulsive in her decision making that anypony else and if that is an issue to your liking that's fine, that's your opinion, but that's not what I'm referring to.

I'm talking about a more objective viewpoint. Is Starlight's impulsiveness an issue for herself or for those around her after all her development? (I'd argue the last time it was a threat was To Change a Changeling) Or has it become more of a character trait to work with like Rainbow Dash's ego, Pinkie's hyperactivity, and Twilight's anxiety?

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Good question. 


I believe it is more of a character trait that she will continue to struggle with. Season 8 has shown hints of impulsiveness that are reflected positively (throwing Twilight's book in the stream to make a point is a great example of this). What does make Starlight's impulsive traits different than, to use your example, Dash and her ego ... is judgement. All of the characters traits of the main cast that are also their primary flaws can be seen in some positive light when they apply judgment and wisdom. For instance, ego isn't inherently negative as confidence and courage can be very important. Impusliveness is a bit trickier though since by its very nature, it doesn't allow much judgment. It's usually instinct and emotions that rule decisions for those that struggle with impusliveness. 


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For the first time in a couple years, I feel comfortable saying "no." I still think she's kinda rude - tossing the book in the water might not have been the best way of handling that, and calling Twilight "not a princess princess" was slightly tactless. But those things are funny to me. In general I'm willing to pretend "A Matter of Principals" never happened, but what still worries me is that her first impulse upon being insulted was to blast Discord with a laser. Maybe Discord should be blasted with lasers more often, but I shudder to think of what might happen if she did that to someone else.

That was just one occurrence this year, though, much more comparable to the other ponies' lapses in judgment. Otherwise, it's seemed a lot more in line with the other ponies' issues, and continues to be by far her most distinctive personality trait. At least, I think so. I'm still waiting for an episode where she gets to do kite things, however. 

Edited by AlexanderThrond
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1 hour ago, AlexanderThrond said:

In general I'm willing to pretend "A Matter of Principals" never happened, but what still worries me is that her first impulse upon being insulted was to blast Discord with a laser. Maybe Discord should be blasted with lasers more often, but I shudder to think of what might happen if she did that to someone else.

I don't think that's quite it.  It's not the fact the Discord insulted her, but the fact that THAT was the answer to their question of "why are you doing this?"  He basically said to her I'm willing to mess around this school and make these student's think their lives are in danger and exhaust them because of YOU.  She didn't understand why she was to blame for his behavior at first.

I blame the implications on the spell being too vague.  If Discord was physically okay they needed to show that, maybe like a cutaway to him being transported out to the desert, "with just merely a sigh or a disgruntled hump" something to show he is fine but is actually just banished.

I also don't think it's fair to say she would be that impulsive toward anyone else in that kind of situation.  Like if someone just came up and insulted her would she really banish them?  Now if they constantly were mocking her position, messing things up in her presence, constantly coming back after being told to leave kindly, and making others think their lives are in danger, and after receiving a verbal warning for a reasonable explanation to stop yet they still insisted and insulted her, could you really blame her if she banished them too as they just seem unlikely to listen to reason anymore?

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1 hour ago, KH7672 said:

I don't think that's quite it.  It's not the fact the Discord insulted her, but the fact that THAT was the answer to their question of "why are you doing this?"  He basically said to her I'm willing to mess around this school and make these student's think their lives are in danger and exhaust them because of YOU.  She didn't understand why she was to blame for his behavior at first.

I blame the implications on the spell being too vague.  If Discord was physically okay they needed to show that, maybe like a cutaway to him being transported out to the desert, "with just merely a sigh or a disgruntled hump" something to show he is fine but is actually just banished.

I also don't think it's fair to say she would be that impulsive toward anyone else in that kind of situation.  Like if someone just came up and insulted her would she really banish them?  Now if they constantly were mocking her position, messing things up in her presence, constantly coming back after being told to leave kindly, and making others think their lives are in danger, and after receiving a verbal warning for a reasonable explanation to stop yet they still insisted and insulted her, could you really blame her if she banished them too as they just seem unlikely to listen to reason anymore?

I think their attitudes made it clear that Discord wasn't actually hurt. Though this is just me speaking personally of course.

Think of how Spike and Starlight started talking after the blast. Spike was like "That probably just made things worse" and Starlight was like "I don't get why me being in charge bothers him so much."

Neither one of them (including Star, the one who cast the spell) were talking like Discord was actually hurt in anyway.

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Being impulsive is never a problem.



Being a lame character that needs years of development so that we can even have this conversation ... Now that's a bucking problem. But I guess we're here now, and it's still a lame trait on a character that is so easily manipulated by its environment. Wonders of character diversity and all that. Yeah, nope. Still not fun once you get used to it. It's different for someone like Riggs whose impulsiveness matures and becomes fueled by more positive reasons, but it's not something he can just conveniently switch on and off as plot demands. Impulsive people are really good at cults and counseling. They prefer waiting and planning. I'll escort myself out of this thread now. Good day gentlemen.

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