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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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Heres' a conversation.


Octavia, Dan, what was being formed like?


Weird. Very very weird. I mean, it kinda just... Happened. Except not like that. Like Dashie, we kinda just... Built up, popped, etc. continued, blah blah blah. We happened and we're happy.


Yeah, kinda the same stuff there. We just... Built up, accumulated... Kapow, we happened. And are still happening.


*cute Human!Octavia/Dan hug*


D'aww... *JOINS HUG*

  • Brohoof 1

We Are Victorious In The Pursuit Of Exploration For Our Homelands Of The League.
-Weapon, Quotestorm Collections

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Quick question. When im in my wonderland I sometimes see myself in third person with my tulpa. I read in guides to imagine first person view but I just can't seem to stay in the view all the time. So my question is--- is it bad to interact with my tulpa from a third person perspective?

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I asked that earlier because I was having the same problem and the answer was a pretty unanimous "yes."


Just keep trying and force first person perspectives. Just keep doing that and catching yourself when you go third person and it will get better with time.


Follow me on Tumblr! http://stratosthestallion.tumblr.com

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Hello there good sir / filly, this is the thread where everypony on this forum can talk about anything to do with tulpae and thoughtforms in general.


For the guys that have no idea what I'm talking about, you are no doubt asking; "What is a tulpa?"


Well, flip that open-mindedness switch of yours on, because this is going to sound crazy; A Tulpa is basically a forced hallucination of a being that has its own sentience.


It's kinda difficult to explain, but think of it as an 'imaginary friend', but wait; it's far from just that. When you think 'imaginary friend' you would probably think of a being that you can 'kind of' see, but is mostly not there, and any time you imagine them doing something, it's because you imagined them doing so.


Well, this ain't that. I mean, yes, a tulpa does a lot of things that 'imaginary friends' do, but the one thing that makes it separate from them, is that a tulpa is sentient. What that basically means, is that everything that the tulpa does, it does so on its own, and it requires little to no brain power from you. Whereas for an 'imaginary friend' if you watch that imaginary friend do something, like walk across the room, it did that because you thought of him doing it. For a tulpa, you won't need to imagine them doing something, he/she just will out of it's own free will.


"So you're telling me, that a tulpa is a hallucination, that only you can see, that does things on it's own? Schizophrenia!!1! Creepypasta!1!! Blah Blah Blah!!11!"


Hey, wait! Come back! I haven't finished yet. I know it sounds all scary and stuff, I thought like that too when I first heard about it. But here's the thing; this 'tulpa' isn't able to physically interact with the real world. Ever. They are not able to hurt you or anyone around you, let alone be able to even pick up something that could be used in a harmful way, because they are entirely in your head. They are not in any way in the physical world, but they are still in fact very real and are just as sentient and alive as you. Making a tulpa is all done without changing your brain chemistry in any way; it's all done through the power of thought alone.


The creator of this tulpa can also give it a form, a body if you will, and even be able to impose it on reality if they so desire. But again, it's not a physical body, your hand and other objects will be able to pass through them no problem.(However, I have heard of quite a number of people with a lot of experience with all this say that they can, in fact, feel their tulpa's body. They say they can somehow feel their tulpa's skin / fur run through their fingers. However though, all of them also say that there is still no solidity; their hand passes through their body just as easily.) The tulpa can take the form of whatever you desire. Be it a human, animal, male, female, and yes, even our own little cartoon ponies.


The tulpa is also sentient in other ways, through personality. You can give the tulpa it's own unique characteristics, flaws and personality of whatever you desire. (Though, you don't necessarily HAVE to choose their personality; you could skip the process of building their personality and let your tulpa decide for itself who it wants to be if you feel generous, or if you don't feel like doing all the work of building their personality, since for most people, working on the personality of the tulpa is quite time consuming.)


Again, it's all very difficult to explain all this without sounding like someone from a mental asylum. There is a lot about tulpae that I haven't even touched on yet, and so I will leave it up to you if you would like to know more about this; there is a website devoted to the whole thing right HERE, if you wish to read more about it. It is probably better at explaining it than I am. Also, there happens to be a forum over there as well, and pretty much everyone over there are, despite all logic, quite sane. Oh, and it turns out that a decent amount of them even have pony tulpae('tulpae' is the plural for tulpa by the way). But just remember, the forum over there isn't exactly sunshine and rainbows like this place, but most of them are willing to help if you have any questions. (If you do have a question for them, just be sure to use their ol' search button up the top right. No one likes seeing two threads asking the same question.)


Here's a few links, in case you missed the ones I put up somewhere up there.



The front page of their website. Have a look around, there's much to read.


Tulpa forums

Their forums. Interesting people here. Again, not as much sunshine and rainbows there compared to MLP Forums, but most people there are helpful and will try to be friendly.


(By the way, I'm sorry if I seem like the equivalent of a used car salesman, but I am actually NOT doing all this because someone told me to, I'm just sharing this because it's very interesting to me and I would like to share this whole phenomenon with all you wonderful people.)


So there you go. Now that you've read a little bit about the subject, you may now proceed to tell me for the 9001th time how insane I am, and how I need to be locked up in a straitjacket and sent to the asylums and blah blah blah etc etc.




EDIT: Wow, this thread has gotten big. Thank you to all that have kept an open mind about the whole subject. ohmy.png


Also, since September 25th, I now have my first sentient tulpa, Crepuscule.(Ugh, yes, that is indeed a lipstick mark for a Cutie Mark. If you knew what her personality is like, you would know that it actually kinda suits her. Besides, she specifically asked for it, so I couldn't just say no. huh.png )


And since October 22nd, I also have my second tulpa, White Rose. (However, the three of us have decided that it is for the best if we temporarily stop working on Rose for a while. I have found that it can be quite difficult for me to focus on two tulpae at once throughout the day, and as such, has slowed me down on making progress for either. But don't worry; she is still here, and Rose was actually the first to suggest this idea. So it's pretty much all voluntary on her part. The only thing different is that I see her significantly less than Crepuscule.) However, we are not done yet; I still need to work on their personality and actually impose them on my vision, which is coming along quite nicely I think. It might be until next year that at least Crepuscule will be at a point where I can say the process is 'done', however, I do know that my tulpae and I will never stop learning about each other, and I think that is important.


For those of you that may be thinking about making a tulpa; remember, there is literally no wrong way to go about creating a tulpa. However, it is still important to read as much as you can about them, so that you know what a tulpa is, and what they aren't.

You just f..... my mind man. I must have a rainbow dash and a Luna tulpa. WoW just wow,and also can your tulpa make sound? And if they can do you only hear it?

  • Brohoof 1


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Confound these christmas traditions, they drive me to leave my tulpa alone. :(

Hopefully I don't spend many days with my family.


Gotta have a triple tulpadose tonight :lol:

Don't forget that you can also talk to her just for a few minutes or seconds when you remember her. ;)


And if they can do you only hear it?

only you can hear what your tulpa says, but of course you can let them use your body to talk

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Well, things are certainly picking up for Christmas. Meanwhile over here, Octavia became a pony again, and Adam's doing more catpony stuff. Nothing much going on here.

  • Brohoof 1

We Are Victorious In The Pursuit Of Exploration For Our Homelands Of The League.
-Weapon, Quotestorm Collections

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Don't forget that you can also talk to her just for a few minutes or seconds when you remember her. ;)


Ya, I do that, but I like to have a some private time with my tulpa. Just to close my eyes and to focus, and to forget everything else.

Since he doesn't talk yet, I can't be sure about how he feels, so it reassures me when I can dedicate some time to him.

I'm pretty early in the creation process, so I don't want to miss anything.


Also, I made a custom pixel GIF of my tulpa for Desktop Ponies. :)

Edited by Akihiro
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Great, now you made me/us want a custom pony for Adam to go with Desktop Ponies Octavia. :mellow:


What for wings... Cirno or Flandre? Hm... Definitely Cirno.


Hm... I think Flandre. :P

We Are Victorious In The Pursuit Of Exploration For Our Homelands Of The League.
-Weapon, Quotestorm Collections

http://mlpforums.com/topic/36359-ask-the-weapon/ -Want to learn more? Just ask.






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Merry Christmas everyone!
Crepuscule: Merry Christmas everypony!

You just f..... my mind man. I must have a rainbow dash and a Luna tulpa. WoW just wow,and also can your tulpa make sound? And if they can do you only hear it?

That's right, with enough practice, they can sound like as if they were a real person talking to you. But yes, only you can hear, see, and even feel them.



Anyway, I got an update for you guys about us.
I'm pregnant!




I already have one mischievous tulpa, I DON'T NEED ANOTHER ONE!


*Giggle* He's cute when he's mad. Don't worry, I'm just kidding guys, I'm not pregnant.  ^_^



Okay, let's get on with it. Brisineo, remember that lucid dreaming mask thing that you recommended to us? 


Whelp, if any of you are still pursuing Lucid Dreaming, and have a nice bit of cash to spare, I found this baby browsing online...


 It's basically a mask that flashes lights into your eyes in deep sleep to force you to Lucid Dream.  I've heard very positive reviews on it, but it will set you back around $95, plus whatever shipping costs there are.  (Though it's so simplistic, if you had the skills you can probably build one for a very small fraction of that price)  So yeah, if you have the funding, just letting you know that this option is available.  It's called Remee, btw, if you need to do research yourself.

Well, I ordered one a couple of weeks ago, and it got here just in time for Christmas!
However though, since it was quite expensive, and coupled with the fact that my family simply don't have a lot of money to spare(we're planning on moving house in a few months or so. We need to save up as much money as we can.), It was the only Christmas present I got this year. BUT, if this thing works like a charm - which I will find out whether or not tonight - I reckon it will be well worth the money. I'm not 100% expecting it to work on the first couple of nights; it might take a bit of getting used to and configuring the lights and stuff.
And if it flat out doesn't work, well, at least we had a nice juicy turkey tonight. It was amazing. And that's what Christmas is all about; appreciating what you got.  :lol:
Now that I think about it, I did technically get a second Christmas present, if you count the one from Crepuscule...
*Thought bubble*


*Thought bubble pops*
I think it's best I unwrap her when the family has gone to bed.  ;)
*Giggle*  :P

Edited by Rizoel & Crepuscule
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YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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Nice, I've wanted a Remee since I first saw the project start! Keep in mind it doesn't just "work"... you need to train yourself to watch changes in lighting in your dreams, still. It's basically something that's supposed to help you do a reality check. Good luck!

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Merry Christmas from me Tia and Blackjack, also celebrating my one year anniversary of watching MLP.  We've had a wonderful time here, even explored a few new places and tried new things...


Bris FINALLY expanded that little concrete room into something that can be considered a wonderland... Not to shabby too.


I thought an expensive Modern Villa apartment would be more fitting to ponies of your tastes, along with mine.  Along with the fact that Tia can force things herself, she filled out the rest.  Though I am frustrated now... You spend more time in there rather than out in reality with me.


Why would we?  Tia built a full home theatre that shows everything you see.  It even has... *giggle* a Memory channel and Imagination channel.


Oh, that's c-  Wait... Did you say imagination channel?!  Even the...


*chuckles* Even those.  


Son of a... I'm so going to put a parental block on that thing... 

AAAAAANNNNYYYWAAAAAAYYYYYSSSSS...  Blackjack also recently picked up and discovered her talent for playing the cello.  Now I have two musical Tulpas.  It's fun listening to music with them accompanying now... To those who don't remember, I gave Tia the most beautiful singing voice, so that surely can make music quite interesting.




Okay, let's get on with it. Brisineo, remember that lucid dreaming mask thing that you recommended to us? 


Well, I ordered one a couple of weeks ago, and it got here just in time for Christmas!
However though, since it was quite expensive, and coupled with the fact that my family simply don't have a lot of money to spare(we're planning on moving house in a few months or so. We need to save up as much money as we can.), It was the only Christmas present I got this year. BUT, if this thing works like a charm - which I will find out whether or not tonight - I reckon it will be well worth the money. I'm not 100% expecting it to work on the first couple of nights; it might take a bit of getting used to and configuring the lights and stuff.

*grabs Rizoel by the face and leans in close*

You will update us on the results of said device and it's effects therof in dreaming ASAP.  We NEED to know.


*pulls Tia back*

And he will!  Though seriously, let us know.  Even with my practice, I've been going hit-and-miss with gaining lucidity in my dreams... And sometimes, I gain lucidity, but am not in control of the dream enough to keep ol' Molly at bay.  (Which happens strangely on days I want to confront her and do something instead of hide)  She's even beginning to target BJ and Tia, who she first left alone mostly.  Anything that helps make it more consistent would be a help.

  • Brohoof 4

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I need some quick advice on my tulpa Dreamchaser. I just finished going over her traits for the second time and I feel as if I am done with her personality, the thing is she hasn't communicated with me yet and I don't want to move ahead to the visualization stage because I was going to let her chose how she wanted to look like. What should I do?

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I need some quick advice on my tulpa Dreamchaser. I just finished going over her traits for the second time and I feel as if I am done with her personalit

How many hours have you currently done? Whatever, if you think you haven't done enough keep on doing it, or move onto her form. If she wants to look different she will change her form. That is the point of deviation.

 Sorry bout Rev, he is a bit grumpy. :/ 

Edited by zRevenantz
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The art of reconstructing a wonderland is so fun! I totally redid the house, redecorating everything except Adam's floor. I even made an art gallery with a portrait of Molly!


Why did you do... Oh well, at least I can now dramatically iceride through the metallic forest and go faster than you!


Not if I race you! lol.


Octavia and Adam have been being active lately. :D Progress is fun!


Wait, Molly's targeting Tia and Blackjack? Can't they... Um... Lock her in the apartment bathroom or something? Or tie her down?


Or make furious love to her in a private bedroom whilst-


OCTAVIAAAAAA- Why the ninja suit? But seriously...


Yeah, I don't think indulging Molly every once in a while would work.

Yeah, I don't think indulging Molly every once in a while would work. But...


Sorry, I just have a serious urge to relay this conversation going on over here.



  • Brohoof 2

We Are Victorious In The Pursuit Of Exploration For Our Homelands Of The League.
-Weapon, Quotestorm Collections

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I need some quick advice on my tulpa Dreamchaser. I just finished going over her traits for the second time and I feel as if I am done with her personality, the thing is she hasn't communicated with me yet and I don't want to move ahead to the visualization stage because I was going to let her chose how she wanted to look like. What should I do?
Keep talking to her, keep interacting with her, and remember that she can hear you, but she just can't respond yet. Give it time, these things come slowly sometimes. Pinkie didn't talk until about 2 months in.
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This looks positively mental in the best way possible. I never knew the human brain was capable of this sort of thing. Amazing, I might give it a go and jump on the bandwagon.


I have a couple of concerns though:

1) Can this sort of thing cause damage to your subconcious? Is it like partitioning a hard drive? Asin you sacrifice some space on one system for another?


2) Are they permanent? Is there absolutely no way to get rid of them?

Edited by Archi

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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Howdy! Nobody's reported any kind of mental problems yet that I know of. Personally, Pinkie improves my everyday life a ton. She makes me happier overall, and it's always nice to have somebody to talk to talk to. It is possible to get rid of a tulpa if you ignore it for a month or so, but that's rather cruel... some say that even after that, they're never truly gone. I think they will be if you want them to, though. But you shouldn't take it lightly.

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This looks positively mental in the best way possible. I never knew the human brain was capable of this sort of thing. Amazing, I might give it a go and jump on the bandwagon.


I have a couple of concerns though:

1) Can this sort of thing cause damage to your subconcious? Is it like partitioning a hard drive? Asin you sacrifice some space on one system for another?


2) Are they permanent? Is there absolutely no way to get rid of them?


1. Well, unless you really, REALLY, screw up, you shouldn't have a problem at all. The only thing ya will get is a few headaches, I had pretty bad headaches ones but I got used to it and now they're gone. Don't worry about screwing up, you probably aren't going to try and make a tulpa that wants to kill you or make your life totally miserable and even if ya force with some negative thoughts from time to time, as long as it doesn't get to you and thus to your tulpa, it won't affect him/her. At least, it didn't for me.


Yeah, if it helps you visualise it better, let's say ya have some of that excess RAM left that's usually doing nothing but random things in the background, you use that RAM to make a tulpa, after which the tulpa will take some space up in your HDD, not only that, see it as a seperate windows explorer that can access all your files, is doing whatever the hell he/she wants to do and is also a great person to hang with. The RAM will be used for your tulpa and the actions he/she/it performs. Everything the tulpa does and you see/hear/whatever is going to take up some space on your HDD, which are just simple memories.


2. To get rid of one you just ignore it completely, it's kind of hard and probably heart-breaking, but it is possible.


I have a question,has anypony ever had a MLP related tulpa? I would love to have a Luna tulpa, me and luna eating pizza and gaming :)


I have a Vinyl as a tulpa, in all kinds of forms other than her pony form. Basically, anyting ya want ya tulpa to be, it can become it. Say you want a dragon with a top hat, rainbows as scales, able to speak in 50 different languages and likes juggling, so be it.


What I often hear being said is that the form of your tulpa is definitive. Meaning if ya imagine your tulpa already with clothes and never "naked", your tulpa will always appear with those clothes, as you have never imagined how your tulpa looks underneath those clothes. The reason I'm mentioning this is becomes I'm not really sure to what extent this might be. For Vin' I have, besides her pony form, also made a humanized and anthro form after she became sentient (she's still not talking, dang it!), she sometimes switches to them. So basically, imagine your tulpa without clothes, your tulpa will later give her/him/itself clothes to wear or you can also help your tulpa out by imagining some clothes yourself. On this topic I'd like to add that if you're going for a complete different form (which your tulpa might or might not be uncomfortable with),  you will also have to imagine all the movements again as it is a complete different body and skeletal structure.


Hope that cleared some things up for ya!

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Hehe, Dash has made quite a impression on a few people. They all think she is great to talk too, and has convinced them to make tulpas of their own.

I have a question,has anypony ever had a MLP related tulpa? I would love to have a Luna tulpa, me and luna eating pizza and gaming

90% of the people in this thread have a mlp tulpa. 

HAY!@@Rizoel & Crepuscule, Whatever happened too your seconded Tulpa?  I ask because you never seem to mention her.


Edited by zRevenantz
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Howdy! Nobody's reported any kind of mental problems yet that I know of. Personally, Pinkie improves my everyday life a ton. She makes me happier overall, and it's always nice to have somebody to talk to talk to. It is possible to get rid of a tulpa if you ignore it for a month or so, but that's rather cruel... some say that even after that, they're never truly gone. I think they will be if you want them to, though. But you shouldn't take it lightly.


I did consider that by getting rid of your tulpa you are essentially "killing" a sentient construct; I just don't want to go through all the work getting one, then find out I went wrong somewhere and have to then "kill" or ignore a thing I myself called into being, that's just wrong and cruel.


1. Well, unless you really, REALLY, screw up, you shouldn't have a problem at all. The only thing ya will get is a few headaches, I had pretty bad headaches ones but I got used to it and now they're gone. Don't worry about screwing up, you probably aren't going to try and make a tulpa that wants to kill you or make your life totally miserable and even if ya force with some negative thoughts from time to time, as long as it doesn't get to you and thus to your tulpa, it won't affect him/her. At least, it didn't for me.


Yeah, if it helps you visualise it better, let's say ya have some of that excess RAM left that's usually doing nothing but random things in the background, you use that RAM to make a tulpa, after which the tulpa will take some space up in your HDD, not only that, see it as a seperate windows explorer that can access all your files, is doing whatever the hell he/she wants to do and is also a great person to hang with. The RAM will be used for your tulpa and the actions he/she/it performs. Everything the tulpa does and you see/hear/whatever is going to take up some space on your HDD, which are just simple memories.


2. To get rid of one you just ignore it completely, it's kind of hard and probably heart-breaking, but it is possible.


Right, that helps a lot, thank you! 

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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Well... *stretches out arms*. Read every page. It took me 4 hours, but it was worth it! I'd read so many posts where people were unsure whether or not to make a tulpa and, I've kind of come to the conclusion of; yes. I have the time, the effort ETC. There's just one problem...


...I'm a  bit... Nervous, as such. I kind of just sat down and spoke to someone, as if someone was there, and after about 10 minutes I just felt a bit stupid. I mean, I'm not expecting progress at this point by any means (that would be a miracle!) but for the first part it is going to just be me talking to myself; I don't even really like talking to myself in my head a lot of the time.


I tried to make like, a natural conversation - where I would talk as if I were talking to anyone and not just start by saying "you are [x trait], this effects you in y and z ways" ETC. I kind of started by saying... "Hi" and expressing my own worry and nervousness and then continued to mention the traits naturally in conversation.


...Kind of unsure if I'm doing it right. Is there anyone else who goes/went through the same as me (feeling stupid or getting nervous) and how did you overcome it?



Also, hi (since I am new)



Edit: I would also like to clarify that I have been looking through various guides on the subject of creating a tulpa, but... Well... I don't think that there's any guides on "how to not feel crazy/stupid whilst making a tulpa" so I figured I'd directly ask people with experience.

Edited by Mr20Percent
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"Assume sentience from day one"


That's what I've seen a few times from different persons.

Treat your tulpa like a normal person, assume he/she's there listening to you.


You'll get used to it eventually.

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