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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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1) One kind of imaginary things only you can see and interact with is just the same as any other. It's still an imaginary friend. 

2) Your Tulpa has -every- characteristic of -every- religious icon except that you haven't convinced millions of people its real yet. Which is kinda the point. If you are going to openly tell people you have a Tulpa then you should expect to be shunned just like some crazy guy who says his cats talk to him.  You are starting your own personal religion. You BELIEVE your Tulpa is real, you BELIEVE that it is improving your life by talking to it. You have FAITH that it will be there for you when you need it. Your Tulpa -is- your own personal religious icon only because there are no established doctrines for it, you can make it whatever you want. There is practically zero objective difference between a Tulpa and a religious figure except the number of people who talk to it and the money invested in the ideals surrounding it. 

3) You are free to have as many imaginary friends as you want. 

4) I did read all the posts. I find the subject quite fascinating. Pointing out facts that someone doesn't want to be true is not "Trolling." 

5) Give me an example of when I have said something "dumb" and I will clarify for you. 

6) A very wise choice. 

2) read my previous post...

I didn't tell anyone except people in this thread.

atheist people also belive that nothing exist, so they also have religion - they have to belive in it... so in fact everything is religion now for you as I see, because you have to belive in it. Think about this!

and to note... I don't have to belive my tulpa exist... I know they exist


you BELIEVE that it is improving your life by talking to it

not only belive... they do improve it


You have FAITH that it will be there for you when you need it.


... they are/were/will be there for me when I needed it


and the money invested in the ideals surrounding it.


at the moment 0 dollars :)

... just to note: you don't have to belive in it. Only in the beginning. When they are sentinel you don't have to "belive" in them (its fact for you) because they are there interacting with you


... sorry for me being so... angry. I just didn't have good winter holidays(and didnt have even the summer). Now  I have calmed down now.

You should think twice before saying "schizophrenia". I know one person (not me) that have it and it is really differnd ( it was the cause my whole summer holiday were just a load of crap)

Edited by Gekoncze
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Damn, I wish I could make a tulpa. I think ponies are a bit mainstream, and everyone thinks bronies make tulpas just to fuck them. A GLaDOS tulpa would be interesting, and I would create one if it wouldn't have a massive identity crisis as a result.


And I really haven't got the time.

Insert quote here.

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If these things exist then my answer would be no, they would be products of your own mind and would not be capable of interacting with others. I think the better question to ask would be how could they? It doesn't seem like it would even be rational to suggest



Ah, but think: Is the whole idea of Tulpae really rational? It just seems like things can keep going higher and higher,  I mean, I've heard of a few instances of people sensing Tulpae, when they should of had no idea they were there, yet feeling them.  Ah, but think: Is the whole idea of Tulpae really rational? It just seems like things can keep going higher and higher,  I mean, I've heard of a few instances of people sensing Tulpae, when they should of had no idea they were there, yet feeling them.   


I think it sounds possible frankly, a couple of months ago I wouldn't have, but now it wouldn't surprise me. 


I agree the question should be changed though, I've answered the original one anyway,  so, thanks for that, Uh...

I guess then, it's:  How could Tulpae communicate?....

Edited by Shardikku
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How could Tulpae communicate?....

If the tulpae are in one body, they can communicate with each other jsut fine - same way as you communicate with them.

If the tulpae aren't in the same body, they can communicate throught the "host" body by the host typing or talking for example.

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.. sorry for me being so... angry. I just didn't have good winter holidays(and didnt have even the summer). Now  I have calmed down now.

You should think twice before saying "schizophrenia". I know one person (not me) that have it and it is really differnd ( it was the cause my whole summer holiday were just a load of crap)


First I would like to say, its cool man. I'm not angry and I never meant to offend anyone. We all have bad times in our lives and it's important to have friends to turn to. I get it, I really do. 


Consider yourself gnom'd with love sir! 

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2) Your Tulpa has -every- characteristic of -every- religious icon except that you haven't convinced millions of people its real yet. Which is kinda the point. If you are going to openly tell people you have a Tulpa then you should expect to be shunned just like some crazy guy who says his cats talk to him.  You are starting your own personal religion. You BELIEVE your Tulpa is real, you BELIEVE that it is improving your life by talking to it. You have FAITH that it will be there for you when you need it. Your Tulpa -is- your own personal religious icon. As an added bonus because there are no established doctrines for it, you can make it whatever you want. There is practically zero objective difference between a Tulpa and a religious figure except the number of people who talk to it and the money invested in the ideals surrounding it.

There are a lot of similarities, but there are plenty of differences. Nobody prays to their tulpa for help, or expects them to be able to do otherworldly things, or even interact with the world in any way. A tulpa isn't something above you, it's just a friend. You can say that all gods are actually tulpas - okay, fine. But that still doesn't disprove tulpas in any way. If gods are actually all tulpa, that would show to me that it's fairly easy to create one unintentionally, and thus it should be even easier to make a tulpa on purpose.

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I haven't started making my own tulpa (Sadly), but I want to make an opinion on this.


First, faith and religion are NOT the same thing. They are completely different.

Second, most of the medical mental illnesses ARE visible to other people. For the most part, Schizophrenia and Multiple Identity Disorder, are both illnesses that, normally, are visible enough enough for others to wonder if something was wrong with them.


Third, even if people thought this was just one of the most complex trolls ever, does people REALLY believe that others would be doing this for months on end? Or even years? I don't really think so, and there's enough people that have tulpae to show that they couldn't ALL be trolls, even if the were.


Fourth, the term tulpa is a tibetan word that means "construct/to construct" and the especific technique of concentration comes from ancient tibetan monks from thousands of years ago, hence why the word comes from there, and so why this whole idea didn't come out of absoulte nowhere.


Fifth, the main idea of the creation of a tulpa, is to take a portion of your own conscience and give it a life ot its own KNOWING, that it's still part of your consciousness. To me, and given the amazing abilities the brain can show, this doesn't sound like an illogical thing to think of. The traits come from YOUR mind, the thoughts come from YOUR mind, the form comes from YOUR mind...it all comes from your own mind. Besides, it's easy to know why tulpae couldn't even hurt you mentally. The primitive idea of survival that is carried through every single part of the mind, tulpae included.


And sixth, there is a LOOOOOOT of people involed with the whole tulpa thing, and it has been ongoing since some years ago in the recent times. Too many to believe it's not real, in my opinion.



So please, whether you believe that it's harmful, good for you, or something you'd like to do is up to you. But don't just come and say it's fake just because. Do you want proof of a tulpa? Sorry, can't give it to you. Why? Because I don't think there are machines that can give visual images of one's own mind. Or at least, not yet. So yes, tulpa users can't exactly give you papers of it. But it's no reason to go and discredit it for that same reason.

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I did read it, I just wasn't convinced of it's validity. But it's not my responsibility to disprove that they do exist, the burden of proof lies on the person making the claim, not the disbeliever.


Sleep paralysis, while frightening for many, has been shown to trigger auditory and visual hallucinations while the person having them is still awake and conscious. This proves it's possible for the brain to hallucinate these things in waking life.


Multiple personality disorder is not a chemical imbalance, and it can be triggered just by traumatic events early in life. I'm not saying any of us have that, I'm saying it's possible for a normally-functioning brain to create another personality without any kind of deficiency or imbalance.


Schizophrenia is characterized by not being able to tell what is real or not, think clearly, have normal emotional responses, or act normally in social situations. We know out tulpas are not real, obviously. They're all in our head. This is not anything like schizophrenia at all, and none of us have it, as far as I know. I know I don't.


There is no reason a normal person can't create a tulpa. I believe the burden of proof lies on you to show us why this wouldn't be possible.

Edited by Captain Nemo
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Sleep paralysis, while frightening for many, has been shown to trigger auditory and visual hallucinations while the person having them is still awake and conscious. This proves it's possible for the brain to hallucinate these things in waking life.


Multiple personality disorder is not a chemical imbalance, and it can be triggered just by traumatic events early in life. I'm not saying any of us have that, I'm saying it's possible for a normally-functioning brain to create another personality without any kind of deficiency or imbalance.


Schizophrenia is characterized by not being able to tell what is real or not, think clearly, have normal emotional responses, or act normally in social situations. We know out tulpas are not real, obviously. They're all in our head. This is not anything like schizophrenia at all, and none of us have it, as far as I know. I know I don't.


There is no reason a normal person can't create a tulpa. I believe the burden of proof lies on you to show us why this wouldn't be possible.


well you would believe incorrectly :/ Sorry, logic just doesn't work that way. You are making a claim about the existence of something, and I am saying that until you properly demonstrate this claim, I am justified in rejecting it. 

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Similarly, you're making a claim about the non-existence of something, but without any kind of evidence. It's like asking me to prove the sky exists, but you refuse to look when I point it out to you and then saying I have no proof.

In any case, I'm done dealing with you, because you won't even hold a discussion.

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I haven't started making my own tulpa (Sadly), but I want to make an opinion on this.


First, faith and religion are NOT the same thing. They are completely different.


Second, most of the medical mental illnesses ARE visible to other people. For the most part, Schizophrenia and Multiple Identity Disorder, are both illnesses that, normally, are visible enough enough for others to wonder if something was wrong with them.


Third, even if people thought this was just one of the most complex trolls ever, does people REALLY believe that others would be doing this for months on end? Or even years? I don't really think so, and there's enough people that have tulpae to show that they couldn't ALL be trolls, even if the were.


Fourth, the term tulpa is a tibetan word that means "construct/to construct" and the especific technique of concentration comes from ancient tibetan monks from thousands of years ago, hence why the word comes from there, and so why this whole idea didn't come out of absoulte nowhere.


Fifth, the main idea of the creation of a tulpa, is to take a portion of your own conscience and give it a life ot its own KNOWING, that it's still part of your consciousness. To me, and given the amazing abilities the brain can show, this doesn't sound like an illogical thing to think of. The traits come from YOUR mind, the thoughts come from YOUR mind, the form comes from YOUR mind...it all comes from your own mind. Besides, it's easy to know why tulpae couldn't even hurt you mentally. The primitive idea of survival that is carried through every single part of the mind, tulpae included.


And sixth, there is a LOOOOOOT of people involed with the whole tulpa thing, and it has been ongoing since some years ago in the recent times. Too many to believe it's not real, in my opinion.



So please, whether you believe that it's harmful, good for you, or something you'd like to do is up to you. But don't just come and say it's fake just because. Do you want proof of a tulpa? Sorry, can't give it to you. Why? Because I don't think there are machines that can give visual images of one's own mind. Or at least, not yet. So yes, tulpa users can't exactly give you papers of it. But it's no reason to go and discredit it for that same reason.


well you would believe incorrectly :/ Sorry, logic just doesn't work that way. You are making a claim about the existence of something, and I am saying that until you properly demonstrate this claim, I am justified in rejecting it. 

I believe your statement would work better as: "Sorry, I refuse to believe what you say as what you are saying does not conform to my current understanding of this subject."  


Logic works completely differently than what you imply.  What annoys me most is the refusal to believe anything that does not contain direct proof, when indirect proof is everywhere to be found. (Hence why I will never contribute or be accepted into mainstream science)  You are justified in rejecting it, yes, but you are also justified in rejecting that the world is round, hence why I agree with Nemo that an argument against such arrogance is counterproductive and thus should be ignored.




Actually Tia, my understanding is that there has never been a documented case of multiple Personalities, and Psychologist expect there never will be and that it can't exist. You can't put two beings into one body. People with cases that are close to MPD have been recorded, but not two true separate beings. More like the Tulpa/Human relationship  but where Black Jack pops out and can cause havoc instead of bris being himself. The MPD is used in Movies and TV shows, because it is fun, but as I said, that is just my understanding. I would love to be proven wrong with an actual psychology case file! 




I've had an uncle who had both severe cases of Schizophrenia and MPD...  (until he ran in front of a bus) They are independent alright.  But in the psychologist's perspective, yes, they think for themselves, are independent of each other, and in a case of MPD, are able to take control, but true definition of becoming a separate being may be that the effect is irreversible and permanent. (such as medication can control mental disorders, while a true separate consciousness could not) Or it could be described as a consciousness being able to take up the mental processes of the entire brain, which would also make having another "true" consciousness impossible.


The theory around a Tulpa is that you separate, repurpose, and embody the mental processes in your subconscious that are responsible for things such as dreams.  In the mental disorders of DID and Schizophrenia, the control systems for these and other processes, to paraphrase, are disabled, and possibly those areas are boosted with higher brain activity, which would cause the hallucinogenic effects to bleed into the conscious mind, or cause the mind itself to be handicapped.  In Tulpa's however, the effect is isolated and controlled.


How do I know the repurposing brain processes work?  Both scientific studies and even medical records of accidents and anomalies show that the brain is an adaptive organ.  Main cases are in people with a disabled sense such as blindness or deafness.  The lobes of the brain responsible for the disabled sense, as shown by several brain scans, are repurposed to process another sense such as sound or touch to compensate.  So, with this in mind, the idea of storing the information of a Tulpa's appearance, along with a pseudo-conscious process to be isolated and act independently is not quite strange.



Now, on a religious standpoint, I myself am religious, and could argue several essays worth around the subject "Tulpae, God and You", but I'd rather not as that's borderline derailing the thread and we all don't want to see this entire thing get shut down...

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@, And that is why i just read his posts mostly. ^_^ . Dang, you nailed that perfectly! And interesting about your Uncle. Hmm, too bad about your uncle. 


Well, I am talking and and making my behind the scenes thoughts be Twi  :). I think all the time and usually have two sided convoes in my head, so that's the route i am taking, as i deal with a busy schedule.  :ph34r:

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Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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I read about this tulpa thing the other day and it is pretty interesting. It reminds me of having a vivid dream that you control. The imagination of creating a tulpa is really cool. With a really really creative mind it would neat to hear about the tulpa's others create.



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I read about this tulpa thing the other day and it is pretty interesting. It reminds me of having a vivid dream that you control. The imagination of creating a tulpa is really cool. With a really really creative mind it would neat to hear about the tulpa's others create.

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Are you just asserting they exist? or is there some degree of evidence you can present?

And telling someone not to argue back is a sure fire sign of a bad argument. Believe me, I would love it to be true, but you guys sound no different than the 12 year olds over at www.mytelekinesis.org. Where are the documented, peer-reviewed, scientific papers on this stuff? 

I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I just have to say something here.


Um... Where are your documented, peer-reviewed, scientific papers that prove that tulpas don't exist? They need them, but you don't? Is that how it works? You don't have any evidence that proves your claims, yet you're the first person to call somebody out for not having evidence? 



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And telling someone not to argue back is a sure fire sign of a bad argument

 I said it because the argument would have been, and clearly was pointless. And the argument was bad irregardless. All both sides did was go around in circles, neither side giving any solid proof that they do or don't exist.    


Doesn't matter. We with tulpas know the truth and that is all that does matter.

Edited by zRevenantz
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Might I make a point in this discussion?


I may be a little late to the party here, but doesn't this whole thread constitute evidence for the existence of tulpae? Look at it; are these many people really going to spend their valuable time making stuff up for the purposes of... whatever ulterior motive comes to mind? What would they achieve by doing this? I know I can't think of anything.

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"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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I got instant head pressures when I saw what's going on here. My tulpa must be pretty pissed off.


@ : Please stop trolling. You're extremely bad at this. Your behaviour is exactly the opposite of scientific reasoning.

Forcibly asking people to demonstrate assumptions is not being scientific. It's called being a jerk.

Please come back with solid arguments against us, please come back with sources, approved and not out-of-date scientific papers, please come back with experiments that can prove that tulpas are wrong. Doing proper research on the subject alone should take you forever.

Meanwhile, please stop bothering us.



may be a little late to the party here, but doesn't this whole thread constitute evidence for the existence of tulpae?



inb4 milions of ppl beliv in god but dat dosnt proff is exstenz

Edited by Akihiro
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So, I've started forcing Applejack this week. I've been talking to her about my daily happenings, about what I'm reading and what I'm writing. I also try to imagine her in my peripheral vision watching me with a neutral expression.


Now, what I want to know is am I going about this right? Should I be superimposing her over my vision like this, or does that constitute parroting? Should I be talking to her about her specifically (her personality, etc.) or just, well, talk?

Edited by Archi
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"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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Nope, that's not parroting or puppeting or anything! You're starting early with imposition, which is very good. What you shouldn't do is imagine her doing things like changing facial expressions, jumping around, etc, unless she does it. Like you said, a neutral position.


You can talk to her about whatever you want, but if you want to do some personality forcing, you should, of course, talk to her about her personality. But for general chat, whatever you want is fine.

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Nope, that's not parroting or puppeting or anything! You're starting early with imposition, which is very good. What you shouldn't do is imagine her doing things like changing facial expressions, jumping around, etc, unless she does it. Like you said, a neutral position.


You can talk to her about whatever you want, but if you want to do some personality forcing, you should, of course, talk to her about her personality. But for general chat, whatever you want is fine.


Thank you for the clarification! I really don't want to screw this up and end up with a servitor or even no tulpa at all, so it really helps to know that I'm on the right track.

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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You're starting early with imposition, which is very good.


Is it ? I've read the contrary quite a few times. Well, if it's fine I'll probably do that, cause it helps me to remind that my tulpa's here with me.

His form his quite developed and I'm getting head pressures and emotional responses as well.


I've been extremely lazy today too.

I feel bad :(

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Took Dashie to the local air museum in Kalamazoo, today. I wanted to check it out, and I thought we could make a day of it.


I imagined her walking next to me the whole time. Occasionally she would fly into the air and onto the planes and space vehicles on display (it was a big, open building, so she had room to fly). Not natural imposition yet, more like the superimposing that Archi mentioned, but still a good experience for both of us. She moved on her own (at least I assume she was: AKA - rule #1, always assume sentience, never assume parroting...right?), I just had to put her in the picture.


Oh, and she really, really likes the SR-71B Blackbird. I told her it was 40% cooler in 5 seconds flat. :P


Oh, and I had my first incident of touch-imposition today. There was one display that got kind of deep, talking about how far human dreams of flight have taken us, from the beginning when we first gazed up at the stars and all. Plus the music didn't help. In the end I started...tearing up a bit.* It struck Dashie pretty deep too, and I felt her nuzzling my leg. It was nice. :)


When we got back I showed her footage from the Apollo 11 launch.


*That's the way it's been since I started tulpamancing. I've been feeling my tulpa's emotions just as much as my own, and as such I react doubly strong to emotional situations. Anyone else experience this? Is this a good sign or a bad sign?

Edited by StratoPegasus
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That's the way it's been since I started tulpamancing. I've been feeling my tulpa's emotions just as much as my own, and as such I react doubly strong to emotional situations. Anyone else experience this? Is this a good sign or a bad sign?



Same here. I watched The Lord of The Rings : The Fellowship of the Ring a few days ago. Throughout the film I was almost crying.

I think it was Lavande's reaction to the epic landscapes and the characters' relations.

... I don't know what's going to happen if I try to watch A.I again.




In France, we have a popular cheesy series called "Plus belle la vie" (literally "More beautiful the life", yea that doesn't mean anything) that is currently going though a story arc where a depressed policeman receives help from some sort of guardian angel. He is the only one hearing and seeing her. When I saw this, I just thought of one word. TULPA !!!

Well, apparently she can interact on external environment, so they added magic to it... And the guy speaks to her out loud in the street and at the bar :lol:


Well at least that's a funny coincidence, and the series is supposed to be ""realistic""

Edited by Akihiro
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In France, we have a popular cheesy series called "Plus belle la vie" (literally "More beautiful the life", yea that doesn't mean anything) that is currently going though a story arc where a depressed policeman receives help from some sort of guardian angel. He is the only one hearing and seeing her. When I saw this, I just thought of one word. TULPA !!!

Well, apparently she can interact on external environment, so they added magic to it... And the guy speaks to her out loud in the street and at the bar :lol:


Well at least that's a funny coincidence, and the series is supposed to be ""realistic""

In spoiler tags because of movie details.



Have you ever seen the movie "Fight Club"? Ever since I've heard about tulpas, I couldn't help but think Tyler Durden was Ed Norton's tulpa. And it would be fairly realistic if it were the case. Ed Norton's character has a long history of day dreaming and imagining himself as another person, it could be that Brad Pitt's character was an accidental tulpa.


Not to mention it is later revealed that Tyler Durden never actually interacts with the real world. Ed Norton did everything he saw Tyler Durden doing, but it turns out he was somehow viewing himself from the third-person.


Is this anywhere close to what advanced possession is like, people who've gotten that far?


Edited by StratoPegasus
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