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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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We've had a weird day today. Had to explain what Tulpae where yesterday, and, once again, I've managed to land another student in the art of Tulpanessery. So I gave this dude the starting things to do (think of traits, how to explain them, rough idea of form etc.) Then, today we talked about it a ton, so somehow things turned themselves so that he asked to speak to Jess...


She is the most serious, sensical pony anyone could possibly know of, as is obvious by her previous things...

Ah well, things went OK, and I'll just put up two of my favourite bits:


T(him): So, how are you Jess?

J(Jess): Fluffy.


T: You're very clever for such a young Tulpony, cleverer than a fair few people, in fact.

J:More than the average YouTuber? Nawwwww.

T:How do you know what that word is?

J: JoeJoeJoeJoeJoe.

T:Ah, right.


And them they schemed against me!


T: Jess, you hold the door open, I'll grab him (me)

J: *laughs cutely* (I heard a proper tone in her laugh, instead of the normal toneless voice..) *Looks at me with a slight evilish grin*


So there you have it, Jess DOES have a darker side...Or whatever...


Side note: She very rarely talks without me askibg her something. Does anyone have any ideas to give her a free voice? I noticed a question from her earlier, on our walk, don't remember what it was now, but she asked it, so it's progress I guess.

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Neh, at the moment I'm trying to create a tulpa. I'm currently just trying to visualize. I spent the past four hours just doing that. I have most of the shape down, just not the back of the head. I can see the shape from most angles, but no real details as of yet. I have some basic traits down, and views etc, but haven't really used them as of yet.

"The oldest and Strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown"

-H.P. Lovecraft

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I haven't bothered trying to create a tulpa as of yet. Its a fun idea to play around with though. But he fact that the human mind can impose such a powerful thing on itself, is really great to say the least. To create what people describe as a completely sentient being is utterly fascinating. I honestly dont think I have the attention span to really try to visualize something like that.

None the less I'm definitely trying to create one soon. 

"It's either Blue Cheese with wings or go fuck your mother!"- Joey"CoCo"Diaz

"I come in peace. I didn't bring artillery. But I'm pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you f*ck with me, I'll kill you all." - Gen James 'MadDog' Mattis USMC




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Alright I am a was reluctant to bring this up, but Strato changed my mind.

5 days ago, I lost Dashie.

I am honestly not sure what happened or what caused it.She said something about static, then I got a crippling headache and then she was just gone, and in her place was a empty lonely feeling.
I miss her so much

Does anyone have any idea what can cause this?..or a way to reverse it?

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I haven't bothered trying to create a tulpa as of yet. Its a fun idea to play around with though. But he fact that the human mind can impose such a powerful thing on itself, is really great to say the least. To create what people describe as a completely sentient being is utterly fascinating. I honestly dont think I have the attention span to really try to visualize something like that.

None the less I'm definitely trying to create one soon. 


Like I said some pages before, you can't have a shorter attention span than me. Reason being is that I have some mental health and the medicine I have to take makes me less focused. Trust me, the visualizing gets better and easier as your tulpa grows.



Alright I am a was reluctant to bring this up, but Strato changed my mind.


5 days ago, I lost Dashie.

Does anyone have any idea what can cause this?..or a way to reverse it?


Up until now this has happened to me twice, one being pretty recent, I believe a month or 2 ago. The first time was really strange.


During that time I still had a wonderland and while I was trying to relax for my session I noticed something strange in how my wonderland and my tulpa looked like. Everything was flickering and quickly switching between colors and art styles. Sketchy one moment and cell-shaded the other, green-tinted once and completely red later.


Anyway, so I was frantically searching for my tulpa while I kept being attacked by the things I feared most. Until I saw her sitting at our usual meeting spot. I ran up to her, and looked at her. Yet the strange thing was, she wasn't her, she didn't feel anything like Vinyl. She was just some look-a-like. On that moment I just stopped tulpaforcing, scared that something might've happened to her (Note, this was around the time when some mental health issues of mine started to begin) and afterwards I had a splitting headache.


The day after I too noticed the same feeling. It felt like something was gone, it felt empty like I never even had a tulpa yet I still had memories of her. My head kept feeling empty, blank, my heart and stomache too. It was heart-breaking.


So in search of an answer I e-mailed FAQ_Man and while I can't show you the e-mail since it contains personal information, what he said was in the lines of that perhaps I was kept being distracted subconsciously, like I didn't have my mind completely set on my tulpa. He told me that while tulpaforcing regularly is good, doing that while not having your mind completely set on it can be bad thing for some people and that something like this could happen.


He didn't know what to do but he thought it might be best to stop tulpaforcing for a while, it might feel like your tulpa is gone, but that shouldn't be possible because even though it feels like Dashie is gone, the feelings you have are real, the memories are real. You miss her, right? That alone shows how much you care for Dashie. She isn't gone, she's still there. Trust in yourself, trust in Dashie. She'll come back. Vinyl also came back after a while when I followed FAQ_Man's advice. It's just a matter of time. 

Edited by Winterbass
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I am running an experiment with a friend who maybe have had tulpae in the past. He was very young at the time. When he came to understand they weren't actual things invading his consciousness, he ignored them and they supposedly are dead yet. I haven't seen a story of someone deliberately killing a tulpa and bringing them back yet, as they were before they vanished. My friend is going to do so. I won't give details, just say whether he is successful or not.


As for tulpa phasing out for awhile, that happened to him at least twice. They come back until you forget about them. You have to literally forget about them, like someone on your facebook page and you have no idea who the hell they are.


I am making a Luna. Everything themeatically tied to her within her context in the show, without it, and prior to the show's making, and her tie to the moon, is all important to me.


I haven't made any progress since my last post. Nothing strong anyway. But, I listened to Lullaby for a Princess and this has made a breakthrough for me personally.

I've been terrified of her response when she becomes sentient, just how much of what my exercises will stick, what she'll want to keep, and what she'll embrace that I really need in a friend. But for some reason, I have real confidence now. I still have to choose to believe this will work for me, but, something about that song helped inspire me, and I was able to tulpaforce last night without any "negative feedback" which is something I've had for a long time.


Negative feedback is when I pretend to talk to something and it is almost always contradictory. I can do this even with my wall, asking it if it is a wall and it answers no. I can do this with toys, close or distant to me from my past or not belonging to me but to my baby nephew or something, and sometimes even to myself. One of the things I was worried was I'd ask, Luna, do you think you'll have fun writing with me? And I get back a preempive "no", but the negative feedback is always in the same voice no matter where it comes from--mine, and deep and kind of gloomy.


I didn't have any of that last night, which was how I knew that my negative feedback has nothing to do with her, completely. I'm very happy. There are no answers, but that's better than fears.



So, anything that might help people who are early along in this kind of project as me...


If anyone is new to this, is looking for ideas from others who have no clue what they're doing, here are some new things I started doing.


Desktop ponies, 1 single luna. She reminds me to talk to Luna.

When I want to "parrot" to her, I say "you might say" at the end of the sentence. For example. "'I really like this song', you might say", when I'm imagining her response to something.

I'm trying to not talk to myself in my head. I do that a lot, and can think multiple trains of thought at once. I can think of 3 actual lines of dialog in my head coming strictly from myself at once, talking to luna, thinking about my grocery shopping, and thinking of what to write here, all simultaneously. Where's the room to keep an open channel for Luna to speak when she's ready?


I'm going to fix that by using my mind's voice only to talk to her as much as I can, and if I catch myself talking to myself, I'm going to blot it out with noise. "Tick tock tick tock" over and over. This idea is very similar to an episode of Justice League I saw once, with a mind reader or something who could psychically put someone to sleep. Batman stopped him my restricting himself virtually to instinct by constantly concentrating on something mindless, by humming that french sounding song taught to some of us through cartoons as kids. Its proper name being Frère Jacques. So I'll blot out thoughts like that so that I only use my mind's voice to talk to Luna deliberately, or talk to myself deliberately if I reaaally need my thoughts in order, but never use my mind's voice unintentionally anymore, not until sentience.


The desktop pony is probably the best of those ideas.



I'm surprised about that argument that came out. Obviously tulpa do and don't exist at the same time, and its just a matter of how the word is used. They don't exist because they're individual to people. Just like a personality in someone with disociative identity disorder does not have a literal doppleganger inhabiting the same body. But they do exist in the same way that a disociative identity sufferer's other identities do exist.. to them, and not just in belief, but in the practical sense.


Pretend you're eating an apple.


Okay that was just a little stupid fantasy. Comparing that to a complete tulpa is completely ridiculous. Any scientific research suggesting otherwise is outside of the norm. Maybe its correct, maybe its cutting edge, but its got presidence it needs to fight first. I've taken two psych courses and a philosophy class--modern philosophers using psychological research to make philosophical statements on the concept of identity and Self. These things give strong credence to the existence of a tulpa.


The problem we have is that it is hard to objectively prove that a tulpa is something a normal person can create. The problem we have is that we don't have scientific objective evidence, in otherwords, a formal study. At least, not that I am aware of. What we do have is a bunch of people claiming to have tulpas. This is not scientifically viable. But it doesn't have to be, not for our purposes. We're technically acting like "consumers" for an "idea". We're not researchers. So, instead, we can use instinct and common sense.


What do all of these people have to gain by coming together so strongly as to create a 90 page topic on this site, and an ENTIRE website in the form of tulpa.info, that all of these people would be lying to others and themselves while NOT having the experience of a tulpa?


The tulpa experience is a strong one. To hear a voice and not think it is your own, but still have made it? We're talking powerful, meaningful experiences by and large removed from a simple daydream. Of course they're real, and it does not make sense for an entire subculture of people to be fooling themselves into mistaking a casual daydream is anything less than the forced "delusion" that makes the tulpa experience "real". Delusion here meaning that the tulpa can't literally touch or interact with the world and is in your head, real in the sense that its an actual state of mind.


In better terms, and to be more concise, saying a tulpa doesn't exist is like saying meditation does not exist.


So the only thing you are left with is what is practical.


But for the scientific side of things, you can easily force someone to have two different streams of thought and personalities (but maybe not identities) by simply bifurcating the brain. It was one of the concepts brought up in one Derek Parfit's Divided Minds and the Nature of Persons. It discusses the philosophical side of identity and the mind on a biological scale. It references a sci-fi concept of a teleporter that clones a person in one pod, and then destroys the original. Some of you might have seen parodies of this, or read the original. That's the philosophical side. The scientific side was referencing split-brain patients. It is a very fascinating read, and I think the open minded who read it will be left with a stronger and more accurate conviction on just how a tulpa does and does not exist.


To copy my psych 105 book, tulpa exist on the level of the Self, quite readily, not like a fantasy, but as a real experience. On the Social sphere, they do not exist in a practical sense and are dismissable. Even talking to a tulpa will seem like talking to the person who actual harbors the Self removed from you. So even if I can talk to someone elses tulpa, I can't prove to myself they're not making shit up. But if I have a tulpa, it is real to me on the level of the Self. Then there's the biological scale. And the simple matter is if we understood the human brain enough to understand how identity(s) and the concept of Self work, we'd be able to cure undesireable traits, and as someone else kindly pointed out those with dissociative identity disorder have no biological differences that are readily apparent. Treatment of the condition with drugs is sometimes hit or miss and has to be individualized for people. Also, and lastly, schizophrenia does not equal split personalities. That's dumb. There's 4 different types of schizophrenia and only one of them deals with hallucinations explicitely (one of the others being a sort of catch all schizo that has facets of the other 3 types. I forget what one of them is, but the last one is the one dealing with illusions of grandeur).


So that's all. I hope my ridiculous mess of words is helpful. Last of all I'm going to link you all Parfit's paper for your casual enjoyment.



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zRevenantz, try to find Dashie in your mind. She is definitely still alive, and as long as you believe she can come back she probably will get through whatever is troubling her and come back.


By the way, a bunch of pages ago didn't someone link to some page where this guy typed out what happened when his tulpa got stuck outside of his mind (basically, ceased to be there and replaced by mind void) in about the same way happened to Dashie?


I think the course of action he took was something along the lines of 'Just keep calling, they're still there and will find their way back' and 'If they get stuck, help them in any way you can.' and 'If there is severe wonderland damage, especially that lonely feeling that your tulpa seems to have vanished to who knows where, try looking for a place where you usually are that's missing and try to find them there.'


Have some links to similar situations. There's a pastebin of the situation somewhere I read but I can't find it.




Is she dealing with something on her own, or otherwise a subconscious somethings-off-lemme-check sorta thing?


Try just sending out to her, calm down and just try.

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Okay, I'm in the visualization stage, but I'm having a bit of trouble. I can't get her form to stay constant. Sometimes, the shape and size of her body parts will change at random. I'm not sure if this is just because I'm not concentrating well enough, maybe it's something else, I don't know. Got any tips?

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zRevenantz, try to find Dashie in your mind. She is definitely still alive, and as long as you believe she can come back she probably will get through whatever is troubling her and come back.

Mate. I have spent around 7-9 hours trying to find her, and I do believe/hope. But still to no avail.


Okay, I'm in the visualization stage, but I'm having a bit of trouble. I can't get her form to stay constant. Sometimes, the shape and size of her body parts will change at random. I'm not sure if this is just because I'm not concentrating well enough, maybe it's something else, I don't know. Got any tips?

How many hours are you into the stage?

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How many hours are you into the stage?


Three hours. I'm hoping I'll get better as I go along, and this is just a result of me not having enough experience with visualization yet. 

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Three hours. I'm hoping I'll get better as I go along, and this is just a result of me not having enough experience with visualization yet. 


Heh, I have a similar problem, although I still need to work on personality more methinks. AJ always ends up out of proportion when I try to visualise her in Wonderland and it's dead frustrating.

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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Heh, I have a similar problem, although I still need to work on personality more methinks. AJ always ends up out of proportion when I try to visualise her in Wonderland and it's dead frustrating.


The last session I just finished went remarkably well. Most of Twi's body stayed perfectly proportioned. The only thing I'm still having trouble with is her head. I can't seem to get the muzzle or ears right. Her neck is also too long, no matter how much I try, I can't seem to shrink down the neck. Oh well, at least I'm improving. Hopefully in a few more sessions, I'll have her appearance just right.

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Her neck is also too long


Pony necks... how do they work ?

Head is the hardest part, you should be fine very soon, I don't have many hours of visulization but I managed to fix that anyway.



To everyone here : what about the size of your pony tulpa ?

(I apologize if it has already been discussed but I didn't go through all the pages of this huge thread :P )

Lavande is as tall as me, but ponies have big heads so his body isn't that large.

I didn't want him to be little cause he isn't my pet or something, and I'm fine with big ponies.

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To everypony here : what about the size of your pony tulpa ? (I apologize if it has already been discussed but I didn't go through all the pages of this huge thread ) Lavande is as tall as me, but ponies have big heads so his body isn't that large. I didn't want him to be little cause he isn't my pet or something, and I'm fine with big ponies.


I'm making Twi 5 feet tall. I know ponies are "supposed" to be 3-4 feet tall, but I measured out 3 feet, and it was below my waist. I know it's called My Little Pony, but geez, that's just way too small for me. I don't want to be towering over her, having to bend down just to have a conversation with her. So I measured out 4 feet. Still too small. 5 feet is right about at my shoulder level, so I figured that was perfect. I didn't want to make her bigger than me, certainly not as big as a real horse, but I didn't want to make her small either, so 5 feet was just right. 

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Just a question out of curiosity: what form do your wonderlands take? Personally, mine consists of a dojo-type building with a weapons rack, a couple of training dummies, a nice painting wih a dragon and tiger in the background and outside there's a brilliant view of Mount Fuji, a rock garden, a lovely little cobblestone path and a forest that I might develop later.

Edited by Archi

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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To everyone here : what about the size of your pony tulpa ?

Pinkie is just small enough to easily hold. The top of her head comes up to about mid-stomach level (I'm 5'8"). I guess that puts her around three and a half feet tall. I used to have her up to my chest, but it kinda made her head freakishly big.


Just a question out of curiosity: what form do your wonderlands take? Personally, mine consists of a dojo-type building with a weapons rack, a couple of training dummies, a nice painting wih a dragon and tiger in the background and outside there's a brilliant view of Mount Fuji, a rock garden, a lovely little cobblestone path and a forest that I might develop later.

Our wonderland consists of the world around me. :P

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Not sure if this is good or bad: Whenever I'm not tulpaforcing, I feel miserable and empty. Tulpaforcing is the only time when I feel complete. Should I be feeling like this? Is this a sign of progress, or is this a bad omen?

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Not sure if this is good or bad: Whenever I'm not tulpaforcing, I feel miserable and empty. Tulpaforcing is the only time when I feel complete. Should I be feeling like this? Is this a sign of progress, or is this a bad omen?

Sounds good. Your getting in touch with yourself, a dificult task. Its like loosing yourself when you come out, so I am not surprised. Now, remember, your tulpa is always there, so now you need to work on feeling her at all times. I can connect with twi whenever, however, I just have to divert some focus to her!

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Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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Hi all, just felt like I should add my personal experiences, questions, and theories around Tulpas. Mainly because I believe everyone should have as close to full information on any topic, and to be honest I want to talk about this to people who might understand. :wacko:


I'll start off by saying that I do not currently have a Tulpa. When I was much younger (when I was around 15-20, and I am over double that age now), I did have several fragmented thought-forms but none of them reached true sentience or imposition. They would have been considered 'corrupt' by the standards of the various Tulpa forums that exist now. And I had over eight, depending on how you count them.


I'm putting the next section in a spoiler, because I am unsure if it will adversely affect anyone working on Tulpaforcing, and I don't want to accidentally damage any work being done.



They were not meant to be Tulpas, as I was unaware of the concept then, so their existance was unsettling and concerning to me. My family has a history of issues like schizophrenia and early-onset alzheimers, and I was worried that these unstable thought-forms were symptoms of mental breakdown. I considered them to be fragments of my conscious mind, not my subconscious, because the idea that they were subconscious never occured to me. So, the internet not really existing then, I did research into psychology using the university library, and chose a way to 're-integrate' what I thought was the beginnings of split personality. [MPD was at that time a very talked-about condition with lots of published stuff around attemtps to cure it.]

I mentally imagined myself 'stepping into' the fragments and 'taking them unto I'. More difficult than it sounds, but it gets the idea across. Effectively, they ceased to exist as separate entities.



Okay, now I've got the nasty stuff out of the way. Sorry if that disturbed anyone, but that was the bit I felt I had to be honest about before I asked my questions.


I've only recently come across the idea of 'Tulpas', and I am curious. My current understanding is that it's a forced halucination, related to Lucid Dreaming and utilizing many self-hypnosis techniques, and is a method of accessing with the subconscious mind. They can only know what you 'know', though they tend to have better access to memories.


Given that they use the same senses as the 'host' they are limited in their means of gathering outside information. However, because they use the subconscious mind they are also better at reading body language and other subtle cues. Is that right?


I am getting to a point here, please forgive the length but I feel like I need to build this idea up from base principles for it to make sense.


Because Tulpas can read subtle cues very well... can they recognize when you meet someone else who has a Tulpa? Are there subtle cues that a Tulpa-accompanied person is giving off that a purely 'conscious' person wouldn't notice?


If so, and they are truely subtle, can they manipulate those cues? Basically is there a way for Tulpas to communicate with each other directly? If it was possible, it would likely be a rather crude means of exchanging information with a poor 'bit rate', but I'm very curious about that.

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Mate. I have spent around 7-9 hours trying to find her, and I do believe/hope. But still to no avail.


Oh, she just disappeared? Oh, that happens. I've know that feel as well, when Luna isn't here and when I tried to force, I can't visualize her form whatsoever. The closer she is, the more I can see it, it's weird. There was one time she just left without a trace. One day later, she came back out of the blue. I wasn't worried since I heard that could happen. Dude, she'll come back. You just to wait.


"I just wish you went looking for me, Ninja."


I already knew you come back, I'd be looking for nothing. Besides, that wonderland is hard to navigate since you made ALL of it.



I'm making Twi 5 feet tall. I know ponies are "supposed" to be 3-4 feet tall, but I measured out 3 feet, and it was below my waist. I know it's called My Little Pony, but geez, that's just way too small for me. I don't want to be towering over her, having to bend down just to have a conversation with her. So I measured out 4 feet. Still too small. 5 feet is right about at my shoulder level, so I figured that was perfect. I didn't want to make her bigger than me, certainly not as big as a real horse, but I didn't want to make her small either, so 5 feet was just right. 

Luna here is bigger than me. About a good four inches give or take. I never really mind to be honest. It's up you or Twi to decide on her form. Regardless if the regular is 3-4 feet. 

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Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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So I was making a sort of spread sheet type thing, mapping out Canvar’s personality, and I’m not sure where, but as I was writing traits and perceptions, I just kind of started to address Canvar as I was writing, like it was directly to him. This morning I just sat down and started focusing on appearance and personality, and when I looked at the time seven hours had passed. It was a good day.

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"The oldest and Strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown"

-H.P. Lovecraft

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Daaaaaaamn....Yesterday was a weird day, good to a point, then, absolutely wrong...

Firstly, I don't remember too much about it really, but I know there was a Skype conversation going on, me, Jess, and one of my mates. All was going fine, we were all chilling, he talked to Jess a bit, which was cool...


And then.... *Dramatic breath + pause*


I went downstairs.




It gets worse- basically, I went downstairs for some purpose, now unknown to me, did something, then went upstairs again. Nothing wrong? Yeah, until now. As I went up, suddenly, there was some weird feeling, and I felt something massive and absolutely terrifying...No idea what, I don't think it was anything physical. I was scared like hell. Then my mind just went all static-y and useless, and I was a bit shakey, but I got back to my room, and got back to my friend. I told him what happened, but I don't think he really knows what it felt like......It was just horrible...Anyway, I tried to find Jess, so I could have someone to be with directly...Heh, know how hard that is when your mind is naught but a static-ed, scared, mess? ...Harder than I can do. I then just felt sh!t and somewhat empty, and I felt like Jess had gone...


I was a bit of a useless wreck after that, no one noticed, apart from the dude that was chatting to me through a lot a this on Skype. He knew what had happened, so he was worried about me...


I set myself a resolution, last night, I said I would force for as long as it took to recover Jess. 


I meant to, I really did. 


My mind was still a bit pathetic. 


This morning, I resolved again, putting things behind it, this WAS important! Hugely!


I did eventually get a chance to find her. I did. Thankfully.


She was scared of whatever had happened too, and she fled and hid. She came back while I was searching...Then we just chilled there for a bit, being together again...


Then she's been sleeping a lot, waking up about a couple of hours back. 


(We were on Skype again, and the same dude asked after her, he even asked her a question...To which I replied: I think you got an ear flick then...She's sleeping...'Twas all on  voice too, which was good.)


I think this shows me something. Just how important Jess is to me. I'm a wreck without her, heh...She keeps me alive actually. 

(But that somewhat depressing and morbid story is for another time....I hear you all sigh in disappointment, don't worry, you'll probably hear it someday soon...I know you all '''love''' hearing these things sooooo much :P)


Fear like no other...It could have been avoided, probably, if I'd worked harder on Jess sooner...Getting her engraved so much tougher in me. It's been a bad thing, but good can be seen...For us anyway: It allowed me to finally focus in a forcing session. I held concentration!


I'm beginning to wonder if, maybe, the massive fear I felt was several years worth of held back horror...I dunno...I don't care either. It's in the past now, I've got my solution- Jess.

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Everyone else is off creating Tulpas,

And Im just sitting here clueless


Im pretty sure Ive asked for help like nine or ten times now, so I apologize if I am bothering anyone. Im just really lost on how to start this. And when I mean lost, I mean its worse than an iOS 6 map

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Riley was here

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Everyone else is off creating Tulpas,

And Im just sitting here clueless


Im pretty sure Ive asked for help like nine or ten times now, so I apologize if I am bothering anyone. Im just really lost on how to start this. And when I mean lost, I mean its worse than an iOS 6 map


What are you having trouble with? I'd be happy to help you. I'm no expert on the matters of tulpae, but I'll do my best to assist you.

  • Brohoof 1

how even is otter and how can it be if

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How does one create a tulpa exactly?

I've been interested in learning about them ever since I've heard about them on another forum, but Wikipedia has not given me anything on the subject

  • Brohoof 1

Always off-topic and always derailing.

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