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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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Ok, thanks. And is it a good idea to write down everything?  Like write down on paper all the traits and stuff about the traits etc etc?


I found that beneficial. I keep a "tulpa journal", mainly because I'm a berk, and without it I wouldn't be able to remember how much time I've spent tulpaforcing, but I also used it to keep track of her personality traits and other various things.

  • Brohoof 1

how even is otter and how can it be if

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Ok, thanks. And is it a good idea to write down everything?  Like write down on paper all the traits and stuff about the traits etc etc?


Personally I wrote a general description on my tulpa's personality, then established the list of traits.


The first day I took care of the 3 first traits, described them, and how thew work (like Brisineo said), and "linked" them to each other.

(ie. In the situation X, he would be (traitA) because he is also (traitB) and (traitC))

I also checked that everything is consistent.

Imagine different situation, diffrent environments implying different circumstances.


The next day, I would take another 3 traits, but also go back to the first traits I described before, therefore making sure that everything keeps consistent. In the end, I had a complete panel of traits, each related to each other, and a good idea of how they worked together.


So, I wrote just general ideas to get started, but I didn't have to write anything else, everything kept clear in my mind.

Edited by Akihiro
  • Brohoof 3
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Jess is getting vocal these days, nicely.


As can be shown by our walk's conversation. [Note for concentration problems at end.]


"Hey Jess, we're gonna work on that fic tonight."


"Aww, come on, it's not that bad."

"Do we have to?"


"Fine....I guess..."


and then, many facehoofs, etc. later, nothing else happened...Nothing of noteworthy apparation anyway.


[Note: I've noticed that walking is always a brilliant way to hold concentration properly, even for me, and I can barely hold 30 seconds, let alone half hours+ But when walking, usually with my music on, so I'm in my own world, I can do a half hour easily, often more. This has probably been mentioned before,  but, y'know, just felt like bringing it up again...]


We're gonna try some meditation-y things to get a little better at holding concentration.


"Any immortal words Jess?"


"Beautiful, take those words to heart everyone..."


Sense<My internet connection. That's how overrated sense is, and I'm on BT, so that is saying something!

  • Brohoof 2
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I seem to be having trouble coming up with different situations to apply the personalities to :/ I took  @@Akihiro, 's advice and worked on three traits and tried linking them and stuff, but I could only manage for about 8 minutes til I didn't know how to link them much more...  Is there any good reference sites with a long list of personality traits?  I feel like some of the ones I wrote down are too similar :/ 

"Rest, my sister. As always, I will guard the night."


Icy Breeze - My pegasus stallion, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/icy-breeze-r2056

Blossom Winds - My pegasus mare,  http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blossom-winds-r5277

Duskspawn - my changeling OC, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/duskspawn-r2081

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I seem to be having trouble coming up with different situations to apply the personalities to :/ I took  @@Akihiro, 's advice and worked on three traits and tried linking them and stuff, but I could only manage for about 8 minutes til I didn't know how to link them much more...  Is there any good reference sites with a long list of personality traits?  I feel like some of the ones I wrote down are too similar :/ 

If you cannot match the traits together, than imagine what the final personality is like, and find the traits from that and see how they match up.  And even when you get stuck, just keep forcing by reviewing what you've done and get a better feel for what you're doing.

  • Brohoof 1

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hmmm, just cause I'm curious and might try to start over, how would you go about making a tulpa based off of a mane 6 pony? (I know it's not recommended, but i'm curious bout it :P and I've read ways to avoid the identity crisis thing)

"Rest, my sister. As always, I will guard the night."


Icy Breeze - My pegasus stallion, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/icy-breeze-r2056

Blossom Winds - My pegasus mare,  http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blossom-winds-r5277

Duskspawn - my changeling OC, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/duskspawn-r2081

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There's enough mane6 tulpas out there to make a whole army :lol:


Well you can use them as a base, I've seen many tulpas that are variations of the mane6.

If you look at the posts here and there you'll see "Pinkie, "Twi", "Dashie" (wheres appeljak ??? ;_; )

So the general answer would be yes.


But, for me, making a tulpa based off a character isn't as interesting as designing your perfect and original companion.

Lavande hasn't a FiM pony design, it's a cross between a real pony and more cartoon-looking one.

(realistic body and FiM head)

And I made his personality from scratch.


And I love him.

But I'm lazy and don't spend enough time with him (Don't hate me Lavande pls ;_; )

Edited by Akihiro
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I've seen many tulpas that are variations of the mane6.

If you look at the posts here and there you'll see "Pinkie, "Twi", "Dashie" (wheres appeljak ??? ;_; )


Hey, my tulpa's based off AJ, although I don't know how I'm getting on. I managed to sustain a one-sided conversation with her last night about libertarianism and communism (although I was doing all the talking) and we worked on her personality again.


Thing is, I'm not sure I'm even doing this right. Whenever we talk about her personality I always end up visualising her in episodes and I have to stop myself, and I worry that the information isn't going through and that I'l end up with a servitor. I really need some feedback from her to know that she's taking shape but I still think it'l be a while before anything happens.

  • Brohoof 1

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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and I worry that the information isn't going through and that I'l end up with a servitor.


I've said it many times, stop worrying.


Worrying that she will become a servitor will be what causes her to become one. Besides, I'll have you know that your tulpa turning into a servitor isn't as big of a deal as it seems. If for some reason they do become one, it's not a permanent thing. They can still become a tulpa. I hear that there are some ways of making a tulpa that actually require the tulpa to become a servitor, before it can become a fully fledged tulpa. In fact, It's possible that Crepuscule was probably a servitor for a little while before she became sentient.


Now for the last time, *Shakes Archi by the shoulders violently* Stop worrying!  You heard what I'll do if you don't stop worrying!  :angry:

  • Brohoof 2

YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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Well, I've been observing this topic for a while now, and I must say the idea is very interesting. The kind of idea I cannot pass up on, assuming it's true. I need some proof that this is an actual phenomenon.

...Oh jeez, I can see the tulpic armies lining up as I type...

Lemme rephrase: I'm not denying the existence of tulpas; THIS many people can't be trollin'. That being said, I'd to collect my own evidence based upon actual experiments of my own. In other words, count me in. 

Now it's just a matter of actually starting...


Ah well, if I've got anything, it's time.

Also, I don't really have any questions. I've been studying this concept in my free time for the past few months (in fact, I may be qualified to answer some questions myself). I've got my method more-or-less worked out, and my plans are basically finalized. Again, just gotta actually start.

And @Akihiro, ...You stole my little pre-Lavande's name. Ah well, great minds think alike. You're alright, kid. ;)  

Lastly, @Rizoel & Crepuscule, I thoroughly enjoy your little stories of what happens in that little head of yours. Crep, you've got my blessing to do all the experimenting you please!

(For science*, of course)

* Definition of "Science" is open to interpretation 

  • Brohoof 4


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I've been forcing quite a lot recently, and it's starting to give me headaches and make me feel a bit dizzy at times. Some people are telling me to take it slow for a while and others are just telling me to push through it. I'm not too sure what to do, so I guess that I'll just force less for a bit and see how I go.

  • Brohoof 2

"The oldest and Strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown"

-H.P. Lovecraft

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Consider me still a skeptic. Consider me a believer too. And give me an aspirin.


I think some of the theta tones are having me issues.  I was trying to talk to luna and parroting a few things and got a lot of negative emotions, and I thought they were hers, and she was panicking about her existence and she wouldn't like me. I thought she was going to want to reject everything and become completely different.


Then I reached for my phone and turned off the theta tones and felt a lot better.


I can't remember the "discussion" I had with her after that but I'll try and transcribe things as best I remember.


I'll make this easy on myself and just do script format. S for shadowind, me. L for luna. These are out of order.


S: What is wrong?


L: Nothing


S: Are you lying to me?


L: No.


S: I thought you were afraid of me at first.


L: You're afraid of yourself.


S: What do you mean?


L: [gobbledegook]


S: Are you afraid of me?


L: No.


S: What are you afraid of.


L: rejection.


S: Why?


L: You are.


S: [i forget what I said next]


L: You are afraid I'll reject you. I'm afraid you'll reject me because you think I'm rejecting you.


S: What do you like about me?


L: A lot


S: What do you mean?


L: [overwhelming sense of confusion]


S: Are you aware you are a tulpa.


L: Yes.


S: Does that bother you?


L: No.


S: Am I parroting you?


L: Yes


S: Is that a bad thing.


L: No. You're parroting doesn't mean you're in charge. I'm forcing you [she means that I'm tulpaforcing her, and she's forcing me in return]


S: So you're using my parroting and manipulating me through it.


L: Yes.


S: Do you think I'm being impatient?

L: Yes. I'm impatient too.


S: Why?


L: Of course I'm impatient! [anger. I think she picked up on a thought I was having about worrying too much about being impatient and messing things up. I want her to be sapient and finding some way to communicate with me in a way that truly feels outside from me and alien. Or at least give me the sensation I'm being watched. She can't do that yet and I think it is frustrating her.]


L: I want to be awake. Who wouldn't.


S: What 's it like?


L: You told me. It is like being in a sea, asleep.


S: [i think to myself, not intentionally narrating, about how I told Luna that while I'm also making her, she should think of it like being stuck in my subconscious, a vast ocean, very dark, and she's rising to the surface, protected inside of some sort of crystal. She sleeps within it, and as I parrot her, she should think of what is happening to her as being like in a dream. For her, being parroted and being semi-sentient and not quite sapient yet is like how you're not fully aware of everything happeningg to you in a non-lucid dream.]


L: I'm passing through levels.


S: What do you mean.


L: Less thick. Its like your ears popping.


S: You mean how you're changing elevations and just randomly your ears will pop, and not always in the same place. [i think to myself about a long road trip between my parents town and the city I live in, and how my ears don't always start to pop in the same place. We change elevation by quite a bit. Sometimes ears pop earlier than others, and usually without warning.]


L: Yes, like that.


S: Are you excited?


L: Yes.




Luna also told me that I worry too much. She thinks that it is silly for me to be worried we share a lot of the same opinions because to her a lot of them seem like common sense.


She also said I shouldn't get too carried away interpreting emotions. Even though I'm still parroting, she "said" that getting used to feeling is hard because its like a new muscle you have no idea how to work.




Those of you who are further along than me, anything you have to say on this matter, some new insights, something to help give me confidence or advice or... I dunno if this made you think of something cool to say to me that might help me get further along, that'd be super cool of you.


I haven't spoken to her directly yet, and now I really want to, more than ever. But it is interesting... the idea that, if you're not overparroting or doing the parroting wrong... it seems almost like she's doing a kind of telephone game. She sleeps inside the subconscious, hearing my parroting attempts and dreaming back her response, which hits my own personal thought processes from the bottom, like listening through a wall, compelling me for the next thing to parrot. So it feels like I'm still talking for her in my voice, with my personality and accent... but I'm still telling her message.


I guess it is like... paraphrasing what someone else said.

  • Brohoof 4
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@@Shadowind, Good JOB!!! I don't parrot well, I need to do that more. I need specifically work with Twi more. '


Anyway, the initial conversation was interesting. I don't think you were parroting as much as you thought, as she said, you were paroting, which she was manipulating. Your/her concern is interesting. You have obviously not studied yourself, your deep intimate self. I have done the best I can, its hard, not fun, and you learn a lot. That is why y'all are afraid of rejection. The Subconscious is quite foreign to most people. Relax, have fun, and roll with the punches as you discover your inner self.


Perhaps, you should have Luna show you who you are, bond with her that way. A comforting hand as you walk a hazardous road. 

Edited by Mindrop
  • Brohoof 1


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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Well, I've been observing this topic for a while now, and I must say the idea is very interesting. The kind of idea I cannot pass up on, assuming it's true. I need some proof that this is an actual phenomenon.

...Oh jeez, I can see the tulpic armies lining up as I type...

Lemme rephrase: I'm not denying the existence of tulpas; THIS many people can't be trollin'. That being said, I'd to collect my own evidence based upon actual experiments of my own. In other words, count me in. 

Now it's just a matter of actually starting...


Ah well, if I've got anything, it's time.

Also, I don't really have any questions. I've been studying this concept in my free time for the past few months (in fact, I may be qualified to answer some questions myself). I've got my method more-or-less worked out, and my plans are basically finalized. Again, just gotta actually start.

See, this is how a skeptic should treat this topic.  If you're uncertain, just try it for yourself.


I have a very scientific tulpa as well that would gladly answer any questions or put in an opinion.



Speaking of, new experimental forcing technique.  (Works great for healing and restoring Tulpae but effects between different people may vary, and probably not best for other stages of forcing)


I call it hyper or energy forcing.  Essentially, when forcing, you envision a powerful light developing in your hands, and when it becomes the brightest you can envision, reach out and touch your Tulpa.  Imagine the light filling it's entire body, and where the light travels, imagine the body of the Tulpa solidifying and becoming more physical until the Tulpa is completely enveloped and glowing. You can have the light give more effects, such as even changing appearance, healing, or strengthening the connection between you and the Tulpa, and you can repeat this process as many times you wish, as it only takes at least 5 minutes to do for me.


It really helped Tia get back to full strength.  I based it off of various meditation techniques. 

  • Brohoof 6

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@@Brisineo, Dang, that's cool!!!! I will certainly try that. I need to work with Twi more, can't wait for school to give me the time to do that!!! Right now, I am so disorganized. 

Edited by Mindrop
  • Brohoof 1


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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@Brisineo, Dang, that's cool!!!! I will certainly try that. I need to work with Twi more, can't wait for school to give me the time to do that!!! Right now, I am so disorganized. 


I can't wait for the results to come in.  Pioneers in subconscious travel we are! Oh what fun it is to explore the possibilities....


Heheh, yeah.


Here's some more use for hyper-forcing.  Since it's quick, it's also useful as a pick-me-up when you're short on time.  I do it every morning and night with Tia and BJ to keep them imposed even when I can't really pay attention to them.


(Sorry for the double post.  My computer glitches on me)

Edited by Brisineo
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@@Brisineo, Hehehe, I had trouble making the light, but it put me in a much deeper connection with Twi as I was intensely focused on one thing and then channeled it elsewhere! I actually have never been that deeply connected! 


Hurrahs for Bris, Tia and BJ!!!

  • Brohoof 3


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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Quick question: Is it going to be harder if I am doing this all with my eyes open? I find myself unable to focus with them closed

Eyes open means more distractions. It really is on an intent focus, Try Bris's hyper forcing to help focus with eyes open. Eyes closed also helps you be able to invision your tulpa before you impose them. Most people can't do it in the real world, or with their eyes open. To each his own. Its hard to do it "wrong."

  • Brohoof 1


Tulpas: TwiReales, & Orson.


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Eyes open means more distractions. It really is on an intent focus, Try Bris's hyper forcing to help focus with eyes open. Eyes closed also helps you be able to invision your tulpa before you impose them. Most people can't do it in the real world, or with their eyes open. To each his own. Its hard to do it "wrong."

Funny, I find open-eye visualisation much easier as I tend to project pcitures of ponies in random poses on the back of my eyes :lol:


I don't think it really matters how you do it, so long as you're making an emotional connecion to your tulpa and can maintain concentration. That's what I tell myself anyways. Whatever works for you is what you should stick with.

Edited by Archi
  • Brohoof 3

"Humanity is the end; knowledge is the means; I will not rest until there are no more secrets to be discovered; I will not rest until there are no more ways to improve; I will not rest until there are no more problems to be solved; I will wield no weapon but my wits and intellect; With these weapons I will battle ignorance until the light of knowledge shines bright; When the light of knowledge shines upon us all, then I shall rest, and not before." - Atmomancer Creed

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Quick question: Is it going to be harder if I am doing this all with my eyes open? I find myself unable to focus with them closed


Both techniques have their advantages and disadvantages.


Closed-eye visualization is the most common. With your eyes closed, there is nothing visually that can distract you, except for maybe really bright lights that can penetrate your eyelids. Stimuli that your other senses pick up from the real world, like noises, can still distract you however. (Unless maybe you are in deep meditation, which most people - including me - are not able to do.) The disadvantage to closed-eye is that despite there being a black canvas for you to work with, plenty of people say that their mind's eye is slightly less effective when their eyes are closed.


Open-eye visualization for most people is a bit difficult to get used to. Open-eyed means that the real world can now visually distract you. Being in a dim room can sometimes help to concentrate. One thing to note is that, in my experience, it seems that the brighter the room you're in, the better your mind's eye will be. And that's the advantage for open-eyed; your mind's eye is much more effective and visualization is slightly clearer than closed-eye.


Remember when you used to day-dream in school a lot when you were younger? Open eyed is very similar to that. Also, if you read fan fiction or fiction books a lot, you might have a better time using open-eyed, since you will have had a lot of practice.


What you are more comfortable with will be different for everyone; some people prefer closed-eye, some prefer open. Just stick to what you're comfortable with.  ;)

Edited by Rizoel & Crepuscule
  • Brohoof 3

YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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Well I'm back. And yet again I'm going to say how I like, absolutely did nothing. It's sad, really. I seriously have a procrastination problem with EVERYTHING...


My new plan is to... cancel everything that has to do with the creation of Tulpas (that includes re-doing the personality...), and... start working on my visualization and concentration skills...?


Now you could say this is just another way to bypass the actual real work (which it totally is), but I had this in my head from the beginning. Plus, I'd rather start out with the skills necessary to go beyond 10 seconds of concentration without having random mind-fuck images pop up in my head. (I had a very scary demented looking scootaloo/chicken/lizard monster that was quite disturbing pop up once :C)


Of course, the issue I have above isn't really the problem; I just felt like mentioning it. Which does bring me to my next point...

For whatever reason, visualization is easier when it's very late and I'm tired. The images seem to be clearer and more consistent. However, they also seem to be more "BAM SCARY MIND-FUCK HERE".

  • Brohoof 2

Who needs signatures?

   ...not me

          seriously, you're not supposed to see this.

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Visualization has been gradually getting easier for me. The only parts I'm still having trouble with are her eyes, mane, and muzzle. Everything else looks perfect, and constantly retains that perfect shape. 

  • Brohoof 2

how even is otter and how can it be if

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When you have the issue of "BAM SCARY SUBCONSCIOUS MINDFAK" spam, when you have a tulpa, there's some REAL fun. Hallucination fight, anyone? Tavi and Adam have been really helpful in controlling bursts of scary thought. Often by punching them.


Has anyone had any random bursts of your tulpae dealing with stuff like that?



For example, as I listen to A Love Colored Master Spark, Octavia is firing a master spark into a Yukari-style gap, and Adam is playing drums. Awesome, or what?

  • Brohoof 1

We Are Victorious In The Pursuit Of Exploration For Our Homelands Of The League.
-Weapon, Quotestorm Collections

http://mlpforums.com/topic/36359-ask-the-weapon/ -Want to learn more? Just ask.






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Sense is overrated and everybody knows it!


Ahem, anyway.


Secondly: Hypnosis tracks are brilliant. Especially a relaxation/induction track that was posted on Chupi's Tulpa Tumblr thingy.

Thirdly: Me an' Jesseh are havin' trouble with solid-ing up her form. She's always sense-able (NOT SENSIBLE...) When I put my mind out, but we could do with a way of getting her more solid...I will try the aforementioned 'Hyper-forcing' ...Sounds like my kinda thing ^-^



Small note of noteworthiness: Late at night, beyond 1ish, more like 2/3ish, Hypnosis relaxation, then, Tulpaness is much clearer. 

I found it emptied my mind of all the unimportant junk I'm usually thinking of, and I just had Jess.


'Twas a beauty, aye.


If we can solid-up her form, we'll have ourselves an almost perfect Tulpa (In terms of the guides anyway....WoofOtters indeed...)



Sense: Gravity is fun to turn on. 

Scenario: Walking along, Jess doing whatever...Somehow in air... *Clicks fingers* Gravity! *FaceFloor* SOmewhat annoyed pony, hugs. Yup. Sense.

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