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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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So I'm talking to AJ in our Wonderland, just discussing stuff, and we touch upon the subject of her changing her appearance. Now I'm not sure if she did this herself (I arrived one day and her mane was done up in a plait, crystal pony style) or if I did it by accident or something, but she's been progressively moving away from vanilla AJ and towards crystal AJ. Anyhow, I was talking to her about this, and I said "I wonder if you're doing this in an attempt to maintain seperation from show AJ but while maintaining a form that pleases me?" *BAM* Head pressure and wooziness kicks in for about 10 seconds, I feel a brilliant urge to hug her, and I get this feeling that, somehow, I am bang on the money. Has this happened to you guys before, or anything imilar? Is this a good sign, or am I imagining things?


From my inexperienced, book-smart perspective, it sounds like a good thing. The emotions described are positive, leading me to believe that the event is of a positive nature. Also, you're accepting her apparent desire to deviate, which will be good for her in the end (better than rejecting it, at least). Of course, I'm just speaking off of what I've read, not personal experience. My outlook may be incorrect as a result, but I'm confident that it's true.


Also, moar questions, procedural this time:

1: Are concentration exercises necessary before beginning initial work (mental preparation), or can I just jump in at any time?

2: When first working on personality, what should I be "seeing"? I intend on using an "orb insertion" method where each personality trait corresponds to a colored sphere. Should the tulpa itself be in the form of an orb, the initial form casually sitting there, or a sort of pseudo-comatose unresponsive state in the initial form while doing this? Basically, what should I be "seeing"?

And a strange, irrelevant 3rd question out of curiosity: How might alcohol effect a tulpa? Not that I intend on finding out, and nor do I encourage any of you to find out, but it's just one of those questions that may have an interesting answer behind it, y'know?

Anyway, I'm hoping to start soon. If I have to lose my societal sanity for the advancement of science, SO BE IT!

Edited by Yosef von Uzenvard


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Considering how I have been lurking on this thread since it's inception back in May, I'd figure its time for me to become part of this discussion 


For the most part, I have been trying to create a Tulpa for quite some time, however my final results have been questionable at best. I don't have any clear defined character traits for my Tulpa, I don't have any wonderlands created for Tulpaforcing and the supposed Tulpa I have been creating feels like nothing more than an extension of my own voice rather than part of my subconscious (if that makes any sense  :huh: ) The only certain aspects about my Tulpa so far is that it likes the name Danielle (Girl's name?) and it looks like a mix of Vinyl Scratch with Fluttershy's Hair and Twlight's body within my mind's eye.


From what I have described here, should I just restart this whole process or do you think I can still have a decent Tulpa from the little success I have had?

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Considering how I have been lurking on this thread since it's inception back in May, I'd figure its time for me to become part of this discussion 


For the most part, I have been trying to create a Tulpa for quite some time, however my final results have been questionable at best. I don't have any clear defined character traits for my Tulpa, I don't have any wonderlands created for Tulpaforcing and the supposed Tulpa I have been creating feels like nothing more than an extension of my own voice rather than part of my subconscious (if that makes any sense  :huh: ) The only certain aspects about my Tulpa so far is that it likes the name Danielle (Girl's name?) and it looks like a mix of Vinyl Scratch with Fluttershy's Hair and Twlight's body within my mind's eye.


From what I have described here, should I just restart this whole process or do you think I can still have a decent Tulpa from the little success I have had?


I see no reason for you to start over again. You seem to be doing just fine, and you also seem to have an idea of what she might look like. If anything, I think you should keep going!  :lol:


But if for some other reason you feel you should start again anyway, we won't hold you back.  ;)


Also, Kamil, I think I might have a go at filling out your little quiz, though that might be at a later date.


I can tell we're going to have a ball answering question 6.  ;)


Ugh, don't get me started.  <_<

Edited by Rizoel & Crepuscule
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YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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You don't HAVE to answer question 6, if your Tulpa is being sarcastic rather than just teasing you. In fact, if you don't want to you can just not answer at all; more opinions are appreciated, but right now it basically seems like having a Tulpa only has a significant chance to negatively impact your life or your ability to enjoy it if you are doing something seriously wrong when you make it. There's still a lot more consideration I'll need to put in before I decide whether I actually will make one, and a great deal of planning before I could actually start making one anyway, but all the information and first-hand accounts I've looked at say anybody who puts in the incredible effort required to make a Tulpa will be better off overall, by their own measurement at least.

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I see no reason for you to start over again. You seem to be doing just fine, and you also seem to have an idea of what she might look like. If anything, I think you should keep going!  :lol:


But if for some other reason you feel you should start again anyway, we won't hold you back.  ;)


Also, Kamil, I think I might have a go at filling out your little quiz, though that might be at a later date.


I can tell we're going to have a ball answering question 6.  ;)


Ugh, don't get me started.  <_<


Thank you for the response  :) Its funny to imagine how much of an impact your thread has had. The amount of Tulpa's that have been created from this could be near hundreds if you count the people who mostly don't talk about it (like myself  -_- )


OT: Regarding my Tulpa, I don't know how to approach the responses I get from her (if any of the responses I get are truly her's). Should I focus on giving her a distinguishable voice so that way I know for certain its her thoughts rather than my own or maybe I just need a better way at understanding the difference?

Edited by IHazTommyWiseau
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You don't HAVE to answer question 6, if your Tulpa is being sarcastic rather than just teasing you.


No no, I'll try and answer if I can. Though if I do, I'll most likely put it in a spoiler. And Crepuscule, promise that if we do decide to answer it that you will not exaggerate, and answer in a serious manner?


Hmm... maybe I will... maybe I won't. We'll see.  :P


No, I'm being serious this time, Crep.


Ugh, okay, fine.


Thank you.  -_-






*Sigh*  <_<


Thank you for the response  :) Its funny to imagine how much of an impact your thread has had. The amount of Tulpa's that have been created from this could be near hundreds if you count the people who mostly don't talk about it (like myself  -_- )


I never expected this thread to be anywhere near as popular as it is now. I would've thought people would just call it all crazy talk and the thread would drop to the bottom like a fly. But since I knew that the people on this forum are generally more open-minded than most other forums, I thought that maybe it would stay for a few days, but definitely didn't expect that it would still exist since May.  :blink:


OT: Regarding my Tulpa, I don't know how to approach the responses I get from her (if any of the responses I get are truly her's). Should I focus on giving her a distinguishable voice so that way I know for certain its her thoughts rather than my own or maybe I just need a better way at understanding the difference?


It's all up to you to be honest. If you would like to focus on giving her her own voice, then go ahead. There isn't really an order that you need to do any of this in.  :)

Edited by Rizoel & Crepuscule
  • Brohoof 3

YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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Ugh. Not forcing was driving me insane, so i sorta caved and started again. The results were more stable. Although the wonder land is completely different. Its gone from a massive valley with a forest at one end, to a tiny pure white room with a tiny window which strangely      

has a view of the forest. 
While working on Dashie's new form, it felt empty and hollow if that makes sense and fake. But I could feel the old Dash's presence somewhere else, so we are going to have Dashie back very soon :D

Edited by zRevenantz
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I had the Tulpa effect happen to me with Slenderman. WORST WEEK EVER! I could NOT be in the dark unless I was sleeping. I felt him everywhere! I saw him on the side of my dark street driving home from my boyfriends house! GAH! But sometimes a Tulpa can be good. I had a good Tulpa when I was a kid. Not just an imaginary friend, but a real Tulpa. She was a fairy. :) It doesn't happen often, but it sure can, I sure do believe in this theory. I find it very interesting!

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I love love love Pinkie Pie! But every pony rules! :)

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i would love to get back into trying to create a tulpa.....but..i guess i just cant focus enough, i gave up awhile ago, though i guess i do it too easilly, i might try again later, see what happens.


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                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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1: Are concentration exercises necessary before beginning initial work (mental preparation), or can I just jump in at any time? 2: When first working on personality, what should I be "seeing"? I intend on using an "orb insertion" method where each personality trait corresponds to a colored sphere. Should the tulpa itself be in the form of an orb, the initial form casually sitting there, or a sort of pseudo-comatose unresponsive state in the initial form while doing this? Basically, what should I be "seeing"? And a strange, irrelevant 3rd question out of curiosity: How might alcohol effect a tulpa? Not that I intend on finding out, and nor do I encourage any of you to find out, but it's just one of those questions that may have an interesting answer behind it, y'know? Anyway, I'm hoping to start soon. If I have to lose my societal sanity for the advancement of science, SO BE IT!


1. Just kick it and start, that's what I did.  I mean, I'm pretty sure a few concentration exercises could be useful to do alongside it, but they're not needed.

2....I'm probably not the best to answer this one, as I didn't see anything, not up to the point where she was suddenly sentient.

3.....It's bloody hilarious. I'll write up that experience now actually..


Once upon a time, OR, a day ago (take your pick), I went over to a friend's house, we chilled, got bored, went out, grabbed some stuff from Aldi, got back and decided to make some lunch. So,. we got the gi out and started making bolognese...Heh, now, we were home alone, his parents were out wherever, and we are just so incredibly over mature that we just sat down before we started and the obvious question appeared: "Want a beer?" Yeah, needless to say, Ice-cold Corona is beautiful, anyway, after my amazing cookery skills of "Hey, my mum puts wine in this stuff....Uh...Shall we? *Splash* Yay! This makes sense!" [bare in mind, being 15, the law allows us to...Uh...Go find a fridge in someone's garage on a cold day and grab a nice one....Pretty sure that's how the law goes...Yup..) Yeah, that was fun, then we had a little Scotch and some weird cocktail stuff which was nice, then I had to go a bit later.


Wandering back, seeing what the drinks did to us, turns out, it does nothing to me, but Jess...Well...*Snort*....Yeah....Hehe


Saw her, she was staggering around

'No I wasn't.'

(She was really...Shhh)

And you know those random symbols above cartoons character's head when they are dizzy or confused, etc, like the spirals and things, she had them....Made me laugh quite a bit...Probably made me look quite insane actually, especially to the guy walking his dog nearby.


Sanity? Nahh, it's overrated these days.


'I'm not saying woof.'


Well, hope that cleared some stuff up, feel free to ask if you didn't understand anything, and remember: Ponies can't hold their beer well, it seems :D 

so we are going to have Dashie back very soon



No, seriously, I lost Jess AGES back, (Well, several months back...) and when I got her back, she was randomly sentient and awesome, and it made me feel awesome!

In other words, dude, this is gonna be awesome for you :D As if you didn't already know that ^-^ 

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I've been lurking this thread for a while now, and reading up on various guides related to tulpae, and decided to join.  I've started working on a tulpa named Amber (earth pony) and I wanted to make sure I'm following this process properly. I plan to tulpaforce at least 2 times a day, around 2 to 3 hours each day.


I started tulpaforcing yesterday for about 2 hours, choosing about 15 different traits for Amber and using the "orb" visualization to add those traits while explaining what they are and how they make her great, and I've been actively narrating. Since my second tulpaforce session yesterday, I've been getting the slight headaches and fuzzy feelings, and after tuplaforcing today, it's getting to the point where mentally speaking or even thinking about Amber brings up the fuzzy feelings, and even the headache. Is this normal or am I accelerating the process somehow? I've only just started doing this yesterday so I want to make sure I'm not doing anything wrong. I've also already begun to visualize her in my mind somewhat. I'm a bit of a quick thinker.

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From my inexperienced, book-smart perspective, it sounds like a good thing. The emotions described are positive, leading me to believe that the event is of a positive nature. Also, you're accepting her apparent desire to deviate, which will be good for her in the end (better than rejecting it, at least). Of course, I'm just speaking off of what I've read, not personal experience. My outlook may be incorrect as a result, but I'm confident that it's true.


Also, moar questions, procedural this time:

1: Are concentration exercises necessary before beginning initial work (mental preparation), or can I just jump in at any time?

2: When first working on personality, what should I be "seeing"? I intend on using an "orb insertion" method where each personality trait corresponds to a colored sphere. Should the tulpa itself be in the form of an orb, the initial form casually sitting there, or a sort of pseudo-comatose unresponsive state in the initial form while doing this? Basically, what should I be "seeing"?

And a strange, irrelevant 3rd question out of curiosity: How might alcohol effect a tulpa? Not that I intend on finding out, and nor do I encourage any of you to find out, but it's just one of those questions that may have an interesting answer behind it, y'know?

Anyway, I'm hoping to start soon. If I have to lose my societal sanity for the advancement of science, SO BE IT!

1. Concentration excersices certainly help maintaining focus, but isn't necissary.  (One exercize I keep seeing is making four flash cards.  One card has a single black dot on it, the next has two dots, then so on to the fourth one.  And the exercize goes by focusing on the first card with the dot for as long as possible, turning attention back to that dot whenever your thoughts begin to wander.  When you can sustain focusing on one dot for five minutes without break, then move to two and advance to four over time)


2.  It's different for everyone, and you can choose what to see.  Some people even choose to build the body first before the personality. (though, I'd probably not recommend it as you may accidentally create a pseudo personality) For me, Tia had no visible form... Like, I would designate a space in my room, and just spoke to it and built the personality there.  It was like a ghostly aura that over time, I began to feel as if it was watching me and growing a consciousness.  That's when I knew it was working.  Then I built the body inside the aura to complete her.


3.  Giving alcohol to an alicorn who likes to take advantage of me with suggestive tendencies and ESPECIALLY the main character of Fallout Equestria: Project Horizons?!


*grins maliciously*


Oh thank Celestia that I personally vowed never to drink...


*scowels in dissapointment*

Edited by Brisineo
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So, Ive constructed myself a wonderland, and for the last week I have just been going into it and talking. I decided that my first Tulpa would actually be 343 Guilty Spark from the Halo series, as it could be beneficial to my school career and will give me experience in Tulpaforcing. Im not sure if this would work, but I just visualized the tulpa hibernating in the wonderland, and I am just going to try to wake it up and see if that works. It makes sense in my mind, so Im going to assume that it should work.


Long story short, I entered the wonderland this morning, about three or four days into my endeavor, and I got two words:

"Greetings reclaimer"


Im not sure if I imagined it or if I was parroting or something, but after immediately asking questions, I got no response. I can only hope that this signals some sort of progress. If so, Im extremely excited that I am actually going to make this work. 


Sorry for incoherent writing, my mind is buzzing with lots of thoughts right now. Im going to take a break for today and try and clear my mind, most likely with icecream and some Halo 4

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Riley was here

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So I am looking to create a voice for the Tulpa that I'm trying to create. Seeing as how she looks like a mix between Vinyl Scratch, Fluttershy & Twilight it looks(see earlier post for specifics), how do you think her voice should sound? I don't really have any idea as to what would fit personality wise.


Since I have no skill with drawing, here is a rough image as to what she is suppose to look like using Pony Creator. 





Edited by IHazTommyWiseau
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Okay, I keep seeing this thread pop up. I just want to know a few things: I've heard it's hard work to get a tulpa, is it really worth all the hard work? This sounds interesting, but I don't know where I should even begin.

  • Brohoof 1



Stay pony my friends

"And ALWAYS remember...to never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did

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I just finished my first major personality construction session.  From what I've read, I assume that the light headache I'm experiencing is normal.


Just to make sure I'm actually doing this in a constructive way, here's what I've been doing:


I have a list of 20 or so personality traits I wrote up, and for each one I imagine her in front of me and tell her how each would manifest itself in how she reacts to certain situations, e.g. "You tend to focus on smaller details rather than the big picture.  If you were writing an essay, you could easily spend an hour coming up with the perfect opening sentence.  If a bug were on the wall, you would be fascinated by the way its legs are designed to grip even smooth surfaces."  and so on.  Then I generally find a way to connect this to another trait, e.g. "This can also lead to you being rather indecisive, endlessly weighing the pros and cons of two choices that are equally appealing, but in different ways."


Is this a good method, or should I be doing something different, such as not talking in the second person?

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That's really all there is to say on the matter.

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This sounds like wishful thinking and delusions, sorry, I don't get it, did everyone turn buddhist all of a sudden? Because I'm seeing this literally everywhere.


No offense though, I just don't get it.

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First of all, hi guys! I didn't completely abandon this or anything. Just haven't been posting in the thread. Sorry! But here we go:

Open the spoilers for the 'Director's Cut' version!

Okay, I keep seeing this thread pop up. I just want to know a few things: I've heard it's hard work to get a tulpa, is it really worth all the hard work? This sounds interesting, but I don't know where I should even begin.

I can say it with certainty, now. Yes. Yeah, of course it's worth all the hard work. I'm not even close to having a fully, physically realized tulpa, but yes. It has changed my life in very interesting ways, and I definitely recommend giving it a shot if you're open-minded and interested.

More importantly, like I've always said, you'll find out if it's worth it to you when you try. You'll get bored, but if you want to know badly enough, you'll carry through all that boring early stuff until you've got a tulpa that means the world to you. It won't be boring from that point on, I assure you.

Secondly, I was writing a sort of dummies guide to the beginning process of tulpa creation, and I wonder sometimes if I should finish it. It's still on my computer. I just never got horribly far with it. I was compiling information from experience, article, and other people's account. I'd totally unleash it on this thread if I did finish it. I'd hope it could do some good!

Regardless, I'll tell you now, start with the intent. Tulpa creation is a fun process at first, and then it can get sort of tedious until the day when your tulpa finally makes communication. From that point on, it's no longer a process at all. It's a way of life, and you'll love it.

Deciding how badly you want your tulpa and figuring out what's going to be the motivation is a key step, in my opinion. You need to want this, and you need to want it bad. Otherwise, you're going to get bored and give up.


Is this a good method, or should I be doing something different, such as not talking in the second person?

Your method actually sounds really solid, to me! Keep at it. Your approach is much more comprehensive than most beginners'.

Don't worry too much about doing what is right in the eyes of us. Worry about doing it in a way that's right for you, and as your tulpa begins to communicate, for him/her. This is your experience. You've got to try and understand it for yourself. Yeah, I think your approach sounds fantastic, but make sure it works for you. If you don't like it, that's when it becomes a problem.


This sounds like wishful thinking and delusions, sorry, I don't get it, did everyone turn buddhist all of a sudden? Because I'm seeing this literally everywhere.


No offense though, I just don't get it.

It's honestly something that I'm not sure I could explain the value of without you experiencing it. I know, just what you were after, more confusion and refusal to answer, right?  ;) 

I'll just say that creating a tulpa, even before that's what I knew I was doing, has been one of the most ground-breaking and personally revealing experiences I have ever had.

Yeah, sure, what the hell: delusions, wishful thinking, a good point. It is delusions. That's the entire process. Learning how to delude yourself into the belief that your little autonomous piece of mind with a personality is a whole different being.

But once you learn to believe it, you get to experience it. You get to learn things about yourself that you would never realize, and have conversations that go deeper than they ever could with anyone, because you are having them with the one being you can trust more than any single person on this planet. You form a connection that I'm not willing to say can be found anywhere else.

Perhaps that sounds narcissistic. Only being able to experience these things through yourself. The more I think about it though, the fact that the only way its possible is to convince yourself it's not you is what keeps it from being narcissism. Your tulpa would have the potential to be the most important thing in the world to you.

Your tulpa has the potential to change your life completely, and believe me, it will if you create one.

Delusion or not, it is a very powerful experience, and I cannot recommend it enough to anyone who wants self-discovery or companionship; this is for you. Step past all that, "This is weird/unacceptable" crap. This transcends the importance of that. Deviation from the safe and normal is necessary to experience adventure.

You need to try something new and wonderful, and this is it. I'm telling you, first-hand, it has been the single greatest experience of my life.

-And I've only just begun a year and a half ago.

Edited by Lifeinsteps
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Deviation from the safe and normal is necessary to experience adventure.


Way to summarize my entire philosophy on life in one sentence. 


Anywho, made another visit to the wonderland yesterday, have yet to have a second response. Beginning to doubt it was legitimate, but I know what that can lead to based on what I have read.

Is it normal to get a response this early (6 days in/7-8 hours)?

  • Brohoof 1

Riley was here

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It's honestly something that I'm not sure I could explain the value of without you experiencing it. I know, just what you were after, more confusion and refusal to answer, right?  ;) 


I'll just say that creating a tulpa, even before that's what I knew I was doing, has been one of the most ground-breaking and personally revealing experiences I have ever had.



Yeah, sure, what the hell: delusions, wishful thinking, a good point. It is delusions. That's the entire process. Learning how to delude yourself into the belief that your little autonomous piece of mind with a personality is a whole different being.


But once you learn to believe it, you get to experience it. You get to learn things about yourself that you would never realize, and have conversations that go deeper than they ever could with anyone, because you are having them with the one being you can trust more than any single person on this planet. You form a connection that I'm not willing to say can be found anywhere else.


Perhaps that sounds narcissistic. Only being able to experience these things through yourself. The more I think about it though, the fact that the only way its possible is to convince yourself it's not you is what keeps it from being narcissism. Your tulpa would have the potential to be the most important thing in the world to you.



Your tulpa has the potential to change your life completely, and believe me, it will if you create one.


Delusion or not, it is a very powerful experience, and I cannot recommend it enough to anyone who wants self-discovery or companionship; this is for you. Step past all that, "This is weird/unacceptable" crap. This transcends the importance of that. Deviation from the safe and normal is necessary to experience adventure.


You need to try something new and wonderful, and this is it. I'm telling you, first-hand, it has been the single greatest experience of my life.


-And I've only just begun a year and a half ago.


This sounds pretty dangerous, I mean, it's like forcing an identity disorder on yourself, how long before you start talking to yourself? I appreciate the explanation, and regardless if this works or not it doesn't sound healthy to me.

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Way to summarize my entire philosophy on life in one sentence. 


Anywho, made another visit to the wonderland yesterday, have yet to have a second response. Beginning to doubt it was legitimate, but I know what that can lead to based on what I have read.

Is it normal to get a response this early (6 days in/7-8 hours)?

Some people get responses pretty early while others will get it far later. It's more of a crap shoot though it's more of the latter.

Still, believe it's always her and just go with it.



This sounds pretty dangerous, I mean, it's like forcing an identity disorder on yourself, how long before you start talking to yourself? I appreciate the explanation, and regardless if this works or not it doesn't sound healthy to me.

DID? Nope that wouldn't be the case. You really can't produce a mental disorder on yourself. Usually created by Trauma.  Healthy? Well, who knows if it's entirely healthy for you. People with tulpae have been going on for years though. We'd have to ask someone who has a tulpa(e) for more than year to see the full effects of it. Many people here hasn't reached there full year yet (excluding Lifeinsteps and maybe somebody else) and to see the full mental effect you'd have it for a year, maybe more. 


I have a father who has schizophrenia, I have doing this fully for over a month now (though Luna has said she was created in June 10th, 2012. So who knows how that works.) I haven't had any mental disorders or anything that has effected since I have Luna and Becca. As for the voice in your head, that's a crapshoot. Depends on a few factors, if you have talked to yourself beforehand, or daydreaming for extended periods of time(Helps with visualization), writing stories/roleplaying, etc. These things will help create a tulpa faster and might make them more vocal sooner. I think a month to a few weeks is the norm, though.

Edited by NinjaCPU
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Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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This sounds pretty dangerous, I mean, it's like forcing an identity disorder on yourself, how long before you start talking to yourself? I appreciate the explanation, and regardless if this works or not it doesn't sound healthy to me.


Whether it's dangerous or not kind of depends on your own mental stability. It becomes dangerous or mentally unhealthy when you fail to realize the dynamic of your situation, which would be more likely if you have past issues with schizophrenia. Yes, sure, that sounds self-defeating because part of the magic is convincing yourself that your tulpa is real.


The difference is that while you allow yourself to be convinced that your tulpa is real as a personality, allowing yourself to believe that your tulpa is no longer a tulpa (i.e. now a real, physical thing) becomes mentally unhealthy.


-and that's the only way. Otherwise, you are intentionally creating an autonomous portion of your mind to respond to your dialogue with a specific personality, and that's the extent of it. You're already talking to yourself, of course. You just pretend not to know so hard that it becomes a real experience to you.


It's only unhealthy if you fail to continue to realize that it is not entirely real. That, unfortunately, is a personal fault, not a fault in the tulpa creation process.


Way to summarize my entire philosophy on life in one sentence. 



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> Goes to search in dictionary

> "No results found"

> tries google searching

> Still no results

> Re-reads word slowly

> Kicks self in head

  • Brohoof 2

Riley was here

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This sounds pretty dangerous, I mean, it's like forcing an identity disorder on yourself, how long before you start talking to yourself? I appreciate the explanation, and regardless if this works or not it doesn't sound healthy to me.


This isn't for the faint hearted, even though the truth is that it isn't really as dangerous as it sounds. This is for the people that want to experience new things. This is for the people that look down the dark dirt road and say 'This might not be the best idea, but hey, I might discover something amazing!'


Crepuscule: And no one is forcing you to walk down that dark scary road.  ^_^




Well, I've finally told someone in real life about Tulpae. I told my mother in the best way possible about what a tulpa is, and also what they're not. As I expected, she seemed very open-minded on the subject, as with most things we talk about. I also told her a little bit about Crepuscule, and a little bit about her personality, and how she can often be a cheeky little shit, which she found rather cute. But I didn't tell her about just how close we are, or about what Crep is REALLY like. My mother is really open-minded, but I would rather wait a while before we start going deeper into the rabbit hole.


Now for that quiz of yours Kamil.


Well, here we go:

1) How have you handled having this being which is just as "human" (in some senses at least) as you are, but nobody else can even tell exists? Have you established non-verbal communication methods to use amongst those who aren't privvy to your Tulpa's existence, or do you not talk to it in the presence of company? Or do you prefer to prioritize your Tulpa, treating them just like any other close friend and ignoring anybody who dislikes it?


I always prefer to talk to her through mind voice when around other people. When no one else is around however, I try to talk to her through real voice if I can remember to, since I feel that my mind has an easier time making out who's voice is who's, as I've noticed that when I use mind voice, we sometimes sound slightly similar.


2) Has having a Tulpa impacted your love life significantly? Does the idea of some other sentience always being present drive some away that you would have prefered stay, or do you feel that your significant other should be able to deal with something like this and see that sort of reaction as a sign that you really shouldn't have been together anyways? Has your Tulpa ever helped you more directly on such matters, through advice or moral support either getting into relationships or dealing with breakups?


I don't want to get into any relationships while I am still at such a young age. Even my age of 17 I think is too young for me. My reason is quite simple, and I'll be honest.


I'm scared.


I'm afraid of being in a relationship with another human being. Too many times have I heard of young couples breaking up over the silliest of things. I just don't think I will be able to deal with the feeling of my one true love breaking up with me, probably other something petty.


Hell, it's entirely possible that I might just decide to not ever get a girlfriend at all, and just simply stay with Crepuscule. And you know what, I'll be completely okay with that. I couldn't give a rat's behind over what people will think of that. Because I know that despite that I might never interact with the opposite sex on a 'physical' level, I'll still live a relatively happy life, and that's all I care about. I'll just say I'm asexual. In fact, I think I am a bit.  :wacko:


And in case Rizzy does decide to find someone, as long as I get to come along, I'll be rooting for him. ;)


And me!  :D


Of course you two can come along. I would never wish to leave you two no matter what I decide to do. Whoever said I would do that if I did find someone?  :o


I know you didn't, I'm just saying.  ^_^


3) Do, or can, Tulpae age? Is it at a normal rate, or can it be controlled or stopped?


The way they age is entirely up to you. They can age with you, they can simply not age at all, it can be slowed, sped up, hell if you wanted to, you could make them age backwards as you age. Your imagination is the limit when it comes to tulpae.  -_-


4) Can conscious thought have any impact on your Tulpa after creation? Even little things like giving them gifts that they can actually use?


I'm not sure if I understand what you're trying to say. Could you maybe explain in greater detail what you mean?


Yeah, that was more confusing than the road signs on the Scottish motorway at five o'clock in the morning.  :blink:


Aye, sometimes even the signs themselves say 'I don't know'.




I knew we should have stayed in England.  <_<


5) Have any of you, or anyone else you know, REGRETED making a Tulpa in the end, including accidental ones? This doesn't mean things like a specific incident upsetting you or jitters befre you got used to it, but if you look back on your life since the Tulpa was made do you think that lacking a Tulpa would have improved the results of situations you've been in to the point where the comradeship of your Tulpa hasn't really been worth it.


I haven't really been with Crepuscule long enough to even consider that. And I don't see any reason right now why in the future that I might regret making tulpae.



6) How does your Tulpa respond to sex and/or masturbation?



Would you like me to answer this one for you, Rizzy?  ;)


Absolutely not.  <_<



Well, the truth is that sexy time with tulpa isn't all that it's cracked up to be, as I'm sure you can imagine.


In the wonderland, I can faintly feel objects that are in the wonderland, in the real world. What I mean is that, if I touch an object with my hands that is in the wonderland while in said wonderland, I can sometimes feel a tingle flow through my hand that is in real life, or through whatever other part of me is touching said object.


And yes, that also sometimes includes 'those' parts when we do all that fun stuff. I can hardly feel it, but I do get a small amount of pleasure from it, although it might just be because I know I'm making her happy, since she says she can feel it just as well as any normal person would feel physical sex, and that's what's most important to me; as long as she's having fun, I don't really mind how much pleasure I get out of it myself.  -_-


He's so selfless like that.  :wub: Though I wish I could repay him back.  :wacko:


No no, y- you don't need to do that.  :blush:


No, I insist, Rizzy. When you get round to imposing touch, I promise you, it will be one hay of a ride.  ;)




*Gulp*  :blink:


ANYWAY! We sometimes also do it in the real world. Again, it's not really anything interesting.


I've spoilered the next part, since I kind of need to go into detail. Sorry.



Sexy time for us in the real world is really almost just the same as masturbating.


All it really is is that we will simply be as close as we can while I... uh...




I- I thought I told you not to answer for me!  :angry:


What? I saved you didn't I?  :wacko:


*Sigh*  <_<


Again, she says she can feel it like normal.







So there you go, do what you will with that heap of information, now I'm gonna go play some EVE Online and hopefully my spaceship will not explode this time.


...Like what happened yesterday in bed.  ;)


Dammit Crep, not like that! Shut up!  :angry:

  • Brohoof 5

YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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This sounds pretty dangerous, I mean, it's like forcing an identity disorder on yourself, how long before you start talking to yourself? I appreciate the explanation, and regardless if this works or not it doesn't sound healthy to me.


Innovation only happens to those taking risks. It's something I have yet to get my bosses at work to understand. Completely eliminating all risk means stagnation. Adventure happens for those going beyond the boundaries of 'safe'.


However, the risk here is minimimal. It's about as risky as violent video games, movies, Dungeons & Dragons, rock and roll, literature and many of the other things that are blamed for bad behaviour and mental illness. If you have a problem to begin with, it's possible that the disciplines can become a focus for those issues. Meaning that when you've gone out and done whatever, the media will come along behind and say 'It was all *this* thing's fault.' :)




Okay, question for those who have reached the visualized stage: How integrated is your Tulpa relative to the environment? Does your Tulpa appear as part of the environment or imposed overtop of it?


Let me try some examples in an attempt to be clearer:


If it's raining, does your Tulpa appear to get wet?

If it's dark, is it difficult to see your Tulpa?

If it's windy, does your Tulpa's hair/mane/whatever, move?

Does your Tulpa appear to cast a shadow?


Has your Tulpa ever given the impression of moving an object? Not that the object actually moved, of course. More that the Tulpa picked up an object leaving the real object behind, but picking up an image of said object.

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