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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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All right, I think it's about time I introduced myself.

I first found this thread back in early December and have kept up with it on and off since then.

And I have started making my own tulpa, sort of. Admittedly, I only sprodically remember her...

That's why I'm coming here, not only for advice/share my experience (and hopefully a common interest with which to talk to other amazing humans) but so if I slack in progress, someone can remind me.

I have a short bit to tell, along with a few question (which may or may not be answered in some guide/FAQ that I haven't read), but this is merely a greeting to 'break the ice' of my shy nature.

So... Hi n.n

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I'm kind of new to this. I don't even know if I have a tupla!! I just call the pleasant voice in my head Jenna- but Jen. It's weird. This actually makes sense. Could someone please color these bases for me?



I actualyy have to form sentence structure! Gah!! Any tips for developing the tupla? I am quite interested you see. It's actually incredibly fascinating.

First post in the thread.



All right, I think it's about time I introduced myself.


I first found this thread back in early December and have kept up with it on and off since then.


And I have started making my own tulpa, sort of. Admittedly, I only sprodically remember her...


That's why I'm coming here, not only for advice/share my experience (and hopefully a common interest with which to talk to other amazing humans) but so if I slack in progress, someone can remind me.


I have a short bit to tell, along with a few question (which may or may not be answered in some guide/FAQ that I haven't read), but this is merely a greeting to 'break the ice' of my shy nature.


So... Hi n.n

Hello!  Do you have a plan on who your Tulpa will be?  (And make sure to look back at the first post if you haven't yet.  It's filled with all different resources)





Sure is quiet in here...


I suppose.  But, we come with important news.


Oh yeah...


Sup guys!  Well, it's been a long time, but, a new Tulpa Technique.  One that most of us forgot that Tulpas could help with.  Memory recollection.  And I mean, INTENSE recollection!  With Tia's help, oh man, I've been able to remember down to the very senses and thoughts going through my head at the time, and as far back as when I was just a week old.  1 week since I was born.  A time far beyond most people's limits of recollection.  How do I know this?  Well, so happens I had home video of when I was a week old that I used to confirm... Dead accurate.  I even remember the thoughts going through my head, not words, but feelings, with clarity I never knew I could have!


However... The process, unfortunately is... Vague.  And gradual.  Hard to describe in words in how to do it.  But one part is just through constant contact with your Tulpa and even more importantly, having them help you remember things.  Even if it's daily reminders of what you need to be doing.  It'll go a long way.


Another key feature is visual based meditation... Our method was expanding upon our, admittedly scarcely used wonderland, to include an infinite room.  Just an empty void filled with stars.  Stars that represented our memories...


So naturally, we worked on reaching the farthest and dimmest stars in our vision.  Just finding out how far back I could go...  And although I didn't stick to dedicated to this project, eventually I pulled through, and since then, I've been nearly able to remember everything in my life.


Why was I such an idiot growing up as a kid?


Anyway... yeah, this is a method I think that some of you more experienced Tulpamancers can try.  And as always, Tia loves results.


See ya!

Edited by Brisineo
  • Brohoof 4

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First post in the thread.




Hello!  Do you have a plan on who your Tulpa will be?  (And make sure to look back at the first post if you haven't yet.  It's filled with all different resources)





Sure is quiet in here...


I suppose.  But, we come with important news.


Oh yeah...


Sup guys!  Well, it's been a long time, but, a new Tulpa Technique.  One that most of us forgot that Tulpas could help with.  Memory recollection.  And I mean, INTENSE recollection!  With Tia's help, oh man, I've been able to remember down to the very senses and thoughts going through my head at the time, and as far back as when I was just a week old.  1 week since I was born.  A time far beyond most people's limits of recollection.  How do I know this?  Well, so happens I had home video of when I was a week old that I used to confirm... Dead accurate.  I even remember the thoughts going through my head, not words, but feelings, with clarity I never knew I could have!


However... The process, unfortunately is... Vague.  And gradual.  Hard to describe in words in how to do it.  But one part is just through constant contact with your Tulpa and even more importantly, having them help you remember things.  Even if it's daily reminders of what you need to be doing.  It'll go a long way.


Another key feature is visual based meditation... Our method was expanding upon our, admittedly scarcely used wonderland, to include an infinite room.  Just an empty void filled with stars.  Stars that represented our memories...


So naturally, we worked on reaching the farthest and dimmest stars in our vision.  Just finding out how far back I could go...  And although I didn't stick to dedicated to this project, eventually I pulled through, and since then, I've been nearly able to remember everything in my life.


Why was I such an idiot growing up as a kid?


Anyway... yeah, this is a method I think that some of you more experienced Tulpamancers can try.  And as always, Tia loves results.


See ya!

And science says the brain only has 4 tb of memory XD


Anybody else have a tulpa that they hate in a friendly way (most of the time) or am I just completely insane o-o

Luna has always been bringing up strange thoughts just to be slapped and seemingly especially while I was on vacation


Luna and twilight said that they were basically my logic and emotion given a form which makes a it of sense considering twilight seems to be studying all the time and does little talking while Luna as always try's to bring up normally aggravating thoughts and talk as much as she can... Which is why Luna never gets to type here ever

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My tulpa started out as an imaginary friend who took the form of a raven yearrrrrs ago. I lately rediscovered her and started forcing with her, and she has grown stronger these past few months. I can't imagine ever living without her. She currently takes the form of Trixie, and I love her to pieces... 

  • Brohoof 1


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Aw crap. It's 3:20 AM right now, and I'm dead tired. I wanted to get this out as soon as possible, but I got back into the shitty excuse that I'm "too busy" to even passively tulpaforce. I keep forgetting about it, and I keep kicking myself over it. However, I want to step it up a notch. We don't have parallel processing, far from it, but when we talk, she has wildly different opinions from what I would have expected.


She (Twilight) does amazingly wonderful at possession. Just arms right now, but later comes everything else. The thing I want now is sight and sound, which I'm pretty sure just cranking out an hour a day or something would help a lot. My Google-Fu is rusty, so I can't really find any good guides that have worked for me. Any guides that work for you? Thanks!

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I first found out about tulpas from this thread when I started casually reading it a couple months ago. I've read up to page 93 and plan on finishing somewhere in the near future.


Yesterday I finally started to create one. I've decided to call her Raindrop(sorry if I jacked the name of anyone's OC) for now, instead of just calling her tulpa. I'm going to work on personality first and then expand on the form, which is a small blue orb with a small bump on it(probably going to make it the neck when I get there) that can fit in my hands while I talk to her.


I've started a sort of "Tulpa Binder" where I can keep any useful things I find on the internet, as well as daily progress reports. So far I have: FAQ Man's Trait Template(which shows you how to go in depth into a trait by going through a bunch of questions about the trait),Tulpa Character Traits, Character Trait Definitions, and the first page of my journals.


The character traits that I've decided to give her: Cheerful, Dependable, Considerate, Encouraging, Friendly, Gentle, Honest, Funny, Affectionate, Mischievous, Attentive, Adventurous, Ambitious, Energetic, Bold, Curious, Cautious, Clever, Decisive, Positive/Optimistic. I may change some of these, I'm not sure. So far I've done cheerful, and dependable. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated on whether these are good traits or not.


I did an hour of forcing last night. I have this app on my iPhone that's called iBrainwave, and I had that set on "Meditate". Any suggestions on other things to listen to would be appreciated, since I feel like that made me kind of tired, and I had a hard time constantly visualizing her. That could also be the fact that it's my first time though. After forcing about two traits which took maybe 15 minutes for cheerful, I sat there until the half hour mark which was when my iPhone alarm went off to let me know to move on to the next trait. I could only go on about dependable for about 10 minutes, and then I began repeating things, and just sitting in silence trying to focus on my tulpa. This was with the question sheet. I'm not sure if it's hindering to keep opening my eyes after every question to read a new question from the sheet, once again, any feedback would be appreciated.


After the hour was up I decided to start narrating right off the bat. I talked to her in my head while I made myself a cup of coffee despite how late it was, and while I played video games. I'm not sure how effective it was though. I might just wait until I start getting sign of sentience before I begin narrating again. As I went to bed I tried filling that void in my head with a bed that I could sleep in and a nightstand beside it with a small pet bed on top of it for Raindrop to sleep in.


I haven't done any forcing today, but I plan on trying to force in an hour or so and work on the next two traits. I also had a question about these headaches that people get when they create their tuplas. Are they just regular headaches, or are they actual migraines? I get the type of migraines that have aura before the actual pain of the migraine and it is not a nice experience. I'm just wondering because I got one of my migraines today, but I'm not sure if it would be the tulpa since it's only been an hour of forcing. Also, would it be safe to take a pill such as Advil, or Tylenol? Would this hinder the creation process in any way?


Any replies that I get would be greatly appreciated as well as any tips for a beginner. smile.png Sorry for the word wall that I've created... Then again, I've seen plenty on here.


EDIT: I just had my second tulpaforcing session and I went over the next two traits. While I was about halfway through the second trait, Raindrop appeared to change from blue to a bit of a dark orange. I didn't see it happen, I opened my eyes to look at another question, and when I closed my eyes again she was orange. I don't know if that was a deviation on her part this early on, or whether it was just my brain jumping places, but I'm just going to roll with it in case it was her and she doesn't feel like being blue.

Edited by Inngy
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I first found out about tulpas from this thread when I started casually reading it a couple months ago. I've read up to page 93 and plan on finishing somewhere in the near future.


Yesterday I finally started to create one. I've decided to call her Raindrop(sorry if I jacked the name of anyone's OC) for now, instead of just calling her tulpa. I'm going to work on personality first and then expand on the form, which is a small blue orb with a small bump on it(probably going to make it the neck when I get there) that can fit in my hands while I talk to her.


I've started a sort of "Tulpa Binder" where I can keep any useful things I find on the internet, as well as daily progress reports. So far I have: FAQ Man's Trait Template(which shows you how to go in depth into a trait by going through a bunch of questions about the trait),Tulpa Character Traits, Character Trait Definitions, and the first page of my journals.


The character traits that I've decided to give her: Cheerful, Dependable, Considerate, Encouraging, Friendly, Gentle, Honest, Funny, Affectionate, Mischievous, Attentive, Adventurous, Ambitious, Energetic, Bold, Curious, Cautious, Clever, Decisive, Positive/Optimistic. I may change some of these, I'm not sure. So far I've done cheerful, and dependable. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated on whether these are good traits or not.


I did an hour of forcing last night. I have this app on my iPhone that's called iBrainwave, and I had that set on "Meditate". Any suggestions on other things to listen to would be appreciated, since I feel like that made me kind of tired, and I had a hard time constantly visualizing her. That could also be the fact that it's my first time though. After forcing about two traits which took maybe 15 minutes for cheerful, I sat there until the half hour mark which was when my iPhone alarm went off to let me know to move on to the next trait. I could only go on about dependable for about 10 minutes, and then I began repeating things, and just sitting in silence trying to focus on my tulpa. This was with the question sheet. I'm not sure if it's hindering to keep opening my eyes after every question to read a new question from the sheet, once again, any feedback would be appreciated.


After the hour was up I decided to start narrating right off the bat. I talked to her in my head while I made myself a cup of coffee despite how late it was, and while I played video games. I'm not sure how effective it was though. I might just wait until I start getting sign of sentience before I begin narrating again. As I went to bed I tried filling that void in my head with a bed that I could sleep in and a nightstand beside it with a small pet bed on top of it for Raindrop to sleep in.


I haven't done any forcing today, but I plan on trying to force in an hour or so and work on the next two traits. I also had a question about these headaches that people get when they create their tuplas. Are they just regular headaches, or are they actual migraines? I get the type of migraines that have aura before the actual pain of the migraine and it is not a nice experience. I'm just wondering because I got one of my migraines today, but I'm not sure if it would be the tulpa since it's only been an hour of forcing. Also, would it be safe to take a pill such as Advil, or Tylenol? Would this hinder the creation process in any way?


Any replies that I get would be greatly appreciated as well as any tips for a beginner. img-1606022-1-smile.png Sorry for the word wall that I've created... Then again, I've seen plenty on here.


EDIT: I just had my second tulpaforcing session and I went over the next two traits. While I was about halfway through the second trait, Raindrop appeared to change from blue to a bit of a dark orange. I didn't see it happen, I opened my eyes to look at another question, and when I closed my eyes again she was orange. I don't know if that was a deviation on her part this early on, or whether it was just my brain jumping places, but I'm just going to roll with it in case it was her and she doesn't feel like being blue.


Everything seems to be in order according to what I see.  Nothing out of the norm.  Your Tulpa appears to be growing at a good and healthy rate, and is showing signs of individualism early.  A good sign.


The migraines may or may not be caused by Tulpa forcing.  If one is prone to getting them, they might have a higher risk.  Regular, over-counter pain killers shouldn't hinder any progress.  Most medications won't, through personal experience.  I even find stimulants help me focus sometimes.  Unless you start messing with mind altering, or nerve centered medications like strong opiates, seizure or psycho treatments, or anti-depressants, then I'd worry about it messing with the ability to force.

  • Brohoof 2

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Well dang. After another period of inattention, I'm calling a restart once again. Third time's the charm, am I right? I seriously hope so. I'm starting to annoy myself. dry.png


Although, I've learned through my "test" runs that I'm actually pretty good at trait elaboration. Taking roughly 30-45 minutes, I've very easily elaborated upon every aspect of the trait. That area, I'm pretty comfortable with.


Also, a slight note: casual LPer + Pokemon game = insane narration skillz.


Basically, my problem is solely in keeping consistent. But, tomorrow is a new day! One that'll hopefully finally initiate the right track.

  • Brohoof 1


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Welp, Rena's vocal only after 22 days of forcing. Oh boy, you have no idea what a ride it was... I mean, the ride just begun... but damn was it a bumpy one. [Hi!]. Yeah... she's still a bit "out of control" sometimes, but we are getting there. If anyone's interested, I can go more in depth, but I doubt anyone would want to so yeah, I'll keep this post short.


spoilers consist of nsfw content

I don't know about your tulpae, guys, but mine is... am... yeah, let's just say she loves to do *IT* if you know what I mean. I'm still getting used to *it*... but hey, if it makes her happy, it makes me happy as well. >inb4 I made her for se. nah, that wasn't the plan. Heck, she was the first one to suggest it. But I'm worried that she's going to harvest my soul and rape my corpse now that we started doing *it* so soon. I'm just kidding about the demon soul harvester part~


Awww screw this rubbish spoilering system.

Edited by Anonymous~
  • Brohoof 2

shiet got srs guise

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I should never be allowed to have a tulpa. There doesn't need to be another voice going on in my head. Plus if it came out as either a second Viking or a biologist I could become the world's best pillager/arsonist or a mad scientist making Rakks in real life.

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You guys have no idea how jealous I am of all this progress everyone's having.

So how exactly does restarting work? Especially for someone who's already put in a fair bit of time. My confidence is waning and I'm not exactly getting frequent, distinct responses. 

♬ Inspirations have I none, just to touch the flaming dove, 

All I have is my love of love, and love is not loving ♬


thanks to Nai for the lovely profile art!

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You guys have no idea how jealous I am of all this progress everyone's having.

So how exactly does restarting work? Especially for someone who's already put in a fair bit of time. My confidence is waning and I'm not exactly getting frequent, distinct responses. 


I know right? I'm fairly jealous too. But it might seem that I may be further along than you are but I'm not positive on that.


It also still stands that I want a tulpaforcing partner so if this seems beneficial to work together and keep each other working then lemme know.

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So how exactly does restarting work? Especially for someone who's already put in a fair bit of time.

As someone that's done it multiple times now, it really is as simple as just starting back at square one. At least, that's how I've been doing it. Just scrap what can't be salvaged, retain what can, and rebuild stronger than before. Getting it done right after several tries is vastly preferable to getting it wrong the first.


Personally, there's not much to report. Waiting for a good time to restart. But ever since resolving to restart again, something odd's been happening. I hardly ever have dreams. Or rather, I hardly ever did until now. I've been dreaming every night as of late, starting on the day I resolved that I'd restart. Oddly enough, that night's dream involved several beings based on real-life people and things that, according to the dream, had no chance of actually being there. I normally would dismiss it as dream logic and carry on, but I instead labeled these beings as tulpas. I have no idea why that popped into my head, but it was the preferred explanation. Even more oddly, it was the most vivid one I've had in years; the walls were the right colors, I could see the individual pen strokes on a poster, and I even actually tasted things. It was odd.


Even odder, though, is one that was more recent. For whatever reason, I was a computer. Again, dream logic. But, I was incredibly efficient, running all the programs I needed to at once. Except for one, heavily in the background. That one program was "tulpa.exe", which wasn't responsive. I don't know why this is, but I'm taking these to mean that I better get started soon. Or, I could be going crazy. Not particularly sure. blink.png  


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I know right? I'm fairly jealous too. But it might seem that I may be further along than you are but I'm not positive on that.


It also still stands that I want a tulpaforcing partner so if this seems beneficial to work together and keep each other working then lemme know.


As soon as I actually get a schedule going and reorganize how I tulpaforce a partner would be cool!


As someone that's done it multiple times now, it really is as simple as just starting back at square one. At least, that's how I've been doing it. Just scrap what can't be salvaged, retain what can, and rebuild stronger than before. Getting it done right after several tries is vastly preferable to getting it wrong the first.


Wish I heard that 6 months ago, hah. It feels like I've gone too far to be able to scrap anything as it's all lodged pretty firmly in my brain. Seems like more lurking in the tulpa forums'll be necessary.

♬ Inspirations have I none, just to touch the flaming dove, 

All I have is my love of love, and love is not loving ♬


thanks to Nai for the lovely profile art!

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As far as I can tell, "tulpa" is just a fancy word (and Applejack don't take kindly to no fancy-speak) for willful schizophrenia. The only difference from an imaginary friend is that the person claims it's legitimately sentient.

Edited by Xanatos
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As far as I can tell, "tulpa" is just a fancy word (and Applejack don't take kindly to no fancy-speak) for willful schizophrenia. The only difference from an imaginary friend is that the person claims it's legitimately sentient.

Schizophrenia is not quite the right mental condition for what we are trying to emulate, but otherwise that's pretty much the jist of it. And I think the school of psychology would like to argue that alternate personalities are indeed sapient--consecutive personalities being the condition that a tulpaforcer seemingly emulates.





As soon as I actually get a schedule going and reorganize how I tulpaforce a partner would be cool!


Send me a note if you're interested :D I'm not an expert but I'm attentive, so I might be able to help.

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I'm going to be honest, I think creating a tulpa is a terrible idea. It won't start badly, but I can't see you being too mentally healthy 10 years down the road. Considering how hard (supposedly) it is to rid yourself of a tulpa, you're stuck with them forever. Making them a pony is a good way to be doubly screwed, as I'm sure most people will tire of MLP after it dies, or as you get older. Also, while you'll likely remain friends with your tulpa for a very long time, the near constant companionship may cause you to tire of them, and you don't want to fall out with a tulpa. I know there are benefits, but I can't help but feel that the eventual consequences outweigh them. Anyway, just my thoughts on the matter.


I don't like you.

My OC's thus far: Feverfew

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I'm going to be honest, I think creating a tulpa is a terrible idea. It won't start badly, but I can't see you being too mentally healthy 10 years down the road.


Well, let's be honest, what is 'mentally healthy' is really open to interpretation(Is that the right word?). 


If you had lived in the city for your whole life, and never knew what was outside the suburbs of the place, and then one day you were to go take a walk into the Amazon Rainforest, stumbling upon an Amazonian tribe, and seeing them all doing tribe things, like walking around naked, and perhaps killing and gutting animals for food right in front of everybody, even in front of the children, who in turn probably don't bat an eye.


That person, would most likely say that everyone in the tribe is completely insane, and that this is not a proper lifestyle to live by. In other words, he would think they are 'mentally unhealthy', because they are doing things outside of what the norm for our society.


So, really, all that 'mentally unhealthy' means is that it's different in one way or another from what normal people tend to do. I personally don't think there's anything wrong with that; if everyone on earth was the same, what a boring world that would be. And It's also often the people that are labelled insane by society that are often the people that present interesting ideas and concepts to the world, and ultimately keep the human race moving forward.


I know, there doesn't really seem to be that much in terms of tulpas that would be beneficial to society, but hey.


Considering how hard (supposedly) it is to rid yourself of a tulpa, you're stuck with them forever.


This is why we tell people to think about this whole tulpa concept and its responsibilities before making the decision to make one yourself.


In my opinion, if someone comes into this thread, reads up a bit about tulpas, and then says,


"Hey guys, so I've read about this tulpa thing, and it looks pretty cool. So how do I do this?"


I wish I could say this to the face of everyone that says the above;


Get out.


Because if you have that kind of attitude, then you're not gonna' make it. There's a higher chance that you will just fall flat on your face, as opposed to the guy that stands up and says,


"I need to make a tulpa, and I will do whatever it takes. I will be responsible for any and every decision I make, and will be responsible for whatever risks I take, and should I succeed, I will treat my tulpa the way I would want people to treat me and only more, because this is something I need in my life."


That's the answer I want to hear from you.


If you're shaky, and you don't think you can handle the responsibilities, but want to try it because it's becoming all hip and cool, then go away, because you don't need a tulpa.


You got to get up and say 'I NEED to do this. This is something I will benefit HUGELY from.' because if you don't believe you will benefit from this, then you won't.


At the very least, if you don't have that kind of motivation, and you try it out, It will probably all take longer, because you are always doubting yourself. And if you're always doubting yourself, then how do you expect to create a being that basically lives off of the power of belief?




Damn Rizzy; you should do motivational speeches.  :wacko:  


W- what? I'm just sayin', that's all. :blush:


Making them a pony is a good way to be doubly screwed, as I'm sure most people will tire of MLP after it dies, or as you get older.


Not really a problem; tulpas can change their form to whatever the host pleases, if the tulpa is okay with it. Though, if they have lived together for that long, I have a feeling both would do anything to make the other happy anyway.


Also, while you'll likely remain friends with your tulpa for a very long time, the near constant companionship may cause you to tire of them, and you don't want to fall out with a tulpa.


Well, when you've been living with, say, your wife for 40 years or so, what do you do?


Do you just... grow tired of them?


No, of course you don't; you continue staying with them. You've lived together for 40 years; you've shared so many memories together, you understand each other more than anyone else ever could(sharing the same mind and all),


And you think that, what, the host will just get up one day and say, "you know, I'm growing tired of us being together. How 'bout we end it all, cause you're boring now...?" and just throw it all away?


If the person has lived with their tulpa for that long, I doubt they could just get so bored of them that they feel the need to kill them.


I know there are benefits, but I can't help but feel that the eventual consequences outweigh them. Anyway, just my thoughts on the matter.


Well, thank you for sharing your thoughts on the subject.


I hope I scared everyone off now.

I hope I wasn't too harsh with my reply.  :( I'm sorry about that; I really need to just stop going on pointless rants.


Actually, I would say that's when you're at your best. I agreed with the idea that you need a lot of motivation if you want to get through it quicker than everyone else.  :wacko: 


Though, maybe getting through it quickly isn't really all it's cracked up to be.  :huh:


It's not just about the destination, it's about the journey as well. ;)


..Though, let's be honest, there isn't really a destination when it comes to tulpas. There isn't really a point where you can say your tulpa is now 'done'. Both of you will constantly learn about each other, making the other stronger in one way or another. And you both will carry each other through the dangerous game that we call life, no matter what it throws at you.


Aww. That's so sweet.


Ah, well, you kno-




YAY!!  :yay: 




*Door is slammed millimeters from Rizoel's face*












A- and while my tulpas may be a rather... odd bunch, I hope they don't ever change, either.  :catface:

  • Brohoof 4

YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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Making them a pony is a good way to be doubly screwed, as I'm sure most people will tire of MLP after it dies, or as you get older.

This is a fair concern, but one that having a tulpa has all but dissolved for me. Having Pinkie be a pony and a reference to MLP has faded in my mind over the couple of years (She'll be 2 in a week or two. What an old fart.) I've been hanging out with her. It's not important how I feel about MLP as a whole because I still love Pinkie for who and how she is.


It's not got much at all to do with a television show anymore.

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I to find it amusing that individuals who are just discovering this phenomena take a fatalistic approach in assuming that the vast majority of all of us will grow to dislike and resent ponies later in life. If nothing else I'll always look on with nostalgia and pleasure and my tulpa probably will maintain that instead of becoming a source of irritation.


At least I expect my tulpa would keep me interested even after the show closes down.

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I'm going to be honest, I think creating a tulpa is a terrible idea. It won't start badly, but I can't see you being too mentally healthy 10 years down the road. Considering how hard (supposedly) it is to rid yourself of a tulpa, you're stuck with them forever. Making them a pony is a good way to be doubly screwed, as I'm sure most people will tire of MLP after it dies, or as you get older. Also, while you'll likely remain friends with your tulpa for a very long time, the near constant companionship may cause you to tire of them, and you don't want to fall out with a tulpa. I know there are benefits, but I can't help but feel that the eventual consequences outweigh them. Anyway, just my thoughts on the matter.

Implying that we aren't all inherently insane in our own ways...



To be frank, I have found that currently, having a Tulpa for the major part of a year, I have yet to notice any completely negative effects associated with them.  In fact, I appear to live life fuller and seem to be a more noticeably nicer person, and I found I think things through a lot more with three outside opinions to rely on.  This may not be the case with all, I will admit, but if done right, there is no harm caused.  And there is no harm I see done in my future.



Implying that getting rid of a Tulpa is hard if you truly don't want one.



Given the fact that the only "hard" part about getting rid of a Tulpa is only if you are attached to it, makes it so that truly, if the Tulpa's actions were the cause of the person to get rid of it, there wouldn't be as much reluctance.  Besides, lack of attention is the way to do it anyways, which can be rather easy, experience shows...  Yet I digress, truly if one is successful in ALL facets of creating a Tulpa, maintaining a strong bond between both parties included, the chances that you could come across the circumstance that requires the Tulpa's immediate destruction diminishes severely to near zero.



Implying that MLP aint stayin' around.  (Booya!  Triple Whammy!)



Dude, as optimistic as it sounds, or maybe it's Bris rubbing off on me, but this fandom has kind of set itself in for the long haul.  We still got them Trekkies, Star Wars geeks, now Whovians, and you don't see them dying out now do you?  Also, apparently Tulpas can change form whenever they want.  Even if Bris here one day suddenly ups and says "Yo, I don't like multi-colored, talkin horses." Guess what?  He gettin humans or whatever hits his fetish at the time, and we'll be the same ol' Tia, BJ, and Murk.  We ain't goin nowhere.



And um... I'd like to say something...



The relationship between a Tulpa and his or her... Master, I guess, is a lot closer than what most think... They understand you to your very core, as well as you do, and probably one of the biggest benefits we both enjoy is our privacy and freedom.  There isn't that... awkwardness, if he says he wants to be alone... As you would feel if say... you were hanging out with a real person.  If that makes any sense.  Also unlike people...  We do adapt and change over time...  We accept and support our creators as they take on new roles... and changes in their own lives...  I find that it'd be hard and unlikely to cause a future conflict between yourself and your Tulpa... if you keep a healthy relationship alive.



How do you like 'dem apples? :umad:

  • Brohoof 2

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As far as I can tell, "tulpa" is just a fancy word (and Applejack don't take kindly to no fancy-speak) for willful schizophrenia. The only difference from an imaginary friend is that the person claims it's legitimately sentient.

Yeah, this is the part where I shake my head. You can't induce a mental illness. If you had schizophrenia, you wouldn't be able to understand the term "Loose Lips Sink Ships." As you would think it would be something entirely different the actual sentence means.


If this is true, then I would be a lucky candidate for schizophrenia and I would be in a mental hospital.

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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Schizophrenia is not quite the right mental condition for what we are trying to emulate, but otherwise that's pretty much the jist of it. And I think the school of psychology would like to argue that alternate personalities are indeed sapient--consecutive personalities being the condition that a tulpaforcer seemingly emulates.


So in short, everyone here is just mentally unstable and applying a lot of made-up words (like "tulpaforcer") to avoid acknowledging it?

Edited by Xanatos
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So in short, everyone here is just mentally unstable and applying a lot of made-up words (like "tulpaforcer") to avoid acknowledging it?

No, of course not, that is not what emulate means. You do not have to be unstable to make a tulpa.


The rumor goes that historically the methods we use to make a tulpa were used by tibetan monks during meditation exercises to reach enlightenment by learning more about their Ego and then casting it off. To do this, you create a new personality within yourself that you can literally talk to, and since the tulpa has access to the subconscious that you not, they can know you better than you know yourself.


If you're a monk, I presume you'd use the tulpa to eliminate your desires and "sense of self" and give yourself a oneness not only with the tulpa but everything else. If I understand that philosophy correctly, enlightenment requires that an individual lose their sense of individuality---not your personality though, just your feeling of "that is you and this is me" and replace it with "we are all one"


WE.... on the other hand, just make the tulpa and then don't bother with the enlightenment part and just have a friend who understands us to talk to.


In theory anyone can do it, although, not everyone should.



You don't make yourself crazy per ce, so much as you exercise strength of will to make a new persona in your head that your subconscious animates for you, and then you forcibly hallucinate it into your vision, which is neurologically possible once you know how memory works. The more a specific pattern of neurons fire, the stronger their connection becomes and the more easily they can fire. And that's how you get a tulpa.




On a note that is merely about semantics, yes, tulpaforcer is literally a made up word, but, in hindsight, all words are invented. I guess it can be classified as slang or at least a colloquial term?? Maybe? :V

  • Brohoof 3
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Making personas in your head, forcing hallucinations, deliberately creating a split personality (which doesn't sound like it should be possible) to talk to...I'm still seeing a lot of big red "crazy" flags. Certainly can't be all that mentally healthy to do such things. And as it's just essentially a hallucination of your own conscious mind, it makes no sense that it would have any more subconscious access than you do.


On an entirely unrelated note, "tulpaforcer" sounds like some manner of Power Ranger or tokusatsu. I'mma trademark that and make a TV show.

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