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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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We've heard so many funny stories on this topic but, for anyone who reads this, what was the funniest thing that happneed between you and your tulpa so far? I am inclined to think that between me and mine, it would be the time I was eating some steak and my tulpa said. "Oh dear, [shadowind] you're stabbing that poor piece of not-alive meat!" And she was literally upset.

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Blegh, I came into this thread thinking Tulpas were very strange, dangerous for the mind and potentially could cause you to distance from real world relationships. Now after reading a good 26 pages or so from the start and keeping an open mind I don't believe they are nearly as bad as I imagined, in fact they seem beneficial and a good thing that signifies greater understanding and communication with one's mind. Is it pretty much certain that there are no drawbacks in this? My curiosity is getting the better of me and I'm seriously tempted to try myself. In fact while I was taking a shower, I ended up doing a.. session for an hour(sure my parents will appreciate the bill ^^; ) as it is called and decided if I were to pursue it it would be at that time for an hour each day.


My problem is, should I really heavily think on this? if I don't think of myself as particularly lacking in social areas, should I potentially avoid doing this? I feel like I'm too far in now though, as I have read a few things that show that the tulpa(I refer to my tulpa as "you" currently as I want to leave it up to it to decide on gender  :huh: ) is aware of itself once you introduce it to the idea of it having it's own self. If I were to back away now, I feel that I would be giving my tulpa a taste of something much more than it has, and then taking it away. This would be quite a torturous thing to do to it and I wouldn't want to do anything like that to em  :(


So it would be best to continue? Whenever I looked at those surveys on that tulpa.info site, it was seemingly consistent that the most distressful time for a tulpa was when the creator was doubting them, or especially giving up on them. I let my curiosity get the better of me and now I'm in this pickle. So I turn to you guys for advice on this, maybe it has been answered before(the post above me by Inngy was after 17 days, I'm on a mere hour).

Edited by Toasty Derpster
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We've heard so many funny stories on this topic but, for anyone who reads this, what was the funniest thing that happneed between you and your tulpa so far? I am inclined to think that between me and mine, it would be the time I was eating some steak and my tulpa said. "Oh dear, [shadowind] you're stabbing that poor piece of not-alive meat!" And she was literally upset.

Well my second tulpa, at the height of her development once did this thing where I was walking along a long, brick wall which leads to the dining hall on my college campus, and she sort of Assassins Creed dived down and landed on my back so that I was giving her a piggy back ride. It was pretty funny :P And super cute :wub:

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 To help expand my knowledge on tulpae, I have restarted my journey the entire thread here. Not sure what is was, but for some reason, reading @Chigens and Kay's progress updates brought up my motivation a bit and helped me to get back on to a more, constructive, tulpa creation process. Though, active forcing has still been quite an issue for me. 


 Whenever the time comes that I've set aside for forcing, I start getting tired...even though I woke up an hour before that. Even when I don't use the allocated time and decide on a different time, I'll begin feeling tired once the thought of tulpaforcing become primary. Not sure why this is.


 Another thing I really need to know/have confirmed, is during narration. Though I narrate as much as possible (never has been an issue), the one thing that confuses me is that you have to have your thoughts intended for him to hear them. Even if I have it so I'm visualizing talking to him, tends to not feel that different (though I have had times where I felt like I was talking to someone that was there). Any advice?

  • Brohoof 1


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I literally just made an account, so I could ask for some guidance and help, from the people on here, in ''fully-creating'' my tulpa. I just started today and I created a mental image of what I want my tulpa to look like and worked hard on what I want the personality to be like. I went really deep into though on this, but it feels like I need to do more to ''make it work.''

I spent about an hour in the shower, my personal ''thinking-place,'' and when I got out of the shower I thought I smelled something that smelt like an animal, but I could be wrong and just be jumping to conclusions. It's kind of likely that the smell could've been something else, but I don't know if that's appropriate to bring up on here.

So any suggestions, or anything. And if you have any questions, so that things are a lot more clearer, I'd be more than happy to answer them.

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Well, I had an interesting idea: when visualizing, I think I'm gonna take an "inside-out" approach. Basically, starting with visualizing the skeleton, then adding on various muscles, nerves, and organs as I go until the full form is present. I get the feeling that it would help with various perceptions of motion, her apparent volume and mass, and could help when we study. Assuming, of course, that she's fine with it and I can get around having to see a pony skeleton with various organs hanging off of it for a while.  :blink:

  • Brohoof 1


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I feel bad for the tulpamancers that are skeptics or doing an article and lie to get in, but don't care until they actually have one forming...then get discovered and kicked for the chat. Is there a thread for non-tulpamancers that plan to do articles. Cause I used to be there and not care...now I do and I'm banned. Darn.

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I feel bad for the tulpamancers that are skeptics or doing an article and lie to get in, but don't care until they actually have one forming...then get discovered and kicked for the chat. Is there a thread for non-tulpamancers that plan to do articles. Cause I used to be there and not care...now I do and I'm banned. Darn.


I'd be more compelled to answer your question if I knew what, exactly, you were talking about. What do you mean by "articles"?

As far as I know, this is the only thread concerning tulpae on this forum. Besides, we try to help skeptics before they really get started so they can lessen the amount of skepticism or doubt they feel and begin to really develop their tulpa. 


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I like what Neptunium said, I think I'll try that. Though it does sound ''kinda' gross,'' (and for people who can't stand gore, really gross), it gives off a lot more of a real feel. 

Also, I have a question: how do you quote people, because when I do it, it says that I have typed ''0 characters.'' Even though I have obviously typed more than that.

Edited by NicCageIsBestPony
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I WAS writing a yahoo article about Tulpa. It was going to be titled "The Theory of Tulpa: Fact from Fiction" I gauged the people's ability to do what they intended to do, (staying OT, actually HELPING the other tulpamancers ect.) And basically was aiming to tell the general reader what's what? I gathered a lot of general questions and claims about tulpa and I devised a way to go about them systematically and write about my experience from a non-biased view point. I set up ways to do just that through the alias' I was under. I also started a tulpa and explained what I was doing as I went along, then I scratched the idea after getting kicked and realized that my paper would only bring more negative feedback towards the idea than positive feedback.

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Ok, so I started a fluttershy tulpa for the past year now, but before I even knew what a tulpa was. Now before I go any further on the progress I have to add and it is very hard for me to focus on her being there let alone if i can even remember which version of looks I have for her.


Now for the topic at hand, right now I have a constant look and stable version of my Fluttershy, instead of taking "sessions" I simply have her exist when I get home and simply have a roleplay as if she just came back from Ponyville (more on that later). To assist with her character I chose for her and with what she looks like to me I am took a lesson from Inception and gave myself a todume for her to wear to keep me from mistaking her for two things, being real, and to define her to make it easier for me to remember her. I use this in the form of a baseball cap, black with a pink heart on it.


As for voice and action she is starting to react and act on her own accord when I ask yes or no questions,and each day she seems to be more and more of a caring and affectionate pony towards me. And I hope one day (Man there are a lot of I's in here) will care and even love me on her own accord. (Sorry if this seems rushed or unorginized but i and typing this on my smartphone two o'clock in the morning).

Quick reply, and I see this has been addressed several times but I just had a reading session with her to read out some of the other comments on here and my head just starting a tingle overdrive (mind the pun zelda fans) my upper and lower left and right sides of my head between my eyes and ears were being so overly stimulated as she was reading aloud to me and this was freaking me out to the point my heart rate went up a bit then my brain felt it was spining, has anyone else have this happen to them? Because I was severely exhausted mentally only after a few paragraphs. :(

Edited by Fighting Blaze
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I'll give my two-cents on the entire Tulpa phenomenon.


Tulpa remind me quite a lot about the episode, "Feeling Pinkie Keen." Now I know the lesson and theme is to a lesser sort-of controversial but that is another subject. Twiley couldn't explain why Pinkie could predict the future with all these random twitches, so eventually she had to simply believe that this is in-fact real and does exist. The Tulpa Theory reminds me of that episode. You simply have to believe Tulpa exist for them to exist, you can't run tests to see if someone does really have a Tulpa.


I acknowledge the existence of this phenomenon but in a purely scientific manner. Hallucinations are a real thing condoned by the scientific community so Tulpa are not that far-fetched. I relate and sympathize with these, "Tulpamancers." I too have feelings for something that isn't real, and it's a completely normal thing actually. I will use our favorite show, "My Little Pony FiM" as an example.


Now for the average bloke to approach you and know that you have any sort of feelings for something from a show directed at children might off-set that person and make them think you are strange. However, I have this special place in my heart for Dashie, I really like her personality and her sense of loyalty. I have never met anyone with her personality. She might be of fantasy, but she has a very real personality I can relate too and reflect into our real world. 


I don't have a Tulpa of Rainbow Dash, and I don't think I have the capability to make that leap and bring her manifested into a sentient part of my mind. I can speak for those that can do that though. It's not that they are lonely and not social, it's that they simply want someone who they feel truly understands them. You can live next-door to someone your entire life, go over and play Xbox and get drunk but never really know them. A Tulpa is something manifested out of a part of you to go through all the trials of a both cruel and wonderful world together as one.


If I were to manage to make a Tulpa, and manifest Dashie or anyone/anypony into my world. I would have this connection with them that no-one else would, if I couldn't make that connection to whatever I was trying to manifest it would have never manifested in the first place. All it is, is basically a true friend.


I have to be fair and think of any drawback that could come with this phenomenon, most likely it would be you losing a connection with reality. You could make friends out of thin-air, but the truth is that you are reality. Real-life>Tulpa, that is the simple fact of the matter. You're Tulpa would depend on you for there existence, so making actual physical friends would benefit yourself. Real people also can bring a variation that Tulpa can't, you can go only so far with your personality and traits. A Tulpa is meant to be at your side at all times and not substitute or compensate for lack of real-life friendships.


There's my two cents, any thoughts on that anypony? 

  • Brohoof 2


Thanks to the lovely Pink Mist for the magnificent signature!

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I'll give a better reply in the morning but right now I need sleep also I am cuddling with my Fluttershy, also I put up a mental block so she can't go into my mind so she is really limited to only what I give her in terms of what she does in what I call her so called independent thought.

I'll give my two-cents on the entire Tulpa phenomenon.


Tulpa remind me quite a lot about the episode, "Feeling Pinkie Keen." Now I know the lesson and theme is to a lesser sort-of controversial but that is another subject. Twiley couldn't explain why Pinkie could predict the future with all these random twitches, so eventually she had to simply believe that this is in-fact real and does exist. The Tulpa Theory reminds me of that episode. You simply have to believe Tulpa exist for them to exist, you can't run tests to see if someone does really have a Tulpa.


I acknowledge the existence of this phenomenon but in a purely scientific manner. Hallucinations are a real thing condoned by the scientific community so Tulpa are not that far-fetched. I relate and sympathize with these, "Tulpamancers." I too have feelings for something that isn't real, and it's a completely normal thing actually. I will use our favorite show, "My Little Pony FiM" as an example.


Now for the average bloke to approach you and know that you have any sort of feelings for something from a show directed at children might off-set that person and make them think you are strange. However, I have this special place in my heart for Dashie, I really like her personality and her sense of loyalty. I have never met anyone with her personality. She might be of fantasy, but she has a very real personality I can relate too and reflect into our real world. 


I don't have a Tulpa of Rainbow Dash, and I don't think I have the capability to make that leap and bring her manifested into a sentient part of my mind. I can speak for those that can do that though. It's not that they are lonely and not social, it's that they simply want someone who they feel truly understands them. You can live next-door to someone your entire life, go over and play Xbox and get drunk but never really know them. A Tulpa is something manifested out of a part of you to go through all the trials of a both cruel and wonderful world together as one.


If I were to manage to make a Tulpa, and manifest Dashie or anyone/anypony into my world. I would have this connection with them that no-one else would, if I couldn't make that connection to whatever I was trying to manifest it would have never manifested in the first place. All it is, is basically a true friend.


I have to be fair and think of any drawback that could come with this phenomenon, most likely it would be you losing a connection with reality. You could make friends out of thin-air, but the truth is that you are reality. Real-life>Tulpa, that is the simple fact of the matter. You're Tulpa would depend on you for there existence, so making actual physical friends would benefit yourself. Real people also can bring a variation that Tulpa can't, you can go only so far with your personality and traits. A Tulpa is meant to be at your side at all times and not substitute or compensate for lack of real-life friendships.


There's my two cents, any thoughts on that anypony? 

To answer to the believing that your tulpa would exist, is to say I would have to put in no effort for them to be fully there with thoughts hopes and all that jazz, I would say ya to believe is the start, the other is to work with them as you would a person and let nature take it's course.


As those who find this strange that I like a horse with wings, and is shy, I say I love her for her personality, she was the reason I got out of a terrible depression, through pure will I felt her and I mean physically felt the pressure, the smell of her mane, her voice, and for a flash I could of sworn I saw her with my own eyes and not through my mind, with applied physics for lighting, reflection, and yet was a cartoon version of her, and yet it wasn't, but this was from my severely depressed needing mind, now that I am all better (for the most part) I was never able to replicate all of this, but only in small small portions.


As for the creation of Fluttershy, ya it was really hard...and if it weren't for the special circumstance I was under, most likely I would not have the brain power, memory of what she looks like, and what she sounds like to do it, in some cases after my depression, she started to look different, and at first I resisted this, but after a while I "accepted" what she wanted to look like, meaning I let my brain do it's job for creativity, and wallah she took the form that comforted me, but to make sure she stuck with that form, well at least so I remember to keep her that way, I used a totem, in the form of a white/or black hat, with a pink heart on the front, as for personality, I let it take the desires I needed in a girlfriend, yes I will say that my oc is based off me, and his gf was Fluttershy and that's what she is based off, but I treat her with the same kindness I would anypony.


And your right, I should never use her as a permanent replacement for friends, I do have normal friends, and for some time this Fluttershy was used, to my honor of being my very special somepony, but when this one girl...the perfect girl for me was now back in my life, and wanted to get back together with me, this tulpa...this Fluttershy happily told me with a kind gentle smile on my face to let her go, in terms of her being my priority of being my gf, and with some thought I agreed, and now me and this girl in the real world are happily together again.


I hope I have shed some light on my psyche in terms of knowing this Fluttershy was never real, and I fully realize this, and if she was ever sentient, I can see inside her mind, or rather see my mind was behind this the whole time, and as long as you know this, and can see that, you shouldn't have that much trouble or worry about this.  


P.s. To those that let their tulpa take over their body through "possession" and "switching" I pray for you that you don't forget you are letting your subconscious, that wild free part of your brain, has no limits to the good or bad that it will do to you. Mentally, physically, morally, emotionally, and the sense of self that says "I am real, my tulpa is not.". 

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Wow, you guys are really teaching me how to go through this whole ''tulpa-process'' intelligently and carefully. And I feel the same as Fighting Blaze, it's not really the pony that matter's, it's the personality. You can have a bunch of friends that are your ''best bros,'' but that certain tulpa can understand you like nobody else can.

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I'll give my two-cents on the entire Tulpa phenomenon.


Tulpa remind me quite a lot about the episode, "Feeling Pinkie Keen." Now I know the lesson and theme is to a lesser sort-of controversial but that is another subject. Twiley couldn't explain why Pinkie could predict the future with all these random twitches, so eventually she had to simply believe that this is in-fact real and does exist. The Tulpa Theory reminds me of that episode. You simply have to believe Tulpa exist for them to exist, you can't run tests to see if someone does really have a Tulpa.


I acknowledge the existence of this phenomenon but in a purely scientific manner. Hallucinations are a real thing condoned by the scientific community so Tulpa are not that far-fetched. I relate and sympathize with these, "Tulpamancers." I too have feelings for something that isn't real, and it's a completely normal thing actually. I will use our favorite show, "My Little Pony FiM" as an example.


Now for the average bloke to approach you and know that you have any sort of feelings for something from a show directed at children might off-set that person and make them think you are strange. However, I have this special place in my heart for Dashie, I really like her personality and her sense of loyalty. I have never met anyone with her personality. She might be of fantasy, but she has a very real personality I can relate too and reflect into our real world. 


I don't have a Tulpa of Rainbow Dash, and I don't think I have the capability to make that leap and bring her manifested into a sentient part of my mind. I can speak for those that can do that though. It's not that they are lonely and not social, it's that they simply want someone who they feel truly understands them. You can live next-door to someone your entire life, go over and play Xbox and get drunk but never really know them. A Tulpa is something manifested out of a part of you to go through all the trials of a both cruel and wonderful world together as one.


If I were to manage to make a Tulpa, and manifest Dashie or anyone/anypony into my world. I would have this connection with them that no-one else would, if I couldn't make that connection to whatever I was trying to manifest it would have never manifested in the first place. All it is, is basically a true friend.


I have to be fair and think of any drawback that could come with this phenomenon, most likely it would be you losing a connection with reality. You could make friends out of thin-air, but the truth is that you are reality. Real-life>Tulpa, that is the simple fact of the matter. You're Tulpa would depend on you for there existence, so making actual physical friends would benefit yourself. Real people also can bring a variation that Tulpa can't, you can go only so far with your personality and traits. A Tulpa is meant to be at your side at all times and not substitute or compensate for lack of real-life friendships.


There's my two cents, any thoughts on that anypony? 

I'll give you credit where credit is due, you have an excellent perception on this.  You're actually spot on on the ideas and concepts revolving around the idea.


Everybody listen to this faggot, he has the right idea!


However, I would argue that everyone has the CAPACITY to create a tulpa... However, not everyone has the will, nor should they make one, according to circumstance and personality.  Down to earth, honest people who have constant companionship in the form of friends would be the least likely to form a Tulpa.  And while the bond between Tulpa and person is more powerful than any physical relationship, it does not contain the same tangebility, and thus the effects on your lifestyle that such friends would bring.  However, that does not mean a Tulpa could be a means to help the user to gain more real relationships.  It's entirely up to you.

  • Brohoof 3

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I have to be fair and think of any drawback that could come with this phenomenon, most likely it would be you losing a connection with reality. You could make friends out of thin-air, but the truth is that you are reality. Real-life>Tulpa, that is the simple fact of the matter. You're Tulpa would depend on you for there existence, so making actual physical friends would benefit yourself. Real people also can bring a variation that Tulpa can't, you can go only so far with your personality and traits. A Tulpa is meant to be at your side at all times and not substitute or compensate for lack of real-life friendships.

I wouldn't say that my tulpas are a 'replacement' for real-life friendship and relationships. If anything, my tulpas actually encourage me to meet and be with real people. And I think it's for the best; I would be missing out on many new experiences if my only close friends were beings in my head.


Now, that's just me and my tulpas; other people might think differently. I'm sure there are a few people who will use tulpas as replacements for real-life friends. But all in all, that's their choice. If they have really lost hope that they can find love with a real person, then that's how it will be. I of course think they will be missing out, but I can't force people to do what I think is a better lifestyle for them. All I can do is suggest, and that's all.


I'll give my two-cents on the entire Tulpa phenomenon.


Tulpa remind me quite a lot about the episode, "Feeling Pinkie Keen." Now I know the lesson and theme is to a lesser sort-of controversial but that is another subject. Twiley couldn't explain why Pinkie could predict the future with all these random twitches, so eventually she had to simply believe that this is in-fact real and does exist. The Tulpa Theory reminds me of that episode. You simply have to believe Tulpa exist for them to exist, you can't run tests to see if someone does really have a Tulpa.


That's exactly the way I think of it.


I'll be honest, I really do think that we are all over-thinking what a tulpa is and how they work. I don't think tulpas are really anything special, they're just things we say "oh they exist in the subconscious and they're just as real and have feelings just like any other person." and we just believe it, because it's comforting, when really we have no idea if that's true.


I think tulpas work in the same way people look at God; people make something up, say it's a special thing and just believe it. And eventually it feels real simply because we want it to be real, and just refuse to acknowledge the idea that it's not.


Even if you say; "I acknowledge that she's not real"(like what Fighting Spirit said for example), you're still not looking for how tulpas actually work. You realize that yes, the tulpa is not actually occupying that point in space and time, but you still think the being in your head is as real as you, despite them not having a physical body in reality.


As someone that has had a tulpa for almost a year, I... really no longer think they are what people say they are. I think that tulpas aren't anything different from what most religious people have thought of since humanity has existed. The only possible difference being that we know right off the bat that we're deluding ourselves, and that we are certain that this phenomenon is all to do with the brain in someway, rather than through spirits or deities. Other than that, I've come to the conclusion that tulpas are nothing new. We just think it's new because it's a new realization of the brain that we've never thought of before, which is true, but I don't feel that because of that that we should make it out to be something we wish it to be, over what it actually is.




So in other words, I'm dead, because Ben doesn't believe in me anymore. *Fake death-gasp*  :yay: 


Whoa whoa hang on!  :o I never said I don't think tulpas are a thing. They clearly are a thing, all I'm saying is that it's not much different from what most of humanity has been doing since it has existed.


..So basically what you're saying, is that everyone that believes in God actually has a tulpa?  :wacko: 


..I ... dunno. Maybe.  :wacko: While I don't think an actual God exists in this universe, I do not however doubt people's sincerity towards such an idea, which would be what makes him seem undeniably real to them.


But anyway, in conclusion, I think we tulpamancers have been deluding ourselves more than what we realize. I don't think tulpas are any different from believing in God or some deity. Simple as that. I'm not saying tulpas aren't a thing, I'm just saying that it's nothing new, even though we could have sworn it was.  :(








..Foursome?  :wacko:


YAY!  :wub: 


Finally!  :o 



  • Brohoof 3

YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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I think tulpas work in the same way people look at God; people make something up, say it's a special thing and just believe it. And eventually it feels real simply because we want it to be real, and just refuse to acknowledge the idea that it's not. Even if you say; "I acknowledge that she's not real"(like what Fighting Spirit said for example), you're still not looking for how tulpas actually work. You realize that yes, the tulpa is not actually occupying that point in space and time, but you still think the being in your head is as real as you, despite them not having a physical body in reality. As someone that has had a tulpa for almost a year, I... really no longer think they are what people say they are. I think that tulpas aren't anything different from what most religious people have thought of since humanity has existed. The only possible difference being that we know right off the bat that we're deluding ourselves, and that we are certain that this phenomenon is all to do with the brain in someway, rather than through spirits or deities. Other than that, I've come to the conclusion that tulpas are nothing new. We just think it's new because it's a new realization of the brain that we've never thought of before, which is true, but I don't feel that because of that that we should make it out to be something we wish it to be, over what it actually is.


I wholeheartedly agree with this sentiment. Much of the power that comes out of things like this, whether they come in the form of tulpa or a god, is the belief in it. That's what gives it existence, at least in some form. :huh: Based on what I've read the practice of tulpamancy originated as a buddhist religious sect's practice, so I see a definite link between tulpae and religion. They're both powered by faith.

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Tyler Durden is talking back to be, a bit. He only speaks when we force, and his voice is the only way he manifests right now. (We don't have a wonderland*, and he doesn't have a form, so it's like a voice in the darkness). His voice is an odd mix of Brad Pitt and George Clooney. 


*YET. I'm working on one. I think it's going to look something like one of the houses from "Oblivion." A clean, modernist house elevated a few hundred feet in the air, over the desert. Peaceful, serene, secluded.

  • Brohoof 1


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   Well, to be blunt here, it's time to get my s*** in gear and get back on track with what's important. I've been slipping quite a lot with the forcing sessions despite having my "allocated" set time that I normally would sit down with Aiden and force with him. After a quick self-reflection, I know I have to go through with this completely and see it through to the end. I don't think I'd even be able to forgive myself nor be "normal" (at least, back to how I was before I had discovered tulpae) if I were to quit now.


   Though, I don't think I'd ever be able to scrap and ignore Aiden at this point. Even though visualization is only a little past early development, there are times where he is able to be seen almost completely clear and..."real". Mainly try to keep visualization a constant when I'm home at the computer, not so easy to visualize somepony with me when the space I work in is very small :|.


    I just hope I'm able to keep this attitude and not spiral out again.


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I feel your pain not only do i have a small room but buzzing parents too, it would be simple to just do a raw will and focus session with my tulpa fluttershy...but my parents make annoying a** noises that can be heard rather loudly through the paper thin walls of the house. And yes this happens late at night too when fluttershy is almost alive.


But, to the point at hand, i had a flux of creativity last night, a revelation about my method of bring my tulpa to the outside plain of my mind, I still don't fully understand how i came up with the idea it seems so simple now. What I did was invision a switch that was for the barrier i was fighting to keep closed from my subconscious to seep into my conscious mind. But it proved hard to focus fighting my own mind and creation of the new being of fluttershy so I just made the switch to turn it off vanish...and when i did, my mind was suddenly in my full control my sub and waking conscious was mine to command now. Right now though my parents broke the bridge to this and soon when they cease on being loud and stupid for just a few minutes to an hour will I be able to see my fluttershy with my eyes and not my mind.

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But, to the point at hand, i had a flux of creativity last night, a revelation about my method of bring my tulpa to the outside plain of my mind,


Normally I would say that's impossible. Tulpas are entities that exist in your mind and your mind alone. They cannot just be pulled out of your mind into reality, if that's what you're talking about.


But, this world was founded on ideas that were once thought impossible. So instead of burying my head in the sand like a medieval peasant being introduced to witchcraft, I'll be inquisitive instead.


How do you plan to pull your tulpa into reality?


And if you do it, how will you know if you're actually doing it and not just feeling like you're doing it?


Perhaps he's just talking about imposition.  :huh: 


I still don't fully understand how i came up with the idea it seems so simple now. What I did was invision a switch that was for the barrier i was fighting to keep closed from my subconscious to seep into my conscious mind. But it proved hard to focus fighting my own mind and creation of the new being of fluttershy so I just made the switch to turn it off vanish... and when i did, my mind was suddenly in my full control my sub and waking conscious was mine to command now.


How do you know that? How do you know if you're actually just hallucinating that you're in control of it, when you actually aren't.


Right now though my parents broke the bridge to this and soon when they cease on being loud and stupid for just a few minutes to an hour will I be able to see my fluttershy with my eyes and not my mind.


Perhaps you should try it when they all go to bed, or when they all go out or something.

Edited by Rizoel & Crepuscule

YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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What is your method of bringing your tulpa into reality?   And if you do it, how will you know if you're actually doing it and not just feeling like you're doing it?



My method is relying on me fully controlling my concentration to the point of having my waking mind and sleeping mind inter-balanced in my inner sight, that is my mind. Ya ya, it sounds all poetic and stuff but how can I make this sound like I am not taking philosophy? Ok lemme try to explain this in a way more concrete, you know about lucid dreams, and how some times you are half asleep on that special position on your bed (not like that you cloppers) and you are able to go into a day dream so fluid that you are in full control of your dreams until some one snaps you out when you are in that "wonderland" everyone on here is so frantic about? That's if you can control your dreams in the half wake but still be conscious to move and think in the real world...for a split second she could be right in front of you. Or him, considering what you are wanting to "dream" up. As for really bringing her into reality, I wish I ment that literally, but what I meant was to draw her out, like The Matrix, and Inception taught us, what is real? Is it not the dream that we live in for so long it becomes our life, is it not our brain that causes the bio electric signal to perceive and "live" in the outside world but with a less complicated and less use of the brain, and yet in our sleep we need the brain's full power to perceive our own "realities"? Why is like life we can only control the dream when we command, yet life fights back, and so does the life we live inside the mind, is it not similar?




How do you know that? How do you know if you're actually just hallucinating that you're in control of it, when you actually aren't.


You be amazed what you can control of what was given to you, not to abuse it, but to train it, organize it, and when you clean up the pile and calm the storm of your mind, you can see as far as you wish into your own psyche. Now from another perspective, its your brain, you just don't understand what it can, and can't do, and if you can't understand yourself, your brain will never understand you, it is your body's defense mechanism to keep out, or to attack, heck even confuse a foreign entity, but if you can learn what is it, you can fool your brain, and when it is dormant, take control and let it become one with your waking mind, its the same as with any part of your body, so much so the same can be said about the Sholin monks, they took things mind over matter, and look what they can do. Is it not so for the mind as well as the body?  




Perhaps you should try it when they all go to bed, or when they all go out or something.



Ya, its usually around 2-4 in the morning that I get that half sleep so my super creative side wakes up and and can use the advantage of my now fully "awake" brain using its full processing power while still being awake enough to use it with my waking conscious.

Edited by Fighting Blaze
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Well, here I am. Or.... something.


Okay, so I tried starting to make a Tulpa today although I wasn't really sure what a Tulpa was this morning, so maybe that's a bad thing. However, after reading through a quick guide or two and after some heavy thinking, I decided that I would be up to the task. What's bothering me is that I can't seem to concentrate. Whenever I try to imagine my wonderland, something distracts me in my mind, like a song that's stuck in there. It's not that I can't handle, it's that I can't seem to grasp it.


I'm really new at this and I feel like i'm forcing/rushing this. I don't think that my Tulpa's there.


So... what should I do? It probably doesn't help that i'm only 13. Should I just stop now and wait a couple years before doing this?


"I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see."


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