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Tulpa Discussion Thread V1.2

Rizoel & Crepuscule

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Im pretty sure most discussions involve opposite opinions, I am discussing why I think using Tulpas are bad and gave my reasons why, if you don't like it then thats your opinion, don't bash other people for disagreeing :)


I know most discussions do involve input from both sides- but in this case, it isn't just negative feedback. It's pure bashing, and that isn't what the thread was started for.



Hmm. Interesting. I'm definitely going to look into this more.


I hope you do! And certainly let us know if you decide to make a tulpa yourself.

  • Brohoof 1


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I know most discussions do involve input from both sides- but in this case, it isn't just negative feedback. It's pure bashing, and that isn't what the thread was started for.




I hope you do! And certainly let us know if you decide to make a tulpa yourself.


Then I suggest you learn what having an opinion means, my opinion is that it's bad, get over yourself please :) 



Character Backstory: http://mlpforums.com/blog/1210/entry-7077-a-life-without-limits/












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At any rate, I'm going to ignore you now. In actual tulpa related news, my wonderland changed yesterday night... again. It sort of changed into a hospital and I just decided to roll with it! I have Shy's heart and brain inside of cases, and I'm pouring the personality traits into them, then once that's done I plan to just put the heart/brain inside of her and hope for some sort of response!


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I'm disappointed that this discussion thread clearly has become such a promotion and support group for distancing yourself from reality. The same discussion came up on a different pony forum and there was a lot more warnings and thought given on why anyone would want to go down this lonely road. Almost everyone there recommended NOT to and explained WHY. Personally i'd recommend trying to make your real lives better, less lonely, and interract with your fellow bronies in real life then trying to force hallucinations, mess with your brain, and create alternate realities to join another part of the fannon or to avoid the holes in your life. It's anyone's choice to what they want to do. I just want to add that warning label to the pills your guys are recommending taking.....


I understand where you are coming from. But honestly not everyone who makes a tulpa should be labeled as lonely or whatever. Some would want to make one to help them become better persons or for other reasons. But it is not harming anyone by making one.

  • Brohoof 2



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First off, if you're on the tulpa discussion thread to try and discourage people from making them, it'd be nice if you got off the thread. Moving on.




It's a discussion forum and that does contain people who may oppose it. Clearly the fact that this thread has gone on for 151 pages means i'm the minority opinion at this point and that's to be expected. But I'm not bashing it even if i do have a negative outlook on it. If someone want to come in here and says I'm interested in tulpas it's only fair to warn them of the dangers with creating breaks with their reality, not just paint it a rosey picture of having an imaginary friend while being an adult. At some point it's important to question the WHY anyone would do such a thing and whether people really should go down this road.


Again people take LSD and join cults for similar reasons (boredom, loneliness, it looks interesting) so its up to people if they ultimately decide to do something. That doesn't mean its a smart decision.

I have made brony music since 2011. I like all kinds of music and genres. I'm sure you'll like some of it..

Here's My YouTube..I have several albums on Bandcamp and Pony.FM.

Check out the 20+ Musician project Maressey which I am running. 


Check out the  Brony Music Directory and FimMusic. A portal to all things Brony + Music.

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Freewave, the posts on the forum you linked bring up some good points, but is there any documented evidence of the risks, like non-Creepypasta reports of someone who had <insert bad thing here> happen because of a tulpa?


Most of the things I've read about people being against tulpae was usually things like 'I'd rather have real friends, thanks' or the 'bordering schizophrenia' theory. And that one creepypasta. But I've never read someone actually having a 'bad experience' with their tulpa. And even if they did, you can kill a tulpa.


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I don't necessarily disagree with tulpa-forcing. I can fully understand the want or need to get one. But I feel that some people are jumping into this without realizing fully what they are getting themselves into.

First of all Tulpa-forcing is not something that should be done because it’s “trendy” or just because you want to talk to a pony. Tulpae are really a life decision and will probably be with you your whole life. Based on what some of you guys have been saying, a host gets attached to his/her tulpa very early on, so killing a tulpa is probably very difficult.


Freewave, the posts on the forum you linked bring up some good points, but is there any documented evidence of the risks, like non-Creepypasta reports of someone who had <insert bad thing here> happen because of a tulpa?



What us on the MLR forum are really trying to get at is the potential psychological dangers of having a Tulpa. We may not have reliable stories about possible dangers, but keep in mind that Tulpae are new to first world countries, we haven’t really had the chance to study them. Speaking of which, has anyone taken the time to talk to a psychiatrist about tulpae? If anyone were to know about multi personalities and hallucinations, it would be them.

  • Brohoof 1
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I told my tulpa that I wouldn't do any forcing until I was clear on whether or not it could pose a threat to one's mental, physical, or emotional well-being, and she's been absent. Am I the only one who's experienced that and felt kind of...I don't know, empty or lonely or something? Does it mean anything if my eyebrows tingled?

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Calm down here :3 as it was stated, this thread is discussion, so all options allowed. It would be different if it was like tulpa fanclub.



I don't think this thread is like promotional. There are also statements against creating a tulpae.... sometimes :P I agree with the fact that tulpae shouldn't be created just for fun or just because it is 'cool', but I also think that most of people here don't have the patience and will give up on it the next month so there shouldn't be a problem.. I sometimes ask why do people here make one and if they have good reason, then why not. Tulpae can help you to get through difficult situation in life, because they can be with you all the time, but real people cannot.

I do have two and we're happy together, but sure we encountered some problems.

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Hello everyone. I'm thinking of creating a tulpa. For multiple reasons really. Only problem is, my mind won't shut up about random things when I try to force. Anyways, if anyone wants to give me advice feel free to pm me


When you say your mind "won't shut up", do you mean that you aren't able to easily focus upon one simply object (or a multiple if your'e using a wonderland at the time of that forcing session)? There are many ways you can actually go about helping to clear your mind, though, to some people, it is just hard-wired in their system to not be able to focus on a small set of items for a prolonged period of time. 


One of the ways that I found to be most effective, was utilizing basic breathing meditation. Just before you are about to relax and force, either set some very calm music or no music at all (I prefer music as, being that I can get side-tracked quite a bit, gives another thing to grab onto to place me back on track), and focus on your deep breathing. Make sure you're sitting comfortable enough (just like during a normal forcing session) but not enough to where you fall asleep :P. At first, you may only be able to go for ~5 minutes, but a good amount of time to do this would be 10 minutes. But if you really want to increase the amount of time you're able to keep focus, each time you meditate, add 5 more minutes to the counter, or even every other session or every three depending on how you feel. 


There's another method in which you have four cards, each of which has an amount of solid dots on them, 1 and up to 4. First, you take the card with a single dot, and make sure you have a perfect visual of it in your head (simple right?). After you know your visual is good, then begin to focus on that dot, and only that dot. The challenge here is to go 5-10 minutes without your focus wavering from that dot at all. Once you've done that, then you can move onto visualizing the next card, two dots, and so on and so forth until you're able to focus on 4 dots without you concentration breaking.


Breaking your mind from being so active can be quite hard, as I've already said, so it does take some time before you can just sit down and relax enough for your mind to focus easily. Just remember you can always hit up the tulpa forum board for guides about this sort of thing.

  • Brohoof 1


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Hello everyone. I'm thinking of creating a tulpa. For multiple reasons really. Only problem is, my mind won't shut up about random things when I try to force. Anyways, if anyone wants to give me advice feel free to pm me



You could also try using guided meditation to calm down and relax before forcing. I use those pretty regularly, though mostly to calm down before sleep. 


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That's exactly what I meant, I'm actually usually great at focusing but I try to force and other random thoughts pop into my head and then I go off on a tangent and think about that. It's like my mind gets busy, full of thoughts. Thanks for the tips, I will try them.

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I've recently been focused on finding out whether or not tulpaforcing has any negative effects. How long can I go without forcing before my tulpa dissipates? I don't want that to happen, but I also don't want to push myself that much closer to a hypothetical negative thing.


EDIT: I figured that my tulpa hasn't gotten in the way of things like work, eating, etc., and if there were risks, SOMEONE here would've mentioned them.

Edited by KruegerMeister
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I've recently been focused on finding out whether or not tulpaforcing has any negative effects. How long can I go without forcing before my tulpa dissipates? I don't want that to happen, but I also don't want to push myself that much closer to a hypothetical negative thing.


Probably as long as you like, if you just take some time to remember about it every now and then. 

But if you dont have even 5-10 minutes a day for active forcing.. maybe you just dont need one? 


As for negative effects - well, be ready that your mind and outlook on life will change permanently.

And of course it might cause some issues to your psyche (or resolve some, YMMV). 

I seriously doubt that there's uncontrollable physical negative effects. 

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I know that tulpas need consent to possess you, but does it have to be explicit? Say people find out about some deep, dark secret you have (like being a Brony). You're trying to explain it, but you just keep digging yourself deeper. Could your tulpa possess you and explain the secret, even if you'd only consent when looking back on it because the possession had a good outcome?

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I know that tulpas need consent to possess you, but does it have to be explicit? Say people find out about some deep, dark secret you have (like being a Brony). You're trying to explain it, but you just keep digging yourself deeper. Could your tulpa possess you and explain the secret, even if you'd only consent when looking back on it because the possession had a good outcome?


Theoretically yes, they might have a better access to memory and can possess your body without explicit permission. 

But that requires for them to be very developed (let alone vocal).

If that's the case then, can you just ask your tulpa about whether it he/she would do it, or maybe even ask them not to (if that's what you want)? 

They aren't animals or toys, they can understand, especially if you explain why it's so important to you. 

Edited by LunarWave

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My tulpa seemed to be giving me the silent treatment, or something like it. I asked if she wanted to talk. The first thing that popped into my head was her shaking her head. When I asked why, the things that popped into my head were the scene where Pinkie's mad at Applejack in The Last Roundup, and then a picture of a monster I associate with the demon Tulpa from the creepypasta. The scene with Pinkie is because we Pinkie Promised that I wouldn't do any tulpaforcing until I knew the risks, if there are any. I asked three of my professors, but found the info I was after on Reddit. Does anyone think the source of the answers has anything to do with why I saw the creepypasta-related image?

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I think what you need is to learn more about psychology and personality. (either from verifyable forum posts or good books on the subject)

I would know if I had something like this, or at least I could build a theory about what might've caused it and then either solve the issue entirely or forget about it.

But unfortunately I am not in your mind and cant know your past, views or opinions :)


Also, while this opinion is unpopular  and often booed at (or at least I heard so) in tulpa community, not everything that pops into your head even while actively tulpaforcing is product of tulpa's mind.  Might be something you would like to keep in mind or look into. 

Edited by LunarWave

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I gave up on making my tulpa...well for now, because I've been getting a LOT of painful headaches over the past few weeks. So for now I'm just going with an imaginary friend.

Edited by Scarlet Letter


She's a lot like me in a way^

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Still stick to my stance where there is not normal at all / still very unhealthy, the more you convince your self that something is real when it isn't is bad. 



Character Backstory: http://mlpforums.com/blog/1210/entry-7077-a-life-without-limits/












You are stardust that’s beaten the odds and combined perfectly.



You are both the moon you walk under and the ground you walk on.






                                                                                        You are a part of it all, neither big nor small.


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I gave up on making my tulpa...well for now, because I've been getting a LOT of painful headaches over the past few weeks. So for now I'm just going with an imaginary friend.

Just so you know, a lot of what I read indicates that that means its working  :P

supposedly your tulpa attempting to communicate before becoming vocal, I would recommend trying a little longer before giving up.

  • Brohoof 1


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Still stick to my stance where there is not normal at all / still very unhealthy, the more you convince your self that something is real when it isn't is bad. 


The realness of a tulpa is something I've been inwardly debating since I started working on my first tulpa ~1.5 years ago. After about 5 or 6 months I had experienced a vivid, alien thought that I believed had came from my tulpa, but for some reason I caved and questioned the existence of it until I couldn't believe that what I had experienced was true, and that I had been lying to myself the entire time. Likely this was the case, but my belief system was also paper thin to the point that a single question or statement could cause me to doubt any progress I had made. At this point, tulpas seemed more like intangible mental beings than thoughts/habits/processes to me. Around 7 months in, I had abandoned my first tulpa and witnessed what was effectively an intentional suicide of a second tulpa (long, stupid story that I'll skip, basically the tulpa no longer saw a purpose or point in itself).


I suscribed to a more personal belief system, one that been flexible enough for me to adapt to new information or ideas that I have, instead of believing a tulpa's existence "just because." But now I return to the point. It's been difficult trying to completely believe in the existence of my tulpas (I began working on a fresh one after abandoning my first, and my first later returned without any explaination) when I'm still not sure of their realness. Are tulpas just habits, are they any different than a character of a novel just in a different context? I've accepted the probable fact that I'm really just fooling my brain, but why can I believe this and still value communicating with my tulpas? They aren't even a substitute for human interaction, which is another thing I've battled with and overcome. So why do I keep thinking to and about them, and find myself making (ever-so-slow) progress? I don't even know at this point. It's just something I'm slowly accepting as it being what it is despite the constant shifts in beliefs.


Just thought I'd offer my experience thus far. I'm far from being the most advanced or effective tulpa person, but my own, personal journey has changed me in its own unique way and is meaningful because of that. (Seriously, some people are so friggin' deep into it... their tulpa is 100% real and interactive... I feel like I'm at the 1-5% mark or something lol.)

  • Brohoof 2
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