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open Transformation Time! (RP)

Emerald Heart

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@ExplosionMare @Lord Valtasar @Splashee

Emerald Heart thanked Granite Rose for the coins, promising to pay him back. She followed his line of vision to one of the salads on the cart, and smiled.

She was about to go get the food and pay the mare when she saw Splashee waddling away, her eyes then noticing the seeds on the ground.

"Oh, dear..." She mumbled to herself, before tapping the mare on her hoof and offering the bits to her.

She seemed shocked, but took them anyway. 

"So, I'm assuming you want something?"

She pointed at one of the salads and the mare smiled, handing it to her.

Then she gave it to the turtle, smiling at him.

"We probably should go after him." Emerald announced, "Celestia knows what havoc he could be getting himself into right now."

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Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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"i'm not sure we'll help him that way, you distracted that lady enough for her to loose track of him, all of us searching for him may just alert his assailants. Emerald, you're the silent one, i suggest you find him and make sure he's well hidden, if there are any complications you come tell us at once, if not, then we wait until this ride is over, it's not very safe for him to be in the open anymore" it wasn't the best plan, but it was better than all of them roaming around the train at once, they were bound to get kicked at some point if they did, especially after this incident

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Splashee had reached an empty train car. He was standing with his back up close against the wall just next to the doorway he came from. He was waiting for whomever was following him. This was not the friendly pony Splashee anymore. This was a focused assassin, waiting for his pray!

He knew he was followed. He could feel it. His heart was beating faster, time slowed down. He could hear light steps coming closer and closer!

The door opened! He turned his head towards the intruder, pounced with his deadly duck wings, bumped straight into Emerald, rolled over her while realizing who it was and ended up with a quite weird hug with the confused cat.

"How's it going Miss Emerald?", he mumbled, blushing.

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The train was suddenly braking. The walls of outer Canterlot and the gardens could be seen through the window.

"Ahem, I was... Oh we are there!", Splashee said with relief as he noticed the temper on Emerald face.

"We gotta get to someplace safe to talk about things. There are a lot to talk about... Do you know anypony that lives in Canterlot?" He asked Emerald. Trying to get her to forget the embarrassment that took place moments ago.

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@Splashee @Lord Valtasar @ExplosionMare

"I do, but that's not the point here. Are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere?" She questioned, looking him over in concern, "Please tell me you're okay."

If cats had tear ducts, boy would she be crying right now.

Edited by Emerald<3
I used "Your" instead of "You're"
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Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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"Good, we need to head there right away, let's get the others", Splashee almost pushed Emerald aside, completely misjudging her feelings at that very time.

"Canterlot is bigger inside than it looks from the outside, and there are a lot of royal guards making sure no suspicions activities are happening". Splashee turned around and looked at Emerald who was refusing to move with him.

He looked at her, said "Quack! I mean, let's move! Time is of the essence"

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@Splashee @Lord Valtasar @ExplosionMare

Emerald's ears drooped down and her tail went limp as she stared sadly at her supposed "friend."

He was so controlling and uncaring, it actually made her sad. He had hurt her feelings and didn't seem to care. 

She was the last one to join the others, just standing quietly on the ground as the train came to a stop.

Why did I even bother? The cat thought to herself, her wet nose twitching.

Edited by Emerald<3
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Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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(I so want to do this, let me introduce you to Canterlot!)

The train doors opened, and the air was different, lighter than in Ponyville. The sky was very bright and blue-grayish. It was noon, and the sun shone through two of the tallest of the royal palace's towers. Royal banners were waving in the soft wind.
Sprinkles of microscopic water droplets could be felt from many of the fountains around the main square. It was a whole new place, exciting, and full of ponies walking the streets. Busy, noisy. Royal guards were placed in every direction.

The four friends had reach their destination!

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@Lord Valtasar @Splashee @ExplosionMare

Emerald Heart stuck to the end of the group, her fuzzy cat ears feeling very sensitive to all the noise.


She still seemed very sad from her last interaction with Splashee.

"I hope we can get out of here as soon as possib-- REOWER!" She howled in pain when somepony stepped on her tail.

"Yeah." She said, holding her tail to her chest, "The sooner we leave the better."

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Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Spashee was dodging two Pegasi flying very low towards the ground talking to each other. "By Celestia!!!" He cried out. Please tell me, any of you have a place we can get away from it all?

"I'll promise I will share my secrets about this place, just lead the way!" he quacked in panic, seeing two Royal Guards heading their way, being unicorns! (note, they might not be part of the story at all, it is more a way for us to get away from here!)

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Emerald’s sudden act of thievery began to confuse Granite Rose. It was shocking, and unexpected. The confusion nearly sent his thoughts into chaos, yet another symptom he had to deal with alongside Thorns, although it was much less common.

Before it could overpower him, he shook it off and focused on the delicious looking salad in front of him. He hadn’t thought to pack his medication, not that he could take it being a turtle, so he had to rely purely on distractions to keep his mind intact.

Once the train arrived to Canterlot, he immediately got out to smell the fresh, outdoor air. It wasn’t as good as the air he was used to, but it calming nonetheless. Refocusing on his task, he regrouped with the others so they could all head to the library promptly.

Edited by ExplosionMare
Wrong character
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Emerald didn't come back to fetch them so she asumed she found Splashee and everything went well.. she still kept an ear up so she'd be alerted if they caught them, worrysome as the ride was, they arrived without any more incidents, and sure enough, once they did the others joined them

"feels good to be home" and one step closer to getting rid of these curse, she looked around, seeing the palace reminded her that she didn't go to work today, but as bad as that was, it was better than showing up as a wingless goat

somepony stepped on Emerald's tail, she started calling him some names as was the way of Canterlot, but then stopped once she remembered he could not understand her, all those fine words wasted, and went to check on Emerald instead "you alright there? manouvering through the city at this hour can get some used to, but it's not bad once you do" it was pure insticnt for her now, but the others were not as fortunate to have similar bodies to what they did, and Emerald was from a small town to top it off

"come on everyone, let's go at my place to form a plan, i live on goldsmare street.." noone seem to make a move "oh right, it's near Sungarden park" nothing.. "ugh, just follow me" she said finaly, while picking up Granite and placing him on her back, Emerald seemed upset, stepping on her tail couldn't be great, but as far as she knew, it happened to cats alot, only she wasn't trully a cat

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@Lord Valtasar @Splashee @ExplosionMare

"I've been to Canterlot  many times before." Emerald announced, "It's just... so overwhelming being here at this size, that it's like I've lost track of any of my familiars that I could point out." She shrugged, "I come to visit my unicorn friend Ursa here all the time." She chuckled half-heartedly, deciding to stay closer to Granite Rose and Solumn Lullaby rather than Splashee.

Edited by Emerald<3
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Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Splashee was in his own thoughts, slowly walking behind the rest of the group, letting them lead the way.
I made it in time to Canterlot, he thought. It is a complication being a duck for sure, but I can still do the thing I was initially supposed to do.

He looked at his wings (walking with his wings in front of him made him look really weird and clumsy), trying to figure out how to use them. If I can't fly, then at least I should be able to use them to grab things. Nowadays Pegasi use their wings to grab things all the time, he laughed to himself (later seasons of FIM).

Splashee moved his wing towards the group in front of him, which had picked up speed and was way out of reach, and focused is vision between the feathers and saw Emerald's sad face...
I was such a duck back on the train, I would never have hurt her feelings as a pony... I HURT HER FEELINGS??? Splashee just realized his mistake from earlier. He had not even seen it, and his duck brain just caught up with this realization now? He knew his brain couldn't be trusted anymore for clear thinking.

"Hey wait up!" He quacked. "You guys, I can't keep your pace Miss Lullaby".

I might have offended all of them at this point, this isn't good! I need them more than I can comprehend! I am completely going to fade away if this keeps happening.

Splashee ripped one side of his wing to make three big wing feathers fall of! It hurt, and it wasn't pretty either. I might not be able to use my wings as intended, but I will always try to become a duck in this state of mind. The large gap in my wing will remind me who I am, and hopefully save me from forgetting what I need to do!

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they were getting closer, the thought of going home comforted her after this bizare day, sure it wasn't over yet, but still.. she must have unconciously started trotting faster because she heard splashee calling for them to go slower, she halted to wait for him, a bit impatient but it was not his fault he was a duck, whose fault was it anyway? what foul magical power decided what each of them will be? whatever it was, it sure had a twisted sense of humor, not only taking her wings away, but making splashee get a pair as if to tease her, once he was closer she started trotting again a bit slower this time,
"we're almost there" she announced "see those trees? that's Sungarden Park, my house is on that tower on the left, just behind them"

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they had arived at her home, the neighbours didn't seem to be around to see them enter thankfully, seeing a goat storming out this morning was bad enough already, once they were in, she put let Granite down and then motioned the rest to go sit around the rug, while she removed her cloak, hiding her lack of wings wasn't enough it seemed since she had a pair of horns, so she might as well..

it was a 3 floor house, but it was all one big room, with balconies all around on the inside serving as rooms and a big skylight dome on the very top that was lighting the whole thing, cages with potted plants were hanging from it in various heights, every single window (including the skylight) was stained glass with vibrant colors, but there were no stairs, she didn't need them before so she had designed it this way, now it was so ironic she wanted to scream, two thirds of the house were innaccessible, and unfortunately, the library wasn't on ground level
"as you can see, i can't really use the house as it is" she announced, " so Emerald, can you by any chance reach that bookcase up there? there should be a map of Canterlot on the top right shelf, time to make some plans as they don't allow animals in the public library" she looked up on the skylight, the sun was up, they still had plenty of time

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"Nice place you got here, Miss Lullaby" Splashee said as he was doing a 360 degree spin looking upwards towards the skylight dome.

He followed Solemn Lullaby directions and sat around the rug, and listened in on the conversation while preening. He interrupted suddenly with the remark "Animals are prohibited in the public library? I didn't know that. What a bummer" and then went back to preening.

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Granite surveyed the room around him. It was rather lovely despite not having any stairs. He took in the vibrant colors of the windows, watching respectfully as each angle brought out a new array of hues. He also noticed the potted plants, which looked interesting albeit disorienting at the varying heights.

Granite Rose then heard a few murmurs, which turned into actual words as soon as his mind cleared. From what he heard, nobody would be allowed in the public library, but they could access the one inside the house once they were actually able to reach the floor.

“Is there a way to get to the library from the outside? Maybe we could climb on top of the windows,” he suggested.

“Leave this place. Go where they can’t see. Free your pain.” Thorns said, noticeably irritable at all of Granite’s attempts to ignore him. Granite shifted uncomfortably, wondering if he should excuse himself for a moment. Decisively, he went against this motive and tried to really focus in on everyone’s plan.  

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@ExplosionMare @Splashee @Lord Valtasar

Emerald Heart was pulled out of her thoughts by the sudden request from Solumn.

"Oh... yeah." Quietly and gently, she jumped up to the desired location and passed down the map. 

Just after she had done so, her paw slipped and she fell down, doing her best to stifle her screams of terror.


She had landed on all fours the last time she had fell, but that was just a stroke of luck. 

I'm gonna die! 



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Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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"yeah, animals are prohibited as libraries are a place of peace and quiet, or so the sign said.." she answered, "we'll have to break in"

Emerald seemed to be able to access the map rather easily, the ironies continued it seems, the others had more access to her home than herself, no matter the map was what they needed right now so everything can go back to normal "could you also throw the third scroll on the lef..." Emerald fell down, it was quite a fall too, but she seemed to just land as if it was natural ..her face though was a completely different story, "are you alright?!" she rushed over to check

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"nevermind that, we can do without it if you don't feel like going up there again" was it wise to reveal her job to total strangers anyway? she might have had quite an adventure with them, but she didn't really know them, they could be anypony.. then again, she had already led them all to her house.. she eyed all three trying to judge if that was a big mistake or not, "it is what it is" she said aloud as she unfolded the map of canterlot "let's get ready" 

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Splashee stopped preening as he saw Emerald land on all four. Impressive he thought!

"So, there are a couple of options we can choose from to get into the library..." He said condescendingly.

"1) Making a disguise, two or more of us dressing up as a pony to gain access inside. Once inside we can move freely in the hidden sections without being discovered. Getting out is not a problem as our goal is to be transformed back at that point anyways". He paused for a second to see if they all heard him. Emerald had probably already dismissed that option. She was doing a cat bath and looked uninterested.

"2) A distraction, one or more of us wreaking havoc at the entrance, while the others sneak in".

Splashee looked up with a determined face...

"3) Breaking into the library at dark. This is a crime so think extra carefully about that one!". He immediately thought about the unicorn guards and their horns being used as search lights. It is an effective way to make light, but it is a focus beam of magic. I'll crash and burn in a matter of seconds.

"4) Try to find a pony friend, figure out a way to communicate, and to help us". He put his wing up to have a look as his missing feathers for a moment.

Splashee looked really serious, and then said "We can only choose one way, and stick with it till the end. We are running out of time!".

@Lord Valtasar @ExplosionMare
(Splashee hasn't looked at the map of Canterlot yet, there might be another target instead of the public library if you have ideas)
(We don't have to choose any of my options. You might have a better option than the one I came up with. All my options have multiple flaws as well, so feel free to discuss those as well)

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