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mega thread How are you feeling?

Rift enchanted

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A little worried and frustrated. It's only a few months before our family's big cross country move, and I'm worried I won't get a job when we move. I don't have a job now, and I should get one, but it's been tough to even get something that pays little because where I live they require bilingual employees in almost every job. I'm worried that we're going to move and be in the same situation as now, with me not working...which won't fly at all. I feel that getting a job there will be easier than here, again because I think my degrees will at least get me an interview. Teaching? I have a niche teaching certificate anyway, so finding a job teaching theatre will be hard with my work situation here.


I'm frustrated, because once again I secure a big audition, on my own, with my demo, and I swing and miss once again (a few months ago, it was an animated series. This time a national commercial spot). I know that auditioning and failing is all part of the game, but it's hard to play when you have a family to help take care of, and my ability to stay at home and take care of my daughter is running out once Kindegarten starts. 


So I'm a little frustrated and scared today. I feel like my worry is keeping me from being productive, which I can't stand feeling. 


Thanks for letting me rant. 

  • Brohoof 3
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I'm excited about the Leap Day 2/29 to celebrate is around the corner for this Monday! :D Leap days "February 29th" are used for every year that is divisible by 4 to keep our calendars in-sync of the tropical year.


Oh, and don't forget about that's Discord Day too to celebrate for ponies our chaotic day (according to they said in Equestria Daily first)! :)

  • Brohoof 3
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