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mega thread How are you feeling?

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My frustration levels are surprisingly high today. There aren't many assignments to do currently (just two which is a relief), but I'm so behind on maths that I'll have to somehow do about 80 more math exercises in order to fulfill the requirements of the incoming exam.

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9 hours ago, Totally Lyra said:

Super excited for tomorrow. Were having a party at work, which means paid slacking and free food. :P

We did the same thing around Christmas time ^_^ I was one of the people cooking so I may or may not have eaten heaps before anybody else XD

I'm so exited cause my first guitar lesson is tomorrow! :love:

  • Brohoof 1
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I am feeling pretty great. Had a very pleasant wake up message plus I am enjoying a good drink. Feeling good. 

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Pretty fantastic. Finally rode my new sidecar outfit home (see my latest status update) after weeks of stressing about getting driving tuition for it. Which I REALLY needed. I iz mega happy bunny .. :D



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I've been in a pretty productive mood thus far! I want to get done as much as possible so that I can attend a horse-related event tomorrow stress-free. :D  

  • Brohoof 3
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I have a headache and I've been fairly depressed all day because I'm moving back home tomorrow morning after my second semester of college finished this week. I don't wanna go, I will miss a bunch of people dearly.  :(

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I am feeling quite relaxed and clear-minded. ^^

19 hours ago, Prospekt said:

I have a headache and I've been fairly depressed all day because I'm moving back home tomorrow morning after my second semester of college finished this week. I don't wanna go, I will miss a bunch of people dearly.  :(

I hope you start feeling better. You'll get to make new memories with them next year, and it'll fun catching up when the next semester starts. :) 

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Feeling really tired. My body is aching from work yesterday. I need to work today as well. 


Also still feeling a bit weirded out. Yesterday, a guy with a machete showed up right outside my workplace and was waving his weapon around. Our SWAT team, the Viking Squad came and took him down (no, not kill) and arrested him. Saw the guy in the police car as policemen were talking with each other. 

Never been close to something like that before. 

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Funeral today. I was an emotional train wreck, as was everybody else who attended it.

Things are a little better now, but grief sticks with me for years. This will take a great deal of time to pass.

  • Brohoof 2
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