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mega thread How are you feeling?

Rift enchanted

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Got that sore hip thing again. Wish I knew what causes it. If it happens, it's always there when I wake up, so something happens during the nighttime. Wish I knew what it was. Last time was exactly a month ago. :unamused:



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I’m feeling happy because I feel like I’m getting better when it comes to using the “shading” option 

in the program I use to create my artwork. :adorkable:

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Very stressed because my mom has complaints of stomach pain, and we have to admit her to the hospital. She needs a complete week of bedrest, so I have to share the household chores with my sister. I don't know if I'm ready to handle what comes next.

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I'm feeling impatient! I'm planning to quit my current job so two days ago I applied for a new job in another transportation company. However I haven't received any calls or emails yet. I really want to work there instead because I don't feel very content in my current company. I'm basically fed up of my job. The routes we are currently having are either too packed up or I face too much violence. Last week I got spat on, someone tried to beat me up because of bad air in my bus and I got pepper sprayed. It caused everyone in the bus almost choke. This company I'm applying for has a lot more peaceful routes

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