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Ask the Sonic Heroes!

Samurai Equine

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1 minute ago, ShadOBabe said:

That’s precious. And you’re welcome. I’m glad you guys are there for the chao. I love them so much. I had so many I was taking care of when I was younger. Bought them toys and participated in races with them!

What do the both of you get up to these days? What’s the usual agenda?

ZxVxwS7.png Forgive me, I don't understand this modern expression. "Get up to"? We are eternal. We don't sleep like mortals do. Chaos and I are always watching over Knuckles and the rest of the mortal world, ready to offer guidance if necessary, or provide extra protection should the current guardian of the Master Emerald be disposed of before a new guardian is appointed. For now, however, our duty to this world is fulfilled. We're no longer necessary.

XOsRbk9.png *Makes gurgled noises, and boops your nose*

ZxVxwS7.png Chaos just says that we once felt the Master Emerald was in danger, and Chaos dedicated lifeforms similar to himself deep in space. We were ready to respond to the worst-case scenario, but it seems Sonic and his friends were able to quell the danger without our help. And now everything's peaceful.

  • Brohoof 1


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*wipes her wet nose* Heh, sorry about that Tikal. “Get up to” just means how you spend your free time. But yeah, if you’re eternal, I suppose you have nothing BUT free time.

Well let me ask some other questions then! What are your favorite colors? When you were mortal, what was your favorite food, Tikal?

  • Brohoof 1



Check out my artwork any time: http://shadobabe.deviantart.com/
"OMG; You are such a troll. XD" - PathfinderCS

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10 minutes ago, ShadOBabe said:

*wipes her wet nose* Heh, sorry about that Tikal. “Get up to” just means how you spend your free time. But yeah, if you’re eternal, I suppose you have nothing BUT free time.

Well let me ask some other questions then! What are your favorite colors? When you were mortal, what was your favorite food, Tikal?

ZxVxwS7.png In life, my favorite colors were any that occurred naturally in nature! Greens, reds, pinks, white, yellows... But my favorite above all else has always been the various shades of blue, including cobalt and aquamarine. As for favorite food, there were many different pepper and fruit plants growing around the imperial city, but I especially loved the grilled and seasoned corn on a cob that my grandmother would make! Still, if I could eat again just once, I've been very curious about a modern dish. What do they call it again? ...Chili dogs?

nEio02c.png You're not missing much. I honestly don't see what the big appeal is.

Eznh9Y1.png Blasphemy! What could possibly be better than chili dogs?!


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8 minutes ago, ShadOBabe said:

*lets them talk amongst themselves* *turns around and see Shadow chilling against a tree*


*attempts to sneak up on him*

2jaJR9B.png ... Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert! *Turns arm into a gatling gun and takes aim, the barrel whirls as the ammunition is loaded*

q1SHbEE.png At ease, Omega. I heard her approaching. *Crosses arms* A valiant effort, but it was wasted. I assume you have a question for me?

1 minute ago, Renegade the Unicorn said:

To Dream and Cheese:

Why are y'all so flipping' cute!?

jXXMbTr.png Dream? Who's Dream? I think you need to fix your keyboard, mister.

JUHrJod.png You think we're cute?! *Smiles and flies with joy for a little bit* Thank you, Mr. Renegade! That's such a nice thing to say. You must be a very nice person!  Chao chao chao!! *Huggles your face*

Edited by Samurai Equine


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2 minutes ago, Samurai Equine said:

2jaJR9B.png ... Intruder Alert! Intruder Alert! *Turns arm into a gatling gun and takes aim, the barrel whirls as the ammunition is loaded*

q1SHbEE.png At ease, Omega. I heard her approaching. *Crosses arms* A valiant effort, but it was wasted. I assume you have a question for me?

Aww frick, I always forget Omega is around... Sorry, Omega. *raises hands where they can be seen*

Nah, I was just gonna try and surprise you. But actually... I think I might have a question for Omega now. Hey Omega, what do like doing when you aren’t working towards your directive?

  • Brohoof 1



Check out my artwork any time: http://shadobabe.deviantart.com/
"OMG; You are such a troll. XD" - PathfinderCS

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2 minutes ago, Renegade the Unicorn said:

To Amy:

Would you date both Sonics if you could? :muffins:

jXXMbTr.png Hehe~ Don't tempt me. *Wink* But in all seriousness, I don't need to date two Sonic's. Chasing after one is all ready hard enough considering how fast he is... And besides, why would I want to steal Classic Amy's boyfriend? We Amy's have to look out for each other, after all.

Eznh9Y1.png That's a relief. But I'm pretty sure both me and Classic me are still single, Amy. *Whispers to Classic* Run while you can, little buddy.

NRE73zv.png*Runs away via peel out*

1 minute ago, ShadOBabe said:

Aww frick, I always forget Omega is around... Sorry, Omega. *raises hands where they can be seen*

Nah, I was just gonna try and surprise you. But actually... I think I might have a question for Omega now. Hey Omega, what do like doing when you aren’t working towards your directive?

2jaJR9B.png Target disengaged. *Returns arm to normal* Engaging Q&A mode. Answer: I spend my free time recharging for future missions and upgrading my hardware whenever possible. An arsenal for any situation is always the optimal option!

q1SHbEE.png He is our universal tool, after all. And the only partner I'd ever want to go to battle with.

hfmbJpf.png I just enjoy using him as a perch! So stable, with plenty of leg room on the shoulders.~


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5 minutes ago, Samurai Equine said:

2jaJR9B.png Target disengaged. *Returns arm to normal* Engaging Q&A mode. Answer: I spend my free time recharging for future missions and upgrading my hardware whenever possible. An arsenal for any situation is always the optimal option!

q1SHbEE.png He is our universal tool, after all. And the only partner I'd ever want to go to battle with.

hfmbJpf.png I just enjoy using him as a perch! So stable, with plenty of leg room on the shoulders.~

Heehee, fair enough! Hey Omega, if you had to pick, what is the thing you like or appreciate most about Shadow? Same question about Rouge too.

Edited by ShadOBabe
  • Brohoof 1



Check out my artwork any time: http://shadobabe.deviantart.com/
"OMG; You are such a troll. XD" - PathfinderCS

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26 minutes ago, Renegade the Unicorn said:

Yo, Big, what do ya think of this "Duke Nukem" guy?

BBted05.png Duke Nukem, huh? Hmm... *Thinks* ... ... ... ... ... ...In my honest observation, an exuberant display of testosterone is usually a sign of some sort of impedance; a defense mechanism for a genuine lack of self-confidence and/or skill. And while such boasting may allow one to power through tough situations in a pinch, it will ultimately become an unreliable source of strength, leading to an eventual break down that could have been previously prevented. I strongly recommend exploring emotional vulnerability with a trained therapist, or engaging in a trade that allows one to build actual skills that can be useful in future endeavors. Though the origins of this saying have been obscured over time, there was a wise man who once said "Better to be silent and thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt."

Eznh9Y1.png nEio02c.png 1YO4MPX.png ...WHAT?!?!?!

BBted05.png But I'm just a simple cat that loves the easy life. What do you think, Froggy? ... Oh, right. He's not here. I forgot again.

24 minutes ago, ShadOBabe said:

Heehee, fair enough! Hey Omega, if you had to pick, what is the thing you like or appreciate most about Shadow? Same question about Rouge too.

2jaJR9B.png Of all the creatures I have faced, Shadow is one of the few who has never tried to attack or destroy me. Even when I informed him that I would be the one to bring him down should the world deem him too dangerous, he never even tried to terminate me.

hfmbJpf.png ...Wait, is that? Because he didn't try to kill you? That's hardly a reason to like someone, Omega!

q1SHbEE.png What about when we first met in Sonic Heroes? I'm pretty sure I raised a fist in your direction that time.

2jaJR9B.png Clerical error. We were moments away from combat, but under false pretenses. It was Rouge who showed us that we had no reason to be enemies at the time. The circumstances behind our initial meeting are null and void. It doesn't count.

Edited by Samurai Equine


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6 minutes ago, Renegade the Unicorn said:

Omega, you realize your claws could very well turn someone into deliciously chunky meat bits, right? :sealed:

2jaJR9B.png Affirmative. However, my arsenal has been sufficiently useful in dealing with Eggman's badnik army. Worthless consumer models! OBLITERATE! *Opens fire on badniks*

BrRgPR2.png NOOO!!! Not again! I wasn't even plotting anything this time! They were mostly defenseless...

4bzmMJu.png Oh dear... Looks like we'll be cleaning that up, and providing some emotional support to the Doctor, again.

cwiOBBB.png I'll get the tissues, ice cream, and Disney movies ready!

Edited by Samurai Equine


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Hey Rouge, would you like to see some art I made?

  • Brohoof 1


                                                                                                                              sig by @Kyoshi

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2 minutes ago, ShadOBabe said:

Dawww, Team Dark is adorable.

Oh, Hey Rogue! Wanna see one of my oldest drawings on the Internet?

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It’s over thirteen years old! It’d be perfect for a redraw with my current day skills, don’t you think?

hfmbJpf.png It's wonderful! But if you really want to redraw it, I suggest increasing the amount of loot. I only steal an amount that small on a bad day.~

q1SHbEE.png 2jaJR9B.png Steal?

hfmbJpf.png Did I say steal?! I meant... Allocate! For charitable reasons of course. ... The charity of me. (All the world's gems are mine!)

8 minutes ago, Renegade the Unicorn said:

Hey, Eggman, who is best Disney princess, in your opinion? I'm partial to Ariel.

BrRgPR2.png Belle, of course! If a woman like her can learn to love a frightening beast, then maybe there is hope for me after all~!

4bzmMJu.png She might not be considered a Disney princess, but I've always had a preference for EVE.

cwiOBBB.png I like Ginormica from "Monsters VS Aliens"!

BrRgPR2.png That isn't a Disney movie, you dead bolt!

15 minutes ago, TheRockARooster said:

Hey Rouge, would you like to see some art I made?

hfmbJpf.png Please share! I love when my fans shower me with praise and fan art.

q1SHbEE.png I would say don't encourage her, but then I'd have to deal with her grumpiness. And people call me emo...


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13 minutes ago, Samurai Equine said:

hfmbJpf.png Did I say steal?! I meant... Allocate! For charitable reasons of course. ... The charity of me. (All the world's gems are mine!)


q1SHbEE.png I would say don't encourage her, but then I'd have to deal with her grumpiness. And people call me emo...

LOL!! You got it, girlfriend! The Charity of Rouge is best charity!

Awww, don’t worry, Shadow! I’ve got one for you too, just with markers instead of pencils! This one is twelve years old:




  • Brohoof 1



Check out my artwork any time: http://shadobabe.deviantart.com/
"OMG; You are such a troll. XD" - PathfinderCS

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Tikal, I loved taking care of the Chao in the Chao Garden during the time Eggman first met Shadow and tried to blow up the Earth with the ARK. (Sonic Adventure 2) It's adorable to see the Chao race each other to cute music.

(I regret giving up my GameCube with Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. I heard the PS3 and XBOX ports are crap.)

  • Brohoof 1


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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18 hours ago, Renegade the Unicorn said:

So, wait, doc, are you saying Belle's your waifu?

BrRgPR2.png Are you saying that I'm some sort of weeb?! Because I'll blast you to the next solar system for even implying it. Now be gone, you little pest!

4bzmMJu.png But Doctor, what about all those Tokyo Ghoul posters I've seen in your study? Personally, I'm more of a Big O fan myself. Oh, to be that tall...

BrRgPR2.png Quiet, you! He doesn't need to know that.

cwiOBBB.png Some day I'll be as pretty as Sailor Moon too...

18 hours ago, ShadOBabe said:

LOL!! You got it, girlfriend! The Charity of Rouge is best charity!

Awww, don’t worry, Shadow! I’ve got one for you too, just with markers instead of pencils! This one is twelve years old:

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q1SHbEE.png It's perfect, just like me! In fact, I'm surprised no one's made an art museum dedicated to me yet. After all, what good is being the ultimate if no one's acknowledging it?

hfmbJpf.png Hmpf. Now who's full of themselves?


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