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Ask the Sonic Heroes!

Samurai Equine

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On 12/1/2019 at 7:08 PM, JingLBabe said:

*gives Metal Sonic a hug, rubs out the smudge, and puts a crown and cape on him* You’re awesome buddy.

LTh4kmD.png ... *Collapses* I am a temporal singularity... *Can't move*

jXXMbTr.png Uh? *Reluctantly props him back up* Not sure why, but this kind of feels right.

(I'm not going to count this as part of the total since no question was asked, but I love silly, sappy things like this. :muffins: )

On 12/1/2019 at 7:18 PM, Renegade the Unicorn said:

To Vector: Are you and Vanilla an item?

V8DXwrB.png Me and Vanilla? Heh heh... Well, if we're being serious, I've always kind of been interested in...!!

sZlXNhW.png *Grabs Vector by the jaw, keeping it shut* Sorry boss, but I just can't have you talking about someone who isn't even here.

iXA7env.pngYeah, it just seems kind of rude to talk about someone that way behind their back. Both of them should be here to answer this question!

JUHrJod.png *Sad with a single tear in her eye* My mother is behind a reply wall. Please everyone, keep sending in your questions so we can be reunited some day, I beg you!  Chao choa~! *Imitates Cream's teary begging*

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Don’t worry Cream! We’ll get your mom here soon.

*whispers* Hey Vector, I know they just said wait, but I don’t want Vanilla or Cream to hear this question. It would just be awkward.

*looks around*

*whispers again* Let’s pretend you and Vanilla worked out great. How would you feel about being a dad to Cream? You’re pretty young. Think you could handle it?

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Check out my artwork any time: http://shadobabe.deviantart.com/
"OMG; You are such a troll. XD" - PathfinderCS

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4 minutes ago, JingLBabe said:

Don’t worry Cream! We’ll get your mom here soon.

*whispers* Hey Vector, I know they just said wait, but I don’t want Vanilla or Cream to hear this question. It would just be awkward.

*looks around*

*whispers again* Let’s pretend you and Vanilla worked out great. How would you feel about being a dad to Cream? You’re pretty young. Think you could handle it?

JUHrJod.png Thank you, Ms. Shady. I really hope so... *Bows respectfully*  Chao. *Does the same*


V8DXwrB.png *Leans in and whispers* Well, I am a happily employed detective, so I'd like to think I can be a good provider. And I'm just as protective of Cream as any of her friends, so I'd like to think I'd make a loving father too.

sZlXNhW.png *Joins in the conversation with ninja stealth* Crocodile's aren't exactly known for being gentle, boss. That might be why you haven't gotten very far with Vanilla...

iXA7env.png*Lands on @JingLBabe's head* Hey! What's everybody talking about? Hehehe~.

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8 minutes ago, JingLBabe said:

*gasp* Hi Charmy!! *grabs* GOTCHA!! *snuggles*

iXA7env.pngHahaha! Hey, I don't want snuggles! Don't make me sting you! *Squirms* Espio, help me~.

sZlXNhW.png Charmy, you can lift me and Vector by your feet. If you really didn't want snuggles, you could fly away any time.

iXA7env.png*Gasps* Betrayed...


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1 hour ago, PonyOfIslam said:

Ok (meta) question!


What on Earth were the developers thinking when they made the team Chaotix Halloween level :glimmer:

V8DXwrB.png Halloween level? If you're talking about Mystic Mansion or Hang Castle, I'm pretty sure all the Sonic Heroes had to go there at some point...

q1SHbEE.png I encountered different members of the Chaotix in my self-titled game. And while my personal adventure wasn't for the faint-of-heart, I don't recall anything seeing them at Cryptic Castle nor at Circus Park.

nEio02c.png And I'm pretty sure you're not talking about Pumpkin Hill or Death Chamber...

B922pnT.png I've heard a thing or two about "Knuckles' Chaotix", but I don't think there was anything Halloween-themed in there. The closest thing was seeing Metal Sonic Kai's final red form...

Eznh9Y1.png I think there was a Halloween-themed special stage in Sonic Runners, but that wasn't exclusive to Team Chaotix either...

(Hey! Samurai Equine here. Sorry, but I honestly didn't know how to answer this question. :lie: I have no problem with the Halloween/haunted themed levels of the Sonic games! It's rare when it happens. If I had to guess, you're talking about Mystic Mansion/Hang Castle from Sonic Heroes, right? There was a fan theory that one of those levels was based on an actual "haunted" mansion or castle, but that was just pure speculation.)

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11 minutes ago, Renegade the Unicorn said:

To Chaos: have you ever been in the Chao garden(s)?

XOsRbk9.png *Gurgles, makes the shape of a herd of Chao, "hugs" them, and shapeshifts back to normal*

ZxVxwS7.png Allow me. He has seem then on occasion, but he hardly needs to go there. The little chao are drawn to him naturally, and he is happy to share the Master Emerald shrine with them. Together, they are a family.

Eznh9Y1.png It's too bad we don't see more of Chaos when he's peaceful. When he's around the chao, I hear he's actually quite the sweetheart.

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2 minutes ago, Renegade the Unicorn said:

To Amy: What else ya got in that hammerspace of yours?

jXXMbTr.png Why thank you ever so much for asking! I really don't have too much... *Opens up her hammer space* I have a massive arsenal of hammers. I put a new one in once a month so the supply never gets low! There's some optional upgrades. Plenty of rings. If I ever grab a Chaos Emerald that I need to give to Sonic, it'll go here until I can get it to him. I've got a few spare dresses, just in case I need a quick change of wardrobe. There's some make up, mostly just the basics and essentials. Remember, the closer you can get to a natural look, the better! There's a roll of cash, a photo album of my favorite memories, some snacks in case I get hungry, some pet food in case I run into...

Eznh9Y1.png *Pulls out a folding chair for Renegade* Here you go, dude. I think you're going to be here a while.

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7 minutes ago, Renegade the Unicorn said:

To Tails: ya still like mint candies?

B922pnT.png Do I ever! They taste nice, they really give me a boost of energy when I need it, and they freshen my breath! Any treat that can serve multiple purposes is perfect in my book.

1YO4MPX.png My tastes have actually refined a little. I won't turn away from a nice candy cane or anything, but I prefer chocolate mints these days. I know it's all ready a candy either way, but the chocolate's a fun bonus. Besides, at least I remember to take a mint after eating regular meals. Unlike some of my friends...

Eznh9Y1.png *Is eating a chili dog* ...Huh?

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30 minutes ago, Renegade the Unicorn said:

Hey Sonic, you ever had the chili dogs from Sonic? :ButtercupLaugh:

Eznh9Y1.png You're talking about the fast food chain from your world, right? No, but I've heard they have a variety of chili dogs! Would love to try it some day. In the mean time, I've been lucky enough to have a few other mutlidimensional foods. McDonalds and Burger King both make killer burgers, I heard my Boom Verse self likes Carl's Jr., I had some pretty good breakfast items from Denny's and Jack In The Box, and Subway's subs were almost as good as chili dogs!

BrRgPR2.png Get it? Because branding deals.

sdZzOS1.png Purchase a kid's meal to collect all the toys! A different toy is issued every week, or every day. It depends on the restaurant.

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2 minutes ago, Renegade the Unicorn said:

Hey, Omochao, how do I find the computer room?

sdZzOS1.png To get to the computer room, take a space shuttle at your nearest convenience to the Space Colony Ark. From there, head to the...!

V8DXwrB.png Hey! Wait! I actually know this one! The most important thing to do is to Press A to Slide when you get to the...

sdZzOS1.png *Bops Vector on the snout with microphone* No! Bad crocodile! It's my question, and I want to help him.

V8DXwrB.png Ow! You little scoundrel, I'll have your propeller for that... *Proceeds to wrestle with Omochao*

BrRgPR2.png *Pulls out a folding chair for Renegade* Here you go, sir. I think you're going to be here a while.

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13 minutes ago, Renegade the Unicorn said:

Ah, Eggman. SnooPING AS usual, I see?

(To Samurai Equine: I am not sorry. :P )

BrRgPR2.png Ooh~! Seems we have a wise-guy that's familiar with the AoStH Verse. Looks like I'll have to give you a... Promotion! Orbot! Cubot! Pack your things, you're going on vacation. I just found a new sla--er--"volunteer" to do your grunt work...

4bzmMJu.png At last! Now I can finally work on finishing that novel I purchased. "Of Mice and Machines".

cwiOBBB.png Aww... But I just got the hang of cleaning and trimming the doctor's toenails. I HATE THAT RENEGADE!

(To @Renegade the Unicorn: Good! Neither am I. :yay:)

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32 minutes ago, Renegade the Unicorn said:

To Cream and Cheese: Would you two ever go on your own solo adventures if you could?

JUHrJod.png Chao chao chaoooo~!! Chao chao, chao chao. Cha-chao aooo chao. *Flails about, making gestures*  That's right, Cheese. The closest I've ever gotten to a solo adventure was in Sonic Advance 2, but that was out of necessity for rescuing my mother. I wouldn't mind going out on a solo adventure, but I like to travel with friends, and my mother prefers it. I think it's better that way!

  Eznh9Y1.png Living life dangerously isn't always for everyone. Cream prefers the safety of home, and these little guys prefer the safety of a garden...


ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: New Character! The Chao Trio.

bmSB8eQ.png *Sings in unison* Chao chao chaooo~!  *Sings in unison* Chao chao chaooo~!  *Sings in unison* Chao chao chaooo~!


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15 hours ago, Renegade the Unicorn said:

First question for the Chao Trio - you guys know any Beach Boys songs?

bmSB8eQ.png *Sings "God Only Knows", getting all the notes right* Chao chao-chao, chao chao chao chao chaooo~!  *Sings "Surfin' USA", getting most of the notes right* Chao cha-chao chao chaooo, chao chao cha-chao!  *Sings... something, but all the notes are wrong* Chao cha-chao chao~ Chao cha-cha-chao~!

sdZzOS1.png The Dark Chao was trying to sing "I Get Around", but he still needs more singing lessons from the Chao Kindergarten... That or he's just being rebellious, it's hard to tell with Dark Chao.

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