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What do you think about Pinkie Pie?


What do you think of Pinkie Pie  

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  1. 1. What do you think of Pinkie Pie

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If'n you ask me, I'd have to say that... Pinkie Pie is best pony. She's so happy and bubbly all the time, always trying to make new friends and make the ones she already has super-duper happy, plus those awesome Fourth-Wall shattering abilities. I admire her optimism and want to hug her.

  • Brohoof 2
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She's definitely my favourite pony, because she's always so happy and cheerful. It's impossible to be unhappy whenever she's singing, or bouncing around like a silly goofball. :3 (I mean this in the nicest of ways.)


Plus, you can't help laugh when she was throwing cake at Spike. "I'm not giving him cake! I'm assaulting him with cake!" :lol:

  • Brohoof 3

Crush. Kill. Destroy. Swag.

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I think Pinkie Pie is a great character. I like her silliness and her personality. She is one of my least favorite ponies, however. Not because I dislike her, but only because I like most of them more. Also, her songs are great; some of the best on telivision.

:Having technical difficulties:

Credit goes to Gone ϟ Airbourne!

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I think she's awesome! At the moment, she and Rarity are tied for my favorite pony. Not only is she fun, hilarious and random, she's also a pretty deep character (especially for a children's cartoon!). As I think I've mentioned before, "Party of One" was the episode that got me hooked. Pinkie's breakdown because of her fear of abandonment is still one of the deepest, most disturbing, and at the same time, most realistic things I've seen on the show. I was like, "wow, that pony is a MESS!" But, of course, I mean that in the best possible way. :)

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I love Pinkie Pie <3 She reminds me of me. The hair especially :3

When I'm around friends I'm like the curly pinkie pie, but when I'm bored and lonely I'm like straight-haired Pinkamena... I just don't talk to in-animate objects. x3 And I love cake. But I don't each as much as she does. :blink:

Anyway.... she's just a joy :lol:

Love and tolerate, and live by it.

No, this is not a Hallmark card. I'm just incredibly sappy. ^o^


The best revenge is happiness.

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I absolutely love her. Without her songs and randomness the show wouldnt be even remotely as fun as it is. The only thing that doesnt make much sense is the "rock farm" she lived on when she was young. What exactly is the purpose of a rock farm?



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Pinkie Pie reminds of myself to my community. Not accurately, but based upon her good intentions. I tend to keep everyone happy and encouraged to continue on their day. Heck, I even do this with a smile upon my face. Heck, just to conclude this post right now, I hope everyone is having a bright and sunny day. :lol::)

  • Brohoof 2
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I absolutely love her. Without her songs and randomness the show wouldnt be even remotely as fun as it is. The only thing that doesnt make much sense is the "rock farm" she lived on when she was young. What exactly is the purpose of a rock farm?


I think using the term "rock farm" was just to get the idea across to the target audience. In essence she was from a quarry. And yes there is a use for stone.

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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No pony is friendlier than Pinkie Pie. She easily takes the place of my second favorite pony, but Twilight is still my favorite.

Pinkie Pie is a friend you want to have when you have a bad day. I mean who can avoid smiling when Pinkie tries to cheer you up?

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


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I think using the term "rock farm" was just to get the idea across to the target audience. In essence she was from a quarry. And yes there is a use for stone.


Take a look at this:




"We were in the south field, preparing to rotate the rocks to the east field" - it doesnt look like a quarry to me. From that short clip it actually looks like they were growing and farming.... rocks.... I dont get it...

  • Brohoof 2



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Hmmm -- seeing that clip again -- Pinkie Pie looks SO WEIRD with straight hair. Maybe the east field is where the rocks can be carted away.


It almost looks in that picture like they were looking for meteoric iron. They do seem to have quite a few meteor showers.


At any rate it is also possible they really didnt think about it much and were just looking for a dreary but familiar place for pinky to have grown up for contrast.

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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Pinkie Pie is the most random and funny pony I've ever seen on the show. She can be annoying sometimes, but I just love her. Her quirky personality and fun attitude make it fun to watch the show. I also LOVE her songs.


I am also amazed on how well she can defy physics and any other area of science. She could possibly be one the mysteries of Equestria. Pinkie brings most of the humor to the show, and without her, it just wouldn't be the same.


Hopefully Pinkie will make more songs and possibly defy gravity!

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Thing I don't really like about Pinkie: While most of her randomness is funny, sometimes it seems a little forced. I can only think of one example right now, but I know there's more where it seemed a little forced. It's not too big of a complaint, it's just me being nitpicky for once I suppose. So don't take this too literally. Besides, most of her randomness is funny. (Sneezing confetti, rubber chickens out of nowhere, spawning stages in deserts, spawning stages while foal-sitting, and so on)


I <3 Pinkie.


What you're probably detecting is the limitations of the actor and the animation.

The audience can be as absorbed as possible, even convincing themselves that something onscreen is actually real. This is called suspension of disbelief. The extent to which an audience will suspend their disbelief (in the non-reality of the experience) depends on the authentic-ness of the situation, as well as how well it can do things that are understandable but not impossible (as far as the audience knows).

An animator can only push an animation as hard as the voice actor sounds convincing and real in their activity, which is why voice acting can be so hard. If the script or writing is contrived or weird or arbitrary, the voice actor can still pretend that they're really into the scene they're doing, but even this forced pretending has its limits.

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Pinkie is my second favorite pony :)

i kinda hate her cause shes so happy and such... lol really weird i dont mind her but i just hate how happy she is... i think its just me


I know what you mean she so happy it's unrealistic sometimes :blink:

At first I disliked her but then she grew on me :)


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Pinkie Pie sure does have a lot of little quirks and songs, so i was just wondering what everyone thought about this character.


Pinkie is a great character. She's well designed, quirky, and funny. And she's probably the most clever of the mane 6, noticing things the others blew right by.

Logic is no fun!

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As the show went on, I started to like Pinkie a lot more than before. :)


She's random, simple as that. She makes me laugh everytime, and that's basically everything I could expect from the show itself. I listen to her Smile Song everytime that I'm feeling down, and it cheers me up!


She's probably my favorite out of the Mane 6 at the moment.

Edited by DrizzleSTAR
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I didn't care for her at first, and now...I still don't care for her. I acknowledge she can be funny with her randomness at times, and is an essential character to the show; but most of the time, she just gets on my nerves.


"Let the steel of my resolve be not bested by the sum of my fears."

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Initally I placed her as my 3rd favorite pony, but as time went on, I realized she was just yet another Looney Tune type Character and that the other characters were better developed, so she dropped to 5th, with the only pony I like less than her being Rarity, because she's terrible.

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Pinkie Pie continues to grow on me as I rewatch episodes and write my fanfic. She is actually a go to pony when one has problems because she does listen. Even though Twilight might give you a more reasoned answer if you have a specific problem, she has biases that color her logic and can lead her to wrong answers -- plus she is much less apt to listen. The other thing is Pinkie Pie is a genius -- she can come up with answers that leap right over logic. I really did think at one time that she would drive me crazy, but as odd as it seems...


Here is one other point -- as an outsider pony, both Rainbow Dash and Twilight are essentially "above your station." Pinky Pie treats everypony as an equal.

Edited by silvadel
  • Brohoof 2

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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I had never thought of that.... She really does treat everyone equally. All the other ponies can be pretty snobby about certain things but pinkie loves EVERYPONY just as they are ^___________^


But yes... Originally I didn't like Pinkie Pie much and it seemed like she was going to be super annoying... but as time went on she grew on me and she's now my favorite. She's funny and silly and makes me smile :) The others have their good points too, but Pinkie is just awesome.

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