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mega thread Why you chose your user name.


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Ehe I was playing fable 3 the other week on the xbox and you can get a chicken costume on it, when you get further into the game you unlock the ability to dye clothes so for a laugh I dyed the chicken suit blue, after playing with it on for a while I literally thought "ThatBlueChicken" and it stuck x)

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When i was thinking about a name for all the forums and games i wanna join, My little sister just said "Minnie mouse, Mickey mouse" I though if i mixed them up it would be an Awesome name, And that's how the Username Minkeey was created :3
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Well, Because of Glaze, Mic, Tombstone and all the other lords of Brony music, I named my OC after their 'Music' being 'Musix' (budumtss)


And yes. My life story.

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The original Spyro game?...Wow, now there's a game I ahven't played in a LONG time. Last I played was Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage, and it was months ago. I haven't touched Spyro 3 and 1, nor any of the The Legend of Spyro trilogy...dammit...I need to play all that, right now!

Edited by Artemis
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Why did I choose my username... hmm... alright lets give this a shot. Back in 2008 during my sophomore year in high school, I found out about a band called Airbourne. I played Burnout Paradise (alot) during that time and the game had a (really) sweet in game soundtrack. They had songs from Guns n' Roses, Twisted Sister, Seether, & some other really great tracks. I have always been a fan of both classic rock/heavy metal. So I heard a song while racing that caught my ear. It was Too much, Too Young, Too fast by a band named Airbourne.


So after hearing that awesome song I decided to look into this band. Come to find out Airbourne is now right up there with some of my top bands. Now what about the *Gone* part.


Well if you haven't noticed AC/DC happens to be my #1 favorite band just since they were the band to get me into rock n' roll in the first place. So my favorite song by AC/DC is this song

- *Gone* Shootin'


So after finding about the band Airbourne I joined the bands forum website & combined the Gone from Gone Shootin' with Airbourne. I liked how it flowed together + I have always loved planes and things that fly. My favorite Iron Maiden song is Aces High so the username Gone ϟ Airbourne stuck with me since then :D

Edited by Gone ϟ Airbourne
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Because Crona is awesome.

What other explanation do you need?


A better one. :P


Preeetty sure I've already posted in this thread, but just for reiteration; it's a reflection of my mind, my ideas, my thought process. I've never really had a whole lot of "normal" things about me, and it's been said to me more than once that there is only one word to describe me; guess which one? ;)

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Oh how to explain this. My username means 'Light Beaver' in Italian (or, it's supposed to...). I used to use the name Light Beaver for everything, but I started to get bored with that so I plugged it into Babelfish and bam. Castoro Chiaro.


Light Beaver comes from my old Warcraft 3 account; my dad and older brother used names that had to do with darkness/doom and hedgehogs (my dad's favorite animal), so I wanted to do something totally different. He likes beavers as well, so. Light Beaver!

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I found the name "Hawk" many years ago on my best friend's PS2 Memory Card. We had just started playing Star Wars: Battlefront II that night and I needed a profile to sign in with. I didn't feel like creating one and the profile was already there. So I took the name and have been using it ever since with a few minor modifications on Xbox Live, WoW, Steam, etc.


I guess I keep using the name because I have many fond memories of playing video games with my best friend associated with it.

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Well, lemme see... :L


"Lucky" because luck is something I wish I had! xD And something I hold on to very often~


and "Sphere" is an online name I've been using for forums and online games since always. :3

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I chose mine because Zorua is my favorite pokemon So far.


The only other name that I can remember Is Starwars8809.No idea why I chose Starwars8809 as my username or why I used it for until Pokemon black and white came out.Heck I Don't think I even liked star wars that much back then.

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all my usernames in the past have been really dumb. ShyGirlBlushing, CinnamonWithATwist, TheBlueprintForLife, ThisNameIsntTakenYet. but none of those usernames were for forums. I was joining my first forum, and the people there seemed really nice, so I wanted something that was more name-y. something that people could shorten or lengthen to make nicknames easily. my real name is Angela, so Angie is the first half. I like cake and I have usually have dumb usernames, so I threw cakes on the end. I became pretty well-known on that forum and I made many friends, so now the name Angie Cakes has stuck, and I plan to use it wherever it's available.

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I've got a small timeline of names I've been known as everywhere on the internet, Shaoni being the fourth major name I've used. I was looking for something that was easy enough to remember and that sounded alright, I had no idea it was also an actual name - I believe it's a girl's name in Japan. Oh well.

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Well it all started back when summer vacay just started. I was bored, drooling spit with a little bit of blood mixed in it, and mindless as a decapitated cockroach engulfed in flames. My eyes, gazing at the Youtube homepage, caused me to suddenly make a new Youtube account for the one purpose most fucktards use today, for video game commentary. "All right, it's time to really make a change!" I said with much enthusiasm in my voice. I firmly grasped my mouse in my hand and vigorously bashed it up and down against my desk. "AHHH GAHH UHH AHHHHH!" I screamed. "Honey, what in God's name are you doing?!" yelled my mother from downstairs. "Uh, nothing, nothing mom!" Alright, after that little fiasco I then actually began to make my new account and looked ahead for the future. "Alright, what's a good username... how about moosebeard?" I typed it in and it was already taken. I was filled with a blind and furious rage that made my testicles quiver in frustration. "Alright, alright, how about... Limp Porkchop?" I thought about it and I eventually decided that it sounded too... limp. I slammed my fists on my desk and made my testicles burst into an everlasting oblivion. This incredible force made my keyboard to fall over and break into several pieces. I took a gander at the floor and noticed various keys on the ground spelling out a word that was foretold in the prophecy of the ancient ones. It was said that I shall be known as... dragonborne... but vaidred sounded way cooler so I went with that. The end. period. dot.

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Well, my username's self-explanatory really; it can be easily guessed within a millisecond. I'm a huge fan of movies and an aspiring filmmaker, and as well as a brony.


For the most part, it's the nickname that I always like to identify myself as towards this fanbase.

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ZomBrony comes from ZomBloxxor as some may remember and ZomBloxxor came from a combination of my appreciation for zombies games and the days of ROBLOX. Then, taking ZomBloxxor-after joining the herd-I came up with ZomBrony.


Pretty short compared to some others I saw on my way to the bottom of the page, but yeah, that's my story

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Sakutama is mixture of the Japanese words for two of my favorite things: Sakura (cherry blossoms) and Tamago (egg) because I think both are very cute. My husband helped me blend them into a new word that sounded cute, and thus Sakutama was born!

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I grew tired of my old username, so this seemed like a fun new direction. I think of myself as the Knight of Nonsense, and I like Berry Punch. Simple as that.

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I picked Mu Nova because that's my alias everywhere now. Came up with it on Xbox Live: I've changed my name sooooo many times, but I finally came up with one that looks original and doesn't sound like 13-year old trying to sound dramatic and cool. >.>


Behold, Mu-12 (don't mind the revealingness, that's not the point).

My favorite BlazBlue character. I liked her so much that I decided to name myself after her, and threw in fancy Greek word for "new" to suggest that this "version" of her isn't so genocidal, and/or that I myself am not the same gender as her. lol


And so it has been.


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