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open A Rift in Time (EQG) -RP


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The world is a fragile place, always teetering between good and bad. There's a risk in every choice you make throughout the day, even the smallest of choices can lead to horrible consequences, even if your intentions were nothing but pure. But what happens when the world does go bad? Are we supposed to stand by and let it happen, or stand up and protect it? How are we... lowly humans supposed to fight for what's right? Especially when evil has just entered our world. 

A being from another world has invaded our land, calling himself "Gray King." He has no color, he brings no mercy. His vassals pray to him like he is a god, and they do as he pleases. The four of them also have no color, they are just black and white. They call themselves the Ashen Tribe. They are determined to rid the world of color, and retrieve something known as the Oracle Gem that is supposedly hidden somewhere in our world, though where it is is unknown. They show no mercy, they have no color, same as their leader. 

Day by day they plot their next attack on the humans, but what happens when they finally arrive, but we fight back? They are overconfident fools, and we are protective of the people we care for. We show no mercy ourselves, but the difference between us and them is that we fight for love and justice. We fight until the bitter end, we fight for the lives of our people. The Ashen Tribe and their Leader shall not prevail, and we will make sure of it.

We are also determined to find our missing princess, Princess Melody, from a word we have no memory of, but are told that exists. Only she can put an end to this madness 

We are the protectors of the past, present, and future. We can fix your fate by fighting off enemies, we are... the Time Guardians. 

And we are here to send these enemies to the ground.

We are here to find our Princess. 




Much, Much Earlier 


Emerald Heart growled in frustration at the grade she had recieved. Stupid math, stupid numbers, stupid everything. She thought to herself as she stuffed the failing test into a folder in her backpack and swung it around her back, forgetting to zip it up. She noticed this, but didn't care though. Mom's gonna kill me anyway, so why should I care about anything anymore?

She was stupid. An idiot. A clueless moro-- "Ow! Fork me, that hurts!" And it appeared that she had also run into another door handle. She rubbed her lower arm and growled again, much angrier this time. 

She walked out into the hallway to go to her next class, and sighed to herself. Not paying attention to where she was going, she tripped over her own two feet and landed smack into another student, a boy, it seemed.

"Oh, god, I'm sorry." She apologized, rubbing her own head, "I wasn't paying a bit of attention."


@Samurai Equine @Cash In @Renegade the Unicorn

A group of four... could you call them people? No, definitely not. They were colorless powerful beings, stood gathered in their King's throne room. Heather, the only female present, stood on the far left of the boys, covering her mouth with a fan. She was waiting eagerly for His Majesty, who had summoned them over. 

For you see, she was madly in love with the King, but was too clueless to know that he did not return her affections. She shut her fan and looked over at her companions, and grimaced, "I don't know why His Royalty even asked you all to join him, because we all know that he trusts me the most. My beauty takes everyone's breath away, even a bunch of neanderthals like yourselves." She chuckled, "I bet that whatever my love is planning, I will be the one to carry it out and succeed! Because let's face it, I am the strongest one here." She flipped her long, gray hair and smirked at the others, a glint of amusement in her eyes.



Edited by Emerald Heart




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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@Emerald Heart

One of the king's other minions, a young man named Somber, scowled at Heather. He, like the others, lacked any sort of color, being a stark shade of grey. "You do realize that, even if you are the most powerful among us, we're your equals, right?" His tone was dry, as he'd had to listen to Heather's vain bragging about herself many times - frankly, he was tired of it. "His Highness sees our value in his plans as well, not just yours, dearest Heather."


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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@Renegade the Unicorn @Samurai Equine @Cash In

"Yes, yes, yes. I'm not saying he doesn't favor yours, I'm just saying he favors mine better." She pointed her closed fan at him, "And may I ask why you think we are equels? Do you have some sort of magical scroll that tells us that? As far as I can tell, you're just a teammate I have to put up with." She chuckled a bit more, "Ah, but I can only dream it... me and his Majesty ruling the worlds together. Just me and my love, together always." She opened her fan and started fanning herself, swooning at the thought.

Edited by Emerald Heart




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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19 minutes ago, Emerald Heart said:

"Oh, god, I'm sorry.  I wasn't paying a bit of attention."

The kid looked at the girl for a moment, seeming about to make some sort of cutting remark... but then he just grit his teeth and mumbled, "Yeah... I'm used to that."

Bet she did it on purpose, he thought.

He slowly got to his feet, his eyes staring at her suspiciously as he grabbed up his headphones and glasses, replacing them in the proper places.  He then picked up his red backpack and checked to make sure nothing fell out.  He gave her a squinty stare, then turned to walk away.

"Try walking more often, numbskull," he muttered low and softly as he passed her.

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Emerald's mouth opened and closed, in complete shock. Who does this jerk think he is? All feelings of guilt left her body and she cast a nasty glare at him, "You won't make friends with that heartless attitude, you jerk!" She shouted, then huffed and turned around. Tears were stinging at her eyes, and she hoped he didn't notice.

Her body fuled with anger and hatred, she stomped to her next class and plopped down into hee seat.

Jerk. Moron. Idiot. If I ever see him again, it'll be too soon.

Even though English was her favorite subject, she had trouble focusing this time. She mostly spent her time fuming over that idiot. The other time was spent drawing in her notebook.

By the time class was over, Emerald began to worry. It was the last class of the day, and she wasn't in a very good mood.

She walked outside to wait for her mother and tripped again, only to be helped up by a nearby student, who made sure that she was alright.

Her knee was bleeding the slightest bit, but otherwise she was fine. She passed that idiot in the halls again and glared at him.

She mumbled something under her breath about him hurting her feelings but stomped out of the front doors afterword.

  • Brohoof 1




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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3 minutes ago, Emerald Heart said:

"You won't make friends with that heartless attitude, you jerk!"

As he'd always done with those who made fun of him, he just jammed his fists into the front pouch of his hoodie and turned up his music until he could hear nothing but the rock & roll; he found the beat to be a good one to get lost in, and it never failed to at least tune the world out for a while.

Plus, he pulled his hood tighter around his face, so the brat couldn't see the tears that were forming in his eyes.

Deuce had usually kept his biting comments to himself... but for some reason, the ditzy airhead had gotten to him.  Gotten to him enough for the music to be more and more ineffective at taking his mind off things... and he was highly irritated that he could let another heartless person get to him like that again.  He'd swore he was going to try to be stronger this year, more able to let stuff like that roll of him like water off a duck's back.

And then... HER.

Brat.  Moron.  Numbskull.  If I ever see her again, it'll be too soon.

He went onto his last class of the day: Math.  At least here, he was in control of his surroundings and his emotions.  He could ace whatever the teacher brought up, and he was SURE he'd be able to ditch those embarrassing moments he'd had today.  At least, it should have been easy... but confound it all, he couldn't get the girl out of his head!  Slamming into him like a human brick wall like that, not even offering to help pick his stuff off the floor - a surefire way to tell she'd done it on purpose - and them making him feel like a heel for DARING to speak up to a spolied brat 'princess' like HER... OOOOOH...

Of course, his thoughts were derailed as he finished and left class... mostly due to the violent shove from one of his many bullies that knocked him straight into a locker, scraping his elbow in the process.  The laughter subsided as they walked away... yet he struggled to fight the tears down once again.  With an angry sigh, he made his way down the hall, headed for the-

Cripes.  HER again, he mentally groaned as he passed her by in the hall.

His headphones were turned up, but not enough to mask that she said something to him as she passed him by, giving him a glare like she was gonna slap him.  Something about... hurting his feet?  

Pssssh, whatever, he thought to himself, just run on home to Mumsy and Dadsy, where they can take you shopping for a new brain, NUMBSKULL.

He absently nursed his aching elbow as he walked on to exit out of the other doors on the far end of the hallway.

=====  ( 0=====


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Emerald Heart sighed as she entered her Mother's car, the two sitting on silence. They didn't have the best relationship, but it's not like they hated each other.

Her Mother, Violet Heart, was always nagging on and on about Emerald's terrible grades in Math, and how she wouldn't get into a good collage if she didn't try better.

But Emerald was trying. She had tried harder than anyone else, but still couldn't absorb the material. She had a learning disability, specifically for Math. 

And her Mother was so angry all the time whenever it came to learning about failing grades, so it had come to the point where she never told her about school. Only how her friends were doing and what kind of food she ate that day.

Finally, they got home and Emerald told her parents everything. About how she was failing math, and that she was sure she would have to repeat the class. 

"I'm just too stupid, Mama." She said, "No matter how hard I try..."

"I don't wanna hear it." Her Mother silenced, "You know it. You're smart. You can do it."

"But, Mama..."

"Emerald, I said I don't wanna talk about it. It stresses me out."

"What if we got her a tutor? To get her grades up?" Emerald's Father, Stone Heart suggusted. 

"It won't matter. I'm too dumb."

"Don't say that, sweetie. You're smart." He soothed, "I'll call the principal right now and see if we can get someone."


Emerald and her parents walked into the principal's office the next morning, and Emerald gasped when she saw a familiar face in the room, "What...? What are you doing here?"

"You two know each other? Great. Because Deuce here is going to be your new tutor." The Principal said with a smile.

Emerald's jaw hit the floor and she frowned, but didn't say anything else. She didn't even beg her parents to get another tutor, because she knew there was no better option.


Edited by Emerald Heart
  • Brohoof 1




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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41 minutes ago, Emerald Heart said:

"What...? What are you doing here?"

"Me?  What are YOU doing here?"

Great.  Juuuuuuust great.  The principal had called his dad and said something about tutoring; as his father was a single man, him having lost his mother years ago to a car wreck, he doted on Deuce quite a lot.  He was always so proud of him, even though he didn't understand what sort of target it made his son to be known as a brainiac.  But, he wasn't going to tell his Dad no, so he'd shown up at the principal's office on his own - there was NO WAY he'd live it down if they announced his name over the intercom, so he just beat them to the punch and came of his own accord.

Besides, he'd thought, maybe it'll be someone who I can try to make friends with.

But no.  It was HER.

41 minutes ago, Emerald Heart said:

"You two know each other? Great. Because Deuce here is going to be your new tutor."

Oh the friggin' humanity...

Deuce turned to look at the principal.  "Do I HAVE to?  I mean... do I really HAVE to!?"

Of course, he knew how grownups were... of course, he'd have to. 

Just watch, he thought.  I'll bet they give me the ol' chestnut about how 'every student's education matters', or some rot like that.

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Emerald seemed hurt, but she didn't say anything. Instead, she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

The Principal, along with all the other adults in the room, seemed appalled.

The principal just sighed and looked straight at him, "Yes you do." She states firmly, "Why don't you guys coordinate tutoring schedules?"

Emerald nodded and walked out of the room quietly with her arms crossed. She hummed a tune to herself as she waited for him. 

Why am I letting this idiot get under my skin so much? People have said worse to me...

Edited by Emerald Heart
  • Brohoof 1




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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1 minute ago, Emerald Heart said:

"Yes you do."

Wow, not even anything about education being important or anything.  Best I should just do what I gotta do; if she isn't TOO stupid, maybe she'll actually pick it up quick... then, we can go our separate ways, and we'll BOTH be better off.

He sighed with resignation as he simply jammed his hands in his hoodie pocket and sulked.

3 minutes ago, Emerald Heart said:

"Why don't you guys coordinate tutoring schedules?"

He gave another sigh, then unzipped his backpack and took out his green binder, flipping to an open page and grabbing a pencil from his bag as he shouldered it, and made his way out into the hall.  He gave her a seething look as he moved only close enough to speak without anyone else overhearing what he was being forced to do.

"... okay, look," he began, "you're obviously not thrilled with me, and I'm not too crazy about you, either... so let's just do this and get it over with as soon as possible.  Then, you go your way, and I'll go mine.  Just try not to knock me down again, and I'll try to keep from calling you the numbskull you obviously are, got it?"

Stupid bratty brat-brat moron NUMBSKULL, he thought.  I hope you pick this up lightning quick!

"So what do you need to learn about, and what's your schedule?" he grumped.

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4 minutes ago, Randimaxis said:

Wow, not even anything about education being important or anything.  Best I should just do what I gotta do; if she isn't TOO stupid, maybe she'll actually pick it up quick... then, we can go our separate ways, and we'll BOTH be better off.

He sighed with resignation as he simply jammed his hands in his hoodie pocket and sulked.

He gave another sigh, then unzipped his backpack and took out his green binder, flipping to an open page and grabbing a pencil from his bag as he shouldered it, and made his way out into the hall.  He gave her a seething look as he moved only close enough to speak without anyone else overhearing what he was being forced to do.

"... okay, look," he began, "you're obviously not thrilled with me, and I'm not too crazy about you, either... so let's just do this and get it over with as soon as possible.  Then, you go your way, and I'll go mine.  Just try not to knock me down again, and I'll try to keep from calling you the numbskull you obviously are, got it?"

Stupid bratty brat-brat moron NUMBSKULL, he thought.  I hope you pick this up lightning quick!

"So what do you need to learn about, and what's your schedule?" he grumped.

Tears stung at Emerald's eyes and she started crying, "What kind of idiot are you?" She said, sounding shocked, "You really thought I bumpes into you on purpose?" More tears poured down her face, "I already know I'm stupid, people tell me that all the time. It's a known fact. But I'm not a bully, I don't barrel into people on purpose! You effing jerk, how dare you accuse me of doing that! I hate violence, I would never hurt someone on purpose!"

Her eyes were  now getting pink and puffy. She took a deep breath then blew it out, "I suck at Math, okay? I'm slow, I'm a moron, I'm a stupid idiot. But if I don't pass this next test my Mom is going to kill me. I'm free everyday except weekends, so whatever works for you works for me."

She tore off a page of her notebook and wrote down her phone number, along with her name and handed it to him.

"Text me whenever." She said quietly, "And for the record? I only dislike you because you seem to hate me." She smiled, "So this is going to be very fun for us, isn't it?" She said sarcastically, walking away without her parents.

She paused once and turned around, "Oh, and I'm sorry I called you heartless, that was too far. But seriously, if you don't check that attitude of yours, even less people will want to be around you." She warned, then left. 


  • Brohoof 1




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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1 minute ago, Emerald Heart said:

"What kind of idiot are you?  You really thought I bumped into you on purpose?  I already know I'm stupid, people tell me that all the time. It's a known fact. But I'm not a bully, I don't barrel into people on purpose! You effing jerk, how dare you accuse me of doing that! I hate violence, I would never hurt someone on purpose!"

Whoa... tears?  I... I didn't mean for her to start crying, for Pete's sake! 

Deuce wasn't really a bad person; he just was honestly under the impression she'd done it on purpose.  But... had he been wrong?

Maybe... I should apologize, he thought, I mean... geez, tears?  NOW I feel like a heel.  I think I shou-


18 minutes ago, Emerald Heart said:

"Text me whenever.  And for the record? I only dislike you because you seem to hate me.  So this is going to be very fun for us, isn't it?"

Never mind; I'm no heel, and she IS a numbskull after all!  Very fun, my narrow butt!

He took the paper from her with a quick grab, jamming it into his hoodie pocket before muttering.  "Yeah, fine, whatever."


24 minutes ago, Emerald Heart said:

"Oh, and I'm sorry I called you heartless, that was too far. But seriously, if you don't check that attitude of yours, even less people will want to be around you."

What was WITH this moronic girl!?  One minute she's being weepy, next minute she's snarky, and now she APOLOGIZES!?

He stared after her for a moment, standing there with a blank expression before he growled, "RrrrrRRRRRRGH!  Stupid NUMBSKULL!"

With that, he turned and made his way towar-


... towards where the next bully in line had tripped him up, sending him sprawling and losing his glasses.  He lay there for a moment, trying hard not to just cry in frustration and pain.

"Hey, Deucey... have a nice trip?"

Just let them get it out, he said to himself as laughter surrounded him, and I can get away.  This day CAN'T get much wor-

>snap<  "Oooooops!  Guess I shoulda watched where I was walkin', hunh?"

... never mind; it just did.

Amidst the laughter, he scooped up his glasses and the broken left side arm that had been snapped off, and he quickly hustled himself outside, where he plunked down behind the thick hedges he learned about his first year here, and angrily began to silently shed tears.

Stupid bullies.  Stupid school.  Stupid NUMBSKULL...

He sighed and covered his mouth to muffle the sobs that tried to escape.  

... stupid ME...


  • Brohoof 1

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3 hours ago, Emerald Heart said:

"Yes, yes, yes. I'm not saying he doesn't favor yours, I'm just saying he favors mine better." She pointed her closed fan at him, "And may I ask why you think we are equels? Do you have some sort of magical scroll that tells us that? As far as I can tell, you're just a teammate I have to put up with." She chuckled a bit more, "Ah, but I can only dream it... me and his Majesty ruling the worlds together. Just me and my love, together always." She opened her fan and started fanning herself, swooning at the thought.

@Samurai Equine @Renegade the Unicorn @Cash In

"And as soon as all of that happens, you three idiots will be waiting on us hand and foot! Equels? Please." 

Edited by Emerald Heart
  • Brohoof 1




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Hearing Heather's question to Somber, Slate raised his voice. "We need not to prove ourselves to you, Heather. We are on this tribe, so we are worthy."

Slate crossed his arms coldly. "Leave your delusions elsewhere. We have our duties."

At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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@Emerald Heart @Cash In

 "Perhaps he is busy putting the finishing touches on whatever he is planning, Heather." Somber replied dryly. Turning to Slate, he rolled his eyes in mock-appreciation. "Thank you! See? At least someone understands that we have our own parts to play!" 

 Muttering something to himself, Somber looked at the both of them. He didn't like either one - in fact, he felt the closest to the King. After all, His Majesty had raised him from birth. In his mind, Somber considered himself a prince among these fools. The most loyal. The greatest.

  • Brohoof 1


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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Slate grunted, keeping his arms crossed. Even though the others were frustrating to deal with, he knew he still had to remain loyal to them. There were like family to him, after all.

"His majesty will be here soon." Slate stated firmly. Although calm, he was eager for the Gray King's arrival. He wanted to prove himself to show his devotion to the tribe.

  • Brohoof 2

At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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As the followers talk and bicker amongst themselves, Stone keeps to himself. His arms crossed and eyes closed. He doesn't even face the direction of the others. But his eyes open up and he straightens out when he hears the sound of their leader approaching.

Surely the entire room soon quiets down as the Gray King enters stoically, taking his place at the throne. "At last, begins the dawning of our divine providence. I have seen the way to our conquest. The humans live in a world of lies and luxury. If we can extinguish their brightest, most colorful sources of hope, then the rest will fall easily. Their world will be come as dark and colorless as we are. The time has come, my Ashen Tribe! Is everyone prepared?"

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@Samurai Equine.

 "Yes, Father!" Somber replied, then quickly corrected himself. "I mean, yes, my king." Looking up at His Majesty, Somber couldn't help but feel elated. Here he was, about to serve the man who'd raised him (as far as he was concerned) from birth. It was more than an honor to him. It was his entire reason for existing.

  • Brohoof 1


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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@Samurai Equine @Renegade the Unicorn @Cash In

"Yes, Your Majesty." Heather said, "Which one of us shall you be sending down, this time?" She asked, silently hoping that it was her. Either way, those pathetic humans will suffer. She thought to herself as she waited patiently for the Gray King's answer. 




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Slate nodded in agreement, silently anticipating the Gray King's response. He had a distinct feeling that he wouldn't be sent down. Not yet, at least. He felt the tension grow in the room, as each second passed.

At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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The king examines everyone before deciding. "Heather, you shall be the first of my vassals to raid the human world. Your eagerness to begin is exactly what we need right now. You mission is to retrieve the Oracle Gem, and if anyone should stand in your way, remember that a human's greatest weakness is their emotions. Make that weakness your strength. Is that understood?"

Edited by Samurai Equine
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@Samurai Equine

She nodded, "Yes, Your Majesty. I shall not disappoint." She held her fan in front of her face and dissapeared.

Elsewhere, on Earth:

Emerald was walking home when something strange caught her eye. A woman sitting in a booth on the street, which was hidden way back. On display was a various amount of jewels and accessories, all beautiful. She knew she had to do her homework, but she couldn't help her curiosity. She ran over to the booth and looked over all of them, "Wow...." She mused, stroking a peridot that was sitting on the table. The woman smiled, "Have my offerings caught your eye?"

"Yes Ma'am." Emerald admitted, "Everything's so gorgeous."

"Anything that catches your eye, my dear?"

"No, I can't seem to pinpoint one thing. Even if I could, there's no way I would be able to afford it."

"I believe I have just the thing for you..." She pulled out a small, bronze ring with a moonstone embedded in it. Emerald's eyes sparkled when she saw it... "Beautiful." 

"Fit for a princess, isn't it? Beauty like hers is rare. She longs, she cries, for the people she lost. For when she defended her Kingdom, many lives were lost. The Oracle Gem is the answer, you see. Seek it out and there, Princess Melody shall be." 

"Uh... that's some creepy rhyme." 

The woman chuckled, "Excuse my rambling. Now, take it for free, won't you dear?"

"Wait... what?" 

"I have a feeling you'll be needing it more than I do."

Emerald smiled and nodded, then slipped the ring on her finger, unaware what new change would await her soon.

  • Brohoof 1




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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