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searching [OOC] Ambition for Ascension

Loud Opinion

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Sorry for the short reply. Just one of those situations were I had to get the story rolling before I go into detail.

  • Brohoof 1

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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Another smaller post. A lot of interactivity and a familiar setting, so not a lot of detail to write about.

  • Brohoof 1

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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Finally got my response in.


I didn't give you a tone to work with. I can post again if your character doesn't want to interrupt Octavia.

  • Brohoof 2

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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  • 2 weeks later...

that is great @Starforce:mlp_pinkie:

also @Loud Opinion I had to roll for Fuchsia there. She could easily have eaten those scumptious petals :3 but as much as she had late night pony munchies she is also a suspicious pony detective and she ultimately had too many questions about their appearance to dine on their deliciousness



  • Brohoof 3


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  • 2 weeks later...

When this role play started, Tone was the only thing centralizing everyone. As the RP went on the scope has gone beyond The Order of New Equestria.

Originally I only allowed one character per player to ensure that all characters had their fair share of agency. However, now the scope has broadened, I would like to amend that rule.

Now Multiple characters are allowed, but only one is allowed to be a member of Tone.

I'll update the OP accordingly.

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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just read this character and much lore was learned :) Am very interested about its motivations aand how they interact with the main story.

The question of the extent to which Magloria is redeemable is interesting :P also the light she shines on the flaws of the Princesses that are explored in the RP

  • Brohoof 2


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Ambition for Parody: Page 1 of the RP.


Starlight Facehoof alights from the train station, realising immediately that ascension to alicornhood is contrary to all her beliefs and that she should return to Non-alicorn Equality Village, her home. On the other-hoof she was a proud Facehoof, and doing things contrary to one’s belief is what Facehoofs have always believed in.

Starlight is shortly met by a refined silver mare with a bow, struggling with unwieldy player characters. “Just a moment.” the mare said, holding up a restraining hoof.

While Starlight is waiting for the silver mare, she decides to lift up inconsequential player characters. She boops them on their inconsequential snouts and gives them an ‘equalsies’ tattoo (aka Coloratura) before returning them to the ground.

Octavia’s eyes go wide at the display of raw power and she gestures towards the plot firmly, and says simply, “Go there.”

Starlight does not follow Octavia's direction and instead proceeds to proudly monologue loudly about equality. Octavia looks glum. “Go there?” Octavia repeats.

Starlight still does not follow Octavia. The grey mare looks over to her friend Silver Tongue for help. The silver mare says in her inimicable lyrical sophisticated tongueish way: “There plot. Nice plot. Go there!”

But Starlight was of the Facehoof clan and no Facehoof would comply with such straightforward demands. She continues her monologue about equality.

Octavia and Silver join forces to drag Staright to the plot,

Starlight enters the plot. It is tall. And arched. Albeit dusty from underuse. Starlight continues to monologue as she is dragged. The door to the plot reminds her of her village – shut off from the world to allow mares to monologue about equality.

The plot stretches, yawns and licks her with its silver tongue. The move is strong against Monologue-types.

Starlight Facehoof succumbs to the silver tongue and sits patiently on her plot. Octavia uses musical metaphors. They are pleasant, but less effective…

The plot opts for a more direct approach. She points to Octavia's plot. “Why aren’t you here?” it asks.

“Because I like to monologue.” Starlight Facehoof explains.

Octavia sighs and gets her furry plot in motion. Time to get this story on track!



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12 minutes ago, abrony-mouse said:

gives them an ‘equalsies’ tattoo (aka Coloratura)

So funny I fell off my dinosaur!:laugh: 

Of course, by 'laughing face', I mean käse burger.

  • Brohoof 2

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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Ambition for Parody: Page 2 of the RP



Starlight pinches Octavia’s flank. “Nice mark. It will look great on my wall.” She glances around the pews of the Plot Temple, imagining it full of furry flanks just like Octavia’s. Flanks Equals Power she thinks to herself. So More Flanks Equals More Power! she grins in anticipation. However, unbeknowst to Starlight, another flank was approaching Plot Temple. One that she would never be able to put on her wall…

While Stalight dreamed of flanktopia, a giant shadow engulfed Plot Temple, which quivered with anticipation at the new arrival. Magnolia, also known simply as ‘The Beast’, furled her 8 wings, quietened the jet-engines between her legs and, with a wave of her mighty eight horned head, ended the invisibility granted to her by her Klingon cloaking device. The Beast came to the temple fresh from her murder of Princess Celestia and she wore the pelt of Nightmare Moon with a Princess Cadance skull helmet. Magnolia only paused to swat away an innocent army of T-rexs, before shrinking herself down to the size of a normal mare in order to fit through the Temple’s narrow entrance. Magnolia had arrived. Plot temple would never be the same again.

Starlight turned her flank to face Magnolia. When she saw the majestic form in the door all thoughts of alicornification left her and her horn fell off. Relieved to have retained her scrumptious behind she offers it as a sacrifice to the Beast: “I have a nice flank, wanna be friends?” she mewls subserviently and rubs her hornless head in the dirt before the Dark Master.

“Death will be the only friend you will ever know meat-puppet, future-glue, prey-horse.” Magnolia replies kindlily. Starlight thanked her flank that the scent of fresh plot had put The Beast a good mood. Starlight managed to withhold an awed gasp at the magnificent posterior that undulated past her into the temple, Nice Flank! she thought, her eyes locked on the vision before her.

As the new mare forced her way roughly inside the outer entrance of Plot Temple, its inner entrance opened to welcome The Beast’s dark effusion. Octavia only barely managed to get out of the way and some of it got on her fur - she wrinkled her snout resignedly and wiped it off on Starlight, who squirmed excitedly as an unknown vigor stirred inside her. After a brief gestation, The Plot God manifested in the doorway and spoke with its silver tongue: “Please forgive us for the delay. We are not so sprightly and our work is taxing.”

The Beast was unamused: "This better not be a trick. Nobody has sent me letters in a very long time, So why would you? So tell me, what is this about? And pray it is not a trick or a trap...I have had ENOUGH of that in my time..."

Starlight managed to tear her eyes off Magnolia’s flank to stare at the image of the God’s egg-butt, which inspired her to butt in: “Hello, sweet-flanks, my name is Starlight Glimmer! I have come here to spread my message of true friendship to ponies across all of Equestria. I believe you two can assist me with that, correct? By helping me, I can help you erase the pain of your past lives and show you the wonderful future you deserve!”

Magnolia revs one of the jet engines with displeasure at the cult-leader’s interruption and Starfoce resumes her vigil of Magnolia’s flank. Starlight points to the unicorn’s purple and black star on her flank. “This is, of course, not to embarrass or to expose, but I did notice strange shadows surrounding you when we first met. It seems you have been overtaken by dark magic, so I want to help you take that away. Please, allow me to show you the light and a better future filled with lots of friendship,”

Magnolia is quick to respond: “My derriere isn't the source of my pain...as a matter of fact it is what I GOT from my pain after all..." Starlight understood what Magnolia meant – a posterior like that could only be achieved with great personal sacrifice, and quinoa.

“If flanks are so important to you” Magnolia continued “...then why don't you give up your own one? It seems...your whole thing is about making yourself feel superior than others..." her voice said ,trailing off slightly. "Justice is what the world needs...not a shim sham of flank-quality...it needs order, respect...authority to take away the bad so nobody suffers...By my name...I am Magnolia."

“Flank-quality is more real than anything you may ever experience!” Starlight cried “Poor tail-ends are what drive us apart! Giving them up will benefit everypony and teach them there is a much more simple way to live. You can see now that your own tail-end is filling you with hatred. If you learn to let go of everything you are holding on to, you will feel at peace,”

The Plot God is so incensed by the two mares talking out of their plot that it bites its Tongue. Luckily there’s some Grail hanging around to heal it. Magnolia turns to look as the God winces – focusing once more on her reason for being here. “There is something missing from me...That is why I am here... To gain something of which I don't have...perhaps? It is beginning to come together..."

Starlight is about to butt in again, but before she can, Magnolia removes her hind quarters, tail and all! She throws them into the air carelessly. Starlight anxiously catches Magnolia's bottom half. “M-Magnolia, you have to get away from the shadows! Don’t you see what they are doing to you? Your furry behind is being consumed by the darkness and you don’t even realize it! Please, let me help you, I can show you the light! Just take my hoof...if you can,”

Magnolia spits: "You talk big game about wanting to destroy differences between others, then when you see something you are unfamiliar with...you get frightened." Magnolia mused. Her voice was more wispy, echoy, without her rear end, but still there (unlike her flanks).

The Plot God sighs with exasperation. If only I hadn’t bitten my Tongue! she scolds herself as the two mares compare plots. Don’t worry… they will soon all love my plot or my name is not Limbo Dreams! See it tremble mortals and despair, for it is Toned.




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Though, it will be some time before her introduction is ready. We'll just have this in our back pockets until then.

  • Brohoof 1

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ambition for parody: page 3 of the RP

Also would like to say, I am really enjoying rereading this! Even if I do make it into a silly parody.


“I demand you restore your flanks at once!” Starlight demanded. Magnolia stuck her tongue out in return.


"You Starlight, you are a pathetic pony trapped in your desires.”  


Limbo Dreams, plot divinity, twiddled her hooves in the corner miserably. These two were her first apprentices! She tried resurrecting her other Silver Tongue, but it failed. Well I’ll just have to make do...

*Ahem!* “We are all here because of the inspiration that our newest princess has given us. Through determination and her own actions, she ascended to a height we could only dream of." Miss Dreams, in a rare display of playful mischief, paused for dramatic effect, "Well, that is how we are now at least."


"I am here to tell you that her path is inclusive. Make no mistake, Princess Sparkle's path is just that: a path. It is not a ladder, where vice will drag you down and only one person can stay at the top, nor is it a pit that is only visible to those already next to it. It is a winding, diverging, intersecting path through a maze of conflicting opportunities.”


She presses the remote control on the Temple’s patented plot TV and plays a few excerpts from MLP.


“You see,” Miss Dreams began again, “it was not one episode in particular that set Twilight on her path, it was the show itself. MLP sparked her journey to something beyond what her unicorn horn could give her. The same ambition each and every one of you poses. Those who have not felt it or still have doubts, I invite you to form a line, one by one, step up to the plot-screen and put your flanks upon it. It will ignite the sparkly pink fluffy unicorn within you and the vibrations as the characters speak are also quite exquisite.”


Magnolia went first. Could MLP sate her lust to consume the world and allow her to become a cute pink fwuffy unicorn? She presses her still-disembodied torso against the screen, a *tsk* from Limbo Dreams makes her realise her error, and blushingly she apparates her flanks. Starlight is delighted.


Starlight went second. She was too busy staring at Magnolia’s behind to take much in, but MLP did have a good plot, that’s for sure.


Limbo’s eyes became unnaturally huge as she watched her favourite pony show.


All the ponies fall asleep watching MLP :3


When Magnolia and Starlight woke, the world around them was replaced by a cartoon forest. “Just like in MLP!” Magnolia said and hugged her unicorn friend. Starlight and Magnolia held hooves like besties. However, getting anywhere here would be a very frustrating chore as the trees were too cute to keep any sense of direction. Many of the trees wore cat-faces and had pink or lavender fur. The bright rainbow logos on them were also very distracting.

One could be born here and spend their whole life looking for an exit, only to grow old and pass away on the cute terrain. Despite the breeze, this saccharine biome proved to be as still and quiet as a forgotten secret. The only fauna around were pink moths and bubbly spiders. Limbo mused happily, she was glad to be back.

"Welcome to the wood," Limbo whispered. "Please follow me. We can talk on the way," Here, her pupils were a healthy size. A subtle sign that this was her element.


Magnolia pranced along, pausing to hug some of the trees. Then finally Magnolia spoke, sounding like a chibi. "I presume that you know of us, thus you sent those letters. There is something you see within me." Magnolia said, observantly. Magnolia took Starlight’s hoof she wanted to get to know her friend better and examine what had been hidden, but that would have to wait.


Starlight blinked in the bright daylight of MLP-world. She would act friendly to everypony, no matter how friendly or unfriendly they acted in return. In time, other ponies would see her strong display of friendship and want to emulate it. She informed Magnolia that she was ‘kawaii’ and would have put two fingers up like a Japony school-filly, if she had them.


Limbo Dreams gazed jealously at the two. Nopony had hugged her yet. Was it the horns? Being hugged by a cute tree just wasn’t the same, but it would do for now. She gave the clingy cartoon sycamore that was hugging her a pat, receiving a mew and purr in return - dang MLP-world was just so friggin cute :3

Limbo tried to lick the fluffy lilac tree with her silver tongue, but realised she must have left it behind. This time I want the cat to have my tongue but I don’t have it! The irony!

Limbo was startled out her oh so witty reverie when Magnolia hugged her and then rolled over for a belly rub. “This is a world of struggle and Equality is just a shim sham of what it really is, a chorus of raging minds that will never be silenced." Magnolia said, but the effect was spoiled by her winking and holding up her hoof like a doggy.


Starlight bounds up and tweaks Magnolia’s tail and the two fillies take off shrieking and chasing each other laughing freely.


 Once Starlight returned she hugged Limbo too, I consider you my friend and I want what is best for you. I know that, deep down, there are some differences of yours that make you unhappy. I want to lift that burden from you and offer the purest friendship there is,” she preached. Limbo petted her.


Before long the group had arrived at plot-rock. All around the rock the cute withered. Limbo set out the plot: "You both assume things will stay the same if you don't do anything about it. You are mistaken. There are forces in this very wood that will undo whatever you have worked to build. I dreamed of moths swarming ponies and leaving nothing but bone behind; ponies attacking each other for looking at them wrong; entire countries, frozen in time; lions the size of cities; the sun split in two. Both of you are here because terrible things are coming. They go beyond our differences. Starlight, you can bring ponies together and fight what can't be conquered. Magnolia, you are the key to extinguishing those too cruel to reason. Follow me, save Equestria, and we will all live to become cute fwuffy pink unicorns IRL! "


Limbo then breathed deeply, bringing herself down from the most passionate she had been in years before finishing. "If you don't believe me, even in this improbable place, then step through this way, and you will see for yourself," Limbo whispered as she began to knock the mineral deposits from between the rocky glutes of plot rock.


As Magnolia and Starlight entered plot rock, the cute fell off them. Magnolia’s edge returned and so did Starlight’s flank obsession. “All flanks must be equal.” Starlight declared, happy to be back to her old self. “I hate Starlight and like eating kittens.” Magnolia declared, also happy to be back to her toxic self.


Limbo felt heartened as the two followed her in. She had sent hundreds of letters about MLP to ponies around equestria and had only received obscene junk-mail before these two.


"Ascension is not as simple as a state of mind. That is only half of what is needed. Ambition fuels you, but the path must be walked. Effort must be used. Sacrifices must be made. Barriers must be removed." 

Limbo then gave a moment's thought before deciding to get more personal, "I envy the both of you," She admitted with the same gentle smile she held throughout the exposition, "For every three steps you take, I must take five. If one of you fails, the other can succeed, but if either of you fails, so will I. Even though I have the best understanding of Ascension, I will be the last, and least likely to do so." She hesitates and adds gravely, “Because I have horns like a frat-boy at a baseball game poking out of my head.” She didn’t need to add that pink fwuffy unicorns do not have frat-boy horns.

"Now," Limbo grunts as she continues to hammer fruitlessly at the mineral deposits with her hooves, "Can you two both stop being so flank-obsessed and toxic and can I get some help with this carving? It’s that time of the Moth."

As they dug, Limbo continued her teachings. "Fate rewards you for doing what you ought to do anyway," Limbo summarized before speaking to the both of them, "That's what the Twilight believes anyway. I, for one, have no such delusions. I must apologize. You see, I lied when I said that Twilight had ascended. That's the official story, but I don't believe it for a moment. She may have wings, but can you look at her, and then at Princess Miamore Cadenza, and honestly tell me they are on the same level? Many have made the mistake of attributing that to Twilight being a subtle shade of pink-purple, but I know better. Cadenza is the only true pink fwuffy unicorn and she even has a cute heart on her flank – she is the only one who has truly ascended to MLP-hood. When we get back to the temple you must have a look at my art of her – I ship her with my OC."

However, her disciples are not listening. Limbo sighs as Starlight objects that the princesses flanks are all equal, and that black flanks are the equalest of all. Starlight's eyes are glued to Magnolia's sleek posterior. Limbo is equally unimpressed when Magnolia boasts that she ate Twilight for breakfast, along with her castle. “Pink fwuffy unicorns do not eat castles!” she chides. But it was no use, the two disciples had already stopped digging their way into plot rock and had become distracted by their mutual character traits. Limbo raises her eyes to the heavens and recites a prayer:

Oh MLP hear my prayer,

Make the world one where everypony is pink a cute,

With cute fwuffy fur, and sparkles to boot,

And problems lie far far away,

And also I would like my little pony today,

Lead us always away from cheap clay-motion knock offs,

And back to fully realised furry characters on Netflix



The prayer gives her the strength to silence the bickering disciples. "I believe you've made your point," Limbo announced coldly to Magnolia, "Several times, I might add. That goes for you too, Starlight."


Limbo had had enough. Starlight undermines her message. Magnolia undermines Starlight, despite the growing calamities just outside our vision. And to top it off, Magnolia turns out to have Lantern and Starlight turns out to have Heart. Getting these two to agree on anything will be like herding cats! Limbo had expected as much for some time, but she hoped fate would surprise her with some Grail.

Limbo muses about how to corrall them. If I can’t get them to shut up then what about ten billion plot-moths? They can be quite persuasive en masse. 

“Hey is that herd of moths pointing at plot-rock?” Magnolia and Starforce chime in unison, as a giant cloud of moths form an arrow in the sky – its humming tip inches from the plot’s opening.

“Lemme fight it.” Magnolia says.

“Lemme at Starlight’s flank.” Starlight says.


Limbo looks crestfallen. Perhaps something even more powerful than a countless cloud of plot-moths is needed. But what? If I hear any more about Magnolia’s flanks I shall scream!



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