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open The Town That Friendship Forgot

Samurai Equine

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@C. Thunder Dash

Pencil blushed as Chelsea held her. She had to admit, the bird feathers were quite soft, but being held made her feel like a little foal. She squirmed, trying to let Chelsea know that she wanted to be freed and get her hooves back on the ground.

@Samurai Equine @Dynamo Pad @Ragland Tiger @SolidFire7

“Hey guys!” Pencil exclaimed as she saw Dynamo, Thundy, Bluebell, and Finn. She waved to everyone individually to let them know she saw each of them.

When she waved to Finn, she barely saw him at all as he galloped off to who-even-knew-where. Pencil furrowed a brow in concern. Was he going to run off? Thankfully, he returned quickly and announced that he only had to go to the bathroom. Pencil decided not to question why he was so frantic earlier and instead listened to the story he was currently telling.

“A changeling? Really? Ooh, where is he?” she curiously asked the colt.

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@Ragland Tiger @ExplosionMare @Samurai Equine @C. Thunder Dash @SolidFire7

Hearing that Thundy used a memory spell for the track was both surprising, yet fascinating to Dynamo. "That's actually pretty interesting. I remember you said you could call upon memories for certain abilities and such, but never for a track from a racing game. I have to agree with you there, Thundy. I do like the later games, but Double Dash has it's own special charm to it." He would say, before a thought had crossed his mind. "Wait a minute. So, if the route we went on was turned into a kart track, then what was with the items on the road, as well as being thrown at us? Was that from dodging obstacles in town and other townsfolk? I have to say I'm surprised with didn't hit anything or anyone, for that matter." He would say, thankful that nobody was hurt. His ears soon perked as he heard a voice he wasn't too familiar with. Turning towards the source of the voice, he saw that it was what appears to be a changeling. He took note of what looked to be armor on parts of his wings and legs. "Hey and it's nice to meet you. We were all about to head into the arcade to play some video games. The more, the merrier I always say. By the way, my name is Dynamo Pad, but you can call me Dynamo. What's your name?" 

The gaming unicorn smiled as Final had a good sense of hygiene, as well as knowing he had sanitary wipes. "That's good to know. I didn't blame you when you had to rush into the arcade." He would say, before hearing that the young colt had a story to tell. "A story to tell all of us? What kind of story was it?" He asks, before Final had brought up the new changeling arrival to Friendshire.

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@Ragland Tiger @SolidFire7

Once he helped Bluebell out of the cart, he turned towards the changeling, who had bowed slightly before him and the others."It's nice to meet you Phoenix and no need to bow." Dynamo responded, taking notice that the now named Phoenix was very humble. Especially with the different titles he had in his name. Upon hearing then name Don Quixote, he placed a hoof upon his chin. "I think I've that name being mentioned in history class. That, and I've heard of that name on a trading card, but the card went by the name El Quixote. Why do you ask?"


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@Ragland Tiger, @SolidFire7, @Dynamo Pad, @C. Thunder Dash, @ExplosionMare

Final is happy that Phoenix is making fast friends. "History is not my best subject. I'm a scientist! ...Even if I am a little young." Final explains.

And then a light bulb goes off in his head!

"Oh! I just remembered! The important story I was going to tell you all! My first attempt at time travel magic sent me here for some reason. With magic that complex, I don't believe I arrived here by accident. I must have been drawn to this era for a reason, and that's what I've been looking for since I came here, the purpose of me being here in the future. And I finally discovered why I was magically brought here!" Final exclaims.

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@Dynamo Pad @Samurai Equine

He shrugs.

"Well, that's was just a little something inspired by a novel by the same name, where this rich stallion, again of the same name, read old books about knights to the point where he believed that it was his destiny to bring the practice back, even though they had been gone by a few hundred years by that point. Also, I tend to weave into my speech certain things from books, movies, shows, and the like at random times, so don't be surprised if I start speaking in Old English or act like someone else or the like."

Turning to the colt, his face takes a thoughtful look.

He then begins muttering about quantum mechanics, chaos theory, and the like, before shaking his head.

Edited by SolidFire7
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@SolidFire7 @Dynamo Pad @Samurai Equine @Ragland Tiger

"Actually, the Goombas, banana peel and red shell were all part of the memory. Random occurences." Thundy stated as he heard another voice. At the mention of Don Quixote, his ears perked up. "Ah, Don Quixote, Man de la Mancha. Oh that's such a great story." Thundy stated. The name's Thundy." Thundy said seeing the changeling. 


Chelsea gently put Pencil back on the ground. "I'm Chelsea. It's nice to meet you." Chelsea said to the changeling. 


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@Ragland Tiger @ExplosionMare @Samurai Equine @C. Thunder Dash @SolidFire7

"Huh." Dynamo uttered, while surprised at how real Thundy's memories were. "I guess the memory had us all jump from the field over towards the arcade. Even though it looked like we were driving. I wonder if it had something to do with memory, or dimensional travel or something along those lines. It's still pretty cool that it was through that memory magic you had mentioned." He would say, while it seemed that the male griffon had known about Don Quixote. As he learned about the story, the gaming unicorn was intrigued by what the changeling was talking about. "It's interesting to see that the stallion tried to bring the practice of knights back. I hope it's okay to ask, but I'm guessing the armor is the same in following the same idea?" He asks, nodding in agreement of weaving in speeches. "I tend to do that too from time to time. Granted, it's mostly in either video games or if I've seen a movie. Some lines I just speak at random because of how memorable it can be. That, or it just has that lasting impression that can be empowering. Either those, or sometimes a line is just funny or fitting to mention." He chuckled, before his eyes widened at Final's mention of his story. He remembered that the young colt had traveled through time and was in the present, while he was meant to be in the past. He recalled that the young stallion had made it to this timeline for some specific reason, but at the time it was unknown.

From what it seemed, it looked as if the young Final had reached a discovery. "You managed to find out the reason that you're here? If so, then what was the reason, Final?" He suddenly grew quiet as he looked around to see if there was anyone passing by. "Uh, hey Final? You guys?" He asks, trying to gain everyone's attention. "Do you think it would be better if we had this discussion inside? Better to be safe than sorry than to have any prying ears, you know? I'd be worried for Final's safety if anyone in town knew of him. All the while, seeing what he looks like now." He would say, while hoping everyone understood the situation he was bringing up.

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@Dynamo Pad @SolidFire7 @Ragland Tiger @Samurai Equine

Thundy smiled as Solid held the door for everyone. He stepped back into the arcade. "Okay, who's up for a mario kart race? I sure am..." Thundy said. "I sure am." Chelsea stated as she walked inside. The two water versions followed suit. 

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@Ragland Tiger @ExplosionMare @Samurai Equine @C. Thunder Dash @SolidFire7

The gaming unicorn watched as Phoenix had drawn his blade, while forming some magical windmills. He was amazed at what he was seeing. He had heard that changelings were able to shapeshifter into other ponies, creatures and objects. However, he had never seen them make a magical windmill before. He wondered if it was due to special magic, or magic that changelings had from within. He smiled as he saw Phoenix laughing as he pantomimed galloping, while it looked like he was having fun with his friends. Dynamo frowned slightly as it looked like Phoenix had frozen in the air. Had he said something wrong? Did something happen that wasn't meant to be brought up? So many questions ran through the gaming unicorn's mind. Feeling worried that he had messed up a potential friendship. "O-Oh, okay. I'm sorry if I had said something wrong, or if I said something that was out of line." He says, giving the changeling an apologetic look. As Solid held the door open for everyone, Dynamo nodded as Thundy had mentioned some games to play. Looking over to Bluebell, he held out his front hoof for her to take. "What do you say? Ready to play some games, Bluebell?" He asks, giving the bespectacled mare a small smile. 

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@SolidFire7 @Dynamo Pad

Thundy saw as Phoenix forged a blade. "Hey cool balde." Thundy said as he went over to the tables where Mario Kart 8 was. Fortunately, there were as many controllers as there were creatures so everyone was able to play. 

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@Dynamo Pad @C. Thunder Dash @SolidFire7 @Ragland Tiger @Samurai Equine

Pencil noticed that the aforementioned Changeling had arrived, introducing himself as Phoenix. He had really interesting magical skills and super cool blades. Pencil liked him already.

“Hi, there! I’m Pencil Pouch!” she introduced.

As the group made their way into the arcade, Thundy asked if anyone was interested in Mareio Kart. As long as nothing dangerous in real life occurred, Pencil was fine with it. She made her way to a table and saw that there were enough controllers for everyone. She grasped one in her magic and waited to see who else was playing. 

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@SolidFire7 @Dynamo Pad @ExplosionMare @Ragland Tiger

Thundy stood up and gathered some electricity. He then made a ball of electricity appear and pulled a quick convert to turn it into a forging fireball. He then stretched the fireball and it began to shape into a sword, not just any sword but Link's sword. Link's sword was revealed in all it's splendor. Thundy held it out in his talons for Phoenix. 

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@Ragland Tiger@Dynamo Pad, @C. Thunder Dash, @ExplosionMare

Final goes in the arcade with everyone else.

Once he is comfortable and he is sure everyone else, Final explains himself. "Well, you see... The reason I was summoned here is because of... this!"

Final reaches into his waist coat, pulls out his pocket watch, and then turns it around and shows everyone the backside.
Engraved on the back of it is little letters that read "Made in Friendshire".

Final holds it close again once everyone has seen it. "I guess someone in my timeline must have bought the watch from this town, brought it back to my home town, and sold it to me. I wonder how I didn't notice until now..." Final says.

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

With a sudden magical activation, Final's pocket watch glows, and a portal opens up behind him. At first, that portal looks like a clock face before turning into a traditional worm hole. Final looks behind himself and notices. He gives a somber smile before facing everyone. "Yep. I really did figure it out. So I guess this is where I say goodbye..." Final is hesitating. "But I guess not really! Because if what you've all told me is true, I'll see you all again some day when I've finally mastered this crazy magic. I might be older. You might not even recognize me. I could be a teen, an adult, or even an elder... But you'll all see me again! And I'll miss you all til that day happens."

Edited by Samurai Equine
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@Samurai Equine @SolidFire7 @Dynamo Pad @Ragland Tiger @ExplosionMare

Thundy made the sheath of the sword appear around his back. As he was putting the sword away, he smiled at Phoenix. 

Then, he heard a little chime and heard what sounded like a portal. "Well then...it was amazing having you with was Final. I'll always remember you as Finn. Will you tell Crow about everything? I really hope there is a way we could keep in touch..." Thundy said picking up Finn and hugging him close, giving him a nuzzle with his beak. 

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@C. Thunder Dash @Samurai Equine @Dynamo Pad @Ragland Tiger

Pencil gasped as a small portal opened up behind Finn. She was worried him or someone else would get sucked in, but thankfully, it didn’t seem intent on sucking anypony in. Pencil thought Finn was just showing off his magic and was ready to watch him perform. Unfortunately, he was using his enchanted pocket watch to leave. She was sad to see him go, but she knew he would have to leave eventually to keep himself safe.

“I’ll miss you, Finn. Good luck wherever you’re heading,” she said to him with a small smile.

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On 2021-02-21 at 10:52 PM, Dynamo Pad said:

As Solid held the door open for everyone, Dynamo nodded as Thundy had mentioned some games to play. Looking over to Bluebell, he held out his front hoof for her to take. "What do you say? Ready to play some games, Bluebell?" He asks, giving the bespectacled mare a small smile. 


@ExplosionMare @Samurai Equine @C. Thunder Dash @SolidFire7 @Dynamo Pad

"I'm-I'm a total new-newbie to-to g-g-gaming," said Bluebell,  "b-but it loo-loo-looks like f-fun!  C-c-can you teach me h-h-how, Dynamo?"

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@Ragland Tiger @Samurai Equine

Dynamo blinked as he heard Phoenix's remark, before giving a nod. "I know you said it's not my fault, but I'm still sorry. I guess I was worried I had touched upon a sensitive subject. Although, I understand what you mean." He says, knowing that he had some things he wasn't sure if he could discuss. It seemed like he wasn't the only in that regard. He turned his attention back towards Bluebell, before walking into the arcade alongside her. "Hey, that's okay. Everyone is a newbie when they're introduced to gaming. It was the same for me and it took a little bit to get used to the controls. Once you find the flow and the rhythm, then you'll be good at it in no time." He explained, nodding as she asked him to teach her. "Of course I can teach you, Bluebell. Is there any game that's caught your eye? If you see one, then point out to it. We'll go to it and give it a go."

As he waited patiently for Bluebell to choose, Dynamo looked towards Final, who had shown them a pocket watch. Seeing the pocket watch had reminded him of something he had seen in an anime. However, what caught his eyes was what was inscribed on the back. Reading the words, he gasped as it mentioned Friendshire. "If someone had done all that, then were they a time traveler too? If not, then maybe you met yourself when they were in disguise." He wondered, before the pocket watch suddenly activated. A portal soon appeared as the clock face turned into a wormhole. "D-Do you have to really go?" He asks, knowing full well that Final couldn't stay in this timeline. It was an obvious answer, but it was one he didn't want to have answered. He frowned as it felt like he was saying farewell to an old friend, before shaking his head. A smile appearing on his face as Final was right. "No. This isn't goodbye. It's like you said that we might run into you again. You may be different, but I have a feeling we'll remember each other. I'll miss you too, but stay safe. So, this isn't truly a goodbye. It's more like a see you soon, my friend." He would say with a farewell wave. 

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