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open The Town That Friendship Forgot

Samurai Equine

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@C. Thunder Dash

Dynamo was momentarily confused when Thundy had pulled over and stopped the car. He noticed that the car was still running, but he wasn't sure if they had found a place to explore for his upcoming date. He was caught off guard when his seat belt unbuckled, before being brought into a hug. Looking up at Thundy, he blinked as he listened to the male griffon's words of comfort. "T-Thank you, Thundy." He would say, nodding softly as he felt that he could believe the male griffon. "I-I know I had met her at random during the kart race, but I'm glad I did. She helped me when things weren't working out during the race. I know I want to get to know her and learn more about her. I know I only knew her for a few days, but I like her. I know it might sound strange, but she's done something special that someone I had met a long time ago has done." He smiled softly, giving the griffon a hug.

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@C. Thunder Dash

"You do?" Dynamo asks, wondering how Thundy had understood what the blue unicorn was going through. "I hope you're right, though. I think the idea will present itself, but I just need to find it. I really want to see where things go for Bluebell and I." He says, while feeling hopeful as he stuck to his feelings. "At any rate. Did you want to continue to take the scenic route, or did you have anything in mind?" He pulled back from the hug, before buckling himself up once more.

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@C. Thunder Dash

"With a vehicle like this. I guess I can't say that I'm surprised at the mention of showing what it's capable of." Dynamo chuckled, contemplating on the offer being presented to him. He thought for a moment, before ultimately making his decision. "I'd have to go with the former. This way, you can show me the two things you wanted to show quickly. After that, we can look around and see what's available for the date. Once that's done, I can go and get ready, before making my way to the inn. There should be time as I have about an hour to get ready." He says, looking at Thundy, while wondering what the male griffon had in mind.

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@Dynamo Pad

"Alright then." Thundy stated. He gathered some electricity and made what seemed like a large target appear in front of them. Thundy let out a small pulse of energy, revving the engine. "First one." He said pulling up the handbrake. He then gathered a load of electricity, digging deep and revving engine again. Thundy slammed the gas, but the mustang didn't launch forward. Instead, the rear tires spun rapidly as the engine almost hit peak RPMs (revolutions per minute). A huge thunderbolt could be seen shooting out from the grille as the whole mustang was surrounded by an electric aura. Thundy held the burnout for five seconds, then released. The target had disintegrated into ash. "What do you think of that?" Thundy asked. 

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@C. Thunder Dash

As the male griffon gathered electricity, Dynamo looked ahead to see a large target had appeared in front of them. "Uh...Thundy? Are you sure it's safe to make a target around here? Especially, when we are in a town full of bystanders?" He asks, feeling slightly worried as Thundy pulled a lever in the car. As he hit the gas pedal, Dynamo felt the car felt jittery as it was running. He wondered if the jittering was due to the lever, but he couldn't be sure. As the tires spun, a huge thunderbolt had blasted out from the car towards the target. All the while, the entire mustang began to glow with an electric aura. Dynamo could feel his mane and fur stand slightly on end, while feeling the amount of power in the aura. He looked forward to see the target had been disintegrated upon impact. His jaw dropped in surprise at what had transpired, but he was still impressed. "That was insane! That was still pretty awesome! How did you manage to do that?"

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@Dynamo Pad

"A process called alignment. It has to do with the memory thing I told you about yesterday. Because doing a burnout requires a lot of power and the mustang remains stationary, it is possible to perform pokemon moves through a vehicle like this. I bet if you asked Chelsea, she could perform a Hydro Pump with her car. There is one last thing..." Thundy said as he made a brick wall appear in front of them. Thundy then reversed slowly to give extra room to build up speed. Thundy then shifted to drive but...pulled a small lever labeled V.T. Thundy took a deep breath, and focused. "Dynamo, you better brace for this one..." He warned. 

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Samurai nods. He takes Nopony and Tree's hooves in his own, concentrates his magic, and teleports all 3 of them to the entrance of the hospital.

Canterwild is interesting. While most hospitals have a white interior color scheme, this one goes for dark grays and metallic colors. Samurai walks up to the front desk. "Excuse me, I was wondering if we could see the Anonymous pony that you're taking care of? We believe his name is Trilby Hatter." Samurai says. The nurse at the front desk looks rather surprised. "Well, you are correct, that is the name of the patient we have. However, before he lost consciousness yesterday, he made comments that made implied that he doesn't want visitors. There's only one pony he might have been willing to let in, but he never volunteered her name. He's been unresponsive for a long while now." The nurse explains.

Samurai nods and steps away from the desk, returning to Nopony and Tree Song. "I'm not sure what to do in this situation. Do you think we should contact our friends? We all know him. I feel like they'd want to be updated." Samurai asks as he pulls out his notebook.

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@C. Thunder Dash

"So, the smoke from the tires was all for the process of this burnout? I guess that makes sense, but I can imagine there's more to it than just that." Dynamo stated, smiling at the mention of Pokemon moves. "I mean, it isn't technically Pokemon moves, per se. Since I call it will-o-wisp as I'm launching mini fireballs. I know it's not the actual move, but it's sort of fun to say it." He smiled sheepishly, while understanding that it's Thundy and Chelsea using their abilities. "Being able to use a variation of Hydro Pump is pretty useful. Especially if there's a way to stop burning buildings, fires, or crowds who are causing a riot." He explained, before seeing a brick wall appear in front of them. Blinking in confusion, Dynamo felt the car begin to slowly reverse. "Uh...Thundy? Please tell me you're not thinking what I think you're thinking." He began putting two and two together as he slowly realized what was about to happen. "Wait! Isn't it better if I get out of the car and watch, or use the belt if there's not option!? What if the vehicle gets damaged? You know what happens in video games!" He exclaimed, while being told to brace himself. He was indeed nervous for his date with Bluebell, but he didn't want to have a panic attack from what might transpire. Especially after what he was put through a few days ago with Thundy being turned into a car.

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@Dynamo Pad

"Everything will be okay Dynamo. In fact, you'll hardly feel a thing..." Thundy stated. Thundy was right, for whenever he did a volt tackle with his mustang, it was almost like being cloaked with the powers of the super star from Mario games. Thundy eyed the brick wall and revved his mustang, focusing deep to wield the power of the Volt Tackle. 

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@C. Thunder Dash

Dynamo's eyes quickly glanced from Thundy to the wall to Thundy once more. Taking a deep breath, he gulped as he tried to brace himself. "I-If you say so." He muttered softly, before the vehicle began to rev up. The gaming unicorn could feel his muscles begin to tighten as his heartbeat kicked into overdrive. He was scared, but he knew this might have been the norm for the male griffon. He stayed quiet as Thundy looked to have been concentrating, but he still trembled softly in nervousness.

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@Dynamo Pad

Thundy had closed his eyes, but snapped his eyes open once he heard Ash's words in his mind. "Pikachu, use Volt Tackle!" Thundy revved the Mustang once more then slammed the gas. The mustang accelerated hard but at lower RPMs. The RPMs increased, sounding like when Pikachu used Volt Tackle. A huge veil of electricity surrounded the mustang as it zoomed towards the brick wall. The mustang crashed through the brick wall and the wall disintegrated instantly into dust. Only the smallest of impacts was felt. Thundy gradually slowed the mustang down back to a stop. The mustang was completely untouched. "See? Everything is still in tact." Thundy stated as he turned off the V.T setting. 

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@C. Thunder Dash

Once Thundy had closed and reopened his eyes, Dynamo felt himself being pulled back into his seat. He felt his front hooves grip the sides of his seat as he grit his teeth. 'This is it!' He closed his eyes, slowly opening one eye as he heard the sound of electricity crackling. He looked around to see the vehicle was becoming enveloped in a veil of electricity. All the while, zooming down the road towards the brick wall. He felt the quick impact of the brick wall, but he could see that the vehicle was still in motion. Almost as if there was no brick wall to begin with. Once the car slowed to a complete stop, Dynamo turned his head around. Along with releasing his grip on the seat as the seatbelt didn't feel constricting him anymore. He saw the wall was reduced to nothing but rubble and dust, while the car itself was still intact. Not even a scratch was seen upon the exterior. Hearing the male griffon's remark caused Dynamo to release the sigh he had been holding. "I know you said everything would be fine, but one can't help in worrying. It was still cool, nonetheless, but that's something I might not try anytime soon." He says, feeling a rollercoaster was better than what he had gone through. He had to admit, it was less than fearful than the joyride from the other day, but it was still scary regardless.

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@C. Thunder Dash

Dynamo smiled and nodded at the mention of exploring the town. "Sounds like a plan to me. Let's get going." He would say, while the car began to drive at a reasonably slow pace. As the background music began to play, Dynamo grinned a small grin at the music being played. "Ah, Twinleaf Town. Such a peaceful theme for the starting town in Diamond, Pearl and Platinum." He sighed, almost finding it ironic at how well the song fit for the town. As he began looking around, Dynamo's eyes trailed back towards Thundy. "So, what are some things I should be looking for in regards to a date? I know eating is one thing, but are there other things? I'm going to guess an activity that the couple can enjoy, as well."

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@Dynamo Pad

"Oh yes, I've almost fell asleep listening to Twinleaf Town's music. And...perhaps something outdoors. Bluebelle is from one of those Southern cultures, as I refer to them back in my world, so perhaps a walk along a forest path. Or, if you're adventurous, you could do some outdoor sporty stuff, say like canoeing down a flatwater river." Thundy stated as he drove through the town. He then noticed a building where ponies could rent out canoes. "Oh look, a canoe renting place." Thundy stated. 

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@C. Thunder Dash

"I've ever only fallen asleep to a game if I stayed up too long on a midnight release, or all night gaming marathon." Dynamo chuckled, nodding as he agreed with Thundy's train of thought. "I was thinking of something outdoors. Like I mentioned last night. I did visit Appleloosa once, but it was during a video game tournament. So, I didn't get to see the town all that much, but I did see that everyone was into outdoor activities." He explained, nodding as he was learning something from Thundy's world. "A walk does sound pretty nice. I think there was a path that also lead to the field that we trained at." He would say, looking over to see someone renting out canoes. "Maybe. It's a little nicer than the past few days, but it's still a bit chilly at times. Something will come to me." As he put his chin on his front hooves to think, he felt a piece of paper fall on his face. He reeled back in surprise, before holding the flier in his magical grasp. Looking through the contents, he smiled as he showed the male griffon. "Hey, Thundy? What about this? It says that there's a carnival today. It's still outdoors, but there's also many rides to go on. Along with activities like the water pistol contest, knocking down bottles and such. So, there's many things to do. Plus, I remember that Bluebell likes rollercoasters like I do. At least, we had fun together when riding the ride you made. So, maybe that could be someplace for her and I to go to." He says, looking up to see a few Pegasi passing out fliers to any and all in town.

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@Dynamo Pad

"Ooh, now that's even better. I don't think Friendshire could afford to build a huge coaster like I did, but I could hook'em up with some other stuff. Besides, as you said, carnivals are not just about the rides. Carnival games are sooo much fun, especially when you got a partner." Thundy stated as he saw the pegasai passing out the flyer. "Alright, so carnival is on the list." Thundy added. The song changed. 


"Another relaxing fave of mine..." Thundy stated as he gathered some electricity and made his Z-ring appear on his left wrist. It had all the z-crystals on it. 

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@C. Thunder Dash

“T-Thanks, Chelsea,” Pencil said as Chelsea soothed her dizziness. “I know how it is to get caught up in the moment, so it’s ok,”

She returned to the ground and began to walk towards the museum. She looked to the griffon and asked,

“Well, should we go in?”

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@C. Thunder Dash

“I can’t wait, either!” Pencil beamed. “I just have to get my schedules together and then everything should be set,”

She walked up to the door and held it open for Chelsea with her magic. She then stepped inside herself and made her way towards her office. She hoped it was still built as she remembered it.

“I’m, uh, not sure if any of the art survived...the others’ paintings, I mean, yours might be okay. If I can’t find anything, I might have to call everypony here again and redo the schedules,” she muttered. The possibility of losing all of everypony’s hard work during the war made her anxious. She sincerely hoped nothing happened to any of the art.

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@C. Thunder Dash

"You'd be surprised. They were able to build a huge track for the kart race, as well as a building for the karaoke event. So, I can imagine that it's there for a couple of days. Seems like it's in a further part of town. Probably to have enough space to be set up." Dynamo explained, nodding in agreement at Thundy's statement. As he heard the song change, the blue unicorn smiled as it was familiar. "Oh, I remember this song. Wasn't this played when you reached Poni Island in Alola?" He asks, turning towards Thundy, but stopped as a building caught his eye. "Hey, wait a minute. Do you mind stopping for a second?" He asks, not taking notice of the Z-ring that was on the griffon's left wrist.

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