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ooc My Hero Academia RP: VILLAINS! (REOPEN) OOC


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A spin off RP of My Hero Academia RP by @Bakugou Is My Man ❤! This a separate RP from her’s but I’m giving the people who already in it a first dibs on getting the spot. So @Renegade the Unicorn@Dynamo Pad @Jedishy @Arid_Blitz @Drago Ryder @dragon4111 @Bakugou Is My Man ❤ If you guys wish to participate on this spin-off, feel free too!  Noted this is a separate RP from our other MHA RP, it’s a spinoff. Unless we can decide in the future to collaborate. But for now it’s separated.


I need villains who come from varies of backgrounds, ages, and quirks who view the society as corrupted, broken, or whatever your character’s view on the society! What makes your character a villain? Or better yet anti- hero? Someone who believes in the right cause but are doing the wrong.  I needs villains who felt the society has rejected them,  So the villains chose to turn their back against the world! 

My goal is to try to create a groups of villains different from league of villains. What makes us unique? What makes us stand out? If anyone have plans to contribute, feel free to!

Here’s The following information requirement  for your character  


Villain alias name:




A belief description of their appearances:

A belief description of their background:

Personality: (belief):

Power: -/5

Speed:  -/5


Intelligence: -/5

Cooperative: -/5

Here's mine and he will be leading the group of villains (we also need to come up with our group name as well!) 


Name: Unknown

Alias: Beelzebub

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Likes:  Fresh Fruits

Quirk: “Lord of the flies”:  He can create hordes flies out of any cells from his body and use them for offensive and defensive. He can reverse them back into his body. His flies are no ordinary flies because they’re shown to be more advance than a normal fly when it comes to speed, senses, and defenses. He can have his flies split deadly acid and chew on its victim for nutrient. He also uses his fly for spying purposes, since he can understand them. But he can only create that many if he has enough nutrient for himself. By solely eating rotten or expired food. Weakness: His flies are weak to extreme heat or cold weather. Thus, he prefers stealth over melee. 

Appearance: He wears a goggle that looks like the eyes of a fly wearing a sun shield 'cap' and a captain hat over it, that was once worn by his previous commander. A full gray uniformal suit with a tie, with a small fly pin on it. Black trench coat with some fly’s wing pattern on it, combat boots and some pouches. 

Background: A former lieutenant and a lone survivor after his squadron was killed by mysterious incident.  He got blamed for it and faced charges. He believes the government framed him. Losing hope and the expectation from the society he once serves under, he blamed the society for failing to see their mistake and his goal is to fix the system. His influenced by Stain’s ideology. 

Personality: He values humility and respect those who hold true to their words. He does not tolerate those who shows no respect or who acted upon on their selfish deed.  Despite of his quirk and eating rotten food, he like keeping things clean.  He tends to overthink things  which often lead to his downfall.

Power: 3/5 

Speed: 3/5 

Technique: 5/5 

Intelligence: 3/5 

Cooperative: 5/5

Free feel to pitch in for adding any ideas!
@TBD: Beelzebub

Name: Unknown

Alias: Beelzebub

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Likes:  Fresh Fruits

Quirk: “Lord of the flies”:  He can create hordes flies out of any cells from his body and use them for offensive and defensive. He can reverse them back into his body. His flies are no ordinary flies because they’re shown to be more advance than a normal fly when it comes to speed, senses, and defenses. He can have his flies split deadly acid and chew on its victim for nutrient. He also uses his fly for spying purposes, since he can understand them. But he can only create that many if he has enough nutrient for himself. By solely eating rotten or expired food. Weakness: His flies are weak to extreme heat or cold weather. Thus, he prefers stealth over melee. 

Appearance: He wears a goggle that looks like the eyes of a fly wearing a sun shield 'cap' and a captain hat over it, that was once worn by his previous commander. A full gray uniformed suit with a tie, with a small fly pin on it. Black trench coat with some fly’s wing pattern on it, combat boots and some pouches. Overall clothing looks close to this except with a tie and more 'fly' design on it.


Background: A former lieutenant and a lone survivor after his squadron was killed by mysterious incident.  He got blamed for it and faced charges. He believes the government framed him. Losing hope and the expectation from the society he once serves under, he blamed the society for failing to see their mistake and his goal is to fix the system. His influenced by Stain’s ideology. 

Personality: He values humility and respect those who hold true to their words. He does not tolerate those who shows no respect or who acted upon on their selfish deed.  Despite of his quirk and eating rotten food, he like keeping things clean.  He tends to overthink things  which often lead to his downfall.

Power: 3/5 

Speed: 3/5 

Technique: 5/5 

Intelligence: 3/5 

Cooperative: 5/5



Name: Krizalid D. Rolauc
Villain Name: Subject Zero
Age: 30
Quirk: Vampiric Drain.

Backstory: Having been born quirkless to a wealthy business family, the family was disappointed in Krizalid. Using their vast fortune his parents along with other wealthy business partners started the Quirk Zero [will think of a better name] project. Working with All for One they used the Nomu's as a baseline to give quirkless people quirks. After a few failed experiments that lead to a few people dying from their quirk, Krizalid began to show signs of a quirk.

Testing it out it was revealed his quirk could drain people's quirk for a time. His strength increased along with his speed. Krizalid eventually over the years left the facility leaving behind a trail of destruction.After leaving he went into hiding for a few years honing his skills.
At the age of fifteen he wandered the globe, using access to his parents wealth to travel and learn. From different martial arts and weapon styles to business. Having a college degree in Business, a degree in law and began one into Medical.

As he traveled gaining all of his knowledge, the quirk he acquired was pushed to limits as he fought school bullies with quirks, gangs, even mafia members. Finally making his way home at the age of twenty-seven he took over his family business in a takeover. Having talked board members and stock owners to put their trust into him. During the first year Krizalid raised profits as well brought in a few new faces. One being a merger with the Harada foundation. However after a bit Krizalid realized they only were wealthy because of the daughter.

Evidence of this was proven when she had escaped, leaving the foundation and her family. It was rather easy taking over the foundation after she had left, using his mass of connections to get in touch with Nanami Harada offering her the part of Managing the foundation, speaking to her

Quirk powers: Using his teeth, he can drain the quirk from an opponent to replenish himself.

Villain Outfit: His gloves are made of a special material that can withstand swords or even fire.The end of the gloves have claws made of the same material. His swords are made of the same metal, two short swords and a taichi/katana. His clothing is the same as his gloves. Has a slight regenerative power if he drains someones quirk [picture is a commission of Krizalid and his Girlfriend the gf is from another rp but that is him in all his glory]

Appearance: See Picture below for Normal outfit.the outfit is made of normal high end material but the gloves are made out of the special material like his villain's outfit

Weakness: Long exposures to the sun can make him sluggish to the point of passing out. When he drains a quirk he is open to attacks because he needs to focus on draining it.



Fighting Style:  




@Drago Ryder: Mosura


Name: Nanami Harada

Gender: Female

Villain name: Mosura

Age: 17

Likes: Sweet food and Walks through nature

Quirk: Moth Form is a mutant type quirk that honestly appeared as an emitter type involving the ability to shot out a silk like webbing out of her hands when she was around four years old. It also led to an increase in her appetite and overall size in terms of width, but that would be fixed later on. While she did experience some bullying as a result of her quirk and overall appearance at the time, the webbing itself was found to have healing properties and incredible durability. Of course, her family took advantage of this by selling it to both hero and villain alike with very little regard to her own desires, further dampening her view on the world around her.

It wasn’t discovered that her quirk was a mutation until after she had pupated over the course of a few days when she was around thirteen years of age, give or take a year or two. Whether she was aware of such a thing occurring or not was rather unclear, at least until she had exited the cocoon and was informed of such an event. Either way, saying that puberty hit her like a truck would’ve been an understatement. Her body had lost almost all excess fat, while also adding some to certain areas, her height had increased by a few inches, and a few new additions had been placed on her body, specifically a pair of antennae with offshoots of fine hair that form a comb like structure and a set of moth wings (reference included) that are capable of folding against her back. 

Along with the retention of her production of silk, much to her parent’s delight, and the evident capability of flight, the transformation also gave her a few new abilities, though a bit of experimentation was required. The antennae on her head serve to enhance her senses and can be used for short range telepathic communication. Along with bioluminescence, her wings can also shed scales that can incapacitate an opponent if inhaled.

Weaknesses: If she overuses the scales on her wings, her flight will be negatively impacted, and any damage to her antennae can lead to disorientation. She also has to be careful around open flames, lest her wings burn.

Appearance: In terms of everyday attire, Nanami tends to prefer wearing simple dresses under a denim jacket. Heeled boots also cover her feet, while also making her seem taller than she actually is. As for her villain outfit, she wears a plain black, skin tight, fur lined, leotard and a white mask that conceals most of her distinctive features. Her feet and legs are protected by heeled boots and black thigh high stockings. Bronze, scaled wrist guards also add some protection to her arms, and her wings can double as a cloak to hide any weapons she might have on her prior to a fight. Of course, this is certainly free to change, as having multiple outfits might allow her greater range in regards to operations.

 Aside from the wings and antennae, which are normally used to accentuate her attire or under her hair respectively, Nanami stands at a height of around five feet eight inches and has a rather lithe frame, tending to prefer agility over brute force. She also has a somewhat pale complexion and deep blue eyes. Overall, her hair color is a caramel blonde that is kept at a medium length, falling just an inch or two just below her shoulders, with light orange bangs.

Personality: While she does have a caring demeanor, Nanami tends to keep those she doesn't take any immediate interest in at a safe distance, though most just assume that this is due to her shy nature. She also has a rather keen eye for detail and enjoys observing the quirks others might possess, especially those that produce light for some reason. She is also rather subtle in her motivations and actions, and tends to enjoy messing with the heads of others, both literally and figuratively. In regards to people she takes an interest in, she can be rather possessive when it comes to such individuals.

Background: As mentioned previously, Nanami came from a rather well off family that only got richer through the exploitation of her quirk. While it felt nice at first, any attempt to talk with her parents about stopping such a practice were quickly shut down and/or punished. It only got worse if she refused to produce her silk outright, and the fact that her father had so called heroes under his employ didn't exactly help her chances of any one finding out about the mess that was her life. Demand for the products being sold utilizing the silk made with her quirk only seemed to increase when the girl had pupated, though she could at least escape for a few hours, if only to continue her education at a local public school in the same grade as a boy with a reptile based quirk. He said it was based off a dragon, but she couldn't be quite sure of such a thing. Either way, he was the only light within the darkness she had lived in.

It wasn't until her father had tried to arrange a quirk marriage with another such business owner that she began to plan her escape. Experimenting with her quirk gave her a few new insights as to what her abilities were, specifically telepathy, and the fact that she was trying to escape her own home gave her an idea as to what she might expect in the manner of resistance. Granted, it wasn't exactly hard when she could render someone unconscious with a thought or a flap of her wings. Of course, she couldn't just leave without taking some form of insurance against any attempt to retrieve her by her parents. Along with a large sum of money that she believed to be around three fourths of what had been made since her quirk had activated, Nanami also obtained information on every under the counter deal her father had made with a villain.

After her escape, it didn't take long for her to set up her new life, even if some shortcuts had to be taken. Not wanting anyone to suffer in the way she had, Nanami began to make plans on how she might change the world for the better, even if others might call her a villain for even thinking of such a thing. Of course, finding a group of like minded individuals helped in some ways, and the fact that she now had a job meant a steady stream of income. Now, all she has to do is wait and see how the dice may land.

Extra details: She is handy with both rapiers and daggers, and can dual wield both.

Power: 3/5 

Speed: 5/5 

Technique: 4.5/5 

Intelligence: 4/5 

Cooperative: 4/5


Fighting Style:  As for Nanami's fighting style, the closest thing I could describe it to would be sword dancing, using quick, decisive movements to evade and attack her opponent. It'd be less of a one shot method and more like a death by a thousand cuts, if anything. Her silk and wing dust can certainly be used to hinder mobility and incapacitate a target respectively, and flight can also provide an advantage of its own in combat. That's not even taking into account the damage she could to do someone's mind with telepathy.


@dragon4111: Draco Crow

Name:Draco Crow

Hero alias name:Typhon

Age: 30

Likes: Pretty ladies, home cooked meals, but also keeping himself in shape.

Quirk: Electrokinesis

A belief description of their appearances:  A rather tall man at 6'7 with a well built body. red hair, strong jaw and the like. Hazel eyes. His costume just consists of some normal insulated clothes. A tank top and jeans. But for those formal affairs.



A belief description of their background: Draco Crow was a hometown boy of the Usa.  But when he discovered his quirk. He was ecstatic with join the heroes. But when he got the invite to join U.A  in Japan well he was even more ecstatic....Except for the fact that there was mild racisism from his new classmates. He could under stand national pride but this was ridiculous. And The flashier quirks? Yeah he could understand but those that actually had the power of hypnosis? Jeez that would make getting arrests so much easier.

Personality: (belief): He loves to play pranks on those in his agency but when it comes to fighting those who've done wrong? Serious time. But he's kind when it calls for it.

Power: 5/5

Speed:  3/5


Intelligence: 3/5



@Goat-kun: Gatekeeper 


Name: Robin Heart (not really)


Villain alias name: Gatekeeper


Age: (somewhere around) 25 (probably)


Likes:  weapons, drones, explosions, parties, money, hard bass.


Quirk: Wonderland; it is a labyrinthine pocked dimension that he can access by creating portals of various sizes. If he concentrates his portals can reach specific places within the dimension.


A belief description of their appearances: a Slav ginger trap that looks like one of those E-thots you see on the internet making lewd faces to get cash from thirsty simps. Just think red head Hideri Kanzaki slav squatting.


A belief description of their background: one of the numerous members of the shattered Bratva fighting for breadcrumbs in this brave new world. Even if the crime empires have fallen, the villains still need supplies and equipment. Robin serves as a mediator between them and those in the industry that want to make a quick buck on the side. He has a whole "blacklist" worth of contacts from all over the world.


Personality: (belief): the world full of superpowers is hard place for weak people. You sell weapons to weak people so they can kill strong people. Make money. Everyone happy.


Power: 1/5

Speed:  2/5

Technique: 4/5 

Intelligence: 5/5

Cooperative: 4/5


Fighting Style: 

But imagine them having modern battlefield equipment and videogame-sized backpacks. The portal can also be used as a shield (you just punched into another dimension and hit a wall of spikes) or even as a weapon (play peek-a-boo with a 155 mm naval gun), but that's for another time.

@Buck Testa:

Dr. Prosthesis


Name: Dr. Prosthesis 

Villain alias name: Contingency

Age: 40 

Likes: Working on new project

Extreme life support: During his time at the Hero Academy his power was not seen as something viable for heroism. In fact he wasn't really aiming to be a hero at all. He wanted to use the Academy's Pedigree to get him opportunities in the private sector. With his quirk he was able to invent life saving medical procedures, breakthroughs in prosthetic technology both internal and external, and even helped architect enclosed biomes to preserve endangered species. The aim of his quirk seemed to be about saving, prolonging, and saving lives. 

Then, due to unknown circumstances, he dropped off the map. Some say it involved the death of a loved one, some say it was only a matter of time, but something within the doctor had snapped. He went off the grid for years, out of the public eye, out of the news. No one knew where he could have possibly vanished.

That was until he had returned, or what was left of him. Now whats left of him is a haunting vaguely human shaped machine, slick and white and sterile. Presumably inside of this creepy machine is the absolute bare minimum the Doctor needed to keep himself alive and functional. Everything else has been cast aside in the effort of preserving and prolonging his own life. Those who have encountered Contingency note he has plans within plans to keep himself alive and free. His robotic body is designed to defend himself from death by any means necessary.

In terms of Combat ability he is very hard to read given how unnatural his body is, and how unnerving he is to be around. The weaponry and equipment that are at his disposal are geared towards self defense rather than overwhelming power. That said he is not to be underestimated. 


A brief description of their appearances:


He would look something like this, except his body would be pure white and reflective. It would be made out of a very strong composite material that looks very light. He is frightfully quick and flexible in his mechanical body, lending itself to efficient, jarring movements that are off putting to a humans eye. He has no discernible face to speak of, and it isn't really clear where in his mechanical body he keeps his vital organs, if they are even in there to begin with.  

Personality: Before he became Contingency and had a human body, he could be found on many lecture tapes and documentaries talking about the values of life, and how he believed in a future where there was nothing that couldn't be cured. He was seen as a revolutionary figure in science thanks to his intellect and his Quirk. He still uses old recordings of himself to talk, splicing them up to synthesize speech towards his allies and victims. Even in a fight, the robotic voice maintains that smooth calm demeanor he had in his lectures

Power: 1 (4)/5 (his quirk itself is a 1 for combat, but his mechanical body is quite effective in a fight) 

Speed:  5/5


Intelligence: 6/5 (He was an intensely intelligent man) 

Cooperative: 3/5


Fighting Style: 

One is from his Quirk itself. His is a purely Mental Quirk that enhances his intelligence, comprehension, clarity of thought, Information processing, risk calculation and Problem solving to super human levels while he is pondering ways of preserving, protecting, and/or prolonging life (be it his own, or on a broader scale). In order for him to employ his quirk and use those exponential levels of mental power, he has to figure out how what he is working on relates to that topic. If there is no way to connect it to his area of expertise, he cannot use his quirk on it. If he can find a firm connection, he becomes exponentially more capable at whatever task he puts his mind to. Everything from his robotic body to all of the facets and modules inside of it relates to this overarching theme. With that in mind, it is safe to assume that his defensive and evasive capabilities are FAR higher than his offensive capabilities. If it is in the pursuit of protecting himself and enabling him to defend himself in a fight, even if it's just long enough to escape, he'll be especially capable of doing it. 

This also means he is NOT above running away from a fight. He prefers conflicts where he can control the variables, and if there is too many things going on he will retreat and regroup.  

This Quirk along with his Robotic body give him enhanced reflexes in combat comparable to something like Spider-Man with his spider sense. However, UNLIKE spiderman, it is not something that is always on. He has to actively keep his quirk on to be able to calculate how to dodge and evade attacks, and calculate the best route to attack. He also has a style of fighting that you could compare with drunken boxing or Voldo from Soul Calibur. While it looks like his body is gangly and uncoordinated, that is merely a ruse to psyche the opponent out. 


I'm kinda bored, so I think I may give a bit of an idea of HOW Contingency is in a fight. 

I'm drawing from a few sources for Contingency. 

One is from his Quirk itself. His is a purely Mental Quirk that enhances his intelligence, comprehension, clarity of thought, Information processing, risk calculation and Problem solving to super human levels while he is pondering ways of preserving, protecting, and/or prolonging life (be it his own, or on a broader scale). In order for him to employ his quirk and use those exponential levels of mental power, he has to figure out how what he is working on relates to that topic. If there is no way to connect it to his area of expertise, he cannot use his quirk on it. If he can find a firm connection, he becomes exponentially more capable at whatever task he puts his mind to. Everything from his robotic body to all of the facets and modules inside of it relates to this overarching theme. With that in mind, it is safe to assume that his defensive and evasive capabilities are FAR higher than his offensive capabilities. If it is in the pursuit of protecting himself and enabling him to defend himself in a fight, even if it's just long enough to escape, he'll be especially capable of doing it. 

This also means he is NOT above running away from a fight. He prefers conflicts where he can control the variables, and if there is too many things going on he will retreat and regroup.  

This Quirk along with his Robotic body give him enhanced reflexes in combat comparable to something like Spider-Man with his spider sense. However, UNLIKE spiderman, it is not something that is always on. He has to actively keep his quirk on to be able to calculate how to dodge and evade attacks, and calculate the best route to attack. He also has a style of fighting that you could compare with drunken boxing or Voldo from Soul Calibur. While it looks like his body is gangly and uncoordinated, that is merely a ruse to psyche the opponent out. 

He is also heavily inspired from horror tropes. He will crawl about in unnatural ways, He'll scurry inside of vents crawlspaces, he'll contort in disturbing positions. Cutting the lights, removing your ability to call for help, anything and everything he can do to terrify and alarm his opponent will be employed. It's something he's quite capable of, cause he has figured out that scaring people raises his chance of survival, thus engaging his quirk. 

Third and finally, he is a very mobile character. Despite how lumbering and strange he appears in his white robotic form, he has the capability of moving about at quite fast speeds, especially in open areas. He does this by employing friction manipulating and shock absorbing technology that would be revolutionary if he ever released it to the public. 



 Advanced issues found

Name: Ivor Cadoc 
Hero Alias: Battle Scar 
Age: Mid 40's 

Likes: Dad Jokes. Puns. 

Quirk: Skin Deep 
Ivor has a very powerful variety of healing factor that allows him to recover from most forms of injury at a rapid rate. His Quirk is dampened by UV light, which means the top layers of his skin and other exposed tissue heal much slower than internal injuries would for him. When he was younger, he believed that the power didn't work on his skin at all since he did most of his fighting during the day. However he found with experience that blocking his skin from UV light and patrolling at night boosts his healing abilities and allows him to recover from much more grievous injuries.  



Ivor is a powerfully built and imposing man even in his middle ages. Due to his quirk, he is capable of building muscle much more efficiently than other humans, allowing him some degree of super human strength. Despite his face looking perpetually sullen and grumpy, he assures people that's just how his face normally looks and rarely reflects his actual emotions. 

Background: Ivor was good friends with Dr. Prosthesis back in their academy days. They both were in a similar boat at the time, having their quirks considered mostly useless. At the time, Ivor had only thought his healing factor was good for keeping him in a fight longer, and that he wasn't much better in a fight than someone who was quirkless. It was Prosthesis who helped him figure out how to use his quirk with experiments and theories. They learned together that Ivor could build his muscles much faster than his classmates, and that his powers seemed to work better when not exposed to UV light. Prosthesis even helped design his first real costumes and developed special UV protection for his skin. Out of everyone in the world, Ivor is the one most likely to want to hear Contingency out and try to figure out what happened to him. 

Personality: Ivor has an unearned reputation of being very angry and sullen all the time by the press and heroes that don't know him very well. Those that do know him almost WISH those rumors were true. In truth, he is an absolute fiendish ghoul when it comes to the dastardly Dad Jokes. He delights in nothing more than wordplay so bad that it makes his allies groan in anguish. He is a very good natured man, and is the kind of guy to drop everything to help a friend, but the price will be to listen to absolutely awful jokes. it is said that the only time he really smiles and chuckles is when someone is annoyed with a pun that he laced into their conversation. 

Power: 3(5)/5 (His healing Factor is dampened by exposure to UV radiation. It is at its peak performance in pure darkness. The more intense the UV radiation you are able to get him in, the worse his healing factor gets)

Speed: 3.9 /5 (Due to his healing factor, he has been able to train himself to be quite fast on his feet. However he falls short of true speedsters. What he lacks in speed however he makes up for in endurance, he can keep a full sprint going for much longer than a normal human thanks to his healing factor) 

Technique: 5/5 (Battle Scar is a veteran through and through, with decades of knowledge and experience under his belt. Even when his opponent has a more powerful quirk his experience will close the gap in short order) 

Intelligence 3/5 ( 5/5 for pun related shenanigans)

Cooperative: 4/5 

@Jedishy: Spectra



Villain alias name:Specter

Age: 21

Likes: Puzzles, a mental challenge. Doing the impossible 

Quirk: Illusion creation. Can create illusions up to a two story building in size for one hour. Smaller items can last longer. Bigger items can be made but do not have much of a lifespan. 

A belief description of their appearances: Short with long black hair and green eyes. He keeps a trim frame but is in very good shape due to his need for acrobatics when pulling off a theft. 

A belief description of their background: Grew up in the slums with a single mom. He started using his quirk to steal small stuff for the house. Slowly this evolved into bigger things just for the challenge. 

Personality: (belief): The challenge is everything. At this point even money doesnt matter. Just the thrill of doing what others cant. More importantly that its the mind not how strong your quirk is that defines you. Clever use of a power trumps a "strong" power any day. 

Power: 2/5

Speed:  4/5


Intelligence: 4/5

Cooperative: 2/5



  • Brohoof 1



♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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21 hours ago, Canteen_the_unstable said:

Edit tomorrow I got busy

No worries!

Also we should plan out what our villian group name should be. I was thinking our would an organization where we don't consider ourselves as a typical "villain" but someone who want to take over and establish their own government system. Based on  certain ideology. 



♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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Remember krizalid will be in charge of a multibillion dollar company he took from his family. We could all be villains that walk in the light and do our stuff in the dark. Why haven't they been brought to justice? How can they be there isn't evidence of wrong doing or anything plus our lawyers

  • Brohoof 1
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26 minutes ago, Canteen_the_unstable said:

Remember krizalid will be in charge of a multibillion dollar company he took from his family. We could all be villains that walk in the light and do our stuff in the dark. Why haven't they been brought to justice? How can they be there isn't evidence of wrong doing or anything plus our lawyers

I remember that! Since I think @Drago Ryder OC is also a millionaire who her family own a strange lab experiences or something like that. haha I remember this now about Canteen  



I like that idea with walking in the light but in reality their company is corrupted. And yes lawyers and also paying some law enforcement to keep their mouth shut and dispose of the evidences.  With Krizalid's multi billion company, that would be a good start where they will slowly rise to power. I kinda like to think of it they first started off as a company who has pretty good resources and money to allow them to do whatever they like even buying off people and other companies. And how we work around here is sorta like  buninessman/woman in the morning and villains at night, to do the dirty work


  • Brohoof 1



♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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Well i was thinking he took over company from his family, donates to the hero academy. Even has some work summer at the company. Even turning potential heroes to their cause. Everything done in a way if the hero's come for them. They have evidence where they were taking money from them and even allowed students to work there. Even show up at the academy from time to time to speak with students on working for the company

The best villain is one that can destroy you but, has set it up even if they fall they are taking you with them

  • Brohoof 1
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13 minutes ago, Canteen_the_unstable said:

Well i was thinking he took over company from his family, donates to the hero academy. Even has some work summer at the company. Even turning potential heroes to their cause. Everything done in a way if the hero's come for them. They have evidence where they were taking money from them and even allowed students to work there. Even show up at the academy from time to time to speak with students on working for the company

The best villain is one that can destroy you but, has set it up even if they fall they are taking you with them

Ah haha, taking down the heroes if all things fails sorta of thing. It also like our organization/department is like parasite while working alongside with  the hero agency.  Except the heroes actually doesn't know the organization is having their own agendas..



♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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Oh @Canteen_the_unstable, since Kriz owns a Hero company (Right?) I was thinking he could be the boss leading the company while Beezlebub who’s responsible in gathering people to join for the same cause will be the one doing the masterplanning. Although everyone in the RP will have a chance to contribute their worth to the organization. What do you think?



♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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Yeah, my villian came from a wealthy family that basically used her for her quirk to essentially make their wealth. She may or may not have taken a few hundred thousand in USD before she left her family's compound, so that might help fund whatever exploits our group plans out. She could also work on any operations that neither Kriz nor Beelzebub can accomplish.

Name: Nanami Harada

Gender: Female

Villain name: Mosura

Age: 17

Likes: Sweet food and Walks through nature

Quirk: Moth Form is a mutant type quirk that honestly appeared as an emitter type involving the ability to shot out a silk like webbing out of her hands when she was around four years old. It also led to an increase in her appetite and overall size in terms of width, but that would be fixed later on. While she did experience some bullying as a result of her quirk and overall appearance at the time, the webbing itself was found to have healing properties and incredible durability. Of course, her family took advantage of this by selling it to both hero and villain alike with very little regard to her own desires, further dampening her view on the world around her.

It wasn’t discovered that her quirk was a mutation until after she had pupated over the course of a few days when she was around thirteen years of age, give or take a year or two. Whether she was aware of such a thing occurring or not was rather unclear, at least until she had exited the cocoon and was informed of such an event. Either way, saying that puberty hit her like a truck would’ve been an understatement. Her body had lost almost all excess fat, while also adding some to certain areas, her height had increased by a few inches, and a few new additions had been placed on her body, specifically a pair of antennae with offshoots of fine hair that form a comb like structure and a set of moth wings (reference included) that are capable of folding against her back. 

Along with the retention of her production of silk, much to her parent’s delight, and the evident capability of flight, the transformation also gave her a few new abilities, though a bit of experimentation was required. The antennae on her head serve to enhance her senses and can be used for short range telepathic communication. Along with bioluminescence, her wings can also shed scales that can incapacitate an opponent if inhaled.

Weaknesses: If she overuses the scales on her wings, her flight will be negatively impacted, and any damage to her antennae can lead to disorientation. She also has to be careful around open flames, lest her wings burn.

Appearance: In terms of everyday attire, Nanami tends to prefer wearing simple dresses under a denim jacket. Heeled boots also cover her feet, while also making her seem taller than she actually is. As for her villain outfit, she wears a plain black, skin tight, fur lined, leotard and a white mask that conceals most of her distinctive features. Her feet and legs are protected by heeled boots and black thigh high stockings. Bronze, scaled wrist guards also add some protection to her arms, and her wings can double as a cloak to hide any weapons she might have on her prior to a fight. Of course, this is certainly free to change, as having multiple outfits might allow her greater range in regards to operations.

 Aside from the wings and antennae, which are normally used to accentuate her attire or under her hair respectively, Nanami stands at a height of around five feet eight inches and has a rather lithe frame, tending to prefer agility over brute force. She also has a somewhat pale complexion and deep blue eyes. Overall, her hair color is a caramel blonde that is kept at a medium length, falling just an inch or two just below her shoulders, with light orange bangs.

Personality: While she does have a caring demeanor, Nanami tends to keep those she doesn't take any immediate interest in at a safe distance, though most just assume that this is due to her shy nature. She also has a rather keen eye for detail and enjoys observing the quirks others might possess, especially those that produce light for some reason. She is also rather subtle in her motivations and actions, and tends to enjoy messing with the heads of others, both literally and figuratively. In regards to people she takes an interest in, she can be rather possessive when it comes to such individuals.

Background: As mentioned previously, Nanami came from a rather well off family that only got richer through the exploitation of her quirk. While it felt nice at first, any attempt to talk with her parents about stopping such a practice were quickly shut down and/or punished. It only got worse if she refused to produce her silk outright, and the fact that her father had so called heroes under his employ didn't exactly help her chances of any one finding out about the mess that was her life. Demand for the products being sold utilizing the silk made with her quirk only seemed to increase when the girl had pupated, though she could at least escape for a few hours, if only to continue her education at a local public school in the same grade as a boy with a reptile based quirk. He said it was based off a dragon, but she couldn't be quite sure of such a thing. Either way, he was the only light within the darkness she had lived in.

It wasn't until her father had tried to arrange a quirk marriage with another such business owner that she began to plan her escape. Experimenting with her quirk gave her a few new insights as to what her abilities were, specifically telepathy, and the fact that she was trying to escape her own home gave her an idea as to what she might expect in the manner of resistance. Granted, it wasn't exactly hard when she could render someone unconscious with a thought or a flap of her wings. Of course, she couldn't just leave without taking some form of insurance against any attempt to retrieve her by her parents. Along with a large sum of money that she believed to be around three fourths of what had been made since her quirk had activated, Nanami also obtained information on every under the counter deal her father had made with a villain.

After her escape, it didn't take long for her to set up her new life, even if some shortcuts had to be taken. Not wanting anyone to suffer in the way she had, Nanami began to make plans on how she might change the world for the better, even if others might call her a villain for even thinking of such a thing. Of course, finding a group of like minded individuals helped in some ways, and the fact that she now had a job meant a steady stream of income. Now, all she has to do is wait and see how the dice may land.

Extra details: She is handy with both rapiers and daggers, and can dual wield both.

Power: 3/5 

Speed: 5/5 

Technique: 4.5/5 

Intelligence: 4/5 

Cooperative: 4/5

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1 minute ago, Drago Ryder said:

Yeah, my villian came from a wealthy family that basically used her for her quirk to essentially make their wealth. She may or may not have taken a few hundred thousand in USD before she left her family's compound, so that might help fund whatever exploits our group plans out. She could also work on any operations that neither Kriz nor Beelzebub can accomplish.

Awesome! I'll keep that in mind then once we have everyone else enter in their characters. So we can move on to some planning! I need character who can work outside in any operations, so this will work!



♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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Yeah, she could probably be a more public figure at least, and given her age, it would make it easier for her to interact with students in 1C if the two threads do link up. Of course, there are probably going to be more... questionable activities that she might partake in as well, though such things can be explored after the rp starts.

Edited by Drago Ryder
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On 4/19/2020 at 6:29 PM, Drago Ryder said:

Yeah, she could probably be a more public figure at least, and given her age, it would make it easier for her to interact with students in 1C if the two threads do link up. Of course, there are probably going to be more... questionable activities that she might partake in as well on the other side of the law.

I was thinking about that and since you mentioned earlier that she knows Ryu, i would say it's fine to mentioned Ryu while writing her character out for the RP. They're both yours, so I don't see the problem with doing a little cross-over references.   That way if we are planning to link both RPs the story of the two will sound more cohered and easier to link.  

The overview so far is  Krizalid has a company of his own, runs the business while Nanami who's also wealthy is involved  in other outside operations. She could be working as co-partner. Which this allows her to do the outside work on her own account while still befitting Beezlebub's interests. so we have one who's familiar  with running public business and another who can work the outside public job and also knows how business work except the differences is, she knows the other side of the business world. Beezlebub will be masterminding and leading making sure everything is running smoothly in a hope they will expend and take over. sound good so far guys? 

So @Dynamo Pad, @dragon4111, @Jedishy @Renegade the Unicorn, are you guys planning to join the RP? let us know! And @Canteen_the_unstable how the character write up coming for you? 



♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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@Drago Ryder @TBD

I need to work it a bit, still working on it just waiting on replies from TBD and DRAGO

Name: Krizalid D. Rolauc
Villain Name: Subject Zero
Age: 30
Quirk: Vampiric Drain.

Backstory: Having been born quirkless to a wealthy business family, the family was disappointed in Krizalid. Using their vast fortune his parents along with other wealthy business partners started the Quirk Zero [will think of a better name] project. Working with All for One they used the Nomu's as a baseline to give quirkless people quirks. After a few failed experiments that lead to a few people dying from their quirk, Krizalid began to show signs of a quirk.

Testing it out it was revealed his quirk could drain people's quirk for a time. His strength increased along with his speed. Krizalid eventually over the years left the facility leaving behind a trail of destruction.After leaving he went into hiding for a few years honing his skills.
At the age of fifteen he wandered the globe, using access to his parents wealth to travel and learn. From different martial arts and weapon styles to business. Having a college degree in Business, a degree in law and began one into Medical.

As he traveled gaining all of his knowledge, the quirk he acquired was pushed to limits as he fought school bullies with quirks, gangs, even mafia members. Finally making his way home at the age of twenty-seven he took over his family business in a takeover. Having talked board members and stock owners to put their trust into him. During the first year Krizalid raised profits as well brought in a few new faces. One being a merger with the Harada foundation. However after a bit Krizalid realized they only were wealthy because of the daughter.

Evidence of this was proven when she had escaped, leaving the foundation and her family. It was rather easy taking over the foundation after she had left, using his mass of connections to get in touch with Nanami Harada offering her the part of Managing the foundation, speaking to her

Quirk powers: Using his teeth, he can drain the quirk from an opponent to replenish himself.

Villain Outfit: His gloves are made of a special material that can withstand swords or even fire.The end of the gloves have claws made of the same material. His swords are made of the same metal, two short swords and a taichi/katana. His clothing is the same as his gloves. Has a slight regenerative power if he drains someones quirk [picture is a commission of Krizalid and his Girlfriend the gf is from another rp but that is him in all his glory]

Appearance: See Picture below for Normal outfit.the outfit is made of normal high end material but the gloves are made out of the special material like his villain's outfit

Weakness: Long exposures to the sun can make him sluggish to the point of passing out. When he drains a quirk he is open to attacks because he needs to focus on draining it.

Personality: (belief):

Power: 3/5 [reason he needs to bite them. However the effects of his quirk is dangerous leaving people quirkless for a bit.]

Speed:  4/5


Intelligence: 5/5

Cooperative: 5/5



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Yeah, that's pretty close to what Nanami might be doing, at least in regards to recruitment and possibly some other jobs as well. If she does meet up with 1C, I can only imagine the awkward moment that'll happen when she and Ryu first see each other after... I'd say around two to three years of silence.

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4 hours ago, Canteen_the_unstable said:

@TBD @Dynamo Pad @Drago Ryder  @Bakugou Is My Man ❤

What if at some points we cross over with the students. Like one of the villains going to MHA to offer summer jobs for students with a "Hero" agency or even work as body guards for VIPS so they can maike a name.that way when we finally have it fully interweaved it wont feel stiff


3 hours ago, Drago Ryder said:

Yeah, that's pretty close to what Nanami might be doing, at least in regards to recruitment and possibly some other jobs as well. If she does meet up with 1C, I can only imagine the awkward moment that'll happen when she and Ryu first see each other after... I'd say around two to three years of silence.

Yep, as I said I'm allowing Drago to do cross-references because two of his OCs knows each other. So that's a good way to link the two RP. since I have no problem with using your OC from the other RP for this the villain's RP. Just as long the story is consistent and link together, but  while at the same, trying not to overstep Venny's RP.  Since our heroes is in the middle of training. Although if Ryu is off on his free time and met Nanami to make the connection, that will acceptable. But yes in the near future we can combine the RP, for now we working at both ends where two side will be slowly working their way up to meet in the middle. And nanami is the key to that. 



♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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Yeah I guess I will join.

Eh was hoping for this character to be a hero but hey

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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12 hours ago, dragon4111 said:

Yeah I guess I will join.

Eh was hoping for this character to be a hero but hey

Well good news, our villains organization will be held in a hero agency company. So your character can be hero within the agency but suspecting something is afoot, or he could be a undercover, or he can be anti-hero like stain. Where’s he is a hero but agree to some degree with the villain side. These are just suggestions, so Whichever works best for you and your character!



♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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5 hours ago, TBD said:

Well good news, our villains organization will be held in a hero agency company. So your character can be hero within the agency but suspecting something is afoot, or he could be a undercover, or he can be anti-hero like stain. Where’s he is a hero but agree to some degree with the villain side. These are just suggestions, so Whichever works best for you and your character!

Oh! I wasn't complaining but alright then -shrugs-Sorry was I coming off as I was complaining?

Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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45 minutes ago, dragon4111 said:

Oh! I wasn't complaining but alright then -shrugs-Sorry was I coming off as I was complaining?

haha, no you weren't, I'm just giving you some suggestions for whatever or however you want with your character.  I was just taking into your considerations. 



♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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28 minutes ago, Canteen_the_unstable said:

@Drago Ryder


Answer my mail you dweebs

I just did, dweeb haha 

I know you're joking but be sure to be a bit considerate as some (not me)  are more busy than other. :Tempest:


On 4/21/2020 at 4:40 PM, Canteen_the_unstable said:

Having talked board members and stock owners to put their trust into him. During the first year Krizalid raised profits as well brought in a few new faces. One being a merger with the Harada foundation. However after a bit Krizalid realized they only were wealthy because of the daughter.

Evidence of this was proven when she had escaped, leaving the foundation and her family. It was rather easy taking over the foundation after she had left, using his mass of connections to get in touch with Nanami Harada offering her the part of Managing the foundation, speaking to her

So Krzalid knew nanami way back then? So I assumed then Krzalid knew her before Beelzebub? 



♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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