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Ask Wolf Tracks


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Here is an AMA for my MLP OC, Wolf Tracks


She is serious, cynical, and can be quite cold. Ask at your own risk.


Here is her backstory for more substance:

When she was a filly, her parents were murdered by a group of criminal ponies. In an effort to save her life, her parents ran into the nearby Himaneigyhan forest and told her to hide in a cave and not come out until they came back for. Her parents were taken and killed when they were spotted. Terrified, she ran further into the cave and ran into a small pack of wolves. Trying to get them not to devour her, she begged them to stay away. It was then she realized her talent; the ability to communicate with wolves. The wolves took her in and raised her. She now lives with them and is the pack leader. She has become used to the ways of the wolves and became a cannibal. Eating ponies is not only a way for her to eat but every time she kills, she feels she is committing a service to the world. She despises all of pony-kind and cannot stand the fact that she is one of them. She tries to immerse herself in the ways of the wolves to keep the thought of her being a pony at bay. She is cold, blunt, and not trusting of anyone she isn't deeply familiar with. She does not believe at all in the bonds, friendship, and trust that Princess Twilight Sparkle preaches of. A smile or joy is something rarely felt if at all. 

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Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit's WOLFYYYY :yay: !

Do you like cookies :P ? How about teddy bears and all that is sweet?

Are you obsessed with anime husbandoes and the likes :huh: ?

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18 minutes ago, WWolf said:

Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit's WOLFYYYY :yay: !

Do you like cookies :P ? How about teddy bears and all that is sweet?

Are you obsessed with anime husbandoes and the likes :huh: ?

I don’t eat cookies. I eat those...wretched ponies. I haven’t had a cookie since I was a filly and I don’t miss them. Teddy bear? I sleep alone in the cold. I don’t need any comfort. I don’t care for media. Living in mostly solitude with the wolves is sufficient.

11 minutes ago, Writer Rhyme said:

Hey Wolf Tracks, do you atleast have any knowledge about the changeling invasion of Canterlot?

I do and I am disappointed Queen Chrysalis didn’t succeed.

3 minutes ago, Will Guide said:

What about snake-ponies? Do you hate people like me too?


I’ve never met a snake pony. You look like you might be useful to me in the sense that you can constrict ponies to suffocate them. 

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1 minute ago, Bakugou is my Man said:

I do and I am disappointed Queen Chrysalis didn’t succeed

Changeling Will Guide: But Queen Chrysalis once try to harm my friend Thorax just for speaking out of turn. Are you saying the members of your wolf pack would eat each other too?


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Just now, Windy Breeze 🥧 said:

If we were to meet personality in a forest, what would you do?

You look too happy and I hate that. I’d try to eat you along with my pack assuming you couldn’t get away.

Just now, Will Guide said:

Changeling Will Guide: But Queen Chrysalis once try to harm my friend Thorax just for speaking out of turn. Are you saying the members of your wolf pack would eat each other too?


Sometimes, the wolves will fight to the death. It’s rare but even when it happens, I don’t stop it. Those who are the strongest survive and that’s who I want in my pack.

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7 minutes ago, Bakugou is my Man said:

You look too happy and I hate that. I’d try to eat you along with my pack assuming you couldn’t get away.

I got a typo there. It should be personally instead of personality.

But I guess the answer is already answered.

Edited by Windy Breeze 🥧
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2 minutes ago, Writer Rhyme said:

Would you eat a Wonderbolt (If you ever knew them), what do you think of bat ponies, and do you have any plans to find the ones who killed your parents?

I have very little respect for them. However, I know I’d be outmatched if faced by their group. I know when to retreat. But if it were me & my pack vs one? We’ll try to take them down. Cowards would probably fly away immediately... I see bat ponies fly around at times at night. They don’t bother me unless they get close. If they do, they die. I have had ideas of finding them, eating them... Unfortunately, I have no clue where they are. Here’s hoping they went down slowly and painfully.

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11 minutes ago, WWolf said:

Ohh I know you're just sounding to sound tuff :mlp_icwudt:. Under that tuff, is a lot of fluff I bet :twi: .

I bet u secretly like boops... *slowly reaches for snoot :wacko: *

Back off.


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Wow, never thought I would meet a pony whose story is legitimately depressing to me. I mean resorting to cannibalism? All signs in my mind are saying I should just back away

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49 minutes ago, Writer Rhyme said:

Have your wolves ever met Fluttershy?

Hey, maybe you should meet Crimson, she's good at hunting and being stealthy.


I have never met her face time face but I despise her. 

Sure, but is she willing to actually execute cannibalism with us?

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15 minutes ago, Bakugou is my Man said:

I have never met her face time face but I despise her. 

Sure, but is she willing to actually execute cannibalism with us?

She'll only resort to cannibalism when she's desperate, her views on ponies are neutral which means she would either be neighborly of them or hunt them, she also likes pony blood.

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8 minutes ago, Sparklefan1234 said:

Greetings, Wolf Tracks.

How are you?

I was wondering: "Do you like kites?" :lie:

Thank You *so* much for answering my question! :D

Kites? They make me mad. Seeing ponies run around with them...oblivious as to how disguising beings they are.

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1 minute ago, Bakugou is my Man said:

Kites? They make me mad. Seeing ponies run around with them...oblivious as to how disguising beings they are.


I'm guessing you aren't a fan of colors either, is that right? :awed:


(Is she going through her "I dislike everything!" teenager phase?)

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I was lured here by the smell of blood and the creaking emanations of immaterium. How can you speak fluently and prowl around looking like some posh Cantelotian goth? I'm not challenging the narrative, just searching for an explanation.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 8/27/2020 at 4:12 PM, ExplosionMare said:

You wouldn’t eat Pencil Pouch, would you? (She’s in my avatar) She can be rather...explosive...not exactly sure how “edible” she is :lie:


Indeed, don’t try to eat Penny or she’ll explode you and your pack, I promise :wacko: .

When was the last time you smiled :P ? @Bakugou is my Man? *drags ends of your snoot/mouth to form a smile :D *







Penny can explode :wacko: ?

Edited by WWolf
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