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Your favorite Greek Gods/Goddesses?


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and why Posted Image

Zeus-King of the gods
Hera-Queen of the gods, and marriage
Poseidon- God of the sea
Demeter- Goddess of the harvest
Ares- God of war
Athena- Goddess of wisdom
Aphrodite- Goddess of love
Apollo- God of the sun, poetry, prophecy
Artemis- Goddess of the hunt, wildlife, virginity, and the moon
Hephaestus- God of fire, blacksmithing, and invention
Hermes- messenger of the gods
Dionysus- God of wine

my favorites would be...
God - Poseidon, I love the ocean.
Goddess - Demeter or Aphrodite
I like all the goddesses except Hera. Posted Image

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mine is:

god: Ares, Hephaestus, or Artemis

godess: Aphrodite, Athena, or Demeter

the gods because they all somewhat represent a kind singularity than all the other gods.

the godesses because they all represent some of the few meanings of life (in my opinion):P


mine is:

god: Ares, Hephaestus, or Artemis

godess: Aphrodite, Athena, or Demeter

the gods because they all somewhat represent a kind singularity than all the other gods.

the godesses because they all represent some of the few meanings of life (in my opinion) :P


i meant to put Artemis in the godesses!oops!
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Kratos. Former Greek God of War, eternal Greek God of Bad-assery.


Poseidon & Athena. After I saw them portrayed the way they were in GOW series, I was just hnnnng everywhere.


Poseidon being bad-ass





Athena's design, which I love


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  • Brohoof 1
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Greek Mythology. Nice.


I've done a lot of research on the gods/goddesses when I was a kid, but I don't remember much. I remember having a strong fascination with Artemis because of her hunting skills and her stature. Did find interest in Poseidon as well, because I also loved the water when I was a kid as well...

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Athena, I could blame my early days of watchin Saint Saiya for that one. Though my favorite greek myth would be the one of Chronus & Gaia.

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I really like all of them, because all their atributes go together to make a good civilization. Well other than Dionysus. The God of wine? :unsure:

Edited by Dragonshy
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my favourites are:

Ares, he embodies war and likes lizards.

Kronos, he isn't exactly a god, but titans are just so much cooler.

Apolo, healing and the sun are nice

Gaia, yes, another titan, but... Fluffy animals(yes ponies too :P) and trees are awesome

Aphrodite, Nothing need be said

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I like Hermes, if you hook him up with a pony, RD would be a perfect match.


(quick question, who read the Percy Jackson series?)

  • Brohoof 3
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God: Dionysus, god of grape harvest, wine, winemaking, ritual madness, and ecstacy - for obvious reasons


Goddess: Eris, goddess of discord.... muhahahahaha. It's because of the golden apple story.

  • Brohoof 1
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Athena baby, and don't you forget it. Immaculate creation, super-mirror shield, spear of awesomeness. There is no competition. Not to mention the capital of Greece is named after her.



Athena is best card.


Hera, the vengeful one


You disappoints her? Boom, you're a snake-man


You are the product of her cheating husband? Boom, 12 labors.

You're the one who cheated with her husband? Boom. Incineration by indecent exposure.

Edited by Vinyl Pon3 Scratch
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