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Does King sombra see himself as an hero?


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latest?cb=20200519020134 Does Sombra see himself as heroes? he enslave the crystal empire and try to conquer equestria but was defeated twice by the mane six and spike. does he have some kind of Grand vision of a Perfect world in his Twisted  Mind? 

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From the Season 9 premiere, he seemed like a prick to me, with no thoughts other than himself. Thinking of himself as some kinda of hero? Probably. Thinking about other ponies? No, only himself.

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9 minutes ago, Splashee said:

From the Season 9 premiere, he seemed like a prick to me, with no thoughts other than himself. Thinking of himself as some kinda of hero? Probably. Thinking about other ponies? No, only himself.

well he did almost win but his Pride and his ego was his downfall and he was defeated yet again.

  • Brohoof 1
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10 minutes ago, Scootaloo9074090 said:

well he did almost win but his Pride and his ego was his downfall and he was defeated yet again.

His voice was the downfall as well :orly:

His voice actor didn't really work that well with the character.

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1 hour ago, Splashee said:

His voice was the downfall as well :orly:

His voice actor didn't really work that well with the character.

hahahaha that's just mean.

I mean if his actual voice IS like that you can say he didn't work well....

who has an actual voice like that? and if he did.... shouldn't we pitty him and not bully him? hahahahaha:laugh:

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2 hours ago, Splashee said:

From the Season 9 premiere, he seemed like a prick to me, with no thoughts other than himself. Thinking of himself as some kinda of hero? Probably. Thinking about other ponies? No, only himself.

has a high chance he is like a sprout. but worse....

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2 hours ago, Kujamih said:

has a high chance he is like a sprout. but worse....

or maybe a anti heroes

'90s Anti-Hero: A specific anti-hero from The '90s, usually from the comics. They are portrayed as Darker and Edgier in contrast to heroes like The Cape.
Anti-Antichrist: A supposedly anti-Christ (or similar) character willing to save the world from the forces of evil.
Anti-Hero Substitute: A ruthless anti-hero takes the place of the pure hero.
Anti-Hero Team: A group that consists of anti-heroes.
Black Knight (when not evil)
Blood Knight: Some anti-heroes enjoy the thrill of fighting.
Byronic Hero: A type of anti-hero who is melancholic and brooding, has a Dark and Troubled Past, and is terribly flawed, yet sympathetic.
The Chessmaster (when heroic)
Classical Anti-Hero: An anti-hero who suffers from flaws and hindrances.
Combat Pragmatist: A anti-hero who isn't above playing dirty or outright cheating to get the job done.
Cowboy Cop: An anti-heroic cop who doesn't play by the rules and lives by their own.
Creepy Good: The hero appears quite scary to their enemies, perhaps because of their actions and/or personality.
Dashing Hispanic: Many Dashing Hispanics have a quite vengeful outlook which puts them squarely in Antihero territory.
Designated Hero: The narrative says that they're heroic, but their actions doesn't prove it.
Even the Loving Hero Has Hated Ones: They may be loving and heroic, but they despise certain people who are worthy of hatred. May fall under Good Is Not Soft.
Exalted Torturer: Where a torturer is presented as heroic.
Femme Fatale: She'll steal your heart, as well as everything else.
The Fighting Narcissist (when heroic)
Friendly Pirate
Fully-Embraced Fiend
The Gambler (when they're the hero)
Gentleman Thief (when they're the hero)
Good All Along: An anti-hero initially believed to be a villain, but is actually working on the side of good the whole time.
Good Is Not Nice: A straight-laced hero who is a Jerkass.
Good Is Not Soft: Even straight-laced heroes can get brutal when dealing with evil.
Grumpy Bear: Some anti-heroes are cynical when in an idealistic world.
Hardboiled Detective: Some anti-heroes can be this due to their rough and cynical personalities and personal issues.
Heroic Comedic Sociopath: An anti-hero whose bad deeds are Played for Laughs.
Heroic Seductress: A seductress who uses sex to achieve a good goal.
Hero with an F in Good: Has good intentions, but fails at being good.
He Who Fights Monsters: A character's anti-heroic qualities can lead them to become just as bad as the villains, or in the worst cases, becoming a villain themselves.
Hidden Heart of Gold: You won't see the good side of this Jerkass anti-hero, but it's there. Just don't tell anyone.
Hunter of Monsters: These characters fight to protect humanity, but are ruthless when dealing with the supernatural. Especially if their motivation is vengeance.
Jerk with a Heart of Gold: An anti-hero has a nice side beneath their unpleasant front. For the sake of simplicity, this is as close to kind-heartedness as they get, without being exactly polite by default.
Jerkass Woobie: Sympathetic in spite of their anti-heroic behavior.
Justified Criminal: An otherwise good person forced by circumstance to break the law (i.e. stealing to live).
Knight in Sour Armor: Cynical and pessimistic, but does the right thing anyways.
Knight of Cerebus: Contrasting a more ideal hero acts, an Anti-Hero's more unscrupulous acts can darken the mood and morality especially in lighthearted works.
Knight Templar: Some anti-heroes can be self-righteous and extremist in achieving their goals.
Lovable Alpha Bitch: The Alpha Bitch can be an anti-hero.
Lovable Rogue: Breaks the law for their own benefit, but is eager to help others.
Mad Scientist (non-villainous versions): A morally questionable scientist who wants to do researches via any means possible.
Reluctant Mad Scientist
Magnificent Bastard (when heroic)
Manipulative Bastard (when heroic)
Military Maverick
Monster Knight
Moral Sociopathy: Some anti-heroes care about doing what they think is right while lacking empathy towards others.
Mr. Vice Guy: The hero who has a constant character flaw (i.e., pride, wrath, etc.)
Neighbourhood-Friendly Gangsters
Noble Bigot: An anti-hero has prejudiced views.
Noble Bigot with a Badge: An anti-hero serving in law enforcement has prejudiced views.
Noble Demon: Some anti-heroes have a dreadful reputation to maintain, but they have lines they don't cross.
Nominal Hero: An anti-hero who only does good deeds for their own self-serving motivations.
Pay Evil unto Evil: Some heroes prefer to do to villains what the villains did to their victims.
Polite Villains, Rude Heroes: When the hero in question is ruder and meaner than the villains he faces.
Politically Incorrect Hero: Some anti-heroes have controversial beliefs.
Pragmatic Hero: Some heroes prefer doing questionable deeds to achieve a greater good.
Punch-Clock Hero: They're only a hero because it's their job, not because they want to be one.
Rebellious Spirit: Anti-heroes are not good with authority.
Red Is Violent: Some anti-heroes are associated with the color of red to highlight their violent and aggressive personalities.
Reformed, but Not Tamed: The anti-hero used to be a villain.
The Rival: Some anti-heroes have a rivalry with The Hero.
Stock Shōnen Rival: Anti-heroes serve as the equal and polar opposite to the Stock Shōnen Hero.
Rude Hero, Nice Sidekick: When an anti-hero has a sidekick who is more pure and compassionate than they are.
Satisfied Street Rat
Serial-Killer Killer: A serial killer who targets serial killers.
Shadow Archetype: In heroic examples, the anti-hero is what The Hero would be if they lack the proper qualities of a pure hero.
Shoot the Dog: Anti-heroes are known for doing morally questionable deeds because they need to be done.
Sociopathic Hero: An anti-hero who has sociopathic characteristics, but fights on the side of good.
Sociopathic Soldier: Non-villainous versions. A morally questionable soldier of their country.
Sympathetic Murderer: Dwelling on the extenuating circumstances that make it more understandable why the character would resort to criminal behavior.
Most subtypes of Terror Hero
This Loser Is You: The anti-hero can be someone who reflects the negative qualities of the audience.
Token Evil Teammate: While not evil, some anti-heroes can be part of the group of pure heroes.
Tragic Hero: An anti-hero whose flaw becomes their downfall.
Unfazed Everyman
The Unfettered: Some anti-heroes are willing to do anything to achieve a goal.
Unscrupulous Hero: A hero who fights ruthlessly, but is ultimately driven by a heroic goal.
Unsympathetic Comedy Protagonist: The hero is a jerk, but the audience finds it hilarious.
Vigilante Man: A hero who puts the law into their own hands.
Villain Killer: In settings where the Thou Shalt Not Kill mentality is expected for heroes, these anti-heroes stand out for their willingness to defy it.
Worthy Opponent: Much like the anti-villains, its possible that anti-heroes may rudely demean others at times, but can have the same formula of respecting their enemies, and treating them rather kind-heartedly.


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5 hours ago, CloudMistDragon said:

Totally. Sombra, like every villain, believes he's justified in what he does. He looks in the mirror and sees this. 


Funny. Considering Sombra from the Mirror Realm in the Comics was an actual good pony until he took a sacrifice 

1 hour ago, Scootaloo9074090 said:

or maybe a anti heroes

'90s Anti-Hero: A specific anti-hero from The '90s, usually from the comics. They are portrayed as Darker and Edgier in contrast to heroes like The Cape.
Anti-Antichrist: A supposedly anti-Christ (or similar) character willing to save the world from the forces of evil.
Anti-Hero Substitute: A ruthless anti-hero takes the place of the pure hero.
Anti-Hero Team: A group that consists of anti-heroes.
Black Knight (when not evil)
Blood Knight: Some anti-heroes enjoy the thrill of fighting.
Byronic Hero: A type of anti-hero who is melancholic and brooding, has a Dark and Troubled Past, and is terribly flawed, yet sympathetic.
The Chessmaster (when heroic)
Classical Anti-Hero: An anti-hero who suffers from flaws and hindrances.
Combat Pragmatist: A anti-hero who isn't above playing dirty or outright cheating to get the job done.
Cowboy Cop: An anti-heroic cop who doesn't play by the rules and lives by their own.
Creepy Good: The hero appears quite scary to their enemies, perhaps because of their actions and/or personality.
Dashing Hispanic: Many Dashing Hispanics have a quite vengeful outlook which puts them squarely in Antihero territory.
Designated Hero: The narrative says that they're heroic, but their actions doesn't prove it.
Even the Loving Hero Has Hated Ones: They may be loving and heroic, but they despise certain people who are worthy of hatred. May fall under Good Is Not Soft.
Exalted Torturer: Where a torturer is presented as heroic.
Femme Fatale: She'll steal your heart, as well as everything else.
The Fighting Narcissist (when heroic)
Friendly Pirate
Fully-Embraced Fiend
The Gambler (when they're the hero)
Gentleman Thief (when they're the hero)
Good All Along: An anti-hero initially believed to be a villain, but is actually working on the side of good the whole time.
Good Is Not Nice: A straight-laced hero who is a Jerkass.
Good Is Not Soft: Even straight-laced heroes can get brutal when dealing with evil.
Grumpy Bear: Some anti-heroes are cynical when in an idealistic world.
Hardboiled Detective: Some anti-heroes can be this due to their rough and cynical personalities and personal issues.
Heroic Comedic Sociopath: An anti-hero whose bad deeds are Played for Laughs.
Heroic Seductress: A seductress who uses sex to achieve a good goal.
Hero with an F in Good: Has good intentions, but fails at being good.
He Who Fights Monsters: A character's anti-heroic qualities can lead them to become just as bad as the villains, or in the worst cases, becoming a villain themselves.
Hidden Heart of Gold: You won't see the good side of this Jerkass anti-hero, but it's there. Just don't tell anyone.
Hunter of Monsters: These characters fight to protect humanity, but are ruthless when dealing with the supernatural. Especially if their motivation is vengeance.
Jerk with a Heart of Gold: An anti-hero has a nice side beneath their unpleasant front. For the sake of simplicity, this is as close to kind-heartedness as they get, without being exactly polite by default.
Jerkass Woobie: Sympathetic in spite of their anti-heroic behavior.
Justified Criminal: An otherwise good person forced by circumstance to break the law (i.e. stealing to live).
Knight in Sour Armor: Cynical and pessimistic, but does the right thing anyways.
Knight of Cerebus: Contrasting a more ideal hero acts, an Anti-Hero's more unscrupulous acts can darken the mood and morality especially in lighthearted works.
Knight Templar: Some anti-heroes can be self-righteous and extremist in achieving their goals.
Lovable Alpha Bitch: The Alpha Bitch can be an anti-hero.
Lovable Rogue: Breaks the law for their own benefit, but is eager to help others.
Mad Scientist (non-villainous versions): A morally questionable scientist who wants to do researches via any means possible.
Reluctant Mad Scientist
Magnificent Bastard (when heroic)
Manipulative Bastard (when heroic)
Military Maverick
Monster Knight
Moral Sociopathy: Some anti-heroes care about doing what they think is right while lacking empathy towards others.
Mr. Vice Guy: The hero who has a constant character flaw (i.e., pride, wrath, etc.)
Neighbourhood-Friendly Gangsters
Noble Bigot: An anti-hero has prejudiced views.
Noble Bigot with a Badge: An anti-hero serving in law enforcement has prejudiced views.
Noble Demon: Some anti-heroes have a dreadful reputation to maintain, but they have lines they don't cross.
Nominal Hero: An anti-hero who only does good deeds for their own self-serving motivations.
Pay Evil unto Evil: Some heroes prefer to do to villains what the villains did to their victims.
Polite Villains, Rude Heroes: When the hero in question is ruder and meaner than the villains he faces.
Politically Incorrect Hero: Some anti-heroes have controversial beliefs.
Pragmatic Hero: Some heroes prefer doing questionable deeds to achieve a greater good.
Punch-Clock Hero: They're only a hero because it's their job, not because they want to be one.
Rebellious Spirit: Anti-heroes are not good with authority.
Red Is Violent: Some anti-heroes are associated with the color of red to highlight their violent and aggressive personalities.
Reformed, but Not Tamed: The anti-hero used to be a villain.
The Rival: Some anti-heroes have a rivalry with The Hero.
Stock Shōnen Rival: Anti-heroes serve as the equal and polar opposite to the Stock Shōnen Hero.
Rude Hero, Nice Sidekick: When an anti-hero has a sidekick who is more pure and compassionate than they are.
Satisfied Street Rat
Serial-Killer Killer: A serial killer who targets serial killers.
Shadow Archetype: In heroic examples, the anti-hero is what The Hero would be if they lack the proper qualities of a pure hero.
Shoot the Dog: Anti-heroes are known for doing morally questionable deeds because they need to be done.
Sociopathic Hero: An anti-hero who has sociopathic characteristics, but fights on the side of good.
Sociopathic Soldier: Non-villainous versions. A morally questionable soldier of their country.
Sympathetic Murderer: Dwelling on the extenuating circumstances that make it more understandable why the character would resort to criminal behavior.
Most subtypes of Terror Hero
This Loser Is You: The anti-hero can be someone who reflects the negative qualities of the audience.
Token Evil Teammate: While not evil, some anti-heroes can be part of the group of pure heroes.
Tragic Hero: An anti-hero whose flaw becomes their downfall.
Unfazed Everyman
The Unfettered: Some anti-heroes are willing to do anything to achieve a goal.
Unscrupulous Hero: A hero who fights ruthlessly, but is ultimately driven by a heroic goal.
Unsympathetic Comedy Protagonist: The hero is a jerk, but the audience finds it hilarious.
Vigilante Man: A hero who puts the law into their own hands.
Villain Killer: In settings where the Thou Shalt Not Kill mentality is expected for heroes, these anti-heroes stand out for their willingness to defy it.
Worthy Opponent: Much like the anti-villains, its possible that anti-heroes may rudely demean others at times, but can have the same formula of respecting their enemies, and treating them rather kind-heartedly.


I didn't know you use TV Tropes too! :Thorax:


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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5 hours ago, Splashee said:

His voice was the downfall as well :orly:

His voice actor didn't really work that well with the character.

Blame the direction they gave him, not Alvin Sanders himself.

After all — he was also Cybron (Skysurfer Strike Force), who managed to sound like a fusion of Darth Vader and Vaatu.

Edited by Anti-Villain
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Moments ago, Will Gazzzze said:

Funny. Considering Sombra from the Mirror Realm in the Comics was an actual good pony until he took a sacrifice 

I didn't know you use TV Tropes too! :Thorax:

Hey I also use villain wiki and Tv Trope

Category:Pure Evil | Villains Wiki | Fandom

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3 hours ago, Scootaloo9074090 said:

or maybe a anti heroes

'90s Anti-Hero: A specific anti-hero from The '90s, usually from the comics. They are portrayed as Darker and Edgier in contrast to heroes like The Cape.
Anti-Antichrist: A supposedly anti-Christ (or similar) character willing to save the world from the forces of evil.
Anti-Hero Substitute: A ruthless anti-hero takes the place of the pure hero.
Anti-Hero Team: A group that consists of anti-heroes.
Black Knight (when not evil)
Blood Knight: Some anti-heroes enjoy the thrill of fighting.
Byronic Hero: A type of anti-hero who is melancholic and brooding, has a Dark and Troubled Past, and is terribly flawed, yet sympathetic.
The Chessmaster (when heroic)
Classical Anti-Hero: An anti-hero who suffers from flaws and hindrances.
Combat Pragmatist: A anti-hero who isn't above playing dirty or outright cheating to get the job done.
Cowboy Cop: An anti-heroic cop who doesn't play by the rules and lives by their own.
Creepy Good: The hero appears quite scary to their enemies, perhaps because of their actions and/or personality.
Dashing Hispanic: Many Dashing Hispanics have a quite vengeful outlook which puts them squarely in Antihero territory.
Designated Hero: The narrative says that they're heroic, but their actions doesn't prove it.
Even the Loving Hero Has Hated Ones: They may be loving and heroic, but they despise certain people who are worthy of hatred. May fall under Good Is Not Soft.
Exalted Torturer: Where a torturer is presented as heroic.
Femme Fatale: She'll steal your heart, as well as everything else.
The Fighting Narcissist (when heroic)
Friendly Pirate
Fully-Embraced Fiend
The Gambler (when they're the hero)
Gentleman Thief (when they're the hero)
Good All Along: An anti-hero initially believed to be a villain, but is actually working on the side of good the whole time.
Good Is Not Nice: A straight-laced hero who is a Jerkass.
Good Is Not Soft: Even straight-laced heroes can get brutal when dealing with evil.
Grumpy Bear: Some anti-heroes are cynical when in an idealistic world.
Hardboiled Detective: Some anti-heroes can be this due to their rough and cynical personalities and personal issues.
Heroic Comedic Sociopath: An anti-hero whose bad deeds are Played for Laughs.
Heroic Seductress: A seductress who uses sex to achieve a good goal.
Hero with an F in Good: Has good intentions, but fails at being good.
He Who Fights Monsters: A character's anti-heroic qualities can lead them to become just as bad as the villains, or in the worst cases, becoming a villain themselves.
Hidden Heart of Gold: You won't see the good side of this Jerkass anti-hero, but it's there. Just don't tell anyone.
Hunter of Monsters: These characters fight to protect humanity, but are ruthless when dealing with the supernatural. Especially if their motivation is vengeance.
Jerk with a Heart of Gold: An anti-hero has a nice side beneath their unpleasant front. For the sake of simplicity, this is as close to kind-heartedness as they get, without being exactly polite by default.
Jerkass Woobie: Sympathetic in spite of their anti-heroic behavior.
Justified Criminal: An otherwise good person forced by circumstance to break the law (i.e. stealing to live).
Knight in Sour Armor: Cynical and pessimistic, but does the right thing anyways.
Knight of Cerebus: Contrasting a more ideal hero acts, an Anti-Hero's more unscrupulous acts can darken the mood and morality especially in lighthearted works.
Knight Templar: Some anti-heroes can be self-righteous and extremist in achieving their goals.
Lovable Alpha Bitch: The Alpha Bitch can be an anti-hero.
Lovable Rogue: Breaks the law for their own benefit, but is eager to help others.
Mad Scientist (non-villainous versions): A morally questionable scientist who wants to do researches via any means possible.
Reluctant Mad Scientist
Magnificent Bastard (when heroic)
Manipulative Bastard (when heroic)
Military Maverick
Monster Knight
Moral Sociopathy: Some anti-heroes care about doing what they think is right while lacking empathy towards others.
Mr. Vice Guy: The hero who has a constant character flaw (i.e., pride, wrath, etc.)
Neighbourhood-Friendly Gangsters
Noble Bigot: An anti-hero has prejudiced views.
Noble Bigot with a Badge: An anti-hero serving in law enforcement has prejudiced views.
Noble Demon: Some anti-heroes have a dreadful reputation to maintain, but they have lines they don't cross.
Nominal Hero: An anti-hero who only does good deeds for their own self-serving motivations.
Pay Evil unto Evil: Some heroes prefer to do to villains what the villains did to their victims.
Polite Villains, Rude Heroes: When the hero in question is ruder and meaner than the villains he faces.
Politically Incorrect Hero: Some anti-heroes have controversial beliefs.
Pragmatic Hero: Some heroes prefer doing questionable deeds to achieve a greater good.
Punch-Clock Hero: They're only a hero because it's their job, not because they want to be one.
Rebellious Spirit: Anti-heroes are not good with authority.
Red Is Violent: Some anti-heroes are associated with the color of red to highlight their violent and aggressive personalities.
Reformed, but Not Tamed: The anti-hero used to be a villain.
The Rival: Some anti-heroes have a rivalry with The Hero.
Stock Shōnen Rival: Anti-heroes serve as the equal and polar opposite to the Stock Shōnen Hero.
Rude Hero, Nice Sidekick: When an anti-hero has a sidekick who is more pure and compassionate than they are.
Satisfied Street Rat
Serial-Killer Killer: A serial killer who targets serial killers.
Shadow Archetype: In heroic examples, the anti-hero is what The Hero would be if they lack the proper qualities of a pure hero.
Shoot the Dog: Anti-heroes are known for doing morally questionable deeds because they need to be done.
Sociopathic Hero: An anti-hero who has sociopathic characteristics, but fights on the side of good.
Sociopathic Soldier: Non-villainous versions. A morally questionable soldier of their country.
Sympathetic Murderer: Dwelling on the extenuating circumstances that make it more understandable why the character would resort to criminal behavior.
Most subtypes of Terror Hero
This Loser Is You: The anti-hero can be someone who reflects the negative qualities of the audience.
Token Evil Teammate: While not evil, some anti-heroes can be part of the group of pure heroes.
Tragic Hero: An anti-hero whose flaw becomes their downfall.
Unfazed Everyman
The Unfettered: Some anti-heroes are willing to do anything to achieve a goal.
Unscrupulous Hero: A hero who fights ruthlessly, but is ultimately driven by a heroic goal.
Unsympathetic Comedy Protagonist: The hero is a jerk, but the audience finds it hilarious.
Vigilante Man: A hero who puts the law into their own hands.
Villain Killer: In settings where the Thou Shalt Not Kill mentality is expected for heroes, these anti-heroes stand out for their willingness to defy it.
Worthy Opponent: Much like the anti-villains, its possible that anti-heroes may rudely demean others at times, but can have the same formula of respecting their enemies, and treating them rather kind-heartedly.


..........myeah I'm allergic to long posts:laugh:

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Sombra was a tyrant and he pretty much saw himself as that alone. Whether it was season 3 or season 9; he was centered on himself and what he believed was his property. He was no *hero as he willingly put other ponies in a state of suffering and/or brainwashing, and he damn well knew that.

*Not counting the comic variant where releasing the umbrum was his goal.

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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18 hours ago, Pathfinder said:

Sombra was a tyrant and he pretty much saw himself as that alone. Whether it was season 3 or season 9; he was centered on himself and what he believed was his property. He was no *hero as he willingly put other ponies in a state of suffering and/or brainwashing, and he damn well knew that.

*Not counting the comic variant where releasing the umbrum was his goal.

what about Sauron? he was a Tyrant too, at least he have an goal to create a Perfect. so Sombra might had The same Goal, Perfect order and a Perfect equestria and King sombra was base off of Sauron


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1 hour ago, Scootaloo9074090 said:

what about Sauron? he was a Tyrant too, at least he have an goal to create a Perfect. so Sombra might had The same Goal, Perfect order and a Perfect equestria and King sombra was base off of Sauron


Sauron's ultimate goal was order; pure and simple. I'm not so sure if Sombra had such a goal himself. It's true that Sombra was largely based on Sauron's design and mannerisms, but goalwise I'm not sure. His sights were pretty limited from the start as he focused squarely on the Crystal Empire and not Equestria as a whole. That only changed after he destroyed the Elements of Harmony.

Not counting the comics; it's really difficult to judge what his goal ultimately was.

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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2 hours ago, Pathfinder said:

Sauron's ultimate goal was order; pure and simple. I'm not so sure if Sombra had such a goal himself. It's true that Sombra was largely based on Sauron's design and mannerisms, but goalwise I'm not sure. His sights were pretty limited from the start as he focused squarely on the Crystal Empire and not Equestria as a whole. That only changed after he destroyed the Elements of Harmony.

Not counting the comics; it's really difficult to judge what his goal ultimately was.

the_dark_lord_sauron_by_laslolf.jpg&ehk=  at least Sauron believes in a purpose. In fact, his devotion to a higher power and purpose (Melkor and his own concept of a perfect world) are somewhat redeeming qualities compare to King sombra


Edited by Scootaloo9074090
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