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private IC: The Frozen North (1x1 with Blitz Boom)


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@Props Valroa


On 2024-01-31 at 2:44 AM, Magloria said:

"It's pleasing to meet you, thank you for the welcome. Mind if we talk in private? I have a few things I wish to speak to you about. One of which, I'm going to need a carriage or a cart. Just for the two of us. Something for the long haul. You seem to be fairly well acquainted with this town." Spectra spoke to her, wanting to lead this mare somewhere out of sight from the others that were in the area. Spectra wasn't going to do any actions out in the open like that. Wasn't how she worked. Spectra spoke in a calm, casual manner that attempted to convey her and Operata were just normal ponies wanting to lay low and keep to themselves.

"I know where you can get hold of one of those. Fastest way's down theoutskirts, then going right for a bit. I'll lead the way for ya, and we can discuss what else you need some help for."

"I will go and procure some provisions in the meantime. If you will excuse me."

She might not like that he were leaving, but he knew what Spectra were planning on doing, and he couldn't be there for that. Wouldn't. Much as his morals were flexible, he couldn't in good consciousness just stand and watch her take an innocent, helpful mare, and kidnap her to be her new vessel. She could do this alone, if she so wished this mare. He had signed up for them to go and procure a corpse, or a coma patient. Somepony who were either dead, or might as well be. This were not something he could stomach, and if he stuck around, he worried that he would not be able to halt himself from interjecting, and seeing if he could make the mare get a chance at escape.

So he would stay away, and let her do her grizzly business by her own hooves. Not as if Spectra had never done so in the past.

He hoped that someday, when she were freed, his wife would be able to forgive him for this, though he were having a hard time believing that anypony could...

Meanwhile, Spurs would just shrug her shoulders, and lead Spectra to the edge of town, where they could then roam over to the right and pass some houses to get to where they had to, for carts and such. Hopefully there'd still be some left. Seemed like her companion were in an awful hurry.

As for the edge, there were a few dead zones, where one could take advantage, without being seen. Provided she made sure to do so when nopony were looking. Had to make sure Spurs didn't scream out though. Impossible not to hear something from the nearby town, if somepony started yelling out like that.

"Seems your friend's in an awful hurry. You got folks waiting to hear from ya at home?"

Might as well try and be civilized here, yeah? a bit of banter, like she'd been taught.




"Well, plenty happened, but I can go over the big things."

She'd lead them towards some benches where they could sit and talk. It were not secluded and private, but it were not near the scorching forge, and most on duty were too busy to even be here at base, much less out frolicking like this. Ideally she shouldn't be either, as she were part of the medical staff, but she had her orders, and would follow them.

"So, let's see, big things.

For a start, Discord's free, and are now being rehabilitated by a group of ponies in Ponyville, lead by Princess Twilight. One of two new official alicorns we've gotten in Equestria, besides the return of Princess Luna, of course. The other being Twilight's niece, a born unicorn. And Princess Cadence? I am not certain if you know of her. She's rather young now that I think about it, so likely after your time. She's currently married and ruling the Crystal Kingdom, after King Sombra returned and got defeated, and lives with as said her alicorn daughter, and Princess Twilight's brother, Shining Armor. one of the captains of the Solar Guard. Though Captain Hailstorm are taking more and more of his duties, as he's transitioning to fully focusing on his new home, and his family.

Princess Twilight is the Princess of Friendship, whereas Princess Cadence, is the Princess of Love. Her daughter does not currently have a title, far as I am aware.

Let's see, what else... The changelings invaded Canterlot, got beaten, and eventually the hive responsible - Hive Chrysalis - were beaten again, and her changelings defected. They are under new leadership, and have changed form. I haven't seen them myself so far though, but I hear they are very colorful. Changelings are also now accepted citizens of Equestria, along with dragons, griffons, kirin, etc. Princess Twilight have been busy mending old bridges, and making new contact, so Equestria have more allies and races we work together with. Including the new Dragon Lord, Ember.

The Pillars of Old Equestria, including Star Swirl the Bearded have also returned from limbo, freed by Princess Twilight. We had a few attempts of Tirek to escape and take over Equestria, but that have thankfully not gotten too far, as Princess Twilight and her friends using the Elements of Harmony, have handled him, and several other threats.

Oh, and on the subject of Discord actually, I dunno if you were aware of other draconequui and their relations with Equestria, as not everyone really cared to learn of them, but if you have not heard of or met Avarice, Glutton, or Fright, let me know. You might need to be aware of them, if things become dire here, due to their immense power, perhaps being helpful in our struggles. If they can be convinced to lend aid. Which I can imagine is not hard with Fright, but the others are less keen on getting involved in large things, lest it becomes worth their while."

She'd mention other major things too, but let it be said that there would be a lot. It had been some busy years, since Princess Twilight and her friends had started to stir the pot, so to speak. Plenty of things to talk about.




On 2024-01-31 at 2:44 AM, Magloria said:

Thus Magloria had spoken, "It would be wise for you to co-operate with us, so that this process may move smoothly. I am Magloria, and these here are the Canterlot Guard. I would like for you to state your name and affiliation, please."

"You speak brazen. I shall comply for now, though your guards are unknown to me.

I am High Inquisitor Ghelzar. My reputation reached your station?"

"I know who you are."

At least now he did, and frankly, he were starting to already regret letting this one out. The inquisition didn't have many notable creatures that were named, outside of the top leadership, but the lone inquisitor, who legends had struck down wickedness across the land, were one of the few notable exceptions.

And here he thought that the line "Blind to the deception of wickedness* were just written flair, by the author who had written about his exploits. Not that he could recall them all right now, but he remembered a few things about the leader and only member of the Fifth Holy Armada. This one were likely to be a problem.

On 2024-01-31 at 2:44 AM, Magloria said:

"You are here because a mare named Spectral Fade captured you at some point, and lured you somewhere to trap you. You were trapped within a magical orb of which she used to steal your magic. You and many others have been freed from this fate thanks to the work of the guard here, now we seek to track her down and bring justice." Magloria added.

"There is a lot which needs to be discussed with you, that will likely not be handled by us directly - there are others here who are qualified and trained to help those like you get acquainted with this situation. So please, be at ease, so we can move along and complete our process without much conflict."

"What is this, more tricks of the vile heathen? Does she rule of this Canterlot, which you speak of? Bring her forth then, and let me show you what is just."

"Canterlot is the capitol of Equestria. It were build by the wish of Princess Celestia herself, when she emerged from her chambers, and ended the inquisition. You have been trapped for near a thousand years. If you do not believe me, then I will bring you to hear the words of the princess herself. Surely you would remember her voice, would you not?"

"Hmm, long have it been since the Holy Flame left her chambers, and your notion is that of the ludicrous. The heathen may have bested me, but held me for so long? I do not believe the witch capable.

But if you so strongly hold belief in your words, then will you risk your life for the truth? Bring me to the princess truly, and I will trust her words of the matter. Bring me to a fake, or attempt to lead me to death, and you will be set upon a lone pyre. Lest you have no conviction in your words?"

"In my capacity of captain, I seldom swear to bring you to her, and if all is false, I shall wander upon the pyre and tie myself."

The griffon would be silent, but would nod after a few seconds, eyes closed.

"Conviction leaves not your voice. I shall grant you a chance, so lead the way. But beware. If your words are true, the witch may be near. Hesitate not, if her head becomes ripe for the taking."

Hailstorm already despised this one, and found him tedious... A proper pain in the flank to rehabilitate, if the princess did not outright scorch him off the face of the earth. The Inquisition were a dark chapter, that she'd prefer buried and forgotten, in all but history books. A living relic such as this, might make her prone to want to ensure it remained so, lest he would attempt to reignite the dreaded practices of old.

He would let it be up to her.

"Prepare the next orb, but do not open it yet. We will return."

Magloria could follow if she wished. Perhaps it would be good for her to see the princess too. And Captain Hailstorm might need some help restraining this one, if he became an issue. He might not have his gear, as that were long taken by Spectra, but he were still formidable, and far more than his warning strike from before would show.

As for the proof of the orbs around them? He could not see them, but acknowledged that something were strange in their midst. This were among the few reasons why he would let this captain, and the mare who spoke so brazenly to him, get a chance to prove their words were true. And if they were... He had no family or friends left, before he joined the Inquisition. All had been taken from him, along with his sight. He had nothing lost to miss, beyond the punishment of the wicked. A new age, meant simply new beings to bring justice to, though he would need to find out certain things. Like who were the current nesting ruler of the griffon in Equestria. He would wish to see what this age had of leadership, if Queen Gilda were naught but a distant memory now.

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@Blitz Boom




"I know where you can get hold of one of those. Fastest way's down theoutskirts, then going right for a bit. I'll lead the way for ya, and we can discuss what else you need some help for."

"I will go and procure some provisions in the meantime. If you will excuse me."

She might not like that he were leaving, but he knew what Spectra were planning on doing, and he couldn't be there for that. Wouldn't. Much as his morals were flexible, he couldn't in good consciousness just stand and watch her take an innocent, helpful mare, and kidnap her to be her new vessel. She could do this alone, if she so wished this mare. He had signed up for them to go and procure a corpse, or a coma patient. Somepony who were either dead, or might as well be. This were not something he could stomach, and if he stuck around, he worried that he would not be able to halt himself from interjecting, and seeing if he could make the mare get a chance at escape.

So he would stay away, and let her do her grizzly business by her own hooves. Not as if Spectra had never done so in the past.

He hoped that someday, when she were freed, his wife would be able to forgive him for this, though he were having a hard time believing that anypony could...

Meanwhile, Spurs would just shrug her shoulders, and lead Spectra to the edge of town, where they could then roam over to the right and pass some houses to get to where they had to, for carts and such. Hopefully there'd still be some left. Seemed like her companion were in an awful hurry.

As for the edge, there were a few dead zones, where one could take advantage, without being seen. Provided she made sure to do so when nopony were looking. Had to make sure Spurs didn't scream out though. Impossible not to hear something from the nearby town, if somepony started yelling out like that.

"Seems your friend's in an awful hurry. You got folks waiting to hear from ya at home?"

Might as well try and be civilized here, yeah? a bit of banter, like she'd been taught.


Spectra was fine with Operata getting the provisions. He always seemed to prefer doing that sort of thing anyway, and it was useful to her. Less work she needed to worry about. They already had some travel provisions on her but needed to make sure they had enough for a long trip to where Thriceborne's location was on the map. 

As for now, she'd discuss a few things with Spurs. "I guess you could say that. I have someone I need to get to rather quickly and I must deliver something to them, gonna have to use this cart for that." Spectra would say as she'd see a traveling cart as they walked up to the area the carriages were kept. From the appearance of them they were rather well constructed - by Earth pony hands and craftsman, designed to handle the rough terrain and life in Appleoosa.

"I'll just pay for it now." Spectra spoke as she summoned a few gold coins, that if Spurs checked - they'd be worth more than the cart itself. As the two of them were out of sight she would now realize the two of them were alone. Spectra then would suddenly then summon in a gag of sorts and apply it onto Spur's mouth, rendering her unable to talk. And in a lightning fast manner she would apply newly summoned restraints onto Spurs's legs while she held Spurs in place with a telekinetic lock in several positions to ensure she couldn't move. Like that, Spectra would quickly put the mare into the carriage on the floor of the carriage by one of the chairs. The mare wasn't hurt in any way - Spectra wouldn't want to hurt her new body, would she? If she was able to do that successfully, that was. Evidently, Spectra's ability to restrain and capture a pony was a learned skill from doing it so many times.

"It's nothing personal, you see, I'm looking for a new body. Yours just happened to catch my attention more so than anyone, and I'm not about to waste more time." Spectra spoke as she would get the carriage hooked up to herself and begin pulling it back towards were they were, while she waited for Operata.

There were likely other carriages around, and also probably lots of activity about. So, it would likely not be noticed for a bit that Spurs was now "missing". As far as anyone knew, she was off doing something with someone else who needed help. While Spurs was restrained in the carriage, she could hear everything. 

This was all if she did manage to successfully restrain her. Spectra's magic would have been sudden and shocking, allowing her to get the upper hand over the Earth pony mare. 





"Well, plenty happened, but I can go over the big things."

She'd lead them towards some benches where they could sit and talk. It were not secluded and private, but it were not near the scorching forge, and most on duty were too busy to even be here at base, much less out frolicking like this. Ideally she shouldn't be either, as she were part of the medical staff, but she had her orders, and would follow them.

"So, let's see, big things.

For a start, Discord's free, and are now being rehabilitated by a group of ponies in Ponyville, lead by Princess Twilight. One of two new official alicorns we've gotten in Equestria, besides the return of Princess Luna, of course. The other being Twilight's niece, a born unicorn. And Princess Cadence? I am not certain if you know of her. She's rather young now that I think about it, so likely after your time. She's currently married and ruling the Crystal Kingdom, after King Sombra returned and got defeated, and lives with as said her alicorn daughter, and Princess Twilight's brother, Shining Armor. one of the captains of the Solar Guard. Though Captain Hailstorm are taking more and more of his duties, as he's transitioning to fully focusing on his new home, and his family.

Princess Twilight is the Princess of Friendship, whereas Princess Cadence, is the Princess of Love. Her daughter does not currently have a title, far as I am aware.

Let's see, what else... The changelings invaded Canterlot, got beaten, and eventually the hive responsible - Hive Chrysalis - were beaten again, and her changelings defected. They are under new leadership, and have changed form. I haven't seen them myself so far though, but I hear they are very colorful. Changelings are also now accepted citizens of Equestria, along with dragons, griffons, kirin, etc. Princess Twilight have been busy mending old bridges, and making new contact, so Equestria have more allies and races we work together with. Including the new Dragon Lord, Ember.

The Pillars of Old Equestria, including Star Swirl the Bearded have also returned from limbo, freed by Princess Twilight. We had a few attempts of Tirek to escape and take over Equestria, but that have thankfully not gotten too far, as Princess Twilight and her friends using the Elements of Harmony, have handled him, and several other threats.

Oh, and on the subject of Discord actually, I dunno if you were aware of other draconequui and their relations with Equestria, as not everyone really cared to learn of them, but if you have not heard of or met Avarice, Glutton, or Fright, let me know. You might need to be aware of them, if things become dire here, due to their immense power, perhaps being helpful in our struggles. If they can be convinced to lend aid. Which I can imagine is not hard with Fright, but the others are less keen on getting involved in large things, lest it becomes worth their while."

She'd mention other major things too, but let it be said that there would be a lot. It had been some busy years, since Princess Twilight and her friends had started to stir the pot, so to speak. Plenty of things to talk about.


Stern Steel would sit there as he listened to what was spoken to him here, the more was spoken the more he looked...horrified? It was difficult to judge the look on that face of his, but he began to hyperventilate somewhat. It was a lot of information to take in. That wasn't what made him feel this way, it was the fact that he missed out on all of this. His whole life was ruined, or so he thought.

"I...I missed all of that? Two new Alicorn princesses? The return of THE Starswirl? My gosh...I didn't realize that 20 years could really ruin someone like this. But here I am, me as I was 20 years ago. All thanks to someone who stole my life from me. You see, I was also in the Captain Rank of the Solar Guard. I had promise, yeah, there were some drama here and there but I felt like I had something going for me. I was on a mission in Las Pegasus, and I never made it there. What...has happened to me." he sighed and looked down at the floor. "I don't even know if my family is still alive. My father, my mom, my two brothers. I don't know what happened to them, and I don't want to even know about it until I am sure that this mission is dealt with. I wouldn't want them to know about me, only to see me ending up being killed, along with the rest of you, because someone out there is stealing people's lives away." he shut his eyes and leaned back silently.

"This isn't the world I am used to. I grew up under only one Princess. Celestia. That was all we ever knew, all we ever could think of. Things were simple, life was good, and I wanted to be a guard because my father was one too, before he went to do other things with his life. Then I come back...and it's like everything I ever knew is gone. I can't imagine how it is for some of those others, imagine being asleep for a few centuries and then coming alive and finding everything you cared about is at the bottom of a dusty page in a forgotten book. The names Avarice, Glutton, Fright I never heard of...only knew Discord as the weird statue out in the garden behind the castle..." he sighed. In this moment, he didn't seem like the proud stallion who was ready to be a guard and do what was needed to defend Equestria. He didn't look like the strong powerful, arrogant short-lived captain that history had recorded.

He looked like a lost soul. "Everything of who I was, before...yesterday - is now called into question, while the world is at threat of something none of us saw coming."



"You speak brazen. I shall comply for now, though your guards are unknown to me.

I am High Inquisitor Ghelzar. My reputation reached your station?"

"I know who you are."

At least now he did, and frankly, he were starting to already regret letting this one out. The inquisition didn't have many notable creatures that were named, outside of the top leadership, but the lone inquisitor, who legends had struck down wickedness across the land, were one of the few notable exceptions.

And here he thought that the line "Blind to the deception of wickedness* were just written flair, by the author who had written about his exploits. Not that he could recall them all right now, but he remembered a few things about the leader and only member of the Fifth Holy Armada. This one were likely to be a problem.


"What is this, more tricks of the vile heathen? Does she rule of this Canterlot, which you speak of? Bring her forth then, and let me show you what is just."

"Canterlot is the capitol of Equestria. It were build by the wish of Princess Celestia herself, when she emerged from her chambers, and ended the inquisition. You have been trapped for near a thousand years. If you do not believe me, then I will bring you to hear the words of the princess herself. Surely you would remember her voice, would you not?"

"Hmm, long have it been since the Holy Flame left her chambers, and your notion is that of the ludicrous. The heathen may have bested me, but held me for so long? I do not believe the witch capable.

But if you so strongly hold belief in your words, then will you risk your life for the truth? Bring me to the princess truly, and I will trust her words of the matter. Bring me to a fake, or attempt to lead me to death, and you will be set upon a lone pyre. Lest you have no conviction in your words?"

"In my capacity of captain, I seldom swear to bring you to her, and if all is false, I shall wander upon the pyre and tie myself."

The griffon would be silent, but would nod after a few seconds, eyes closed.

"Conviction leaves not your voice. I shall grant you a chance, so lead the way. But beware. If your words are true, the witch may be near. Hesitate not, if her head becomes ripe for the taking."

Hailstorm already despised this one, and found him tedious... A proper pain in the flank to rehabilitate, if the princess did not outright scorch him off the face of the earth. The Inquisition were a dark chapter, that she'd prefer buried and forgotten, in all but history books. A living relic such as this, might make her prone to want to ensure it remained so, lest he would attempt to reignite the dreaded practices of old.

He would let it be up to her.

"Prepare the next orb, but do not open it yet. We will return."

Magloria could follow if she wished. Perhaps it would be good for her to see the princess too. And Captain Hailstorm might need some help restraining this one, if he became an issue. He might not have his gear, as that were long taken by Spectra, but he were still formidable, and far more than his warning strike from before would show.

As for the proof of the orbs around them? He could not see them, but acknowledged that something were strange in their midst. This were among the few reasons why he would let this captain, and the mare who spoke so brazenly to him, get a chance to prove their words were true. And if they were... He had no family or friends left, before he joined the Inquisition. All had been taken from him, along with his sight. He had nothing lost to miss, beyond the punishment of the wicked. A new age, meant simply new beings to bring justice to, though he would need to find out certain things. Like who were the current nesting ruler of the griffon in Equestria. He would wish to see what this age had of leadership, if Queen Gilda were naught but a distant memory now.

Magloria remained quiet and stoic throughout the exchange between Ghelzar and Hailstorm, and she would follow them and get a sight of the Princess herself too. She had a lot to say to her, if that was something that would be possible. For now, she'd follow them out of the area they were in currently. The other guards could be trusted with the orbs. Hopefully the next one wouldn't be so bad.

As they were walking, Magloria would glance in the direction to Ghelzar and Hailstorm. "I do not know what the 'inquisition" is, as I was neither present in Equestria at the time, nor am I Equestrian myself. There are many like us, displaced in time by a mare who seeks to upend Equestrian order to suit her own means. While I neither understand much about this time in history or what has transpired in my absence, I am sure the Princess will offer you proper words you need to hear." Magloria spoke to Ghelzar.

"Perhaps if the Princess deems you as worthy, after a time of adjustment - you can help us in our task to track her down and defeat her. We need all those who are skilled as we can get to help us in our cause. Word has it that she destroyed an entire mountain recently, destroying many lives, including many who were trapped - just like yourself within her orbs. We were only able to retrieve so many. I don't know anything of the Griffons, but I am sure that the Princess will be able to arrange you proper contact with them so you can further discuss your own situation with them at some point, afterward." Magloria spoke calmly. Her words were calm, of a mare that knew what she was doing. There were many personalities who were worse than this one. He seemed to be very zealous and dedicated to his cause, something that would be problematic as the whole cause he fought for no longer exists. 

At least someone she could share her fate with. 


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@Props Valroa


It went well at first. She had just led this mare over to where the cart renter were, and she had in turn summoned some coins to pay for it. Spurs weren't sure of the value there, but the owner seemed happy enough, so that were fancy. And then, she had kept following, just trying to be helpful, and give a hoof with what this mare were about to do.

And then, before she could act upon it, she were suddenly bound and gagged, tossed into the back of this carriage, where nopony could see her, and her muffled pleas were all but impossible to hear. And it didn't sound as if there were any sort of mercy that would be found, as this crazy mare suddenly started to talk about wanting her body? What was she, a cannibal? She had to get out of here!

Spectra's bonds better hold the entirety of the time here, and the trip, because the mare would not stop trying to fight, even if it seemed meaningless and hopeless. Trying to move her limbs to get sound going, or wriggle out of the back, where others could see her, chewing down on the gag and attempting to move it around so a scream for help could escape- Anything possible. She were not just going to take this sitting down.

After a little while, Operata would come, with a small satchel of supplies for the journey. Some food and water, along with a first aid kit. The latter of what were there to provide some degree of believability, that they were simply there to get something, so they could move along, and get away from everything, and he did not look pleased at all. His face marred in a way that made it clear that despite his usual attitude towards things, and the true, horrid stories told of him, there were nothing in this that gave him joy.

He would speak low to her, despite there not being any near them, just in case.

"You wanted to not cause a scene, but how will it look like when the missing posters comes up? When you're spotted looking like that, and they start asking questions? Will you just jump again? How long before that starts catching up to you?

I came to find a corpse, Spectra. I did not sign up for this."

He questioned her morals much and often. And the lives she had taken at the mountain, were utterly horrendous. But this were almost worse, in a way. This were letting the mare suffer, knowing that she were going to die. It would frankly be more humane to flat out kill her on the spot, rather than doing this.

He were not a moral pony. He had done unspeakable things, but certain lines you did not pass. And Spectra were starting to pass so many lines that it were making him question his ability to keep doing as he were told. Especially if he'd have to look into the eyes of one whose body he had been part in stealing from them.

Perhaps the guilt of it all, were finally starting to catch up to him.




"Princess Twilight have been the catalyst for a lot of the things you've heard. Curing Nightmare Moon, fighting and rehabilitating Discord, etc. But yes, tit is a lot to take in. Even for those of us who weren't frozen, things change so rapidly sometimes these last few years, that it can be hard to keep track of everything.

Yet we endure, we adapt, and we accept. The way that Equestria is meant to do things. Even if it is slow for some. You'd be surprised some of the things Benny had to listen to at times for instance, even now. Not to speak of when his marefriend is there. Some sadly don't change as fast as they should. But I like to hope that they will catch up in time, and accept things. I'm sure it will be trying for you at times, yet I'm sure you can handle, and adapt as well, Stern. Even if it might seem a bit much at first.

The princess didn't rehabilitate the other three draconequui though. I should perhaps explain that in advance. I don't know the longer backstory, but Fright apparently had a pony centuries ago, help her to overcome her base instincts, and rehabilitate, and she's then eventually gone and helped others of her kin. She has a pocket dimension somewhere, with a few entry points I know of, for those wanting to go and meditate at her monastery. Not seen her myself, but I'm told she's patient and friendly. Less so with the others, but at least they are contributing, rather than cause trouble. That's good.

I'll try and explain more later if you want to know, but I'm thinking with how big an issue this might be, they could end up being called on to help. So I just... Want to prepare you, I suppose.

And about preparing, uhm... Well, I think you've miscalculated something. See, you don't want your family to know, and I'm sure the captain have said nopony should say a thing, but... You're a notable name, Stern. Even if they're busy now, the guards will speak, some will overhear, or they tell family, and then sooner or later, word will come to them.

It's your decision, of course, but... I guess I'd think it best if they heard it from you, rather than some rumor that'd perhaps hurt them? J-Just a thought anyway. I'm sorry if I'm intruding on a private matter too much."

Foxglove wasn't someone who were big on shouting or being a notable, commanding presence. Sure she had her moments when a medical emergency came forth, but she were generally more of a kind, mild mannered mare, who preferred not to partake in conflict of that sort, if it could be helped. Made it odd for those few who knew that Head Physician Needle looked at her as his most likely successor, when he'd soon retire. He paid them no heed though. He had seen Foxglove work, and know that while she would never be a captain or general, that wasn't her role either. She had ever, and would ever, be the sort who'd want to mend wounds, not cause them. And he believed that when his time were done, she had what it took to be the one to lead the medical teams.

Not that she had any idea that it were on his mind. Far as she knew, he still had an easy twenty years or so to work with, before he would want retirement.




"The Inquisition is the truth of the wicked, needing removal from our country, lest it never heals. Since the dark princess fell, her minions wander ever around, searching for ways to return the darkest night. Heresy of such order that griffon and equine alike, unite hoof and talon, to smite the wicked.

Never did I gaze upon the false idol, my sight taken long before, by a wicked deed. Yet as with all, I fight to halt the night, that the Holy Flame might emerge and gaze upon a country clear of heresy, and those wanting naught but take those thine heart stands close with, and watch them perish. The Inquisition swore to me, that such acts would be punished, and thus did I ever give myself to the cause, fully and wholly.

High Priestess Goldenhawk herself, even blessed me, to wander and smite in her name. Had any I knew yet drawn breath, their pride would have surely been great."

Like many others that had been roped into The Inquisition, it were not just hatred of others, that sparked it. It were also fear, and loss. Loss especially, were what had driven Ghelzar, lost as he had felt himself being, after years prior, he had been made to watch everyone he knew die in front of him, then tore his sight from him, ensuring that their faces would be the last thing he ever gazed upon. He had tried to find himself in meditation, and refining his skills, so that he wouldn't feel so hopeless again, but the fear, anger, and pain burned in him, and The Inquisition offered him meaning. A way to halt others from doing the same, by granting him permission and a cause, to smite evil down. It were not hard to sell him on this idea, and the high priestess especially, had been enamored by the ferocity or both his conviction, and prowess. Her blessing were not something you got with any ease, but he had rightly earned it, and much else.

"Heed my words though, mare. Is this but a ruse, the pyre shall burn long and fiercely this day. If not, and your truth holds, I lay not low my talons, but rise them to find the witch's throat. Long as she wanders, The Inquisition have not halted for me."

He had no intentions of laying down arms, and living a life of peace, if he were made to believe this were reality, and not an illusion, or a bunch of lies. The witch who took him, would still be out there. A heretic of his time, that needed to be brought low. What came after, he knew not.

"I would use other words, for the brutal slaughtering that took place, but I doubt my words will hold merit. Hers likely will though.

I also warn you, Ghelzar: Princess Luna have returned, freed of her darkness. If you attempt to lay a talon on her, I will break your neck myself."

"...I hold no reason to strike at her, if you speak truth. I knew of the true shimmer among stars, before this. Were she to return, their deity would be all but gone, and the heretics have nothing left. We would win, and night and day would once again stand as one."

He were trying to prevent others from bringing back Nightmare Moon, not Princess Luna. The latter were a misguided mare, who had a sickness grow within her. If she were there, and this evil purged, then there were no wickedness for him to seek out.

They would soon get to the door leading into the throne room, thankfully not having met any who came to talk, or bat ponies as they went there. With a deep breath, he would braze himself, and then knock the door. Hailstorm had some inkling of what might happen here, and needed to ready himself.

"Come forth."

He would open the door, and lead the way in. There, upon her usual pillow, sat Princess Celestia, with a slice of cake floating in front of her. Seemed it were time for a break for her, or the stress of what were going on, made her need a pause. Luna sat in her own seat, sipping from a cup of tea instead. She were not feeling particularly peckish currently.

"Captain Hailstorm. To which are we owed the honor?"

"Your majesties, I am sorry for the intrusion, but I am assuming you are both aware of the situation at hoof?"

They would both nod, whilst Ghelzar took a step further, then halted, feeling out the room around him, and listening carefully to the voices.

"It seems her schemes reached far and wide through time. And it happens that the one we just freed, needs to be brought before you.

I present you, High Inquisitor Ghelzar."

Celestia's face would suddenly grow stiff, and both the fork with the cake, and the plate would fall down, and hit the floor. Luna were unaware of what this meant. A bit of history that she had been spared, but Celestia knew this, and before anyone could utter a word, she would have risen, the door slamming behind them, and her horn aflame with magical fire. Her mane roared, and her face were that of anger, yet Ghelzar did not back down. No, he basked in her light, feeling the radiant glow, as he were jerked up in her grasp, and brought up into a nice angle where hitting him, would not impact others.

"This Creature persists, when so many others died?!

Any last words, before you join your brethren in Tartarus?"

An opposing force would grab hold of Ghelzar, as Luna would intervene, getting him away, as she looked shocked at her sister. She hadn't seen her this angry and furious in years, even before Nightmare Moon.

"Sister! What have gotten into you?"

"You know not what he has done! What all of them did! They... So many burned, because of them. I-Innocent ponies that... The a-ashes..."

Celestia's fire would evaporate, and she'd lean in, crying upon her sisters shoulder, as dark, disturbing memories returned to her.

"The Holy Flame... Radiant and true."

Ghelzar would rise from the floor, shaken somewhat in his base, at knowing that this were real, and that the two had told him the truth. Yet now it sounded as if something were amiss. Something related to him, and his order. Had something happened, when he had been taken? Had they been led astray, and turned to wickedness themselves? He would ask, but it were not for him to speak with her now, he guessed. He would respond when she would ask him of something.

Hailstorm meanwhile, shook his head, as Princess Luna looked confused at him, while she were trying to comfort Celestia. This were a really weird day for her, and Hailstorm had few answers, that she'd like. Nor knew how to even start. Quite frankly, he were just amazed that Ghelzar were not a pile of ash on the floor. He had assumed it might end that way.

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@Blitz Boom





It went well at first. She had just led this mare over to where the cart renter were, and she had in turn summoned some coins to pay for it. Spurs weren't sure of the value there, but the owner seemed happy enough, so that were fancy. And then, she had kept following, just trying to be helpful, and give a hoof with what this mare were about to do.

And then, before she could act upon it, she were suddenly bound and gagged, tossed into the back of this carriage, where nopony could see her, and her muffled pleas were all but impossible to hear. And it didn't sound as if there were any sort of mercy that would be found, as this crazy mare suddenly started to talk about wanting her body? What was she, a cannibal? She had to get out of here!

Spectra's bonds better hold the entirety of the time here, and the trip, because the mare would not stop trying to fight, even if it seemed meaningless and hopeless. Trying to move her limbs to get sound going, or wriggle out of the back, where others could see her, chewing down on the gag and attempting to move it around so a scream for help could escape- Anything possible. She were not just going to take this sitting down.

After a little while, Operata would come, with a small satchel of supplies for the journey. Some food and water, along with a first aid kit. The latter of what were there to provide some degree of believability, that they were simply there to get something, so they could move along, and get away from everything, and he did not look pleased at all. His face marred in a way that made it clear that despite his usual attitude towards things, and the true, horrid stories told of him, there were nothing in this that gave him joy.

He would speak low to her, despite there not being any near them, just in case.

"You wanted to not cause a scene, but how will it look like when the missing posters comes up? When you're spotted looking like that, and they start asking questions? Will you just jump again? How long before that starts catching up to you?

I came to find a corpse, Spectra. I did not sign up for this."

He questioned her morals much and often. And the lives she had taken at the mountain, were utterly horrendous. But this were almost worse, in a way. This were letting the mare suffer, knowing that she were going to die. It would frankly be more humane to flat out kill her on the spot, rather than doing this.

He were not a moral pony. He had done unspeakable things, but certain lines you did not pass. And Spectra were starting to pass so many lines that it were making him question his ability to keep doing as he were told. Especially if he'd have to look into the eyes of one whose body he had been part in stealing from them.

Perhaps the guilt of it all, were finally starting to catch up to him.

Spectra had been satisfied with the capture of the poor innocent mare. The mare just wanted to help her out - assuming she were a wayward traveler. Spectra had devious intentions at play here. Try as she might, the poor mare couldn't escape out of the restraints. The restraints had clearly been designed to hold a pony in place - with there being iron and thickly woven rope with a solid cast iron cast down through the center of the rope. With how quickly Spectra applied the restraints onto Spurs, it was quite obvious that she had done this before to other ponies. The carriage had been closed up - so those who passed by had no idea what was going on.

With that, Spectra continued to wait for Operata and was satisfied with what he had gathered. "There we go, you got what we needed. Now let's get out of here." she spoke low to him as she began making her way out of Appleoosa. Her pacing was a little brisk - not too brisk to be suspicious, but enough to show that she was ready to get out of here. Spurs could likely hear their conversations as they moved forward, although they would likely be a bit muffled by being inside the carriage.

"Look. I was thinking the same thing, but that would have required us to go all the way to a hospital or some other area, and then deal with dragging a corpse to our intended location. If we were to have traveled all the way to Baltimare, we would have been in more risk of being discovered. I can disguise myself and change the colors, no problem. What we are going to do from now on, after Thriceborne - is get as far from here as possible. We are not doing anything. No hunting. No nothing. We will lay low, for as long as it takes for this sort of situation to die down."

That much she thought Operata could agree on. As for the morals - Spectra had very much lost her morals years ago. Only real moral that she had was that she did not harm fillies or torture ponies. Only because fillies didn't have large amounts of magic, and torturing her prey would go against her plans to use them as batteries.

At least Spectra saw the reason in laying low, and not tempting fate too much.

Off to Thriceborne's location she'd lead, following the map and checking a few things. When they were a good ways away from Appleoosa, she'd want to check on her new victim. Maybe give her some water or something. Her new body deserved it.







"Princess Twilight have been the catalyst for a lot of the things you've heard. Curing Nightmare Moon, fighting and rehabilitating Discord, etc. But yes, tit is a lot to take in. Even for those of us who weren't frozen, things change so rapidly sometimes these last few years, that it can be hard to keep track of everything.

Yet we endure, we adapt, and we accept. The way that Equestria is meant to do things. Even if it is slow for some. You'd be surprised some of the things Benny had to listen to at times for instance, even now. Not to speak of when his marefriend is there. Some sadly don't change as fast as they should. But I like to hope that they will catch up in time, and accept things. I'm sure it will be trying for you at times, yet I'm sure you can handle, and adapt as well, Stern. Even if it might seem a bit much at first.

The princess didn't rehabilitate the other three draconequui though. I should perhaps explain that in advance. I don't know the longer backstory, but Fright apparently had a pony centuries ago, help her to overcome her base instincts, and rehabilitate, and she's then eventually gone and helped others of her kin. She has a pocket dimension somewhere, with a few entry points I know of, for those wanting to go and meditate at her monastery. Not seen her myself, but I'm told she's patient and friendly. Less so with the others, but at least they are contributing, rather than cause trouble. That's good.

I'll try and explain more later if you want to know, but I'm thinking with how big an issue this might be, they could end up being called on to help. So I just... Want to prepare you, I suppose.

And about preparing, uhm... Well, I think you've miscalculated something. See, you don't want your family to know, and I'm sure the captain have said nopony should say a thing, but... You're a notable name, Stern. Even if they're busy now, the guards will speak, some will overhear, or they tell family, and then sooner or later, word will come to them.

It's your decision, of course, but... I guess I'd think it best if they heard it from you, rather than some rumor that'd perhaps hurt them? J-Just a thought anyway. I'm sorry if I'm intruding on a private matter too much."

Foxglove wasn't someone who were big on shouting or being a notable, commanding presence. Sure she had her moments when a medical emergency came forth, but she were generally more of a kind, mild mannered mare, who preferred not to partake in conflict of that sort, if it could be helped. Made it odd for those few who knew that Head Physician Needle looked at her as his most likely successor, when he'd soon retire. He paid them no heed though. He had seen Foxglove work, and know that while she would never be a captain or general, that wasn't her role either. She had ever, and would ever, be the sort who'd want to mend wounds, not cause them. And he believed that when his time were done, she had what it took to be the one to lead the medical teams.

Not that she had any idea that it were on his mind. Far as she knew, he still had an easy twenty years or so to work with, before he would want retirement.

Stern Steel would think over what was spoken to him. It was a lot to think of but in the end, he could admit to himself that she was right. "Two new princesses, Discord, Nightmare Moon, whatever that may be - the thing that's most important to me is the family I have. You are correct in your assessment. When things settle down a bit, and after we are done with what we are doing here, for tonight, or the next few days - I'll think about it. I didn't even know that draconequui were real, thought they were stuff that the crazy cooks thought of to drive everybody crazy." he chuckled.

"Discord...hard to believe that the statue out back was actually a real one. Always thought he was kinda creepy to look at, I bet in flesh, he's even more so. If things do truly get out of hand maybe we will really need the help of others like that. I don't want to see a war or anything like that, but I would probably say that at least for right now we should work on calming the situation and repairing the damage. Not my call though. At least not anymore." he sighed, wishing he was around still to call these shots. He enjoyed making others do what he wanted. To be honest, part of being a guard was the thrill of being the one in charge. Being manly and being "Cool". A bit of it was coming back to him, but he was wise enough to know that circumstances had changed. 

"Still though, I wonder who this Spectra really is. All I remember is a blurr. She never spoke to me or anything like that - she's out there working with someone, but beyond that...we know nothing." 









"The Inquisition is the truth of the wicked, needing removal from our country, lest it never heals. Since the dark princess fell, her minions wander ever around, searching for ways to return the darkest night. Heresy of such order that griffon and equine alike, unite hoof and talon, to smite the wicked.

Never did I gaze upon the false idol, my sight taken long before, by a wicked deed. Yet as with all, I fight to halt the night, that the Holy Flame might emerge and gaze upon a country clear of heresy, and those wanting naught but take those thine heart stands close with, and watch them perish. The Inquisition swore to me, that such acts would be punished, and thus did I ever give myself to the cause, fully and wholly.

High Priestess Goldenhawk herself, even blessed me, to wander and smite in her name. Had any I knew yet drawn breath, their pride would have surely been great."

Like many others that had been roped into The Inquisition, it were not just hatred of others, that sparked it. It were also fear, and loss. Loss especially, were what had driven Ghelzar, lost as he had felt himself being, after years prior, he had been made to watch everyone he knew die in front of him, then tore his sight from him, ensuring that their faces would be the last thing he ever gazed upon. He had tried to find himself in meditation, and refining his skills, so that he wouldn't feel so hopeless again, but the fear, anger, and pain burned in him, and The Inquisition offered him meaning. A way to halt others from doing the same, by granting him permission and a cause, to smite evil down. It were not hard to sell him on this idea, and the high priestess especially, had been enamored by the ferocity or both his conviction, and prowess. Her blessing were not something you got with any ease, but he had rightly earned it, and much else.

"Heed my words though, mare. Is this but a ruse, the pyre shall burn long and fiercely this day. If not, and your truth holds, I lay not low my talons, but rise them to find the witch's throat. Long as she wanders, The Inquisition have not halted for me."

He had no intentions of laying down arms, and living a life of peace, if he were made to believe this were reality, and not an illusion, or a bunch of lies. The witch who took him, would still be out there. A heretic of his time, that needed to be brought low. What came after, he knew not.

"I would use other words, for the brutal slaughtering that took place, but I doubt my words will hold merit. Hers likely will though.

I also warn you, Ghelzar: Princess Luna have returned, freed of her darkness. If you attempt to lay a talon on her, I will break your neck myself."

"...I hold no reason to strike at her, if you speak truth. I knew of the true shimmer among stars, before this. Were she to return, their deity would be all but gone, and the heretics have nothing left. We would win, and night and day would once again stand as one."

He were trying to prevent others from bringing back Nightmare Moon, not Princess Luna. The latter were a misguided mare, who had a sickness grow within her. If she were there, and this evil purged, then there were no wickedness for him to seek out.

They would soon get to the door leading into the throne room, thankfully not having met any who came to talk, or bat ponies as they went there. With a deep breath, he would braze himself, and then knock the door. Hailstorm had some inkling of what might happen here, and needed to ready himself.

"Come forth."

He would open the door, and lead the way in. There, upon her usual pillow, sat Princess Celestia, with a slice of cake floating in front of her. Seemed it were time for a break for her, or the stress of what were going on, made her need a pause. Luna sat in her own seat, sipping from a cup of tea instead. She were not feeling particularly peckish currently.

"Captain Hailstorm. To which are we owed the honor?"

"Your majesties, I am sorry for the intrusion, but I am assuming you are both aware of the situation at hoof?"

They would both nod, whilst Ghelzar took a step further, then halted, feeling out the room around him, and listening carefully to the voices.

"It seems her schemes reached far and wide through time. And it happens that the one we just freed, needs to be brought before you.

I present you, High Inquisitor Ghelzar."

Celestia's face would suddenly grow stiff, and both the fork with the cake, and the plate would fall down, and hit the floor. Luna were unaware of what this meant. A bit of history that she had been spared, but Celestia knew this, and before anyone could utter a word, she would have risen, the door slamming behind them, and her horn aflame with magical fire. Her mane roared, and her face were that of anger, yet Ghelzar did not back down. No, he basked in her light, feeling the radiant glow, as he were jerked up in her grasp, and brought up into a nice angle where hitting him, would not impact others.

"This Creature persists, when so many others died?!

Any last words, before you join your brethren in Tartarus?"

An opposing force would grab hold of Ghelzar, as Luna would intervene, getting him away, as she looked shocked at her sister. She hadn't seen her this angry and furious in years, even before Nightmare Moon.

"Sister! What have gotten into you?"

"You know not what he has done! What all of them did! They... So many burned, because of them. I-Innocent ponies that... The a-ashes..."

Celestia's fire would evaporate, and she'd lean in, crying upon her sisters shoulder, as dark, disturbing memories returned to her.

"The Holy Flame... Radiant and true."

Ghelzar would rise from the floor, shaken somewhat in his base, at knowing that this were real, and that the two had told him the truth. Yet now it sounded as if something were amiss. Something related to him, and his order. Had something happened, when he had been taken? Had they been led astray, and turned to wickedness themselves? He would ask, but it were not for him to speak with her now, he guessed. He would respond when she would ask him of something.

Hailstorm meanwhile, shook his head, as Princess Luna looked confused at him, while she were trying to comfort Celestia. This were a really weird day for her, and Hailstorm had few answers, that she'd like. Nor knew how to even start. Quite frankly, he were just amazed that Ghelzar were not a pile of ash on the floor. He had assumed it might end that way.

Magloria was pleased that Ghelzar had seemingly agreed with her statements. So the story basically was that Luna was overcome with corruption from a foreign entity that created many dark followers, and even after Nightmare Moon's defeat there were many of them still aroumd. Ghelzar and others like him worked to purge them from Equestria, though inevitably coming to darkness in their own way by going too far from it. In a way, Magloria could understand Ghelzar's reasoning for why he did what he did. She didn't know anything about his history or his life. 

As they were walking to the throne room, Magloria listened to the rest of their conversation intently. Seems as if her theory was proven right. That the Inquisition turned to brutality and killed many innocents, earning them a name of oppression rather than protection. It seems as though protectors throughout history can often turn into tyrants. Boy, her father certainly was a tyrant. At least to her anyway. As they walked, she thought about her father more. Absolute, cold and without feeling did not care about her life or her feelings. Her brother was showered with all the attention and support, while she were abused by Absolute. Her brother was the complete opposite of her, spawned from the same parents and treated the opposite way she was. He could still be out there somewhere. Magloria gritted her teeth as she thought about what she'd do to him. Destroy him? Steal his power for herself? Something like that, though it were a vague and distant idea. One that she tried to reach, but always failed, and ultimately was taken away from her goal by Spectra.

That is assuming her brother is even still alive. That Absolute was still alive. While Alicorns have the power of Demi-Gods, they can be brought down by those powerful enough to do so. Who is to say the same did not happen to either of her family members, with only her being the one that remained. Her mother...how she pitied her. The poor Zebra Mare was forced into a relationship with her father's brutish ways. She were a wise one though, and taught her many of her initial magics. Magloria was indeed a blue mage like Spectra, who could copy the magic of others once casted onto her. Unlike Spectra though...she did not dabble in making ponies into batteries. At least that much. Sure, there were a few. Though she couldn't feel her "supply" anywhere out in the world. It could be many centuries since her supply "expired". Though she kept it to those who truly deserved it, at least in her eyes. Either way, she had only a few. Spectra had hundreds, maybe even thousands. It made her a bit creeped out to think of it, of course she'd never admit that to anyone though. 

As they entered into the throne room - she saw the two sisters. Magloria had seen them in person before, a very long time ago. The two of them were a lot different than she remembered. Taller. Wavy, flowing manes. In her time they only had regular manes. She didn't have much fondness for either of them - considering her abuser was an Alicorn, and perhaps they too were abusers and got away with it. They could scrub anything from history that they wanted.

Seemed as if Celestia was going to vaporize Ghelzar right there and then. Such a show of power, nothing she could stop. Such a thing seemed to stun the room into silence, and the crying of the two sisters was unexpected. Feeling something inside of her, Magloria stepped forward without bowing before either of them. 

"More too will burn, if Spectral Fade continues her rummaging throughout the land. What she just did to the mountain can happen again, if she has more lairs - of which I have no doubt she has, it'd be wise to think that she had rigged them to explode in a similar manner. Her lairs could be everywhere all over Equestria. There is too much we don't know. With that in mind, we are going to need all the help we can get to find her. I have heard about others of your history. Tirek. Sombra. Chrysalis. All happened within the time I was frozen. There is one difference she has from them." Magloria posed for ominous effect.

"They did not have more than a millennia to prepare whatever plan she has planned for Equestria."

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@Props Valroa


He wanted to tell her off, right here and now. Yell in her face, scream out for the guards to come and get the mare out of her trunk, but... What good would it do him? Or any of the rest? Even with one *battery storage* down, she still had plenty more to drain from, and were stronger than he were. She could simply just knock him out, and bring him into the fold, if he started to be more trouble than were worth. Which potentially compromising her work with morals would likely be considered.

And speaking up, loud enough for others to come? Either she would be gone before somepony would come, or worse, she would cover her tracks, by killing everypony here.

He hated this. He wanted no part in this vileness, but he were helpless to stop her, and had all but lost his chance to escape either, by returning. Perhaps he had thought there would be some small part of her that would see reason. That stealing a live pony, would cause problems. Especially at a time like this, when she were actively being sought out, and others would begin to look into every new disappearance with a fine tooth comb.

If he had thought that, he were the biggest fool of them all... The only thing he could do now, were hang his head in shame, and follow, as they made their way towards Thriceborne. He hoped that the mare would at least show some degree of mercy towards the mare, so that she didn't suffer.

When they got far enough away from town though, he'd pull out his flute, and start playing a somber tone. It were not meant for the situation per se. It were loaded with magic, floating a calming tune into the cart, to give the mare rest. And he would not stop playing, as they made their way. It did not make him innocent in this, nor feel any less guilty, but at least he could try and keep her from having to be awake to face her fate. Let this be the only gift he could offer her, in this miserable time: The comfort of dying in her sleep.

Spectra would find the mare resting soundly if she checked, at good health, and now no longer struggling, as she floated away in pleasant dreams. And if she wanted the mare to be awake to talk to her, or something similar, and told Operata to stop, he would, but for a brief moment, just to tell her that she were already going to kill her. At least offer her the dignity of dying at peace. And then he would start playing again, not halting for long enough for the mare to wake up, or even stir from her pleasant dreams.





"I... Do not envy you, all the things that's gonna be put on you in the following days, Stern. Including from the other guard members.

I'm guessing you know a lot of us heard stories. Things that kept going, after you went missing. But for what it's worth, I believe that most everypony have the right to show their true colors, and if they wronged, get a chance at redemption. Might be not everypony will have your back in all of this, but I'll be there if you need me at least."

Perhaps she were too idealistic, and naive, to think that almost everypony had it in them to be a better creature. In some cases, she had to admit, that it seemed like there were no hope to redeem them, and thus, they needed to be dealt with in a way so they wouldn't come around to hurt others again. But most she believed had it in them to change, or to prove that things weren't as they had been presented, like Stern did. The way he were, didn't fit any of the stories that she, and many others had heard over the years. So she were hopeful that maybe there were more lies than truth in that, and if not, that he would be able to change, just like the times had, since he was taken.

Hope for redemption, and a belief in helping others. That were the sort of thing, that had made her join the guard. If she lost faith in others, she weren't sure if she could still remain a guard. What would the point be, if there were no hope left?

"I'm sorry to say that I don't know anything about your family though, so I can't say where they might be now, or anything else really. While there were stories, the rules on not pestering the families of disgraced guards, still stands. Of course I can't say if it hasn't happened either. Not everypony follow the rules as well as they should.

*sigh* Doesn't seem I am helping. Maybe I should try... Well, the statue. I was in town when it happened. A school group had arrived, and there were an argument near the statue. We didn't think anything of it, until a large crack was found in it later. Vandalism we assumed, but no, Discord had gotten freed, and went to play games with the Elements of Harmony. It's a long story what exactly happened, but they defeated him, and turned him back to stone, but Princess Celestia believed he could be reformed. So she left him with the ones wearing the elements, to try and change him.

It sounds like they have some issues with him now and again, but there's a good deal of improvement. Besides the time with Tirek, but I'm to understand he shows genuine remorse in assisting him, albeit briefly. I think it would be an experience if you went to Ponyville and saw him someday. I've been told it's a strange, but ultimately harmless thing to do. Not sure about the other one. Well, if the reports are real. We've gotten some notions that there might be a second, unknown draconequus, that have taken residence int he Everfree Forest. Princess Twilight have insisted on handling that herself, so we're waiting to see what she says on the matter.

A lot we don't know about them in general though, including how many there are. I've been told by somepony who was in Fright's monastery for a few years, that he were told that after Discord were trapped, the draconequui shunned Equestria, out of a sense of self preservation. If Discord could fall, so could any of them. Fright apparently have still been around here for centuries on end though. Some sort of special deal with the princess, to simply stay out of things, and let Equestria flourish in peace. He said she didn't give any details, but it's more or less assumed that she were left alone, because she were ultimately benevolent, and harmless to Equestria.

Someday, I hope to meet her, and maybe..."

A light seemed to go off in her eyes, and she halted herself.

"W-Wait, your registration! You've been listed as MIA for twenty years. You'll have lost your clearance, and your guard number needs to be updated. Benny legally aren't allowed to hoof over anything from the forge, if he doesn't see the recipient is a registered guard. He probably assumed we had handled that already, but if he just gives it still, he could be in a lot of trouble. Some narrow-minded ponies would love to see him booted out, so the guards were equine only again, here in Canterlot. We should probably go and deal with this. He's probably done with your gear when we're done with that too."




Celestia were the only one who wept. Luna simply looked confused, as she tried to comfort her sister by stroking a hoof over her mane. She were not used to seeing her sister this emotional, and it made her confused. As well as skeptical about the griffon she had been dangling before. What had he done to cause her such emotional distress.

"Captain. I implore of you to give me reasons, for what causes my sister such distress."

"It would take a while your majesty, but in broad terms, after your... Departure, the then general, and leaders of a few other factions, took advantage of Princess Celestia's grief-induced seclusion, to start a perceived holy war, against others that they claimed wanted to bring back Nightmare Moon. Some of who likely did, but the targeted focus on especially thestrals, make it rather clear that it were more of a cleansing, with the Night Guard hit especially hard.

General targets were those rumored to be a loyalist, some who did try to induce certain rituals, thestrals in general, those who opposed the military, allies and supports of non-equine races-"

"That will be enough. Seldom have I heard such ghastly tales."

"Princess Celestia halted it immediately when she left her chambers, but a lot of damage were done. Especially with the thestrals. Some of the connections that Princess Twilight have made to other races, are build on burned bridges from that time.

Understand please, that I am wholly against what happened then. However, historians do also agree that a fair few were roped into The Inquisition, under false pretense. I know not what side of things Ghelzar stands on, but we gave Discord a chance. I would argue that Ghelzar posses usable talents, that would be beneficial, If he stays within heavily supervised parameters. I would appreciate if I could be delegated the role as his supervisor."

"It is hereby granted. And you, mare whom we know not. You speak of the dangers, wrought by the one who left a crater, within the border of this land? We know little, but yet what is shown us, proves the gravity of her presence. When my sister have calmed, we will reach out to what defenders will answer, and prepare for war, as the guard hasten to save lives.


The griffon approached, and knelt before the princess, at a respectable distance. Her stern eyes laid upon him, observing this apparently dangerous stain upon their history.

"You beckon, ruler of night?"

"The captain decides your faith. Harken his words, and question not authority, lest he orders your death. Don't squander this sole chance of yours."

"I swear upon the memory of my loved, to listen, and fight 'til the witch be brought to justice."

"You have been heard. I ask of you all please, take your leave. My sister is upset, and needs peace."

Hailstorm would do so, with Ghelzar following near. Magloria would be halted though, as the door would close before she left. The princess yet wished a few words with her.

"I wish to ask of you something. You are taken from your time too, yes? Were you plucked around when I wandered the kingdom, before my fall? Something of you, seem familiar to us."

It were perhaps just her mind playing tricks on her, but she could've sworn that this face were ringing a vague bell, somewhere deep in her memories. Mayhap it were but hopeful thoughts though. Sure she had some friends now, but beyond a few, select creatures, nearly none she spoke on good terms with, remembered her from the olden times. Her sister, Discord, Fright- Many had come and gone, since her days, and she admitted that sometimes, she felt out of her comfort, much as she tried to acclimate. It helped at times to speak with those that remembered the olden days. Even Discord, frustrating as he could be.

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@Blitz Boom





He wanted to tell her off, right here and now. Yell in her face, scream out for the guards to come and get the mare out of her trunk, but... What good would it do him? Or any of the rest? Even with one *battery storage* down, she still had plenty more to drain from, and were stronger than he were. She could simply just knock him out, and bring him into the fold, if he started to be more trouble than were worth. Which potentially compromising her work with morals would likely be considered.

And speaking up, loud enough for others to come? Either she would be gone before somepony would come, or worse, she would cover her tracks, by killing everypony here.

He hated this. He wanted no part in this vileness, but he were helpless to stop her, and had all but lost his chance to escape either, by returning. Perhaps he had thought there would be some small part of her that would see reason. That stealing a live pony, would cause problems. Especially at a time like this, when she were actively being sought out, and others would begin to look into every new disappearance with a fine tooth comb.

If he had thought that, he were the biggest fool of them all... The only thing he could do now, were hang his head in shame, and follow, as they made their way towards Thriceborne. He hoped that the mare would at least show some degree of mercy towards the mare, so that she didn't suffer.

When they got far enough away from town though, he'd pull out his flute, and start playing a somber tone. It were not meant for the situation per se. It were loaded with magic, floating a calming tune into the cart, to give the mare rest. And he would not stop playing, as they made their way. It did not make him innocent in this, nor feel any less guilty, but at least he could try and keep her from having to be awake to face her fate. Let this be the only gift he could offer her, in this miserable time: The comfort of dying in her sleep.

Spectra would find the mare resting soundly if she checked, at good health, and now no longer struggling, as she floated away in pleasant dreams. And if she wanted the mare to be awake to talk to her, or something similar, and told Operata to stop, he would, but for a brief moment, just to tell her that she were already going to kill her. At least offer her the dignity of dying at peace. And then he would start playing again, not halting for long enough for the mare to wake up, or even stir from her pleasant dreams.

Spectra was rather satisfied with what had happened so far. No mobs of ponies chasing after her. No situations coming up. Just moving along as they should. At one point, she'd speed up a little bit more in her steps. This would mean they'd have to take the occasional rest a bit more, but Spectra wanted to put as much distance between them and Appleoosa as much as possible. Spectra would allow nothing to deter her from her goals. Get a new body. Slip away for a while, let things die down. Escape Equestria so the Equestrians would not have any legality to go beyond their borders to try to search for her. That meant that she was basically forced to leave Equestria. Going back to Kludgetown would sure to draw attention with the individuals being in that region, taking an interest in her and word getting around. 

As Operata would play the flute - Spectra didn't seem to really care what he was doing. It sounded a bit like he felt bad for the mare. She didn't care. This mare was going to be her new body and there was nothing that Operata could do to stop that. Perhaps when they were more alone, she could just be the mare as she was to toy with him a little bit. Make him see the face of an innocent mare when say, doing something he'd no doubt see as evil. The more vindictive side of her gets to her sometimes. At the moment she was more pragmatic and was wise to get out of Equestria as soon as possible after they saw Thriceborne.

On one of the rests, she'd check on the mare - though would not want to wake her up. It was good Operata put her to sleep, less to deal with. Following the map, Spectra would aim to take them into the Zebra village like before and find the same Zebra that they had found before. He'd likely think they were just back for more of whatever they doing and a few coins his way would make him stay quiet about it. 








"I... Do not envy you, all the things that's gonna be put on you in the following days, Stern. Including from the other guard members.

I'm guessing you know a lot of us heard stories. Things that kept going, after you went missing. But for what it's worth, I believe that most everypony have the right to show their true colors, and if they wronged, get a chance at redemption. Might be not everypony will have your back in all of this, but I'll be there if you need me at least."

Perhaps she were too idealistic, and naive, to think that almost everypony had it in them to be a better creature. In some cases, she had to admit, that it seemed like there were no hope to redeem them, and thus, they needed to be dealt with in a way so they wouldn't come around to hurt others again. But most she believed had it in them to change, or to prove that things weren't as they had been presented, like Stern did. The way he were, didn't fit any of the stories that she, and many others had heard over the years. So she were hopeful that maybe there were more lies than truth in that, and if not, that he would be able to change, just like the times had, since he was taken.

Hope for redemption, and a belief in helping others. That were the sort of thing, that had made her join the guard. If she lost faith in others, she weren't sure if she could still remain a guard. What would the point be, if there were no hope left?

"I'm sorry to say that I don't know anything about your family though, so I can't say where they might be now, or anything else really. While there were stories, the rules on not pestering the families of disgraced guards, still stands. Of course I can't say if it hasn't happened either. Not everypony follow the rules as well as they should.

*sigh* Doesn't seem I am helping. Maybe I should try... Well, the statue. I was in town when it happened. A school group had arrived, and there were an argument near the statue. We didn't think anything of it, until a large crack was found in it later. Vandalism we assumed, but no, Discord had gotten freed, and went to play games with the Elements of Harmony. It's a long story what exactly happened, but they defeated him, and turned him back to stone, but Princess Celestia believed he could be reformed. So she left him with the ones wearing the elements, to try and change him.

It sounds like they have some issues with him now and again, but there's a good deal of improvement. Besides the time with Tirek, but I'm to understand he shows genuine remorse in assisting him, albeit briefly. I think it would be an experience if you went to Ponyville and saw him someday. I've been told it's a strange, but ultimately harmless thing to do. Not sure about the other one. Well, if the reports are real. We've gotten some notions that there might be a second, unknown draconequus, that have taken residence int he Everfree Forest. Princess Twilight have insisted on handling that herself, so we're waiting to see what she says on the matter.

A lot we don't know about them in general though, including how many there are. I've been told by somepony who was in Fright's monastery for a few years, that he were told that after Discord were trapped, the draconequui shunned Equestria, out of a sense of self preservation. If Discord could fall, so could any of them. Fright apparently have still been around here for centuries on end though. Some sort of special deal with the princess, to simply stay out of things, and let Equestria flourish in peace. He said she didn't give any details, but it's more or less assumed that she were left alone, because she were ultimately benevolent, and harmless to Equestria.

Someday, I hope to meet her, and maybe..."

A light seemed to go off in her eyes, and she halted herself.

"W-Wait, your registration! You've been listed as MIA for twenty years. You'll have lost your clearance, and your guard number needs to be updated. Benny legally aren't allowed to hoof over anything from the forge, if he doesn't see the recipient is a registered guard. He probably assumed we had handled that already, but if he just gives it still, he could be in a lot of trouble. Some narrow-minded ponies would love to see him booted out, so the guards were equine only again, here in Canterlot. We should probably go and deal with this. He's probably done with your gear when we're done with that too."

Stern Steel would once again sit there and think things over a bit. He wasn't sure how his reputation was or how things could have been miscronstrued. It's obvious there were many lies spoken about him. Part of him did not have any self reflection to realize it was because of how he actually was, then others just added to it over the years. Though this time he was definitely spooked into line so to speak. He merely sought to keep quiet and just do his job to see how things would go.

"Whatever happens happens, I'll learn to deal with it. I've dealt with things before, of course nothing on this level - but I'll handle it. The statue you speak of, am still quite surprised it all lead to that - had to have been quite the sight to see, all that. If you say that Discord is "reformed", could the same also be possible with Tirek? Seems like he tried to steal all of Equestrian magic in a brute force manner - not like Spectra, who manipulates every pony individually and keeps them locked away somewhere. I won't even suggest that she would be redeemable, did Discord kill anyone, like she did?" he asked in a rather grim manner. The other draconequui he didn't know much about so he couldn't exactly comment much on that. Just hoped that there were others out there that could help. 

Then he'd stand up as his registration was mentioned. His eyes widened slightly and he chuckled, "Oh, how could I forget about that. Let's go get that dealt with." he said, ready to go and get that done. He'd let her lead the way to the registration office, whether it was in the same place or not - he didn't hold much reservation about that.






Celestia were the only one who wept. Luna simply looked confused, as she tried to comfort her sister by stroking a hoof over her mane. She were not used to seeing her sister this emotional, and it made her confused. As well as skeptical about the griffon she had been dangling before. What had he done to cause her such emotional distress.

"Captain. I implore of you to give me reasons, for what causes my sister such distress."

"It would take a while your majesty, but in broad terms, after your... Departure, the then general, and leaders of a few other factions, took advantage of Princess Celestia's grief-induced seclusion, to start a perceived holy war, against others that they claimed wanted to bring back Nightmare Moon. Some of who likely did, but the targeted focus on especially thestrals, make it rather clear that it were more of a cleansing, with the Night Guard hit especially hard.

General targets were those rumored to be a loyalist, some who did try to induce certain rituals, thestrals in general, those who opposed the military, allies and supports of non-equine races-"

"That will be enough. Seldom have I heard such ghastly tales."

"Princess Celestia halted it immediately when she left her chambers, but a lot of damage were done. Especially with the thestrals. Some of the connections that Princess Twilight have made to other races, are build on burned bridges from that time.

Understand please, that I am wholly against what happened then. However, historians do also agree that a fair few were roped into The Inquisition, under false pretense. I know not what side of things Ghelzar stands on, but we gave Discord a chance. I would argue that Ghelzar posses usable talents, that would be beneficial, If he stays within heavily supervised parameters. I would appreciate if I could be delegated the role as his supervisor."

"It is hereby granted. And you, mare whom we know not. You speak of the dangers, wrought by the one who left a crater, within the border of this land? We know little, but yet what is shown us, proves the gravity of her presence. When my sister have calmed, we will reach out to what defenders will answer, and prepare for war, as the guard hasten to save lives.


The griffon approached, and knelt before the princess, at a respectable distance. Her stern eyes laid upon him, observing this apparently dangerous stain upon their history.

"You beckon, ruler of night?"

"The captain decides your faith. Harken his words, and question not authority, lest he orders your death. Don't squander this sole chance of yours."

"I swear upon the memory of my loved, to listen, and fight 'til the witch be brought to justice."

"You have been heard. I ask of you all please, take your leave. My sister is upset, and needs peace."

Hailstorm would do so, with Ghelzar following near. Magloria would be halted though, as the door would close before she left. The princess yet wished a few words with her.

"I wish to ask of you something. You are taken from your time too, yes? Were you plucked around when I wandered the kingdom, before my fall? Something of you, seem familiar to us."

It were perhaps just her mind playing tricks on her, but she could've sworn that this face were ringing a vague bell, somewhere deep in her memories. Mayhap it were but hopeful thoughts though. Sure she had some friends now, but beyond a few, select creatures, nearly none she spoke on good terms with, remembered her from the olden times. Her sister, Discord, Fright- Many had come and gone, since her days, and she admitted that sometimes, she felt out of her comfort, much as she tried to acclimate. It helped at times to speak with those that remembered the olden days. Even Discord, frustrating as he could be.

Magloria would be satisfied with the arrangement. Ghelzar could likely prove to be useful to help them out, but he needed a lot more adjustment than she did. He had a cause to actively fight for and was heavily involved with political affairs in the past, while she were not. Hopefully the general proved capable in dealing with him. Maybe it would be possible for him to return to the Griffons someday and get acquainted with his kind. Seems like Griffons and Equestrians have always been staunch allies, even on these matters.

With that in mind, she would have left the situation between Ghelzar and the Guard Captain. Magloria would be involved with future things but she didn't see much of a reason to say anything to either of them about the arrangement. It was not her business. When Magloria turned to leave however, she was surprised that Luna wanted to speak to her personally. Magloria turned to face Luna calmly, the gaze in her eyes conveying that there was more to her than she was letting on.

"I am from the time of when Equestria was a young nation. I was not alive when Equestria was founded, but was born shortly afterward. I've traveled all over. I've been here in Canterlot on Numerous occasions. I could tell you exactly where every old building was, because to me - it's just yesterday. Over a millennia has gone by. You may call me Magloria. Many times I sailed in your navy as Captain, and charted as of then unknown waters." Magloria said to Luna with a calm, yet firm tone.

Magloria observed out of the corner of her eye how Ghelzar and Hailstorm left the room - leaving her alone with the two Princesses. 

"I know that Spectral Fade is from an earlier time. She is Arcadian. Many of her artifacts are from there. Her blood is pure. You have a lot to go through, and I am sure that if you were to go through her artifacts you managed to retrieve - you would find many things worthy of interest."

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@Props Valroa


They'd find the zebra not far from where he had been, the last time they saw him. The shadows were beginning to fall, as the trip had taken time after all, in both directions, but the waters were calm. So were the town, yet there were an odd tone over it. A sort of pressure felt, from the mostly silent populace. Might just be that there were a curfew they were trying to uphold though. Some places had dangerous things out, after night fell. And this were close to wilderness. They likely had something like that in the area.

The young zebra would hear them before he saw them, turning curiously towards the sound of the flute, as he saw them approach. When they did though, he were more or less alone at the harbor. All others had taken their ships in and tied them up, and he were about to as well, until they had been spotted by him.

Now, he weren't greatly keen on sailing this time of night. Nor would he be, to see that they'd have another passenger with them. One who seemed to not be there of her own free will. Yet long as he were paid, he'd agree to do as told, and take them there, whilst keeping his mouth shut. It were not honest work perhaps, but it were a way to get gold. The last had helped him solve an issue that had kept him working more than he wished to, but more from them, this soon? And perhaps, even something he'd be paid a little more for, to ensure he'd be silent? It could help him potentially get away from here. Out into the world, away from this little sliver in the wilderness.

Of course, he wouldn't haggle, or demand more pay, of course. They kidnapped ponies. They'd probably do worse to him too, if he started to become a hassle. But he'd happily take a bonus as it were if offered. Otherwise, he'd just utter the few words needed to know they were to leave now, and go back to the island, at which point he'd have to wait for them again. As well as kindly ask for payment, if it weren't offered already, but Spectra had seen the last time, that if he were paid, he didn't ask, didn't pester with questions in general, and just did as he were told. Simpler to just pay up front, make him do work, and then get on with it.

Who knew? Perhaps when her idea of a world order came to fruition, he'd get a chance to be a lackey, rather than slave away at a mine or something similar. He'd know to obey without question. That were practical in anything from a servant to a courier, or otherwise. More than could be said about Operata for certain, considering he might know more, yet questioned her at many points in time. More so now, as things unfolded to show more and more cruelty from Spectra.

Anyway, they would soon be able to travel towards the island. Thriceborne would soon have to be faced with her end of their deal.




On 2024-02-13 at 6:01 AM, Spectral Fade said:

"Whatever happens happens, I'll learn to deal with it. I've dealt with things before, of course nothing on this level - but I'll handle it. The statue you speak of, am still quite surprised it all lead to that - had to have been quite the sight to see, all that. If you say that Discord is "reformed", could the same also be possible with Tirek? Seems like he tried to steal all of Equestrian magic in a brute force manner - not like Spectra, who manipulates every pony individually and keeps them locked away somewhere. I won't even suggest that she would be redeemable, did Discord kill anyone, like she did?"

"I don't think for TIrek. He's escaped a few times, and he's tried to take over Equestria both times. Nearly succeeded too, from what I understand. There's not much to redeem with him, unless he changes after some time in Tartarus. I get the feeling it won't be in our generation, that things will change with him.

As for deaths... The stories about Discord varies a lot. Some says he never killed, others that he caused genocide. The princesses are likely the only ones who have some idea, and Princess Celestia have decided that he can be redeemed. I will have to assume that she doesn't think he have taken lives, or at least not on purpose. With Tirek, far as I know, he just stole magic, and left ponies alive, so that he could go and drain them some other time, if they eventually managed to charge more magic up again. Or just didn't care about them, after getting magic, and just kept going while they ran. Either way, he can't harvest the dead, I suppose."

She honestly didn't know much about the kill count of the other draconequui. Gluttony ate basically everything, so it were possible that she had eaten some ponies. Dead or alive were a question she'd prefer not asking. Avarice were greed incarnate. She'd assume he had no reason to directly kill another, but financial struggles had caused deaths before, so... She wouldn't be surprised, if he had an indirect kill count.

Fright were the literal Element of Fear, and had admitted to once causing great fear in many. Maybe she had caused some heart attacks? The lieutenant didn't know, but perhaps Stern herself could ask someday.

On 2024-02-13 at 6:01 AM, Spectral Fade said:

Then he'd stand up as his registration was mentioned. His eyes widened slightly and he chuckled, "Oh, how could I forget about that. Let's go get that dealt with." he said, ready to go and get that done. He'd let her lead the way to the registration office, whether it was in the same place or not - he didn't hold much reservation about that.

She'd lead the way, and it wouldn't be long before Foxglove would have stern in front of the registration desk. Which hadn't changed in the past twenty years. It were even the same dingy old bell at the vacant desk, that one had to press to get somepony from the back rooms to show up. And as it were dinged, a fossil of a pony would show up. Parchment yellow and bald, the only sign of his mane color, where the tuft of tail he had left in faded grey, ending a bit before his cutie mark. A pen scribbling upon paper.

This pony had been seen as old and assumed to be about ready to retire by the time that Stern were here, and yet the old prune were still here, still doing this most dull, mundane part of the paperwork, among a few other duties.

His bushy eyebrows would lift slightly as he saw who were there, and a thin smile spread on his wrinkly face, as his ice-blue eyes landed upon Stern.

"So they finally found the hole you were hiding in, hm? Must have been a good one. You look barely older than when I last saw you.

And hello there, Foxglove. You haven't gotten into trouble, have you?"

The elderly pony's voice were actually creaking, yet somehow lively, despite his general look being of one who should have been dead and buried around fifteen years ago. It were still a running wager when this fossil would finally either croak, or retire, and his bet had been placed that he'd still be here, when he were a hundred and twenty. And against all reason or logic, he were winning. And the prize poll were so gigantic at this point, that if he died - of natural causes of course, as murdering him would be automatically disqualifying - would make you rich enough to retire comfortably. It were amazing what the compounding interest of a little under a half century of guards, offering small bets of twenty bits to put down their guess, managed to get up to. Even the current generals were part of the betting pool. Heck, Stern might have even made his own bet, as countless others had, about Parch and his staying power.

The biggest kick in the teeth if it did end up with him staying the course though? Not only would he be able to life the last life he would have in him in utter luxury, he'd also have enough to make sure his family were taken well care off for a long time, after he'd be gone. From a bet that he had started himself, because he kept hearing whispers on how they figured he would end up retiring soon enough, and who would have to take over his post. And he still to this day, encouraged others to take part. Often when registering a new recruit, which some saw as a bit morbid, but there were those who believed they would be the ones to make it big. Those like Foxglove, had already lost though. She had assumed he were dead five years ago. As a medical professional, she still couldn't fathom how this stallion were ticking on, much less doing so without any sort of medical gear attached to him constantly.

"Nothing of the sort, I assure you. Stern, I take it you remember Parch?"

His full name were Pedantic Parchment, but everyone just called him Parch. Three generations of generals had done so too, with there being several times when anypony using his full name, just caused confusion. Even among his own family. Hay, even in official letters, they were just addressed to Parch. Just one of those things that had stuck.

"I remember him at least. I have handled every registration in Canterlot since before his father were a glitter in his grandpa's eyes. I've seen everything, and then some. Not as fun as yours though."


"Confused young lady this one, let me tell you. Stacks of paper she didn't even need-"

"T-There's no need to-"

"-Medical kit clenched between her teeth, tools balanced on her back. And then her lunch slipped."

Foxglove blushed a bit by that. She had hoped he had forgotten this, but sadly, Parch had a spotless memory. He remembered things like this. It were one of the things that kept him going: Seeing fresh new recruits make an utter fool of themselves. never stopped being funny.

"P-Please stop. We're here in official duties."

"Oh very well, I suppose. So, is it you that I need to deal with then, Stern?"




"Soon after Equestria's founding? So you are from over eleven hundred years past...

When I returned, the world had changed i ways I am yet to fathom. Try as I might, it have moved on without me, and seldom is it not a struggle to adjust, and follow these new times. I do not pity you, that you will need the same, yet know that at the least, you will have one who understands. Perhaps in times to come, we might have chances to speak of such times too? Better times, before darkness took hold."

It might have been a thousand years since she had been imprisoned in the moon, but before that, another century had passed, after the fall of Discord. The end of chaos in these lands, as the draconequui more or less all fled these lands, now aware that they were not as untouchable as they had once thought. Yet also the beginning of the early years, of the land they would come to call Equestria. One with a very rough start she might add, but it went well for a long time. And then... *sigh* She had meant to do things differently, but she had fallen. That would forever be her shame to bear, and the prospect of repeating that mistake, would be her greatest fear.

The amount of things that had happened since then, were staggering. And now it sounded as if this mare had been there before her fall. She wondered, had Magloria even been told of how she had fallen? Of Nightmare Moon, and the eternal night, that she had tried to usher in? It were hard to say, but she admitted to wish to speak of it still, with one that remembered far further back. To times still reeling from a chaotic lord, before everypony began to forget who he were.

"I yet recall the slow decline of Arcadia. What sister have told me of it, makes me wonder what threat this mare might become, were she to find what remains, and those who yet worship the idea of the fallen kingdom. I thank you for letting us know of this, and of the importance of what items might have been retrieved.

Tell General Screecher to command Shade in the matter of said trinkets. There is little time to waste.

Now please, leave us at peace."

Luna would bow her head as best she could towards the mare, and when she were out, would close and lock the door fully. She wished to be alone with her sister now, and calm her, then work from that to make decisions at this grave hour.

Outside, the captain and Ghelzar would wait for her. Ghelzar looked surprisingly at sound mind, considering what he had been told. It were likely easier for him to just accept and obey, than it were to wallow in panic.

"We have a path now, I see. Had the princess orders, or shall we return to the escapees?"

If she said that Luna had told them to get to screecher, he would nod, and lead the way. Regardless if he did or not, Ghelzar would address her shortly afterwards though.

"You told no lie, of this I thank you. Yet you know less than I, of the world that is gone? When time permits, wish you to know of the Inquisition, and what were wrought, from one who passed though blood and ash?"

It would likely give her the only perspective on that, which were not simply negative, so perhaps there would be something to gain from listening some day. This were also his way of trying to reach out, and show her acknowledgement. A sort of way to indirectly say *I'm sorry for doubting you. Wanna hang out later?*. Which honestly, were not something he'd say in such terms. Not just because such phrases were not there in his time, but also because griffon pride wouldn't allow it. They weren't dragons, but still, they had their pride, and while that had lessened over the generations, it still varied a fair bit. Some would sooner die than thank another for instance. Others would hug you the first chance they got. Griffons were odd sometimes.

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@Blitz Boom





They'd find the zebra not far from where he had been, the last time they saw him. The shadows were beginning to fall, as the trip had taken time after all, in both directions, but the waters were calm. So were the town, yet there were an odd tone over it. A sort of pressure felt, from the mostly silent populace. Might just be that there were a curfew they were trying to uphold though. Some places had dangerous things out, after night fell. And this were close to wilderness. They likely had something like that in the area.

The young zebra would hear them before he saw them, turning curiously towards the sound of the flute, as he saw them approach. When they did though, he were more or less alone at the harbor. All others had taken their ships in and tied them up, and he were about to as well, until they had been spotted by him.

Now, he weren't greatly keen on sailing this time of night. Nor would he be, to see that they'd have another passenger with them. One who seemed to not be there of her own free will. Yet long as he were paid, he'd agree to do as told, and take them there, whilst keeping his mouth shut. It were not honest work perhaps, but it were a way to get gold. The last had helped him solve an issue that had kept him working more than he wished to, but more from them, this soon? And perhaps, even something he'd be paid a little more for, to ensure he'd be silent? It could help him potentially get away from here. Out into the world, away from this little sliver in the wilderness.

Of course, he wouldn't haggle, or demand more pay, of course. They kidnapped ponies. They'd probably do worse to him too, if he started to become a hassle. But he'd happily take a bonus as it were if offered. Otherwise, he'd just utter the few words needed to know they were to leave now, and go back to the island, at which point he'd have to wait for them again. As well as kindly ask for payment, if it weren't offered already, but Spectra had seen the last time, that if he were paid, he didn't ask, didn't pester with questions in general, and just did as he were told. Simpler to just pay up front, make him do work, and then get on with it.

Who knew? Perhaps when her idea of a world order came to fruition, he'd get a chance to be a lackey, rather than slave away at a mine or something similar. He'd know to obey without question. That were practical in anything from a servant to a courier, or otherwise. More than could be said about Operata for certain, considering he might know more, yet questioned her at many points in time. More so now, as things unfolded to show more and more cruelty from Spectra.

Anyway, they would soon be able to travel towards the island. Thriceborne would soon have to be faced with her end of their deal.

Spectra would lead the way into town. They had taken a few breaks on the way to get here, but made good on their time to arrive here before night fell. It took them a little bit to find the young Zebra like before, with Spectra strolling up to him with the carriage. Something she obviously did not have before when she was here - so it was clear that they were up to something that was suspicious. Whatever it was, Spectra would repeat what she told him last time. Tell no-one. Keep this to yourself until the grave - and there'd be no issues. 

Spectra would see that it was about night fall here - with there soon to be darkness falling across the town. It has been a full day since the disaster that unfolded with the Green Mountains. Word perhaps came of it here - but seemed like there wasn't much thought of the situation by the Zebras here. Spectra would give him the same amount of payment he got last time and told him to prepare the boat for them to get across to the island. While he did so, Spectra would park her carriage behind a building here to make it seem like that someone was here on a visit - and just left the empty carriage here until they'd come back. Not too far from the truth. 

If the Zebra was preparing the boat - Spectra would load the green mare, Yuma Spurs across her back. She was probably still out cold - which would be good. Either way, the mare wouldn't be able to escape her soon to be fate here. Spectra were pleased with the mare she had found. Spectra would be silent as the Zebra rowed them across the water to the island - of which the sight of the bound green mare were something highly suspicious.

Spectra would smirk slightly at the thought of her as Yuma Spurs, and Operata walking out of here without Spectra's original body in sight. Would be amusing, to see that. If there were nothing of any obstacles, Spectra would depart the boat with Yuma Spurs across her back - headed towards the temple where Thriceborne hopefully was.

Time to settle the deal and be done with it.





"I don't think for TIrek. He's escaped a few times, and he's tried to take over Equestria both times. Nearly succeeded too, from what I understand. There's not much to redeem with him, unless he changes after some time in Tartarus. I get the feeling it won't be in our generation, that things will change with him.

As for deaths... The stories about Discord varies a lot. Some says he never killed, others that he caused genocide. The princesses are likely the only ones who have some idea, and Princess Celestia have decided that he can be redeemed. I will have to assume that she doesn't think he have taken lives, or at least not on purpose. With Tirek, far as I know, he just stole magic, and left ponies alive, so that he could go and drain them some other time, if they eventually managed to charge more magic up again. Or just didn't care about them, after getting magic, and just kept going while they ran. Either way, he can't harvest the dead, I suppose."

She honestly didn't know much about the kill count of the other draconequui. Gluttony ate basically everything, so it were possible that she had eaten some ponies. Dead or alive were a question she'd prefer not asking. Avarice were greed incarnate. She'd assume he had no reason to directly kill another, but financial struggles had caused deaths before, so... She wouldn't be surprised, if he had an indirect kill count.

Fright were the literal Element of Fear, and had admitted to once causing great fear in many. Maybe she had caused some heart attacks? The lieutenant didn't know, but perhaps Stern herself could ask someday.

She'd lead the way, and it wouldn't be long before Foxglove would have stern in front of the registration desk. Which hadn't changed in the past twenty years. It were even the same dingy old bell at the vacant desk, that one had to press to get somepony from the back rooms to show up. And as it were dinged, a fossil of a pony would show up. Parchment yellow and bald, the only sign of his mane color, where the tuft of tail he had left in faded grey, ending a bit before his cutie mark. A pen scribbling upon paper.

This pony had been seen as old and assumed to be about ready to retire by the time that Stern were here, and yet the old prune were still here, still doing this most dull, mundane part of the paperwork, among a few other duties.

His bushy eyebrows would lift slightly as he saw who were there, and a thin smile spread on his wrinkly face, as his ice-blue eyes landed upon Stern.

"So they finally found the hole you were hiding in, hm? Must have been a good one. You look barely older than when I last saw you.

And hello there, Foxglove. You haven't gotten into trouble, have you?"

The elderly pony's voice were actually creaking, yet somehow lively, despite his general look being of one who should have been dead and buried around fifteen years ago. It were still a running wager when this fossil would finally either croak, or retire, and his bet had been placed that he'd still be here, when he were a hundred and twenty. And against all reason or logic, he were winning. And the prize poll were so gigantic at this point, that if he died - of natural causes of course, as murdering him would be automatically disqualifying - would make you rich enough to retire comfortably. It were amazing what the compounding interest of a little under a half century of guards, offering small bets of twenty bits to put down their guess, managed to get up to. Even the current generals were part of the betting pool. Heck, Stern might have even made his own bet, as countless others had, about Parch and his staying power.

The biggest kick in the teeth if it did end up with him staying the course though? Not only would he be able to life the last life he would have in him in utter luxury, he'd also have enough to make sure his family were taken well care off for a long time, after he'd be gone. From a bet that he had started himself, because he kept hearing whispers on how they figured he would end up retiring soon enough, and who would have to take over his post. And he still to this day, encouraged others to take part. Often when registering a new recruit, which some saw as a bit morbid, but there were those who believed they would be the ones to make it big. Those like Foxglove, had already lost though. She had assumed he were dead five years ago. As a medical professional, she still couldn't fathom how this stallion were ticking on, much less doing so without any sort of medical gear attached to him constantly.

"Nothing of the sort, I assure you. Stern, I take it you remember Parch?"

His full name were Pedantic Parchment, but everyone just called him Parch. Three generations of generals had done so too, with there being several times when anypony using his full name, just caused confusion. Even among his own family. Hay, even in official letters, they were just addressed to Parch. Just one of those things that had stuck.

"I remember him at least. I have handled every registration in Canterlot since before his father were a glitter in his grandpa's eyes. I've seen everything, and then some. Not as fun as yours though."


"Confused young lady this one, let me tell you. Stacks of paper she didn't even need-"

"T-There's no need to-"

"-Medical kit clenched between her teeth, tools balanced on her back. And then her lunch slipped."

Foxglove blushed a bit by that. She had hoped he had forgotten this, but sadly, Parch had a spotless memory. He remembered things like this. It were one of the things that kept him going: Seeing fresh new recruits make an utter fool of themselves. never stopped being funny.

"P-Please stop. We're here in official duties."

"Oh very well, I suppose. So, is it you that I need to deal with then, Stern?"

Stern had thought about that. What it'd be like to be trapped somewhere - but have full consciousness of his time being there, like Tirek was. Basically locked away in Tartarus, where only the worst monsters and criminals from society were placed with very little to no chance of escape. What a horrific fate that would be, but deserved for those such as Tirek. He wondered if they managed to defeat Spectra, if such a thing would happen with her as well. 

"Makes me wonder, if one does manage to defeat Spectra - and all of those she had imprisoned are released, with the body count being in the thousands - what will the leadership do with her? Put her in Tartarus? Build a new jail to put her in? Whatever the case, I suspect that emotions would be running more wild than Tirek - as she'd taken individuals from many different timeframes. Some of which, would have to spend the rest of their lives adjusting to the damage that she caused them. Not as simple as regaining your magic and walking away from it, to fix the damage - like with Tirek, as much as my thoughts go with that."  he said to that. Now they were approaching the registration desk that seemed exactly the same.

The closer he looked the more similar it looked to how it was before. Seems like that some things never changed - as well as some ponies. He'd see the elderly appearance of Pedantic Parchment. Someone who he had seen several times before - and nothing changed about him. He was just older. It seemed like that even 20 years ago, they were talking about how this stallion was secretly immortal. Maybe those rumors weren't too far from the truth after all. Not only that, but it made him smirk upon his memory of making bets with Parchment many times. Though it seems so far, that Parchment was winning. Part of that wasn't surprising - as it was astonishing that he was still physically able to do his job still.

"Guess you could say that they finally dug me out of the hole they found me in. Along with many others...was abducted by a crazy mare from a long time who wants all magic for herself, that's pretty much all I know other than that she was responsible for the destruction of a mountain. Bet you were there to see the stuff with Tirek, Chrysalis and all that while I was gone - but yeah...I'm here for a new registration. I am going to be back in the swing of things, so you'll be seeing me around here like the old days." Stern said, thinking about how his other family members served in the guard. His grandfather, his father, and perhaps even generations before that. The "Steel" family were all kinda the same, strong, burly, and thinking they were in charge of everything. He didn't know if any of his family were still in the guard, or if there had been any new family members about in the guard. Maybe one of his brothers got married and had a foal who is full grown now? Kinda was strange for him to think about.








"Soon after Equestria's founding? So you are from over eleven hundred years past...

When I returned, the world had changed i ways I am yet to fathom. Try as I might, it have moved on without me, and seldom is it not a struggle to adjust, and follow these new times. I do not pity you, that you will need the same, yet know that at the least, you will have one who understands. Perhaps in times to come, we might have chances to speak of such times too? Better times, before darkness took hold."

It might have been a thousand years since she had been imprisoned in the moon, but before that, another century had passed, after the fall of Discord. The end of chaos in these lands, as the draconequui more or less all fled these lands, now aware that they were not as untouchable as they had once thought. Yet also the beginning of the early years, of the land they would come to call Equestria. One with a very rough start she might add, but it went well for a long time. And then... *sigh* She had meant to do things differently, but she had fallen. That would forever be her shame to bear, and the prospect of repeating that mistake, would be her greatest fear.

The amount of things that had happened since then, were staggering. And now it sounded as if this mare had been there before her fall. She wondered, had Magloria even been told of how she had fallen? Of Nightmare Moon, and the eternal night, that she had tried to usher in? It were hard to say, but she admitted to wish to speak of it still, with one that remembered far further back. To times still reeling from a chaotic lord, before everypony began to forget who he were.

"I yet recall the slow decline of Arcadia. What sister have told me of it, makes me wonder what threat this mare might become, were she to find what remains, and those who yet worship the idea of the fallen kingdom. I thank you for letting us know of this, and of the importance of what items might have been retrieved.

Tell General Screecher to command Shade in the matter of said trinkets. There is little time to waste.

Now please, leave us at peace."

Luna would bow her head as best she could towards the mare, and when she were out, would close and lock the door fully. She wished to be alone with her sister now, and calm her, then work from that to make decisions at this grave hour.

Outside, the captain and Ghelzar would wait for her. Ghelzar looked surprisingly at sound mind, considering what he had been told. It were likely easier for him to just accept and obey, than it were to wallow in panic.

"We have a path now, I see. Had the princess orders, or shall we return to the escapees?"

If she said that Luna had told them to get to screecher, he would nod, and lead the way. Regardless if he did or not, Ghelzar would address her shortly afterwards though.

"You told no lie, of this I thank you. Yet you know less than I, of the world that is gone? When time permits, wish you to know of the Inquisition, and what were wrought, from one who passed though blood and ash?"

It would likely give her the only perspective on that, which were not simply negative, so perhaps there would be something to gain from listening some day. This were also his way of trying to reach out, and show her acknowledgement. A sort of way to indirectly say *I'm sorry for doubting you. Wanna hang out later?*. Which honestly, were not something he'd say in such terms. Not just because such phrases were not there in his time, but also because griffon pride wouldn't allow it. They weren't dragons, but still, they had their pride, and while that had lessened over the generations, it still varied a fair bit. Some would sooner die than thank another for instance. Others would hug you the first chance they got. Griffons were odd sometimes.

Magloria would take in what was spoken to her with an indeterminate expression. It was clear that this one she was speaking to, Luna - had been mentioned in history of Nightmare Moon. That she had turned evil, and been imprisoned on the moon for 1000 years. So it were not too far off, from when Magloria were imprisoned. Luna's turn to darkness evidently happening within the century after Magloria had been taken. How interesting.

"I will do as you ask. I expect that there will be more, such as Ghelzar - from earlier times, or of some personal relation to you that were trapped inside of those orbs. But for now, I shall leave you be." Magloria spoke and departed the royal chambers - to find Ghelzar and the Captain waiting outside of the doors for her. 

"Screecher is to command Shade in going through of the Artifacts you recovered from Spectra's horde. There may be some clues as to who she actually is, in the horde of materials that you uncovered. The Princesses are concerned about the possibility of her uncovering hidden Arcadian Materials in the old area where the Kingdom once existed. Perhaps that may be a possible goal for her to head towards. Though that is only speculation." Magloria spoke, looking to Ghelzar who was addressing her. It was good that he had been put in line, so to speak.

"I have been gone for at least 1,100 years. A history lesson would do well to get me up to speed, even though you yourself had been gone for a long time - we have a job to do here, so bring forth any knowledge you have - potentially starting with how you came to be imprisoned like the rest of those in the other room." Magloria spoke in a formal fashion to him, though was interested in learning from it. 


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@Props Valroa


Was the same amount of payment as last time, but the zebra would still gladly accept that, and get them to the island. It were still easy work, and even if he were away all day, it were still better payment than what he would have done for the next week or so. Yes it were morally questionable, but they would have gotten someone to do it anyway. Might as well be someone that could use the money for something good, right? Besides, he knew a fair few who'd start asking questions, and it seemed fairly obvious that it wouldn't go well for them.

He'd enjoy that there were now music as he sailed them to the island. A bit somber, and seemed likely related to the mare still sleeping, but it were a nice break in the silence. He'd considered getting a radio sometimes, for his trips out here, but that's be a big investment, and he had worked hard to get money for the essential things. He'd been able to pay off the most crucial thing, between the last few barrels he'd brought in, and the last trip with these two, but he still had to think carefully about things. He'd need money to be able to get away from here, and he certainly wanted that. This wasn't the place he wanted to spend his life. He wanted to gout and find a place in Equestria. Maybe even get to Zebrica, and join some of his own kin even? He heard rumors of a zebra alchemist in the Everfree Forest too. Maybe she could use an apprentice? That'd be a nice life.

He could sit with these thoughts, as he answered to the island, sprawling with life now that the spell had dissipated completely. It did also seem though, that someone, or something, had been smashing things at the dock. There were bits of trees and planks scattered about, along with some makeshift rope made from vegetation. Could be Thriceborne had been around to do stuff in their absence. They'd see soon enough though.

She'd be where they'd expect, at the temple. It had been cleaned up a fair bit, with rocks and such pushed into piles, and a hut having been constructed in the middle. Not a lot, but it would serve as a beginning at the least, with the two stone pillars to the side of it, with the bowls on top, providing light for the dark hours.

She herself had her back turned to them, standing above a makeshift alter in front of the hut, chanting as she carved symbols into it with a ceremonial blade. If they tried to talk to her, she'd ignore them, and continue her work on this, until she were done. It would only be a few more minutes, and when it were complete, she'd cut herself, planting a single droplet of blood on top, and a rush of red light would flourish through the intricate pattern carved into the whole thing. She'd turn around after that.

They might focus on the fact that she appeared to have a makeshift bandage on her upper chest, and a cut across her forehead, that weren't there when they left.

"Aura and her bard. You are back sooner than I expected.

Am I to assume that this be the one whom you want then?"

She'd indicate the passed out mare, still sleeping soundly, and without a care in the world.

"Made to sleep, knowing not what is to come. Acceptable for the work, yet I assume you have some wants with how you wish her presented? A horn I know, but are there any else to speak of?"




On 2024-02-16 at 2:46 AM, Magloria said:

"Makes me wonder, if one does manage to defeat Spectra - and all of those she had imprisoned are released, with the body count being in the thousands - what will the leadership do with her? Put her in Tartarus? Build a new jail to put her in? Whatever the case, I suspect that emotions would be running more wild than Tirek - as she'd taken individuals from many different timeframes. Some of which, would have to spend the rest of their lives adjusting to the damage that she caused them. Not as simple as regaining your magic and walking away from it, to fix the damage - like with Tirek, as much as my thoughts go with that."  he said to that. Now they were approaching the registration desk that seemed exactly the same.

"It is hard to say. Tirek is essentially a living soul in Tartarus, so he's not in the worst place there. That's what I understood from how it was explained to me at least. Something about there being layers, and the deeper layers being impossible to get out of, unless the doors to Tartarus opens fully? I admit that I didn't ask much into it. I were trying to settle a broken leg at the time.

Anyway, if that's it... Maybe she'd be sent to one of the deep layers, which meant that she'd have to perhaps die? *sigh* I don't know, but all this pain and death, it's going to get her punished severely, I think. If not in Tartarus, then maybe she'll be banished from this world, like with the Pony of Shadows, or the siren sisters. Not that I'm a big fan of that. It seems harsh to me, to just push the issue away, and let it be a problem for somepony else.

Well, whatever happens, it is far above my station. I don't have the authority to put a punishment on this sort of high profile criminal, nor the power to try. I'm just the medic, you know? My job is to keep as many alive as I can."

On 2024-02-16 at 2:46 AM, Magloria said:

"Guess you could say that they finally dug me out of the hole they found me in. Along with many others...was abducted by a crazy mare from a long time who wants all magic for herself, that's pretty much all I know other than that she was responsible for the destruction of a mountain. Bet you were there to see the stuff with Tirek, Chrysalis and all that while I was gone - but yeah...I'm here for a new registration. I am going to be back in the swing of things, so you'll be seeing me around here like the old days." Stern said, thinking about how his other family members served in the guard. His grandfather, his father, and perhaps even generations before that. The "Steel" family were all kinda the same, strong, burly, and thinking they were in charge of everything. He didn't know if any of his family were still in the guard, or if there had been any new family members about in the guard. Maybe one of his brothers got married and had a foal who is full grown now? Kinda was strange for him to think about.

"Things just gets weirder and more dangerous, the more time passes, huh? Ah well, Equestria's been tested before, and it still stands. I'm sure some of you young folks, will keep an old stallion safe from all that stuff."

He'd chuckle a little, though it were a fact that he were in no way able to provide much in a fight. He were a paper pusher, and a stallion at an age were it was astonishing that he were even mobile, and able to work. A heavy sword, lashing around like a nimble fighter though? He'd probably sprain something just from trying to swing a blade in the first place. Better to let him stay here were it were nice ands safe, and handle the paperwork. Let the young and spry folks handle the combat, which to him, were basically everyone. Including Benny. The dragon were still in his twenties, whilst Parch were at the point where some debated if he classified as a senior, or an actual antique.

He'd wander behind the desk, back to the rooms where all the paper laid. He were not the only one here. He had some spry helpers here and there, to handle the heavy lifting, but they answered to him in the end, and he still refused to let any take care of registrations, beyond him. If he weren't in when somepony came to be registered, they would have to wait until he were. Sure his assistants could make some preliminary paperwork, but he were the only one with the key to the box that kept the badges and official seal, so it were little more than a reminder note, so he knew that he had somepony new showing up.

He did have a few over the years, that had been posed to take over his spot, but all three had retired by now. In the spirit of fairness, he had decided upon his primary assistant being a mare in her twenties, that he saw potential in. He assumed that when he were about ready to leave, she should be ready to handle this, and still have plenty of years back in her.

When he returned, he'd carry the usual official paperwork, the seal, a feather, and some ink. He preferred this getting done this way, rather than with pen. He believed it to look impersonal and shoddy.

"Well then, you know the drill Stern. Just sign your name, I'll brand it with the seal, and then give you your badge. It hasn't much changed since the last time you read it, beyond opening up for non-equines. Strange times we live in, yes? Can't say I mind much. The dragon have been helpful in warming my tea on a slow day, and listening to old stories. It brings a bit of new life into these dusty halls."




"Sounds like something her majesty would order. Very well, let us head towards the general's room. I may be able to suggest things to Shade, but she is the only one whom he actually obeys, beyond the princess, of course.

As for your concerns of Arcadia... I would worry less of the artifacts she may be able to unlock, and more of the ones who make their pilgrimage there, thinking the passable outskirts of the ruined kingdom, to be a holy site. I find it too likely that they might simply follow and obey a true-blooded Arcadian, if indeed she proves herself to be that."

Granted, she would need to also have the blood of one to prove that, but he weren't aware of her current deeds, and plans of changing body. Nor of Thriceborne and her methods, but perhaps they would be someday. For now though, his worry were of what he knew, which were of the fanatics, which were generally seen as harmless. Not much point in worrying, when no true-blooded Arcadian existed, to open up the seal, and plunder the city truly. Nor give them somepony to rally around. This however... It could prove problematic.

Moving through the halls towards the general's room, would give time for Ghelzar to answer questions, and tell his tale. At least the end of it, as he knew it.

"I were called upon, to save a town, sieged by a witch most foul. Ponies missing, and screams howling through the night, marked the need of an inquisitor. So I arrived, and many came clamoring for help. I captured all, feeling the taint of evil upon them. Mine eyes work not, yet my senses see beyond them. A foulness were upon them, and when trapped, the witch showed. I felt her presence behind, then readied to strike her down. Next I know, you stand before me, and a millennia have passed.

Her vile trickery is unlike what I have tried before. Her grasp came, and yet I knew it not. Wickedness have faced me in many forms, yet this... I were lit brightly with hubris, and thus I failed. This shall not come to pass again."

He hadn't a clue if the town had just been affected by some familiar spell, if it were struck, and Spectra took advantage of it, or if perhaps it were a trap to try and lure in those like him in the first place. Nor would he care to hear anything, but her screams as the flames would take her. A wicked creature like her, should not be poised to cause more foul acts.

She were lucky with whom she got regardless. His senses were high, and it seemed to be amplified in some way by a magical source. Likely his own, dormant one, that he had activated through enlightenment. A bit cliche of a statement, but it were not as simple as just reaching your best state of mind. Trauma, ordeals, the strength of both body and mind to surpass your limits- A lot factored into it, and had he not been the victim of what he were, he would likely never have reached this stage. He would not have the reason to test and surpass himself.

That said, he were considered highly dangerous, even by the other inquisitors, because he were known to bring some of them down too. He were blind - no pun intended - to allegiance, when it came to his calling, which were to smite the wicked. Too dangerous to be with others, but too valuable to rid themselves off, Goldenhawk had declared him her personal holy weapon, which allowed her to make him leader of his own order, albeit he were the only one in said order. She made a big show off it, though truth be told, she did it for other reasons, than his usefulness. Not that any would spread rumors. Doing so were considered heresy, and heretic were not treated well at the best of times, among the inquisitors.

"What of you? How did this wicked mare, ensnare you?"

She'd have enough time to answer this, before, they'd get to the general's quarters, where voices behind the doors made it apparent that they were there, and speaking. Likely to others, which were proven when the door opened, and a half dozen various officers rushed out, not giving any of them as much as a glance, as they rushed to fulfill their orders. The generals would be sitting at their desk, overlooking a map of Equestria, and thoughtfully gaze over it, whilst moving some wooden horses around. It seemed they were busy strategizing on what to do.

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@Blitz Boom




Was the same amount of payment as last time, but the zebra would still gladly accept that, and get them to the island. It were still easy work, and even if he were away all day, it were still better payment than what he would have done for the next week or so. Yes it were morally questionable, but they would have gotten someone to do it anyway. Might as well be someone that could use the money for something good, right? Besides, he knew a fair few who'd start asking questions, and it seemed fairly obvious that it wouldn't go well for them.

He'd enjoy that there were now music as he sailed them to the island. A bit somber, and seemed likely related to the mare still sleeping, but it were a nice break in the silence. He'd considered getting a radio sometimes, for his trips out here, but that's be a big investment, and he had worked hard to get money for the essential things. He'd been able to pay off the most crucial thing, between the last few barrels he'd brought in, and the last trip with these two, but he still had to think carefully about things. He'd need money to be able to get away from here, and he certainly wanted that. This wasn't the place he wanted to spend his life. He wanted to gout and find a place in Equestria. Maybe even get to Zebrica, and join some of his own kin even? He heard rumors of a zebra alchemist in the Everfree Forest too. Maybe she could use an apprentice? That'd be a nice life.

He could sit with these thoughts, as he answered to the island, sprawling with life now that the spell had dissipated completely. It did also seem though, that someone, or something, had been smashing things at the dock. There were bits of trees and planks scattered about, along with some makeshift rope made from vegetation. Could be Thriceborne had been around to do stuff in their absence. They'd see soon enough though.

She'd be where they'd expect, at the temple. It had been cleaned up a fair bit, with rocks and such pushed into piles, and a hut having been constructed in the middle. Not a lot, but it would serve as a beginning at the least, with the two stone pillars to the side of it, with the bowls on top, providing light for the dark hours.

She herself had her back turned to them, standing above a makeshift alter in front of the hut, chanting as she carved symbols into it with a ceremonial blade. If they tried to talk to her, she'd ignore them, and continue her work on this, until she were done. It would only be a few more minutes, and when it were complete, she'd cut herself, planting a single droplet of blood on top, and a rush of red light would flourish through the intricate pattern carved into the whole thing. She'd turn around after that.

They might focus on the fact that she appeared to have a makeshift bandage on her upper chest, and a cut across her forehead, that weren't there when they left.

"Aura and her bard. You are back sooner than I expected.

Am I to assume that this be the one whom you want then?"

She'd indicate the passed out mare, still sleeping soundly, and without a care in the world.

"Made to sleep, knowing not what is to come. Acceptable for the work, yet I assume you have some wants with how you wish her presented? A horn I know, but are there any else to speak of?"

As they departed the boat, Spectra would feel a surge of adrenaline. To her, it felt much the same as a kid about to go to the candy store and get a huge trait. It was a very devious thing to feel so giddy and excited about what was to happen here. Still, she'd stay silent and observant as they made their way to get to where they were. Spectra would immediately notice that there was activity here - indicate by the damage done to the trees and rope having been made. Seems like Thriceborne was making use of her local environment, and so, was still here. At least that was what was hoped.

When they approached the temple, Spectra would take note of the rockpiles and the hut constructed in the middle where the Temple was. Seems like Thriceborne had gotten the resources needed to construct a shelter for herself. Very resourceful of her to do that. At least considering this - Spectra would think that she would allow Thriceborne to go free. If only because she didn't want to anger someone who could potentially help her in the future. 

Then her eyes would finally lay upon Thriceborne who appeared to be doing something. Spectra tried to initiate a conversation with her but upon being ignored Spectra would opt to merely wait until Thriceborne was done doing whatever she needed to do here. Upon Thriceborne speaking to them, Spectra would step forward. "Yes, I had to make haste in my search. I found this one here. Earth Pony mare. I would like a horn, and if it is possible - I would like you to transfer my blood into her body, if not combine both properties of my blood with hers. I am not exactly sure what will happen to my body when it's soul will be gone, or if my body will be recoverable after this, but I am ready to proceed." Spectra spoke, without mentioning the fact that she couldn't cast magic normally or any other ailments. 

That'd be the crux of what'd likely soon happen here. 





"It is hard to say. Tirek is essentially a living soul in Tartarus, so he's not in the worst place there. That's what I understood from how it was explained to me at least. Something about there being layers, and the deeper layers being impossible to get out of, unless the doors to Tartarus opens fully? I admit that I didn't ask much into it. I were trying to settle a broken leg at the time.

Anyway, if that's it... Maybe she'd be sent to one of the deep layers, which meant that she'd have to perhaps die? *sigh* I don't know, but all this pain and death, it's going to get her punished severely, I think. If not in Tartarus, then maybe she'll be banished from this world, like with the Pony of Shadows, or the siren sisters. Not that I'm a big fan of that. It seems harsh to me, to just push the issue away, and let it be a problem for somepony else.

Well, whatever happens, it is far above my station. I don't have the authority to put a punishment on this sort of high profile criminal, nor the power to try. I'm just the medic, you know? My job is to keep as many alive as I can."

"Things just gets weirder and more dangerous, the more time passes, huh? Ah well, Equestria's been tested before, and it still stands. I'm sure some of you young folks, will keep an old stallion safe from all that stuff."

He'd chuckle a little, though it were a fact that he were in no way able to provide much in a fight. He were a paper pusher, and a stallion at an age were it was astonishing that he were even mobile, and able to work. A heavy sword, lashing around like a nimble fighter though? He'd probably sprain something just from trying to swing a blade in the first place. Better to let him stay here were it were nice ands safe, and handle the paperwork. Let the young and spry folks handle the combat, which to him, were basically everyone. Including Benny. The dragon were still in his twenties, whilst Parch were at the point where some debated if he classified as a senior, or an actual antique.

He'd wander behind the desk, back to the rooms where all the paper laid. He were not the only one here. He had some spry helpers here and there, to handle the heavy lifting, but they answered to him in the end, and he still refused to let any take care of registrations, beyond him. If he weren't in when somepony came to be registered, they would have to wait until he were. Sure his assistants could make some preliminary paperwork, but he were the only one with the key to the box that kept the badges and official seal, so it were little more than a reminder note, so he knew that he had somepony new showing up.

He did have a few over the years, that had been posed to take over his spot, but all three had retired by now. In the spirit of fairness, he had decided upon his primary assistant being a mare in her twenties, that he saw potential in. He assumed that when he were about ready to leave, she should be ready to handle this, and still have plenty of years back in her.

When he returned, he'd carry the usual official paperwork, the seal, a feather, and some ink. He preferred this getting done this way, rather than with pen. He believed it to look impersonal and shoddy.

"Well then, you know the drill Stern. Just sign your name, I'll brand it with the seal, and then give you your badge. It hasn't much changed since the last time you read it, beyond opening up for non-equines. Strange times we live in, yes? Can't say I mind much. The dragon have been helpful in warming my tea on a slow day, and listening to old stories. It brings a bit of new life into these dusty halls."

To what was spoken about Tartarus and what may happen to Spectra, Stern Steel didn't say anything to that. He didn't really feel he had much to add to that. Tartarus was something he knew next to nothing about, and something told him that it was better off that way. It was a place in the world where only the worst of the worst would go, and he hoped that he would never have to see it once in his life due to the level of evils that were contained there. It was something the Princesses would have to decide, no doubt about that.

Now that he was with Parchment at the desk, he'd crack a smirk at that. "I have no idea how you've even survived all this long. I don't know if you are a regular pony or what, but you seem immortal." Stern Steel chuckles slightly at that statement, realizing that he was a stubborn old stallion who would refuse to leave his post until he was physically unable to stand anymore. Stern Steel would wait patiently for the paperwork to be presented - before he would sign his name on the paperwork. "Times can't always stay the same I suppose. There you have it. I'll be back in the guard again, you'll be seeing more of me. Feels weird especially considering I never felt like I "left" the guard, just yesterday I was a guard...and here I am, signing my papers again." he stated. If there was anything else Parchment had to say, he'd listen - but if not he'd go back to where they were before, ready to wait for his armor.

Was good to see that Parchment was still alive. Some things were the same.







"Sounds like something her majesty would order. Very well, let us head towards the general's room. I may be able to suggest things to Shade, but she is the only one whom he actually obeys, beyond the princess, of course.

As for your concerns of Arcadia... I would worry less of the artifacts she may be able to unlock, and more of the ones who make their pilgrimage there, thinking the passable outskirts of the ruined kingdom, to be a holy site. I find it too likely that they might simply follow and obey a true-blooded Arcadian, if indeed she proves herself to be that."

Granted, she would need to also have the blood of one to prove that, but he weren't aware of her current deeds, and plans of changing body. Nor of Thriceborne and her methods, but perhaps they would be someday. For now though, his worry were of what he knew, which were of the fanatics, which were generally seen as harmless. Not much point in worrying, when no true-blooded Arcadian existed, to open up the seal, and plunder the city truly. Nor give them somepony to rally around. This however... It could prove problematic.

Moving through the halls towards the general's room, would give time for Ghelzar to answer questions, and tell his tale. At least the end of it, as he knew it.

"I were called upon, to save a town, sieged by a witch most foul. Ponies missing, and screams howling through the night, marked the need of an inquisitor. So I arrived, and many came clamoring for help. I captured all, feeling the taint of evil upon them. Mine eyes work not, yet my senses see beyond them. A foulness were upon them, and when trapped, the witch showed. I felt her presence behind, then readied to strike her down. Next I know, you stand before me, and a millennia have passed.

Her vile trickery is unlike what I have tried before. Her grasp came, and yet I knew it not. Wickedness have faced me in many forms, yet this... I were lit brightly with hubris, and thus I failed. This shall not come to pass again."

He hadn't a clue if the town had just been affected by some familiar spell, if it were struck, and Spectra took advantage of it, or if perhaps it were a trap to try and lure in those like him in the first place. Nor would he care to hear anything, but her screams as the flames would take her. A wicked creature like her, should not be poised to cause more foul acts.

She were lucky with whom she got regardless. His senses were high, and it seemed to be amplified in some way by a magical source. Likely his own, dormant one, that he had activated through enlightenment. A bit cliche of a statement, but it were not as simple as just reaching your best state of mind. Trauma, ordeals, the strength of both body and mind to surpass your limits- A lot factored into it, and had he not been the victim of what he were, he would likely never have reached this stage. He would not have the reason to test and surpass himself.

That said, he were considered highly dangerous, even by the other inquisitors, because he were known to bring some of them down too. He were blind - no pun intended - to allegiance, when it came to his calling, which were to smite the wicked. Too dangerous to be with others, but too valuable to rid themselves off, Goldenhawk had declared him her personal holy weapon, which allowed her to make him leader of his own order, albeit he were the only one in said order. She made a big show off it, though truth be told, she did it for other reasons, than his usefulness. Not that any would spread rumors. Doing so were considered heresy, and heretic were not treated well at the best of times, among the inquisitors.

"What of you? How did this wicked mare, ensnare you?"

She'd have enough time to answer this, before, they'd get to the general's quarters, where voices behind the doors made it apparent that they were there, and speaking. Likely to others, which were proven when the door opened, and a half dozen various officers rushed out, not giving any of them as much as a glance, as they rushed to fulfill their orders. The generals would be sitting at their desk, overlooking a map of Equestria, and thoughtfully gaze over it, whilst moving some wooden horses around. It seemed they were busy strategizing on what to do.

Magloria would think about what Hailstorm said, it was a valuable concern. "It will be also valuable to know what descendants of Arcadia are like, it seems from what you are speaking of they have a religious reverence for it. If Spectra can prove her heritage to them, it is possible that she may have a following - which would complicate these matters." Magloria spoke calmly as she would then listen towards Ghelzar's story.

It seemed from the sounds of it that Ghelzar had been in a town where Spectra had attacked a town openly and taken many ponies. Seems as if back then she had the power to seize a town all by herself and take down one of the most well known inquisitors. This was very troubling, considering what Spectra could be capable of in the present. Blowing up mountains. Who knew what else she was capable of, if she had been intent on attacking directly. "That is very dangerous. The manner of which she captured you was far more brazen and open than expected. I do not know if the explosion in the mountain was caused by her direct intent, or by some malfunction in the Orbs being retrieved from the former lair. I would suggest that in order for us to free any further victims, we will need her to tell us exactly what happened - so a deadly explosion like that does not occur again. That would come after soundly defeating her and removing her ability to do any damage to us." Magloria spoke cooly, and then would address Ghelzar's question.

"To put it one way, I was out on an expedition to some uncharted territory beyond Equestrian Waters. At the time, I sailed for the Early Equestrian flag, though there were many times I did my own private expeditions. Spectra was one of the crew. She went by the name "Fair Wind". Over the months of the expedition, she proved fairly valuable. When we returned, I remember her saying she had something to talk to me privately - and before I knew it, I was knocked out - then awakening from my imprisonment in her former lair. I found Veil, gathered what supplies I could, and immediately escaped."

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@Props Valroa



"Blood infusion and a horn are simple things. I had assumed you'd want wings too, or extra height. The desires of ponies, to pursue the visage of alicorns, are ever present.

Place the sacrifice upon the altar, while I precure parts."

She would wander off, and return with a selection of horns, in various lengths. They were... Disturbing for Operata, as these were not simply cut off. These had been removed at the core. This had some disturbing implications, to put it mildly. As did it that he could just imagine how it looked, had she also needed to bring out wings. A sight he could imagine, but never wanted to see. Nor did he this, so he would turn his back, and simply keep playing.

"Keeping the sacrifice under? Amateur."

She'd then grab the ritual dagger she had used on the altar before, whilst Spectra had the luxury of picking a horn, and cast some sort of spell on it, that made the blade glow red and purple. Then she'd stab Yuma in the heart with it, and left it in her chest. It did not seem to kill her though, as she'd continue to breathe, but she would be completely unresponsive, and unable to hear anything anymore.

"She needs no music anymore, trapped within the blade as she is, 'til the end of this ritual.

As for what this old body of yours holds of potential? I would normally harvest it for parts, but if you hold fondness for it, I could leave it a living husk, or transfer this current soul into it instead, if you have reason to keep this sacrifice?"

As she spoke, Operata would wander off, going into the jungle to get away from this. He couldn't stay here for this.

"Hmph. Your bard lacks discipline. Were I you, I would work to correct that, lest he becomes an embarrassment.

Now then, have you picked your horn? And furthermore, is there some I ought to know of your current body? Any affliction, or oddity?"

Provided that Spectra had picked between the baker's dozen of horns on display, giving her the option of several lengths and shapes to work from, Thriceborne would implement this into Yuma's body. It were... Not something for the feint of hard, but she did it with speed, and a finesse that showed that this were not her first time inserting or removing a horn into a subject. The same would be the case if she wanted for wings, though there'd only be two pairs to pick from there. The rest had been unsalvageable.

She would then be directed to lay next to Yuma on the altar, and the work would begin. If she had wanted her old body alive, she'd be marking her with a symbol, written in Thriceborne's own blood, on her chest. If she had wanted for Yuma to posses it, she would then also paint the symbol on her, as well as another on their forehead, and left thigh.

The last she'd be told were to brace herself, as the experience would be troubling, before Thriceborne's eyes closed. She took a deep breath... Then opened them fully, her eyes now pure red, like blood filled them up, and Spectra would then feel an otherworldly sensation, as she were lifted up, out of her shell. Yet there wouldn't be any pain. It were as if she were weighing nothing, floating on a sky, separated from her old vessel.

If she looked down, she'd find that Thriceborne held a hoof up, directing her soul to stay, then put her hooves upon the mare's jugulars. Blood would start flooding from the both, directing up her legs, meeting on her head, as the blood mixed and combined, covering the mare entirely with a layer of foreign blood. It would last a half minute, before the blood would flow away again, back into both unconscious mares.

Thriceborne then jerked her head up, as the last blood flowed from her legs, and the wounds began closing. Though her eyes were pure red, with no iris, Spectra might feel unnerved by this. As if she were not gazing upon a pony, but some kind of unholy monster, that even the deepest, darkest pits of Tartarus might not be prepared for. If it struck her faintly or strongly, or if she were so caught up in things that she did not notice, if she gazed upon Thriceborne, it would be hard to think of this as simply a pony, in that brief moment, before her soul would be plunged into the dagger, and she'd feel it as if she were liquid, being poured into a form. Filling out an unfamiliar shape, with the flow of her very being. Something that would take seconds, but feel like hours, or even days, as the soul were filled into its new vessel. Something few would consider painful, but most thought of as unnerving, or outright terrifying.

As the liquid her settled in, she'd yet be unable to move though. Her new ears would hear something though. Words spoken in a guttural voice, spouting nonsense that would be undecipherable. Nothing would seemingly change for her, and then, Thriceborne would grab the dagger, and yank it out. At which point It would feel as if Spectra were suddenly waking up from a coma, taking a deep gasp of air, in her new vessel.

Thriceborne wouldn't stop though, even though the mare could move, and would instead move to prepare using the dagger on her old body. She'd move to stab her, and then pause, teeth clenching as she gazed upon the dagger, with a growl upon her face.

"...You fed me liesss, little mare. Now live with the consssequences."

She'd pull the dagger back, as the slithering voice escaped through gnashed teeth, and she'd move to put it back in the hut. She were done now. Spectra had her vessel, and her old body were in the condition that she had wanted. She'd soon find that her deception would come at a cost.




On 2024-02-19 at 6:24 PM, Spectral Fade said:

"I have no idea how you've even survived all this long. I don't know if you are a regular pony or what, but you seem immortal."

"I eat a lot of plumbs."

He'd chuckle, knowing full well how that annoyed the sorts like Foxglove, because it didn't make sense. It had been tested, and plumbs didn't do anything special for longevity. They had to settle for the stallion just having unusually resistant genes, but it were a running thing on slow days, to try and speculate on what the reason were that he seemingly just didn't die, or at least go into decline, as you'd expect a stallion his age would have done twenty, even thirty years ago. Hay, if anypony actually did figure out the real secret, if one were to be found, the one who found out were legally entitled to get a promotion. Not to like captain or the sort, but still, a promotion none the less.

It kept he young folks guessing and trying things, which in turn meant that Parch got more visitors at times, wanting to talk with him. So why would he ever divulge his secrets, if he had some at all? He refused to even say if he did something special, and just kept making up new things when asked. Last time had been him saying that he made sure to floss before he brushed his teeth.

On 2024-02-19 at 6:24 PM, Spectral Fade said:

"Times can't always stay the same I suppose. There you have it. I'll be back in the guard again, you'll be seeing more of me. Feels weird especially considering I never felt like I "left" the guard, just yesterday I was a guard...and here I am, signing my papers again." he stated. If there was anything else Parchment had to say, he'd listen - but if not he'd go back to where they were before, ready to wait for his armor.

Was good to see that Parchment was still alive. Some things were the same.

"It's always good seeing an old face again. Try and keep your nose clean though, you hear? Show them that there's a good stallion behind the facade, even if you'd need a shovel to dig it out sometimes."

He'd chuckle, and smile warmly at Stern. It were not one he ever assumed to see again, and certainly not under these circumstances, but he were happy about it. The kid weren't perfect, but everypony kept exaggerating all the time. He knew what was what, as he had to update the ledgers with relevant information, and the dusty folder Stern used to have, were not as dark as many assumed. It were gone though. Not that it were destroyed. No, he was considered a missing pony, so his file had been moved into deep storage, until they knew more. He'd send somepony to rummage around and find it later, when things weren't so busy around here.

He had nothing else to say, lest Stern gave him something to work with, and as such, Foxglove could direct him back through the long halls, and towards the forge. Though he could ask about things, like for instance his family, if he wanted to. Any guard in Canterlot, had their papers in Parch's storage, including the dead, until they were properly buried, and their family had received benefits. Retired ones had their own section, where the papers would be stored until their natural deaths too, in case they needed them due to issues with the benefits, or medals. Parch would know what were happening, or had happened to, any family of Stern's that had been active in the guard. Long as they were stationed in Canterlot, at any point.

If they left towards the forge, Foxglove would eventually start talking to pass the time some.

"...I put bits on him lasting until five years ago. Put another in for next years.

I know it's a little morbid, but when so many others are doing it... There's some peer pressure, and he is actively encouraging it. At this point, I get the feeling he will actually last the next twelve years, and beat us all. Can't fathom how he does it though. Head Physician Needle allegedly tried to ask his family, but even they have no idea. His daughter did not last as long, and his granddaughter has grandfoals of her own by now.

Honestly I think it helps him a lot with the loss of his wife and daughter, to see his family grow and expand. Dunno if it is what keeps him hanging on though."




On 2024-02-19 at 6:24 PM, Spectral Fade said:

Magloria would think about what Hailstorm said, it was a valuable concern. "It will be also valuable to know what descendants of Arcadia are like, it seems from what you are speaking of they have a religious reverence for it. If Spectra can prove her heritage to them, it is possible that she may have a following - which would complicate these matters." Magloria spoke calmly as she would then listen towards Ghelzar's story.

"A few of them might have feint traces of Arcadian blood in their veins, but not enough for it to matter. Most are unicorns, that considers Arcadia a holy site for magic, once brimming with untold potential, and if they keep their beliefs, one day they'll be let in, and bring back the prosperity and glory of the world's lost wonder.

At least that is what their pamphlets says. I don't believe it, but they've always seemed harmless, and even helpful to others, as they make their pilgrimage there. Never been much of a reason to worry about them."

He didn't believe things were that simple, as their literature said, but he had not found a single report of them causing issue. They treated their holy site with great reverence, but that could be said for those worshipping the princesses too, and they had so far not started a fight with anypony that scoffed at them, for what they stood for. They considered themselves above that apparently. But if a true-blood Arcadian showed up... He didn't know what they would be used for, but he did not want to know what a bunch of zealots would do, if they found what would essentially be a holy mare to them, sent to lead them to a new age.

On 2024-02-19 at 6:24 PM, Spectral Fade said:

"That is very dangerous. The manner of which she captured you was far more brazen and open than expected. I do not know if the explosion in the mountain was caused by her direct intent, or by some malfunction in the Orbs being retrieved from the former lair. I would suggest that in order for us to free any further victims, we will need her to tell us exactly what happened - so a deadly explosion like that does not occur again. That would come after soundly defeating her and removing her ability to do any damage to us." Magloria spoke cooly, and then would address Ghelzar's question.

"To put it one way, I was out on an expedition to some uncharted territory beyond Equestrian Waters. At the time, I sailed for the Early Equestrian flag, though there were many times I did my own private expeditions. Spectra was one of the crew. She went by the name "Fair Wind". Over the months of the expedition, she proved fairly valuable. When we returned, I remember her saying she had something to talk to me privately - and before I knew it, I was knocked out - then awakening from my imprisonment in her former lair. I found Veil, gathered what supplies I could, and immediately escaped."

"Vile trickery seems her method of choice. She would have done much the same to me, had mine eyes been easy to fool. Lest she were prepared for one as I, I believe her able to be taken aghast. That she adapts so quickly, and yet succeeds, makes her dangerous indeed."

The town had either been under her spell, or she had forced them to work for her, under threat of something bad happening, were his assumption at the time. It were why he hadn't hurt them, as they did not seem willing, or filled with vitriol. Perhaps had he not spend time to gather them, and detain them for their own sake, she would not have had the time to prepare in those precious minutes offered her, and he could have taken her by enough surprise, to be the victor.

Yet he could not say so for certain. He only knew he had been careless, and she had adapted faster than he, and it had seemingly cost him a thousand years. A lot must have happened i that time. His name likely forgotten by all than a few of the ancients, like Princess Celestia... Perhaps when all were done with Spectra, he could find the future he had fought for, waiting on the other side? Provided he lived of course, and what judgement would fall upon him at the time, if he did. It seemed as if the holy flame, were not pleased by his continued existence, but for the time being, Captain Hailstorm would be the one to evaluate how he did. A stallion who too, did not seem to trust him much, and yet had requested to personally oversee an inquisitor, such as him.

Foolish? Perhaps, but he believed the captain more duty bound, and accepting of circumstances, to be the reason. He said they needed fighters, and Ghelzar were one. A potentially resourceful ally, in things to come. Yet still, the captain too would be evaluated by this choice, and should know it. If his choice were misplaced, his career would be over. All he had been through to get where he were, likely gone for good. He might even stand trial next to Ghelzar, seen as guilty of what they would accuse him of. And yet, he hadn't hesitated.

It were not something he would say of many that he just met, but the stallion were making an impression on him. A good one at that. As such, he would endeavor to impress, unless his impression of the stallion would waver. He saw little reason to follow one, who hadn't the conviction to follow through, and at the least endeavor to uphold strong ideals.

"I know not who or what this *Veil* you speak of are, though still, you seem resourceful, and able to adapt well. You strike me as a mare of much potential."

It were a compliment, though if she saw it as such, were hard to say. He were not usually one to toss smiles and hugs around, so the things he said tended to have an aura of seriousness to them, that for some, made it hard to grasp a compliment, large or minor.

"Veil were the magical kitsune with the phoenix. Endeavor not to pester her when we return though. She's a fair bit younger than she seems.

Now then, generals? May we have a word?"

The two would take a few seconds, then turn and look towards the group approaching them. As were custom, Hailstorm would then salute them, before saying things.

"We bring word from Princess Luna. On advice from Magloria, she have asked that Shade Stealer be ordered to examine the things he managed to procure from the mountains, before they exploded. She believes the items might hold some significance, that could help in detaining our fugitive."

"I concur. Who is this?"

"The latest to be released from his confines. Princess Luna have put him under my personal supervision, as he assists us in this hunt. Present yourself please."

"I am High Inquisitor Ghelzar."

Screecher practically felt Dew tense up, as the name were spoken. It meant little to her, as she were not one to much care to read about history all that much. She had better things to spend her time on.

"Is there a problem?"

"Yes, but we will discuss so in private.

Captain Hailstorm? Were you made to be his charge?"

"No sir, I volunteered, and I take full responsibility for my actions. Considering the circumstances, we are in need of what capable assistance we can muster, and he had already sworn himself to hunting her."

"Hmm, we'll see. Keep your wits about you, captain."

Dew did not like the sounds of these things. Especially not as Hailstorm were on his short list for taking over after him, when he'd finally have the chance to retire, but... The stallion had a knack for these things, in his experience. He would let this proceed, though he would be judged by how well he handled Ghelzar. A wrong step with that one, could end up catastrophic. But then, this could also be the point where the captain would prove himself more capable than even he had given him credit for. They'd see soon enough, but for his sake, Dew hoped it would be the latter.

"Are there any else you would need to speak of, in this brief moment of respite?"

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@Blitz Boom







"Blood infusion and a horn are simple things. I had assumed you'd want wings too, or extra height. The desires of ponies, to pursue the visage of alicorns, are ever present.

Place the sacrifice upon the altar, while I precure parts."

She would wander off, and return with a selection of horns, in various lengths. They were... Disturbing for Operata, as these were not simply cut off. These had been removed at the core. This had some disturbing implications, to put it mildly. As did it that he could just imagine how it looked, had she also needed to bring out wings. A sight he could imagine, but never wanted to see. Nor did he this, so he would turn his back, and simply keep playing.

"Keeping the sacrifice under? Amateur."

She'd then grab the ritual dagger she had used on the altar before, whilst Spectra had the luxury of picking a horn, and cast some sort of spell on it, that made the blade glow red and purple. Then she'd stab Yuma in the heart with it, and left it in her chest. It did not seem to kill her though, as she'd continue to breathe, but she would be completely unresponsive, and unable to hear anything anymore.

"She needs no music anymore, trapped within the blade as she is, 'til the end of this ritual.

As for what this old body of yours holds of potential? I would normally harvest it for parts, but if you hold fondness for it, I could leave it a living husk, or transfer this current soul into it instead, if you have reason to keep this sacrifice?"

As she spoke, Operata would wander off, going into the jungle to get away from this. He couldn't stay here for this.

"Hmph. Your bard lacks discipline. Were I you, I would work to correct that, lest he becomes an embarrassment.

Now then, have you picked your horn? And furthermore, is there some I ought to know of your current body? Any affliction, or oddity?"

Provided that Spectra had picked between the baker's dozen of horns on display, giving her the option of several lengths and shapes to work from, Thriceborne would implement this into Yuma's body. It were... Not something for the feint of hard, but she did it with speed, and a finesse that showed that this were not her first time inserting or removing a horn into a subject. The same would be the case if she wanted for wings, though there'd only be two pairs to pick from there. The rest had been unsalvageable.

She would then be directed to lay next to Yuma on the altar, and the work would begin. If she had wanted her old body alive, she'd be marking her with a symbol, written in Thriceborne's own blood, on her chest. If she had wanted for Yuma to posses it, she would then also paint the symbol on her, as well as another on their forehead, and left thigh.

The last she'd be told were to brace herself, as the experience would be troubling, before Thriceborne's eyes closed. She took a deep breath... Then opened them fully, her eyes now pure red, like blood filled them up, and Spectra would then feel an otherworldly sensation, as she were lifted up, out of her shell. Yet there wouldn't be any pain. It were as if she were weighing nothing, floating on a sky, separated from her old vessel.

If she looked down, she'd find that Thriceborne held a hoof up, directing her soul to stay, then put her hooves upon the mare's jugulars. Blood would start flooding from the both, directing up her legs, meeting on her head, as the blood mixed and combined, covering the mare entirely with a layer of foreign blood. It would last a half minute, before the blood would flow away again, back into both unconscious mares.

Thriceborne then jerked her head up, as the last blood flowed from her legs, and the wounds began closing. Though her eyes were pure red, with no iris, Spectra might feel unnerved by this. As if she were not gazing upon a pony, but some kind of unholy monster, that even the deepest, darkest pits of Tartarus might not be prepared for. If it struck her faintly or strongly, or if she were so caught up in things that she did not notice, if she gazed upon Thriceborne, it would be hard to think of this as simply a pony, in that brief moment, before her soul would be plunged into the dagger, and she'd feel it as if she were liquid, being poured into a form. Filling out an unfamiliar shape, with the flow of her very being. Something that would take seconds, but feel like hours, or even days, as the soul were filled into its new vessel. Something few would consider painful, but most thought of as unnerving, or outright terrifying.

As the liquid her settled in, she'd yet be unable to move though. Her new ears would hear something though. Words spoken in a guttural voice, spouting nonsense that would be undecipherable. Nothing would seemingly change for her, and then, Thriceborne would grab the dagger, and yank it out. At which point It would feel as if Spectra were suddenly waking up from a coma, taking a deep gasp of air, in her new vessel.

Thriceborne wouldn't stop though, even though the mare could move, and would instead move to prepare using the dagger on her old body. She'd move to stab her, and then pause, teeth clenching as she gazed upon the dagger, with a growl upon her face.

"...You fed me liesss, little mare. Now live with the consssequences."

She'd pull the dagger back, as the slithering voice escaped through gnashed teeth, and she'd move to put it back in the hut. She were done now. Spectra had her vessel, and her old body were in the condition that she had wanted. She'd soon find that her deception would come at a cost.

"Wings, extra height - as nice as it would be only attracts attention. Perhaps one day." Spectra spoke to Thriceborne as she places Yuma Spurs onto the Altar and waited patiently for Thriceborne to return. When Thriceborne did however, Spectra observed the selection of horns. It would be interesting to consider exactly where she got them from - if Thriceborne herself harvested them directly or got them from someone who did.

"It was my bard's personal preference, one can suppose. I take it you have sacrificed many live ponies in your time." Spectra said with an almost casual statement that'd earn her weird looks from anyone else. As Thriceborne spoke more - she observed how Operata seemed to wander off with a glare in her eyes that told her he wouldn't be getting away without any words being spoken this time. Then Spectra would watch Thriceborne's actions closely, with her having picked a horn that looked the most usual for a pony like Yuma Spurs. Spectra stared straight at the blade as it went right into Yuma's heart - without any visible damage to her body which was interesting to see.

"When this is done, you may harvest my body for parts you may need. I am not going to go through the trouble of carrying a husk out of here. Consider it added payment for this transaction." Spectra spoke, as if this was a mere trade. Spectra's thoughts were quite giddy and excited, very eager to be doing this. Spectra observed Thriceborne attach the horn onto Yuma - hoping the obvious attachment point would be something that would "buff away" with time. Then Spectra would lay down onto the altar beside Yuma, allowing Thriceborne to continue. "No afflictions or ailments. I am ready." Spectra said, lying through her teeth. Spectra could never of course reveal to anyone that she had always had this magic ailment - it's possible Operata was the only one who know. She could torment him with knowledge about things others didn't have.

But those thoughts were quickly pushed aside when she'd observe the blood in Thriceborne's eyes as her soul was lifted out of her body - it felt very strange to feel her soul outside of her body as she looked down at both bodies below, seeing the obvious mixing and transfer of blood occurring below her. Souls had no weight to them, that much Spectra knew, but it was jarring to feel herself with no weight at all. It was interesting to see the blood moving about within the two bodies - with the blood itself also seeming to flow over her body which was unexpected. Looking at the blood recede into the mares - Spectra was pleased to see the visual damage on Yuma's head having been healed.

The next bit though, struck her as un-nerving. The pure blood red in Thriceborne's eyes, the way she all looked felt as if there was something more to Thriceborne than being a simple pony. It was as if Thriceborne herself used a similar process to get into the body she was in currently. If that was truly the case - she would wonder what Thriceborne originally was. Those thoughts were cut short, as Spectra's soul was "poured" into Yuma's body, feeling quite terrified by the experience. Genuine fear washed through her as she heard the voices - it was something that she had never experienced before. Whatever it was, it felt like it had lasted a real long time - before the dagger was removed and she had been awakened in her new body.

Spectra would shift slightly once she was able to move, looking over at Thriceborne as she put away the dagger.

"...What consequences?" is all Spectra could ask, with her new voice. Little did Spectra know - her soul wasn't alone inside of this body. 

Still though, her Arcadian Blood had remained within Yuma. Mixed, but still there in far more proportion than anyone still alive as far as she knew.  






"I eat a lot of plumbs."

He'd chuckle, knowing full well how that annoyed the sorts like Foxglove, because it didn't make sense. It had been tested, and plumbs didn't do anything special for longevity. They had to settle for the stallion just having unusually resistant genes, but it were a running thing on slow days, to try and speculate on what the reason were that he seemingly just didn't die, or at least go into decline, as you'd expect a stallion his age would have done twenty, even thirty years ago. Hay, if anypony actually did figure out the real secret, if one were to be found, the one who found out were legally entitled to get a promotion. Not to like captain or the sort, but still, a promotion none the less.

It kept he young folks guessing and trying things, which in turn meant that Parch got more visitors at times, wanting to talk with him. So why would he ever divulge his secrets, if he had some at all? He refused to even say if he did something special, and just kept making up new things when asked. Last time had been him saying that he made sure to floss before he brushed his teeth.


"It's always good seeing an old face again. Try and keep your nose clean though, you hear? Show them that there's a good stallion behind the facade, even if you'd need a shovel to dig it out sometimes."

He'd chuckle, and smile warmly at Stern. It were not one he ever assumed to see again, and certainly not under these circumstances, but he were happy about it. The kid weren't perfect, but everypony kept exaggerating all the time. He knew what was what, as he had to update the ledgers with relevant information, and the dusty folder Stern used to have, were not as dark as many assumed. It were gone though. Not that it were destroyed. No, he was considered a missing pony, so his file had been moved into deep storage, until they knew more. He'd send somepony to rummage around and find it later, when things weren't so busy around here.

He had nothing else to say, lest Stern gave him something to work with, and as such, Foxglove could direct him back through the long halls, and towards the forge. Though he could ask about things, like for instance his family, if he wanted to. Any guard in Canterlot, had their papers in Parch's storage, including the dead, until they were properly buried, and their family had received benefits. Retired ones had their own section, where the papers would be stored until their natural deaths too, in case they needed them due to issues with the benefits, or medals. Parch would know what were happening, or had happened to, any family of Stern's that had been active in the guard. Long as they were stationed in Canterlot, at any point.

If they left towards the forge, Foxglove would eventually start talking to pass the time some.

"...I put bits on him lasting until five years ago. Put another in for next years.

I know it's a little morbid, but when so many others are doing it... There's some peer pressure, and he is actively encouraging it. At this point, I get the feeling he will actually last the next twelve years, and beat us all. Can't fathom how he does it though. Head Physician Needle allegedly tried to ask his family, but even they have no idea. His daughter did not last as long, and his granddaughter has grandfoals of her own by now.

Honestly I think it helps him a lot with the loss of his wife and daughter, to see his family grow and expand. Dunno if it is what keeps him hanging on though."

Stern Steel couldn't help but laugh at the statement about plumbs. It was such a random and unusual thing that all he could do is laugh at that. It was a genuine, happy stallion laugh. "I guess I will try eating a lot of plumbs then." he responded, surely thinking there was some kind of secret that Parchment had in living this long. Or he was just plain lucky? Whatever the case, Stern Steel had honestly spent a lot of time thinking about it way back when. Something told him this wouldn't change.

"I'll try. If war does come to these parts again, you can count on me that I'll be here to defend this place. You included." he nodded respectfully. Stern's files probably did have some stuff within it. A few times where others complained about him being too cocky while in positions of authority, a few situations where he was talked to by other guards in a disciplinary manner before. Nothing that was truly awful, but enough to show that even at a glance - he did think quite highly of himself. His record did speak of his skills with physical strength and agility, he had some records set in the guard ranks at the time for what. Perhaps for those who truly wanted to dig up his records, they could find them and speak to him about it in the future. However knowing the dire circumstances surrounding Canterlot at the moment, it were quite unlikely to be a high priority for some time. 

With that, Stern Steel would feel a morbid curiosity about his family come over him. His father was a former guard, and so was one of his brothers. Whether they were still alive or not, he would request the insurance and associated papers for them. When he had gotten the papers - it was worthy of note that he did not open or look at them yet. He would do so sometime later in private, he just wanted to have them on hand for now. After that process had been completed, he'd leave towards the forge with Foxglove.

"I was doing that long before you were in the Guard. Other friends of mine would do it and we'd talk about it a lot. Of course, none of us succeeded on those bets." he chuckled somewhat. "I don't know what keeps him around still. Maybe its that, maybe something else. I don't know. Let's go wait to get the armor and then we'll be done with milling around and get down to business. I bet Hailstorm will understand why it took me so long to join the others back in that room. Every guard needs a registration and proper armor after all." he added.




"A few of them might have feint traces of Arcadian blood in their veins, but not enough for it to matter. Most are unicorns, that considers Arcadia a holy site for magic, once brimming with untold potential, and if they keep their beliefs, one day they'll be let in, and bring back the prosperity and glory of the world's lost wonder.

At least that is what their pamphlets says. I don't believe it, but they've always seemed harmless, and even helpful to others, as they make their pilgrimage there. Never been much of a reason to worry about them."

He didn't believe things were that simple, as their literature said, but he had not found a single report of them causing issue. They treated their holy site with great reverence, but that could be said for those worshipping the princesses too, and they had so far not started a fight with anypony that scoffed at them, for what they stood for. They considered themselves above that apparently. But if a true-blood Arcadian showed up... He didn't know what they would be used for, but he did not want to know what a bunch of zealots would do, if they found what would essentially be a holy mare to them, sent to lead them to a new age.

"Vile trickery seems her method of choice. She would have done much the same to me, had mine eyes been easy to fool. Lest she were prepared for one as I, I believe her able to be taken aghast. That she adapts so quickly, and yet succeeds, makes her dangerous indeed."

The town had either been under her spell, or she had forced them to work for her, under threat of something bad happening, were his assumption at the time. It were why he hadn't hurt them, as they did not seem willing, or filled with vitriol. Perhaps had he not spend time to gather them, and detain them for their own sake, she would not have had the time to prepare in those precious minutes offered her, and he could have taken her by enough surprise, to be the victor.

Yet he could not say so for certain. He only knew he had been careless, and she had adapted faster than he, and it had seemingly cost him a thousand years. A lot must have happened i that time. His name likely forgotten by all than a few of the ancients, like Princess Celestia... Perhaps when all were done with Spectra, he could find the future he had fought for, waiting on the other side? Provided he lived of course, and what judgement would fall upon him at the time, if he did. It seemed as if the holy flame, were not pleased by his continued existence, but for the time being, Captain Hailstorm would be the one to evaluate how he did. A stallion who too, did not seem to trust him much, and yet had requested to personally oversee an inquisitor, such as him.

Foolish? Perhaps, but he believed the captain more duty bound, and accepting of circumstances, to be the reason. He said they needed fighters, and Ghelzar were one. A potentially resourceful ally, in things to come. Yet still, the captain too would be evaluated by this choice, and should know it. If his choice were misplaced, his career would be over. All he had been through to get where he were, likely gone for good. He might even stand trial next to Ghelzar, seen as guilty of what they would accuse him of. And yet, he hadn't hesitated.

It were not something he would say of many that he just met, but the stallion were making an impression on him. A good one at that. As such, he would endeavor to impress, unless his impression of the stallion would waver. He saw little reason to follow one, who hadn't the conviction to follow through, and at the least endeavor to uphold strong ideals.

"I know not who or what this *Veil* you speak of are, though still, you seem resourceful, and able to adapt well. You strike me as a mare of much potential."

It were a compliment, though if she saw it as such, were hard to say. He were not usually one to toss smiles and hugs around, so the things he said tended to have an aura of seriousness to them, that for some, made it hard to grasp a compliment, large or minor.

"Veil were the magical kitsune with the phoenix. Endeavor not to pester her when we return though. She's a fair bit younger than she seems.

Now then, generals? May we have a word?"

The two would take a few seconds, then turn and look towards the group approaching them. As were custom, Hailstorm would then salute them, before saying things.

"We bring word from Princess Luna. On advice from Magloria, she have asked that Shade Stealer be ordered to examine the things he managed to procure from the mountains, before they exploded. She believes the items might hold some significance, that could help in detaining our fugitive."

"I concur. Who is this?"

"The latest to be released from his confines. Princess Luna have put him under my personal supervision, as he assists us in this hunt. Present yourself please."

"I am High Inquisitor Ghelzar."

Screecher practically felt Dew tense up, as the name were spoken. It meant little to her, as she were not one to much care to read about history all that much. She had better things to spend her time on.

"Is there a problem?"

"Yes, but we will discuss so in private.

Captain Hailstorm? Were you made to be his charge?"

"No sir, I volunteered, and I take full responsibility for my actions. Considering the circumstances, we are in need of what capable assistance we can muster, and he had already sworn himself to hunting her."

"Hmm, we'll see. Keep your wits about you, captain."

Dew did not like the sounds of these things. Especially not as Hailstorm were on his short list for taking over after him, when he'd finally have the chance to retire, but... The stallion had a knack for these things, in his experience. He would let this proceed, though he would be judged by how well he handled Ghelzar. A wrong step with that one, could end up catastrophic. But then, this could also be the point where the captain would prove himself more capable than even he had given him credit for. They'd see soon enough, but for his sake, Dew hoped it would be the latter.

"Are there any else you would need to speak of, in this brief moment of respite?"

"Something to consider then. Can have a message sent to those individuals, if their location is known - that if a true blood Arcadian does happen to show up, it is likely to be the one we are looking for and that the Guard would need to know about it. Though whether or not they'd act upon it would be doubtful." Magloria spoke. It was clear to her at least that if they did find Spectra, or if Spectra found them they'd see her as some sort of saint to lead them into a new era. Very dangerous of an idea to consider that might happen some day. Grounds for a war.

Magloria had thought over Ghelzar's words. If it was Spectra's ability back then to trick ponies and take their magic - than who is to know what she might be capable of doing at this point in time? Were impossible to truly judge, but it was clear that the intensity of her magic would have been dampened somewhat by taking all of these ponies. That were also dangerous, as Spectra now knew that her quarry were missing. Magloria didn't truly know whether she would seek to come back to get it or not. Or if she even knew where the location was they were being kept in, thanks to the high level of magic being taken from her. Magloria would wager that Spectra did not know. So she had hoped.

"I do believe with all of us working together on this project, we will be able to cover all of our grounds. Perhaps there might be others such as you within these orbs, who might be useful to us such as yourself." Magloria spoke, taking in Ghelzar's compliment with a head nod - but not much of a verbal statement. Magloria never did well with compliments, to put it one way. One of the things that had her worried mentally is any possibility she could have her blood tested. If Spectra could have her blood proven, than the implications for Magloria having hers proven? Might prove far more interesting. Half Alicorn, half Zebra. A very rare breed that could never be mistaken. Such idle worries were pushed aside by the group meeting up with Dew and Screecher and observed quietly as Hailstorm had addressed the present situation to them.

Seemed as if there was some sort of tension as Dew seemed to possibly recognize Ghelzar from history. He'd have to be read into it, most likely.

"If Shade is to search the material was retrieved, I would suggest written material. Books. Diaries. Anything that could be considered personal. We need to know who Spectral Fade really is, if that is really even her real name. We know she is Arcadian, but how did she get into this position of power? Where does it come from? What was her upbringing? Those are questions that would provide useful to defeating her. The key of defeating your enemy, is to know them. Learn their motivations, history, and upbringing." Magloria suggested.


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@Props Valroa


On 2024-02-21 at 7:29 AM, Magloria said:

"It was my bard's personal preference, one can suppose. I take it you have sacrificed many live ponies in your time."

"Rarely have I needed to sully myself, with the blood of the unwilling. Yet some kills, to bring me bodies for harvest, aiming to make a deal. And the more they ask for, the more I demand, and some have needed to give of themselves, to appease the deal they want made. Others come here for worship, giving of themselves willingly, to show their devotion- The most devoted or desperate, even offering their names.

Fae halted this, yet the great work never ends, it only pauses."

At a certain point, a life could be sectioned and valued at a certain worth, if you had the right set of mind for that kind of amoral business. Thriceborne knew the worth of a life, from one to the other, and what their parts might too be worth. It were part of what she did, and were about to do to to this mare too. Although she had already been paid, in her freedom. This were her completing the transaction on her end. Not that they couldn't make more deals some other time, if for instance she wanted for wings on her new vessel. They could come to an arrangement.

On 2024-02-21 at 7:29 AM, Magloria said:

"When this is done, you may harvest my body for parts you may need. I am not going to go through the trouble of carrying a husk out of here. Consider it added payment for this transaction."

Thriceborne did not answer, but would nod. The body were peculiar. Old by the looks of things. There may be some uses for a body from olden times for her, in one fashion or another.

On 2024-02-21 at 7:29 AM, Magloria said:

Spectra would shift slightly once she was able to move, looking over at Thriceborne as she put away the dagger.

"...What consequences?" is all Spectra could ask, with her new voice. Little did Spectra know - her soul wasn't alone inside of this body. 

Still though, her Arcadian Blood had remained within Yuma. Mixed, but still there in far more proportion than anyone still alive as far as she knew.  

She would not gain an answer, before Thriceborne had put down her tools properly. When she had, she would turn around, her eyes having returned to normal, and her expression again neutral, as she gazed upon Spectra in her vessel, whilst the old one laid where it had been left. Breathing, and looking asleep, yet it were but an empty husk. A home with the lights on, but no one in residence.

"I asked of you, had you any conditions I should be aware of. You thought it for my own amusement? These rituals are delicate, and precise. Have you any affliction of the blood, or the vessel had an illness, it would delay, or even complicate matters, were I not told prior. Most times, I can still handle things, albeit I will not look kindly upon deceit, some are simply unaware, and I know well what I am doing.

And then there are magical afflictions. And the one you had, you could not have been unaware of. No, that kind are debilitating. Life altering. Yet still, you could have avoided much, had you but told me. I could have taken her out of the vessel in full then. Yet you held back. The magical flow were altered, and the path is set.

You should start hearing it soon. If you not already are?"

"Where... Where am I? What happened?"

A familiar voice would start to speak in her mind. Weak at first, but it would only grow stronger over time, as things began settling more. For now, it were but a weak voice, belonging to a confused, worried mare, who couldn't see anything, nor understood why she didn't feel anything. In time, she'd be able to see too, but the eyes wouldn't be hers to control. She were trapped, as were the one who did this to her.




On 2024-02-21 at 7:29 AM, Magloria said:

"I was doing that long before you were in the Guard. Other friends of mine would do it and we'd talk about it a lot. Of course, none of us succeeded on those bets." he chuckled somewhat. "I don't know what keeps him around still. Maybe its that, maybe something else. I don't know. Let's go wait to get the armor and then we'll be done with milling around and get down to business. I bet Hailstorm will understand why it took me so long to join the others back in that room. Every guard needs a registration and proper armor after all." he added.

"I'm certain he will understand. The captain does well, and have helped in keeping up with responsibilities, as Captain Shining have started to transition more and more towards being fully in the Crystal Empire. He'll know you need time to prepare, and to get armored up. I think he expected it to potentially take a while. That's another reason I think he made sure I came along. I can help with directions, and smoothen out any potential issue that might happen. Though it's been fairly calm so far. So that's nice."

On their way back towards Benny, there'd be a few group of guards that were rushing off to other assignments. One of them halted, then look at Stern, and go on to whisper something amongst themselves, whilst sending him glances. Quite unkind one, as a matter of fact. Which were why the lieutenant would excuse herself, and wander over.

"Is there a problem?"

"How couldn't there be?"

"I know it's before your time lieutenant, but that there's Stern."

"Outta be court-marshalled and tossed in the cages at Shark Bay."

"Hah, yeah, or-"

"That will be more than enough, recruit."

The group were surprised and halted talking, when her voice grew harsher, and she looked at them with a less than kind look herself.

"I am well aware who he is. I am also aware of Equestria's position on rehabilitation, and its tolerance policy for this sort of behavior, just as you should be.

But perhaps you have forgotten, and would prefer to be reassigned to Sergeant Helmsworth's unit instead?"

"What? No."

"No what?"

"N-No ma'am."

"Good. Now get out of my sight, before I change my mind."

They'd scurry along, and Foxglove would - after being certain they were gone, let out a deep sigh, and ease her posture again, before returning to Stern.

"Sorry you had to see that. I don't particularly like to do... Well, that. It's not what the guard should be like. We should be above stuff like that, and it grinds my gears when I see some who so brazenly think being a guard means they're above things, like the tolerance policies.

*sigh* But we were going to see if Benny were ready, yes? We should keep going. He'll probably have at least some of it out and cooling now."

Lest there were something, she'd keep leading on, and when they got there, they would indeed find some stuff being ready outside, with the two ponies from the forge, currently being in the process of polishing a fresh set of armor.




On 2024-02-21 at 7:29 AM, Magloria said:

"Something to consider then. Can have a message sent to those individuals, if their location is known - that if a true blood Arcadian does happen to show up, it is likely to be the one we are looking for and that the Guard would need to know about it. Though whether or not they'd act upon it would be doubtful."

"We keep track of them if they pass through, but they don't have a set location. They come from all over the country, and beyond. An individual called the Magistrate, sends out a message at random intervals, that it is time for a pilgrimage, but there is no set schedule. Just as there is no trace of whom the sender is, and while we have asked, all of the members have refused to say who it is. It's not a group of interest, and they do help around the places they pass through, so we never had much reason to look further into it. There's enough real dangers to worry about, so we have limited it to just asking questions every now and again, and a few searches, to make sure everything's on the up and up. There's been nothing, and no changes, so it hasn't been a priority.

Yes, the hidden leader is peculiar, but hardly something that required a large scale investigations, unless something changed. And now that it have, we do not have the personnel to go and do something about it, until after we have dealt with the aftermath of what Spectra did. The mountains exploding will have caused wide spread panic, and caused anyone in the immediate area to have to be evacuated. There's fires, refugees around, trouble that have to be handled in the various towns, before some doomsayer gets a riot going, and so on. The larger force of the Equestrian army, will be will be occupied with this for days.

When we do have time, if she have not made a move, I will advise the generals that we should have the known operatives watched., in case something does change, and then try to track the Magistrate down. But we cannot have the word spread to them, that there might be an actual Arcadian out there. They might be too insistent on assisting them, no matter what they might have done. We can't say for sure, and as such, they have to be left in the dark. And yes, I will have some dispatched to guard their holy site, in case she learns of them, and decides to go there to wait."

Fact simply were that they had to use their resources properly. Which did not include running after every potential problem, that seemed benign, when they had actual criminals and horrible monsters to deal with. Ideally they could spare forces and resources to everything, but there were a matter of priority, and this group had never been one. They were about as dangerous as those selling foal-scout cookies.

...He could really do with a package of thin mints right about now actually...

On 2024-02-21 at 7:29 AM, Magloria said:

"I do believe with all of us working together on this project, we will be able to cover all of our grounds. Perhaps there might be others such as you within these orbs, who might be useful to us such as yourself." M

"Potentially, but as is evident by Ghelzar, she have not been against capturing highly dangerous individuals in the past. We need to assume some will also be enemies of the kingdom. They will work on identifying notable ones fast as we can, but I am not naive enough to believe that we won't slip up, and miss somepony."

"Preparing for failure, is hardly a thing done in error. Best be prepared, lest hubris brings you low."

So this pony also accepted that he were imperfect, and were likely to cause some error, from a mistake? Fascinating. Ghelzar were used to leadership considering themselves infallible, and beyond High Priestess Goldenhawk herself, he hadn't found that anyone were. And he acknowledged that he may be somewhat biased in that regard.

As for this one? He were so far staying a creature of interest. Perhaps this assignment would not be as lackluster as he had assumed? Then again, he had yet to see the captain work in the field, during actual combat. The two of them had traded a blow earlier, but it were just for show. He could tell the captain held back too, only using the appropriate amount of force to get his attention. He probably couldn't defeat a griffon like himself, yet still, he were curious as to what would happen, when things became less calm, and he were not within safe walls.

On 2024-02-21 at 7:29 AM, Magloria said:

"If Shade is to search the material was retrieved, I would suggest written material. Books. Diaries. Anything that could be considered personal. We need to know who Spectral Fade really is, if that is really even her real name. We know she is Arcadian, but how did she get into this position of power? Where does it come from? What was her upbringing? Those are questions that would provide useful to defeating her. The key of defeating your enemy, is to know them. Learn their motivations, history, and upbringing." Magloria suggested.

"While I concur, I believe you are not considering all possibilities. Any books of hers, are likely to be laced with falsehoods. If she's so keen on hiding who she is, why would she openly have information in her possession that were easily accessible? Even if she believed her treasures safe, this explosion tells me that she is likely overly cautious about anything related to herself, to the point of paranoia. She would be unlikely to have anything just lying around, that wasn't just false leads.

Things will be examined, but it have to be done carefully. Anything real, could potentially be only in her head, or handed in a way that is not meant to be decoded. We also cannot rule out the possibility of memory baubles, implanted into any of the things of importance that she kept.

The plan of action is going to revolve around everything being categorized, and studied closely by our agents, a historian to cross reference any points of interest, and to spot more obvious inconsistencies, and a magical researcher, in case some of it are dangerous, or as said, holds a mind bauble, or something similar. When everything is done, they will bring it here to the castle for closer examination of a wider array of teams. I would say the deep cells, just in case there is a trigger on them that would try and cause more devastation.

I believe we should also call upon the assistance of one from the O.M.I. Would you concur, Dew?"

"Certainly. They tend to know a little here and there on magic. Perhaps there is something they can learn as well."

Screecher were not a mare chosen because she was a pretty mare, with a strong poker face. She were intelligent, and thought about things from several angles. It had made her rise quickly in the ranks, after she had joined twelve years ago, and had been one the previous general had relied upon near the end of his tenure, to properly plan any large scale tactical maneuver, as she thought of things he had overlooked. It made picking her as his successor fairly trivial, and it helped too that her and Dew always had a healthy amount of respect for one another. The transition were thus fairly smooth.

She were also the reason the Night Guards had Shade and his team. She used to have some guards who would handle certain low rung stuff, but she acknowledged that they were in some need of a specialized team, to handle espionage, and more shady business. The Solar Guard had theirs, even before Phantasma - though she considered this mare more ruthlessly efficient than her predecessor - but they had been lacking.

And then one day, she hears of a prisoner. One who were caught and put in a cell, due to his appearance, even though he hadn't truly done anything else, than creeping others out. She had gone to personally extend her apologies for the gross negligence in his capture, and then, they had started talking. He were one who worked in shadows, quite literally, and had no home to call his own anymore. He was angry, alone, and though he wouldn't show it, she could tell he were scared. He hadn't the safety net he once had, and being away from the sanctuary where others like him did their thing without judgement, he were also painfully aware of what kind of pariah he'd be out here. He wouldn't have much hope of being anything but potentially a bounty hunter. He had several useful skills that could work in that field, even if he considered it to be a steep fall from grace.

She were ever a mare to see potential though, and she would admit, she felt sympathy for him, after learning of the circumstances that led to his exile. So she offered him purpose, whilst being honest to him what it would entail. The risks, what others would be likely to say, what she expected of him to do, if the call came- They were in talks for hours, but in time, he would bend the knee, and swear fealty to the crown, and she had found him a reliable stallion, worthy of the trust she put into him.

Might be that Princess Celestia wanted nothing to do with him, but Princess Luna understood the need. In her day, she had her own flock to handle grizzly affairs too, before her banishment. The descendants of whom, had recently had members joining the Night Guard, to still serve her. Fanatics the lot of them really, but they were well trained, feverishly loyal fanatics. In battle, they could be relied upon to do what they had to, even if it meant their death. For the glory of the night majesty, yes?

Not that it mattered much. The old order were disbanded, and the remaining descendants scattered, looking for new purpose. Lest they caused trouble, it were of little concern, and if need be, they would likely fight for whatever area they were in, in case some chaos happened due to the current incident. That would be a relief for their scattered troops, and also the reason she had made sure messages were sent out for local guards to look for those with their mark, along with the more immediate orders, so they could have them assist in case one were there, and were needed. The princesses seal would grab their attention.

"Very well then, it seems things are in order. I will summon and brief Shade in a moment then."

"Quite so. Return to bring more out from the gems for the time being, but keep the number to under ten for the day. We are spread thin, and if one turns out to be an issue, they could end up causing more trouble than normal. We cannot afford chaos currently. Unless you see signs that their vitals might be decreasing. If even a minute amount, call for more, and speed up the process. We have already lost too many."

"Very well, generals. At your leave."

He would salute, with the generals nodding to them, before returning to their work. There were still much to do.

On the way back, Hailstorm would ask a question of his two guests as it were.

"We will pass the cafeteria on our way back. Are you two holding up, or are you feeling famished? It gets harder to keep focus for most, when they grow hungry enough, and we need everypony at their sharpest."

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@Blitz Boom




She would not gain an answer, before Thriceborne had put down her tools properly. When she had, she would turn around, her eyes having returned to normal, and her expression again neutral, as she gazed upon Spectra in her vessel, whilst the old one laid where it had been left. Breathing, and looking asleep, yet it were but an empty husk. A home with the lights on, but no one in residence.

"I asked of you, had you any conditions I should be aware of. You thought it for my own amusement? These rituals are delicate, and precise. Have you any affliction of the blood, or the vessel had an illness, it would delay, or even complicate matters, were I not told prior. Most times, I can still handle things, albeit I will not look kindly upon deceit, some are simply unaware, and I know well what I am doing.

And then there are magical afflictions. And the one you had, you could not have been unaware of. No, that kind are debilitating. Life altering. Yet still, you could have avoided much, had you but told me. I could have taken her out of the vessel in full then. Yet you held back. The magical flow were altered, and the path is set.

You should start hearing it soon. If you not already are?"

"Where... Where am I? What happened?"

A familiar voice would start to speak in her mind. Weak at first, but it would only grow stronger over time, as things began settling more. For now, it were but a weak voice, belonging to a confused, worried mare, who couldn't see anything, nor understood why she didn't feel anything. In time, she'd be able to see too, but the eyes wouldn't be hers to control. She were trapped, as were the one who did this to her.

Spectra did not seem to understand what Thriceborne had meant by the "Great Work" she spoke of, for she were far too focused in the emotional fervor of it all. At the end of it all, Spectra stood there before Thriceborne as she felt her excitement die off quickly upon the weight of Thriceborne's words. 

Spectra would bear her teeth as she looked at Thriceborne like a caged animal. In a sense, she was. "My whole purpose here was to find a way to fix myself. For years, that was all I ever wanted! Nobody ever listened, so why should I have thought you'd be willing to listen, or capable of delivering what I needed to resolve my condition...I can tell you are no pony, no, not at all - that look in your eyes when you were transferring my soul to this body, I figured it was how you got to be what I see before me." Spectra said, looking at her new body - green coat color. Not exactly her preferred color, but it will do.

Spectra rolls her eyes, without so much as a thank you. It seemed that even in the moment of this incredible transformation, all she could think about was herself. How she was broken. How she couldn't fix herself. Yet she did not realize or even care about all the lives she's ruined, in pursuing this endless goal of breaking her own limitations - only to end up more and more bound. Spectra did not seem willing to tell Thriceborne what her condition was - nor did she believe anyone was capable of fixing it at the moment. Her best idea! Her best idea so far was getting a new body! Even that didn't work, among the litany of other methods she tried prior.

Spectra could hear the weak voice of Yuma Spurs in her mind. "...What do you mean by hearing "it?" What is "it"...?" Spectra asked, as if this form of dialog was quite painful for her. But still, Spectra needed to know. It sounded like the voice of the mare was in her mind. But how could that be possible? Usually by this point she'd be wondering what Operata would be off doing, but as of this moment she couldn't be bothered to think of him.






"I'm certain he will understand. The captain does well, and have helped in keeping up with responsibilities, as Captain Shining have started to transition more and more towards being fully in the Crystal Empire. He'll know you need time to prepare, and to get armored up. I think he expected it to potentially take a while. That's another reason I think he made sure I came along. I can help with directions, and smoothen out any potential issue that might happen. Though it's been fairly calm so far. So that's nice."

On their way back towards Benny, there'd be a few group of guards that were rushing off to other assignments. One of them halted, then look at Stern, and go on to whisper something amongst themselves, whilst sending him glances. Quite unkind one, as a matter of fact. Which were why the lieutenant would excuse herself, and wander over.

"Is there a problem?"

"How couldn't there be?"

"I know it's before your time lieutenant, but that there's Stern."

"Outta be court-marshalled and tossed in the cages at Shark Bay."

"Hah, yeah, or-"

"That will be more than enough, recruit."

The group were surprised and halted talking, when her voice grew harsher, and she looked at them with a less than kind look herself.

"I am well aware who he is. I am also aware of Equestria's position on rehabilitation, and its tolerance policy for this sort of behavior, just as you should be.

But perhaps you have forgotten, and would prefer to be reassigned to Sergeant Helmsworth's unit instead?"

"What? No."

"No what?"

"N-No ma'am."

"Good. Now get out of my sight, before I change my mind."

They'd scurry along, and Foxglove would - after being certain they were gone, let out a deep sigh, and ease her posture again, before returning to Stern.

"Sorry you had to see that. I don't particularly like to do... Well, that. It's not what the guard should be like. We should be above stuff like that, and it grinds my gears when I see some who so brazenly think being a guard means they're above things, like the tolerance policies.

*sigh* But we were going to see if Benny were ready, yes? We should keep going. He'll probably have at least some of it out and cooling now."

Lest there were something, she'd keep leading on, and when they got there, they would indeed find some stuff being ready outside, with the two ponies from the forge, currently being in the process of polishing a fresh set of armor.

As they were walking and Foxglove said that things were calm, that was when they proved not to be. Stern Steel had heard the insulting comments the two guards were speaking of - neither of them he recognized, but still the idea that he was being back-talked by other guards made his blood boil. While he did not say anything to them - the look in his eyes told them that he were going to remember what they had said here today. That perhaps, if Foxglove weren't here - that he would certainly be direct with them. A few punches and threats of further retribution oughta put them in line, yeah? That's how things were done. Seems that things had changed a bit, and while he was guilty of that - he believed he had justified reasons for it. Something like this would have justified it, but he could do nothing because Foxglove had diffused the situation.

Stern Steel had to take a few moments of looking away from Foxglove to collect himself a bit and then sigh deeply. "Stuff like that - that tests my patience. They ought to keep their comments to themselves, or better yet, not even speak like that. They looked fairly young, so they weren't even there when I was around - so they had no right to say stuff like that. Pfft. Well, your right, let's go." Stern Steel said. It were obvious that he were truly bothered by what they said - but opted to just drop it for now with no more than a huff. He was intent on getting his armor. Maybe when they, or others saw him in his armor they would be inclined to treat him with more respect. 





"We keep track of them if they pass through, but they don't have a set location. They come from all over the country, and beyond. An individual called the Magistrate, sends out a message at random intervals, that it is time for a pilgrimage, but there is no set schedule. Just as there is no trace of whom the sender is, and while we have asked, all of the members have refused to say who it is. It's not a group of interest, and they do help around the places they pass through, so we never had much reason to look further into it. There's enough real dangers to worry about, so we have limited it to just asking questions every now and again, and a few searches, to make sure everything's on the up and up. There's been nothing, and no changes, so it hasn't been a priority.

Yes, the hidden leader is peculiar, but hardly something that required a large scale investigations, unless something changed. And now that it have, we do not have the personnel to go and do something about it, until after we have dealt with the aftermath of what Spectra did. The mountains exploding will have caused wide spread panic, and caused anyone in the immediate area to have to be evacuated. There's fires, refugees around, trouble that have to be handled in the various towns, before some doomsayer gets a riot going, and so on. The larger force of the Equestrian army, will be will be occupied with this for days.

When we do have time, if she have not made a move, I will advise the generals that we should have the known operatives watched., in case something does change, and then try to track the Magistrate down. But we cannot have the word spread to them, that there might be an actual Arcadian out there. They might be too insistent on assisting them, no matter what they might have done. We can't say for sure, and as such, they have to be left in the dark. And yes, I will have some dispatched to guard their holy site, in case she learns of them, and decides to go there to wait."

Fact simply were that they had to use their resources properly. Which did not include running after every potential problem, that seemed benign, when they had actual criminals and horrible monsters to deal with. Ideally they could spare forces and resources to everything, but there were a matter of priority, and this group had never been one. They were about as dangerous as those selling foal-scout cookies.

...He could really do with a package of thin mints right about now actually...

"I see your point in that case. I am sure that if Spectra does meet them, that there will inevitably be rumors and word getting out about it, so it might be worth it to look into, eventually. That is what I believe would be the case if she does find them. We don't know what she is doing. She could be on her way to them right now with the intention of raising an army to go on an offensive against Equestria, whatever her intentions are - our knowledge is quite limited. My knowledge of this time is limited. And in the time that I have been here, I have only barely scratched the surface." Magloria said, accepting the fact that her knowledge - and thus her advice on what to do here might be rather limited all things considered. It made sense that they were having issues with resources, considering the sheer destruction that Spectra had done.

Seems as if this Arcadian Group might indeed be  harmless, and preferring to keep themselves. But if Arcadia really does have some holy significance to it, what would they do in the case Spectra shows up, and has her heritage proven to them? It were but a mystery. Only the group would know that, and it seemed that not even the Equestrian guard knew much about it either. They didn't seem to have the resources to figure it out, even without the current circumstances taken into account.


"While I concur, I believe you are not considering all possibilities. Any books of hers, are likely to be laced with falsehoods. If she's so keen on hiding who she is, why would she openly have information in her possession that were easily accessible? Even if she believed her treasures safe, this explosion tells me that she is likely overly cautious about anything related to herself, to the point of paranoia. She would be unlikely to have anything just lying around, that wasn't just false leads.

Things will be examined, but it have to be done carefully. Anything real, could potentially be only in her head, or handed in a way that is not meant to be decoded. We also cannot rule out the possibility of memory baubles, implanted into any of the things of importance that she kept.

The plan of action is going to revolve around everything being categorized, and studied closely by our agents, a historian to cross reference any points of interest, and to spot more obvious inconsistencies, and a magical researcher, in case some of it are dangerous, or as said, holds a mind bauble, or something similar. When everything is done, they will bring it here to the castle for closer examination of a wider array of teams. I would say the deep cells, just in case there is a trigger on them that would try and cause more devastation.

I believe we should also call upon the assistance of one from the O.M.I. Would you concur, Dew?"

"Certainly. They tend to know a little here and there on magic. Perhaps there is something they can learn as well."

Screecher were not a mare chosen because she was a pretty mare, with a strong poker face. She were intelligent, and thought about things from several angles. It had made her rise quickly in the ranks, after she had joined twelve years ago, and had been one the previous general had relied upon near the end of his tenure, to properly plan any large scale tactical maneuver, as she thought of things he had overlooked. It made picking her as his successor fairly trivial, and it helped too that her and Dew always had a healthy amount of respect for one another. The transition were thus fairly smooth.

She were also the reason the Night Guards had Shade and his team. She used to have some guards who would handle certain low rung stuff, but she acknowledged that they were in some need of a specialized team, to handle espionage, and more shady business. The Solar Guard had theirs, even before Phantasma - though she considered this mare more ruthlessly efficient than her predecessor - but they had been lacking.

And then one day, she hears of a prisoner. One who were caught and put in a cell, due to his appearance, even though he hadn't truly done anything else, than creeping others out. She had gone to personally extend her apologies for the gross negligence in his capture, and then, they had started talking. He were one who worked in shadows, quite literally, and had no home to call his own anymore. He was angry, alone, and though he wouldn't show it, she could tell he were scared. He hadn't the safety net he once had, and being away from the sanctuary where others like him did their thing without judgement, he were also painfully aware of what kind of pariah he'd be out here. He wouldn't have much hope of being anything but potentially a bounty hunter. He had several useful skills that could work in that field, even if he considered it to be a steep fall from grace.

She were ever a mare to see potential though, and she would admit, she felt sympathy for him, after learning of the circumstances that led to his exile. So she offered him purpose, whilst being honest to him what it would entail. The risks, what others would be likely to say, what she expected of him to do, if the call came- They were in talks for hours, but in time, he would bend the knee, and swear fealty to the crown, and she had found him a reliable stallion, worthy of the trust she put into him.

Might be that Princess Celestia wanted nothing to do with him, but Princess Luna understood the need. In her day, she had her own flock to handle grizzly affairs too, before her banishment. The descendants of whom, had recently had members joining the Night Guard, to still serve her. Fanatics the lot of them really, but they were well trained, feverishly loyal fanatics. In battle, they could be relied upon to do what they had to, even if it meant their death. For the glory of the night majesty, yes?

Not that it mattered much. The old order were disbanded, and the remaining descendants scattered, looking for new purpose. Lest they caused trouble, it were of little concern, and if need be, they would likely fight for whatever area they were in, in case some chaos happened due to the current incident. That would be a relief for their scattered troops, and also the reason she had made sure messages were sent out for local guards to look for those with their mark, along with the more immediate orders, so they could have them assist in case one were there, and were needed. The princesses seal would grab their attention.

"Very well then, it seems things are in order. I will summon and brief Shade in a moment then."

"Quite so. Return to bring more out from the gems for the time being, but keep the number to under ten for the day. We are spread thin, and if one turns out to be an issue, they could end up causing more trouble than normal. We cannot afford chaos currently. Unless you see signs that their vitals might be decreasing. If even a minute amount, call for more, and speed up the process. We have already lost too many."

"Very well, generals. At your leave."

He would salute, with the generals nodding to them, before returning to their work. There were still much to do.

On the way back, Hailstorm would ask a question of his two guests as it were.

"We will pass the cafeteria on our way back. Are you two holding up, or are you feeling famished? It gets harder to keep focus for most, when they grow hungry enough, and we need everypony at their sharpest."

Magloria would process what shade had spoken of and agreed with what she said. It was logical to consider that Spectra would falsify whatever written work she had that has been recovered. It was possible that she would have planned ahead for such a possibility. That she were paranoid and had all the time in the world to think about every possibility to concoct a perfect plan to deal with any thefts or intrusions.

"I agree. I am not familiar with the term "memory bauble", so there is not much for me to say on that for now. I have no doubt about your team will be able to find something of value. Be careful, and keep us informed incase of any unusual circumstances you come across." Magloria said with a nod, seemingly not finding much need to say much else here. They were to go through and search Spectra's artifacts with a fine comb, weeding out any potential traps or dangers - while cross referencing any historical data that could be found here. There was a lot to go through, so they would certainly have their hooves full with that to say the least. Magloria were from a different time so it was clear that she did not know what certain terms meant. Terms changed over the years. New things discovered - meant for magic was a far wider avenue than it was during her time.

As for the orbs, Magloria had some to speak on about that. "I would suggest that we be present if more orbs shall be opened - as incase there is an incident, we would best be located to help the Generals deal with it. I do not mind having something to eat, for a short break." Magloria stated. She didn't want to take too long to eat, but she couldn't lie - she had to eat something. Anything. Anything would be good. Perhaps her body had surpressed her hunger - but it couldn't any longer. 



"Potentially, but as is evident by Ghelzar, she have not been against capturing highly dangerous individuals in the past. We need to assume some will also be enemies of the kingdom. They will work on identifying notable ones fast as we can, but I am not naive enough to believe that we won't slip up, and miss somepony."

"Preparing for failure, is hardly a thing done in error. Best be prepared, lest hubris brings you low."

So this pony also accepted that he were imperfect, and were likely to cause some error, from a mistake? Fascinating. Ghelzar were used to leadership considering themselves infallible, and beyond High Priestess Goldenhawk herself, he hadn't found that anyone were. And he acknowledged that he may be somewhat biased in that regard.

As for this one? He were so far staying a creature of interest. Perhaps this assignment would not be as lackluster as he had assumed? Then again, he had yet to see the captain work in the field, during actual combat. The two of them had traded a blow earlier, but it were just for show. He could tell the captain held back too, only using the appropriate amount of force to get his attention. He probably couldn't defeat a griffon like himself, yet still, he were curious as to what would happen, when things became less calm, and he were not within safe walls.

As they would turn towards the Cafeteria, Magloria would look to the two of them. "I would like to ask something. Hypothetically, if Spectra were to attack Canterlot on her own - knowing all the time she has had to gather up magic, spells, etc, how long do you think Canterlot would be able to hold out against her? Spectra has had many centuries of time on her hooves to gather up whatever she wanted without anyone finding her. If you were someone intent on conquering Equestria and had that time on your hooves, how would you go about it? Might be useful to think of things from her perspective, in an attempt to gauge and judge how she might potentially move, in order for us to be prepared for potential situations." Magloria spoke. 

"What you speak of is also of concern, that we ought to be methodical in opening up each orb. While we won't be able to know and learn of everyone, I would suggest that those who seem more hazardous be kept under observation, at least until it is figured out what to be done with them." Magloria also suggested.

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@Props Valroa


On 2024-02-26 at 4:18 AM, Spectral Fade said:

Spectra would bear her teeth as she looked at Thriceborne like a caged animal. In a sense, she was. "My whole purpose here was to find a way to fix myself. For years, that was all I ever wanted! Nobody ever listened, so why should I have thought you'd be willing to listen, or capable of delivering what I needed to resolve my condition...I can tell you are no pony, no, not at all - that look in your eyes when you were transferring my soul to this body, I figured it was how you got to be what I see before me." Spectra said, looking at her new body - green coat color. Not exactly her preferred color, but it will do.

"I have said enough for a taught mind, to know what I were."

Thriceborne cared little what the mare thought of her. What she were, what she would be- It were inconsequential. She did not possess what were needed to be a threat, like Fae had. Whom had mostly been so, as she had taken Thriceborne by surprise, and with no prior idea of her condition. The mare were quite formidable. In her own way, so were Spectra. Yet not in one that concerned her overly much currently. She were but another who had come here, seeking power, and had given to receive. And she had gotten power. A strong horn, embedded precisely into the earth pony mare's body, making her no different from any unicorn in ability, or earth pony in strength. A strong, healthy body, that she would find were not as empty as she had wanted. Yet that were the price of deceit.

Spectra were also wrong. Thriceborne had not become what she were, by the same means that she just had. Yet why would she speak of that? What had she to gain from it? Nothing, and thus it would be for her alone to know, until the day came when she found one worthy to listen.

"But if all you wanted, were freedom from that, then rejoice. Your new body holds not a sliver of that. I purged your blood of whatever impurities stained, and mix it with hers, that your new body would not reject it. It is mostly yours though, Arcadian. I know not how a pureblood still lives, but I havemet descendants. The purity matters highly to them. I assumed you were much the same."

On 2024-02-26 at 4:18 AM, Spectral Fade said:

Spectra could hear the weak voice of Yuma Spurs in her mind. "...What do you mean by hearing "it?" What is "it"...?" Spectra asked, as if this form of dialog was quite painful for her. But still, Spectra needed to know. It sounded like the voice of the mare was in her mind. But how could that be possible? Usually by this point she'd be wondering what Operata would be off doing, but as of this moment she couldn't be bothered to think of him.

Thriceborne had no smirk on her face as she replied. This were not a matter of joy, or humor. This were serious, and should be addressed appropriately.

"What it is? It is her, whose body you now inhabit. Your souls have been interlocked. Inseparable by mortal means. You remain in control, but she will be there, listening. Watching. Judging what you do, with a body she once owned.

There is naught I can do about it now. Only gods might split you now, if one you can find, which deals in souls. Or you could wait to perish. The collectors shall reap you twice, sending each to the afterlife you would deserve."

Spurs were still gathering strength in her head, but it were a matter of time before she had full awareness, and the response would not be kind. And this then, would be something that Spectra would need to have with her, long as she lived, lest she could find a god able and willing, to separate them. And that would be no easy task. Equestria had no gods, so she needed to move far, and one so familiar with souls? Finding one would not be a task with ease. Nor would it be, to gain said god's favor, if it were found. They were fickly creatures, and it were not always easy, to get their attention, much less their boon.




"Some sadly fails to understand that we should be above pettiness, unless they are confronted about it from a superior. I will see what I can do, about the captain, or even the generals addressing this at large, when the mission is over. You shouldn't have to hear such things."

She had missed the way he had reacted to them, and thus were unaware of his less than calm response, had he the chance. Yet still, even if she had seen it, she would have hoped it to be only temporary. She wanted to believe in the good of others, until she had seen differently. And even then, she were likely to still give another chance. Sometimes that were taken advantage of. Other times, it helped to make others feel like somepony actually cared, and wanted to help them. She liked to think of those successes, and feel hopeful.

When they got to the forge proper, one of the twins would see them, and bat the other, who'd lift his head, look around, and finally see them. After he had been pointed towards them that were.

"Oh hey. You two are back."

"Nice timing. We're done with the armor.

"If it fits we're done."

"Well, obviously, duh."

The two would grin at each other, then finish the polishing, and come forth with the pieces. The chest piece being the most important one to get on him, as that were the brunt of things. And lo and behold, it would fit nicely, custom made and ready for him. So would the sections of leg guards - couldn't have a simple full sleeve, or he wouldn't be able to walk proper - and the helmet... Was a bit too uneven for his snout. The idea were grand, as it'd give him vision, with a visor he could put down if needed, but also protect his head. They'd even given it a bit of a fancy, old style look, with a stripe of dense , stiff hairs. Made it look like he could polish his shoes with it, which well, he could. But it would be a bit too ill-fitting on his snout, for when he had the bottom section closed to cover that, so they needed to fix that. There were still a notable hole with some bars though, so he shouldn't worry about suffocating, even when he were fully geared up there.

It also came with shoes, which would fit well, but he'd need to get used to walking with them. A bit of extra weight and all that, though it's help him from stepping on things. And if he had to kick something in the face.

One of the twins grabbed the helmet, and went straight over to knock on the forge door, while the other one shrugged. Couldn't take it in there, or the fancy hairs on it, were probably gonna singe.

"Eh, can't all be perfect. Boss'll get it sorted."

Benny would in fact come out right after. The dragon holding a scorching hot blade by the handle, that he'd go over and cool down, before letting the twins have at making it ready. As Benny were a fire aligned dragon, the heat didn't bother him, so there weren't an issue doing things like that. In fact, he found it rather nice and cozy at times. Like being in one of the smaller lava pools back home.

As for the helmet, he'd look at it when given it, and hear the issue, then take a deep breath, and scorch the tip, whilst using his hands to correct it. A continuous flame, leaving the metal red hot, and malleable, while he corrected things slightly, and made sure then to check for any sort of dents. Of which there were one, so he'd do the same, and fix that. It'd be dipped down for cooling, before the twins yanked that too, so they'd each have a thing to finish. A bit of fine grinding, some polishing, nit picking- Y'know, the finishing touches.

"Phew, that outta sort it. Can't have that grind against the side of your snout. That sort's uncomfortable.

Just give them a few to finish things, and we'll see if this lives up to your expectations. How's the rest of the armor though. It seems to fit well on you. Nice and shiny too, heh. If some of my big sisters saw you from above right now, they'd think you prime hoard material."

What? It was a compliment. He were all nice and shiny right now. Dragons loved that sort of thing, for the most part.




On 2024-02-26 at 4:18 AM, Spectral Fade said:

"I see your point in that case. I am sure that if Spectra does meet them, that there will inevitably be rumors and word getting out about it, so it might be worth it to look into, eventually. That is what I believe would be the case if she does find them. We don't know what she is doing. She could be on her way to them right now with the intention of raising an army to go on an offensive against Equestria, whatever her intentions are - our knowledge is quite limited. My knowledge of this time is limited. And in the time that I have been here, I have only barely scratched the surface."

"For the time being, all we can hope for, is that she does not find out, until we manage to address the situation. After all this, there is hope she will try to lay low, and gather her strength while we are occupied, and if so, we must use every available second we have, to our advantage."

There were a lot of unknown variables in this, and he did not like that. Nor that they had to rely on luck and guesswork to some extend, but it were sadly out of his control. They only had so much personnel, and so much knowledge... To some extend, they sadly had to rely on luck, with their forces being occupied with the populace, and the fire currently.

On 2024-02-26 at 4:18 AM, Spectral Fade said:

"I agree. I am not familiar with the term "memory bauble", so there is not much for me to say on that for now. I have no doubt about your team will be able to find something of value. Be careful, and keep us informed incase of any unusual circumstances you come across." Magloria said with a nod, seemingly not finding much need to say much else here. They were to go through and search Spectra's artifacts with a fine comb, weeding out any potential traps or dangers - while cross referencing any historical data that could be found here. There was a lot to go through, so they would certainly have their hooves full with that to say the least. Magloria were from a different time so it was clear that she did not know what certain terms meant. Terms changed over the years. New things discovered - meant for magic was a far wider avenue than it was during her time.

As for the orbs, Magloria had some to speak on about that. "I would suggest that we be present if more orbs shall be opened - as incase there is an incident, we would best be located to help the Generals deal with it. I do not mind having something to eat, for a short break." Magloria stated. She didn't want to take too long to eat, but she couldn't lie - she had to eat something. Anything. Anything would be good. Perhaps her body had surpressed her hunger - but it couldn't any longer. 

"You also know more of the process than most, so you can explain it to others better, if required. I simply ask that you all beware. We cannot for certain say whom we are letting out, and though I am loathe to think in such ways most times, you are encouraged to judge the book by its cover in this case."

"Indeed. We are not in an advantageous position currently, if we unleashed a notable villain.

As for your inquiry, a memory bauble is a general term for magic that infuses memory into an object. The most simple versions using round objects like crystal balls, hence the term. It tends to be used by those with more to remember than they are normally capable, those whose minds are slipping away, in an attempt to cling on to themselves, and overtly paranoid creatures, who do not trust their memories will not be scoured, if they remain in their heads. Those are among the most common use cases, but things can vary greatly from individual to individual. One were known to do it to store cooking recipes, as they kept losing their cookbooks."

Mostly it were harmless things, but as with all things, there were exceptions, and Spectra were likely going to be the exception of many rules. They had only just been made aware of her, and yet she had caused more death, than most of Equestria's adversaries had been anywhere close to doing. She would even go so far as to say that she exceeded the death count of several of the more notable ones, combined. It showed what kind of mare she were, and that made for a large issue. Several in fact, but one that sprung to her mind, were that she might leverage the reaming lives she had locked in, and the areas they were in, in case they did manage to catch her. If she detonated more like this, and especially in rapid succession...

It were not a good thought, but a necessary one. They could not simply avoid thinking of worst case scenarios like this.

On 2024-02-26 at 4:18 AM, Spectral Fade said:

As they would turn towards the Cafeteria, Magloria would look to the two of them. "I would like to ask something. Hypothetically, if Spectra were to attack Canterlot on her own - knowing all the time she has had to gather up magic, spells, etc, how long do you think Canterlot would be able to hold out against her? Spectra has had many centuries of time on her hooves to gather up whatever she wanted without anyone finding her. If you were someone intent on conquering Equestria and had that time on your hooves, how would you go about it? Might be useful to think of things from her perspective, in an attempt to gauge and judge how she might potentially move, in order for us to be prepared for potential situations." Magloria spoke. 

"What you speak of is also of concern, that we ought to be methodical in opening up each orb. While we won't be able to know and learn of everyone, I would suggest that those who seem more hazardous be kept under observation, at least until it is figured out what to be done with them." Magloria also suggested.

"The witch would assault the great bastion of Equestria? Hah! She would soon find the pyre warm and ready for her."

"I believe that if she attacked Canterlot now, it would fall."

Ghelzar turned towards the pony with a raised eyebrow, not expecting a response such as this from him.

"Her actions have cause wide spread panic, and our forces are spread thin trying to deal with the fire, cleanup, the refugees from the affected areas, public assurances, and so on, and so forth. Canterlot still has their guards, but they are not many. Not enough to keep a dedicated treat away for long, and the princesses are still trying to assess how to handle things.

They would fight certainly, but Spectra have shown that she cares not for the loss of life. I would think she would eye the chance to pain the town red, and cause the princesses to act emotionally to it. I do not believe they would die, but they care for the citizens. They would take whom they could, and teleport them from the city, then retreat. I can't imagine Spectra would willingly get lured away from a battlefield, in which her enemies care for the well being of those in it, whilst to her, they are easily breakable distractions. It would be to her advantage to fight in Canterlot, which would leave a choice: The citizenry, or the city. And a city can be rebuild.

Much as I like to pride that Canterlot is a strong bastion, that does not fall with ease, we do need to accept reality, and work from what we know. And as it stands, if she approaches without her strength weakening notably, Canterlot might very well fall right now. We are not prepared to handle her yet, but the more time passes before she tries, the better we stand. The preparation time will be of great importance, when it comes to whatever or not we can withstand a siege.

Time will also allow us to call upon unconventional allies, that will have us stand stronger. For now though, I believe we should eat."

They would reach the cafeteria a little after this. He had not addressed Magloria's suggestion, but it were mostly due to how he already had done so, as had the general. There were broad agreement to be cautious of whom were released. The big, mean looking centaur for instance, were not gonna get out for a while. He reeked of bad news, and while it might not be the case, it were plausible enough to where they had to thread cautiously.

The cafeteria simple. The food were readied and laid out in various containers behind the clear glass that separated the cooking staff from the guards, and you just had to go up and ask for what you wanted from the personnel. They'd hoof over some utensils too if needed, and there were a wide spread of things. Including as it were, meat. Yes it were not much, but they had a few that needed it at times, and as such, they had diversified some.

Ghelzar knew what he wanted for certain, as he smelled the air, and felt his stomach growl. It had truly been long since last he ate, and that were true even before he had been trapped. He had told himself he'd eat once he were done with his work in the town where he had been taken. Now however, it were long overdue, that he got something to feast upon.

The one behind the counter had to look a few times more, as she saw the griffon, and then noticed the milkiness in his eyes. Had he not come in with the captain, she would outright have thought he had somehow gotten lost and ended in here by accident.

He would ask for a drink of fine taste, a healthy portion of the meats they did have - mostly boiled down to some fried fish and spiced ground beef - along with some greens. Had she not seen otherwise, the mare behind the desk would not believe him blind. Odd though, considering the way he spoke. She also weren't sure what a drink of fine taste meant, so she added a cherry soda. It were one of the better options they had, so.,.. Maybe? If not, he could simply come up and replace it.

Magloria would likely be next in line, with a large amount of food, of which most were warm. Some heat crystals underneath the pot did wonders with stuff like this.

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@Blitz Boom



"I have said enough for a taught mind, to know what I were."

Thriceborne cared little what the mare thought of her. What she were, what she would be- It were inconsequential. She did not possess what were needed to be a threat, like Fae had. Whom had mostly been so, as she had taken Thriceborne by surprise, and with no prior idea of her condition. The mare were quite formidable. In her own way, so were Spectra. Yet not in one that concerned her overly much currently. She were but another who had come here, seeking power, and had given to receive. And she had gotten power. A strong horn, embedded precisely into the earth pony mare's body, making her no different from any unicorn in ability, or earth pony in strength. A strong, healthy body, that she would find were not as empty as she had wanted. Yet that were the price of deceit.

Spectra were also wrong. Thriceborne had not become what she were, by the same means that she just had. Yet why would she speak of that? What had she to gain from it? Nothing, and thus it would be for her alone to know, until the day came when she found one worthy to listen.

"But if all you wanted, were freedom from that, then rejoice. Your new body holds not a sliver of that. I purged your blood of whatever impurities stained, and mix it with hers, that your new body would not reject it. It is mostly yours though, Arcadian. I know not how a pureblood still lives, but I havemet descendants. The purity matters highly to them. I assumed you were much the same."

Thriceborne had no smirk on her face as she replied. This were not a matter of joy, or humor. This were serious, and should be addressed appropriately.

"What it is? It is her, whose body you now inhabit. Your souls have been interlocked. Inseparable by mortal means. You remain in control, but she will be there, listening. Watching. Judging what you do, with a body she once owned.

There is naught I can do about it now. Only gods might split you now, if one you can find, which deals in souls. Or you could wait to perish. The collectors shall reap you twice, sending each to the afterlife you would deserve."

Spurs were still gathering strength in her head, but it were a matter of time before she had full awareness, and the response would not be kind. And this then, would be something that Spectra would need to have with her, long as she lived, lest she could find a god able and willing, to separate them. And that would be no easy task. Equestria had no gods, so she needed to move far, and one so familiar with souls? Finding one would not be a task with ease. Nor would it be, to gain said god's favor, if it were found. They were fickly creatures, and it were not always easy, to get their attention, much less their boon.



While Spectra of course, wanted her mind to be clear of others thoughts and judgement - if it was true that she got what she wanted in the end than it was worth it. It did not go the way she wanted. Spectra were more than willing to sacrifice Spurs herself for this - but it seems that did not go the way as intended due to Spectra's magical ailment. A few moments of silent contemplation would pass over Spectra as she took in what Thriceborne said to her. It was...unusual, and there was no possibility of reversing it. If Spectra pursued a god, than it was likely they could easily just smite her down. No. This was going to have to be a permanent affair.

So far? She just assumed that Spurs was incapable of saying anything in her mind. Of course she was wrong, but as of this moment she hadn't the mind to fully think of the implications of what Thriceborne spoke of. "...So be it then. I would like you to bear witness to what you had a hand in creating." Spectra smirked - as she would summon her Arcadian armor onto herself with it's accompanying Spear. "Fits nicer. Nice and tight." Spectra smirked to herself as she flexed herself in the armor to rest it out. The dark red and green highlighted armor would look quite striking, it was the real deal - if Thriceborne had the knowledge to tell that it was real. 

"Authentic Arcadian Armor. I'm the real deal, through and through. Perhaps this is also a bonus, my old body acted as a conduit forever, really. Far past it's expected expiration - but now, let's see this horn in action..." Spectra said with a devious tone as she turned away from Thriceborne and marched a few steps away in her armor. Spectra felt heavier - obviously due to the armor, but it was interesting to feel so grounded. Her hooves felt very solid. She was an Earth Pony - but also a Unicorn. More then two thirds Alicorn at that rate. Quite the upgrade at the cost of her old body.

Spectra's horn charged up suddenly with a rainbow hue to it and in her hooves formed a solid ball of energy - not unlike the ones she used to fight Malevolence. Looking at it - one could tell this were some kind of spell-discharge that could easily be used as a high level explosive.  With her hooves she guided it through the air harmlessly and with much grace, and then popped it harmlessly on her horn - with it's energy being absorbed back into her. 

Due to Spurs being able to see some of this - she'd also be able to feel it as well. The way it felt was like being a Lightning Rod - but in reverse, with no pain, only power flowing through every single nerve and cell in the body, outward. Afterward Spectra would turn to Thriceborne. "It has a lot more grounded feel, much superior to my previous body. The mare who is observing...I don't even know her name, had a better body than mine." Spectra chuckled, as if it was some casual joke two friends told each other. The Arcadian Armor and it's spear would vanish off of her with a rainbow flash of her horn and Spectra looked at Thriceborne - perhaps being genuinely thankful for what she managed to do for her.

"Perhaps in the future, I will be seeing you again." Spectra said with a bow, and if there wasn't anything else - she'd walk off to look to where Operata ran off to.








"Some sadly fails to understand that we should be above pettiness, unless they are confronted about it from a superior. I will see what I can do, about the captain, or even the generals addressing this at large, when the mission is over. You shouldn't have to hear such things."

She had missed the way he had reacted to them, and thus were unaware of his less than calm response, had he the chance. Yet still, even if she had seen it, she would have hoped it to be only temporary. She wanted to believe in the good of others, until she had seen differently. And even then, she were likely to still give another chance. Sometimes that were taken advantage of. Other times, it helped to make others feel like somepony actually cared, and wanted to help them. She liked to think of those successes, and feel hopeful.

When they got to the forge proper, one of the twins would see them, and bat the other, who'd lift his head, look around, and finally see them. After he had been pointed towards them that were.

"Oh hey. You two are back."

"Nice timing. We're done with the armor.

"If it fits we're done."

"Well, obviously, duh."

The two would grin at each other, then finish the polishing, and come forth with the pieces. The chest piece being the most important one to get on him, as that were the brunt of things. And lo and behold, it would fit nicely, custom made and ready for him. So would the sections of leg guards - couldn't have a simple full sleeve, or he wouldn't be able to walk proper - and the helmet... Was a bit too uneven for his snout. The idea were grand, as it'd give him vision, with a visor he could put down if needed, but also protect his head. They'd even given it a bit of a fancy, old style look, with a stripe of dense , stiff hairs. Made it look like he could polish his shoes with it, which well, he could. But it would be a bit too ill-fitting on his snout, for when he had the bottom section closed to cover that, so they needed to fix that. There were still a notable hole with some bars though, so he shouldn't worry about suffocating, even when he were fully geared up there.

It also came with shoes, which would fit well, but he'd need to get used to walking with them. A bit of extra weight and all that, though it's help him from stepping on things. And if he had to kick something in the face.

One of the twins grabbed the helmet, and went straight over to knock on the forge door, while the other one shrugged. Couldn't take it in there, or the fancy hairs on it, were probably gonna singe.

"Eh, can't all be perfect. Boss'll get it sorted."

Benny would in fact come out right after. The dragon holding a scorching hot blade by the handle, that he'd go over and cool down, before letting the twins have at making it ready. As Benny were a fire aligned dragon, the heat didn't bother him, so there weren't an issue doing things like that. In fact, he found it rather nice and cozy at times. Like being in one of the smaller lava pools back home.

As for the helmet, he'd look at it when given it, and hear the issue, then take a deep breath, and scorch the tip, whilst using his hands to correct it. A continuous flame, leaving the metal red hot, and malleable, while he corrected things slightly, and made sure then to check for any sort of dents. Of which there were one, so he'd do the same, and fix that. It'd be dipped down for cooling, before the twins yanked that too, so they'd each have a thing to finish. A bit of fine grinding, some polishing, nit picking- Y'know, the finishing touches.

"Phew, that outta sort it. Can't have that grind against the side of your snout. That sort's uncomfortable.

Just give them a few to finish things, and we'll see if this lives up to your expectations. How's the rest of the armor though. It seems to fit well on you. Nice and shiny too, heh. If some of my big sisters saw you from above right now, they'd think you prime hoard material."

What? It was a compliment. He were all nice and shiny right now. Dragons loved that sort of thing, for the most part.


"Good, good. I don't need to hear these things, and you don't either. The guard is better than that, but we have more important situations to worry about than a few guards saying dumb stuff." Stern Steel huffed. While what he said was true, if he was the one in charge he would have have dealt with the situation right then and there. A few kicks and loud shouting on his part would have been good. Besides, the guards can talk behind people's backs whenever they want - but just not in the halls when on duty. He didn't really care if people didn't like him, he didn't need to hear it.

When they arrived at the forge, Stern Steel was more than eager to see what awaited him. He hoped that his armor was done so he could join the others and await his orders. "Alright, let's see what we got here." Stern Steel said with a broad smile to the two twins as they would bring out the armor pieces so he could try them on. First he would try on the shoes and the leg plates of the armor. Something felt different about it compared to the previous armor he used to wear. Not a bad kind of different. Just different. The chest plate and the other bits would fit fine and he'd move around a bit in them to get an idea for the mobility. "Certainly feels like an upgrade. The shoes feel tougher than the kind I used to wear before, must be some sort of changes in standard issue. Will get used to in no time, no doubt." he nodded.

Then he tried on the helmet. The snout bit felt a bit too uneven when he closed the visor. Maybe they didn't measure his snout properly? Or something like that? He lowered the visor back and forth to see if that changed things, and it didn't. He then would flip the visor up and move his head in various angles just incase it was him not having it on tight or something like that. Nope, it was still there. "Something seems off about the part of this helmet where my visor is down. Not sure what's up with that. You can take a look at it and adjust it if you need to." he said and then would hand the helmet to one of the twins.

Stern Steel would watch as one of the twins worked with the snout of the helmet, with approval as it seemed to fix the issue. The finishing touches on the helmet were something he wanted, but at least the snout of the helmet was fixed. "Rest of the armor fits good, just that snout was too tight on my snout. But the rest of this I feel fits better than my old armor, as much as I loved it, this works much better." Stern Steel said with a hearty chuckle.





"For the time being, all we can hope for, is that she does not find out, until we manage to address the situation. After all this, there is hope she will try to lay low, and gather her strength while we are occupied, and if so, we must use every available second we have, to our advantage."

There were a lot of unknown variables in this, and he did not like that. Nor that they had to rely on luck and guesswork to some extend, but it were sadly out of his control. They only had so much personnel, and so much knowledge... To some extend, they sadly had to rely on luck, with their forces being occupied with the populace, and the fire currently.

Magloria agreed with this assessment. "I agree. My question is, what we will do in the case that it takes years to find her, if she lays low for that long. Spectra is someone from ages ago, so perhaps that carries over into how long it takes her to decide on decisions." Magloria said, seemingly not sure what else to say for that. There was only so much they knew. 



"You also know more of the process than most, so you can explain it to others better, if required. I simply ask that you all beware. We cannot for certain say whom we are letting out, and though I am loathe to think in such ways most times, you are encouraged to judge the book by its cover in this case."

"Indeed. We are not in an advantageous position currently, if we unleashed a notable villain.

As for your inquiry, a memory bauble is a general term for magic that infuses memory into an object. The most simple versions using round objects like crystal balls, hence the term. It tends to be used by those with more to remember than they are normally capable, those whose minds are slipping away, in an attempt to cling on to themselves, and overtly paranoid creatures, who do not trust their memories will not be scoured, if they remain in their heads. Those are among the most common use cases, but things can vary greatly from individual to individual. One were known to do it to store cooking recipes, as they kept losing their cookbooks."

Mostly it were harmless things, but as with all things, there were exceptions, and Spectra were likely going to be the exception of many rules. They had only just been made aware of her, and yet she had caused more death, than most of Equestria's adversaries had been anywhere close to doing. She would even go so far as to say that she exceeded the death count of several of the more notable ones, combined. It showed what kind of mare she were, and that made for a large issue. Several in fact, but one that sprung to her mind, were that she might leverage the reaming lives she had locked in, and the areas they were in, in case they did manage to catch her. If she detonated more like this, and especially in rapid succession...

It were not a good thought, but a necessary one. They could not simply avoid thinking of worst case scenarios like this.

Magloria nodded in understanding of what was spoken to her. Such a thing would be dangerous, if it could be used to implant false memories. Surely those advanced at such things could also detect what was real and what was not. It was interesting that such a thing were possible this day and age - implanting one's memories into a crystal so that they can be visibly seen by others or experienced as if one was the one recalling the memories. If such a thing was used by Spectra, Magloria were vaguely curious about what would be contained. "That is... interesting to think about. I never thought such a thing was possible. I am sure that whoever we decide to open up next, we will decide carefully on who to release." Magloria said in agreement.



"The witch would assault the great bastion of Equestria? Hah! She would soon find the pyre warm and ready for her."

"I believe that if she attacked Canterlot now, it would fall."

Ghelzar turned towards the pony with a raised eyebrow, not expecting a response such as this from him.

"Her actions have cause wide spread panic, and our forces are spread thin trying to deal with the fire, cleanup, the refugees from the affected areas, public assurances, and so on, and so forth. Canterlot still has their guards, but they are not many. Not enough to keep a dedicated treat away for long, and the princesses are still trying to assess how to handle things.

They would fight certainly, but Spectra have shown that she cares not for the loss of life. I would think she would eye the chance to pain the town red, and cause the princesses to act emotionally to it. I do not believe they would die, but they care for the citizens. They would take whom they could, and teleport them from the city, then retreat. I can't imagine Spectra would willingly get lured away from a battlefield, in which her enemies care for the well being of those in it, whilst to her, they are easily breakable distractions. It would be to her advantage to fight in Canterlot, which would leave a choice: The citizenry, or the city. And a city can be rebuild.

Much as I like to pride that Canterlot is a strong bastion, that does not fall with ease, we do need to accept reality, and work from what we know. And as it stands, if she approaches without her strength weakening notably, Canterlot might very well fall right now. We are not prepared to handle her yet, but the more time passes before she tries, the better we stand. The preparation time will be of great importance, when it comes to whatever or not we can withstand a siege.

Time will also allow us to call upon unconventional allies, that will have us stand stronger. For now though, I believe we should eat."

They would reach the cafeteria a little after this. He had not addressed Magloria's suggestion, but it were mostly due to how he already had done so, as had the general. There were broad agreement to be cautious of whom were released. The big, mean looking centaur for instance, were not gonna get out for a while. He reeked of bad news, and while it might not be the case, it were plausible enough to where they had to thread cautiously.

The cafeteria simple. The food were readied and laid out in various containers behind the clear glass that separated the cooking staff from the guards, and you just had to go up and ask for what you wanted from the personnel. They'd hoof over some utensils too if needed, and there were a wide spread of things. Including as it were, meat. Yes it were not much, but they had a few that needed it at times, and as such, they had diversified some.

Ghelzar knew what he wanted for certain, as he smelled the air, and felt his stomach growl. It had truly been long since last he ate, and that were true even before he had been trapped. He had told himself he'd eat once he were done with his work in the town where he had been taken. Now however, it were long overdue, that he got something to feast upon.

The one behind the counter had to look a few times more, as she saw the griffon, and then noticed the milkiness in his eyes. Had he not come in with the captain, she would outright have thought he had somehow gotten lost and ended in here by accident.

He would ask for a drink of fine taste, a healthy portion of the meats they did have - mostly boiled down to some fried fish and spiced ground beef - along with some greens. Had she not seen otherwise, the mare behind the desk would not believe him blind. Odd though, considering the way he spoke. She also weren't sure what a drink of fine taste meant, so she added a cherry soda. It were one of the better options they had, so.,.. Maybe? If not, he could simply come up and replace it.

Magloria would likely be next in line, with a large amount of food, of which most were warm. Some heat crystals underneath the pot did wonders with stuff like this.

Truth be told, Magloria did not find that response to be all that surprising as compared to Ghelzar. The forces of the Equestrian guard were currently spread thin across Equestria - making the center of it all, Canterlot, weaker. Spectra could assault the city, but Magloria does not know what she would do beyond that. Try to take down Celestia and Luna? Destroy them? What would she do with the city anyway? All unknown factors, that she did not know how to factor them into.

"I agree with your assessment. The best time for her to strike would be now. I do not think we would be able to stop her, unless we risk ourselves being put into her crystal orbs to be used as batteries. I can imagine that possibly, with her mindset she would seek to convert most of the city's population, those she captures - into just that. I read that Tirek was destructive, but he was unable to perfectly replicate the spells of those who are captured like Spectra seemingly can. Let us eat, then." Magloria said, dropping the subject for now and proceeding to get in line for the food here.

When it was Magloria's own turn to eat, she would ask for a simple meal. Some salads, fruits, and with some seafood on the side. Magloria were a seafairing mare, it was in her nature to be close to the water. That included eating fish and other forms of seafood, as she had grown a taste for it after spending long voyages on distant shores. Magloria would then sit off a bit away from the other guards and those among them eating. She did not want to appear that she were unwilling to talk, should anyone want to sit near her - but it was a sign to show that she needed a space for herself to gather her thoughts as she ate.

And as she ate, she realized how much she had been missing out on. The food tasted very good, well prepared. Better than expected. With that she'd quietly enjoy her meal, silently letting go some of her own stresses about the current situation. 

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@Props Valroa


9 hours ago, Magloria said:

"Authentic Arcadian Armor. I'm the real deal, through and through. Perhaps this is also a bonus, my old body acted as a conduit forever, really. Far past it's expected expiration - but now, let's see this horn in action..."

"I needn't armor to tell me that. Your blood speaks volumes."

Frankly, she didn't even know, nor care what Arcadian armor looked like, so it would do little to actually convince her of things. The blood though? That did, as Arcadian blood were subtly, yet notably different, if you knew what you were dealing with. She hadn't seen it as pure as this before, but the specs and slivers remaining in others that had come here, gave her enough to work with. Not enough for them to work with though. The bloodlines were too thin these days, after so long. This one were not, yet she also didn't seem immortal. It were peculiar, but in the end, nothing for her to concern herself of currently. The mare hadn't an interest in fighting Thriceborne clearly - at least not currently - and she were unlikely to stand in the way of Thriceborne's work. As such, she were not currently her problem, and she'd leave others to fight her. They'd see if she managed to live long enough to become a being worth keeping a close eye on.

9 hours ago, Magloria said:

"It has a lot more grounded feel, much superior to my previous body. The mare who is observing...I don't even know her name, had a better body than mine." Spectra chuckled, as if it was some casual joke two friends told each other. The Arcadian Armor and it's spear would vanish off of her with a rainbow flash of her horn and Spectra looked at Thriceborne - perhaps being genuinely thankful for what she managed to do for her.

"Perhaps in the future, I will be seeing you again." Spectra said with a bow, and if there wasn't anything else - she'd walk off to look to where Operata ran off to.

"W-What was that? How did I... Wait, that's not me, was it? I can't. B-But then what..."

She felt it, within her prison of inactivity, but she yet couldn't see. She could tell something had happened to her though. Something that must be really bad, if she could tell some kind of magic or something, ran through her, but without her being able to move her own body, or even open her eyes. Why did it feel like she couldn't use her eyes?

She would soon enough wake to her grim reality. Question were how long she'd despair, and how long it would be, before she'd actively try and do something about it. Might be she couldn't use her body, but she'd keep trying to fight for it. Maybe eventually, she'd be able to gain some agency. Potentially when Spectra were sleeping? Regardless, she'd probably learn soon too that it would take a god, or death to separate them, and if death were the only way out, she'd try hers to get them killed. Even if all she'd ever have were her voice, perhaps she could distract the mare at the right time, to where they could die. Sure she'd prefer to live, but if there were no other way, then she'd at least be free in death.

As for Thriceborne, she'd look on, but with a wholly neutral look. It were interesting enough, but she had seen much in her time. It took quite a bit to make her aghast with surprise. She supposed it were pretty enough though. You didn't see much rainbow colored magic, except for harmony.

"If you live, you will come back. You'd wish for more power, the visage of an alicorn, a longer life - There is many reasons that brings creatures to my temple, but greed guides them all. And you I cannot imagine being sated for long.

But we shall see what comes of you. Farewell for now."

She would turn her back, and wander over to the debris. She had a lot to do to sort this mess her temple had become, so she might as well get to it. She also wouldn't say or do more, unless Spectra got too greedy, and tried to add Thriceborne to her collection. It would not go well for her, if she tried.

Going off to look for her servant, his tracks were fairly simple to follow, to a point. He would have gone towards the camp they had seen when in the time pocket, now a mess, overgrown by nature, with tattered lines and rusty pots. His steps also went away by then. He were like gone from the face of the earth. Or if she looked upwards, from where his tracks stopped, she'd find that he were hanging above her, clothes torn from tears and cuts, as he'd dangle back and forth slightly in the wind.

By his front left hoof, that were. It seemed he were still alive, even if unconscious, but someone had roughed him up, and taken anything of worth from him, then hung him up here as a warning. His flute were also shattered on the ground, seemingly stomped upon. And if she from there on the ground, she'd find fresh tracks. Equine ones, from someone with big hooves, and they were heading in the direction of the young pony who were waiting in his boat.




10 hours ago, Magloria said:

"Certainly feels like an upgrade. The shoes feel tougher than the kind I used to wear before, must be some sort of changes in standard issue. Will get used to in no time, no doubt."

"The boss makes quality stuff, y'know."

"Yeah, Vulkan were right good, and he taught the boss the ropes."

"Heh, has to make sure he lives up to Vulkan's standards too. Else you know what'd happen."

"The old timer will come 'round and smack him again."

The two grinned, and exchanged a high brohoof, before going back to sort the gear.

10 hours ago, Magloria said:

Then he tried on the helmet. The snout bit felt a bit too uneven when he closed the visor. Maybe they didn't measure his snout properly? Or something like that? He lowered the visor back and forth to see if that changed things, and it didn't. He then would flip the visor up and move his head in various angles just incase it was him not having it on tight or something like that. Nope, it was still there. "Something seems off about the part of this helmet where my visor is down. Not sure what's up with that. You can take a look at it and adjust it if you need to." he said and then would hand the helmet to one of the twins.

Stern Steel would watch as one of the twins worked with the snout of the helmet, with approval as it seemed to fix the issue. The finishing touches on the helmet were something he wanted, but at least the snout of the helmet was fixed. "Rest of the armor fits good, just that snout was too tight on my snout. But the rest of this I feel fits better than my old armor, as much as I loved it, this works much better." Stern Steel said with a hearty chuckle.

The twins had taken the visor back, but they weren't working on it. That got down to Benny. They were sorting the blade out, whilst they were snickering and whispering to one another. Nothing harmless, just a bit of a fun tale they remembered, from seeing this sorta sword. Sounded like something with a swordfish.

"Thank you, Benny. Though what's this I hear about Vulkan smacking you?"

He'd look over towards the twins, and rolled his eyes, then looked back at them. His grin and facial expression would look a bit sheepish, and his right hand would come up behind his head, and scratch there, making him look even more like an awkward teen, that had just been caught in doing something dumb. He were still down on all fours though. benny didn't really walk on two feet, unless he were carrying something that required him to use two hands. He liked wandering around like a bipedal. Especially here among ponies, where it left a lot more things in eye height.

"They're just joking. Sorta. I... Didn't always listen well, or pay attention, when he were tutoring me, and that sort can cause trouble in a forge, y'know? A bit of a quick smack wakes one up, so to speak. Wasn't a lot he had to do it, but he did joke that if he heard I were slacking on quality, that he'd come by and remind me the old fashioned way. Least I think he were joking. It can be hard to tell with him sometimes, y'know?

You two done with stuff yet?"

"Helmet's done."

The one sorting the helmet would come over, and give it back to Stern. It were a bit lukewarm to the touch still, but if he tried it on, it would fit perfectly this time. He'd have to give the sword a bit more. Had to get nice and polished first.

"Sword should be done soon, so... How've you been doing, Stern? Still holding up?"

He might as well try to talk, right? Weren't much else he'd be doing right now, while he waited for them.




10 hours ago, Magloria said:

"I agree. My question is, what we will do in the case that it takes years to find her, if she lays low for that long. Spectra is someone from ages ago, so perhaps that carries over into how long it takes her to decide on decisions."

"If she plans on laying low for that long, it will just give us more time to prepare, and to look for her. Maybe we haven't before, but we are aware of her now, and we have made connections with many other races, that can let us know if they find even a trace to go by. I worry that she is aware of that though, and thus will rush things more than normally, to not give us the time it would take to weed her out. It might leave her open to make mistakes, but it would also do us poorly."

10 hours ago, Magloria said:

"That is... interesting to think about. I never thought such a thing was possible. I am sure that whoever we decide to open up next, we will decide carefully on who to release." Magloria said in agreement.

"Magic is an ever evolving process. Always some who will try and outperform the last, or cover niches not done yet, so new ways of using magic pops up every so often. Innovative and helpful most of the time, but it have become enough of an issue with those who are less scrupulous, that we have needed to make use of specialists."

"It were only a good thing. It ever seemed just a matter of time before something magical would cause an issue too big for us to be prepared for. I will admit to not thinking it would be this though."

"Still, it could prove useful. But to return on topic, memory baubles are harmless things really. I believe they've started to teach that in ninth grade at her majesty's school these days."

It seemed they all agreed on things, which were good. The generals could put their hooves down and command to be the ones making the decisions, but it were ever easier, if others simply agreed with their assessments, and then worked from that, lest something would happen to bring their previous judgement into question. Things flowed easier that way.

10 hours ago, Magloria said:

"I agree with your assessment. The best time for her to strike would be now. I do not think we would be able to stop her, unless we risk ourselves being put into her crystal orbs to be used as batteries. I can imagine that possibly, with her mindset she would seek to convert most of the city's population, those she captures - into just that. I read that Tirek was destructive, but he was unable to perfectly replicate the spells of those who are captured like Spectra seemingly can. Let us eat, then."

"Best case scenario, is that she will be too busy elsewhere, for long enough that we can prepare. It will also give her more time to vanish from sight, and prepare for her next move, but unfortunately we will have to hope for the lesser of two evils in this situation, as it were. I think if we have not had any reports of her marching towards the city, or anything strange happening here within the next three hours, that she is likely elsewhere, rather than having made direct travel towards us."

Ghelzar would shrug slightly. He would be ready to fight, if the witch came here, but he would acknowledge that the ponies had some fair points. The captain especially, would know how thin the ranks were in town right now, and thus could make a better assessment. And it were not as if he gave up. It were merely a hypothetical situation, and how he would think it would turn out. A bit of foresight like that, were good for someone in charge.

Hailstorm would eat a light salad mix, with some ranch. Nothing too heavy, in case he had to get going with things. That he were the only one who wouldn't get meat were a surprise to him, as well as the food clerk, but it were not their place to judge. If she could eat it, then let her do so.

Ghelzar would sit with the captain, and exchange some stories over food. Mostly it were Hailstorm explaining how things were honestly, but Ghelzar did speak of how he had ended up in the Inquisition in the first place. How he had been blinded, his whole village slaughtered, the years he spent trying to find her center, and find a will to continue on, etc. They wouldn't disturb Magloria, lest she wanted it, and it seemed right now that she didn't, and just wanted to eat in peace. Neither of them had an issue with that.

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@Blitz Boom



"I needn't armor to tell me that. Your blood speaks volumes."

Frankly, she didn't even know, nor care what Arcadian armor looked like, so it would do little to actually convince her of things. The blood though? That did, as Arcadian blood were subtly, yet notably different, if you knew what you were dealing with. She hadn't seen it as pure as this before, but the specs and slivers remaining in others that had come here, gave her enough to work with. Not enough for them to work with though. The bloodlines were too thin these days, after so long. This one were not, yet she also didn't seem immortal. It were peculiar, but in the end, nothing for her to concern herself of currently. The mare hadn't an interest in fighting Thriceborne clearly - at least not currently - and she were unlikely to stand in the way of Thriceborne's work. As such, she were not currently her problem, and she'd leave others to fight her. They'd see if she managed to live long enough to become a being worth keeping a close eye on.

This would earn a sickly smile from Spectra. It were interesting to see such a grin on an otherwise innocent - looking, yet strong Earth Pony body. Spectra knew that Thriceborne could likely figure out that she was a pure blood Arcadian, as evidenced by her blood magic. Usually Spectra preferred that little be known about her. This were an exception. Spectra knew that something had to be done at all costs to get what she wanted. 


"W-What was that? How did I... Wait, that's not me, was it? I can't. B-But then what..."

She felt it, within her prison of inactivity, but she yet couldn't see. She could tell something had happened to her though. Something that must be really bad, if she could tell some kind of magic or something, ran through her, but without her being able to move her own body, or even open her eyes. Why did it feel like she couldn't use her eyes?

She would soon enough wake to her grim reality. Question were how long she'd despair, and how long it would be, before she'd actively try and do something about it. Might be she couldn't use her body, but she'd keep trying to fight for it. Maybe eventually, she'd be able to gain some agency. Potentially when Spectra were sleeping? Regardless, she'd probably learn soon too that it would take a god, or death to separate them, and if death were the only way out, she'd try hers to get them killed. Even if all she'd ever have were her voice, perhaps she could distract the mare at the right time, to where they could die. Sure she'd prefer to live, but if there were no other way, then she'd at least be free in death.

As for Thriceborne, she'd look on, but with a wholly neutral look. It were interesting enough, but she had seen much in her time. It took quite a bit to make her aghast with surprise. She supposed it were pretty enough though. You didn't see much rainbow colored magic, except for harmony.

"If you live, you will come back. You'd wish for more power, the visage of an alicorn, a longer life - There is many reasons that brings creatures to my temple, but greed guides them all. And you I cannot imagine being sated for long.

But we shall see what comes of you. Farewell for now."

She would turn her back, and wander over to the debris. She had a lot to do to sort this mess her temple had become, so she might as well get to it. She also wouldn't say or do more, unless Spectra got too greedy, and tried to add Thriceborne to her collection. It would not go well for her, if she tried.

Going off to look for her servant, his tracks were fairly simple to follow, to a point. He would have gone towards the camp they had seen when in the time pocket, now a mess, overgrown by nature, with tattered lines and rusty pots. His steps also went away by then. He were like gone from the face of the earth. Or if she looked upwards, from where his tracks stopped, she'd find that he were hanging above her, clothes torn from tears and cuts, as he'd dangle back and forth slightly in the wind.

By his front left hoof, that were. It seemed he were still alive, even if unconscious, but someone had roughed him up, and taken anything of worth from him, then hung him up here as a warning. His flute were also shattered on the ground, seemingly stomped upon. And if she from there on the ground, she'd find fresh tracks. Equine ones, from someone with big hooves, and they were heading in the direction of the young pony who were waiting in his boat.

It were now becoming clear what Thriceborne was talking about - hearing Yuma's voice in the back of her mind. This would be a voice that she could not silence, and little did Spectra know - she'd soon be able to see everything that was happening through her own eyes but be unable to do anything against it. Yuma knew very little about anything about Spectra, and in time, she'd learn more of her situation. Spectra would then speak to Yuma within her mind. "I have no doubt you are very confused at the moment. I didn't wish to harm you, your body suited my needs nicely. Don't worry, things will become more clear soon." Spectra said to Yuma within her mind. It was best in her eyes that she should establish some kind of "relationship" or working partnership with Yuma, as strange as it may be - it's best to have the voice in the back of your head be something that works with you. Though Spectra knew that Yuma was unlikely to willingly want to help her anytime soon. Didn't hurt to try though. 

Looking back to Thriceborne she would nod. "Only reason I do not want to be an Alicorn at the moment, is that it will make me more noticeable. Perhaps in time, I will return with a set of wings ready to be placed upon my back, as well as another offering for you. Be that as it may, I have work to do. I will be seeing you some time again." Spectra turned away from Thriceborne, and would not bother her further. She knew that if trying to add her to her collection wouldn't go well and perhaps, she'd be needing her again someday in the future.

After following his tracks, Spectra would come across the camp where they had been before - seeing it in it's abandoned overgrown state. Spectra would then notice his tracks ended, finding herself puzzled, she would look up. To her surprise she would see Operata hanging there. "Hmm...what have we here?" It were not known if he was still alive or not, but she wasn't going to let him hang like that. He has use to her. If he is to perish, it better be in combat at her side. Like that, with her magic she would untie the rope from his left hoof. Her magic carried him down and set him down. Spectra would come back later for him. She'd soon find that he was alive, rouged up a bit though. That was fine. They can deal with that later.

Spectra then would sprint after the fresh tracks, preparing a few spells. She weren't going to allow her way back to the shore to be ruined by some random thugs, whoever they were. Although something in the back of her mind made her think...what if it was Fae? Who somehow got out of the collapsing Temple, hid away for a while? Then struck suddenly when she realized that there was a way off the island? 





"The boss makes quality stuff, y'know."

"Yeah, Vulkan were right good, and he taught the boss the ropes."

"Heh, has to make sure he lives up to Vulkan's standards too. Else you know what'd happen."

"The old timer will come 'round and smack him again."

The two grinned, and exchanged a high brohoof, before going back to sort the gear.


The twins had taken the visor back, but they weren't working on it. That got down to Benny. They were sorting the blade out, whilst they were snickering and whispering to one another. Nothing harmless, just a bit of a fun tale they remembered, from seeing this sorta sword. Sounded like something with a swordfish.

"Thank you, Benny. Though what's this I hear about Vulkan smacking you?"

He'd look over towards the twins, and rolled his eyes, then looked back at them. His grin and facial expression would look a bit sheepish, and his right hand would come up behind his head, and scratch there, making him look even more like an awkward teen, that had just been caught in doing something dumb. He were still down on all fours though. benny didn't really walk on two feet, unless he were carrying something that required him to use two hands. He liked wandering around like a bipedal. Especially here among ponies, where it left a lot more things in eye height.

"They're just joking. Sorta. I... Didn't always listen well, or pay attention, when he were tutoring me, and that sort can cause trouble in a forge, y'know? A bit of a quick smack wakes one up, so to speak. Wasn't a lot he had to do it, but he did joke that if he heard I were slacking on quality, that he'd come by and remind me the old fashioned way. Least I think he were joking. It can be hard to tell with him sometimes, y'know?

You two done with stuff yet?"

"Helmet's done."

The one sorting the helmet would come over, and give it back to Stern. It were a bit lukewarm to the touch still, but if he tried it on, it would fit perfectly this time. He'd have to give the sword a bit more. Had to get nice and polished first.

"Sword should be done soon, so... How've you been doing, Stern? Still holding up?"

He might as well try to talk, right? Weren't much else he'd be doing right now, while he waited for them.

Stern would chuckle at their jokes a bit and then look to the helmet as it was returned to him. Putting the helmet on, he would do a few stances and movements with it to make sure that the issue had been dealt with. "There we go, fits like a glove. Yeah I noticed that you keep in mind quality of the gear that you are making, thats one of the things I remember Vulkan stressing back in the day. Seems like there was some kind of method found lately that makes the metal feel sturdier and tougher without actually weighing more. Not sure if it's something that was found recently, but, since I've been gone I would wager a guess." he nodded in approval and didn't seem like he was in that much of a hurry to get his sword back. The others would be sure to understand that he was going to have to have some time to adjust to things.

"I am done fine, all things considered. Despite it all I don't really feel that out of place or that I am reacting to things as much as one probably would think on paper. Guess I am just desensitized to it somewhat. There's going to be larger problems going on around here, that I can say without a doubt. Maybe there will be others like me, who were also guards, who will also need to come around here and get brought up to speed on equipment and stuff. Wouldn't say it's impossible, but just something you might want to be aware of incase there are others like me who were in the guard and got taken." he said, thinking it would be useful for them to know about it. 







"If she plans on laying low for that long, it will just give us more time to prepare, and to look for her. Maybe we haven't before, but we are aware of her now, and we have made connections with many other races, that can let us know if they find even a trace to go by. I worry that she is aware of that though, and thus will rush things more than normally, to not give us the time it would take to weed her out. It might leave her open to make mistakes, but it would also do us poorly."

"Magic is an ever evolving process. Always some who will try and outperform the last, or cover niches not done yet, so new ways of using magic pops up every so often. Innovative and helpful most of the time, but it have become enough of an issue with those who are less scrupulous, that we have needed to make use of specialists."

"It were only a good thing. It ever seemed just a matter of time before something magical would cause an issue too big for us to be prepared for. I will admit to not thinking it would be this though."

"Still, it could prove useful. But to return on topic, memory baubles are harmless things really. I believe they've started to teach that in ninth grade at her majesty's school these days."

It seemed they all agreed on things, which were good. The generals could put their hooves down and command to be the ones making the decisions, but it were ever easier, if others simply agreed with their assessments, and then worked from that, lest something would happen to bring their previous judgement into question. Things flowed easier that way.

"Best case scenario, is that she will be too busy elsewhere, for long enough that we can prepare. It will also give her more time to vanish from sight, and prepare for her next move, but unfortunately we will have to hope for the lesser of two evils in this situation, as it were. I think if we have not had any reports of her marching towards the city, or anything strange happening here within the next three hours, that she is likely elsewhere, rather than having made direct travel towards us."

Ghelzar would shrug slightly. He would be ready to fight, if the witch came here, but he would acknowledge that the ponies had some fair points. The captain especially, would know how thin the ranks were in town right now, and thus could make a better assessment. And it were not as if he gave up. It were merely a hypothetical situation, and how he would think it would turn out. A bit of foresight like that, were good for someone in charge.

Hailstorm would eat a light salad mix, with some ranch. Nothing too heavy, in case he had to get going with things. That he were the only one who wouldn't get meat were a surprise to him, as well as the food clerk, but it were not their place to judge. If she could eat it, then let her do so.

Ghelzar would sit with the captain, and exchange some stories over food. Mostly it were Hailstorm explaining how things were honestly, but Ghelzar did speak of how he had ended up in the Inquisition in the first place. How he had been blinded, his whole village slaughtered, the years he spent trying to find her center, and find a will to continue on, etc. They wouldn't disturb Magloria, lest she wanted it, and it seemed right now that she didn't, and just wanted to eat in peace. Neither of them had an issue with that.

While sitting there and eating, Magloria would have a lot on her mind at the moment. It would be quite a process to undo those orbs and have to deal with various personalities every time in doing so. Sure some would likely prove more amicable, while others would just be outright dangerous and needing to be arrested. Spectra's manner of storing orbs wasn't much of a prison sentence or anything like that. It was more like falling asleep and finding the world has changed more ways than one can imagine. If one was to put someone in prison they ought to learn from their mistakes and be left with their thoughts. Made her ponder to herself about what would happen with Spectra, if they would just want to banish her from Equestria or keep her locked away somewhere unable to return to power. 

Seems as if she might be a more notable case considering the others were more short lived in their reign of terror - and did not seem to do as much widespread damage. Tirek, sure he did a widespread rampage but he was relatively quickly dealt with from the sounds of things. What Hailstorm said was something to be concerned about. That she could be likely elsewhere planning something, or alternatively - be coming to Canterlot right at the moment to strike while they are weaker. Either case, Magloria had no control over this situation. 

With that in mind, she would focus on enjoying her meal and eat in peace. It had been a long time since she had been able to do such a thing. Magloria took her time, but inevitably she would finish as well as the others. When that happened, Magloria would get up to go throw her trash away and was ready to go where it was required. 

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@Props Valroa


On 2024-03-01 at 10:43 PM, Spectral Fade said:

"I have no doubt you are very confused at the moment. I didn't wish to harm you, your body suited my needs nicely. Don't worry, things will become more clear soon."

There wouldn't be words, but a feeling of confusion and worry would be evident, as Yuma heard the voice, and recognized it. The mare who had lured her away from others, and she wanted something with her body. Were she about to be sacrificed? Had she already been? Were... Were she dead?

There'd be this, and plenty more emotions, that Yuma tried tackling, as her body kept moving outside of her control. But at least it currently kept her quiet, for as long as that would remain true.

On 2024-03-01 at 10:43 PM, Spectral Fade said:

Looking back to Thriceborne she would nod. "Only reason I do not want to be an Alicorn at the moment, is that it will make me more noticeable. Perhaps in time, I will return with a set of wings ready to be placed upon my back, as well as another offering for you. Be that as it may, I have work to do. I will be seeing you some time again." Spectra turned away from Thriceborne, and would not bother her further. She knew that if trying to add her to her collection wouldn't go well and perhaps, she'd be needing her again someday in the future.

"We will see what happens."

Would she die before she reached this goal? Were she going to return in triumph? In the end, it mattered little to her, but they would see now, wouldn't they? For now, the mare had left a perfectly suitable Arcadian body behind. One older than it looked, with granted, an annoying limitation on it. Yet still... There were ways to deal with many things, and she knew just what to do with this. Though she doubted that Spectra would much like what those plans were. Not that she'd be anywhere near when it were used, but if ever she did find out, things might get somewhat lively.

On 2024-03-01 at 10:43 PM, Spectral Fade said:

Spectra then would sprint after the fresh tracks, preparing a few spells. She weren't going to allow her way back to the shore to be ruined by some random thugs, whoever they were. Although something in the back of her mind made her think...what if it was Fae? Who somehow got out of the collapsing Temple, hid away for a while? Then struck suddenly when she realized that there was a way off the island? 

Following the trial, she'd find a large tree had been cut through, and were sitting on its side, around a half meter from the point where the ground became too muddled with plant life and harder ground, to properly see tracks. The way the ground had been ruffled up due to the impact of this, were not helping things either. But there were still a few vaguely seen tracks, headed towards where the boat were. perhaps her ride would be gone, when she would come over and return to where she had been? A small matter probably, as she could teleport to some extend, but it would certainly still be annoying.

She'd soon enough get to the docks, and find that the boat were not currently in the water, off the docks.

Instead it were slightly on ground, with the young zebra cleaning it for a few algae that had begun latching on in recent times, that he hadn't had the time to deal with. he assumed he had time for this though, and would turn around when he heard a sound. It were the mare that the others had brought here unconscious. Alone. That made him somewhat nervous. What were going to happen now? Were she about to force him to move out of here, leaving the others behind, under threat of calling the law down on him? Would she stab him? It wasn't as if he knew anything about this one after all. She might be dangerous.

If she asked, he would say that no, he hadn't seen anyone else here. And if she started looking around, she wouldn't find any tracks here in the softer sand either, indicating a large equine had been here.

If this were Fae, she were playing games with her in some fashion. But where had she gone, if it were her? Fae were no small pony. It wouldn't be easy for her to simple hide in plain sight. Had she climbed up a tree or something?




On 2024-03-01 at 10:43 PM, Spectral Fade said:

"There we go, fits like a glove. Yeah I noticed that you keep in mind quality of the gear that you are making, thats one of the things I remember Vulkan stressing back in the day. Seems like there was some kind of method found lately that makes the metal feel sturdier and tougher without actually weighing more. Not sure if it's something that was found recently, but, since I've been gone I would wager a guess."

"Far as I know, the guard got access to a better vein of metal, and Vulkan figured out how to work it proper into lighter weight steel. It was before my time, but honestly, better materials tend to cause a better result. We do have standard light weight steel, that is still used for many normal armors, but I understood it as you being a bit on a special mission, so I used officer grade steel for this. I assume that were right?"

He'd look towards Foxglove, not as certain anymore.

"He's part of a special task currently. I would argue its best that he's geared properly."

"Phew, good to hear. Anyway, this stuff's a bit sturdier, and more flexible. You should be able to fight proper in this.

I used some good stuff for your weapon too, but it's not highest grade. That's reserved for a general's order, but I still think you'll like it."

On 2024-03-01 at 10:43 PM, Spectral Fade said:

"I am done fine, all things considered. Despite it all I don't really feel that out of place or that I am reacting to things as much as one probably would think on paper. Guess I am just desensitized to it somewhat. There's going to be larger problems going on around here, that I can say without a doubt. Maybe there will be others like me, who were also guards, who will also need to come around here and get brought up to speed on equipment and stuff. Wouldn't say it's impossible, but just something you might want to be aware of incase there are others like me who were in the guard and got taken."

"Huh, might be? I'll keep an eye out for sure, though I didn't expect us to be bored anytime soon. The whole guard, Moon and Solar, are rushing around, picking up every bit or armor and weapon available. Things are heating up, heh. Sorry, maybe a bad time for a joke.

*cough* A-Anyway, I'm sure things will be a bit more chaotic for you, once things are done, and you get a chance to settle down, and take a proper look at everything. Heck, I'm still surprised and mystified by some of the things I see sometimes, and I've been in Equestria for 5 years now. Still a lot of *Fish out of water* kind of things, y'know? If you need to talk, from one fish to another, try come around sometimes. It'd be interesting hearing more than old stories about you. Cause really, you aren't living up to those I remember right now. I still have all my fangs."

He'd give off a goofy grin. It were rather hard to find Benny threatening, even for the most dragon-cautious, so that had certainly helped him to fit in better than some of his other, more brutish kin. And this were still him doing rather well. Those who had seen seen him stumble over himself if his marefriend came around, or wander around with a piece of caramel in his scales, trying to find out where the smell came from, had it even harder arguing that he were some sort of secret danger for the guard.

"Got it boss. Feast your eyes on this beauty."

The one that had handled the blade would hold it up, and present it to Stern. Sharp and glistening in the light, the blade were as he had asked it to be. Yes this would take a while, if done from scratch, but at times they had faulty things done here. Mostly a blade being bigger than intended. Benny had gotten in a habit of keeping some around, so in case something came up, that was a rush order, he could reshape that and thus do it faster. This were one of those cases, where he just had to take the oversized blade of something from a few months ago, and then shave it down, form the blade properly, and then have it nice and ready. It even had a leather handle, to allow for a more comfortable grip with either hoof or teeth. He assumed Stern didn't mind.

Of course, that part had only been added after it got out of the forge, but that were part of the finishing touches the twins had done on it, and it were nice and solidly attached. Wouldn't just slip off or anything of the sort.

If Stern took it, and took a few practice swings, he'd find the blade light, but razor sharp. If he put some weight of his own into it, it would probably slice through most things he put the blade to, that were realistic. So like... Not diamond. Bad idea.

"Nice, right? Try putting it on your back, and you'll see it gets stuck there. Same if you hold it down your side. Vulkan taught me that higher grade metal of this sort, can be made somewhat magnetic to stuff that's made with it's own materials, so there's a bit in the core of the blade, that helps it latch on. It's pretty nifty. Especially for stuff so sharp that it might destroy a scabbard, but you can run with that if you want. Up to you really."




The others enjoyed their meals well. Though he had expected otherwise, Hailstorm would find that Ghelzar actually ate with good table manners. He didn't make a mess, or just shoved his whole face down into the tray. He'd take bites, cut, etc. with actual table manners. Including using a fork and knife. Not always he had that luxury out in the field, but this place had cutlery. He'd comply with that, and eat right. He wouldn't even slurp his water.

Of course, another reason to eat with utensils, were that if a fight happened, you'd have a couple of weapons with you, but that minor tidbit were not all that important.

When they were done, they would go and deposit their trays the right place, with Ghelzar also going and thanking the mare at the counter for the meal, before returning to Hailstorm, who were about ready for them to wander off, soon as Magloria were. And since it seemed she too were ready, it were time to go.

"It seems all are prepared. let us get back to work."

It weren't a long way back to the crystal room. Sure there were a lot of paths in here, but he knew where to go, and it were not as bad as in Shark Bay. The Coastal Guard headquarters were expansive and gnarled, as it also functioned as an extra layer of security for them, and they had enough to fight out there, that it were often needed.

Returning, they'd find that the ones whom they had left, had gone around and were looking over the various ones, and marking them with their assumption of danger level. The centaur had a large *Danger* warning on him, showing that this one weren't trusted all that much. Understandably so, just from the looks alone, though something told Hailstorm that if they checked up on it, they'd find this one had a story too, that would just make him an even bigger problem.

"Now then, whom to pick next... I think we should try and find somepony low brow. We have had a notable amount of higher end targets for now. We could do with one with a less... Storied legacy, if possible."

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@Blitz Boom



Following the trial, she'd find a large tree had been cut through, and were sitting on its side, around a half meter from the point where the ground became too muddled with plant life and harder ground, to properly see tracks. The way the ground had been ruffled up due to the impact of this, were not helping things either. But there were still a few vaguely seen tracks, headed towards where the boat were. perhaps her ride would be gone, when she would come over and return to where she had been? A small matter probably, as she could teleport to some extend, but it would certainly still be annoying.

She'd soon enough get to the docks, and find that the boat were not currently in the water, off the docks.

Instead it were slightly on ground, with the young zebra cleaning it for a few algae that had begun latching on in recent times, that he hadn't had the time to deal with. he assumed he had time for this though, and would turn around when he heard a sound. It were the mare that the others had brought here unconscious. Alone. That made him somewhat nervous. What were going to happen now? Were she about to force him to move out of here, leaving the others behind, under threat of calling the law down on him? Would she stab him? It wasn't as if he knew anything about this one after all. She might be dangerous.

If she asked, he would say that no, he hadn't seen anyone else here. And if she started looking around, she wouldn't find any tracks here in the softer sand either, indicating a large equine had been here.

If this were Fae, she were playing games with her in some fashion. But where had she gone, if it were her? Fae were no small pony. It wouldn't be easy for her to simple hide in plain sight. Had she climbed up a tree or something?

For now, Spectra would not focus on Yuma. It was clear that the more time would go on, the more awake and aware Yuma would be. Soon enough she'd be able to see what were happening with her own eyes once her mind got settled into its new position. As Spectra arrived at the docks she would search around for the boat - half expecting it to be gone. As she moved about she'd keep her eyes darting around. From the trees, to her sides - to all possible angles. It were a natural response from someone as skilled at combat as she. Perhaps it wouldn't so bad to put her new body to the rest. Though knowing Spectra, she preferred to avoid obstacles and move along merrily. 

"There's no time to explain, there is someone dangerous on the loose here. My partner, the stallion I was with had been hung on a tree. I don't want the same happening to you. I have an idea of who it is or what it could be, and if what I think is true - you don't stand a chance on your own." Spectra said to the Zebra, not even allowing him any explanation based on what happened with the bodily transfer. He didn't need to know that. Spectra had a few spells at the ready here as well as her famous blade. Perhaps there would be a chance for blood to be spilled in it's name soon, after all. Because of Yuma's body, there would be no way for him to tell this was the same mare he had dealt with before.

It all depended on who was moving about and what they were planning on doing. Spectra didn't really care about the Zebra that much. He were a pawn. Pawns were useful. It were better that that they remain alive and do their part. If the Zebra were to perish here, it would be unfortunate. It would be annoying for her to go back, get Operata and teleport all the way across the river. Spectra could do it. She just didn't want to.

For now, Spectra would plan to stay with her back against the water - looking out over the trees at the ready. There were more time needed to determine what was at stake here. 





"Far as I know, the guard got access to a better vein of metal, and Vulkan figured out how to work it proper into lighter weight steel. It was before my time, but honestly, better materials tend to cause a better result. We do have standard light weight steel, that is still used for many normal armors, but I understood it as you being a bit on a special mission, so I used officer grade steel for this. I assume that were right?"

He'd look towards Foxglove, not as certain anymore.

"He's part of a special task currently. I would argue its best that he's geared properly."

"Phew, good to hear. Anyway, this stuff's a bit sturdier, and more flexible. You should be able to fight proper in this.

I used some good stuff for your weapon too, but it's not highest grade. That's reserved for a general's order, but I still think you'll like it."

"Huh, might be? I'll keep an eye out for sure, though I didn't expect us to be bored anytime soon. The whole guard, Moon and Solar, are rushing around, picking up every bit or armor and weapon available. Things are heating up, heh. Sorry, maybe a bad time for a joke.

*cough* A-Anyway, I'm sure things will be a bit more chaotic for you, once things are done, and you get a chance to settle down, and take a proper look at everything. Heck, I'm still surprised and mystified by some of the things I see sometimes, and I've been in Equestria for 5 years now. Still a lot of *Fish out of water* kind of things, y'know? If you need to talk, from one fish to another, try come around sometimes. It'd be interesting hearing more than old stories about you. Cause really, you aren't living up to those I remember right now. I still have all my fangs."

He'd give off a goofy grin. It were rather hard to find Benny threatening, even for the most dragon-cautious, so that had certainly helped him to fit in better than some of his other, more brutish kin. And this were still him doing rather well. Those who had seen seen him stumble over himself if his marefriend came around, or wander around with a piece of caramel in his scales, trying to find out where the smell came from, had it even harder arguing that he were some sort of secret danger for the guard.

"Got it boss. Feast your eyes on this beauty."

The one that had handled the blade would hold it up, and present it to Stern. Sharp and glistening in the light, the blade were as he had asked it to be. Yes this would take a while, if done from scratch, but at times they had faulty things done here. Mostly a blade being bigger than intended. Benny had gotten in a habit of keeping some around, so in case something came up, that was a rush order, he could reshape that and thus do it faster. This were one of those cases, where he just had to take the oversized blade of something from a few months ago, and then shave it down, form the blade properly, and then have it nice and ready. It even had a leather handle, to allow for a more comfortable grip with either hoof or teeth. He assumed Stern didn't mind.

Of course, that part had only been added after it got out of the forge, but that were part of the finishing touches the twins had done on it, and it were nice and solidly attached. Wouldn't just slip off or anything of the sort.

If Stern took it, and took a few practice swings, he'd find the blade light, but razor sharp. If he put some weight of his own into it, it would probably slice through most things he put the blade to, that were realistic. So like... Not diamond. Bad idea.

"Nice, right? Try putting it on your back, and you'll see it gets stuck there. Same if you hold it down your side. Vulkan taught me that higher grade metal of this sort, can be made somewhat magnetic to stuff that's made with it's own materials, so there's a bit in the core of the blade, that helps it latch on. It's pretty nifty. Especially for stuff so sharp that it might destroy a scabbard, but you can run with that if you want. Up to you really."

"I remember something about the Guard actively searching for better veins of metal for many years. I didn't really think they would be able to find a better one, but hey, great to hear that they finally found it. I'm fine with the armor I have gotten, it's certainly an upgrade from the old stuff. It will do the job just fine on the mission I am going to be involved in." he nodded with a grin and then would address what else he said about being in Equestria. "I'll definitely be around to talk in the future. Let me just say that things are getting more dangerous and it's likely there will be some kind of incident in the near future so I would just be prepared if I were you. I have a lot of old stories to talk about, if I were to get into it, we'd be here all day." Stern Steel would chuckle, and then look over at the sword.

Looking over at the sword that had been prepared to him - he would take a few moments to look it over. It were glistening, fresh and at the ready. Stern would take it in his hooves and test out the balance of it. Then he'd see how well it were when put into it's holder on the armor. It was light. Better quality and better weight than the old stuff he worked and trained on years ago. Stern didn't seem to care that it were something that had been shave down from something else. He were just thankful that it were finished. "Razor sharp, light weight - just my style. You know, the training swords I had trained with were just awful things, really. Then when we got into the guard, we were given access to better stuff but none of that compares to this fine piece of craft here." he'd say, then testing it out how it stuck to the armor like a magnet. Even better than putting it into the holder. Made for a much faster way to be prepared for combat situations. It were the precious seconds in situations like that - that made the difference between life and death.

"I like that feature. Does that job. If that will be all, I have to attend some important matters. Thank you for the craftsmanship." he nodded in a respectful fashion, but it was clear he wanted report for duty and get involved with his mission. He were a guard after all.

If nothing else, he would return to the room with the Orbs - ready to join up with the other guards.






The others enjoyed their meals well. Though he had expected otherwise, Hailstorm would find that Ghelzar actually ate with good table manners. He didn't make a mess, or just shoved his whole face down into the tray. He'd take bites, cut, etc. with actual table manners. Including using a fork and knife. Not always he had that luxury out in the field, but this place had cutlery. He'd comply with that, and eat right. He wouldn't even slurp his water.

Of course, another reason to eat with utensils, were that if a fight happened, you'd have a couple of weapons with you, but that minor tidbit were not all that important.

When they were done, they would go and deposit their trays the right place, with Ghelzar also going and thanking the mare at the counter for the meal, before returning to Hailstorm, who were about ready for them to wander off, soon as Magloria were. And since it seemed she too were ready, it were time to go.

"It seems all are prepared. let us get back to work."

It weren't a long way back to the crystal room. Sure there were a lot of paths in here, but he knew where to go, and it were not as bad as in Shark Bay. The Coastal Guard headquarters were expansive and gnarled, as it also functioned as an extra layer of security for them, and they had enough to fight out there, that it were often needed.

Returning, they'd find that the ones whom they had left, had gone around and were looking over the various ones, and marking them with their assumption of danger level. The centaur had a large *Danger* warning on him, showing that this one weren't trusted all that much. Understandably so, just from the looks alone, though something told Hailstorm that if they checked up on it, they'd find this one had a story too, that would just make him an even bigger problem.

"Now then, whom to pick next... I think we should try and find somepony low brow. We have had a notable amount of higher end targets for now. We could do with one with a less... Storied legacy, if possible."

Magloria would nod silently and follow out of the cafeteria. It were a nice cafeteria and she honestly did not mind mingling about the guards here. Just that her mindset was that she didn't like the Monarchy at all. Luna though - there were something about her that was different from Celestia. Perhaps Magloria thought that Luna wasn't so bad after all. Either way, Magloria were ready to see what had been done with the orbs in her absence.

Following into the large room the orbs were kept in she would observe the ones that were marked off. It were obvious that the Centaur, and the large dragons that were kept in larger orbs were put on the high danger level with warnings posted on their orbs. There were others who seemed to be put on some medium grade - which looked like they could possibly be dangerous. Regardless, Magloria would agree with Hailstorm's assessment. "Hm. Perhaps this one?" Magloria would ask, pointing to one of the orbs that had been marked off as a low level danger. Inside the orb, was Spoiled Rich - a business mare, a Canterlot upper-elite mare, actually. That one had been gone for the past 3 years. The mare weren't a dangerous sort in any least, was a rather high profile missing case, however. After it was found that her mansion in Ponyville had burnt down with no body or perpetrator being ever found. Of course, Magloria didn't know of the story. It were likely some of the other guards here would, however.


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@Props Valroa


The zebra opened his mouth, very confused, but he'd shut it, and just nod before a word escaped him. Whatever were going on right now, he got the feeling that this were one of those *It's best if you don't know, and just do what you're told* situations, that were best just left unanswered. So he'd just return to his boat, and hope that whomever he were warned about, wouldn't come and he'd assume beat him up and steal his boat. Better than getting killed, but it would still be a big issue, as he needed his boat to continue making a living. He wasn't suited for the jungle work. Too dangerous in there.

As for SPectra? She could stare at the forest all she wanted, but there wasn't going to be anyone that would suddenly jump out and attack her. There'd be some vague rustling of trees further in, but that might as well just be a boar, rubbing up against the tree, or something of the sort.

If she waited for more than ten minutes, Operata would show up, having yet again discarded a suit, as it had been overly damaged. Good that he bought in bulk, but still, it were an annoyance. He seemed sullen and wouldn't talk. Especially after he looked at Spectra in her new shell. It made him feel dreadful, knowing what he had been part of here. That mare had not deserved to die.

If she did not have patience though, she would find him awake near the tree, with big hoofsteps suggesting that he hadn't been alone for all that long. Either way, he didn't seem all that talkative right now. A boon or a curse, depending on how annoyed she currently would be with his yapping.




On 2024-03-05 at 9:03 PM, Magloria said:

"Razor sharp, light weight - just my style. You know, the training swords I had trained with were just awful things, really. Then when we got into the guard, we were given access to better stuff but none of that compares to this fine piece of craft here."

"Well yeah, can you imagine if the training swords weren't dulled? You'd have chopped off limbs just about every week, from someone clumsy with a sword, swinging it poorly, or dropping it mid swing, instead of the bruises and bumps you have now. It'd be a literal bloody mess.

But heh, thanks for the compliments. I try my best. We dragons have our pride after all, and I take pride in my work. And because if it fails, someone might die, and I don't want that hanging over my head. I'm not really that sorta hardened, brutish types. My oldest sister Silvertooth though? Oof. She'd pick up the corpses and use them as toothpicks. She inherited mom's brutal nature.

As for being prepared, I am. Situated nicely here at the forge, ready to work overtime to sort the guard proper. The guard needs fighters yeah, but they also need to have some weapons and armor to live through it. Best if I focus on that sort, and let the professionals do theirs. Not much of a fighter if I'm honest."

Sure he could do some. It was required when you joined the guard, even the clerical staff - though Parch's introduction to things were done before some guards great great grandfoals wandered their halls - but that didn't mean you were great at it. Just adequate, and that is how Benny saw himself. An adequate fighter, best suited for doing his stuff here. Same with the twins, though that were also partially because they were a little silly. Or as some guards would say: A liability, bound to cost lives if they were put in the field.

Much like with Vulkan before him though, Benny were pretty sure he were covered under the statute of *Last resort regiment*. So if everything else had failed, and honestly? If it came to that, he'd defect, go pick up his marefriend, and fly them to Saddle Arabia. He heard it were a rough, but alright place to live. Though it were doubtful it would go that route, as the Equestrian army would more or less have to be completely crippled for things to go that bad. Which far as he knew, hadn't happened yet. Kind of. Some more storied ones had started mumbling and wandering away, so... He'd assume something dragon related, and it were awkward that he asked.

On 2024-03-05 at 9:03 PM, Magloria said:

"I like that feature. Does that job. If that will be all, I have to attend some important matters. Thank you for the craftsmanship." he nodded in a respectful fashion, but it was clear he wanted report for duty and get involved with his mission. He were a guard after all.

If nothing else, he would return to the room with the Orbs - ready to join up with the other guards.

"Take care, and try and stay safe, alright? You're well suited up, but that doesn't mean you're invincible."

"I'm sure things will be fine, Benny. Do take care."

They'd start to walk away, when Foxglove would raise her voice a bit more, whilst behind her, one of the twins followed her with his eyes.

"Never gonna happen, Racket."

The other one next to him would snicker at that comment, whilst Racket would chuckle.

"That's what they said about Stern returning too, and see how that turned out."

"Dude, you're so out of your league."

"Shut up, Wheezy."

The two of them would start bopping at one another, making Benny roll his eyes and wander back into the forge. He'd better get to work while they sorted themselves out.

If they went on their way proper, they should return about the same time as the others.




"Spoiled Rich? A fairly docile mare from what I recall in the report. Yes, I believe she should do nicely."

Several of the guards knew who this were, and that were also why she were ranked as a rather low risk target. An easier judgement to make, when you had a reasonable idea of who it were you were looking at.

The disappearance of a noble were not something that tended to go by unnoticed, and the circumstances with the fire just made it stand out further. It had long been thought that she were one of Operata's early victims though. This threw a spanner at that theory, but there were probably family who would be glad that she were not in the state that some of those he had taken away were in, when they'd be returned.

It were questionable what mood she'd be in, when she would be released, or how she would act, but well... Nobles would be nobles. A fair few of them were taxing to deal with, and could be unpredictable, which were why it were important to remain calm and steadfast. Wavering would just make things worse, at least in his own, personal experience.

He'd give the green light for them to start on her, and depending on when the others showed, they'd perhaps be able to see the start of this, or would join in not long after at the least. Should be a fairly easy and non-impactful release, compared to the last few.

As for the last few in question, Veil were not present in the room currently. Nor were Shade, or Mausoleum. Shade would likely be called elsewhere, but where the other two had gone, were anypony's guess. They were probably just off to talk or something for now, somewhere in the building.

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@Blitz Boom



The zebra opened his mouth, very confused, but he'd shut it, and just nod before a word escaped him. Whatever were going on right now, he got the feeling that this were one of those *It's best if you don't know, and just do what you're told* situations, that were best just left unanswered. So he'd just return to his boat, and hope that whomever he were warned about, wouldn't come and he'd assume beat him up and steal his boat. Better than getting killed, but it would still be a big issue, as he needed his boat to continue making a living. He wasn't suited for the jungle work. Too dangerous in there.

As for SPectra? She could stare at the forest all she wanted, but there wasn't going to be anyone that would suddenly jump out and attack her. There'd be some vague rustling of trees further in, but that might as well just be a boar, rubbing up against the tree, or something of the sort.

If she waited for more than ten minutes, Operata would show up, having yet again discarded a suit, as it had been overly damaged. Good that he bought in bulk, but still, it were an annoyance. He seemed sullen and wouldn't talk. Especially after he looked at Spectra in her new shell. It made him feel dreadful, knowing what he had been part of here. That mare had not deserved to die.

If she did not have patience though, she would find him awake near the tree, with big hoofsteps suggesting that he hadn't been alone for all that long. Either way, he didn't seem all that talkative right now. A boon or a curse, depending on how annoyed she currently would be with his yapping.

Spectra waited there, at the ready in the case that a combat situation would evolve. It did not, as she'd see Operata slinking over to them. It were clear that he were not in the best of condition. She would ask him what would happen in a bit - while they were far from here. If he needed help, she would have helped him into the boat. Once they were ready to go, Spectra would urge the Zebra to make haste in getting them across the river. Spectra just wanted to get as far from here as possible - as well as Equestria, to be frank.

If nothing had happened, Spectra would have lead the way to the wagon they stored away. With all the supplies they needed, Spectra would look on her map and began to look over the map she had of Equestria and surrounding areas. Now that they were complete with the task of another body - Spectra would aim to discuss potential avenues for locations they could venture off to.

"So, let us discuss routes. First order of business would be to leave Equestria. Get out of Equestria. They cannot legally hunt us down if we are beyond the borders and in another area. Those of great power would likely ignore this, so we would need to find somewhere to venture off to that few would look to." Spectra would suggest, thinking of somewhere long term they could go to. 





"Well yeah, can you imagine if the training swords weren't dulled? You'd have chopped off limbs just about every week, from someone clumsy with a sword, swinging it poorly, or dropping it mid swing, instead of the bruises and bumps you have now. It'd be a literal bloody mess.

But heh, thanks for the compliments. I try my best. We dragons have our pride after all, and I take pride in my work. And because if it fails, someone might die, and I don't want that hanging over my head. I'm not really that sorta hardened, brutish types. My oldest sister Silvertooth though? Oof. She'd pick up the corpses and use them as toothpicks. She inherited mom's brutal nature.

As for being prepared, I am. Situated nicely here at the forge, ready to work overtime to sort the guard proper. The guard needs fighters yeah, but they also need to have some weapons and armor to live through it. Best if I focus on that sort, and let the professionals do theirs. Not much of a fighter if I'm honest."

Sure he could do some. It was required when you joined the guard, even the clerical staff - though Parch's introduction to things were done before some guards great great grandfoals wandered their halls - but that didn't mean you were great at it. Just adequate, and that is how Benny saw himself. An adequate fighter, best suited for doing his stuff here. Same with the twins, though that were also partially because they were a little silly. Or as some guards would say: A liability, bound to cost lives if they were put in the field.

Much like with Vulkan before him though, Benny were pretty sure he were covered under the statute of *Last resort regiment*. So if everything else had failed, and honestly? If it came to that, he'd defect, go pick up his marefriend, and fly them to Saddle Arabia. He heard it were a rough, but alright place to live. Though it were doubtful it would go that route, as the Equestrian army would more or less have to be completely crippled for things to go that bad. Which far as he knew, hadn't happened yet. Kind of. Some more storied ones had started mumbling and wandering away, so... He'd assume something dragon related, and it were awkward that he asked.

"Take care, and try and stay safe, alright? You're well suited up, but that doesn't mean you're invincible."

"I'm sure things will be fine, Benny. Do take care."

They'd start to walk away, when Foxglove would raise her voice a bit more, whilst behind her, one of the twins followed her with his eyes.

"Never gonna happen, Racket."

The other one next to him would snicker at that comment, whilst Racket would chuckle.

"That's what they said about Stern returning too, and see how that turned out."

"Dude, you're so out of your league."

"Shut up, Wheezy."

The two of them would start bopping at one another, making Benny roll his eyes and wander back into the forge. He'd better get to work while they sorted themselves out.

If they went on their way proper, they should return about the same time as the others.

Made a lot of sense, now that he thought about it. Though the more brutal side of Stern thought that they should train with full deadly weapons just so that those training with them can feel that sense of danger and urgency that a real combat scenario would have. Of course he never really said such things. He knew the guard had it's rules and regulations, there being a reason for all of them in it's many centuries of existence. Still though, if he had complete control over the guard? The guard would look different. Less pampering, more shouting and regimentation perhaps. Perhaps he thought the state of the guard was a bit soft, but he knew little - so he'd keep an open mind. For now. 

With that in mind, he would look to Benny and the two twins with an appreciative look. "Thank you again. Like I said, don't be surprised if you see more like me coming around here, asking for stuff to get equipped with. I'll be seeing you around, no doubt about that." he said, and would lead the way back to the other room. Honestly, Stern were in the mood to get back into the swing of things. Prove his worth, and put aside other rumors that had been spoken about him. He had enough awareness to know that a lot of it came from true events, but his stubborn side thought somewhat that he could do no wrong when it came to other, lesser ranking guards. 

It was time to prove himself and get back to his job. Would be tough adjusting, he would bet. 








"Spoiled Rich? A fairly docile mare from what I recall in the report. Yes, I believe she should do nicely."

Several of the guards knew who this were, and that were also why she were ranked as a rather low risk target. An easier judgement to make, when you had a reasonable idea of who it were you were looking at.

The disappearance of a noble were not something that tended to go by unnoticed, and the circumstances with the fire just made it stand out further. It had long been thought that she were one of Operata's early victims though. This threw a spanner at that theory, but there were probably family who would be glad that she were not in the state that some of those he had taken away were in, when they'd be returned.

It were questionable what mood she'd be in, when she would be released, or how she would act, but well... Nobles would be nobles. A fair few of them were taxing to deal with, and could be unpredictable, which were why it were important to remain calm and steadfast. Wavering would just make things worse, at least in his own, personal experience.

He'd give the green light for them to start on her, and depending on when the others showed, they'd perhaps be able to see the start of this, or would join in not long after at the least. Should be a fairly easy and non-impactful release, compared to the last few.

As for the last few in question, Veil were not present in the room currently. Nor were Shade, or Mausoleum. Shade would likely be called elsewhere, but where the other two had gone, were anypony's guess. They were probably just off to talk or something for now, somewhere in the building.

The guards in the room would notice that Stern Steel had returned - though he did not say anything. He would simply show that he had equipped himself and was ready to listen for further instructions and recede into the background. He had nothing else to really say for the moment and merely thought it best to keep a low profile. Magloria had looked over and noticed that he had returned, but didn't say anything. It wasn't really something she had anything to say for either.

As for the one contained in the orb, Magloria thought the name was a bit odd. Magloria knew nothing about her, so assumed this would be fine. Stern Steel would observe the opening of the orb, or perhaps he would have been involved with opening up the orb itself. Either way, the mare inside of the orb would be exposed to the fresh air - with a misty fog flowing out of the orb like water. The mare's body would move and she'd step out of the orb, looking around the room with a look that was similar to that of a harsh school teacher. The mare did not freak out. Nor did she really seem to react much at all - just with slight confusion, and suspicion.

"Where am I?" the mare would ask, her voice quick and to the point. Magloria would step forward. "You are in Canterlot. You are inside of the Equestrian Guard's Headquarters, of which you have been rescued from being imprisoned for an unknown period of time, at least to me, anyway. There are a lot of other ones like yourself. Please remain calm." Magloria would say in an authoritative, cool manner. 

Spoiled Rich would step forward. "I don't know who you are supposed to be, but when I get my hooves on whoever was behind this, they will pay a hefty fine, hmpf!" the mare said, turning away and looking out over the other orbs. Spoiled Rich displayed a face of disgust that she was ever in this sort of situation. "I'm going to need a lawyer for this, somebody tell me what's going on and why I came out of...whatever that is." the mare spoke, pointing her hoof at nobody in particular. 

At least she was a lot more sane than Ghelzar was. 


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@Props Valroa


The zebra would look confused, not knowing why this one took control now. And to leave? But what of his employer? Where were she? He would hesitate, but then Operata would get near and whisper something in his ear. Something which made him gulp, and push the boat back into the water, so they could be on their way.

On the way off, he would remain sullen, with his beaten brow held low, and refusing to look directly at Spectra.

"...It be okay with miss, if I answer this?"

The Zebra would open his mouth to speak, as it seemed her companion were not, and well... It were probably good to answer her, yes?

He would speak in rhyme of course, as Zebra were prone to do, but it would still simply state that Troy would likely be her best bet. They didn't have an extradition deal with Equestria, so they would not be able to demand her back, and it were known that they sometimes openly welcomes enemies of Equestria, if they knew something that could give them an edge in the war, or were willing to fight for their side. It would be simpler to say so directly, but zebra had a strict cultural rule about that. Those who didn't speak that way, tended to be born away from their societies, and thus hadn't been taught. Or were exiles, or in a desperate state, where being somewhat vague wasn't an option.

Around two thirds of the way through though, she may notice something over his shoulder. A raft, some distance from them. It were impossible to see proper from this distance, but whomever were on it, looked fairly big, and the angle suggested it had also come from the island. They might not be the only ones that were going to cause trouble somewhere, though this were bound to be less large scale. considering the exploding mountain. Hard to top that one.




The behavior were not surprising sadly. While he had said that she were fairly docile, she were still of the higher society, and those pones tended to be very... Taxing, to deal with at times. As were on display here.

"I am Captain Hailstorm, of the Solar Guards. You were kidnapped three years ago, and kept frozen in stasis, to be used as a magical battery. Your house were burned down shortly after your disappearance, and you have been declared a missing pony since. In three months, you would have been considered legally dead."

He were neutral, and straight tot he facts here. Nobles were notorious for their ways of looking down upon others, and if you wavered, it would only empower them. It were up for debate if this one were the same, but his current impression were not positive.

As if she knew him? Highly doubtful. He had been a captain back then too, but nobles rarely cared for individual guards, lest they were on their payroll. An unfortunate thing, that they continuously tried to handle, yet weak hearts with a craving for gold, were sadly not so easily halted.

"You and several others, were recently rescued, and are being released over the next few days. If you feel inclined, you are of course welcome to make immediate contact to your lawyer, and extended family, to begin the legal framework of having your status confirmed to be safe and alive, so you can have yourself reinstated properly into things again. As well as whatever things you deem important to have done at this time.

As for the one who did it, we have a name and a face, but the investigation is ongoing. I cannot share more details at this time."

The last thing he needed were the attention of a bunch of nobles, putting pressure on them to deal with this. It were annoying enough when they did it with Operata, and this would just increase the pressure, and they did not have the time to deal with that nonsense currently. Nor for them to hire bounty hunters, that would get in their way.

Ghelzar at this time, tired of them, and would wander past the noble, not offering her even a nod of the neck, or acknowledgement that she were there, beyond not walking over her. He would go and try and get a feel for these crystals, to find if perhaps some detail would spring out to him, as his talons gently ran across them.

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@Blitz Boom


Spectra would allow him to answer her line of questioning. Troy would be a good place to go to - it were beyond Equestria and were not on friendly terms with Equestria. It were possible that she could get involved with them politically and manipulate them a bit, fund their efforts and give them access to various weapons and stuff she has stolen over the years. Troy was one place she never looked or delved into - so everything she did was limited to Equestria. That were a good plan. 

Looking off in the distance she would see that another individual had been on a raft. Evidently she were not the only one here - so it was best to move on without rousing suspicion. Spectra didn't really care about what others affairs were. When they were across the river Spectra would tell the Zebra that it was unlikely that they would see each other anytime soon and that he is to keep his mouth shut about this. Spectra didn't really care about Operata telling him that Spectra had gotten a new body. Afterwards Spectra would check the carriage to make sure everything was there, and depart the area - headed towards Troy.

On the map it seemed like it would involve quite a bit of traveling as Troy was towards the south and they had some ways to go towards then. Thankfully there weren't any major Equestrian cities on the way there, so it seems like they would be able to travel there. Just would take some time. It would be several days, if not weeks of travel. Plenty of time to strategize and get out of Equestrian affairs.

Yuma would likely be able to come "Around" and speak to Spectra in her mind eventually. 




Spoiled Rich would stand there with a strange look on her face. Her eye twitched in silent horror as she stood there for a few moments, stunned and unable to speak. "That-that's...uh, quite troubling, to say the least..." she said, stunned into silence as she stood there and looked over the orbs with a look of shock now that the weight of the situation was setting into her mind here. "I will work on that right away. The Rich family home, to think that it is gone because of the actions of some criminal cook! When I regain my status, I'll get my lawyer and business together and we'll begin a long, hefty case, for whoever it is when they show their faces around again!" she huffed to herself and raised her snoot in the air.

"I am sure there will be much work of this. I'll get immediate contact with my lawyer and my lawyer will be in open communication with the guard throughout this incident. " then she started to walk off towards the exit. Magloria would turn to her. "Would recommend that you get looked at by the doctors we have on site here to make sure there aren't adverse affects. The doctors here are on standby for this situation." Magloria said calmly.

All Spoiled Rich did is roll her eyes as she aimed to walk out of the place - but would accept that and have the guards lead her to the doctors office, then she'd seek to get into immediate contact with her lawyer. She knew what to do, and were intent on doing what was needed. 

In the meantime, Ghelzar would feel the crystalline orbs themselves were perfectly smooth - there were no imperfections beyond the occasional ice growth on them. Kept at a very low temperature. 

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@Props Valroa


The zebra nodded, wearing that as with the last time, he would not share a word of this to others. He might not understand in full what were going on, but he knew enough to understand that he should simply continue to do as he were told, and be helpful in that manner.

Though he would still say something, as they were wanting to go to Troy. He were not greatly familiar with places outside of this village, but he did read maps at times. So he knew that if they followed the coast for some time more, there were a river they could follow or ride upon, that would get them within a hundred kilometers of the border in about three days. They could get there with little in the way of eyes on them, long as they avoided a few places like the haunted woods, and Deltrot. Definitely needed to stay clear of Deltrot.

He'd offer to find them his map, if they could wait for him but a few minutes, after they returned to the village. He did not need it anymore, and he got the feeling that being in the lady's good grazes, would yield him a safer life in the longer terms, than if he were indifferent. Because with everything going on here, he couldn't exactly rule out that she wanted to do something horrible to him, just to make sure he'd shut up about these tricks. perhaps he were too worried, but what reason were there, to take the risk? It were simply a map, not the blood of his family.

"Only place you need to go, is prison, you monster!"

It seemed Yuma finally get a bit of awareness again, and were going to the next stage of having to realize what were happening to here, even without being able to see: Anger.

"Or maybe even Tartarus. Would serve you right for... For Killing me! Horrible creature, I did nothing to deserve that."

While she were ranting in Spectra's head, Operata's gaze were on the raft in the distance, where the one riding it, seemed to raise something above their head. Something that would shine in the light, but nothing else seemed to happen, like a fireball being shot their way, or lasers, or even a seagull thrown their way.




"We will relay what information we can to your lawyer when we have them then, Miss Rich. I wish you the best as you resurface publicly."

He would look on as she went along out of the room, out to get checked up on. He pitied the poor doctor who had to deal with her, but he suspected this were partially how she tried to deal with everything. Her life were in shambles now, after being gone for three years. It likely made it simpler for her, to feel in complete control of herself, and trying to do so for her surroundings as well. So get hold of her lawyer, and put on a tough face for the crowd Couldn't have the poors see you in a sorry state after all.

...Perhaps that last one were a little rude. Considering everything, and the sliver of her shock showing through, it were not a fair judgement.

When she had left, he'd nod slowly, and look towards the assembled ones. Specifically at Magloria and Ghelzar.

"Try not to let her words get to you, Magloria. Nobles tend to feel above others, to where several have had issues accepting the limits of the law. Considering everything, it is reasonable to think that she just stuck to that, to try and stay in control of the situation.

And before you ask, I could share more with her, yes. It is not unlawful for me to say more. But nobles tend to also have an issue with impatience, and the last thing we currently need, are a bunch of mercenaries, hired on to get in the way with our work. The less she knows of the finer details, the less the odds of our adversary potentially being pulled from out grasp, post victory, by some fools looking for a payout. And no, that is not a hypothetical.

Hired help has their uses, but official military business, is where they tend to only make things worse."

Ghelzar would nod, but continue to check the various orbs out, running his talons across from them. One he'd even put some force on, to scratch the surface, and see how hard it were. Not a lot, but just some sort of idea to go by.

"Smooth as sculptured ice. A pittance this villain threw her lot with witchery. In my days, a want would have been there, for one able to make sculptures as flawless as this."

He'd pity the loss, yet he saw little point. Her choice were made, and thus awaited the fire, to embrace her at path's end. Unless they did not burn witches anymore? Hm, he supposed things may have softened in his time imprisoned.

"That is among the least of the things she have squandered.

Be it as it may, she will be seen to by a doctor. I believe we will find ourselves a target next."

Ghelzar would halt at a crystal, and find pause.

"What of this? I sense something unusual of it."

The orb in question, would have a peculiar occupant. A diamond dog, and not a small one either. The one in question were enormous, compared to the regular ones. Near double the height, with fur snow-white and light grey. Scars ran down the muscular arms, and across the right eye, with a large tuft of fur hanging in front, down the throat, akin to a mane. The one in question, had cloth wrappings around her chest and rear, that showed a level of civility and modesty, that weren't usual with regular, Equestrian diamond dogs.

It were hard to say if this one would be friendly, or a foe. She seemed like a strong one though, that much were certain. Also why she had been judged a mid-level threat.

"Hmm, seems a risky one. Diamond dogs in general does not always get along well with us, but we are technically on friendly terms. This one is unusual though. I don't usually see them so rank and file in posture, nor this size."

He'd take a closer glance, looking around it.

"Nor as well groomed. Potentially not a local breed.

I would think an asset if she is friendly, and a liability if not, that could cause substantial issues. I would think it worth to try, but perhaps tomorrow. It might be best to continue with apparent lower rung ones for the day."

Magloria would have some time to interject, if she had something to say about this. For instance another target she'd think better for the time being instead. He'd listen to her input, when it came to a matter such as this.

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