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Nightmare Night Fanfic Contest


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To any and all writers of MLP fanfiction, it is my pleasure to announce the return of our fanfiction contest!

What sort of contest, you may ask? Well, it being October and with Halloween right around the corner, this contest will have a Nightmare Night theme! Here are the contest rules and parameters:
  • (1) The theme for this fic is not only Nightmare Night, but specifically the prompt is “A pony telling a scary story”. A character in any generation or iteration of Pony should be telling their favorite scary story to another character or characters. Have fun with that prompt! 
  • (2) Entries should be no longer than 10,000 words. Micro fics around a 5000 word count are ideal. We'd prefer that all entries short fics that judges can read with minimal time spent. 
  • (3) Entries cannot exceed a Teen rating. We will not accept any Mature rated fics, whether they be Gore fics, Slash fics, Clop fics, etc. That's not to say that you can't enter scary fics (after all, this is for Halloween), but our group has a strict policy of not accepting Mature rated fics. If any Mature rated fics are entered, we will not read or review them. Think of the books and film “Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark” and you have the general spookiness we will allow. No Cupcakes stuff. 
  • (4) Fics can be submitted to the contest here Nightmare Night Fan Fiction Contest Submissions (2022)
  • (5) Contestants can enter no more than 1 submission of their own work (and please, do not enter any other author's work into the contest, even if you're doing it for them; if they'd like to enter the contest, they can do so themselves).
  • (6) Entries will be accepted until November 5. after that date, we will accept no new submissions.

We hope to announce the contest winners on November 10, although that date may change depending on whatever real life demands may arise in the next month. The fics that come in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place will be featured on our YouTube channel and read by yours truly.
The first place selection will also receive a special Rank Badge for Canterlot Author. 
In addition, 1st place will receive a free art commission by a Twitter fan artist. The piece will be a 1-2 character full art piece with a basic background, and may be whatever the winner desires, whether it be cover art for a fic, or just art of an OC. The artist we selected will be announced  shortly. 
As part of our Nightmare Night festivities this month, I will read a few of these stories live on our Poniverse Discord should they be submitted early enough. 
PM or post here for any questions and follow this thread for updates on the details. 
  • Brohoof 2
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Funny thing is I actually did write some horror stories for one of the Tumblr blogs spun off by one Little Miss Jay. Quite the horror themed universe (no not that one) for that particular blog. Though unfortunately the blog is since long gone and my stories with it. I'll have to dig through various devices and way back machine archives to try and find them. 

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Ohhh i’m looking forward to this! After all, a valorous horror literatures wouldst sure addeth scares and the excitement for this nightmare night’s! Bringeth forth thy story!!


  • Brohoof 2
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On 2022-10-19 at 8:28 PM, Spooky Brony 42 said:

@Rainboomer Zap I think that would fit the prompt. 

I am done with my story, but the submission link just takes me to a pic of Zecora? I'm so confused.

Of COURSE you would be ahead of the game with this contest. I'd love to start something but I'm just way too shy :laugh: Kudos to you for just jumping in!

I hope you figure out how to submit your story :squee:

  • Brohoof 3
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